net.sf.javagimmicks.swing.builder.PanelBuilder Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package net.sf.javagimmicks.swing.builder;
import java.awt.BorderLayout;
import java.awt.FlowLayout;
import java.awt.GridBagLayout;
import java.awt.GridLayout;
import java.awt.LayoutManager;
import javax.swing.Action;
import javax.swing.BoxLayout;
import javax.swing.JButton;
import javax.swing.JComponent;
import javax.swing.JPanel;
* A builder for setting up any {@link JPanel} with a fluent API.
* @param
* the type of the parent {@link PanelBuilder} that created this
* {@link PanelBuilder}
public class PanelBuilder> extends ComponentBuilder
PanelBuilder(final Parent parentBuilder, final JPanel panel)
super(parentBuilder, panel);
* Adds a new child {@link JPanel} within the currently built {@link JPanel}
* and returns the {@link PanelBuilder} for it.
* @return the {@link PanelBuilder} for the created child {@link JPanel}
public PanelBuilder> panel()
return new PanelBuilder>(this, new JPanel());
* Adds a new child {@link JPanel} within the currently built {@link JPanel}
* and returns the {@link PanelBuilder} for it.
* @param layoutManager
* the {@link LayoutManager} to apply in the created child
* {@link JPanel}
* @return the {@link PanelBuilder} for the created child {@link JPanel}
public PanelBuilder> panel(final LayoutManager layoutManager)
return new PanelBuilder>(this, new JPanel(layoutManager));
* Applies the given {@link LayoutManager} to the currently built
* {@link JPanel}.
* @param layoutManager
* the {@link LayoutManager} to apply
* @return the current builder instance
* @see JPanel#setLayout(LayoutManager)
public PanelBuilder layout(final LayoutManager layoutManager)
return this;
* Applies a new {@link BorderLayout} to the currently built {@link JPanel}.
* @return the current builder instance
* @see JPanel#setLayout(LayoutManager)
* @see BorderLayout#BorderLayout()
public PanelBuilder borderLayout()
return layout(new BorderLayout());
* Applies a new {@link BorderLayout} to the currently built {@link JPanel}.
* @param hgap
* the horizontal gap for the new {@link BorderLayout}
* @param vgap
* the vertical gap for the new {@link BorderLayout}
* @return the current builder instance
* @see JPanel#setLayout(LayoutManager)
* @see BorderLayout#BorderLayout(int, int)
public PanelBuilder borderLayout(final int hgap, final int vgap)
return layout(new BorderLayout(hgap, vgap));
* Applies a new {@link BoxLayout} to the currently built {@link JPanel}.
* @param axis
* the axis settings to apply on the new {@link BoxLayout}
* @return the current builder instance
* @see JPanel#setLayout(LayoutManager)
* @see BoxLayout#BoxLayout(java.awt.Container, int)
public PanelBuilder boxLayout(final int axis)
return layout(new BoxLayout(get(), axis));
* Applies a new {@link BoxLayout} in {@link BoxLayout#X_AXIS} mode to the
* currently built {@link JPanel}.
* @return the current builder instance
* @see JPanel#setLayout(LayoutManager)
* @see BoxLayout#BoxLayout(java.awt.Container, int)
* @see BoxLayout#X_AXIS
public PanelBuilder boxLayoutX()
return layout(new BoxLayout(get(), BoxLayout.X_AXIS));
* Applies a new {@link BoxLayout} in {@link BoxLayout#Y_AXIS} mode to the
* currently built {@link JPanel}.
* @return the current builder instance
* @see JPanel#setLayout(LayoutManager)
* @see BoxLayout#BoxLayout(java.awt.Container, int)
* @see BoxLayout#Y_AXIS
public PanelBuilder boxLayoutY()
return layout(new BoxLayout(get(), BoxLayout.Y_AXIS));
* Applies a new {@link BoxLayout} in {@link BoxLayout#LINE_AXIS} mode to the
* currently built {@link JPanel}.
* @return the current builder instance
* @see JPanel#setLayout(LayoutManager)
* @see BoxLayout#BoxLayout(java.awt.Container, int)
* @see BoxLayout#LINE_AXIS
public PanelBuilder boxLayoutLine()
return layout(new BoxLayout(get(), BoxLayout.LINE_AXIS));
* Applies a new {@link BoxLayout} in {@link BoxLayout#PAGE_AXIS} mode to the
* currently built {@link JPanel}.
* @return the current builder instance
* @see JPanel#setLayout(LayoutManager)
* @see BoxLayout#BoxLayout(java.awt.Container, int)
* @see BoxLayout#PAGE_AXIS
public PanelBuilder boxLayoutPage()
return layout(new BoxLayout(get(), BoxLayout.PAGE_AXIS));
* Applies a new {@link FlowLayout} to the currently built {@link JPanel}.
