net.serenitybdd.screenplay.ensure.StringEnsure.kt Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package net.serenitybdd.screenplay.ensure
import net.serenitybdd.screenplay.Actor
import net.serenitybdd.screenplay.ensure.CommonPreconditions.ensureActualAndExpectedNotNull
import net.serenitybdd.screenplay.ensure.CommonPreconditions.ensureActualNotNull
import net.serenitybdd.screenplay.ensure.CommonPreconditions.ensureNoNullElementsIn
import net.serenitybdd.screenplay.ensure.CommonPreconditions.ensureNotEmpty
import net.thucydides.core.steps.StepEventBus
import java.util.Comparator.naturalOrder
import java.util.regex.Pattern
class StringEnsure(override val value: KnowableValue,
comparator: Comparator,
expectedDescription: String = descriptionOf(value)) : ComparableEnsure(value, comparator, expectedDescription) {
constructor(value: KnowableValue) : this(value, Comparator.naturalOrder())
constructor(value: KnowableValue, valueDescription: String) : this(value, Comparator.naturalOrder(), valueDescription)
constructor(value: String?) : this(
KnownValue(value, if (value == null) "" else "\"$value\""),
* Verifies that the actual {@code String} is either an empty string or null
fun isNullOrEmpty() = PerformablePredicate(value, NULL_OR_EMPTY, isNegated(), expectedDescription)
* Verifies that the actual {@code String} is an empty string (contains no characters)
fun isEmpty() = PerformablePredicate(value, IS_EMPTY, isNegated(), expectedDescription)
* Verifies that the actual {@code String} is an empty string (contains no characters)
fun isNotEmpty() = PerformablePredicate(value, IS_NOT_EMPTY, isNegated(), expectedDescription)
* Verifies that the actual {@code String} contains all the given values.
* You can use one or several {@code CharSequence}s as in this example:
actor.attemptsTo(Ensure.that("red green blue").contains("green"));
* actor.attemptsTo(Ensure.that("red green blue").contains("green","red));
fun contains(vararg expected: String) = PerformableExpectation(value, CONTAINS, expected.toList(), isNegated(), expectedDescription)
// fun contains(vararg expected: String) = PerformableExpectation(value, CONTAINS, expected.toList(), isNegated(), expectedDescription)
* Verifies that the actual {@code String} do not contain any the given values.
fun doesNotContain(vararg expected: String) = PerformableExpectation(value, DOES_NOT_CONTAINS, expected.toList(), isNegated(), expectedDescription)
* Verifies that the actual {@code CharSequence} contains the given sequence, ignoring case considerations.
fun containsIgnoringCase(vararg expected: String) = PerformableExpectation(value, CONTAINS_IGNORING_CASE, expected.toList(), isNegated(), expectedDescription)
* Verifies that the actual {@code String} is equal to the expected value, ignoring case.
fun isEqualToIgnoringCase(expected: CharSequence) = PerformableExpectation(value, EQUALS_IGNORING_CASE, expected, isNegated(), expectedDescription)
* Verifies that the actual {@code String} is in upper case.
* Empty or null strings will fail
fun isInUppercase() = PerformablePredicate(value, IS_UPPER_CASE, isNegated(), expectedDescription)
* Verifies that the actual {@code String} is in lower case.
* Empty or null strings will fail
fun isInLowercase() = PerformablePredicate(value, IS_LOWER_CASE, isNegated(), expectedDescription)
* Verifies that the actual {@code String} is empty or contains only whitespace
* Empty or null strings will fail
fun isBlank() = PerformablePredicate(value, BLANK, isNegated(), expectedDescription)
* Verifies that the actual {@code String} is not empty or contains only whitespace
* Empty or null strings will fail
fun isNotBlank() = PerformablePredicate(value, NOT_BLANK, isNegated(), expectedDescription)
* Verifies that the actual {@code String} is a substring of the specified value.
fun isSubstringOf(expected: CharSequence) = PerformableExpectation(value, SUBSTRING_OF, expected, isNegated(), expectedDescription)
* Verifies that the actual {@code String} starts with the specified value.
