Maven / Gradle / Ivy
// JTOpen (IBM Toolbox for Java - OSS version)
// Filename:
// The source code contained herein is licensed under the IBM Public License
// Version 1.0, which has been approved by the Open Source Initiative.
// Copyright (C) 1997-2000 International Business Machines Corporation and
// others. All rights reserved.
import java.util.Hashtable;
*Base class for DDM request data streams. Initializes request data
*streams appropriately.
class DDMRequestDataStream extends DDMDataStream
*Constructs request data stream with defaults:
* Don't continue on error, not chained, GDS id = D0, type = RQSDSS,
* no same request correlation.
*Because the length is unknown, only the header is constructed.
// Initialize the header:
// Don't continue on error, not chained, GDS id = D0, type = RQSDSS,
// no same request correlation.
*Constructs request data stream with defaults:
* Don't continue on error, not chained, GDS id = D0, type = RQSDSS,
* no same request correlation.
*@param length The total length of the data stream.
DDMRequestDataStream(int length)
// Initialize the header:
// Don't continue on error, not chained, GDS id = D0, type = RQSDSS,
// no same request correlation.
*Constructs request data stream as specified with defaults:
* GDS id = D0, type = RQSDSS.
*@param The total length of the data stream.
*@param contOnError true if we are to continue on error, false otherwise.
*@param chained true if this data stream is chained, false otherwise.
*@param sameRequestCorrelator true if this data stream has the same
* request correlator as the last, false otherwise.
DDMRequestDataStream(int length, boolean contOnError, boolean chained,
boolean sameRequestCorrelator)
// Initialize the header:
// Don't continue on error, not chained, GDS id = D0, type = RQSDSS,
// no same request correlation.
*Returns the commit data stream request.
*@return DDMRequestDataStream for committing transactions.
*Commit request:
* Term = CMMUOW
* Parms = LUWHLDCSR => byte[1] Hold cursor parameter. Always set to F1 for DDM.
* Size = 6 --> Header (0 - 5)
* 2 --> LL Length of CMMUOW term and parms (6,7)
* 2 --> CP CMMUOW code point (8,9)
* 2 --> LL Length of LUWHLDCSR term and parm (10,11)
* 2 --> CP LUWHLDCSR code point (12,13)
* 1 --> LUWHLDCSR parm (14)
* -----
* 15 --> Total length of the data stream
static DDMRequestDataStream getRequestCMMUOW()
// The total length of this data stream is 15
DDMRequestDataStream req = new DDMRequestDataStream(15);
req.set16bit(9, 6); // Set the total length remaining after the header
req.set16bit(DDMTerm.CMMUOW, 8); // Set code point for CMMUOW term
req.set16bit(5, 10); // Set length of the LUWHLDCSR parm
req.set16bit(DDMTerm.LUWHLDCSR, 12); // Set code point for LUWHLDCSR parm
// Set the LUWHLDCSR parm to '1'
req.data_[14] = (byte)0xF1;
return req;
// This method is not used anywhere
// /**
// *Returns the exchange attributes data stream request.
// *@param release indicates if we are exchanging attributes with a pre-v4r2
// *system or a v4r2 or later system. Valid values are: V4R2 or PREV4R2.
// *@return DDMRequestDataStream for exchanging attributes.
// *Exchange attributes request:
// * Term = EXCSAT
// * Parms = SRVCLSNM -> CHRSTRDR => Character string containing server class name
// * in EBCDIC
// * Size = 6 --> Header (0 - 5)
// * 2 --> LL Length of EXCSAT term and parms (6,7)
// * 2 --> CP EXCSAT code point (8,9)
// * 2 --> LL Length of SRVCLSNM term and parm (10,11)
// * 2 --> CP SRVCLSNM code point (12, 13)
// * 2 --> LL Length of CHRSTRDR term and parms (14,15)
// * 2 --> CP CHRSTRDR code point (16,17)
// * 3 --> SRVCLSNM parm (QAS) (18 - 20)
// * 2 --> LL length of MGRLVLLS term and parms
// * 2 --> MGRLVLLS code point
// * 4 * 23 --> Manager level parms and their values
// * ----
// * 117 --> Total length of the data stream
// **/
// static DDMRequestDataStream getRequestEXCSAT(String release, AS400ImplRemote system) //@B5C
// throws IOException
// {
// DDMRequestDataStream req;
// req = new DDMRequestDataStream(117);
// req.set16bit(111, 6); // Set total length remaining after header
// req.set16bit(DDMTerm.EXCSAT, 8); // Set code point for EXCSAT term
// req.set16bit(11, 10); // Set length of SRVCLSNM parm
// req.set16bit(DDMTerm.SRVCLSNM, 12); // Set code point for SRVCLSNM parm
// req.set16bit(7, 14); // Set length of CHRSTRDR parm
// req.set16bit(DDMTerm.CHRSTRDR, 16); // Set code point for CHRSTRDR parm
// // Set the server class name (SRVCLSNM parm)
// ConverterImplRemote c = ConverterImplRemote.getConverter(system.getCcsid(), system); //@B5C
// c.stringToByteArray("QAS", req.data_, 18);
// // Set the MGRLVLS values. Each parameter for the MGRLVLS term is appended to
// // to the array as code point/value pairs. No length bytes precede the
// // parameters.
// req.set16bit(96, 21);
// req.set16bit(DDMTerm.MGRLVLLS, 23);
// req.set16bit(DDMTerm.AGENT, 25);
// req.set16bit(3, 27);
// req.set16bit(DDMTerm.ALTINDF, 29);
// req.set16bit(3, 31);
// req.set16bit(DDMTerm.CMBACCAM, 33);
// req.set16bit(3, 35);
// req.set16bit(DDMTerm.CMBKEYAM, 37);
// req.set16bit(3, 39);
// req.set16bit(DDMTerm.CMBRNBAM, 41);
// req.set16bit(3, 43);
// if (release.equalsIgnoreCase("PREV4R2"))
// {
// req.set16bit(DDMTerm.CMNAPPC, 45);
// req.set16bit(3, 47);
// }
// else
// { // V4R2 system or later
// req.set16bit(DDMTerm.CMNTCPIP, 45); // Set CMNTCPIP code point
// req.set16bit(5, 47); // Set value for CMNTCPIP. Must be 5.