* @return the current builder instance
* @see JPanel#setLayout(LayoutManager)
* @see FlowLayout#FlowLayout()
public PanelBuilder flowLayout()
return layout(new FlowLayout());
* Applies a new {@link FlowLayout} to the currently built {@link JPanel}.
* @param align
* the alignment for the new {@link FlowLayout}
* @return the current builder instance
* @see JPanel#setLayout(LayoutManager)
* @see FlowLayout#FlowLayout(int)
public PanelBuilder flowLayout(final int align)
return layout(new FlowLayout(align));
* Applies a new {@link FlowLayout} to the currently built {@link JPanel}.
* @param align
* the alignment for the new {@link FlowLayout}
* @param hgap
* the horizontal gap for the new {@link FlowLayout}
* @param vgap
* the vertical gap for the new {@link FlowLayout}
* @return the current builder instance
* @see JPanel#setLayout(LayoutManager)
* @see FlowLayout#FlowLayout(int, int, int)
public PanelBuilder flowLayout(final int align, final int hgap, final int vgap)
return layout(new FlowLayout(align, hgap, vgap));
* Applies a new {@link GridBagLayout} to the currently built {@link JPanel}.
* @return the current builder instance
* @see JPanel#setLayout(LayoutManager)
* @see GridBagLayout#GridBagLayout()
public PanelBuilder gridBagLayout()
return layout(new GridBagLayout());
* Applies a new {@link GridLayout} to the currently built {@link JPanel}.
* @return the current builder instance
* @see JPanel#setLayout(LayoutManager)
* @see GridLayout#GridLayout()
public PanelBuilder gridLayout()
return layout(new GridLayout());
* Applies a new {@link GridLayout} to the currently built {@link JPanel}.
* @param rows
* the number of rows for the new {@link GridLayout}
* @param cols
* the number of columns for the new {@link GridLayout}
* @return the current builder instance
* @see JPanel#setLayout(LayoutManager)
* @see GridLayout#GridLayout(int, int)
public PanelBuilder gridLayout(final int rows, final int cols)
return layout(new GridLayout(rows, cols));
* Applies a new {@link GridLayout} to the currently built {@link JPanel}.
* @param rows
* the number of rows for the new {@link GridLayout}
* @param cols
* the number of columns for the new {@link GridLayout}
* @param hgap
* the horizontal gap for the new {@link GridLayout}
* @param vgap
* the vertical gap for the new {@link GridLayout}
* @return the current builder instance
* @see JPanel#setLayout(LayoutManager)
* @see GridLayout#GridLayout(int, int)
public PanelBuilder gridLayout(final int rows, final int cols, final int hgap, final int vgap)
return layout(new GridLayout(rows, cols, hgap, vgap));
* Adds a new given {@link JComponent} to the currently built {@link JPanel}
* and returns a {@link ComponentBuilder} for it.
* @param component
* the {@link JComponent} to add
* @param
* the concrete type of the {@link JComponent} to add
* @return the {@link ComponentBuilder} for the added {@link JComponent}
* @see JPanel#add(java.awt.Component)
public ComponentBuilder> component(
final Component component)
return new ComponentBuilder>(this, component);
* Adds a new given {@link JComponent} to the currently built {@link JPanel}
* and returns a {@link ComponentBuilder} for it.
* @param component
* the {@link JComponent} to add
* @param constraints
* the constraints to apply upon adding
* @param
* the concrete type of the {@link JComponent} to add
* @return the {@link ComponentBuilder} for the added {@link JComponent}
* @see JPanel#add(java.awt.Component, Object)
public ComponentBuilder> component(
final Component component,
final Object constraints)
get().add(component, constraints);
return new ComponentBuilder>(this, component);
* Adds a new given {@link JComponent} to the currently built {@link JPanel}
* and returns a {@link ComponentBuilder} for it.
* @param component
* the {@link JComponent} to add
* @param constraints
* the constraints to apply upon adding
* @param index
* the index where to add the new {@link JComponent} within the
* current {@link JPanel}
* @param
* the concrete type of the {@link JComponent} to add
* @return the {@link ComponentBuilder} for the added {@link JComponent}
* @see JPanel#add(java.awt.Component, Object, int)
public ComponentBuilder> component(
final Component component,
final Object constraints, final int index)
get().add(component, constraints, index);
return new ComponentBuilder>(this, component);
* Adds a new given {@link JComponent} to the currently built {@link JPanel}
* and returns a {@link ComponentBuilder} for it.
