Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* JasperReports - Free Java Reporting Library.
* Copyright (C) 2001 - 2023 Cloud Software Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
* Unless you have purchased a commercial license agreement from Jaspersoft,
* the following license terms apply:
* This program is part of JasperReports.
* JasperReports is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* JasperReports is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
* along with JasperReports. If not, see .
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.UUID;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonIgnore;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonSetter;
import net.sf.jasperreports.crosstabs.JRCrosstab;
import net.sf.jasperreports.engine.DatasetPropertyExpression;
import net.sf.jasperreports.engine.DefaultJasperReportsContext;
import net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRBand;
import net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRConstants;
import net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRDataset;
import net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRException;
import net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRExpression;
import net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRExpressionCollector;
import net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRField;
import net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRGroup;
import net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JROrigin;
import net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRParameter;
import net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRReportTemplate;
import net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRScriptlet;
import net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRSection;
import net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRSortField;
import net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRStyle;
import net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRVariable;
import net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JasperReportsContext;
import net.sf.jasperreports.engine.base.JRBaseReport;
import net.sf.jasperreports.engine.type.BandTypeEnum;
import net.sf.jasperreports.engine.type.OrientationEnum;
import net.sf.jasperreports.engine.type.PrintOrderEnum;
import net.sf.jasperreports.engine.type.RunDirectionEnum;
import net.sf.jasperreports.engine.util.JRElementsVisitor;
import net.sf.jasperreports.engine.util.JRVisitorSupport;
* JasperDesign is used for in-memory representation of a report design.
* The class contains all report properties and report elements inherited from the
* {@link net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRReport} interface
* in their design time state.
* All its instances are subject to compilation before being used for filling and report
* generation. These instances are the raw material that the JasperReports library uses to generate
* reports. Such instances are usually obtained:
* - by parsing the JRXML report template files
* using the library's internal XML-parsing utility classes.
* - by applications that use JasperReports through API calls if
* working with JRXML files is not an option.
* The first option for creating report designs relies on editing the JRXML files and using them
* with the {@link net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JasperCompileManager} in order to prepare them
* for filling with data. Because they are well structured and are validated against a public
* XSD when parsed, these files can be easily edited using simple editors or specialized
* XML editors.
* The second option is recommended only in case the parent application that uses
* JasperReports inside the reporting module needs to create report templates at runtime. In
* most cases this is not needed because the report templates do not need to change with
* every report execution, and hence static report templates could be used. Only the data
* used to fill these static report templates is dynamic.
* However, there are cases when the actual report template is the result of some user input.
* The parent application might supply its users with a set of options when launching the
* reports that might take the form of some simplified report designer or wizard. In such
* cases, the actual report layout is not known or is not complete at design time, and can
* only be put together after the user's input is received.
* The most common use case scenario that requires dynamically built or ad hoc report
* templates (as we call them) is one in which the columns that are going to be present in a
* table-like report layout are not known at design time. Instead, the user will give the
* number of columns and their order inside the desired report at runtime.
* Developers have to make sure that the applications they create really need ad hoc reports
* and cannot rely solely on static report templates. Since dynamically built report
* templates have to be compiled on the fly at runtime, they can result in a certain loss of
* performance.