// }
// req.set16bit(DDMTerm.DICTIONARY, 49);
// req.set16bit(1, 51);
// req.set16bit(DDMTerm.DIRECTORY, 53);
// req.set16bit(3, 55);
// req.set16bit(DDMTerm.DIRFIL, 57);
// req.set16bit(3, 59);
// req.set16bit(DDMTerm.DRCAM, 61);
// req.set16bit(3, 63);
// req.set16bit(DDMTerm.KEYFIL, 65);
// req.set16bit(3, 67);
// req.set16bit(DDMTerm.LCKMGR, 69);
// req.set16bit(3, 71);
// req.set16bit(DDMTerm.RDB, 73);
// req.set16bit(3, 75);
// req.set16bit(DDMTerm.RELKEYAM, 77);
// req.set16bit(3, 79);
// req.set16bit(DDMTerm.RELRNBAM, 81);
// req.set16bit(3, 83);
// req.set16bit(DDMTerm.SECMGR, 85);
// req.set16bit(1, 87);
// req.set16bit(DDMTerm.SEQFIL, 89);
// req.set16bit(3, 91);
// req.set16bit(DDMTerm.SQLAM, 93);
// req.set16bit(3, 95);
// req.set16bit(DDMTerm.STRAM, 97);
// req.set16bit(3, 99);
// req.set16bit(DDMTerm.STRFIL, 101);
// req.set16bit(3, 103);
// req.set16bit(DDMTerm.SUPERVISOR, 105);
// req.set16bit(3, 107);
// req.set16bit(DDMTerm.SYSCMDMGR, 109);
// req.set16bit(4, 111);
// req.set16bit(DDMTerm.RSCRCVM, 113);
// req.set16bit(4, 115);
// return req;
// }
*Returns the rollback data stream request.
*@return DDMRequestDataStream for rolling back transactions.
*Rollback request:
* Parms = LUWHLDCSR => byte[1] Hold cursor parameter. Always set to F1 for DDM.
* Size = 6 --> Header (0 - 5)
* 2 --> LL Length of CMMUOW term and parms (6,7)
* 2 --> CP CMMUOW code point (8,9)
* 2 --> LL Length of LUWHLDCSR term and parm (10,11)
* 2 --> CP LUWHLDCSR code point (12,13)
* 1 --> LUWHLDCSR parm (14)
* -----
* 15 --> Total length of the data stream
static DDMRequestDataStream getRequestRLLBCKUOW()
// The total length of this data stream is 15
DDMRequestDataStream req = new DDMRequestDataStream(15);
req.set16bit(9, 6); // Set the total length remaining after the header
req.set16bit(DDMTerm.RLLBCKUOW, 8); // Set code point for RLLBCKUOW term
req.set16bit(5, 10); // Set length of the LUWHLDCSR parm
req.set16bit(DDMTerm.LUWHLDCSR, 12); // Set code point for LUWHLDCSR parm
// Set the LUWHLDCSR parm to '1'
req.data_[14] = (byte)0xF1;
return req;
// This method is not used anywhere
// /**
// *Returns the start commitment control data stream request.
// *@param lockLevel commitment lock level.
// *@return DDMRequestDataStream for starting commitment control.
// *Start commitment control request:
// * Term = STRCMMCTL
// * Parms = CMMCTLTYP => byte[2] Commitment control type. Always set to 0x0001.
// * FILISOLVL => byte[2] Commitment control lock level.
// * 0x2441 - *CHG
// * 0x2442 - *CS
// * 0x2443 - *ALL
// * 0x2445 = *NONE
// * Size = 6 --> Header (0 - 5)
// * 2 --> LL Length of SSTRCMMCTL term and parms (6,7)
// * 2 --> CP STRCMMCTL code point (8,9)
// * 2 --> LL Length of CMMCTLTYP term and parm (10,11)
// * 2 --> CP CMMCTLTYP code point (12,13)
// * 2 --> CMMCTLTYP parm (14, 15)
// * 2 --> LL Length of FILISOLVL term and parm (16,17)
// * 2 --> CP FILISOLVL code point (18,19)
// * 2 --> FILISOLVL parm (20,21)
// * -----
// * 22 --> Total length of the data stream
// **/
// static DDMRequestDataStream getRequestSTRCMMCTL(int lockLevel)
// {
// // The total length of this data stream is 22
// DDMRequestDataStream req = new DDMRequestDataStream(22);
// req.set16bit(16, 6); // Set the total length remaining after the header
// req.set16bit(DDMTerm.STRCMMCTL, 8); // Set code point for STRCMMCTL term
// req.set16bit(6, 10); // Set length of the CMMCTLTYP parm
// req.set16bit(DDMTerm.CMMCTLTYP, 12); // Set code point for CMMCTLTYP parm
// // Set the commitment control type
// req.data_[14] = (byte)0x00;
// req.data_[15] = (byte)0x01;
// req.set16bit(6, 16); // Set length of the FILISOLVL parm
// req.set16bit(DDMTerm.FILISOLVL, 18);// Set code point for FILISOLVL parm
// req.data_[20] = (byte)0x24; // All the commit lock levels start with 24
// switch (lockLevel)
// {
// case AS400FileConstants.COMMIT_LOCK_LEVEL_CHANGE: //@C0C
// {
// req.data_[21] = (byte)0x41;
// break;
// }
// {
// req.data_[21] = (byte)0x42;
// break;
// }
// case AS400FileConstants.COMMIT_LOCK_LEVEL_ALL: //@C0C
// {
// req.data_[21] = (byte)0x43;
// break;
// }
// default:
// {
// // Note: We should never get here. Presumably the lock level is checked
// // by the calling method.
// throw new ExtendedIllegalArgumentException("lockLevel", ExtendedIllegalArgumentException.PARAMETER_VALUE_NOT_VALID);
// }
// }
// return req;
// }
// This method is not used anywhere
// /**
// *Returns the allocate object data stream request.
// *@param lock the lock to obtain.
// *@param library library name.
// *@param file file name.
// *@param member member name.
// *@param wait number of seconds to wait for locks.
// *@param system the system from which to get the CCSID for conversions
// *@return DDMRequestDataStream for locking a file.
// *S38ALCOB request:
// * Term = S38ALCOB
// * Parms = S38LRQS => FILANM => RQSFILLK =>Lock request structure:
// * S38LWAIT => bin4 => Amount of time to wait for the lock
// * Size = 6 --> Header (0 - 5)
// * 2 --> LL Length of S38ALCOB term and parms
// * 2 --> CP S38ALCOB code point
// * 2 --> LL Length of S38LRQS term and parm
// * 2 --> CP S38LRQS code point
// * 2 --> LL FILNAM term length
// * 2 --> CP FILNAM code point
// * library.length + file.length + member.length + 3
// * --> FILNAM value = library/file(member)
// * 2 --> LL RQSFILLK length
// * 2 --> CP of RQSFILLK term
// * 1 --> Value for RQSFILLK
// * 2 --> LL Length of S38LWAIT term and parm
// * 2 --> CP S38LWAIT code point
// * 4 --> S38LWAIT parm
// * -----
// * 34 + library.length + file.length + member.length
// * --> Total length of the data stream
// **/
// static DDMRequestDataStream getRequestS38ALCOB(byte lock, String library,
// String file, String member, int wait,
// AS400ImplRemote system) //@B5C
// throws AS400SecurityException,
// InterruptedException,
// IOException
// {
// DDMRequestDataStream req =
// new DDMRequestDataStream(34 + library.length() +
// file.length() + member.length());
// // Determine the lengths of the terms
// int fileNameLength = 3 + library.length() + file.length() + member.length();
// int llFILNAM = 4 + fileNameLength;
// int llRQSFILLK = 5;
// int llS38LWAIT = 8;
// int llS38LRQS = 13 + fileNameLength;
// // Set the total length remaining after the header
// req.set16bit(25 + fileNameLength, 6);
// req.set16bit(DDMTerm.S38ALCOB, 8); // Set code point for S38ALCOB term
// // Set the S38LRQS term
// req.set16bit(llS38LRQS, 10); // Length of S38LRQS term
// req.set16bit(DDMTerm.S38LRQS, 12); // Set S38LRQS code point
// req.set16bit(llFILNAM, 14); // Length of FILNAM term - first parameter of the S38LRQS term
// req.set16bit(DDMTerm.FILNAM, 16); // Set FILNAM codepoint
// // Determine the value for the FILNAM parm
// ConverterImplRemote c = ConverterImplRemote.getConverter(system.getCcsid(), system); //@B5C
// c.stringToByteArray(library + "/" + file + "(" + member + ")", req.data_, 18);
// int offset = 18 + fileNameLength;
// req.set16bit(llRQSFILLK, offset); // Length of RQSFILLK term - second parameter of the S38LRQS term
// req.set16bit(DDMTerm.RQSFILLK, offset + 2); // Set RQSFILLK code point
// req.data_[offset + 4] = lock; // Value for the RQSFILLK term - already checked by the calling method
// // Set the S38LWAIT term
// req.set16bit(llS38LWAIT, offset + 5); // Length of the S38LWAIT term
// req.set16bit(DDMTerm.S38LWAIT, offset + 7); // Set S38LWAIT code point
// req.set32bit(wait, offset + 9); // S38LWAIT value
// return req;
// }
*Returns the close file data stream request.