fun startsWith(expected: CharSequence) = PerformableExpectation(value, STARTS_WITH, expected, isNegated(), expectedDescription)
* Verifies that the actual {@code String} ends with the specified value.
fun endsWith(expected: CharSequence) = PerformableExpectation(value, ENDS_WITH, expected, isNegated(), expectedDescription)
* Verifies that the actual {@code String} matches a given regular expression
fun matches(expected: CharSequence) = PerformableExpectation(value, MATCHES, expected, isNegated(), expectedDescription)
* Verifies that the actual {@code String} matches a given regular expression
fun matches(expected: Pattern) = PerformableExpectation(value, MATCHES_PATTERN, expected, isNegated(), expectedDescription)
* Verifies that the actual {@code CharSequence} consists of one or more whitespace characters (according to
* {@link Character#isWhitespace(char)}).
fun containsWhitespaces() = PerformablePredicate(value, CONTAINS_WHITESPACES, isNegated(), expectedDescription)
* Verifies that the actual {@code CharSequence} consists of one or more whitespace characters (according to
* {@link Character#isWhitespace(char)}).
fun containsOnlyWhitespaces() = PerformablePredicate(value, CONTAINS_ONLY_WHITESPACES, isNegated(), expectedDescription)
* Verifies that the actual {@code CharSequence} is either {@code null}, empty or does not contain any whitespace characters (according to {@link Character#isWhitespace(char)}).
fun doesNotContainAnyWhitespaces() = PerformablePredicate(value, CONTAINS_NO_WHITESPACES, isNegated(), expectedDescription)
* Verifies that the actual {@code CharSequence} contains only digits. It fails if it contains non-digit
* characters or is empty.
fun containsOnlyDigits() = PerformablePredicate(value, CONTAINS_ONLY_DIGITS, isNegated(), expectedDescription)
* Verifies that the actual {@code CharSequence} contains only letters.
fun containsOnlyLetters() = PerformablePredicate(value, CONTAINS_ONLY_LETTERS, isNegated(), expectedDescription)
* Verifies that the actual {@code CharSequence} contains only letters or digits
fun containsOnlyLettersOrDigits() = PerformablePredicate(value, CONTAINS_ONLY_LETTERS_OR_DIGITS, isNegated(), expectedDescription)
* Verifies that the actual {@code CharSequence} has the expected length using the {@code length()} method.
fun hasSize(expected: Int) = PerformableExpectation(value, HAS_SIZE, expected, isNegated(), expectedDescription)
* Verifies that the actual {@code CharSequence} has has a length less than the given value using the {@code length()} method.
fun hasSizeLessThan(expected: Int) = PerformableExpectation(value, HAS_SIZE_LESS_THAN, expected, isNegated(), expectedDescription)
* Verifies that the actual {@code CharSequence} has has a length less than or equal to the given value using the {@code length()} method.
fun hasSizeLessThanOrEqualTo(expected: Int) = PerformableExpectation(value, HAS_SIZE_LESS_THAN_OR_EQUAL_TO, expected, isNegated(), expectedDescription)
* Verifies that the actual {@code CharSequence} has has a length greater than the given value using the {@code length()} method.
fun hasSizeGreaterThan(expected: Int) = PerformableExpectation(value, HAS_SIZE_GREATER_THAN, expected, isNegated(), expectedDescription)
* Verifies that the actual {@code CharSequence} has has a length greater than the given value using the {@code length()} method.
fun hasSizeGreaterThanOrEqualTo(expected: Int) = PerformableExpectation(value, HAS_SIZE_GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUAL_TO, expected, isNegated(), expectedDescription)
* Verifies that the actual {@code CharSequence} has length between the given boundaries (inclusive)
* using the {@code length()} method.
