ij_plugins.debayer2sx.DDFAPD.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
* Image/J Plugins
* Copyright (C) 2002-2021 Jarek Sacha
* Author's email: jpsacha at gmail [dot] com
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
* Latest release available at https://github.com/ij-plugins/ijp-DeBayer2SX
package ij_plugins.debayer2sx
import ij.ImageStack
import ij.plugin.filter.Convolver
import ij.process.*
import ij_plugins.debayer2sx.LoopUtils.{checkImg, copyRanges, crop}
import ij_plugins.debayer2sx.process.{FR, add, *}
import java.awt.Rectangle
* ImageJ implementation of
* "Demosaicing with Directional Filtering and a Posteriori Decision", D. Menon, S. Andriani, and G. Calvagno,
* IEEE Trans. Image Processing, vol. 16 no. 1, Jan. 2007.
* @author Jarek Sacha
object DDFAPD {
// Parts of the implementation is based on the reference MATLAB code by Daniele Menon.
* Convert Bayer encoded image to to stack of color bands (red, green, blue).
* The demosaicing is done assuming GB bayer pattern variant (top left corner pixel is G, next in row is R).
* @param bay Bayer-pattern image input image
* @param doRefine if `true` the final refinement will be applied.
* @return reconstructed color image
def debayerGR(bay: ByteProcessor, doRefine: Boolean): ColorProcessor = {
val stack = debayerGR(bay.convertToFloatProcessor(), 8, doRefine)
val cp = new ColorProcessor(bay.getWidth, bay.getHeight)
for (i <- 1 to 3) cp.setChannel(i, stack.getProcessor(i).convertToByteProcessor(false))
* Convert Bayer encoded image to to stack of color bands (red, green, blue).
* The demosaicing is done assuming GB bayer pattern variant (top left corner pixel is G, next in row is R).
* @param bay Bayer-pattern image input image
* @param bpp bits-per-pixel, this would be typically 8 or 16.
* @param doRefine if `true` the final refinement will be applied.
* @return reconstructed image as stack of bands
def debayerGR(bay: FloatProcessor, bpp: Int, doRefine: Boolean): ImageStack = {
require(bay.getWidth > 0, s"Image width must be greater than 0, got ${bay.getWidth}.")
require(bay.getWidth % 2 == 0, s"Image width must be even (multiple of 2), got ${bay.getWidth}.")
require(bay.getHeight > 0, s"Image height must be greater than 0, got ${bay.getHeight}.")
require(bay.getHeight % 2 == 0, s"Image height must be even (multiple of 2), got ${bay.getHeight}.")
// Horizontal and vertical interpolation of the green channel
// [Gh,Gv]=ddfapd_intDirezG(bay);
// Gh=check_img(Gh,bpp);
// Gv=check_img(Gv,bpp);
val r1 = intDirezG(bay)
val Gh = r1._1
val Gv = r1._2
checkImg(Gh, bpp)
checkImg(Gv, bpp)
// Decision between the two estimated green values
// [outG, interpDir]=ddfapd_decision(Gh,Gv,bay);
val r2 = decision(Gh, Gv, bay)
val outG = r2._1
val interpDir = r2._2
// Red and blue reconstruction
// [outR, outB]=ddfapd_interpRB(bay,outG,interpDir);
val r3 = interpRB(bay, outG, interpDir)
val outR = r3._1
val outB = r3._2
// out=check_img(out,bpp);
checkImg(outR, bpp)
checkImg(outG, bpp)
checkImg(outB, bpp)
// Refining of the reconstructed image')
// out=ddfapd_refining(out,interpDir);
// out=check_img(out,bpp);
val (r, g, b) =
if (doRefine) {
val r4 = refining(outR, outG, outB, interpDir)
val outRRefined = r4._1
val outGRefined = r4._2
val outBRefined = r4._3
checkImg(outRRefined, bpp)
checkImg(outGRefined, bpp)
checkImg(outBRefined, bpp)
(outRRefined, outGRefined, outBRefined)
} else {
(outR, outG, outB)
val stack = new ImageStack(bay.getWidth, bay.getHeight)
* Directional interpolation of the green channel.
* Reconstructs two estimates of the green channel from the bayer data `bay`,
* using horizontal and vertical interpolation, to produce `gh` and `gv`, respectively.