* @see net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRReport
* @see net.sf.jasperreports.engine.base.JRBaseReport
* @see net.sf.jasperreports.engine.xml.JRXmlLoader
* @author Teodor Danciu ([email protected])
public class JasperDesign extends JRBaseReport
private static final long serialVersionUID = JRConstants.SERIAL_VERSION_UID;
public static final String EXCEPTION_MESSAGE_KEY_DUPLICATE_DATASET = "design.duplicate.dataset";
public static final String PROPERTY_BACKGROUND = "background";
public static final String PROPERTY_BOTTOM_MARGIN = "bottomMargin";
public static final String PROPERTY_COLUMN_COUNT = "columnCount";
public static final String PROPERTY_COLUMN_FOOTER = "columnFooter";
public static final String PROPERTY_COLUMN_HEADER = "columnHeader";
public static final String PROPERTY_COLUMN_SPACING = "columnSpacing";
public static final String PROPERTY_COLUMN_WIDTH = "columnWidth";
public static final String PROPERTY_DATASETS = "datasets";
public static final String PROPERTY_DEFAULT_FONT = "defaultFont";
public static final String PROPERTY_DEFAULT_STLYE = "defaultStyle";
public static final String PROPERTY_DETAIL = "detail";
public static final String PROPERTY_FLOAT_COLUMN_FOOTER = "isFloatColumnFooter";
public static final String PROPERTY_FONTS = "fonts";
public static final String PROPERTY_FORMAT_FACTORY_CLASS = "formatFactoryClass";
public static final String PROPERTY_IGNORE_PAGINATION = "isIgnorePagination";
public static final String PROPERTY_IMPORTS = "imports";
public static final String PROPERTY_LANGUAGE = "language";
public static final String PROPERTY_LAST_PAGE_FOOTER = "lastPageFooter";
public static final String PROPERTY_LEFT_MARGIN = "leftMargin";
public static final String PROPERTY_MAIN_DATASET = "mainDataset";
public static final String PROPERTY_NAME = "name";
public static final String PROPERTY_NO_DATA = "noData";
public static final String PROPERTY_ORIENTATION = "orientation";
public static final String PROPERTY_PAGE_FOOTER = "pageFooter";
public static final String PROPERTY_PAGE_HEADER = "pageHeader";
public static final String PROPERTY_PAGE_HEIGHT = "pageHeight";
public static final String PROPERTY_PAGE_WIDTH = "pageWidth";
public static final String PROPERTY_PRINT_ORDER = "printOrder";
public static final String PROPERTY_COLUMN_DIRECTION = "columnDirection";
public static final String PROPERTY_RIGHT_MARGIN = "rightMargin";
public static final String PROPERTY_STYLES = "styles";
public static final String PROPERTY_SUMMARY = "summary";
public static final String PROPERTY_SUMMARY_NEW_PAGE = "isSummaryNewPage";
public static final String PROPERTY_SUMMARY_WITH_PAGE_HEADER_AND_FOOTER = "isSummaryWithPageHeaderAndFooter";
public static final String PROPERTY_TEMPLATES = "templates";
public static final String PROPERTY_TITLE = "title";
public static final String PROPERTY_TITLE_NEW_PAGE = "isTitleNewPage";
public static final String PROPERTY_TOP_MARGIN = "topMargin";
* Report templates.
private List templateList = new ArrayList<>();
private Map stylesMap = new HashMap<>();
private List stylesList = new ArrayList<>();
* Main report dataset.
private JRDesignDataset mainDesignDataset;
* Report sub datasets indexed by name.
private Map datasetMap = new HashMap<>();
private List datasetList = new ArrayList<>();
* Constructs a JasperDesign object and fills it with the default variables and parameters.
public JasperDesign()
public JasperDesign(JasperReportsContext context)
setMainDataset(new JRDesignDataset(context, true));
detailSection = new JRDesignSection(new JROrigin(BandTypeEnum.DETAIL));
* Sets the report name. It is strongly recommended that the report name matches the .jrxml file name, since report compilers
* usually use this name for the compiled .jasper file.
public void setName(String name)
Object old =; = name;
getEventSupport().firePropertyChange(PROPERTY_NAME, old,;
* Specifies the language used for report expressions (Java or Groovy). The default is Java.
public void setLanguage(String language)
Object old = this.language;
this.language = language;
getEventSupport().firePropertyChange(PROPERTY_LANGUAGE, old, this.language);
* Specifies the number of report columns.
public void setColumnCount(Integer columnCount)
Integer old = this.columnCount;
this.columnCount = columnCount;
getEventSupport().firePropertyChange(PROPERTY_COLUMN_COUNT, old, this.columnCount);
* Sets the print order. In case of multiple column reports, the engine can perform vertical or horizontal fill.
