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net.sf.filePiper.gui.PiperMainPanel Maven / Gradle / Ivy

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This project is a GUI utility for processing files. It allows selecting a set of source files and a pipeline of processes to apply onto those files. The applications shows in a nice-looking user interface where you can define profiles for your repetitive tasks. It provides pre-defined processors doing usual file manipulation tasks like: Copy, Head, Tail, Chunk, Search, Replace, Zip, Unzip... But the biggest value of this file processor tool is the ability to add easily custom file processors written in java.

The newest version!
package net.sf.filePiper.gui;

import java.awt.Component;
import java.awt.Insets;
import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;
import java.awt.event.ItemEvent;
import java.awt.event.ItemListener;
import java.awt.event.WindowAdapter;
import java.awt.event.WindowEvent;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;

import javax.swing.AbstractAction;
import javax.swing.Action;
import javax.swing.BorderFactory;
import javax.swing.ComboBoxModel;
import javax.swing.DefaultComboBoxModel;
import javax.swing.DefaultListCellRenderer;
import javax.swing.JComboBox;
import javax.swing.JComponent;
import javax.swing.JFrame;
import javax.swing.JLabel;
import javax.swing.JList;
import javax.swing.JOptionPane;
import javax.swing.JPanel;
import javax.swing.event.ChangeEvent;
import javax.swing.event.ChangeListener;

import net.sf.filePiper.gui.borders.FileProcessorBorder;
import net.sf.filePiper.model.FileProcessor;
import net.sf.filePiper.model.Pipeline;
import net.sf.filePiper.model.ToolModel;
import net.sf.sfac.gui.ExceptionDialog;
import net.sf.sfac.gui.cmp.ConsoleDialog;
import net.sf.sfac.gui.editor.ObjectEditor;
import net.sf.sfac.gui.framework.AboutlHelper;
import net.sf.sfac.gui.framework.ActionRepository;
import net.sf.sfac.gui.framework.SharedResources;
import net.sf.sfac.gui.layout.MultiBorder;
import net.sf.sfac.gui.layout.MultiBorderConstraints;
import net.sf.sfac.gui.layout.MultiBorderLayout;
import net.sf.sfac.setting.ProfilesClient;
import net.sf.sfac.setting.Settings;

import org.apache.log4j.Logger;

public class PiperMainPanel extends JPanel implements ProfilesClient {

    private static final String ABOUT_TEXT = "

The File Piper

version 1.0
" + "
General-purpose file processing tool
" + "

Olivier Berlanger
"; private static final String ABOUT_LICENSE = "This software is distributed with Apache 2 license.
" + "© 2010 Olivier Berlanger