* @param bay Bayer-pattern image
* @return (gh, gv) horizontally (gh) and vertically (gv) interpolated green image
private[debayer2sx] def intDirezG(bay: FloatProcessor): (FloatProcessor, FloatProcessor) = {
// [m,n]=size(bay);
val w = bay.getWidth
val h = bay.getHeight
// h0=[-0.25, 0, 0.5, 0, -0.25];
// h1=[0, 0.5, 0, 0.5, 0];
val h0 = Array[Float](-0.25f, 0f, 0.5f, 0f, -0.25f)
val h1 = Array[Float](0f, 0.5f, 0f, 0.5f, 0f)
// Horizontal interpolation
val gh: FloatProcessor = {
// Odd rows
// G0=zeros(m/2,n);
// G0(:,1:2:n)=bay(1:2:m,1:2:n);
val G0 = new FloatProcessor(w, h / 2)
Range(0, w, 2),
Range(0, h / 2),
Range(0, w, 2),
Range(0, h, 2)
// R1=zeros(m/2,n);
// R1(:,2:2:n)=bay(1:2:m,2:2:n);
val R1 = new FloatProcessor(w, h / 2)
Range(1, w, 2),
Range(0, h / 2),
Range(1, w, 2),
Range(0, h, 2)
// f1=filtImg(h1+[0 0 1 0 0],G0,1);
val f11 = filtImg(add(h1, Array(0f, 0f, 1f, 0f, 0f)), G0, 1)
// f2 = filtImg(h0, R1, 1)
val f21 = filtImg(h0, R1, 1)
// Gh=zeros(m,n);
val Gh = new FloatProcessor(w, h)
// Gh(1:2:m,:)=f1+f2;
copyRanges(Gh, FR, Range(0, h, 2), /* = */ f11 + f21, FR, FR)
// Even rows
// B0=zeros(m/2,n);
val B0 = new FloatProcessor(w, h / 2)
// B0(:,1:2:n)=bay(2:2:m,1:2:n);
copyRanges(B0, Range(0, w, 2), FR, /* = */ bay, Range(0, w, 2), Range(1, h, 2))
// G1=zeros(m/2,n);
val G1 = new FloatProcessor(w, h / 2)
// G1(:,2:2:n)=bay(2:2:m,2:2:n);
copyRanges(G1, Range(1, w, 2), FR, /* = */ bay, Range(1, w, 2), Range(1, h, 2))
// f1=filtImg(h1+[0,0,1,0,0],G1,1);
val f12 = filtImg(add(h1, Array(0f, 0f, 1f, 0f, 0f)), G1, 1)
// f2=filtImg(h0,B0,1);
val f22 = filtImg(h0, B0, 1)
// Gh(2:2:m,:)=f1+f2;
copyRanges(Gh, FR, Range(1, h, 2), /* = */ f12 + f22, FR, FR)
// Vertical interpolation
val gv: FloatProcessor = {
// Gv=zeros(m,n);
val Gv = new FloatProcessor(w, h)
// Odd columns
// G0=zeros(m,n/2);
val G0 = new FloatProcessor(w / 2, h)
// G0(1:2:m,:)=bay(1:2:m,1:2:n);
copyRanges(G0, FR, Range(0, h, 2), /* = */ bay, Range(0, w, 2), Range(0, h, 2))
// B1=zeros(m,n/2);
val B1 = new FloatProcessor(w / 2, h)
// B1(2:2:m,:)=bay(2:2:m,1:2:n);
copyRanges(B1, FR, Range(1, h, 2), /* = */ bay, Range(0, w, 2), Range(1, h, 2))
// f1=filtImg([0 0 1 0 0]+h1,G0,2);
val f11 = filtImg(add(Array(0f, 0f, 1f, 0f, 0f), h1), G0, 2)
// f2=filtImg(h0,B1,2);
val f21 = filtImg(h0, B1, 2)
// Gv(:,1:2:n)=f1+f2;
copyRanges(Gv, Range(0, w, 2), FR, /* = */ f11 + f21, FR, FR)
// Even columns
// R0=zeros(m,n/2);
val R0 = new FloatProcessor(w / 2, h)
// R0(1:2:m,:)=bay(1:2:m,2:2:n);
copyRanges(R0, FR, Range(0, h, 2), /* = */ bay, Range(1, w, 2), Range(0, h, 2))
// G1=zeros(m,n/2);
val G1 = new FloatProcessor(w / 2, h)
// G1(2:2:m,:)=bay(2:2:m,2:2:n);
copyRanges(G1, FR, Range(1, h, 2), /* = */ bay, Range(1, w, 2), Range(1, h, 2))
// f1=filtImg(h1+[0 0 1 0 0],G1,2);
val f12 = filtImg(add(h1, Array(0f, 0f, 1f, 0f, 0f)), G1, 2)
// f2=filtImg(h0,R0,2);
val f22 = filtImg(h0, R0, 2)
// Gv(:,2:2:n)=f1+f2;
copyRanges(Gv, Range(1, w, 2), FR, /* = */ f12 + f22, FR, FR)
(gh, gv)
* Directional filtering of the image `x` along the direction `dir`.
* Near the border of the image the neighboring pixels are replicated.
private[debayer2sx] def filtImg(hh: Array[Float], x: FloatProcessor, dir: Int): FloatProcessor = {
// [m,n]=size(x);
val w = x.getWidth
val h = x.getHeight
// B = (length(h)-1)/2;
val B = (hh.length - 1) / 2
val y =
if (dir == 1) {
// Add mirroring of the borders
// xx = [x(:,1+B:-1:2), x, x(:,n-1:-1:n-B)];
val xx = mirrorBorderWidth(x, B)
// y=conv2(1,h,xx,'valid');
new Convolver().convolveFloat1D(xx, hh, hh.length, 1, 1)
val cropROI = new Rectangle(B, 0, w, h)
// xx.setRoi(cropROI)
// xx.crop().asInstanceOf[FloatProcessor]
crop(xx, cropROI)
} else if (dir == 2) {
// Add mirroring of the borders
// xx = [x(1+B:-1:2,:); x; x(m-1:-1:m-B,:)];
val xx = mirrorBorderHeight(x: FloatProcessor, B)
// y=conv2(h,1,xx,'valid');
new Convolver().convolveFloat1D(xx, hh, 1, hh.length, 1)
val cropROI = new Rectangle(0, B, w, h)
// xx.setRoi(cropROI)
// xx.crop().asInstanceOf[FloatProcessor]
crop(xx, cropROI)
} else {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid `dir` value:" + dir)
* The absolute norm between two values.
private def nor(g1: FloatProcessor, g2: FloatProcessor): FloatProcessor = {
val fp = g1 - g2
for (i <- Range(0, fp.getPixelCount)) {
// y=abs(g1(:,:)-g2(:,:));
fp.setf(i, math.abs(fp.getf(i)))
* Decision for the best directional reconstruction, uses the horizontally interpolated image `Gh`,
* the vertically interpolated image Gv and the Bayer-sampled `bay` to estimate for each pixel
* the best reconstruction for the green component.
* @param Gh horizontally interpolated green image
* @param Gv vertically interpolated green image
* @param bay Bayer pattern image
* @return (dstG, interpDir) `dstG` is the resulting green image.