* @see net.sf.jasperreports.engine.type.PrintOrderEnum VERTICAL,
* @see net.sf.jasperreports.engine.type.PrintOrderEnum HORIZONTAL
public void setPrintOrder(PrintOrderEnum printOrder)
Object old = this.printOrder;
this.printOrder = printOrder;
getEventSupport().firePropertyChange(PROPERTY_PRINT_ORDER, old, this.printOrder);
* Sets the column direction.
public void setColumnDirection(RunDirectionEnum columnDirection)
Object old = this.columnDirection;
this.columnDirection = columnDirection;
getEventSupport().firePropertyChange(PROPERTY_COLUMN_DIRECTION, old, this.columnDirection);
* Sets page width (including margins etc.). Default is 595.
public void setPageWidth(int pageWidth)
int old = this.pageWidth;
this.pageWidth = pageWidth;
getEventSupport().firePropertyChange(PROPERTY_PAGE_WIDTH, old, this.pageWidth);
* Sets page height (including margins etc.). Default is 842.
public void setPageHeight(int pageHeight)
int old = this.pageHeight;
this.pageHeight = pageHeight;
getEventSupport().firePropertyChange(PROPERTY_PAGE_HEIGHT, old, this.pageHeight);
* Sets the report orientation.
* @see net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRReport ORIENTATION_PORTRAIT,
* @see net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRReport ORIENTATION_LANDSCAPE
public void setOrientation(OrientationEnum orientation)
Object old = this.orientation;
this.orientation = orientation;
getEventSupport().firePropertyChange(PROPERTY_ORIENTATION, old, this.orientation);
* Sets the column width.
public void setColumnWidth(int columnWidth)
int old = this.columnWidth;
this.columnWidth = columnWidth;
getEventSupport().firePropertyChange(PROPERTY_COLUMN_WIDTH, old, this.columnWidth);
* Sets the spacing between columns.
public void setColumnSpacing(int columnSpacing)
int old = this.columnSpacing;
this.columnSpacing = columnSpacing;
getEventSupport().firePropertyChange(PROPERTY_COLUMN_SPACING, old, this.columnSpacing);
* Sets the left margin. The working space is calculated by subtracting the margins from the page width.
public void setLeftMargin(int leftMargin)
int old = this.leftMargin;
this.leftMargin = leftMargin;
getEventSupport().firePropertyChange(PROPERTY_LEFT_MARGIN, old, this.leftMargin);
* Sets the right margin. The working space is calculated by subtracting the margins from the page width.
public void setRightMargin(int rightMargin)
int old = this.rightMargin;
this.rightMargin = rightMargin;
getEventSupport().firePropertyChange(PROPERTY_RIGHT_MARGIN, old, this.rightMargin);
* Sets the top margin. The working space is calculated by subtracting the margins from the page height.
public void setTopMargin(int topMargin)
int old = this.topMargin;
this.topMargin = topMargin;
getEventSupport().firePropertyChange(PROPERTY_TOP_MARGIN, old, this.topMargin);
* Sets the top margin. The working space is calculated by subtracting the margins from the page height.
public void setBottomMargin(int bottomMargin)
int old = this.bottomMargin;
this.bottomMargin = bottomMargin;
getEventSupport().firePropertyChange(PROPERTY_BOTTOM_MARGIN, old, this.bottomMargin);
* Sets the background band.
public void setBackground(JRBand background)
Object old = this.background;
this.background = background;
setBandOrigin(this.background, BandTypeEnum.BACKGROUND);
getEventSupport().firePropertyChange(PROPERTY_BACKGROUND, old, this.background);
* Sets the title band.
public void setTitle(JRBand title)
Object old = this.title;
this.title = title;
setBandOrigin(this.title, BandTypeEnum.TITLE);
getEventSupport().firePropertyChange(PROPERTY_TITLE, old, this.title);
* Flag used to specify if the title section should be printed on a separate initial page.
* @param isTitleNewPage true if the title section should be displayed on a separate initial page, false if
* it will be displayed on the first page along with other sections.
public void setTitleNewPage(boolean isTitleNewPage)
boolean old = this.isTitleNewPage;
this.isTitleNewPage = isTitleNewPage;
getEventSupport().firePropertyChange(PROPERTY_TITLE_NEW_PAGE, old, this.isTitleNewPage);
* Sets the summary band.
public void setSummary(JRBand summary)
Object old = this.summary;
this.summary = summary;
setBandOrigin(this.summary, BandTypeEnum.SUMMARY);
getEventSupport().firePropertyChange(PROPERTY_SUMMARY, old, this.summary);
* Sets the noData band.
public void setNoData(JRBand noData)
Object old = this.noData;
this.noData = noData;
setBandOrigin(this.noData, BandTypeEnum.NO_DATA);
getEventSupport().firePropertyChange(PROPERTY_NO_DATA, old, this.noData);
* Flag used to specify if the summary section should be printed on a separate last page.
