ij_plugins.debayer2sx.LoopUtils.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
* Image/J Plugins
* Copyright (C) 2002-2023 Jarek Sacha
* Author's email: jpsacha at gmail [dot] com
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
* Latest release available at https://github.com/ij-plugins/ijp-DeBayer2SX
package ij_plugins.debayer2sx
import ij.process.{FloatProcessor, ImageProcessor}
import ij_plugins.debayer2sx.process.{FR, sortedRangeParams}
import java.awt.Rectangle
object LoopUtils {
final def crop(src: FloatProcessor, roi: Rectangle): FloatProcessor = {
import io.github.metarank.cfor.*
val width = src.getWidth
val pixels = src.getPixels.asInstanceOf[Array[Float]]
val roiX = roi.x
val roiY = roi.y
val roiWidth = roi.width
val roiHeight = roi.height
val ip2 = new FloatProcessor(roiWidth, roiHeight)
val pixels2 = ip2.getPixels.asInstanceOf[Array[Float]]
// for (ys <- roiY until roiY + roiHeight) {
cfor(roiY)(_ < roiY + roiHeight, _ + 1) { ys =>
var offset1 = (ys - roiY) * roiWidth
var offset2 = ys * width + roiX
// for (xs <- 0 until roiWidth) {
cfor(0)(_ < roiWidth, _ + 1) { _ =>
pixels2(offset1) = pixels(offset2)
offset1 += 1
offset2 += 1
* Clip values in the image to the range specified by `bpp`.
* {{{
* min = 0
* max = 2^bpp - 1
* }}}
* @param ip image to check
* @param bpp bits per pixel
final def checkImg(ip: FloatProcessor, bpp: Int): Unit = {
import io.github.metarank.cfor.*
val maxVal = (math.pow(2, bpp) - 1).toFloat
val pixels = ip.getPixels.asInstanceOf[Array[Float]]
// for (i <- pixels.indices) {
cfor(0)(_ < pixels.length, _ + 1) { i =>
val v = pixels(i)
if (v > maxVal) {
pixels(i) = maxVal
} else if (v < 0) {
pixels(i) = 0
final def slice(src: FloatProcessor, srcRangeX: Range, srcRangeY: Range): FloatProcessor = {
import io.github.metarank.cfor.*
// bay(1:2:m,2:2:n)
val _srcRangeX = if (srcRangeX == FR) Range(0, src.getWidth) else srcRangeX
val _srcRangeY = if (srcRangeY == FR) Range(0, src.getHeight) else srcRangeY
val (xStart, xEnd, xStep) = sortedRangeParams(_srcRangeX)
val (yStart, yEnd, yStep) = sortedRangeParams(_srcRangeY)
val srcWidth = src.getWidth
val srcPixels = src.getPixels.asInstanceOf[Array[Float]]
val dstWidth = _srcRangeX.length
val dstHeight = _srcRangeY.length
val dst = new FloatProcessor(dstWidth, dstHeight)
val dstPixels = dst.getPixels.asInstanceOf[Array[Float]]
cfor(yStart)(_ < yEnd, _ + yStep) { y =>
val srcOffsetY = y * srcWidth
val dstY = (y - _srcRangeY.start) / _srcRangeY.step
val dstOffsetY = dstY * dstWidth
cfor(xStart)(_ < xEnd, _ + xStep) { x =>
val dstX = (x - _srcRangeX.start) / _srcRangeX.step
dstPixels(dstX + dstOffsetY) = srcPixels(x + srcOffsetY)
* Copies elements between arrays within specified ranges
* MATLAB equivalent
* {{{
* G0(:, 1:2:n) = bay(1:2:m, 1:2:n);
* }}}
* Scala code
* {{{
* copyRanges(
* G0, Range(0, w, 2), FR,
* bay, Range(0, w, 2), Range(0, h, 2)
* )
* }}}
* @param dstIP destination processor
* @param dstRangeX destination X range
* @param dstRangeY destination Y range
* @param srcIP source processor
* @param srcRangeX source X range
* @param srcRangeY source Y range
final def copyRanges(
dstIP: ImageProcessor,
dstRangeX: Range,
dstRangeY: Range,
srcIP: ImageProcessor,
srcRangeX: Range,
srcRangeY: Range
): Unit = {
import io.github.metarank.cfor.*
val _dstRangeX = if (dstRangeX == FR) Range(0, dstIP.getWidth) else dstRangeX
val _dstRangeY = if (dstRangeY == FR) Range(0, dstIP.getHeight) else dstRangeY
val _srcRangeX = if (srcRangeX == FR) Range(0, srcIP.getWidth) else srcRangeX
val _srcRangeY = if (srcRangeY == FR) Range(0, srcIP.getHeight) else srcRangeY
val (dstXStart, dstXEnd, dstXStep) = sortedRangeParams(_dstRangeX)
val (dstYStart, dstYEnd, dstYStep) = sortedRangeParams(_dstRangeY)
cfor(dstYStart)(_ < dstYEnd, _ + dstYStep) { y =>
val indexY = (y - _dstRangeY.start) / _dstRangeY.step
val srcY = _srcRangeY.start + indexY * _srcRangeY.step
val srcYOffset = srcY * srcIP.getWidth
val dstYOffset = y * dstIP.getWidth
cfor(dstXStart)(_ < dstXEnd, _ + dstXStep) { x =>
val indexX = (x - _dstRangeX.start) / _dstRangeX.step
val srcX = _srcRangeX.start + indexX * _srcRangeX.step
val v = srcIP.getf(srcX + srcYOffset)
dstIP.setf(x + dstYOffset, v)