net.sf.jabb.dstream.kinesis.KinesisStreamDataSupplier Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package net.sf.jabb.dstream.kinesis;
import java.math.BigInteger;
import java.time.Duration;
import java.time.Instant;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.function.Consumer;
import java.util.function.Function;
import java.util.function.Predicate;
import net.sf.jabb.dstream.*;
import net.sf.jabb.dstream.ex.DataStreamInfrastructureException;
import net.sf.jabb.util.attempt.AttemptStrategy;
import net.sf.jabb.util.attempt.StopStrategies;
import net.sf.jabb.util.ex.ExceptionUncheckUtility;
import net.sf.jabb.util.parallel.BackoffStrategies;
import net.sf.jabb.util.parallel.WaitStrategies;
import net.sf.jabb.util.parallel.WaitStrategy;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.Validate;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import com.amazonaws.auth.BasicAWSCredentials;
* StreamDataSupplier backed by AWS Kinesis.
* One KinesisStreamDataSupplier instance covers only one shard of a Kinesis stream.
* It supports user record de-aggregation. See
* It defines position range as (startPosition, endPosition].
* @author James Hu
public class KinesisStreamDataSupplier implements StreamDataSupplier {
private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(KinesisStreamDataSupplier.class);
private static final int MAX_GET_RECORDS_LIMIT = 1000; // per getRecords(...) as specified by AWS
private static final long RETRY_INTERVAL_AFTER_THRESHOLD_EXCEEDED = 2000L; // 2 seconds
private static final long DEFAULT_RETRY_INTERVAL_BASE = 1000L;
private static final int LAST_POSITION_POLL_SECONDS = 3; // number of seconds to wait for polling the last position
protected Function messageConverter;
protected AmazonKinesisClient client; // let's assume that it is thread safe
protected String streamName;
protected String shardId;
protected long pollInterval; // number of milliseconds to wait for data to be available before next poll from within fetch(...) and receive(...) methods
protected int fetchBatchSize; // the "limit" used in client.getRecords(...) from within fetch(...) methods
protected int receiveBatchSize; // the "limit" used in client.getRecords(...) from within receive(...) methods
protected WaitStrategy waitStrategy = WaitStrategies.threadSleepStrategy();
protected AttemptStrategy attemptStrategy = new AttemptStrategy()
.withBackoffStrategy(BackoffStrategies.fibonacciBackoff(DEFAULT_RETRY_INTERVAL_BASE, DEFAULT_RETRY_INTERVAL_BASE*5))
public KinesisStreamDataSupplier(AmazonKinesisClient client, String streamName, String shardId,
Function messageConverter,
long pollInterval, int fetchBatchSize, int receiveBatchSize){
this.client = client;
this.streamName = streamName;
this.shardId = shardId;
this.messageConverter = messageConverter;
this.pollInterval = pollInterval;
Validate.isTrue(fetchBatchSize <= MAX_GET_RECORDS_LIMIT, "fetchBatchSize should not be greater than %d: %d", MAX_GET_RECORDS_LIMIT, fetchBatchSize);
this.fetchBatchSize = fetchBatchSize;
Validate.isTrue(receiveBatchSize <= MAX_GET_RECORDS_LIMIT, "receiveBatchSize should not be greater than %d: %d", MAX_GET_RECORDS_LIMIT, receiveBatchSize);
this.receiveBatchSize = receiveBatchSize;
static class Position{
private String sequenceNumber;
private long subSequenceNumber;
private boolean isLastUserRecord;
Position(String position){
if (isBeforeTheVeryFirst(position)){
int i = position.indexOf('/');
sequenceNumber = position.substring(0, i);
if (position.charAt(position.length() - 1) == '/'){
isLastUserRecord = true;
subSequenceNumber = Long.parseLong(position.substring(i + 1, position.length() - 1));
subSequenceNumber = Long.parseLong(position.substring(i + 1));
static Position of(String position){
return new Position(position);
public String toString(){
return toString(sequenceNumber, subSequenceNumber, isLastUserRecord);
static String toString(String sequenceNumber, long subSequenceNumber, boolean isLastUserRecord){
if (isLastUserRecord){
return sequenceNumber + "/" + subSequenceNumber + "/";
return sequenceNumber + "/" + subSequenceNumber;
static String toString(Position position){
return toString(position.sequenceNumber, position.subSequenceNumber, position.isLastUserRecord);
static String getSequenceNumber(String position){
int i = position.indexOf('/');
return position.substring(0, i);
static boolean isBeforeTheVeryFirst(String position){
return position == null || position.length() == 0 || position.equals("-1");
public boolean isBeforeTheVeryFirst(){
return sequenceNumber == null;
public BigInteger getSequenceNumberAsBigInteger(){
return new BigInteger(sequenceNumber);
public String getSequenceNumber() {
return sequenceNumber;
public long getSubSequenceNumber() {
return subSequenceNumber;
public boolean isLastUserRecord() {
return isLastUserRecord;
* Create StreamDataSupplierWithIds from a Kinesis stream.