* @param isSummaryNewPage true if the summary section should be displayed on a separate last page, false if
* it will be displayed on the last page along with other sections, if there is enough space.
public void setSummaryNewPage(boolean isSummaryNewPage)
boolean old = this.isSummaryNewPage;
this.isSummaryNewPage = isSummaryNewPage;
getEventSupport().firePropertyChange(PROPERTY_SUMMARY_NEW_PAGE, old, this.isSummaryNewPage);
* Flag used to specify if the summary section should be accompanied by the page header and footer.
* @param isSummaryWithPageHeaderAndFooter true if the summary section should be displayed on pages that have the page header and footer,
* false if it will be displayed on pages without header and footer.
public void setSummaryWithPageHeaderAndFooter(boolean isSummaryWithPageHeaderAndFooter)
boolean old = this.isSummaryWithPageHeaderAndFooter;
this.isSummaryWithPageHeaderAndFooter = isSummaryWithPageHeaderAndFooter;
getEventSupport().firePropertyChange(PROPERTY_SUMMARY_WITH_PAGE_HEADER_AND_FOOTER, old, this.isSummaryWithPageHeaderAndFooter);
* Flag used to specify if the column footer section should be printed at the bottom of the column or if it
* should immediately follow the last detail or group footer printed on the current column.
public void setFloatColumnFooter(boolean isFloatColumnFooter)
boolean old = this.isFloatColumnFooter;
this.isFloatColumnFooter = isFloatColumnFooter;
getEventSupport().firePropertyChange(PROPERTY_FLOAT_COLUMN_FOOTER, old, this.isFloatColumnFooter);
* Sets the page header band.
public void setPageHeader(JRBand pageHeader)
Object old = this.pageHeader;
this.pageHeader = pageHeader;
setBandOrigin(this.pageHeader, BandTypeEnum.PAGE_HEADER);
getEventSupport().firePropertyChange(PROPERTY_PAGE_HEADER, old, this.pageHeader);
* Sets the page footer band.
public void setPageFooter(JRBand pageFooter)
Object old = this.pageFooter;
this.pageFooter = pageFooter;
setBandOrigin(this.pageFooter, BandTypeEnum.PAGE_FOOTER);
getEventSupport().firePropertyChange(PROPERTY_PAGE_FOOTER, old, this.pageFooter);
* Sets the last page footer band.
public void setLastPageFooter(JRBand lastPageFooter)
Object old = this.lastPageFooter;
this.lastPageFooter = lastPageFooter;
setBandOrigin(this.lastPageFooter, BandTypeEnum.LAST_PAGE_FOOTER);
getEventSupport().firePropertyChange(PROPERTY_LAST_PAGE_FOOTER, old, this.lastPageFooter);
* Sets the column header band.
public void setColumnHeader(JRBand columnHeader)
Object old = this.columnHeader;
this.columnHeader = columnHeader;
setBandOrigin(this.columnHeader, BandTypeEnum.COLUMN_HEADER);
getEventSupport().firePropertyChange(PROPERTY_COLUMN_HEADER, old, this.columnHeader);
* Sets the column footer band.
public void setColumnFooter(JRBand columnFooter)
Object old = this.columnFooter;
this.columnFooter = columnFooter;
setBandOrigin(this.columnFooter, BandTypeEnum.COLUMN_FOOTER);
getEventSupport().firePropertyChange(PROPERTY_COLUMN_FOOTER, old, this.columnFooter);
public void setScriptletClass(String scriptletClass)
public void setFormatFactoryClass(String formatFactoryClass)
Object old = this.formatFactoryClass;
this.formatFactoryClass = formatFactoryClass;
getEventSupport().firePropertyChange(PROPERTY_FORMAT_FACTORY_CLASS, old, this.formatFactoryClass);
* Sets the base name of the report associated resource bundle.