* `interpDir` is an image where if interpDir(i,j)=1 the pixel (i,j) is the best reconstruction
* is the horizontal interpolation. if interpDir(i,j)=2 the best reconstruction is the vertical one,
* and if interpDir(i,j)==0 no estimation was performed (for the G positions)
* *
private[debayer2sx] def decision(
Gh: FloatProcessor,
Gv: FloatProcessor,
bay: FloatProcessor
): (FloatProcessor, ByteProcessor) = {
val h = Gh.getHeight
val w = Gh.getWidth
val hh = h - 2
val ww = w - 2
// Image interpDir takes into account the selected direction for the interpolation
// 1 --> horizontal reconstruction
// 2 --> vertical reconstruction
val dstG = new FloatProcessor(w, h)
// Copy the original green values available from the Bayer pattern
// outG(1:2:m,1:2:n)=bay(1:2:m,1:2:n);
// outG(2:2:m,2:2:n)=bay(2:2:m,2:2:n);
copyRanges(dstG, Range(1 - 1, w, 2), Range(1 - 1, h, 2), /*=*/ bay, Range(1 - 1, w, 2), Range(1 - 1, h, 2))
copyRanges(dstG, Range(2 - 1, w, 2), Range(2 - 1, h, 2), /*=*/ bay, Range(2 - 1, w, 2), Range(2 - 1, h, 2))
// Chrominances of the horizontally reconstructed image
// chrH=zeros(m,n);
val chrH = new FloatProcessor(w, h)
// chrH(1:2:m,2:2:n)=bay(1:2:m,2:2:n)-Gh(1:2:m,2:2:n);
val b1 = bay(Range(2 - 1, w, 2), Range(1 - 1, h, 2))
val Gh1 = Gh(Range(2 - 1, w, 2), Range(1 - 1, h, 2))
copyRanges(chrH, Range(2 - 1, w, 2), Range(1 - 1, h, 2), /*=*/ b1 - Gh1, FR, FR)
// chrH(2:2:m,1:2:n)=bay(2:2:m,1:2:n)-Gh(2:2:m,1:2:n);
val b2 = bay(Range(1 - 1, w, 2), Range(2 - 1, h, 2))
val Gh2 = Gh(Range(1 - 1, w, 2), Range(2 - 1, h, 2))
copyRanges(chrH, Range(1 - 1, w, 2), Range(2 - 1, h, 2), /*=*/ b2 - Gh2, FR, FR)
// Chrominances of the vertically reconstructed image
// chrV=zeros(m,n);
val chrV = new FloatProcessor(w, h)
// chrV(1:2:m,2:2:n)=bay(1:2:m,2:2:n)-Gv(1:2:m,2:2:n);
val Gv1 = Gv(Range(2 - 1, w, 2), Range(1 - 1, h, 2))
copyRanges(chrV, Range(2 - 1, w, 2), Range(1 - 1, h, 2), /*=*/ b1 - Gv1, FR, FR)
// chrV(2:2:m,1:2:n)=bay(2:2:m,1:2:n)-Gv(2:2:m,1:2:n);
val Gv2 = Gv(Range(1 - 1, w, 2), Range(2 - 1, h, 2))
copyRanges(chrV, Range(1 - 1, w, 2), Range(2 - 1, h, 2), /*=*/ b2 - Gv2, FR, FR)
// Gradients of chrH and chrV
val DH = new FloatProcessor(w, h)
// DH(1:2:m,2:2:nn)=nor(chrH(1:2:m,2:2:nn),chrH(1:2:m,(2:2:nn)+2));
val v = nor(chrH(Range(2 - 1, ww, 2), Range(1 - 1, h, 2)), chrH(Range(2 - 1, ww, 2) + 2, Range(1 - 1, h, 2)))
copyRanges(DH, Range(2 - 1, ww, 2), Range(1 - 1, h, 2), /*=*/ v, FR, FR)
// DH(2:2:m,1:2:nn)=nor(chrH(2:2:m,1:2:nn),chrH(2:2:m,(1:2:nn)+2));
val v = nor(chrH(Range(1 - 1, ww, 2), Range(2 - 1, h, 2)), chrH(Range(1 - 1, ww, 2) + 2, Range(2 - 1, h, 2)))
copyRanges(DH, Range(1 - 1, ww, 2), Range(2 - 1, h, 2), /*=*/ v, FR, FR)
// DH(1:2:m,n)=nor(chrH(1:2:m,n),chrH(1:2:m,n-2));
val v = nor(chrH(w - 1, Range(1 - 1, h, 2)), chrH(w - 2 - 1, Range(1 - 1, h, 2)))
copyRanges(DH, Range(w - 1, w), Range(1 - 1, h, 2), v, FR, FR)
val DV = new FloatProcessor(w, h)
// DV(1:2:mm,2:2:n)=nor(chrV(1:2:mm,2:2:n),chrV((1:2:mm)+2,2:2:n));
val v = nor(chrV(Range(2 - 1, w, 2), Range(1 - 1, hh, 2)), chrV(Range(2 - 1, w, 2), Range(1 - 1, hh, 2) + 2))
copyRanges(DV, Range(2 - 1, w, 2), Range(1 - 1, hh, 2), v, FR, FR)