* @param type of the elements in the stream
* @param endpoint The endpoint (ex: "") or a full URL, including the protocol (ex: "")
* See
* @param streamName name of the Kinesis stream
* @param messageConverter the message converter to transform Kinesis records into desired objects
* @param pollInterval number of milliseconds to wait for data to be available before next poll
* @param fetchBatchSize the batch size for getting records from Kinesis from within fetch(...) methods
* @param receiveBatchSize the batch size for getting records from Kinesis from within receive(...) methods
* @return list of StreamDataSupplierWithIds covering all shards of the Kinesis stream.
public static List> create(String endpoint, String streamName,
Function messageConverter,
long pollInterval, int fetchBatchSize, int receiveBatchSize){
return create(null, null, endpoint, streamName, messageConverter, pollInterval, fetchBatchSize, receiveBatchSize);
* Create StreamDataSupplierWithIds from a Kinesis stream.
* @param type of the elements in the stream
* @param awsAccessKeyId explicitly specified AWS access key id, or null if the default should be used
* @param awsSecretKey explicitly specified AWS secret key, or null if the default should be used
* @param endpoint The endpoint (ex: "") or a full URL, including the protocol (ex: "")
* See
* @param streamName name of the Kinesis stream
* @param messageConverter the message converter to transform Kinesis records into desired objects
* @param pollInterval number of milliseconds to wait for data to be available before next poll
* @param fetchBatchSize the batch size for getting records from Kinesis from within fetch(...) methods
* @param receiveBatchSize the batch size for getting records from Kinesis from within receive(...) methods
* @return list of StreamDataSupplierWithIds covering all shards of the Kinesis stream.
public static List> create(String awsAccessKeyId, String awsSecretKey,
String endpoint, String streamName,
Function messageConverter,
long pollInterval, int fetchBatchSize, int receiveBatchSize){
AmazonKinesisClient client;
if (awsAccessKeyId != null && awsSecretKey != null){
client = new AmazonKinesisClient(new BasicAWSCredentials(awsAccessKeyId, awsSecretKey));
client = new AmazonKinesisClient();
DescribeStreamRequest describeStreamRequest = new DescribeStreamRequest();
describeStreamRequest.setStreamName( streamName );
List shards = new ArrayList<>();
String exclusiveStartShardId = null;
do {
describeStreamRequest.setExclusiveStartShardId( exclusiveStartShardId );
DescribeStreamResult describeStreamResult = client.describeStream( describeStreamRequest );
shards.addAll( describeStreamResult.getStreamDescription().getShards() );
if (describeStreamResult.getStreamDescription().getHasMoreShards() && shards.size() > 0) {
exclusiveStartShardId = shards.get(shards.size() - 1).getShardId();
} else {
exclusiveStartShardId = null;
} while ( exclusiveStartShardId != null );
String shardId = shard.getShardId();
return new KinesisStreamDataSupplier<>(client, streamName, shardId, messageConverter, pollInterval, fetchBatchSize, receiveBatchSize)
protected String streamNameAndShardId(){
return streamName + "/" + shardId;
* This method always returns "-1"
public String firstPosition() {
return "-1";
public String firstPosition(Instant enqueuedAfter, Duration waitForArrival) throws InterruptedException, DataStreamInfrastructureException {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Seeking by enqueuedAfter is not supported by Kinesis");
* Get one Kinesis stream record according to the shard iterator
* @param shardIterator the shard iterator specifying the position of the record
* @param waitSeconds number of seconds to wait for the record to be available
* @return the record of null if no such record
* @throws DataStreamInfrastructureException if Kinesis replies with any error message
protected Record getOneRecord(String shardIterator, int waitSeconds) throws DataStreamInfrastructureException {
GetRecordsRequest getRecordsRequest = new GetRecordsRequest();
return ExceptionUncheckUtility.getThrowingUnchecked(()->new AttemptStrategy(attemptStrategy)
int i = waitSeconds;
GetRecordsResult getRecordsResult = client.getRecords(getRecordsRequest);
List records = getRecordsResult.getRecords();