public void setResourceBundle(String resourceBundle)
* Adds an import (needed if report expression require additional classes in order to compile).
public void addImport(String value)
if (importsSet == null)
importsSet = new HashSet();//FIXME maintain order
if (importsSet.add(value))
getEventSupport().fireCollectionElementAddedEvent(PROPERTY_IMPORTS, value, importsSet.size() - 1);
private void setImports(List imports)
if (imports != null)
for (String imp : imports)
* Removes an import.
public void removeImport(String value)
if (importsSet != null)
if (importsSet.remove(value))
getEventSupport().fireCollectionElementRemovedEvent(PROPERTY_IMPORTS, value, -1);
public void resetDefaultStyle()
for (int i = stylesList.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--)
JRStyle style = stylesList.get(i);
if (style.isDefault())
public void setDefaultStyle(JRStyle style)
Object old = this.defaultStyle;
this.defaultStyle = style;
getEventSupport().firePropertyChange(PROPERTY_DEFAULT_STLYE, old, this.defaultStyle);
* Gets an array of report level styles. These styles can be referenced by report elements.
public JRStyle[] getStyles()
JRStyle[] stylesArray = new JRStyle[stylesList.size()];
return stylesArray;
* Gets a list of report level styles. These styles can be referenced by report elements.
public List getStylesList()
return stylesList;
private void setStyles(List styles) throws JRException
if (styles != null)
for (JRStyle style : styles)
public Map getStylesMap()
return stylesMap;
* Adds a report style, that can be referenced by report elements.
public void addStyle(JRStyle style) throws JRException
addStyle(stylesList.size(), style);
* Inserts a report style, that can be referenced by report elements, at specified position.
public void addStyle(int index, JRStyle style) throws JRException
if (stylesMap.containsKey(style.getName()))
new JRException(
new Object[]{style.getName()});
stylesList.add(index, style);
stylesMap.put(style.getName(), style);
if (style.isDefault())
getEventSupport().fireCollectionElementAddedEvent(PROPERTY_STYLES, style, index);
* Removes a report style from the list, based on the style name.
public JRStyle removeStyle(String styleName)
return removeStyle(stylesMap.get(styleName));
* Removes a report style from the list.
public JRStyle removeStyle(JRStyle style)
if (style != null)
if (style.isDefault())
int idx = stylesList.indexOf(style);
if (idx >= 0)
getEventSupport().fireCollectionElementRemovedEvent(PROPERTY_STYLES, style, idx);
return style;
* Gets a list of report scriptlets (excluding the one specified by scriptletClass).
public List getScriptletsList()
return mainDesignDataset.getScriptletsList();
private void setScriptlets(List scriptlets)
* Gets a map of report scriptlets (excluding the one specified by scriptletClass).
public Map getScriptletsMap()
return mainDesignDataset.getScriptletsMap();
* Adds a report scriplet.
public void addScriptlet(JRScriptlet scriptlet) throws JRException
* Removes a report scriptlet, based on its name.
public JRScriptlet removeScriptlet(String scriptletName)
return mainDesignDataset.removeScriptlet(scriptletName);
private void setPropertyExpressions(List properties) throws JRException
public void addPropertyExpression(DatasetPropertyExpression propertyExpression)
public void removePropertyExpression(DatasetPropertyExpression propertyExpression)
public DatasetPropertyExpression removePropertyExpression(String name)
return mainDesignDataset.removePropertyExpression(name);
public List getPropertyExpressionsList()
return mainDesignDataset.getPropertyExpressionsList();
* Removes a report scriptlet.
public JRScriptlet removeScriptlet(JRScriptlet scriptlet)
return mainDesignDataset.removeScriptlet(scriptlet);
* Gets a list of report parameters (including built-in ones).
public List getParametersList()
return mainDesignDataset.getParametersList();
private void setParameters(List parameters) throws JRException
* Gets a map of report parameters (including built-in ones).
public Map getParametersMap()
return mainDesignDataset.getParametersMap();
* Adds a report parameter.