*@param dclName the declared file name for the file.
*@return DDMRequestDataStream for closing a file.
*Close file request:
* Term = S38CLOSE
* Parms = DCLNAM => byte[8] containing declared name (alias)
* for the file. The first byte must be >= 0x40.
* S38CLOST => 1 byte indicating type of close
* Size = 6 --> Header (0 - 5)
* 2 --> LL Length of S38CLOSE term and parms (6,7)
* 2 --> CP S38CLOSE code point (8,9)
* 2 --> LL Length of DCLNAM term and parm (10,11)
* 2 --> CP DCLNAM code point (12,13)
* 8 --> DCLNAM parm (14 - 21)
* 2 --> LL Length of S38CLOST term and parm (22,23)
* 2 --> CP S38CLOST code point (24,25)
* 1 --> S38CLOST parm (26)
* -----
* 27 --> Total length of the data stream
static DDMRequestDataStream getRequestS38CLOSE(byte[] dclName)
// The total length of this data stream is 27
DDMRequestDataStream req = new DDMRequestDataStream(27);
req.set16bit(21, 6); // Set the total length remaining after the header
req.set16bit(DDMTerm.S38CLOSE, 8); // Set code point for S38CLOSE term
req.set16bit(12, 10); // Set length of the DCLNAM parm
req.set16bit(DDMTerm.DCLNAM, 12); // Set code point for DCLNAM parm
// Set the declared name; declaredName is an 8-byte array
System.arraycopy(dclName, 0, req.data_, 14, 8);
req.set16bit(5, 22); // Set length of the S38CLOST parm
req.set16bit(DDMTerm.S38CLOST, 24);// Set code point for S38CLOST parm
req.data_[26] = (byte)0x02; // Set value for S38CLOST - 2 indicates permanent close
return req;
*Returns the submit command data stream request.
*@param command the command to submit.
*@param system the system from which to get the CCSID for conversions.
*@return DDMRequestDataStream for submitting a command.
*Submit remote command request:
* Term = S38CMD
* Parms = S38CMDST => byte[] containing the command to be submitted.
* Size = 6 --> Header (0 - 5)
* 2 --> LL Length of S38CMD term and parms (6,7)
* 2 --> CP S38CMD code point (8,9)
* 2 --> LL Length of S38CMDST term and parm (10,11)
* 2 --> CP S38CMDST code point (12,13)
* command.length()
* --> S38CMDST parm (14 - 14 + command.length() - 1)
* -----
* 14 + command.length() --> Total length of the data stream
static DDMRequestDataStream getRequestS38CMD(String command, AS400ImplRemote system) //@B5C
throws AS400SecurityException,
// Convert command reight away in order to determine number of bytes
// need for the command
ConverterImplRemote c = ConverterImplRemote.getConverter(system.getCcsid(), system); //@B5C
byte[] cmd = c.stringToByteArray(command);
// The total length of this data stream is 14 + cmd.length()
DDMRequestDataStream req = new DDMRequestDataStream(14 + cmd.length);
req.set16bit(8 + cmd.length, 6); // Set total length remaining after header
req.set16bit(DDMTerm.S38CMD, 8); // Set code point for S38CMD term
req.set16bit(4 + cmd.length, 10);// Set length of S38CMDST parm
req.set16bit(DDMTerm.S38CMDST, 12); // Set code point for S38CMDST parm
// Set the command
System.arraycopy(cmd, 0, req.data_, 14, cmd.length);
return req;
*Returns the delete record data stream request.
*@param dclName the declared file name for the file.
*@return DDMRequestDataStream for opening file.
*Open file request:
* Term = S38DEL
* Parms = DCLNAM => byte[8] containing declared name (alias)
* for the file. The first byte must be >= 0x40.
* Size = 6 --> Header (0 - 5)
* 2 --> LL Length of S38DEL term and parms (6,7)
* 2 --> CP S38DEL code point (8,9)
* 2 --> LL Length of DCLNAM term and parm (10,11)
* 2 --> CP DCLNAM code point (12,13)
* 8 --> DCLNAM parm (14 - 21)
* -----
* 22 --> Total length of the data stream
static DDMRequestDataStream getRequestS38DEL(byte[] dclName)
// The total length of this data stream is 22
DDMRequestDataStream req = new DDMRequestDataStream(22);
req.set16bit(16, 6); // Set total length remaining after header
req.set16bit(DDMTerm.S38DEL, 8); // Set code point for S38DEL term
req.set16bit(12, 10); // Set length of DCLNAM parm
req.set16bit(DDMTerm.DCLNAM, 12);// Set code point for DCLNAM parm
// Set the declared name; declaredName is an 8-byte array
System.arraycopy(dclName, 0, req.data_, 14, 8);
return req;
// This method is not used anywhere
// /**
// *Returns the deallocate object data stream request.
// *@param locks The locks to release.
// *@param library library name.
// *@param file file name.
// *@param member member name.
// *@param system the system from which to get the CCSID for conversions.
// *@return DDMRequestDataStream for releasing explicit locks on a file.