if (records != null && records.size() > 0){
return records.get(0);
String nextIterator = getRecordsResult.getNextShardIterator();
if (nextIterator != null){
}while (i-- > 0);
return null;
* Get the user record in Kinesis stream record by subSequenceNumber
* @param record the original Kinesis stream record
* @param subSequenceNumber the sub-sequence-number
* @return the user record or null if not found
protected UserRecord getUserRecord(Record record, long subSequenceNumber){
List userRecords = UserRecord.deaggregate(Collections.singletonList(record));
int i = (int) subSequenceNumber;
if (i < userRecords.size()){
UserRecord q = userRecords.get(i);
if (q.getSubSequenceNumber() == subSequenceNumber){
return q;
for (UserRecord r: userRecords){
if (r.getSubSequenceNumber() == subSequenceNumber){
return r;
return null;
public String lastPosition() throws DataStreamInfrastructureException {
return lastPosition(LAST_POSITION_POLL_SECONDS);
public String lastPosition(int maxPollSeconds) throws DataStreamInfrastructureException {
String shardIterator = client.getShardIterator(streamName, shardId,;
if (shardIterator != null){
Record record = getOneRecord(shardIterator, maxPollSeconds);
if (record != null){
List userRecords = UserRecord.deaggregate(Collections.singletonList(record));
return Position.toString(record.getSequenceNumber(), userRecords.get(userRecords.size() - 1).getSubSequenceNumber(), true) ;
String actualFirstPosition = actualFirstPosition();
if (actualFirstPosition == null){
return null;
throw new DataStreamInfrastructureException("No record had been received in the last " + LAST_POSITION_POLL_SECONDS + " seconds, the first position is: " + actualFirstPosition);
throw new DataStreamInfrastructureException("Failed to get shard iterator for " + streamNameAndShardId() + " at the end of the stream");
* Get the actual first position which is at trim_horizon
* @return the actual first position, or null if there is no data in this shard
* @throws DataStreamInfrastructureException if unable to get it from Kinesis
public String actualFirstPosition() throws DataStreamInfrastructureException {
String shardIterator = client.getShardIterator(streamName, shardId,;
if (shardIterator != null){
Record record = getOneRecord(shardIterator, 0);
if (record != null){
List userRecords = UserRecord.deaggregate(Collections.singletonList(record));
return Position.toString(record.getSequenceNumber(), 0, userRecords.size() == 1) ;
return null;
throw new DataStreamInfrastructureException("Failed to get shard iterator for " + streamNameAndShardId() + " at the start of the stream");
public Instant enqueuedTime(String position) throws DataStreamInfrastructureException {
String shardIterator = client.getShardIterator(streamName, shardId,, Position.getSequenceNumber(position)).getShardIterator();
if (shardIterator != null){
Record record = getOneRecord(shardIterator, 0); // all user records in this record share the same approximateArrivalTimestamp
return record == null ? null : record.getApproximateArrivalTimestamp().toInstant();
throw new DataStreamInfrastructureException("Failed to get shard iterator for " + streamNameAndShardId() + " starting at " + position);
public String nextStartPosition(String previousEndPosition) {
return previousEndPosition;
public boolean isInRange(String position, String endPosition) {
Validate.isTrue(position != null, "position cannot be null");
if (endPosition == null){
return true;
if (Position.isBeforeTheVeryFirst(position)){
return true;
Position pos = Position.of(position);
Position endPos = Position.of(endPosition);
BigInteger sequenceNumber = pos.getSequenceNumberAsBigInteger();
BigInteger endSequenceNumber = endPos.getSequenceNumberAsBigInteger();
switch (sequenceNumber.compareTo(endSequenceNumber)){
case -1:
return true;
case 1:
return false;
default: //case 0:
return pos.getSubSequenceNumber() <= endPos.getSubSequenceNumber();
public boolean isInRange(Instant enqueuedTime, Instant endEnqueuedTime) {
Validate.isTrue(enqueuedTime != null, "enqueuedTime cannot be null");
if (endEnqueuedTime == null){
return true;
return !enqueuedTime.isAfter(endEnqueuedTime);
* Get shard iterator by start position
* @param startPosition the start position, exclusive. If it is null or "" or "-1", that means the position before the first one