// DV(2:2:mm,1:2:n)=nor(chrV(2:2:mm,1:2:n),chrV((2:2:mm)+2,1:2:n));
val v = nor(chrV(Range(1 - 1, w, 2), Range(2 - 1, hh, 2)), chrV(Range(1 - 1, w, 2), Range(2 - 1, hh, 2) + 2))
copyRanges(DV, Range(1 - 1, w, 2), Range(2 - 1, hh, 2), v, FR, FR)
// DV(m,1:2:n)=nor(chrV(m,1:2:n,:),chrV(m-2,1:2:n));
val v = nor(chrV(Range(1 - 1, w, 2), h - 1), chrV(Range(1 - 1, w, 2), h - 2 - 1))
copyRanges(DV, Range(1 - 1, w, 2), Range(h - 1, h), v, FR, FR)
// Weight
val c = 3
// Compute DeltaH and DeltaV
// DeltaH=zeros(m,n);
// DeltaV=zeros(m,n);
val DeltaH = new FloatProcessor(w, h)
val DeltaV = new FloatProcessor(w, h)
// i=3:2:mm;
// j=4:2:nn;
// DeltaH(i,j)=DH(i-2,j-2)+DH(i-2,j)+c*DH(i,j-2)+c*DH(i,j)+DH(i+2,j-2)+DH(i+2,j)+DH(i-1,j-1)+DH(i+1,j-1);
// DeltaV(i,j)=DV(i-2,j-2)+c*DV(i-2,j)+DV(i-2,j+2)+DV(i,j-2)+c*DV(i,j)+DV(i,j+2)+DV(i-1,j-1)+DV(i-1,j+1);
val y = Range(3 - 1, hh, 2)
val x = Range(4 - 1, ww, 2)
val vh = DH(x - 2, y - 2) + DH(x, y - 2) + DH(x - 2, y) * c + DH(x, y) * c + DH(x - 2, y + 2) + DH(x, y + 2) + DH(
x - 1,
y - 1
) + DH(x - 1, y + 1)
copyRanges(DeltaH, x, y, vh, FR, FR)
val vv = DV(x - 2, y - 2) + DV(x, y - 2) * c + DV(x + 2, y - 2) + DV(x - 2, y) + DV(x, y) * c + DV(x + 2, y) + DV(
x - 1,
y - 1
) + DV(x + 1, y - 1)
copyRanges(DeltaV, x, y, vv, FR, FR)
// i=4:2:mm;
// j=3:2:nn;
// DeltaH(i,j)=DH(i-2,j-2)+DH(i-2,j)+c*DH(i,j-2)+c*DH(i,j)+DH(i+2,j-2)+DH(i+2,j)+DH(i-1,j-1)+DH(i+1,j-1);
// DeltaV(i,j)=DV(i-2,j-2)+c*DV(i-2,j)+DV(i-2,j+2)+DV(i,j-2)+c*DV(i,j)+DV(i,j+2)+DV(i-1,j-1)+DV(i-1,j+1);
val y = Range(4 - 1, hh, 2)
val x = Range(3 - 1, ww, 2)
val vh = DH(x - 2, y - 2) + DH(x, y - 2) + DH(x - 2, y) * c + DH(x, y) * c + DH(x - 2, y + 2) + DH(x, y + 2) + DH(
x - 1,
y - 1
) + DH(x - 1, y + 1)
copyRanges(DeltaH, x, y, vh, FR, FR)
val vv = DV(x - 2, y - 2) + DV(x, y - 2) * c + DV(x + 2, y - 2) + DV(x - 2, y) + DV(x, y) * c + DV(x + 2, y) + DV(
x - 1,
y - 1
) + DV(x + 1, y - 1)
copyRanges(DeltaV, x, y, vv, FR, FR)
// Compute DeltaH and Delta V near the border of the image
// i=2;
// j=3:2:nn;
// DeltaH(i,j)=DH(i+2,j-2)+DH(i+2,j)+c*DH(i,j-2)+c*DH(i,j)+DH(i+2,j-2)+DH(i+2,j)+DH(i-1,j-1)+DH(i+1,j-1);
// DeltaV(i,j)=DV(i+2,j-2)+c*DV(i+2,j)+DV(i+2,j+2)+DV(i,j-2)+c*DV(i,j)+DV(i,j+2)+DV(i-1,j-1)+DV(i-1,j+1);
val y = Range(2 - 1, 2)
val x = Range(3 - 1, ww, 2)
val vh = DH(x - 2, y + 2) + DH(x, y + 2) + DH(x - 2, y) * c + DH(x, y) * c + DH(x - 2, y + 2) + DH(x, y + 2) + DH(
x - 1,
y - 1
) + DH(x - 1, y + 1)
copyRanges(DeltaH, x, y, vh, FR, FR)
val vv = DV(x - 2, y + 2) + DV(x, y + 2) * c + DV(x + 2, y + 2) + DV(x - 2, y) + DV(x, y) * c + DV(x + 2, y) + DV(
x - 1,
y - 1
) + DV(x + 1, y - 1)
copyRanges(DeltaV, x, y, vv, FR, FR)
// i=m-1;
// j=4:2:nn;
// DeltaH(i,j)=DH(i-2,j-2)+DH(i-2,j)+c*DH(i,j-2)+c*DH(i,j)+DH(i-2,j-2)+DH(i-2,j)+DH(i-1,j-1)+DH(i+1,j-1);
// DeltaV(i,j)=DV(i-2,j-2)+c*DV(i-2,j)+DV(i-2,j+2)+DV(i,j-2)+c*DV(i,j)+DV(i,j+2)+DV(i-1,j-1)+DV(i-1,j+1);
val y = Range(h - 1 - 1, h - 1)
val x = Range(4 - 1, ww, 2)
val vh = DH(x - 2, y - 2) + DH(x, y - 2) + DH(x - 2, y) * c + DH(x, y) * c + DH(x - 2, y - 2) + DH(x, y - 2) + DH(
x - 1,
y - 1
) + DH(x - 1, y + 1)
copyRanges(DeltaH, x, y, vh, FR, FR)