* */
fun hasSizeBetween(startRange: Int, endRange: Int) = BiPerformableExpectation(value, HAS_SIZE_BETWEEN, startRange, endRange, isNegated(), expectedDescription)
* Verifies that the actual {@code CharSequence} has the expected line count.
fun hasLineCount(expected: Int) = PerformableExpectation(value, HAS_LINE_COUNT, expected, isNegated(), expectedDescription)
* Verifies that the actual {@code CharSequence} has a length that's the same as the length of the given
* {@code CharSequence}.
fun hasSameSizeAs(expected: CharSequence) = PerformableExpectation(value, HAS_SAME_SIZE, expected, isNegated(), expectedDescription)
// fun asInteger() = ComparableEnsure>(intValue(value), expectedDescription)
override fun hasValue(): StringEnsure = this
override fun not(): StringEnsure = negate() as StringEnsure
override fun silently(): StringEnsure = super.silently() as StringEnsure
override fun usingComparator(comparator: Comparator): StringEnsure {
return StringEnsure(value, comparator)
companion object {
private val NULL_OR_EMPTY = expectThatActualIs("null or empty",
fun(actor: Actor?, actual: KnowableValue?): Boolean {
if (actor == null || actual == null) return true
val actualValue = actual(actor)
BlackBox.logAssertion(actualValue,"a null or empty value")
return actualValue == null || actualValue.isEmpty() //|| actualValue == NULL_VALUE_AS_STRING
private val IS_EMPTY = expectThatActualIs("empty",
fun(actor: Actor?, actual: KnowableValue?): Boolean {
if (actor == null || actual == null) return true
val actualValue = actual(actor)
BlackBox.logAssertion(actualValue,"an empty value")
return actualValue != null && actualValue.isEmpty()
private val IS_NOT_EMPTY = expectThatActualIs("not empty",
fun(actor: Actor?, actual: KnowableValue?): Boolean {
if (actor == null || actual == null) return true
val actualValue = actual(actor) ?: return false
BlackBox.logAssertion(actualValue,"a non-empty value")
return actualValue.isNotEmpty()
private val CONTAINS = expectThatActualIs("contains", "does not contain",
fun(actor: Actor?, actual: KnowableValue?, expectedList: List): Boolean {
ensureActualAndExpectedNotNull(actual, expectedList)
ensureNotEmpty("expected should not be null", expectedList)
ensureNoNullElementsIn("actual should not contain null elements", expectedList)
val actualValue = resolveActual(actual, actor, expectedList) ?: return false
return expectedList.all { expectedItem ->
private val DOES_NOT_CONTAINS = expectThatActualIs("does not contain", "contains",
fun(actor: Actor?, actual: KnowableValue?, expectedList: List): Boolean {
ensureActualAndExpectedNotNull(actual, expectedList)
ensureNotEmpty("expected should not be null", expectedList)
ensureNoNullElementsIn("actual should not contain null elements", expectedList)
val actualValue = resolveActual(actual, actor, expectedList) ?: return true
return expectedList.none { expectedItem -> actualValue.contains(expectedItem) }
private val CONTAINS_IGNORING_CASE = expectThatActualIs("contains (ignoring case)", "does not contain (ignoring case)",
fun(actor: Actor?, actual: KnowableValue?, expectedList: List): Boolean {
ensureActualAndExpectedNotNull(actual, expectedList)
ensureNotEmpty("expected should not be null", expectedList)
ensureNoNullElementsIn("actual should not contain null elements", expectedList)
val actualValue = resolveActual(actual, actor, expectedList) ?: return false
return expectedList.all { expectedItem -> actualValue.lowercase().contains(expectedItem.toString().lowercase()) }
private fun resolveActual(actual: KnowableValue?, actor: Actor?, expectedList: Any): String? {
val actualValue = actual!!(actor!!)
