Download all versions of blunder JAR files with all dependencies
blunder from group net.sf.blunder (version 0.2.0)
Blunder is an automated tool for analyzing chained exceptions in Java. It's usefull for classify,
generate a customized error message and a list for possible solutions.
The aim of this project is to provide a tool to identify different error contexts, analyze them
and assemble a customized response to an application end-user or another application.
Artifact blunder
Group net.sf.blunder
Version 0.2.0
Last update 02. August 2009
Tags: different analyzing automated provide generate solutions tool customized chained response classify another exceptions possible usefull contexts application error identify list blunder message analyze assemble project them java this user
Organization Blunder
License GPL Licence Version 3
Dependencies amount 17
Dependencies antlr, asm, asm-attrs, cglib, commons-collections, commons-dbcp, commons-lang, commons-logging, commons-pool, dom4j, jta, log4j, ehcache, opencsv, ognl, hibernate, spring,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
Group net.sf.blunder
Version 0.2.0
Last update 02. August 2009
Tags: different analyzing automated provide generate solutions tool customized chained response classify another exceptions possible usefull contexts application error identify list blunder message analyze assemble project them java this user
Organization Blunder
License GPL Licence Version 3
Dependencies amount 17
Dependencies antlr, asm, asm-attrs, cglib, commons-collections, commons-dbcp, commons-lang, commons-logging, commons-pool, dom4j, jta, log4j, ehcache, opencsv, ognl, hibernate, spring,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
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