* @return the iterator or null if there is no data available
* @throws DataStreamInfrastructureException if Kinesis replies with any error message
protected String getShardIterator(Position startPosition) throws DataStreamInfrastructureException{
GetShardIteratorResult getShardIteratorResult;
if (startPosition.isBeforeTheVeryFirst()){
getShardIteratorResult = client.getShardIterator(streamName, shardId,;
getShardIteratorResult = client.getShardIterator(streamName, shardId,
startPosition.isLastUserRecord() ? :,
}catch(Exception e){
throw new DataStreamInfrastructureException("Failed to get shard iterator for " + streamNameAndShardId() + " starting from " + startPosition, e);
return getShardIteratorResult.getShardIterator();
* Fetch records
* @param list the list that received data will be put into
* @param startPosition the start position, exclusive
* @param inRangePredicate in range checker
* @param maxItems maximum number of records that can be returned
* @param timeoutMillis maximum number of milliseconds for this operation
* @return receive status
* @throws InterruptedException if interrupted
* @throws DataStreamInfrastructureException if exception happened in the infrastructure
protected SimpleReceiveStatus fetch(List super M> list, String startPosition, Predicate inRangePredicate, int maxItems, long timeoutMillis)
throws InterruptedException, DataStreamInfrastructureException {
Position startPos = Position.of(startPosition);
SimpleReceiveStatus status = new SimpleReceiveStatus();
String shardIterator = getShardIterator(startPos);
int limit = maxItems;
GetRecordsRequest getRecordsRequest = new GetRecordsRequest();
long timeout = System.currentTimeMillis() + timeoutMillis;
while (shardIterator != null && limit > 0 && System.currentTimeMillis() < timeout){
getRecordsRequest.setLimit(limit > fetchBatchSize ? fetchBatchSize : limit);
GetRecordsResult getRecordsResult;
getRecordsResult = client.getRecords(getRecordsRequest);
}catch(ProvisionedThroughputExceededException e){
logger.debug("ProvisionedThroughputExceeded, will retry after " + RETRY_INTERVAL_AFTER_THRESHOLD_EXCEEDED + "ms");
waitStrategy.await(RETRY_INTERVAL_AFTER_THRESHOLD_EXCEEDED); // will retry later
}catch(Exception e){
throw new DataStreamInfrastructureException("Failed to get records", e);
List resultRecords = getRecordsResult.getRecords();
if (resultRecords != null && resultRecords.size() > 0){
boolean isStartPositionClear = startPos.isBeforeTheVeryFirst() // should include every user record
|| startPos.isLastUserRecord(); // no overlap
for (Record resultRecord: resultRecords){
boolean isInTheStartRecord = resultRecord.getSequenceNumber().equals(startPos.getSequenceNumber()); // not in the same kinesis stream record
List records = UserRecord.deaggregate(Collections.singletonList(resultRecord));
for (int i = 0; i < records.size(); i ++){
UserRecord record = records.get(i);
if (isStartPositionClear || !isInTheStartRecord
|| record.getSubSequenceNumber() > startPos.getSubSequenceNumber()) // after the sub sequence number
if (!inRangePredicate.test(record)){
return status;
status.setLastPosition(Position.toString(record.getSequenceNumber(), record.getSubSequenceNumber(),
i == records.size() - 1));
if (--limit <= 0){
return status;
// wait a while before next poll
shardIterator = getRecordsResult.getNextShardIterator();
return status;
public ReceiveStatus fetch(List super M> list, String startPosition, String endPosition, int maxItems, Duration timeoutDuration)
throws InterruptedException, DataStreamInfrastructureException {
return fetch(list, startPosition, record->isInRange(record.getSequenceNumber(), endPosition), maxItems, timeoutDuration.toMillis());
public ReceiveStatus fetch(List super M> list, Instant startEnqueuedTime, Instant endEnqueuedTime, int maxItems, Duration timeoutDuration)
throws InterruptedException, DataStreamInfrastructureException {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Fetching by startEnqueuedTime is not supported by Kinesis");
public ReceiveStatus fetch(List super M> list, String startPosition, Instant endEnqueuedTime, int maxItems, Duration timeoutDuration)
throws InterruptedException, DataStreamInfrastructureException {