* @param component
* the {@link JComponent} to add
* @param index
* the index where to add the new {@link JComponent} within the
* current {@link JPanel}
* @param
* the concrete type of the {@link JComponent} to add
* @return the {@link ComponentBuilder} for the added {@link JComponent}
* @see JPanel#add(java.awt.Component, int)
public ComponentBuilder> component(
final Component component, final int index)
get().add(component, index);
return new ComponentBuilder>(this, component);
* Add a new {@link JButton} to the currently built {@link JPanel} and
* returns a {@link ButtonBuilder} for it.
* @param text
* the label that the new {@link JButton} should have
* @return the {@link ButtonBuilder} for the added {@link JButton}
* @see JPanel#add(java.awt.Component)
* @see JButton#JButton(String)
public ButtonBuilder> button(final String text)
final JButton button = new JButton(text);
return new ButtonBuilder>(this, button);
* Add a new {@link JButton} to the currently built {@link JPanel} and
* returns a {@link ButtonBuilder} for it.
* @param action
* the {@link Action} to apply for the new {@link JButton}
* @return the {@link ButtonBuilder} for the added {@link JButton}
* @see JPanel#add(java.awt.Component)
* @see JButton#JButton(Action)
public ButtonBuilder> button(final Action action)
final JButton button = new JButton(action);
return new ButtonBuilder>(this, button);
* Add a new {@link JButton} to the currently built {@link JPanel} and
* returns a {@link ButtonBuilder} for it.
* @param text
* the label that the new {@link JButton} should have
* @param constraints
* the constraints to apply upon adding
* @return the {@link ButtonBuilder} for the added {@link JButton}
* @see JPanel#add(java.awt.Component, Object)
* @see JButton#JButton(String)
public ButtonBuilder> button(final String text, final Object constraints)
final JButton button = new JButton(text);
get().add(button, constraints);
return new ButtonBuilder>(this, button);
* Add a new {@link JButton} to the currently built {@link JPanel} and
* returns a {@link ButtonBuilder} for it.
* @param action
* the {@link Action} to apply for the new {@link JButton}
* @param constraints
* the constraints to apply upon adding
* @return the {@link ButtonBuilder} for the added {@link JButton}
* @see JPanel#add(java.awt.Component, Object)
* @see JButton#JButton(Action)
public ButtonBuilder> button(final Action action, final Object constraints)
final JButton button = new JButton(action);
get().add(button, constraints);
return new ButtonBuilder>(this, button);
* Add a new {@link JButton} to the currently built {@link JPanel} and
* returns a {@link ButtonBuilder} for it.
* @param text
* the label that the new {@link JButton} should have
* @param constraints
* the constraints to apply upon adding
* @param index
* the index where to add the new {@link JButton} within the
* current {@link JPanel}
* @return the {@link ButtonBuilder} for the added {@link JButton}
* @see JPanel#add(java.awt.Component, Object, int)
* @see JButton#JButton(String)
public ButtonBuilder> button(final String text, final Object constraints, final int index)
final JButton button = new JButton(text);
get().add(button, constraints, index);
return new ButtonBuilder>(this, button);
* Add a new {@link JButton} to the currently built {@link JPanel} and
* returns a {@link ButtonBuilder} for it.
* @param action
* the {@link Action} to apply for the new {@link JButton}
* @param constraints
* the constraints to apply upon adding
* @param index
* the index where to add the new {@link JButton} within the
* current {@link JPanel}
* @return the {@link ButtonBuilder} for the added {@link JButton}
* @see JPanel#add(java.awt.Component, Object, int)
* @see JButton#JButton(Action)
public ButtonBuilder> button(final Action action, final Object constraints, final int index)
final JButton button = new JButton(action);
get().add(button, constraints, index);
return new ButtonBuilder>(this, button);
* Add a new {@link JButton} to the currently built {@link JPanel} and
* returns a {@link ButtonBuilder} for it.
* @param text
* the label that the new {@link JButton} should have
* @param index
* the index where to add the new {@link JButton} within the
* current {@link JPanel}
* @return the {@link ButtonBuilder} for the added {@link JButton}
* @see JPanel#add(java.awt.Component, int)
* @see JButton#JButton(String)
public ButtonBuilder> button(final String text, final int index)
final JButton button = new JButton(text);
get().add(button, index);
return new ButtonBuilder>(this, button);
* Add a new {@link JButton} to the currently built {@link JPanel} and
* returns a {@link ButtonBuilder} for it.
* @param action
* the {@link Action} to apply for the new {@link JButton}
* @param index
* the index where to add the new {@link JButton} within the
* current {@link JPanel}
* @return the {@link ButtonBuilder} for the added {@link JButton}
* @see JPanel#add(java.awt.Component, int)
* @see JButton#JButton(Action)
public ButtonBuilder> button(final Action action, final int index)
final JButton button = new JButton(action);
get().add(button, index);
return new ButtonBuilder>(this, button);
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