val vv = DV(x - 2, y - 2) + DV(x, y - 2) * c + DV(x + 2, y - 2) + DV(x - 2, y) + DV(x, y) * c + DV(x + 2, y) + DV(
x - 1,
y - 1
) + DV(x + 1, y - 1)
copyRanges(DeltaV, x, y, vv, FR, FR)
// j=2;
// i=3:2:mm;
// DeltaH(i,j)=DH(i-2,j+2)+DH(i-2,j)+c*DH(i,j+2)+c*DH(i,j)+DH(i+2,j+2)+DH(i+2,j)+DH(i-1,j-1)+DH(i+1,j-1);
// DeltaV(i,j)=DV(i-2,j+2)+c*DV(i-2,j)+DV(i-2,j+2)+DV(i,j+2)+c*DV(i,j)+DV(i,j+2)+DV(i-1,j-1)+DV(i-1,j+1);
val y = Range(2 - 1, 2)
val x = Range(3 - 1, hh, 2)
val vh = DH(y + 2, x - 2) + DH(y, x - 2) + DH(y + 2, x) * c + DH(y, x) * c + DH(y + 2, x + 2) + DH(y, x + 2) + DH(
y - 1,
x - 1
) + DH(y - 1, x + 1)
copyRanges(DeltaH, y, x, vh, FR, FR)
val vv = DV(y + 2, x - 2) + DV(y, x - 2) * c + DV(y + 2, x - 2) + DV(y + 2, x) + DV(y, x) * c + DV(y + 2, x) + DV(
y - 1,
x - 1
) + DV(y + 1, x - 1)
copyRanges(DeltaV, y, x, vv, FR, FR)
// j=n-1;
// i=4:2:mm;
// DeltaH(i,j)=DH(i-2,j-2)+DH(i-2,j)+c*DH(i,j-2)+c*DH(i,j)+DH(i+2,j-2)+DH(i+2,j)+DH(i-1,j-1)+DH(i+1,j-1);
// DeltaV(i,j)=DV(i-2,j-2)+c*DV(i-2,j)+DV(i-2,j-2)+DV(i,j-2)+c*DV(i,j)+DV(i,j-2)+DV(i-1,j-1)+DV(i-1,j+1);
val y = Range(w - 1 - 1, w - 1)
val x = Range(4 - 1, hh, 2)
val vh = DH(y - 2, x - 2) + DH(y, x - 2) + DH(y - 2, x) * c + DH(y, x) * c + DH(y - 2, x + 2) + DH(y, x + 2) + DH(
y - 1,
x - 1
) + DH(y - 1, x + 1)
copyRanges(DeltaH, y, x, vh, FR, FR)
val vv = DV(y - 2, x - 2) + DV(y, x - 2) * c + DV(y - 2, x - 2) + DV(y - 2, x) + DV(y, x) * c + DV(y - 2, x) + DV(
y - 1,
x - 1
) + DV(y + 1, x - 1)
copyRanges(DeltaV, y, x, vv, FR, FR)
// Decision between the horizontal and vertical interpolation and reconstruction of the green component
val interpDir = new ByteProcessor(w, h)
// x=find(DeltaV=DeltaH);
// outG(x)=Gh(x);
// interpDir(x)=1;
for (i <- 0 until dstG.getPixelCount) {
if (DeltaV.getf(i) >= DeltaH.getf(i)) {
dstG.setf(i, Gh.getf(i))
interpDir.set(i, 1)
// Reconstruction near the border of the image
// outG(1,:)=Gh(1,:);
copyRanges(dstG, FR, Range(0, 1), Gh, FR, Range(0, 1))
// outG(m,:)=Gh(m,:);
copyRanges(dstG, FR, Range(h - 1, h), Gh, FR, Range(h - 1, h))
// outG(:,1)=Gv(:,1);
copyRanges(dstG, Range(0, 1), FR, Gv, Range(0, 1), FR)
// outG(:,n)=Gv(:,n);
copyRanges(dstG, Range(w - 1, w), FR, Gv, Range(w - 1, w), FR)
// outG(2,2)=Gh(2,2);
copyRanges(dstG, Range(1, 2), Range(1, 2), Gh, Range(1, 2), Range(1, 2))
// outG(m-1,2)=Gh(m-1,2);
copyRanges(dstG, Range(1, 2), Range(h - 1 - 1, h - 1), Gh, Range(1, 2), Range(h - 1 - 1, h - 1))
// outG(2,n-1)=Gh(2,n-1);
copyRanges(dstG, Range(w - 1 - 1, w - 1), Range(1, 2), Gh, Range(w - 1 - 1, w - 1), Range(1, 2))
// outG(m-1,n-1)=Gh(m-1,n-1);
Range(w - 1 - 1, w - 1),
Range(h - 1 - 1, h - 1),
Range(w - 1 - 1, w - 1),
Range(h - 1 - 1, h - 1)
(dstG, interpDir)
* Reconstruction of the red and blue components.
* Reconstructs the red and blue components, `R` and `B` respectively, using the bayer data `bay`,
* the reconstructed green image `G`, and the knowledge of the green decision contained in the matrix `interpDir`.
* @param bay Bayer sampled image
* @param G reconstructed green channel
* @param interpDir best interpolation direction
* @return Reconstructed channels red and blue.