" + "
It uses following open-source librarires" + "See the NOTICE.txt file for more info."; private static Logger log = Logger.getLogger(PiperMainPanel.class); private final FileProcessorBorder.Listener BORDER_LISTENER = new FileProcessorBorder.Listener() { public void addActionPerformed(FileProcessorBorder source) { addProcessorAt(source); } public void removeActionPerformed(FileProcessorBorder source) { removeProcessor(source); } }; ToolModel model; /** The value of model.getCurrentPipeline().isSourceMultiFile() used to build GUI */ private boolean currentSourceMultiFile; private PipeEndsEditor endsEditor; private List processorEditors; private List borders; private StatusBar sourceStatus; private StatusBar destinationStatus; private List processorStatus; private GuiPipelineEnvironment guiEnvironment; private Action processAction; private Action abortAction; private Action showConsoleAction; private ConsoleDialog console; public PiperMainPanel(ToolModel mainModel, ActionRepository repo) { super(new MultiBorderLayout()); MultiBorderLayout layout = (MultiBorderLayout) getLayout(); layout.setGlobalInsets(new Insets(8, 15, 8, 15)); model = mainModel; endsEditor = new PipeEndsEditor(model.getSettings(), this); endsEditor.edit(model.getPipeline()); processorEditors = new ArrayList(); borders = new ArrayList(); createActions(repo); buildGui(); model.addChangeListener(new ChangeListener() { public void stateChanged(ChangeEvent e) { rebuildGui(); } }); updateActionState(false); } public Settings getSettings() { return model.getSettings(); } StatusBar getSourceStatus() { return sourceStatus; } StatusBar getDestinationStatus() { return destinationStatus; } List getProcessorStatus() { return processorStatus; } public ConsoleDialog getConsole() { if (console == null) { console = new ConsoleDialog(JOptionPane.getFrameForComponent(this), "Console", getSettings()); console.setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.DO_NOTHING_ON_CLOSE); console.addWindowListener(new WindowAdapter() { @Override public void windowClosing(WindowEvent newE) { setConsoleVisible(false); } }); } return console; } public boolean isConsoleVisible() { if (console == null) return false; return getConsole().isVisible(); } public void setConsoleVisible(boolean visible) { try { if (visible != isConsoleVisible()) { getConsole().setVisible(visible); if (visible != ActionRepository.isActionSelected(showConsoleAction)) { ActionRepository.setActionSelected(showConsoleAction, visible); } } } catch (Exception e) { log.error("Unable to show the console", e); ExceptionDialog.showExceptionDialog(this, "Processing error", "Unable to show the console", e); } } // -------------------------------------------- User actions -------------------------- public void exit() {"Exit application ..."); try { updateModel(); getSettings().save(); } catch (Exception e) { log.error("Cannot save settings in " + getSettings().getPropertyFilePath(), e); ExceptionDialog.showExceptionDialog(this, "Settings error", "Unable to save settings in file:\n" + getSettings().getPropertyFilePath(), e); } System.exit(0); } void process() {"Start file processing ..."); try { updateModel(); // start the file processing updateActionState(true); Pipeline pipeline = model.getPipeline(); guiEnvironment = new GuiPipelineEnvironment(pipeline, this); guiEnvironment.startUpdate(); pipeline.process(guiEnvironment); } catch (Exception e) { log.error("Cannot process file(s)", e); ExceptionDialog.showExceptionDialog(this, "Processing error", "Unable to process file(s)", e); } } void abort() {"Abort current file processing ..."); try { if (guiEnvironment != null) guiEnvironment.abortProcessing(); else log.warn("The process cannot be aborted because current GUI environment is null"); } catch (Exception e) { log.error("The current file processing cannot be aborted", e); ExceptionDialog.showExceptionDialog(this, "Processing error", "Unable to abort", e); } } void addProcessorAt(FileProcessorBorder source) { int index = borders.indexOf(source);"Add processor at " + index); try { updateModel(); model.getPipeline().duplicateProcessor(index); rebuildGui(); } catch (Exception e) { log.error("Cannot add processor at index " + index, e); ExceptionDialog.showExceptionDialog(this, "Internal