// *S38DLCOB:
// * Term = S38DLCOB
// * Parms = S38LRLS => RLSFILLK => Lock request structure:
// * 2 --> LL Length of FILNAM term and parm
// * 2 --> CP FILNAM code point
// * library.length() + file.length() + member.length() + 3
// * --> FILNAM parm, library/file(member)
// * 2 --> LL Length of RLSFILLK term and parm
// * 2 --> CP RLSFILLK code point
// * 1 --> byte indicating type of lock
// * There can be one or more S38LRLS terms
// * Size = 6 --> Header (0 - 5)
// * 2 --> LL Length of S38DLCOB term and parms
// * 2 --> CP S38DLCOB code point
// * Repeatable:
// * 2 --> LL Length of S38LRLS term and parm
// * 2 --> CP S38LRLS code point
// * 2 --> LL FILNAM term
// * 2 --> CP FILNAM term
// * library.length + file.length + member.length + 3
// * --> FILNAM value = library/file(member)
// * 2 --> LL RLSFILLK length
// * 2 --> CP of RLSFILLK term
// * 1 --> Value for RQSFILLK
// * -----
// * 10 +
// * locks.length * (16 + library.length() + file.length() + member.length())
// **/
// static DDMRequestDataStream getRequestS38DLCOB(byte[] locks, String library,
// String file, String member,
// AS400ImplRemote system) //@B5C
// throws AS400SecurityException,
// InterruptedException,
// IOException
// {
// DDMRequestDataStream req =
// new DDMRequestDataStream(10 + locks.length * (16 + library.length() +
// file.length() + member.length()));
// // Determine the lengths of the terms
// int fileNameLength = 3 + library.length() + file.length() + member.length();
// int llFILNAM = 4 + fileNameLength;
// int llRLSFILLK = 5;
// int llS38LRLS = 13 + fileNameLength;
// // Set the total length remaining after the header
// req.set16bit(req.data_.length - 6, 6);
// req.set16bit(DDMTerm.S38DLCOB, 8); // Set code point for S38DLCOB term
// // Determine the value for the FILNAM parm
// byte[] fileName = new byte[fileNameLength];
// ConverterImplRemote c = ConverterImplRemote.getConverter(system.getCcsid(), system); //@B5C
// c.stringToByteArray(library + "/" + file + "(" + member + ")", fileName, 0);
// // Set the repeatable portion of the data stream (one or more S38LRLS terms)
// int offsetRLSFILLK;
// for (short i = 0, offset = 10; i < locks.length; ++i)
// {
// req.set16bit(llS38LRLS, offset); // Set length of the S38LRLS term
// req.set16bit(DDMTerm.S38LRLS, offset + 2); // Set code point for S38LRLS term
// req.set16bit(llFILNAM, offset + 4); // Set the length of the FILNAM term
// req.set16bit(DDMTerm.FILNAM, offset + 6); // Set the code point for FILNAM term
// // Set the FILNAM parm
// System.arraycopy(fileName, 0, req.data_, offset + 8, fileName.length);
// offsetRLSFILLK = offset + 8 + fileName.length;
// req.set16bit(llRLSFILLK, offsetRLSFILLK);// Set length of the RLSFILLK term
// req.set16bit(DDMTerm.RLSFILLK, offsetRLSFILLK + 2); // Set code point for RLSFILLK term
// req.data_[offsetRLSFILLK + 4] = locks[i]; // Set the RLSFILLK parm
// offset += llS38LRLS;
// }
// return req;
// }
*Returns the S38FEOD request data stream with the operation specified for
*@param dclName the declared file name for the file.
*@param type type option
*@param share share option
*@param data data option
*@return DDMRequestDataStream for retrieving a record.
* Term = S38FEOD
* Parms = DCLNAM => byte[8] containing declared name (alias)
* for the file. The first byte must be >= 0x40.
* Size = 6 --> Header (0-5)
* 2 --> LL S38FEOD term and parms (6,7)
* 2 --> CP S38FEOD code point (8,9)
* 2 --> LL DCLNAM term and parm length (10,11)
* 2 --> CP DCLNAM code point (12,13)
* 8 --> DCLNAM parm (14-21)
* 2 --> LL S38OPTL term and parm length (22,23)
* 2 --> CP S38OPTL code point (24,25)
* 4 --> S38OPTL parm
* 1 --> type (26)
* 1 --> share (27)
* 1 --> data (28)
* 1 --> operation (29)
* ---
* 30 --> data stream length
static DDMRequestDataStream getRequestS38FEOD(byte[] dclName, int type,
int share, int data)
DDMRequestDataStream req = new DDMRequestDataStream(30);
req.set16bit(req.data_.length - 6, 6); // total length after header
req.set16bit(DDMTerm.S38FEOD, 8);
// Set the DCLNAM LL, CP, and parm.
req.set16bit(12, 10);
req.set16bit(DDMTerm.DCLNAM, 12);
System.arraycopy(dclName, 0, req.data_, 14, 8);
// Set the S38OPTL LL, CP, and parm.
req.set16bit(8, 22);
req.set16bit(DDMTerm.S38OPTL, 24);
req.data_[26] = (byte)type;
req.data_[27] = (byte)share;
req.data_[28] = (byte)data;
req.data_[29] = 0x01; // _OPER_GET
return req;
*Returns the S38GET request data stream.
*@param dclName the declared file name for the file.
*@param type type option
*@param share share option
*@param data data option
*@return DDMRequestDataStream for retrieving a record.
* Term = S38GET
* Parms = DCLNAM => byte[8] containing declared name (alias)
* for the file. The first byte must be >= 0x40.
* Size = 6 --> Header (0-5)
* 2 --> LL S38GET term and parms (6,7)
* 2 --> CP S38GET code point (8,9)
* 2 --> LL DCLNAM term and parm length (10,11)
* 2 --> CP DCLNAM code point (12,13)
* 8 --> DCLNAM parm (14-21)
* 2 --> LL S38OPTL term and parm length (22,23)
* 2 --> CP S38OPTL code point (24,25)
* 4 --> S38OPTL parm
* 1 --> type (26)
* 1 --> share (27)
* 1 --> data (28)
* 1 --> operation (29)
* ---
* 30 --> data stream length
static DDMRequestDataStream getRequestS38GET(byte[] dclName, int type,
int share, int data)
DDMRequestDataStream req = new DDMRequestDataStream(30);
req.set16bit(req.data_.length - 6, 6); // total length after header
req.set16bit(DDMTerm.S38GET, 8);
// Set the DCLNAM LL, CP, and parm.
req.set16bit(12, 10);
req.set16bit(DDMTerm.DCLNAM, 12);
System.arraycopy(dclName, 0, req.data_, 14, 8);
// Set the S38OPTL LL, CP, and parm.
req.set16bit(8, 22);
req.set16bit(DDMTerm.S38OPTL, 24);
req.data_[26] = (byte)type;
req.data_[27] = (byte)share;
req.data_[28] = (byte)data;
req.data_[29] = 1; // _OPER_GET
return req;
*Returns the S38GETD request data stream.
*@param dclName the declared file name for the file.
*@param recordFormat the record format for the file.
*@param type type option
*@param share share option
*@param data data option
*@param rrn relative record number
*@param system the system from which to get the CCSID for conversions.
*@return DDMRequestDataStream for retrieving a record.
* Term = S38GETD
* Parms = DCLNAM => byte[8] containing declared name (alias)
* for the file. The first byte must be >= 0x40.
