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// This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
// modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
// License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
// version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later
// version.
// This library is distributed in the hope that it will be
// useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied
// PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more
// details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General
// Public License along with this library; if not, write to the
// Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
// 59 Temple Place, Suite 330,
// Boston, MA
// 02111-1307 USA
// The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Charles W. Rapp.
// Portions created by Charles W. Rapp are
// Copyright 2011, 2013, 2016, 2019, 2020. Charles W. Rapp
// All Rights Reserved.
package net.sf.eBusx.monitor;
import net.sf.eBus.messages.EField;
* A passive, immutable class for storing a monitored object's
* type name, instance name and its assigned unique, 4-byte
* integer identifier. The {@link #toString()} return value
* serves as the subject for the {@link Monitorable} instance
* {@link PersistentStatusMessage} and
* {@link TransientStatusMessage} notifications.
* @author Charles Rapp
public final class MonitorId
extends EField
implements Serializable
// Member data.
// Constants.
* Serialization version identifier.
private static final long serialVersionUID = 0x050200L;
// Locals.
* The monitored object's type.
public final String typeName;
* The monitored object's name. Should be unique within the
* type and process.
public final String instanceName;
* The object's assigned integer identifier.
public final int id;
// Member methods.
// Constructors.
* Creates a new {@code MonitorId} instance.
* @param typeName the object type name.
* @param instanceName the object name. Should be unique
* within the process for the given type name.
* @param id the assigned unique identifier. Unique within
* the process.
* @deprecated use {@link Builder} to create a monitor ID
* field instance.
* @see #builder()
public MonitorId(final String typeName,
final String instanceName,
final int id)
this.typeName = typeName;
this.instanceName = instanceName; = id;
} // end of MonitorId(String, String, int)
* Creates a new monitor identifier instance based on the
* builder settings.
* @param builder monitor identifier builder.
private MonitorId(final Builder builder)
super (builder);
this.typeName = builder.mTypeName;
this.instanceName = builder.mInstanceName; = builder.mId;
} // end of MonitorId(Builder)
// end of Constructors.
// Object Method Overrides.
* Returns {@code true} if {@code o} is a
* non-{@code null MonitorId} instance with the same
* integer identifier; otherwise, returns {@code false}.
* @param o comparison object.
* @return {@code true} if {@code o} equals
* {@code this MonitorId} instance and {@code false}
* otherwise.
public boolean equals(final Object o)
boolean retcode = (this == o);
if (retcode == false && o instanceof MonitorId)
retcode = (id == ((MonitorId) o).id);
return (retcode);
} // end of equals(Object)
* Returns the unique, 4-byte, signed monitor identifier.
* @return the unique, 4-byte, signed monitor identifier.
public int hashCode()
return (id);
} // end of hashCode()
* Returns "<type name>.<instance name>". This
* return values is the subject for a registered
* {@link Monitorable} instance
* {@link PersistentStatusMessage} and
* {@link TransientStatusMessage} notifications.
* @return the textual representation of this monitor
* identifier.
public String toString()
return (String.format("%s.%s", typeName, instanceName));
} // end of toString()
// end of Object Method Overrides.
* Returns a new instance of a {@code MonitorId} message
* field builder.
* @return message field builder instance.
public static Builder builder()
return (new Builder());
} // end of builder()
// Inner classes.
public static final class Builder
extends EField.Builder
// Member data.
// Locals.
private String mTypeName;
private String mInstanceName;
private int mId;
// Member methods.
// Constructors.
private Builder()
super (MonitorId.class);
} // end of Builder()
// end of Constructors.
// Builder Method Overrides.
protected MonitorId buildImpl()
return (new MonitorId(this));
} // end of buildImpl()
protected Validator validate(final Validator problems)
return (super.validate(problems)
.requireNotNull(mTypeName, "typeName")
} // end of validate(Validator)
// end of Builder Method Overrides.
// Set Methods.
public Builder typeName(final String name)
if (Strings.isNullOrEmpty(name))
throw (
new IllegalArgumentException(
"name is null or empty"));
mTypeName = name;
return (this);
} // end of typeName(String)
public Builder instanceName(final String name)
if (Strings.isNullOrEmpty(name))
throw (
new IllegalArgumentException(
"name is null or empty"));
mInstanceName = name;
return (this);
} // end of instanceName(String)
public Builder id(final int id)
mId = id;
return (this);
} // end of id(int)
// end of Set Methods.
} // end of class Builder
} // end of MonitorId