error", "Unable to add processor", e); } } void removeProcessor(FileProcessorBorder source) { int index = borders.indexOf(source);"Remove processor at " + index); try { updateModel(); model.getPipeline().removeProcessor(index); rebuildGui(); } catch (Exception e) { log.error("Cannot remove processor at index " + index, e); ExceptionDialog.showExceptionDialog(this, "Internal error", "Unable to remove processor", e); } } // -------------------------------------------- Implementation -------------------------- void finished() { updateActionState(false); } void rebuildGui() { currentSourceMultiFile = model.getPipeline().isSourceMultiFile(); endsEditor.edit(model.getPipeline()); buildGui(); revalidate(); repaint(); } void updateModel() { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug("------ Update tool model"); endsEditor.updateModel(); for (ObjectEditor ed : processorEditors) { ed.updateModel(); } } private void updateView() { endsEditor.updateView(); for (ObjectEditor ed : processorEditors) { ed.updateView(); } } private void updateActionState(boolean running) { processAction.setEnabled(!running); abortAction.setEnabled(running); endsEditor.setEditable(!running); for (ObjectEditor ed : processorEditors) { ed.setEditable(!running); } } private void buildGui() { removeAll(); MultiBorderConstraints constr = new MultiBorderConstraints(); Insets defaultInsets = new Insets(10, 0, 0, 0); Insets processorInsets = new Insets(10, 10, 0, 10); constr.insets = defaultInsets; constr.gridx = 1; constr.gridy = MultiBorderConstraints.NEXT; constr.anchor = MultiBorderConstraints.CENTER; constr.weightx = 0.6; constr.fill = MultiBorderConstraints.HORIZONTAL; MultiBorderConstraints statusConstr = new MultiBorderConstraints(constr); statusConstr.fill = MultiBorderConstraints.HORIZONTAL; MultiBorderConstraints spaceConstr = new MultiBorderConstraints(constr); spaceConstr.weightx = 0.2; // source Pipeline pipeline = model.getPipeline(); currentSourceMultiFile = pipeline.isSourceMultiFile(); endsEditor.checkCardinality(); MultiBorder srcBorder = new MultiBorder("Source"); constr.addBorder(srcBorder); statusConstr.addBorder(srcBorder); sourceStatus = new StatusBar(); add(endsEditor.getSourcePanel(), constr); constr.weightx = 0.0; add(new JLabel(" "), spaceConstr.setConstraints(0, 0)); add(new JLabel(" "), spaceConstr.setConstraints(2, 0)); add(sourceStatus, statusConstr); constr.removeBorder(srcBorder); statusConstr.removeBorder(srcBorder); int fromCardinality = currentSourceMultiFile ? FileProcessor.MANY : FileProcessor.ONE; int toCardinality = fromCardinality; // processor constr.setConstraints(0, MultiBorderConstraints.NEXT, 3, 1); statusConstr.setConstraints(0, MultiBorderConstraints.NEXT, 3, 1); List processors = pipeline.getProcessors(); processorStatus = new ArrayList(); processorEditors.clear(); borders.clear(); int len = processors.size(); for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { constr.insets = null; add(getLabel(fromCardinality, toCardinality), constr); constr.insets = processorInsets; FileProcessor fp = processors.get(i); JComboBox combo = createProcessorCombo(); combo.setSelectedItem(model.getPrototype(fp)); combo.addItemListener(new ComboListener(i)); FileProcessorBorder procBorder = new FileProcessorBorder(combo); borders.add(procBorder); procBorder.addBorderListsner(BORDER_LISTENER); constr.addBorder(procBorder); statusConstr.addBorder(procBorder); StatusBar bar = new StatusBar(); processorStatus.add(bar); ObjectEditor ed = fp.getEditor(); ed.edit(fp); processorEditors.add(ed); JComponent cmp = ed.getEditorComponent(); cmp.setBorder(null); add(cmp, constr); add(bar, statusConstr); constr.removeBorder(procBorder); statusConstr.removeBorder(procBorder); fromCardinality = toCardinality; toCardinality = fp.getOutputCardinality(fromCardinality); } setRemoveProcessButtonEnabled(); // destination constr.insets = null; add(getLabel(fromCardinality, toCardinality), constr); constr.setConstraints(1, MultiBorderConstraints.NEXT, 1, 1); statusConstr.setConstraints(1, MultiBorderConstraints.NEXT, 1, 1); constr.insets = defaultInsets; MultiBorder destBorder = new MultiBorder("Destination"); constr.addBorder(destBorder); statusConstr.addBorder(destBorder); destinationStatus = new