private[debayer2sx] def interpRB(
bay: FloatProcessor,
G: FloatProcessor,
interpDir: ByteProcessor
): (FloatProcessor, FloatProcessor) = {
val h = G.getHeight
val w = G.getWidth
// R=zeros(m,n);
val R = new FloatProcessor(w, h)
// B=zeros(m,n);
val B = new FloatProcessor(w, h)
// R(1:2:m,2:2:n)=bay(1:2:m,2:2:n);
// B(2:2:m,1:2:n)=bay(2:2:m,1:2:n);
copyRanges(R, Range(2 - 1, w, 2), Range(1 - 1, h, 2), /*=*/ bay, Range(2 - 1, w, 2), Range(1 - 1, h, 2))
copyRanges(B, Range(1 - 1, w, 2), Range(2 - 1, h, 2), /*=*/ bay, Range(1 - 1, w, 2), Range(2 - 1, h, 2))
// Green pixels: reconstruction of the red through bilinear interpolation of R-G
// R(1:2:m,3:2:n)=G(1:2:m,3:2:n)+(R(1:2:m,(3:2:n)-1)-G(1:2:m,(3:2:n)-1)+R(1:2:m,(3:2:n)+1)-G(1:2:m,(3:2:n)+1))/2;
val v1 = G(Range(3 - 1, w, 2), Range(1 - 1, h, 2))
val v2 = R(Range(3 - 1, w, 2) - 1, Range(1 - 1, h, 2))
val v3 = G(Range(3 - 1, w, 2) - 1, Range(1 - 1, h, 2))
val v4 = R(Range(3 - 1, w, 2) + 1, Range(1 - 1, h, 2))
val v5 = G(Range(3 - 1, w, 2) + 1, Range(1 - 1, h, 2))
val v6 = v1 + (v2 - v3 + v4 - v5) / 2
copyRanges(R, Range(3 - 1, w, 2), Range(1 - 1, h, 2), /*=*/ v6, FR, FR)
// R(2:2:m-1,2:2:n)=G(2:2:m-1,2:2:n)+(R((2:2:m-1)-1,2:2:n)-G((2:2:m-1)-1,2:2:n)+R((2:2:m-1)+1,2:2:n)-G((2:2:m-1)+1,2:2:n))/2;
val v1 = G(Range(2 - 1, w, 2), Range(2 - 1, h - 1, 2))
val v2 = R(Range(2 - 1, w, 2), Range(1 - 1, h - 2, 2))
val v3 = G(Range(2 - 1, w, 2), Range(1 - 1, h - 2, 2))
val v4 = R(Range(2 - 1, w, 2), Range(3 - 1, h, 2))
val v5 = G(Range(2 - 1, w, 2), Range(3 - 1, h, 2))
val v6 = v1 + (v2 - v3 + v4 - v5) / 2
copyRanges(R, Range(2 - 1, w, 2), Range(2 - 1, h - 1, 2), /*=*/ v6, FR, FR)
// Green pixels: reconstruction of the blue through bilinear interpolation of B-G
// B(2:2:m,2:2:n-1)=G(2:2:m,2:2:n-1)+(B(2:2:m,(2:2:n-1)-1)-G(2:2:m,(2:2:n-1)-1)+B(2:2:m,(2:2:n-1)+1)-G(2:2:m,(2:2:n-1)+1))/2;
val v1 = G(Range(2 - 1, w - 1, 2), Range(2 - 1, h, 2))
val v2 = B(Range(2 - 1, w - 1, 2) - 1, Range(2 - 1, h, 2))
val v3 = G(Range(2 - 1, w - 1, 2) - 1, Range(2 - 1, h, 2))
val v4 = B(Range(2 - 1, w - 1, 2) + 1, Range(2 - 1, h, 2))
val v5 = G(Range(2 - 1, w - 1, 2) + 1, Range(2 - 1, h, 2))
val v6 = v1 + (v2 - v3 + v4 - v5) / 2
copyRanges(B, Range(2 - 1, w - 1, 2), Range(2 - 1, h, 2), /*=*/ v6, FR, FR)
// B(3:2:m,1:2:n)=G(3:2:m,1:2:n)+(B((3:2:m)-1,1:2:n)-G((3:2:m)-1,1:2:n)+B((3:2:m)+1,1:2:n)-G((3:2:m)+1,1:2:n))/2;
val v1 = G(Range(1 - 1, w, 2), Range(3 - 1, h, 2))
val v2 = B(Range(1 - 1, w, 2), Range(3 - 1, h, 2) - 1)
val v3 = G(Range(1 - 1, w, 2), Range(3 - 1, h, 2) - 1)
val v4 = B(Range(1 - 1, w, 2), Range(3 - 1, h, 2) + 1)
val v5 = G(Range(1 - 1, w, 2), Range(3 - 1, h, 2) + 1)
val v6 = v1 + (v2 - v3 + v4 - v5) / 2
copyRanges(B, Range(1 - 1, w, 2), Range(3 - 1, h, 2), /*=*/ v6, FR, FR)
// Reconstruction near the borders of the image
// R(:,1)=G(:,1)+R(:,2)-G(:,2);
val v1 = G(0, FR)
val v2 = R(1, FR)
val v3 = G(1, FR)
val v4 = v1 + v2 - v3
copyRanges(R, Range(0, 1), FR, /*=*/ v4, FR, FR)
// R(m,:)=G(m,:)+R(m-1,:)-G(m-1,:);
val v1 = G(FR, h - 1)
val v2 = R(FR, h - 1 - 1)
val v3 = G(FR, h - 1 - 1)
val v4 = v1 + v2 - v3
copyRanges(R, FR, Range(h - 1, h), /*=*/ v4, FR, FR)
// B(1,:)=G(1,:)+B(2,:)-G(2,:);
val v1 = G(FR, 0)
val v2 = B(FR, 1)
val v3 = G(FR, 1)
val v4 = v1 + v2 - v3
copyRanges(B, FR, Range(0, 1), /*=*/ v4, FR, FR)
// B(:,n)=G(:,n)+B(:,n-1)-G(:,n-1);
val v1 = G(w - 1, FR)
val v2 = B(w - 2, FR)
val v3 = G(w - 2, FR)
val v4 = v1 + v2 - v3
copyRanges(B, Range(w - 1, w), FR, /*=*/ v4, FR, FR)
// Reconstruction of the red and blue values in the blue and red pixels, respectively.
