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net.sf.jasperreports.engine.query.package-info Maven / Gradle / Ivy

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 * JasperReports - Free Java Reporting Library.
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 * Provides support for report queries and query executers. 

Report SQL Queries

* To fill a report, provide the reporting engine with the report data, or at least instruct it * how to get this data. *

* JasperReports normally expects to receive a * {@link net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRDataSource} object as the report data source, but * it has also been enhanced to work with JDBC so that it can retrieve data from relational * databases if required. *

* The library allows the report template to specify the SQL query for report data if this * data is located in relational databases. * The SQL query specified in the report template is taken into account and executed only if * a java.sql.Connection object is supplied instead of the normal * {@link net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRDataSource} object when filling the report. *

* This query can be introduced in the JRXML report template using the <queryString> * element. If present, this element comes after the report parameter declarations and before * the report fields. *

* Report parameters in the query string are important to further refine the data retrieved * from the database. These parameters can act as dynamic filters in the query that supplies * data for the report. Parameters are introduced using a special syntax, similar to the one * used in report expressions. *

* There are three possible ways to use parameters in the query, described below: *

  • $P{paramName} Syntax - the parameters are used like normal java.sql.PreparedStatement parameters
  • *
  • $P!{paramName} Syntax - the parameters are used to dynamically modify portions of the SQL * query or to pass the entire SQL query as a parameter to the report-filling routines. The * value supplied for those parameters replace the parameter references in the query, before * it is sent to the database server using a java.sql.PreparedStatement object.
  • *
  • $X{functionName, param1, param2,...} Syntax - There are also cases when a part of the query * needs to be dynamically built starting from a report parameter value, with the query part containing both * query text and bind parameters. This is the case, for instance, with IN and NOT IN * query clauses that need to use a collection report parameter as a list of values. Such complex query clauses are * introduced into the query using the $X{} syntax.
  • *
* In the majority of cases, the SQL query text placed inside a report template is a SELECT * statement. JasperReports uses a java.sql.PreparedStatement behind the scenes to * execute that SQL query through JDBC and retrieve a java.sql.ResultSet object to * use for report filling. However, the SQL query string might also contain stored procedure * calls. *

* Certain conditions must be met to put stored procedure calls in the SQL query string of a * report template: *

  • The stored procedure must return a java.sql.ResultSet when called through JDBC.
  • *
  • The stored procedure cannot have OUT parameters.
  • *

Query Executers

* Report data can be produced by specifying queries in languages other than SQL. Each query language * is associated a query executer factory implementation. JasperReports has built-in query executer * implementations for SQL, Hibernate 3, XPath, EJB-QL, CSV and Excel queries. *

* The query language is specified in JRXML using the language attribute of the * <queryString> tag. Using the API, the query language is set by * {@link setLanguage(String)}. The default language is SQL, thus ensuring * backward compatibility for report queries that do not specify a query language. *

* To register a query executer factory for a query language, one has to define a * JasperReports property named * {@link net.sf.jasperreports.engine.query.QueryExecuterFactory#QUERY_EXECUTER_FACTORY_PREFIX net.sf.jasperreports.query.executer.factory.<language>}. The same mechanism can be used to * override the built-in query executers for a query language, for instance to use a custom * query executer for SQL queries. *

* The API for query executers involves an executer factory interface, a query executer * interface, implementations of these interfaces, and {@link net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRDataSource} implementations. *

* {@link net.sf.jasperreports.engine.query.QueryExecuterFactory} is a factory interface used to query executers for a specific * language and to provide information regarding the connection parameters required by the * query executer to run the query. It has the following methods: *