StatusBar(); add(endsEditor.getDestinationPanel(), constr); add(destinationStatus, statusConstr); constr.removeBorder(destBorder); statusConstr.removeBorder(destBorder); updateView(); } public void checkCardinality() { if (currentSourceMultiFile != model.getPipeline().isSourceMultiFile()) { rebuildGui(); } } private JLabel getLabel(int fromCardinality, int toCardinality) { JLabel label; if (fromCardinality == FileProcessor.MANY) { switch (toCardinality) { case FileProcessor.NONE: label = new JLabel(SharedResources.getIcon("manyToNone.png")); break; case FileProcessor.ONE: label = new JLabel(SharedResources.getIcon("manyToOne.png")); break; default: label = new JLabel(SharedResources.getIcon("manyToMany.png")); break; } } else { switch (toCardinality) { case FileProcessor.NONE: label = new JLabel(SharedResources.getIcon("oneToNone.png")); break; case FileProcessor.ONE: label = new JLabel(SharedResources.getIcon("oneToOne.png")); break; default: label = new JLabel(SharedResources.getIcon("oneToMany.png")); break; } } label.setBorder(BorderFactory.createEmptyBorder(2, 2, 2, 2)); return label; } private void setRemoveProcessButtonEnabled() { boolean enabled = borders.size() > 1; for (FileProcessorBorder border : borders) { border.setRemoveButtonEnabled(enabled); } } void comboStateChanged(int processorIndex, FileProcessor proto) { updateModel(); Pipeline pipeline = model.getPipeline(); pipeline.changeProcessorAt(processorIndex, proto); buildGui(); revalidate(); repaint(); } private JComboBox createProcessorCombo() { List availableProcessors = model.getAvailableProcessors(); ComboBoxModel comboModel = new DefaultComboBoxModel(availableProcessors.toArray()); JComboBox combo = new JComboBox(comboModel); combo.setRenderer(new DefaultListCellRenderer() { @Override public Component getListCellRendererComponent(JList list, Object value, int index, boolean isSelected, boolean cellHasFocus) { String text = (value == null) ? "" : ((FileProcessor) value).getProcessorName(); return super.getListCellRendererComponent(list, text, index, isSelected, cellHasFocus); } }); return combo; } private void createActions(ActionRepository repo) { // exit /* exitAction= */repo.addAction("exit", "Exit", "Exit the application", "File", "a/z9", null, null, new AbstractAction() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ae) { exit(); } }); // process processAction = repo.addAction("process", "Process", "Process file(s)", "Action", "b/a1", "a1", SharedResources .getIcon("process.gif"), new AbstractAction() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ae) { process(); } }); // abort abortAction = repo.addAction("abort", "Abort", "Abort processing", "Action", "b/a2", "a2", SharedResources .getIcon("abort.gif"), new AbstractAction() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ae) { abort(); } }); // showConsole showConsoleAction = repo.addAction("showConsole", "Show/Hide Console", "Show/Hide the console", "View", "d/a2", "a3", SharedResources.getIcon("viewToolBar.png"), new AbstractAction() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ae) { boolean visible = ActionRepository.isActionSelected(this); setConsoleVisible(visible); } }); ActionRepository.setToggleAction(showConsoleAction); ActionRepository.setActionSelected(showConsoleAction, isConsoleVisible()); // about dialog AboutlHelper about = new AboutlHelper(this); about.setDirectText("About the File Piper", ABOUT_TEXT, ABOUT_LICENSE); about.setAboutIcon(SharedResources.getIcon("PiperAbout.png")); about.createAction(repo); } class ComboListener implements ItemListener { private int processorIndex; ComboListener(int index) { processorIndex = index; } public void itemStateChanged(ItemEvent e) { if (e.getStateChange() == ItemEvent.SELECTED) { comboStateChanged(processorIndex, (FileProcessor) e.getItem()); } } } // ----------------- ProfileClient interface implementation -------------------------------------------------------------- public Settings getGlobalSettings() { return model.getSettings(); } public Settings getCurrentSubSettings() { updateModel(); return model.getPipelineSettings(); } public void updateCurrentSubSettings(Settings profile) { model.updatePipelineSettings(profile); } }

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