* Size = 6 --> Header (0-5)
* 2 --> LL S38GETD term and parms (6,7)
* 2 --> CP S38GETD code point (8,9)
* 2 --> LL DCLNAM term and parm length (10,11)
* 2 --> CP DCLNAM code point (12,13)
* 8 --> DCLNAM parm (14-21)
* 2 --> LL S38OPTL term and parm length (22,23)
* 2 --> CP S38OPTL code point (24,25)
* 4 --> S38OPTL parm
* 1 --> type (26)
* 1 --> share (27)
* 1 --> data (28)
* 1 --> operation (29)
* 2 --> LL S38CTLL term and parm length (30,31)
* 2 --> CP S38CTLL code point (32,33)
* 26--> S38CTLL parm
* 1 --> record format ID (34)
* 2 --> record format length (35,36)
* 10--> record format name (37-46)
* 1 --> member number ID (47)
* 2 --> member number length (48,49)
* 2 --> member number value (50,51)
* 1 --> relative record number ID (52)
* 2 --> relative record number length (53,54)
* 4 --> relative record number (55-58)
* 1 --> control list end (59)
* ---
* 60 --> data stream length
// static DDMRequestDataStream getRequestS38GETD(byte[] dclName, RecordFormat recordFormat, int type, int share, int data, int rrn, AS400 system) // @A1D
static DDMRequestDataStream getRequestS38GETD(byte[] dclName,
byte[] recordFormatCTLLName,
int type,
int share,
int data,
int rrn,
AS400ImplRemote system) // @A1A @B5C
throws AS400SecurityException,
DDMRequestDataStream req = new DDMRequestDataStream(60);
req.set16bit(req.data_.length - 6, 6); // total length after header
req.set16bit(DDMTerm.S38GETD, 8);
// Set the DCLNAM LL, CP, and parm.
req.set16bit(12, 10);
req.set16bit(DDMTerm.DCLNAM, 12);
System.arraycopy(dclName, 0, req.data_, 14, 8);
// Set the S38OPTL LL, CP, and parm.
req.set16bit(8, 22);
req.set16bit(DDMTerm.S38OPTL, 24);
req.data_[26] = (byte)type;
req.data_[27] = (byte)share;
req.data_[28] = (byte)data;
req.data_[29] = 2; // _OPER_GETD
// Set the S38CTLL LL, CP, and parm. The control list sequence for
// GETD parm is record format, member number, relative record number,
// and control list end.
req.set16bit(30, 30);
req.set16bit(DDMTerm.S38CTLL, 32);
req.data_[34] = 1; // record format ID
req.set16bit(10, 35); // record format length
// Start of @A2D
StringBuffer recordName = new StringBuffer(recordFormat.getName());
while (recordName.length() < 10) recordName.append(' ');
Converter c = Converter.getConverter(system.getCcsid(), system);
c.stringToByteArray(recordName.toString(), req.data_, 37);
// End of @A2D
// @A2A
System.arraycopy(recordFormatCTLLName, 0, req.data_, 37, recordFormatCTLLName.length);
req.data_[47] = 0xf; // member number ID
req.set16bit(2, 48); // member number length
req.set16bit(0, 50); // member number value
req.data_[52] = 2; // relative record number ID
req.set16bit(4, 53); // relative record number length
req.set32bit(rrn, 55); // relative record number value
req.data_[59] = (byte) 0xff; // control list end
return req;
static DDMRequestDataStream getRequestS38GETDLong(byte[] dclName,
byte[] recordFormatCTLLName,
int type,
int share,
int data,
long rrn,
AS400ImplRemote system) // @A1A @B5C
throws AS400SecurityException,
DDMRequestDataStream req = new DDMRequestDataStream(60);
req.set16bit(req.data_.length - 6, 6); // total length after header
req.set16bit(DDMTerm.S38GETD, 8);
// Set the DCLNAM LL, CP, and parm.
req.set16bit(12, 10);
req.set16bit(DDMTerm.DCLNAM, 12);
System.arraycopy(dclName, 0, req.data_, 14, 8);
// Set the S38OPTL LL, CP, and parm.
req.set16bit(8, 22);
req.set16bit(DDMTerm.S38OPTL, 24);
req.data_[26] = (byte)type;
req.data_[27] = (byte)share;
req.data_[28] = (byte)data;
req.data_[29] = 2; // _OPER_GETD
// Set the S38CTLL LL, CP, and parm. The control list sequence for
// GETD parm is record format, member number, relative record number,
// and control list end.
req.set16bit(30, 30);
req.set16bit(DDMTerm.S38CTLL, 32);
req.data_[34] = 1; // record format ID
req.set16bit(10, 35); // record format length
// Start of @A2D
StringBuffer recordName = new StringBuffer(recordFormat.getName());
while (recordName.length() < 10) recordName.append(' ');
Converter c = Converter.getConverter(system.getCcsid(), system);
c.stringToByteArray(recordName.toString(), req.data_, 37);
// End of @A2D
// @A2A
System.arraycopy(recordFormatCTLLName, 0, req.data_, 37, recordFormatCTLLName.length);
req.data_[47] = 0xf; // member number ID
req.set16bit(2, 48); // member number length
req.set16bit(0, 50); // member number value
req.data_[52] = 2; // relative record number ID
req.set16bit(4, 53); // relative record number length
req.set32bit(rrn, 55); // relative record number value
req.data_[59] = (byte) 0xff; // control list end
return req;
*Returns the S38GETK request data stream.
*@param dclName the declared file name for the file.
*@param recordFormat the record format for the file.
*@param type type option
*@param share share option
*@param data data option
*@param keyFields the fields of the key
*@param system the system from which to get the CCSID for conversions.
*@return DDMRequestDataStream for retrieving a record.
* Term = S38GETK
* Parms = DCLNAM => byte[8] containing declared name (alias)
* for the file. The first byte must be >= 0x40.
* Size = 6 --> Header (0-5)
* 2 --> LL S38GETK term and parms (6,7)
* 2 --> CP S38GETK code point (8,9)
* 2 --> LL DCLNAM term and parm length (10,11)
* 2 --> CP DCLNAM code point (12,13)
* 8 --> DCLNAM parm (14-21)
* 2 --> LL S38OPTL term and parm length (22,23)
* 2 --> CP S38OPTL code point (24,25)
* 4 --> S38OPTL parm
* 1 --> type (26)
* 1 --> share (27)
* 1 --> data (28)
* 1 --> operation (29)
* 2 --> LL S38CTLL term and parm length (30,31)
* 2 --> CP S38CTLL code point (32,33)
* ? --> S38CTLL parm
* 1 --> record format ID (34)
* 2 --> record format length (35,36)
* 10--> record format name (37-46)
* 1 --> member number ID (47)
* 2 --> member number length (48,49)
* 2 --> member number value (50,51)
* 1 --> number of fields ID (52)
* 2 --> number of fields length (53,54)
* 4 --> number of fields value (55-58)
* ? --> trio of ID, length, and value for each field (?)
* 1 --> control list end (?)