public void addParameter(JRParameter parameter) throws JRException
* Removes a report parameter, based on its name.
public JRParameter removeParameter(String parameterName)
return mainDesignDataset.removeParameter(parameterName);
* Removes a report parameter.
public JRParameter removeParameter(JRParameter parameter)
return mainDesignDataset.removeParameter(parameter);
* Specifies the report query.
public void setQuery(JRDesignQuery query)
* Gets a list of report fields.
public List getFieldsList()
return mainDesignDataset.getFieldsList();
private void setFields(List fields) throws JRException
* Gets a map of report fields.
public Map getFieldsMap()
return mainDesignDataset.getFieldsMap();
public void addField(JRField field) throws JRException
public JRField removeField(String fieldName)
return mainDesignDataset.removeField(fieldName);
public JRField removeField(JRField field)
return mainDesignDataset.removeField(field);
* Gets a list of sort report fields.
public List getSortFieldsList()
return mainDesignDataset.getSortFieldsList();
private void setSortFields(List sortFields) throws JRException
public void addSortField(JRSortField sortField) throws JRException
public JRSortField removeSortField(JRSortField sortField)
return mainDesignDataset.removeSortField(sortField);
* Gets a list of report variables.
public List getVariablesList()
return mainDesignDataset.getVariablesList();
private void setVariables(List variables) throws JRException
* Gets a map of report variables.
public Map getVariablesMap()
return mainDesignDataset.getVariablesMap();
public void addVariable(JRDesignVariable variable) throws JRException
public JRVariable removeVariable(String variableName)
return mainDesignDataset.removeVariable(variableName);
public JRVariable removeVariable(JRVariable variable)
return mainDesignDataset.removeVariable(variable);
* Gets an array of report groups.
public List getGroupsList()
return mainDesignDataset.getGroupsList();
private void setGroups(List groups) throws JRException
* Gets a list of report groups.
public Map getGroupsMap()
return mainDesignDataset.getGroupsMap();
* Gets a map of report groups.
public void addGroup(JRDesignGroup group) throws JRException
* Removes a new group from the report design.
public JRGroup removeGroup(String groupName)
return mainDesignDataset.removeGroup(groupName);
public JRGroup removeGroup(JRGroup group)
return mainDesignDataset.removeGroup(group);
* Returns a collection of all report expressions.
public Collection getExpressions()
return JRExpressionCollector.collectExpressions(DefaultJasperReportsContext.getInstance(), this);
public JRDataset[] getDatasets()
JRDataset[] datasetArray = new JRDataset[datasetList.size()];
return datasetArray;
private void setDatasets(List datasets) throws JRException
if (datasets != null)
for (JRDesignDataset dataset : datasets)
* Returns the list of report sub datasets.
* @return list of {@link JRDesignDataset JRDesignDataset} objects
public List getDatasetsList()
return datasetList;
* Returns the sub datasets of the report indexed by name.
* @return the sub datasets of the report indexed by name
public Map getDatasetMap()
return datasetMap;
* Adds a sub dataset to the report.
* @param dataset the dataset
* @throws JRException
public void addDataset(JRDesignDataset dataset) throws JRException
addDataset(datasetList.size(), dataset);
* Inserts a sub dataset at specified position into the report.
* @param index the position
* @param dataset the dataset
* @throws JRException
public void addDataset(int index, JRDesignDataset dataset) throws JRException
if (datasetMap.containsKey(dataset.getName()))
new JRException(
new Object[]{dataset.getName()});
datasetList.add(index, dataset);
datasetMap.put(dataset.getName(), dataset);
getEventSupport().fireCollectionElementAddedEvent(PROPERTY_DATASETS, dataset, index);
* Removes a sub dataset from the report.
* @param datasetName the dataset name
* @return the removed dataset
public JRDataset removeDataset(String datasetName)
return removeDataset(datasetMap.get(datasetName));
* Removes a sub dataset from the report.
* @param dataset the dataset to be removed
* @return the dataset
public JRDataset removeDataset(JRDataset dataset)
if (dataset != null)
int idx = datasetList.indexOf(dataset);
if (idx >= 0)
getEventSupport().fireCollectionElementRemovedEvent(PROPERTY_DATASETS, dataset, idx);
return dataset;
* Returns the main report dataset.