  • public JRQueryExecuter createQueryExecuter(JasperReportsContext jasperReportsContext, JRDataset dataset, Map<String,? extends JRValueParameter> parameters) - * This method creates a query executer. The dataset includes the query string and the fields that * will be requested from the data source created by the query executer. The parameters map contains * parameter types and runtime values to be used for query parameters. This method usually sends the * dataset and parameters map to the created query executer.
  • *
  • public Object[] getBuiltinParameters() - This method returns parameters that will * be automatically registered with a report/dataset based on the query language. These parameters will * be used by query executers as the context/connection on which to execute the query. For instance, * the Hibernate query executer factory specifies a HIBERNATE_SESSION parameter of type * org.hibernate.Session whose value will be used by the query executer to run the query.
  • *
  • public boolean supportsQueryParameterType(String className) - This method is used on * report validation to determine whether a query parameter type (for a parameter specified in the query * using $P{..}) is supported by the query executer implementation.
  • *
* A {@link net.sf.jasperreports.engine.query.JRQueryExecuter} is responsible for running a query, creating a * data source out of the result, and closing the result. It includes these methods: *
  • public JRDataSource createDatasource() - This method processes and runs the query * and creates a data source out of the query result. Usually, the required data (query string and parameter * values) is made available to the query executer by the factory on creation.
  • *
  • public void close() - This method closes the query execution result and any other * resource associated with it. It is called after all data produced by the query executer has been fetched.
  • *
  • public boolean cancelQuery() - This method is called when the user decides to cancel * a report fill process. The implementation should check whether the query is * currently being executed and ask the underlying mechanism to abort the execution. * The method should return true if the query was being executed and the execution * was canceled. If execution abortion is not supported, the method will always return false.
  • *
* Query executer implementation can benefit from using * {@link net.sf.jasperreports.engine.query.JRAbstractQueryExecuter} as * a base. The abstract base provides query parameter processing functionality and other * utility methods. *

* In most cases, a query executer needs a new {@link net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRDataSource} * implementation to wrap its specific query results. Still, in some of the cases, query executers * can use existing {@link net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRDataSource} implementations. *

* Note that registering new query executer implementations by adding properties in the * file, as mentioned above, is only one way of registering * the executers. They can be registered in a more transparent way by using the * JasperReports extension support. One ore more query executer implementations can be * packaged in a query executer bundle that can be deployed as a single JAR file. This * approach obviates the need to modify existing application files. The query executer * extension point in JasperReports is represented by the * {@link net.sf.jasperreports.engine.query.QueryExecuterFactoryBundle} interface. *


SQL Query Executer

* The SQL query executer is a JDBC-based executer for SQL queries. *

* The SQL query executer factory does not register any parameter as the * {@link net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRParameter#REPORT_CONNECTION REPORT_CONNECTION} parameter * is kept in all reports for backward compatibility. The * SQL query executer uses this parameter to retrieve a java.sql.Connection object. * The query executer creates a {@link net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRResultSetDataSource} data source to wrap the JDBC * result set. *

* Aborting the currently running query is supported using * java.sql.PreparedStatement.cancel() when running a report asynchronously by using {@link net.sf.jasperreports.engine.fill.FillHandle#cancellFill()}. * Alternatively, the query timeout of the JDBC statement used by the query executer can be set to cancel the query after a certain amount of time by using the * {@link net.sf.jasperreports.engine.query.JRJdbcQueryExecuterFactory#PROPERTY_JDBC_QUERY_TIMEOUT net.sf.jasperreports.jdbc.query.timeout} configuration property * at the report level or globally. *

The fetch size of the JDBC statement used * by the query executer behind the scenes can be set using the * {@link net.sf.jasperreports.engine.query.JRJdbcQueryExecuterFactory#PROPERTY_JDBC_FETCH_SIZE net.sf.jasperreports.jdbc.fetch.size} configuration property at report level or * globally. *


XPath Query Executer

* The XPath query executer permits reports using XML data sources to specify the XPath * that produces the list of nodes/records as the report query. *

* The query executer factory registers a parameter named * {@link net.sf.jasperreports.engine.query.JRXPathQueryExecuterFactory#PARAMETER_XML_DATA_DOCUMENT XML_DATA_DOCUMENT} * of type org.w3c.dom.Document. The query executer will run the XPath query against this * document and produce a {@link} data source. *

* Parameters are supported in the XPath query. All parameters will be replaced in the * query string by their java.lang.String values. * This query executer recognizes four additional parameters that serve for localization * purposes when creating the {@link} instance: *

  • {@link net.sf.jasperreports.engine.query.JRXPathQueryExecuterFactory#XML_LOCALE XML_LOCALE}
  • *
  • {@link net.sf.jasperreports.engine.query.JRXPathQueryExecuterFactory#XML_NUMBER_PATTERN XML_NUMBER_PATTERN}
  • *
  • {@link net.sf.jasperreports.engine.query.JRXPathQueryExecuterFactory#XML_DATE_PATTERN XML_DATE_PATTERN}
  • *