// for i=2:2:m-1,
// for j=3:2:n-1,
// if interpDir(i,j)==1,
// R(i,j) = B(i,j)+1/2*(R(i,j-1)-B(i,j-1)+R(i,j+1)-B(i,j+1));
// else
// R(i,j) = B(i,j)+1/2*(R(i-1,j)-B(i-1,j)+R(i+1,j)-B(i+1,j));
// end
// end
// end
for (y <- Range(1, h - 1, 2)) {
for (x <- Range(2, w - 1, 2)) {
if (interpDir.get(x, y) == 1) {
B.getf(x, y) + 1 / 2f * (R.getf(x - 1, y) - B.getf(x - 1, y) + R.getf(x + 1, y) - B.getf(x + 1, y))
} else {
val v = B.getf(x, y) + 1 / 2f * (R.getf(x, y - 1) - B.getf(x, y - 1) + R.getf(x, y + 1) - B.getf(x, y + 1))
R.setf(x, y, v)
// for i=3:2:m-1,
// for j=2:2:n-2,
// if interpDir(i,j)==1,
// B(i,j) = R(i,j)+1/2*(B(i,j-1)-R(i,j-1)+B(i,j+1)-R(i,j+1));
// else
// B(i,j) = R(i,j)+1/2*(B(i-1,j)-R(i-1,j)+B(i+1,j)-R(i+1,j));
// end
// end
// end
for (y <- Range(2, h - 1, 2)) {
for (x <- Range(1, w - 2, 2)) {
if (interpDir.get(x, y) == 1) {
R.getf(x, y) + 1 / 2f * (B.getf(x - 1, y) - R.getf(x - 1, y) + B.getf(x + 1, y) - R.getf(x + 1, y))
} else {
R.getf(x, y) + 1 / 2f * (B.getf(x, y - 1) - R.getf(x, y - 1) + B.getf(x, y + 1) - R.getf(x, y + 1))
(R, B)
* Refining of the reconstructed image.
* Refines the reconstruction of the interpolated image represented by three bands (R, G, B).
* The knowledge of the edge-direction estimation contained in interpDir is also used.
* @param R red band of the reconstructed image
* @param G green band of the reconstructed image
* @param B blue band of the reconstructed image
* @param interpDir optimal interpolation direction
* @return bands of the reconstructed image
def refining(
R: FloatProcessor,
G: FloatProcessor,
B: FloatProcessor,
interpDir: ByteProcessor
): (FloatProcessor, FloatProcessor, FloatProcessor) = {
val h = R.getHeight
val w = R.getWidth
// medRlessG=zeros(m,n);
// medBlessG=zeros(m,n);
// medRlessB=zeros(m,n);
val medRlessG = new FloatProcessor(w, h)
val medBlessG = new FloatProcessor(w, h)
val medRlessB = new FloatProcessor(w, h)
// ff=[1 1 1]/3;
val ff = 1 / 3f
// RlessG=R-G;
// BlessG=B-G;
val RlessG = R - G
val BlessG = B - G
// Refining of the green
// for i=2:2:m-1
// for j=3:2:n-1
// if interpDir(i,j)==1
// medBlessG(i,j)=ff*BlessG(i,j-1:j+1).';
// else
// medBlessG(i,j)=ff*BlessG(i-1:i+1,j);
// end
// end
// end
for (y <- 2 - 1 until h - 1 by 2) {
for (x <- 3 - 1 until w - 1 by 2) {
val v =
if (interpDir.get(x, y) == 1) {
// medBlessG(i,j)=ff*BlessG(i,j-1:j+1).';
ff * (BlessG.getf(x - 1, y) + BlessG.getf(x, y) + BlessG.getf(x + 1, y))
} else {
// medBlessG(i,j)=ff*BlessG(i-1:i+1,j);
ff * (BlessG.getf(x, y - 1) + BlessG.getf(x, y) + BlessG.getf(x, y + 1))
medBlessG.setf(x, y, v)
// for i=3:2:m-1
// for j=2:2:n-1
// if interpDir(i,j)==1
// medRlessG(i,j)=ff*RlessG(i,j-1:j+1).';
// else
// medRlessG(i,j)=ff*RlessG(i-1:i+1,j);
// end
// end
// end
for (y <- 3 - 1 until h - 1 by 2) {
for (x <- 2 - 1 until w - 1 by 2) {
val v =
if (interpDir.get(x, y) == 1) {
// medRlessG(i,j)=ff*RlessG(i,j-1:j+1).';
ff * (RlessG.getf(x - 1, y) + RlessG.getf(x, y) + RlessG.getf(x + 1, y))
} else {
// medRlessG(i,j)=ff*RlessG(i-1:i+1,j);
ff * (RlessG.getf(x, y - 1) + RlessG.getf(x, y) + RlessG.getf(x, y + 1))
medRlessG.setf(x, y, v)
// G(3:2:m-1,2:2:n-1)=R(3:2:m-1,2:2:n-1)-medRlessG(3:2:m-1,2:2:n-1);
val v =
R(Range(2 - 1, w - 1, 2), Range(3 - 1, h - 1, 2)) - medRlessG(Range(2 - 1, w - 1, 2), Range(3 - 1, h - 1, 2))
copyRanges(G, Range(2 - 1, w - 1, 2), Range(3 - 1, h - 1, 2), v, FR, FR)
// G(2:2:m-1,3:2:n-1)=B(2:2:m-1,3:2:n-1)-medBlessG(2:2:m-1,3:2:n-1);
val v =
B(Range(3 - 1, w - 1, 2), Range(2 - 1, h - 1, 2)) - medBlessG(Range(3 - 1, w - 1, 2), Range(2 - 1, h - 1, 2))
copyRanges(G, Range(3 - 1, w - 1, 2), Range(2 - 1, h - 1, 2), v, FR, FR)
// RlessG=R-G;
// BlessG=B-G;
val RlessG = R - G