* ---
* 60 + length of the key fields as bytes + 3
* --> data stream length
// static DDMRequestDataStream getRequestS38GETK(byte[] dclName, RecordFormat recordFormat, int type, int share, int data, Object[] keyFields, AS400 system) // @A2D
static DDMRequestDataStream getRequestS38GETK(byte[] dclName,
RecordFormat recordFormat,
byte[] recordFormatCTLLName,
int type,
int share,
int data,
Object[] keyFields,
AS400ImplRemote system) // @A2A @B5C
throws AS400SecurityException,
// Set up null key field map
// Set to true if any field is null
/*@E0D boolean containsNullKey = false; //@C2A
for (int i=0; ikeyFields.
*@return DDMRequestDataStream for retrieving a record.
* Term = S38GETK
* Parms = DCLNAM => byte[8] containing declared name (alias)
* for the file. The first byte must be >= 0x40.
* Size = 6 --> Header (0-5)
* 2 --> LL S38GETK term and parms (6,7)
* 2 --> CP S38GETK code point (8,9)
* 2 --> LL DCLNAM term and parm length (10,11)
* 2 --> CP DCLNAM code point (12,13)
* 8 --> DCLNAM parm (14-21)
* 2 --> LL S38OPTL term and parm length (22,23)
* 2 --> CP S38OPTL code point (24,25)
* 4 --> S38OPTL parm
* 1 --> type (26)
* 1 --> share (27)
* 1 --> data (28)
* 1 --> operation (29)
* 2 --> LL S38CTLL term and parm length (30,31)
* 2 --> CP S38CTLL code point (32,33)
* ? --> S38CTLL parm
* 1 --> record format ID (34)
* 2 --> record format length (35,36)
* 10--> record format name (37-46)
* 1 --> member number ID (47)
* 2 --> member number length (48,49)
* 2 --> member number value (50,51)
* 1 --> number of fields ID (52)
* 2 --> number of fields length (53,54)
* 4 --> number of fields value (55-58)
* ? --> trio of ID, length, and value for each field (?)
* 1 --> control list end (?)
* ---
* 60 + length of the key fields as bytes + 3
* --> data stream length
// static DDMRequestDataStream getRequestS38GETK(byte[] dclName, RecordFormat recordFormat, int type, int share, int data, byte[] keyFields, AS400 system, int numberOfKeyFields) // @A2D
static DDMRequestDataStream getRequestS38GETK(byte[] dclName,
byte[] recordFormatCTLLName,
int type,
int share,
int data,
byte[] keyFields,
AS400ImplRemote system, //@B5C
int numberOfKeyFields) // @A2A
throws AS400SecurityException,
int reqLength = 60;
// Determine the total length of all data in keyFields.
FieldDescription description;
int keyLength = keyFields.length;
reqLength += keyLength + 3; // account for ID and length bytes when specifying
// the key parm on the control list.
// Instantiate a DDM request stream.
DDMRequestDataStream req = new DDMRequestDataStream(reqLength);
req.set16bit(reqLength - 6, 6); // total length after header
req.set16bit(DDMTerm.S38GETK, 8);
// Set the DCLNAM LL, CP, and parm.
req.set16bit(12, 10);
req.set16bit(DDMTerm.DCLNAM, 12);
System.arraycopy(dclName, 0, req.data_, 14, 8);
// Set the S38OPTL LL, CP, and parm.
req.set16bit(8, 22);
req.set16bit(DDMTerm.S38OPTL, 24);
req.data_[26] = (byte)type;
req.data_[27] = (byte)share;
req.data_[28] = (byte)data;
req.data_[29] = 3; // _OPER_GETK
// Set the S38CTLL CP and parm. The control list sequence for
// GETK parm is record format, member number, number of fields, key
// fields, and control list end.
req.set16bit(DDMTerm.S38CTLL, 32);
req.data_[34] = 1; // record format ID
req.set16bit(10, 35); // record format length
// Start of @A2D
StringBuffer recordName = new StringBuffer(recordFormat.getName());
while (recordName.length() < 10) recordName.append(' ');
Converter c = Converter.getConverter(system.getCcsid(), system);
c.stringToByteArray(recordName.toString(), req.data_, 37);
// End of @A2D
// @A2A
System.arraycopy(recordFormatCTLLName, 0, req.data_, 37, recordFormatCTLLName.length);
req.data_[47] = 0xf; // member number ID
req.set16bit(2, 48); // member number length
req.set16bit(0, 50); // member number value
req.data_[52] = 8; // number of fields ID
req.set16bit(4, 53); // number of fields length
req.set32bit(numberOfKeyFields, 55); // number of fields value
// Add key fields to the request.
int offset = 59;
AS400DataType dataType;
// Add the ID and length for this key field.
req.data_[offset++] = 7;
req.set16bit(keyLength, offset);
offset += 2;
System.arraycopy(keyFields, 0, req.data_, offset, keyLength);
offset += keyLength;
// Mark the end of control list.
req.data_[offset] = (byte) 0xff;
// Set the S38CTLL LL.
req.set16bit(offset - 29, 30);
if (Trace.isTraceOn() && Trace.isTraceDiagnosticOn())
Trace.log(Trace.DIAGNOSTIC, "GETK req: ", req.data_);
return req;
*Returns the S38GETM request data stream.
*@param dclName the declared file name for the file.
*@param type type option
*@param share share option
*@param data data option
*@param oper operation option
*@return DDMRequestDataStream for retrieving a record.
* Term = S38GETM
* Parms = DCLNAM => byte[8] containing declared name (alias)
* for the file. The first byte must be >= 0x40.
* Size = 6 --> Header (0-5)
* 2 --> LL S38GETM term and parms (6,7)
* 2 --> CP S38GETM code point (8,9)
* 2 --> LL DCLNAM term and parm length (10,11)
* 2 --> CP DCLNAM code point (12,13)
* 8 --> DCLNAM parm (14-21)
* 2 --> LL S38OPTL term and parm length (22,23)
* 2 --> CP S38OPTL code point (24,25)
* 4 --> S38OPTL parm
* 1 --> type (26)
* 1 --> share (27)
* 1 --> data (28)
* 1 --> operation (29)
* 2 --> LL S38CTLL term and parm length (30,31)
* 2 --> CP S38CTLL code point (32,33)
* 5 --> S38CTLL parm
* 1 --> number of records ID (34)
* 2 --> number records value length (35,36)
* 2 --> number of records value (37,38)
* 1 --> control list end (39)
* ---
* 40 --> data stream length
static DDMRequestDataStream getRequestS38GETM(byte[] dclName,
int numberOfRecords,
int type,
int share,
int data,
int oper)
DDMRequestDataStream req = new DDMRequestDataStream(40);
req.set16bit(req.data_.length - 6, 6); // total length after header
req.set16bit(DDMTerm.S38GETM, 8);
// Set the DCLNAM LL, CP, and parm.
req.set16bit(12, 10);
req.set16bit(DDMTerm.DCLNAM, 12);
System.arraycopy(dclName, 0, req.data_, 14, 8);
// Set the S38OPTL LL, CP, and parm.
req.set16bit(8, 22);
req.set16bit(DDMTerm.S38OPTL, 24);
req.data_[26] = (byte) type;
req.data_[27] = (byte) share;
req.data_[28] = (byte) data;
req.data_[29] = (byte) oper;
// Set the S38CTLL LL, CP, and parm. The control list sequence for
// GETD parm is record format, member number, relative record number,
// and control list end.
req.set16bit(10, 30);
req.set16bit(DDMTerm.S38CTLL, 32);
req.data_[34] = 0x10; // number of records ID
req.set16bit(2, 35); // number of records length
req.set16bit(numberOfRecords, 37); // number of records value
req.data_[39] = (byte) 0xff; // control list end
return req;
*Returns the open file data stream request.