BlackBox.logAssertion(actualValue, expectedList)
return actualValue
private val EQUALS_IGNORING_CASE = expectThatActualIs("equal to (ignoring case)",
fun(actor: Actor?, actual: KnowableValue?, expected: CharSequence): Boolean {
val actualValue = resolveActual(actual, actor, expected) ?: return expected.isEmpty()
return actualValue.lowercase() == expected.toString().lowercase()
private val IS_UPPER_CASE = expectThatActualIs("uppercase",
fun(actor: Actor?, actual: KnowableValue?): Boolean {
if (actor == null || actual == null) return false
val actualValue = actual(actor)
BlackBox.logAssertion(actualValue,"an uppercase value")
if (actualValue == null) { return false }
return actualValue.isNotEmpty() && actualValue.toUpperCase() == actualValue
private val IS_LOWER_CASE = expectThatActualIs("lowercase",
fun(actor: Actor?, actual: KnowableValue?): Boolean {
if (actor == null || actual == null) return true
val actualValue = actual(actor)
BlackBox.logAssertion(actualValue,"a lowercase value")
if (actualValue == null) { return false }
return actualValue.isNotEmpty() && actualValue.lowercase() == actualValue
private val BLANK = expectThatActualIs("blank",
fun(actor: Actor?, actual: KnowableValue?): Boolean {
if (actor == null || actual == null) return true
val actualValue = actual(actor)
BlackBox.logAssertion(actualValue,"a blank value")
if (actualValue == null) { return false }
return actualValue.isBlank()
private val NOT_BLANK = expectThatActualIs(
"is not blank", "is blank",
fun(actor: Actor?, actual: KnowableValue?): Boolean {
if (actor == null || actual == null) return true
val actualValue = actual(actor)
BlackBox.logAssertion(actualValue,"a non-blank value")
if (actualValue == null) { return false }
return actualValue.isNotBlank()
private val SUBSTRING_OF = expectThatActualIs("a substring of",
fun(actor: Actor?, actual: KnowableValue?, expected: CharSequence): Boolean {
val actualValue = resolveActual(actual, actor, expected) ?: return false
return expected.contains(actualValue)
private val STARTS_WITH = expectThatActualIs(
"starts with","does not start with",
fun(actor: Actor?, actual: KnowableValue?, expected: CharSequence): Boolean {
ensureActualAndExpectedNotNull(actual, expected)
val actualValue = resolveActual(actual, actor, expected)
BlackBox.logAssertion(actualValue, expected)
if (actualValue == null) { return false }
return actualValue.startsWith(expected)
private val ENDS_WITH = expectThatActualIs("ends with", "does not end with",
fun(actor: Actor?, actual: KnowableValue?, expected: CharSequence): Boolean {
ensureActualAndExpectedNotNull(actual, expected)
val actualValue = resolveActual(actual, actor, expected) ?: return false
return actualValue.endsWith(expected)
private val MATCHES = expectThatActualIs("a match for",
fun(actor: Actor?, actual: KnowableValue?, expected: CharSequence): Boolean {
ensureActualAndExpectedNotNull(actual, expected)
val actualValue = resolveActual(actual, actor, expected) ?: return false
return actualValue.matches(Regex(expected.toString()))
private val MATCHES_PATTERN = expectThatActualIs("a match for",
fun(actor: Actor?, actual: KnowableValue?, expected: Pattern): Boolean {
val actualValue = resolveActual(actual, actor, expected) ?: return false
return expected.matcher(actualValue).matches()
expectThatActualIs("contains whitespaces","contains no whitespaces",
fun(actor: Actor?, actual: KnowableValue?): Boolean {
if (actor == null || actual == null) return true
val actualValue = actual(actor)
BlackBox.logAssertion(actualValue,"containing whitespaces")
if (actualValue == null) { return false }
return actualValue.isNotEmpty() && actualValue.chars().anyMatch(Character::isWhitespace)
private val CONTAINS_ONLY_WHITESPACES = expectThatActualIs("contains only whitespaces","does not contain only whitespaces",
fun(actor: Actor?, actual: KnowableValue?): Boolean {
if (actor == null || actual == null) return true
val actualValue = actual(actor)
BlackBox.logAssertion(actualValue,"contains only whitespaces")
if (actualValue == null) { return false }
return actualValue.isNotEmpty() && actualValue.chars().allMatch(Character::isWhitespace)
private val CONTAINS_NO_WHITESPACES = expectThatActualIs("contains no whitespace"," contains whitespace",
fun(actor: Actor?, actual: KnowableValue?): Boolean {
if (actor == null || actual == null) return true
val actualValue = actual(actor)