Hibernate Query Executer

* JasperReports includes support for Hibernate 3 in the form of a query executer. This * allows users to specify in a report an HQL query that should be used to retrieve report * data. *

* For reports having an HQL query, the executor factory will automatically define a * parameter named {@link net.sf.jasperreports.engine.query.JRHibernateQueryExecuterFactory#PARAMETER_HIBERNATE_SESSION HIBERNATE_SESSION} * of type org.hibernate.Session. Its value will be used by the query executor to create the query. *

* Like SQL queries, HQL queries can embed two types of parameters: *

  • using $P{..} syntax - These parameters are used as named parameters of the Hibernate query.
  • *
  • using $P!{..} syntax - The java.lang.String value of the parameter is substituted * as-is in the query string before creating the Hibernate query. This type of parameter can be used to dynamically * specify query clauses/parts.
  • *
* The result of a Hibernate query can be obtained in several ways. The Hibernate query * executer chooses the way the query result will be produced based on a property named * {@link net.sf.jasperreports.engine.query.JRHibernateQueryExecuterFactory#PROPERTY_HIBERNATE_QUERY_RUN_TYPE}. The run type can be one of the following: *
  • list - The result is fetched using org.hibernate.Query.list(). The result * rows can be fetched all at once or in fixed-sized chunks. To enable paginated result row retrieval, * the {@link net.sf.jasperreports.engine.query.JRHibernateQueryExecuterFactory#PROPERTY_HIBERNATE_QUERY_LIST_PAGE_SIZE} * configuration property should have a positive value.
  • *
  • scroll - The result is fetched using org.hibernate.Query.scroll().
  • *
  • iterate - The result is fetched using org.hibernate.Query.iterate().
  • *
* The fetch size of the query can be set using the * {@link net.sf.jasperreports.engine.query.JRJdbcQueryExecuterFactory#PROPERTY_JDBC_FETCH_SIZE net.sf.jasperreports.jdbc.fetch.size} configuration property at report level or * globally. *

* However, when dealing with large amounts of data, using pagination is the most * common way to present the document content. In this case, it is necessary to clear * Hibernate's first-level cache after each page fetching, otherwise Hibernate will * eventually cause an OutOfMemory error. If the Hibernate's session cache is regularly * cleared, the memory trap can be avoided. Because flushing data and clearing the cache is * a time-consuming process, you should use it only if really huge datasets are involved. * This is why the {@link net.sf.jasperreports.engine.query.JRHibernateQueryExecuterFactory#PROPERTY_HIBERNATE_CLEAR_CACHE net.sf.jasperreports.hql.clear.cache} property was introduced. * Normally, it defaults to false. If set to true, the periodic Hibernate session cache * cleanup is performed after each page fetching. *

* A report/dataset field is mapped to a value from the Hibernate query result either by its * description or its name. By default, the program uses the report field name, but the report * field description property can be used instead if the * {@link net.sf.jasperreports.engine.query.JRHibernateQueryExecuterFactory#PROPERTY_HIBERNATE_FIELD_MAPPING_DESCRIPTIONS net.sf.jasperreports.hql.field.mapping.descriptions} configuration * property is set to true either in the report template or globally. *

* The mappings are similar to the ones used by JavaBeans data sources, except that select aliases are * used when queries return tuples instead of single objects. *


MDX Query Executer

* Reporting on OLAP data is supported in JasperReports via the MDX query executer and * a data source that use the Mondrian API's (this is why often we refer to this query * executer also as the Mondrian query executer). Users can create reports with MDX * queries and map report fields onto the OLAP result; the engine will execute the query via * Mondrian and pass the result to a data source implementation, which will be used to fill * the report. *

* The Mondrian query executer is registered by default for queries having MDX or mdx as * the language specified in the report template. One can use JasperReports configuration * properties to register additional or alternative query language to query executer mappings *

* The Mondrian query executer requires a single connection parameter named * {@link net.sf.jasperreports.olap.JRMondrianQueryExecuterFactory#PARAMETER_MONDRIAN_CONNECTION MONDRIAN_CONNECTION} * of type mondrian.olap.Connection. *