* @return the main report dataset
public JRDesignDataset getMainDesignDataset()
return mainDesignDataset;
* Sets the main report dataset.
* This method can be used as an alternative to setting the parameters, fields, etc directly on the report.
* @param dataset the dataset
public void setMainDataset(JRDesignDataset dataset)
Object old = this.background;
this.mainDataset = this.mainDesignDataset = dataset;
this.mainDesignDataset.getEventSupport().addPropertyChangeListener(new PropagationChangeListener(getEventSupport()));
getEventSupport().firePropertyChange(PROPERTY_MAIN_DATASET, old, this.mainDataset);
* Performs preliminary processing and calculations prior to compilation.
public void preprocess()
for (Iterator it = getCrosstabs().iterator(); it.hasNext();)
JRDesignCrosstab crosstab = (JRDesignCrosstab);
protected List getCrosstabs()
final List crosstabs = new ArrayList<>();
JRElementsVisitor.visitReport(this, new JRVisitorSupport()
public void visitCrosstab(JRCrosstab crosstab)
return crosstabs;
* Sets the value of the ignore pagination flag.
* @param ignorePagination whether to ignore pagination when generating the report
* @see net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRReport#isIgnorePagination()
public void setIgnorePagination(boolean ignorePagination)
boolean old = this.ignorePagination;
this.ignorePagination = ignorePagination;
getEventSupport().firePropertyChange(PROPERTY_IGNORE_PAGINATION, old, this.ignorePagination);
* Returns the main dataset filter expression.
* @return the main dataset filter expression
* @see JRDataset#getFilterExpression()
public JRExpression getFilterExpression()
return mainDesignDataset.getFilterExpression();
* Sets the main dataset filter expression.
* @param expression the boolean expression to use as main dataset filter expression
* @see JRDesignDataset#setFilterExpression(JRExpression)
* @see JRDataset#getFilterExpression()
public void setFilterExpression(JRExpression expression)
* Adds a report template.
* @param template the template to add.
* @see #getTemplates()
public void addTemplate(JRReportTemplate template)
addTemplate(templateList.size(), template);
* Inserts a report template at specified position.
* @param index the template position.
* @param template the template to insert.
* @see #getTemplates()
public void addTemplate(int index, JRReportTemplate template)
templateList.add(index, template);
getEventSupport().fireCollectionElementAddedEvent(PROPERTY_TEMPLATES, template, index);
* Removes a report template.
* @param template the template to remove
* @return true
if and only if the template has been found and removed
public boolean removeTemplate(JRReportTemplate template)
int idx = templateList.indexOf(template);
if (idx >= 0)
getEventSupport().fireCollectionElementRemovedEvent(PROPERTY_TEMPLATES, template, idx);
return true;
return false;
public JRReportTemplate[] getTemplates()
return templateList.toArray(new JRReportTemplate[templateList.size()]);
* Returns the list of report templates defined in the report.
* @return the list of {@link JRReportTemplate} objects for the report
* @see #getTemplates()
* @see #addTemplate(JRReportTemplate)
public List getTemplatesList()
return templateList;
private void setTemplates(List templates)
if (templates != null)
for (JRReportTemplate template : templates)
protected void setBandOrigin(JRBand band, BandTypeEnum type)
if (band instanceof JRDesignBand)
JROrigin origin = new JROrigin(type);
((JRDesignBand) band).setOrigin(origin);
protected void setSectionOrigin(JRSection section, BandTypeEnum type)
if (section instanceof JRDesignSection)
JROrigin origin = new JROrigin(type);
((JRDesignSection) section).setOrigin(origin);
* Sets the unique identifier for the report.
* @param uuid the identifier
public void setUUID(UUID uuid)
* Determines whether the report has an existing unique identifier.
* Note that when no existing identifier is set, {@link #getUUID()} would generate and return
* an identifier.
* @return whether the report has an externally set unique identifier
* @see #setUUID(UUID)
public boolean hasUUID()
return mainDesignDataset.hasUUID();