BlackBox.logAssertion(actualValue,"contains no whitespace")
if (actualValue == null) { return false }
return actualValue.chars().noneMatch(Character::isWhitespace)
private val CONTAINS_ONLY_DIGITS = expectThatActualIs("contains only digits", "does not contain only digits",
fun(actor: Actor?, actual: KnowableValue?): Boolean {
if (actor == null || actual == null) return true
val actualValue = actual(actor)
BlackBox.logAssertion(actualValue,"contains only digits")
if (actualValue == null) { return false }
return actualValue.isNotEmpty() && actualValue.chars().allMatch(Character::isDigit)
private val CONTAINS_ONLY_LETTERS = expectThatActualIs("contains only letters","does not contain only letters",
fun(actor: Actor?, actual: KnowableValue?): Boolean {
if (actor == null || actual == null) return true
val actualValue = actual(actor)
BlackBox.logAssertion(actualValue,"contains only letters")
if (actualValue == null) { return false }
return actualValue.isNotEmpty() && actualValue.chars().allMatch(Character::isLetter)
private val CONTAINS_ONLY_LETTERS_OR_DIGITS = expectThatActualIs("contains only letters or digits","contains characters other than letters and digits",
fun(actor: Actor?, actual: KnowableValue?): Boolean {
if (actor == null || actual == null) return true
val actualValue = actual(actor)
BlackBox.logAssertion(actualValue,"contains only letters or digits")
if (actualValue == null) { return false }
return actualValue.isNotEmpty() && actualValue.chars().allMatch(Character::isLetterOrDigit)
private val HAS_SIZE = expectThatActualIs("has size", "does not have size",
fun(actor: Actor?, actual: KnowableValue?, expected: Int): Boolean {
if (actual == null) return false
val actualValue = resolveActual(actual, actor, expected) ?: return false
return actualValue.length == expected
private val HAS_SIZE_LESS_THAN = expectThatActualIs("has size less than", "has size greater than or equal to",
fun(actor: Actor?, actual: KnowableValue?, expected: Int): Boolean {
if (actual == null) return false
val actualValue = resolveActual(actual, actor, expected) ?: return false
return actualValue.length < expected
private val HAS_SIZE_LESS_THAN_OR_EQUAL_TO = expectThatActualIs("has size less than or equal to","has size greater than",
fun(actor: Actor?, actual: KnowableValue?, expected: Int): Boolean {
if (actual == null) return false
val actualValue = resolveActual(actual, actor, expected) ?: return false
return actualValue.length <= expected
private val HAS_SIZE_GREATER_THAN = expectThatActualIs("has size greater than", "has size less than or equal to",
fun(actor: Actor?, actual: KnowableValue?, expected: Int): Boolean {
if (actual == null) return false
val actualValue = resolveActual(actual, actor, expected) ?: return false
return actualValue.length > expected
private val HAS_SIZE_GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUAL_TO = expectThatActualIs("has size greater than or equal to","has size less than",
fun(actor: Actor?, actual: KnowableValue?, expected: Int): Boolean {
if (actual == null) return false
val actualValue = resolveActual(actual, actor, expected) ?: return false
return actualValue.length >= expected
private val HAS_SIZE_BETWEEN = expectThatActualIs("of size between",
fun(actor: Actor?, actual: KnowableValue?, startRange: Int, endRange: Int): Boolean {
if (actual == null) return false
val actualValue = resolveActual(actual, actor, "of size between $startRange and $endRange") ?: return false
return actualValue.length in startRange..endRange
private val HAS_LINE_COUNT = expectThatActualIs("has a line count of","does not have a line count of",
fun(actor: Actor?, actual: KnowableValue?, expected: Int): Boolean {
val actualValue = resolveActual(actual, actor, expected) ?: return false
val reader = LineNumberReader(StringReader(actualValue))
try {
while (reader.readLine() != null);
} catch (e: IOException) {
throw AssertionError("Unable to count lines in $actual", e)
return reader.lineNumber == expected
private val HAS_SAME_SIZE = expectThatActualIs("has the same size as","does not have the same size as",
fun(actor: Actor?, actual: KnowableValue?, expected: CharSequence): Boolean {
if (actual == null) return false
val actualValue = resolveActual(actual, actor, expected) ?: return false
return actualValue.length == expected.length
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