val BlessG = B - G
// Refining of the red in the green pixels
// i=2:2:m-1;
// j=2:2:n-1;
val y = Range(2 - 1, h - 1, 2)
val x = Range(2 - 1, w - 1, 2)
// medRlessG(i,j)=(RlessG(i-1,j)+RlessG(i+1,j))/2;
copyRanges(medRlessG, x, y, (RlessG(x, y - 1) + RlessG(x, y + 1)) / 2, FR, FR)
// R(i,j)=G(i,j)+medRlessG(i,j);
copyRanges(R, x, y, G(x, y) + medRlessG(x, y), FR, FR)
// i=3:2:m-1;
// j=3:2:n-1;
val y = Range(3 - 1, h - 1, 2)
val x = Range(3 - 1, w - 1, 2)
// medRlessG(i,j)=(RlessG(i,j-1)+RlessG(i,j+1))/2;
copyRanges(medRlessG, x, y, (RlessG(x - 1, y) + RlessG(x + 1, y)) / 2, FR, FR)
// R(i,j)=G(i,j)+medRlessG(i,j);
copyRanges(R, x, y, G(x, y) + medRlessG(x, y), FR, FR)
// Refining of the blue in the green pixels
// i=2:2:m-1;
// j=2:2:n-1;
val y = Range(2 - 1, h - 1, 2)
val x = Range(2 - 1, w - 1, 2)
// * medBlessG(i,j)=(BlessG(i,j-1)+BlessG(i,j+1))/2;
copyRanges(medBlessG, x, y, (BlessG(x - 1, y) + BlessG(x + 1, y)) / 2, FR, FR)
// * B(i,j)=G(i,j)+medBlessG(i,j);
copyRanges(B, x, y, G(x, y) + medBlessG(x, y), FR, FR)
// i=3:2:m-1;
// j=3:2:n-1;
val y = Range(3 - 1, h - 1, 2)
val x = Range(3 - 1, w - 1, 2)
// medBlessG(i,j)=(BlessG(i-1,j)+BlessG(i+1,j))/2;
copyRanges(medBlessG, x, y, (BlessG(x, y - 1) + BlessG(x, y + 1)) / 2, FR, FR)
// B(i,j)=G(i,j)+medBlessG(i,j);
copyRanges(B, x, y, G(x, y) + medBlessG(x, y), FR, FR)
// RlessB=R-B;
val RlessB = R - B
// Refining of the red in the blue pixels
// for i=2:2:m-1,
// for j=3:2:n-1,
// if interpDir(i,j)==1
// medRlessB(i,j)=ff*RlessB(i,j-1:j+1).';
// else
// medRlessB(i,j)=ff*RlessB(i-1:i+1,j);
// end
// R(i,j)=B(i,j)+medRlessB(i,j);
// end
// end
for (y <- 2 - 1 until h - 1 by 2) {
for (x <- 3 - 1 until w - 1 by 2) {
val v =
if (interpDir.get(x, y) == 1) {
// medRlessB(i,j)=ff*RlessB(i,j-1:j+1).';
ff * (RlessB.getf(x - 1, y) + RlessB.getf(x, y) + RlessB.getf(x + 1, y))
} else {
// medRlessB(i,j)=ff*RlessB(i-1:i+1,j);
ff * (RlessB.getf(x, y - 1) + RlessB.getf(x, y) + RlessB.getf(x, y + 1))
medRlessB.setf(x, y, v)
// R(i,j)=B(i,j)+medRlessB(i,j);
R.setf(x, y, B.getf(x, y) + medRlessB.getf(x, y))
// Refining of the blue in the red pixels
// for i=3:2:m-1,
// for j=2:2:n-2,
// if interpDir(i,j)==1
// medRlessB(i,j)=ff*RlessB(i,j-1:j+1).';
// else
// medRlessB(i,j)=ff*RlessB(i-1:i+1,j);
// end
// B(i,j)=R(i,j)-medRlessB(i,j);
// end
// end
for (y <- 3 - 1 until h - 1 by 2) {
for (x <- 2 - 1 until w - 2 by 2) {
val v =
if (interpDir.get(x, y) == 1) {
// medRlessB(i,j)=ff*RlessB(i,j-1:j+1).';
ff * (RlessB.getf(x - 1, y) + RlessB.getf(x, y) + RlessB.getf(x + 1, y))
} else {
// medRlessB(i,j)=ff*RlessB(i-1:i+1,j);
ff * (RlessB.getf(x, y - 1) + RlessB.getf(x, y) + RlessB.getf(x, y + 1))
medRlessB.setf(x, y, v)
// B(i,j)=R(i,j)-medRlessB(i,j);
B.setf(x, y, R.getf(x, y) - medRlessB.getf(x, y))
(R, G, B)
private def mirrorBorderWidth(x: FloatProcessor, b: Int): FloatProcessor = {
val w = x.getWidth
val h = x.getHeight
// xx = [x(:,1+B:-1:2), x, x(:,n-1:-1:n-B)];
val xx1 = x(Range(1 + b - 1, 2 - 2, -1), FR)
val xx2 = x(Range(w - 1 - 1, w - b - 2, -1), FR)
val xx = new FloatProcessor(b + w + b, h)
val blitter = new FloatBlitter(xx)
blitter.copyBits(xx1, 0, 0, Blitter.COPY)
blitter.copyBits(x, b, 0, Blitter.COPY)
blitter.copyBits(xx2, b + w, 0, Blitter.COPY)
private def mirrorBorderHeight(x: FloatProcessor, b: Int): FloatProcessor = {
val w = x.getWidth
val h = x.getHeight
// xx = [x(1+B:-1:2,:); x; x(m-1:-1:m-B,:)];
val xx1 = x(FR, Range(1 + b - 1, 2 - 2, -1))
val xx2 = x(FR, Range(h - 1 - 1, h - b - 2, -1))
val xx = new FloatProcessor(w, b + h + b)
val blitter = new FloatBlitter(xx)
blitter.copyBits(xx1, 0, 0, Blitter.COPY)
blitter.copyBits(x, 0, b, Blitter.COPY)
blitter.copyBits(xx2, 0, b + h, Blitter.COPY)