* MDX queries can contain placeholders for parameters of any type. When the query gets * executed, each parameter placeholder will be replaced in the query string by its * toString() value. Therefore, for MDX queries, $P{...} parameters are equivalent to * $P!{...} query fragments. *

* The Mondrian query executer passes the query result to a {@link net.sf.jasperreports.olap.JRMondrianDataSource}, which * will be used to iterate the result and map values from the result to the report fields. * The field mapping deals with mapping values from the OLAP result to the report fields. * As an OLAP result has a multidimensional and hierarchical structure while a * JasperReports data source has a tabular structure, mapping values to fields is not a trivial * task. *

* A special syntax is used to specify what value should be mapped to a field. The field * description is used to hold the mapping specification. *

* Using the mapping syntax, one can map two types of values from the OLAP result: *

  • Member values are names or properties of members of the result axes.
  • *
  • Data/measure values are cell values from the result.
  • *
* The Mondrian data source performs a traversal of the OLAP result by iterating the * members of the result axes. On every step, each field is checked for whether its mapping * matches the current position in the OLAP result. If so, the value is extracted from the * result and set to the field. *


XML/A Query Executer

* MDX queries can also be executed on remote OLAP data sources via the XML for * Analysis interface. This functionality is implemented in JasperReports as a query * executer. *

* Just like the Mondrian query executer presented in the previous section, the XML/A * query executer is also mapped by default to the MDX and mdx query languages, but the * Mondrian query executer takes precedence. *

* The dispatch between the two query executers that are mapped on the same query * language is done by a special query executer implementation. It is actually the * {@link net.sf.jasperreports.olap.JRMdxQueryExecuterFactory} class that is registered by default * with the MDX and mdx * query languages, and it delegates the creation of the query instances at runtime to either * the {@link net.sf.jasperreports.olap.JRMondrianQueryExecuterFactory} or the * {@link net.sf.jasperreports.olap.xmla.JRXmlaQueryExecuterFactory}, * depending on the specific parameter values that are passed in at report-filling time. * It first checks for the * {@link net.sf.jasperreports.olap.JRMondrianQueryExecuterFactory#PARAMETER_MONDRIAN_CONNECTION MONDRIAN_CONNECTION} * parameter, and if found, the Mondrian query executer takes over. If this parameter is not found, it * then checks for the {@link net.sf.jasperreports.olap.xmla.JRXmlaQueryExecuterFactory#PARAMETER_XMLA_URL PARAMETER_XMLA_URL} * to see if the XMLA query executer can be used. In fact, there are 3 possible connection parameters for the * XML/A query executer: *

  • XMLA_URL - a java.lang.String value representing the XMLA/SOAP service URL
  • *
  • XMLA_DATASOURCE - a java.lang.String value representing the information * required to connect to the OLAP data source
  • *
  • XMLA_CATALOG - a java.lang.String value representing name of the OLAP catalog to use
  • *
* The XMLA query executer creates a data source equivalent to the one created by the * Mondrian query executer, with a few minor exceptions. *

* This means that the result cube traversal and field mapping logic available for the * MDX query executer applies for the XMLA query executer as well. *

* The XMLA query executer lacks some of the functionality of the Mondrian query * executer, due to inherent limitations of the XML for Analysis standard. The missing * features are the following: *

  • Mapping report fields to custom member properties does not work with XML/A
  • *
  • For XMLA, it is not possible to produce a complete mondrian.olap.Member * object, hence this feature is not supported.
  • *
  • Parent member matching using the mondrian.olap.Member.getParent() method * does nor work via XML/A, since the parent member information is not present in the response.
  • *


EJB-QL/JPA Query Executer

* The EJB-QL report query executer adds support for reporting on EJB 3.0 persistent * entities data. For an EJB-QL query in a report, the query executer will use the EJB 3.0 * Java Persistence API to execute the query against an entity manager provided at runtime, * and use the query result as a data source for the report. *

* The built-in EJB-QL query executer is registered by default for queries having EJBQL or * ejbql as their language. This mapping can be changed by using JasperReports * properties. *

* The EJB-QL query executer contributes built-in parameters to the report:

  • The entity manager to be used for executing the query
  • *
  • An optional query hints map
  • *
* When the report template contains an EJB-QL query, one must provide a JPA entity * manager at runtime; the query executer will run the query using the supplied entity * manager. The entity manager is of type javax.persistence.EntityManager and * should be provided via the * {@link net.sf.jasperreports.engine.query.JRJpaQueryExecuterFactory#PARAMETER_JPA_ENTITY_MANAGER JPA_ENTITY_MANAGER} * built-in parameter: *
 *   Map parameters = new HashMap();
 *   javax.persistence.EntityManager entityManager = createEntityManager();
 *   parameters.put( JRJpaQueryExecuterFactory.PARAMETER_JPA_ENTITY_MANAGER, entityManager );
 *   JasperFillManager.fillReport(jasperReport, parameters);
* The means of getting hold of an entity manager depends on the particular EJB/JPA * environment and implementation. *

* An additional parameter named * {@link net.sf.jasperreports.engine.query.JRJpaQueryExecuterFactory#PARAMETER_JPA_QUERY_HINTS_MAP JPA_QUERY_HINTS_MAP} * allows you to specify query hints for running the query. The parameter value should be a map containing hint values * mapped to hint names. The hints are set using the *

* javax.persistence.Query.setHint(String hintName, Object value) method. *

* Hints can also be specified statically by using report properties. The query executer treats * any report property starting with * {@link net.sf.jasperreports.engine.query.JRJpaQueryExecuterFactory#PROPERTY_JPA_QUERY_HINT_PREFIX net.sf.jasperreports.ejbql.query.hint.<hintName>} as a hint by interpreting * the property suffix as the hint name and the property value as the hint value. Thus, if the * following property is present in the report: *

* <property name="net.sf.jasperreports.ejbql.query.hint.cacheType" value="Shared"/> *

* then the cacheType hint having Shared as value will be set when running the query. *

* Note that only hints that accept String values can be set using this mechanism. *

* A separate report property can be used to paginate the query result. This property can be * used for controlling the amount of Java heap space used by the query executer while * filling the report. The property can be set in the following manner: *

* <property name="" value="500"/> *

* The results of the query will be fetched in chunks containing 500 rows. *

* The pagination is achieved via the javax.persistence.Query.setMaxResults() * and setFirstResult() methods. Obviously, using pagination could result in * performance loss. Therefore enabling it is primarily recommended when the query * results are very large. *

* EJB-QL report queries can contain parameters of any type. At runtime, the value of the * parameter is directly set by using * javax.persistence.Query.setParameter(String name, Object value), with * no other processing. *

* The result of the query execution is sent to a * {@link} * data source implementation, which iterates * over it and extracts report field values. Fields are mapped to specific values in the query * result by specifying the mapping as field description or field name. * The JPA data source can handle two types of query results:

  • Queries returning a single entity/bean per row
  • *
  • Queries returning object tuples as rows
  • *
* When the query returns a single entity/bean per row, as in *

* SELECT m FROM Movie m *

* or *

* SELECT NEW MovieDescription(m.title, m.gender) FROM Movie m *

* then the field mappings are interpreted as bean property names. The same conventions as for * JavaBeans data sources are used. *

* When the query returns multiple objects per row, as in *

* SELECT m.title, m.gender FROM Movie m *

* then the fields are mapped using one of the following forms:

  • COLUMN_<index> - maps the field to a value specified by its position * in the resulting tuple. The positions start from 1.
  • *
  • COLUMN_<index>.<property> - maps the field to a property of a * value specified by its position in the resulting tuple.
  • *
* For instance, the following mappings could be used for a query returning multiple * objects per row: COLUMN_1, COLUMN_2, COLUMN_1.title, and * * *

Related Documentation

* JasperReports Tutorial * @see net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRDataSource * @see net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRResultSetDataSource * @see * @see * @see net.sf.jasperreports.olap.JRMdxQueryExecuterFactory * @see net.sf.jasperreports.olap.JRMondrianDataSource * @see net.sf.jasperreports.olap.JRMondrianQueryExecuterFactory * @see net.sf.jasperreports.olap.xmla.JRXmlaQueryExecuterFactory */ package net.sf.jasperreports.engine.query;

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