return fetch(list, startPosition, record->isInRange(record.getApproximateArrivalTimestamp().toInstant(), endEnqueuedTime), maxItems, timeoutDuration.toMillis());
public String startAsyncReceiving(Consumer receiver, String startPosition) throws DataStreamInfrastructureException {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not implemented yet");
public String startAsyncReceiving(Consumer receiver, Instant startEnqueuedTime) throws DataStreamInfrastructureException {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not implemented yet");
public void stopAsyncReceiving(String id) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not implemented yet");
protected SimpleReceiveStatus receive(Function receiver, String startPosition, Predicate inRangePredicate) throws DataStreamInfrastructureException {
Position startPos = Position.of(startPosition);
SimpleReceiveStatus status = new SimpleReceiveStatus();
String shardIterator = getShardIterator(startPos);
GetRecordsRequest getRecordsRequest = new GetRecordsRequest();
long timeout = System.currentTimeMillis() + receiver.apply(null);
while (shardIterator != null && System.currentTimeMillis() < timeout){
GetRecordsResult getRecordsResult;
getRecordsResult = client.getRecords(getRecordsRequest);
}catch(ProvisionedThroughputExceededException e){
logger.debug("ProvisionedThroughputExceeded, will retry after " + RETRY_INTERVAL_AFTER_THRESHOLD_EXCEEDED + "ms");
continue; // will retry
}catch(Exception e){
throw new DataStreamInfrastructureException("Failed to get records from " + streamNameAndShardId() + " starting from " + startPosition, e);
List resultRecords = getRecordsResult.getRecords();
if (resultRecords != null && resultRecords.size() > 0){
boolean isStartPositionClear = startPos.isBeforeTheVeryFirst() // should include every user record
|| startPos.isLastUserRecord(); // no overlap
for (Record resultRecord: resultRecords){
boolean isInTheStartRecord = resultRecord.getSequenceNumber().equals(startPos.getSequenceNumber()); // not in the same kinesis stream record
List records = UserRecord.deaggregate(Collections.singletonList(resultRecord));
for (int i = 0; i < records.size(); i ++){
UserRecord record = records.get(i);
if (isStartPositionClear || !isInTheStartRecord
|| record.getSubSequenceNumber() > startPos.getSubSequenceNumber()) // after the sub sequence number
if (!inRangePredicate.test(record)){
return status;
long remainingTime = receiver.apply(messageConverter.apply(record));
status.setLastPosition(Position.toString(record.getSequenceNumber(), record.getSubSequenceNumber(),
i == records.size() - 1));
if (remainingTime <= 0){
return status;
timeout = System.currentTimeMillis() + remainingTime;
// wait a while before next poll
shardIterator = getRecordsResult.getNextShardIterator();
}catch(InterruptedException e){
throw new DataStreamInfrastructureException("Interrupted while receiving from " + streamNameAndShardId() + " starting from " + startPosition, e);
}catch(DataStreamInfrastructureException e){
throw e;
}catch(Exception e){
throw new DataStreamInfrastructureException("Failed to receive from " + streamNameAndShardId() + " starting from " + startPosition, e);
return status;
public ReceiveStatus receive(Function receiver, String startPosition, String endPosition) throws DataStreamInfrastructureException {
return receive(receiver, startPosition, record->isInRange(record.getSequenceNumber(), endPosition));
public ReceiveStatus receive(Function receiver, Instant startEnqueuedTime, Instant endEnqueuedTime)
throws DataStreamInfrastructureException {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Receiving by startEnqueuedTime is not supported by Kinesis");
public ReceiveStatus receive(Function receiver, String startPosition, Instant endEnqueuedTime) throws DataStreamInfrastructureException {
return receive(receiver, startPosition, record->isInRange(record.getApproximateArrivalTimestamp().toInstant(), endEnqueuedTime));
public ReceiveStatus receive(Function receiver, Instant startEnqueuedTime, String endPosition) throws DataStreamInfrastructureException {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Receiving by startEnqueuedTime is not supported by Kinesis");
public void start() throws Exception {
public void stop() throws Exception {
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