Maven / Gradle / Ivy
// JTOpen (IBM Toolbox for Java - OSS version)
// Filename:
// The source code contained herein is licensed under the IBM Public License
// Version 1.0, which has been approved by the Open Source Initiative.
// Copyright (C) 1997-2010 International Business Machines Corporation and
// others. All rights reserved.
import java.lang.reflect.*; //@A2C
import java.sql.Array;
import java.sql.Blob;
import java.sql.CallableStatement;
/* ifdef JDBC40
import java.sql.SQLClientInfoException;
endif */
import java.sql.Clob;
import java.sql.Connection;
import java.sql.DatabaseMetaData;
/* ifdef JDBC40
import java.sql.NClob;
endif */
import java.sql.PreparedStatement;
/* ifdef JDBC40
import java.sql.SQLXML;
import java.util.concurrent.Executor;
endif */
import java.sql.Savepoint; //@A1A
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.sql.SQLWarning;
import java.sql.Statement;
import java.sql.Struct;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Properties;
class JDGenericConnection
/*ifdef JDBC40
extends ToolboxWrapper
endif */
implements Connection
static final String copyright = "Copyright (C) 1997-2001 International Business Machines Corporation and others.";
// Private data.
private Connection actualConnection_;
public void clearWarnings ()
throws SQLException
actualConnection_.clearWarnings ();
public void close ()
throws SQLException
actualConnection_.close ();
public void commit ()
throws SQLException
actualConnection_.commit ();
public Statement createStatement ()
throws SQLException
return actualConnection_.createStatement ();
// JDBC 2.0
public Statement createStatement (int resultSetType,
int resultSetConcurrency)
throws SQLException
return actualConnection_.createStatement (resultSetType, resultSetConcurrency);
public Statement createStatement (int resultSetType,
int resultSetConcurrency,
int resultSetHoldability)
throws SQLException
//@A2D return actualConnection_.createStatement (resultSetType, resultSetConcurrency, resultSetHoldability);
Method m = actualConnection_.getClass().getDeclaredMethod("createStatement", new Class[] { Integer.TYPE, Integer.TYPE, Integer.TYPE}); //@A2A
return(Statement)m.invoke(actualConnection_, new Object[] { new Integer(resultSetType), new Integer(resultSetConcurrency), new Integer(resultSetHoldability)}); //@A2A
catch (NoSuchMethodException nsme) //@A2A
catch (IllegalAccessException iae) //@A2A
catch (InvocationTargetException iae) //@A2A
return null; //@A2A
protected void finalize ()
throws Throwable
if (actualConnection_ != null &&
! actualConnection_.isClosed ())
actualConnection_.close ();
super.finalize ();
public boolean getAutoCommit ()
throws SQLException
return actualConnection_.getAutoCommit ();
public String getCatalog ()
throws SQLException
return actualConnection_.getCatalog ();
public int getHoldability ()
throws SQLException
//@A2D return actualConnection_.getHoldability ();
Method m = actualConnection_.getClass().getDeclaredMethod("getHoldability", new Class[] {}); //@A2A
return((Integer)m.invoke(actualConnection_, new Object[] {})).intValue(); //@A2A
catch (NoSuchMethodException nsme) //@A2A
catch (IllegalAccessException iae) //@A2A
catch (InvocationTargetException iae) //@A2A
return -1; //@A2A
public DatabaseMetaData getMetaData ()
throws SQLException
return actualConnection_.getMetaData ();
public int getTransactionIsolation ()
throws SQLException
return actualConnection_.getTransactionIsolation ();
// JDBC 2.0
public Map getTypeMap ()
throws SQLException
return actualConnection_.getTypeMap ();
public SQLWarning getWarnings ()
throws SQLException
return actualConnection_.getWarnings ();
public boolean isClosed ()
throws SQLException
return actualConnection_.isClosed ();
public boolean isReadOnly ()
throws SQLException
return actualConnection_.isReadOnly ();
public String nativeSQL (String sql)
throws SQLException
return actualConnection_.nativeSQL (sql);
public CallableStatement prepareCall (String sql)
throws SQLException
return actualConnection_.prepareCall (sql);
// JDBC 2.0
public CallableStatement prepareCall (String sql,
int resultSetType,
int resultSetConcurrency)
throws SQLException
return actualConnection_.prepareCall (sql, resultSetType, resultSetConcurrency);
public CallableStatement prepareCall (String sql,
int resultSetType,
int resultSetConcurrency,
int resultSetHoldability)
throws SQLException
//@A2D return actualConnection_.prepareCall (sql, resultSetType, resultSetConcurrency, resultSetHoldability);
Method m = actualConnection_.getClass().getDeclaredMethod("prepareCall", new Class[] { String.class, Integer.TYPE, Integer.TYPE, Integer.TYPE}); //@A2A
return(CallableStatement)m.invoke(actualConnection_, new Object[] { sql, new Integer(resultSetType), new Integer(resultSetConcurrency), new Integer(resultSetHoldability)}); //@A2A