*@param ufcb the user file control block byte array.
*@param dclName the declared file name for the file.
*@return DDMRequestDataStream for opening file.
*Open file request:
* Term = S38OPEN
* Parms = DCLNAM => byte[8] containing declared name (alias)
* for the file. The first byte must be >= 0x40.
* S38UFCB => byte string containing the user file control block
* format. This format is defined by XPF PLMIINC
* Size = 6 --> Header (0 - 5)
* 2 --> LL Length of S38OPEN term and parms (6,7)
* 2 --> CP S38OPEN code point (8,9)
* 2 --> LL Length of DCLNAM term and parm (10,11)
* 2 --> CP DCLNAM code point (12,13)
* 8 --> DCLNAM parm (14 - 21)
* 2 --> LL Length of S38UFCB term and parm (22,23)
* 2 --> CP S38UFCB code point (23,24)
* ufcb.length
* --> S38UFCB parm (25 - 25 + ufcb.length - 1)
* -----
* 26 + ufcb.length --> Total length of the data stream
static DDMRequestDataStream getRequestS38OPEN(byte[] ufcb, byte[] dclName)
// The total length of this data stream is 26 + ufcb.length
DDMRequestDataStream req = new DDMRequestDataStream(26 + ufcb.length);
req.set16bit(20 + ufcb.length, 6); // Set total length remaining after header
req.set16bit(DDMTerm.S38OPEN, 8); // Set code point for S38OPEN term
req.set16bit(12, 10); // Set length of DCLNAM parm
req.set16bit(DDMTerm.DCLNAM, 12); // Set code point for DCLNAM parm
// Set the declared name; declaredName is an 8-byte array
System.arraycopy(dclName, 0, req.data_, 14, 8);
req.set16bit(4 + ufcb.length, 22); // Set length of S38UFCB parm
req.set16bit(DDMTerm.S38UFCB, 24); // Set code point for S38UFCB
System.arraycopy(ufcb, 0, req.data_, 26, ufcb.length);
return req;
*Returns the S38PUTM request data stream.
*@param dclName the declared file name.
*@return DDMRequestDataStream to put multiple records.
* Term = S38PUTM
* Parms = DCLNAM => byte[8] containing declared name (alias)
* for the file. The first byte must be >= 0x40.
* Size = 6 --> Header (0-5)
* 2 --> LL S38PUT term and parms (6,7)
* 2 --> CP S38PUT code point (8,9)
* 2 --> LL DCLNAM term and parm length (10,11)
* 2 --> CP DCLNAM code point (12,13)
* 8 --> DCLNAM parm (14-21)
* --------------------------
* 22--> total length
static DDMRequestDataStream getRequestS38PUTM(byte[] dclName)
DDMRequestDataStream req = new DDMRequestDataStream(22);
req.set16bit(req.data_.length - 6, 6); // total length after header
req.set16bit(DDMTerm.S38PUTM, 8);
// Set the DCLNAM LL, CP, and parm.
req.set16bit(12, 10);
req.set16bit(DDMTerm.DCLNAM, 12);
System.arraycopy(dclName, 0, req.data_, 14, 8);
return req;
// /**
// *Returns the SXXPUTDR request data stream.
// *@param dclName the declared file name for the file.
// *@param recordFormat the record format for the file.
// *@param type type option
// *@param share share option
// *@param data data option
// *@param rrn relative record number
// *@param system the system from which to get the CCSID for conversions.
// *@return DDMRequestDataStream for putting a record by record number.
// * Term = SXXPUTDR
// * Parms = DCLNAM => byte[8] containing declared name (alias)
// * for the file. The first byte must be >= 0x40.
// * Size = 6 --> Header (0-5)
// * 2 --> LL SXXPUTDR term and parms (6,7)
// * 2 --> CP SXXPUTDR code point (8,9)
// * 2 --> LL DCLNAM term and parm length (10,11)
// * 2 --> CP DCLNAM code point (12,13)
// * 8 --> DCLNAM parm (14-21)
// * 2 --> LL S38CTLL term and parm length (22,23)
// * 2 --> CP S38CTLL code point (24,25)
// * 26--> S38CTLL parm
// * 1 --> record format ID (26)
// * 2 --> record format length (27,28)
// * 10--> record format name (29-38)
// * 1 --> member number ID (39)
// * 2 --> member number length (40,41)
// * 2 --> member number value (42,43)
// * 1 --> relative record number ID (44)
// * 2 --> relative record number length (45,46)
// * 4 --> relative record number (47-50)
// * 1 --> control list end (51)
// * 2 --> LL S38OPTL term and parm length (52,53)
// * 2 --> CP S38OPTL code point (54,55)
// * 4 --> S38OPTL parm
// * 1 --> type (56)
// * 1 --> share (57)
// * 1 --> data (58)
// * 1 --> operation (59)
// * 2 --> LL S38BUF term and parm length (60,61)
// * 2 --> CP S38BUF code point (62,63)
// * recordData.length
// * --> S38BUF parm (64 - 64 + openFeedback.getRecordIncrement())
// *
// * ---
// * 64 + openFeedback.getRecordIncrement() --> data stream length
// *@exception CharConversionException If an error occurs during conversion.
// *@exception UnsupportedEncodingException If an error occurs during conversion.
// **/
// /* Currently not used.
// static DDMRequestDataStream getRequestSXXPUTDR(byte[] dclName,
// DDMS38OpenFeedback openFeedback,
// Record record,
// int rrn,
// AS400 system)
// throws CharConversionException,
// UnsupportedEncodingException
// {
// DDMRequestDataStream req =
// new DDMRequestDataStream(64 + openFeedback.getRecordIncrement());
// req.set16bit(req.data_.length - 6, 6); // total length after header
// req.set16bit(DDMTerm.SXXPUTDR, 8);
// // Set the DCLNAM LL, CP, and parm.
// req.set16bit(12, 10);
// req.set16bit(DDMTerm.DCLNAM, 12);
// System.arraycopy(dclName, 0, req.data_, 14, 8);
// // Set the S38CTLL LL, CP, and parm. The control list sequence for
// // PUTDR parm is record format, member number, relative record number,
// // and control list end.
