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* Image/J Plugins
* Copyright (C) 2002-2021 Jarek Sacha
* Author's email: jpsacha at gmail [dot] com
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
* Latest release available at
package ij_plugins.debayer2sx
import ij.ImageStack
import ij.process.*
import ij_plugins.debayer2sx.DDFAPD.debayerGR
import ij_plugins.debayer2sx.DeBayer2Config.{Demosaicing, MosaicOrder}
import ij_plugins.debayer2sx.LoopUtils.copyRanges
import ij_plugins.debayer2sx.process.FR
object DeBayer2 {
* Decode Bayer pattern in the input image `ip`.
* This is a convenient helper method that give assess to all implemented algorithms.
* @param ip image in a Bayer pattern, either 8-bit (ByteProcessor) or 16-bit (ShortProcessor).
* @param config what algorithm and which filter order to use.
* @return stack representing R, G, and B channels and assumed bits-per-pixel used in decoding (8 or 16).
def process(ip: ImageProcessor, config: DeBayer2Config): (ImageStack, Int) = {
val bbp: Int = ip match {
case _: ByteProcessor => 8
case _: ShortProcessor => 16
case _ => throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unsupported image processor type: " + ip)
val stack = config.demosaicing match {
case Demosaicing.Replication =>
Debayer1.replicate_decode(config.mosaicOrder.bayer1ID, ip)
case Demosaicing.Bilinear =>
Debayer1.average_decode(config.mosaicOrder.bayer1ID, ip)
case Demosaicing.SmoothHue =>
Debayer1.smooth_decode(config.mosaicOrder.bayer1ID, ip)
case Demosaicing.AdaptiveSmoothHue =>
Debayer1.adaptive_decode(config.mosaicOrder.bayer1ID, ip)
case Demosaicing.DDFAPD =>
debayerDDFAPD(ip.convertToFloatProcessor(), bbp, doRefine = false, config.mosaicOrder)
case Demosaicing.DDFAPDRefined =>
debayerDDFAPD(ip.convertToFloatProcessor(), bbp, doRefine = true, config.mosaicOrder)
case null =>
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("config.demosaicing cannot be null")
stack.setSliceLabel("Red", 1)
stack.setSliceLabel("Green", 2)
stack.setSliceLabel("Blue", 3)
(stack, bbp)
* Convert stack created during demosaicing (Bayer pattern decoding) to a 8-bit-per-band color image.
* The stack contains three bands R, G, and B.
* @param stack input stack
* @param srcBBP bits-per-pixel in the Bayer image before decoding.
* @param dstBPP desired bits-per-pixel in the Bayer image after decoding.
* @return color image
def stackToColorProcessor(stack: ImageStack, srcBBP: Int, dstBPP: Int = 8): ColorProcessor = {
require(dstBPP > 0, "valueRange must be larger than 0")
require(dstBPP <= 8, "valueRange must be less or equal 8")
val scale = math.pow(2, dstBPP) / math.pow(2, srcBBP)
val cp = new ColorProcessor(stack.getWidth, stack.getHeight)
for (i <- 1 to 3) {
val fp = stack.getProcessor(i).duplicate()
if (srcBBP != dstBPP) fp.multiply(scale)
cp.setChannel(i, fp.convertToByteProcessor(false))
* Convert stack created during demosaicing (Bayer pattern decoding) to a 8-bit-per-band color image.
* The stack contains three bands R, G, and B.
* @param stack input stack.
* @param srcBBP bits-per-pixel in the Bayer image before decoding.
* @param dstBPP desired bits-per-pixel in the Bayer image after decoding.
* @return color image
def stackToShortStack(stack: ImageStack, srcBBP: Int, dstBPP: Int = 16): ImageStack = {
require(dstBPP > 0, "valueRange must be larger than 0")
require(dstBPP <= 16, "valueRange must be less or equal 16")
val dst = new ImageStack(stack.getWidth, stack.getHeight)
val dstRange = math.pow(2, dstBPP)
val scale = math.pow(2, dstBPP) / math.pow(2, srcBBP)
for ((label, i) <- Array("Red", "Green", "Blue").zipWithIndex) {
val fp = stack.getProcessor(i + 1).duplicate()
if (srcBBP != dstBPP) fp.multiply(scale)
val ip = fp.convertToShortProcessor(false)
ip.setMinAndMax(0, dstRange)
dst.addSlice(label, ip)
private def debayerDDFAPD(src: FloatProcessor, bbp: Int, doRefine: Boolean, order: MosaicOrder): ImageStack = {
val w = src.getWidth
val h = src.getHeight
val bay: FloatProcessor = order match {
case MosaicOrder.G_R =>
// GR
// BG
case MosaicOrder.B_G =>
// gr
// BG -> BG
// GR GR
// Add extra row so the pattern starts with G_R
val ip = new FloatProcessor(w, h + 2)
// Copy original pixels shifted by 1
copyRanges(ip, FR, Range(1, h + 1, 1), src, FR, FR)
copyRanges(ip, FR, Range(0, 1, 1), src, FR, Range(1, 2, 1))
copyRanges(ip, FR, Range(h + 1, h + 2, 1), src, FR, Range(h - 2, h - 1, 1))
case MosaicOrder.G_B =>
// GB -> GR
// RG BG
// transpose
val ip = src.rotateLeft().asInstanceOf[FloatProcessor]
case MosaicOrder.R_G =>
// RG -> gRG
// GB bGB
// Add extra column so the pattern starts with G_R
val ip = new FloatProcessor(w + 2, h)
// Copy original pixels shifted by 1
copyRanges(ip, Range(1, w + 1, 1), FR, src, FR, FR)
copyRanges(ip, Range(0, 1, 1), FR, src, Range(1, 2, 1), FR)
copyRanges(ip, Range(w + 1, w + 2, 1), FR, src, Range(w - 2, w - 1, 1), FR)
val stack = debayerGR(bay, bbp, doRefine = doRefine)
// Crop as needed to remove padding used in processing
order match {
case MosaicOrder.G_R =>
case MosaicOrder.B_G =>
stack.crop(0, 1, 0, w, h, stack.size())
case MosaicOrder.G_B =>
// transpose
val sp1 = new StackProcessor(stack, stack.getProcessor(1).duplicate())
val stack2 = sp1.rotateLeft()
val sp2 = new StackProcessor(stack2, stack2.getProcessor(1).duplicate())
case MosaicOrder.R_G =>
stack.crop(1, 0, 0, w, h, stack.size())