// RecordFormat recordFormat = record.getRecordFormat();
// req.set16bit(30, 22);
// req.set16bit(DDMTerm.S38CTLL, 24);
// req.data_[36] = 1; // record format ID
// req.set16bit(10, 27); // record format length
// StringBuffer recordName = new StringBuffer(recordFormat.getName());
// while (recordName.length() < 10) recordName.append(' ');
// Converter c = Converter.getConverter(system.getCcsid(), system);
// c.stringToByteArray(recordName.toString(), req.data_, 29);
// req.data_[39] = 0xf; // member number ID
// req.set16bit(2, 40); // member number length
// req.set16bit(0, 50); // member number value
// req.data_[44] = 2; // relative record number ID
// req.set16bit(4, 45); // relative record number length
// req.set32bit(rrn, 47); // relative record number value
// req.data_[51] = (byte) 0xff; // control list end
// // Set the S38OPTL LL, CP, and parm.
// req.set16bit(8, 52);
// req.set16bit(DDMTerm.S38OPTL, 54);
// req.data_[56] = 0x11;
// req.data_[57] = 0; // not used, must be zero
// req.data_[58] = 0; // not used, must be zero
// req.data_[59] = 4; //
// // Set the S38BUF LL, CP.
// req.set16bit(openFeedback.getRecordIncrement() + 4, 60);
// req.set16bit(DDMTerm.S38BUF, 62);
// // Write the record data.
// byte[] recordData = record.getContents();
// System.arraycopy(recordData, 0, req.data_, 64, recordData.length);
// // Write the null byte map array after the record data. It starts
// // openFeedback.getNullFieldByteMapOffset() bytes from the
// // beginning of the record. 0xf1 == null, 0xf0 != null
// int byteMapOffset = 64 + openFeedback.getNullFieldByteMapOffset();
// for (int i = 0; i < record.getNumberOfFields(); i++)
// {
// req.data_[byteMapOffset + i] =
// (record.isNullField(i) ? (byte) 0xf1 : (byte) 0xf0);
// }
// if (Trace.isTraceOn() && Trace.isTraceDiagnosticOn())
// {
// Trace.log(Trace.DIAGNOSTIC, "getRequestS38PUTDR", req.data_);
// }
// return req;
// }
// */
//@B1D: Removed this method since readAll() no longer uses it.
// /**
// *Returns the unload all records data stream request.
// *@param fileType the type of access, SEQ or KEY.
// *@param library the library name.
// *@param file the file name.
// *@param member the member name.
// *@param system the AS400object from which to get the CCSID for conversions.
// *@return DDMRequestDataStream for reading all records from a file.
// * Term = ULDRECF
// * Parms = FILNAM => File name
// * 2 --> LL Length of FILNAM term and parm
// * 2 --> CP FILNAM code point
// * library.length() + file.length() + member.length() + 3
// * --> FILNAM parm, library/file(member)
// * ACCORD => Access order - valid values: RNBORD or KEYORD
// *
// * Size = 6 --> Header (0 - 5)
// * 2 --> LL Length of ULDRECF term and parms
// * 2 --> CP ULDRECF code point
// * 2 --> LL Length of FILNAM term and parm
// * 2 --> CP FILNAM code point
// * library.length() + file.length() + member.length() + 3
// * --> FILNAM parm, library/file(member)
// * 2 --> LL Length of RTNINA term and parms
// * 2 --> CP RTNINA code point
// * 1 --> 'F0' == false
// * If fileType = "key":
// * 2 --> LL Length of ACCORD term and parm
// * 2 --> CP ACCORD code point
// * 2 --> RNBORD or KEYORD code point
// * -----
// * 25|19 + library.length() + file.length() + member.length() + 3
// **/
// //@B1D: start block
// /*
// static DDMRequestDataStream getRequestULDRECF(String fileType, String library,
// String file, String member, AS400 system)
// throws AS400SecurityException,
// InterruptedException,
// IOException
// {
// int dsLength = (fileType.equalsIgnoreCase("key"))? 25 : 19;
// int fileNameLength = library.length() + file.length() + member.length() + 3;
// DDMRequestDataStream req = new DDMRequestDataStream(dsLength + fileNameLength);
// req.set16bit(dsLength + fileNameLength - 6, 6); // Set length after header
// req.set16bit(DDMTerm.ULDRECF, 8); // Set code point for ULDRECF
// req.set16bit(fileNameLength + 4, 10); // Set length for FILNAM parm
// req.set16bit(DDMTerm.FILNAM, 12); // Set code point for FILNAM
// // Set the file name parm
// Converter c = Converter.getConverter(system.getCcsid(), system);
// c.stringToByteArray(library + "/" + file + "(" + member + ")", req.data_, 14);
// req.set16bit(5, 14 + fileNameLength); // Set LL for RTNINA
// req.set16bit(DDMTerm.RTNINA, 16 + fileNameLength); // Set RTNINA code point
// req.data_[18 + fileNameLength] = (byte)0xF0; // false; don't return inactive records
// // Set ACCORD parm value
// if (dsLength == 25)
// {
// req.set16bit(6, 19 + fileNameLength); // Set length of ACCORD parm
// req.set16bit(DDMTerm.ACCORD, 21 + fileNameLength); // Set code point for ACCORD
// req.set16bit(DDMTerm.KEYORD, 23 + fileNameLength);
// }
// return req;
// }
//@B1D: end block
*Returns the S38UPDAT request data stream.
*@param type type option
*@param share share option
*@param data data option
*@param dclName the declared file name.
*@return DDMRequestDataStream to put a record.
* Term = S38UPDAT
* Parms = DCLNAM => byte[8] containing declared name (alias)
* for the file. The first byte must be >= 0x40.
* Size = 6 --> Header (0-5)
* 2 --> LL S38UPDAT term and parms (6,7)
* 2 --> CP S38UPDAT code point (8,9)
* 2 --> LL DCLNAM term and parm length (10,11)
* 2 --> CP DCLNAM code point (12,13)
* 8 --> DCLNAM parm (14-21)
* 2 --> LL S38OPTL term and parm length (22,23)
* 2 --> CP S38OPTL code point (24,25)
* 4 --> S38OPTL parm
* 1 --> type (26)
* 1 --> share (27)
* 1 --> data (28)
* 1 --> operation (29)
* ----
* 30 --> total request length
static DDMRequestDataStream getRequestS38UPDAT(int type,
int share,
int data,
byte[] dclName)
DDMRequestDataStream req = new DDMRequestDataStream(30);
req.set16bit(req.data_.length - 6, 6); // total length after header
req.set16bit(DDMTerm.S38UPDAT, 8);
// Set the DCLNAM LL, CP, and parm.
req.set16bit(12, 10);
req.set16bit(DDMTerm.DCLNAM, 12);
System.arraycopy(dclName, 0, req.data_, 14, 8);
// Set the S38OPTL LL, CP, and parm.
req.set16bit(8, 22);
req.set16bit(DDMTerm.S38OPTL, 24);
req.data_[26] = (byte) type;
req.data_[27] = (byte) share;
req.data_[28] = (byte) data;
req.data_[29] = 7; // update operation
if (Trace.isTraceOn() && Trace.isTraceDiagnosticOn())
Trace.log(Trace.DIAGNOSTIC, "getRequestS38UPDAT", req.data_);
return req;
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