catch (NoSuchMethodException nsme) //@A2A
catch (IllegalAccessException iae) //@A2A
catch (InvocationTargetException iae) //@A2A
return null; //@A2A
public PreparedStatement prepareStatement (String sql)
throws SQLException
return actualConnection_.prepareStatement (sql);
public PreparedStatement prepareStatement (String sql, int autoGeneratedKeys)
throws SQLException
//@A2D return actualConnection_.prepareStatement (sql, autoGeneratedKeys);
Method m = actualConnection_.getClass().getDeclaredMethod("prepareStatement", new Class[] { String.class, Integer.TYPE}); //@A2A
return(PreparedStatement)m.invoke(actualConnection_, new Object[] { sql, new Integer(autoGeneratedKeys)}); //@A2A
catch (NoSuchMethodException nsme) //@A2A
catch (IllegalAccessException iae) //@A2A
catch (InvocationTargetException iae) //@A2A
return null; //@A2A
public PreparedStatement prepareStatement (String sql, int[] columnIndexes)
throws SQLException
//@A2D return actualConnection_.prepareStatement(sql, columnIndexes);
Method m = actualConnection_.getClass().getDeclaredMethod("prepareStatement", new Class[] { String.class, columnIndexes.getClass()}); //@A2A
return(PreparedStatement)m.invoke(actualConnection_, new Object[] { sql, columnIndexes}); //@A2A
catch (NoSuchMethodException nsme) //@A2A
catch (IllegalAccessException iae) //@A2A
catch (InvocationTargetException iae) //@A2A
return null; //@A2A
// JDBC 2.0
public PreparedStatement prepareStatement (String sql,
int resultSetType,
int resultSetConcurrency)
throws SQLException
return actualConnection_.prepareStatement (sql, resultSetType, resultSetConcurrency);
public PreparedStatement prepareStatement (String sql,
int resultSetType,
int resultSetConcurrency,
int resultSetHoldability)
throws SQLException
//@A2D return actualConnection_.prepareStatement (sql, resultSetType, resultSetConcurrency, resultSetHoldability);
Method m = actualConnection_.getClass().getDeclaredMethod("prepareStatement", new Class[] { String.class, Integer.TYPE, Integer.TYPE, Integer.TYPE}); //@A2A
return(PreparedStatement)m.invoke(actualConnection_, new Object[] { sql, new Integer(resultSetType), new Integer(resultSetConcurrency), new Integer(resultSetHoldability)}); //@A2A
catch (NoSuchMethodException nsme) //@A2A
catch (IllegalAccessException iae) //@A2A
catch (InvocationTargetException iae) //@A2A
return null; //@A2A
public PreparedStatement prepareStatement (String sql, String[] columnNames)
throws SQLException
//@A2D return actualConnection_.prepareStatement (sql, columnNames);
Method m = actualConnection_.getClass().getDeclaredMethod("prepareStatement", new Class[] { String.class, columnNames.getClass()}); //@A2A
return(PreparedStatement)m.invoke(actualConnection_, new Object[] { sql, columnNames}); //@A2A
catch (NoSuchMethodException nsme) //@A2A
catch (IllegalAccessException iae) //@A2A
catch (InvocationTargetException iae) //@A2A
return null; //@A2A
public void releaseSavepoint(Savepoint savepoint)
throws SQLException
//@A2D actualConnection_.releaseSavepoint(savepoint);
Method m = actualConnection_.getClass().getDeclaredMethod("releaseSavepoint", new Class[] { Savepoint.class}); //@A2A
m.invoke(actualConnection_, new Object[] { savepoint}); //@A2A
catch (NoSuchMethodException nsme) //@A2A
catch (IllegalAccessException iae) //@A2A
catch (InvocationTargetException iae) //@A2A
public void rollback ()
throws SQLException
actualConnection_.rollback ();
public void rollback(Savepoint savepoint)
throws SQLException
//@A2D actualConnection_.rollback(savepoint);
Method m = actualConnection_.getClass().getDeclaredMethod("rollback", new Class[] { Savepoint.class}); //@A2A
m.invoke(actualConnection_, new Object[] { savepoint}); //@A2A
catch (NoSuchMethodException nsme) //@A2A
catch (IllegalAccessException iae) //@A2A
catch (InvocationTargetException iae) //@A2A
public void setAutoCommit (boolean autoCommit)
throws SQLException
actualConnection_.setAutoCommit (autoCommit);
public void setCatalog (String catalog)
throws SQLException
actualConnection_.setCatalog (catalog);
public void setHoldability (int holdability)
throws SQLException
//@A2D actualConnection_.setHoldability (holdability);
Method m = actualConnection_.getClass().getDeclaredMethod("setHoldability", new Class[] { Integer.TYPE}); //@A2A
m.invoke(actualConnection_, new Object[] { new Integer(holdability)}); //@A2A
catch (NoSuchMethodException nsme) //@A2A
catch (IllegalAccessException iae) //@A2A
catch (InvocationTargetException iae) //@A2A
void setProperties (String url, Properties properties)
throws SQLException
// Set actualConnection_ to point to an appropriate Connection object
// for the specified database.
actualConnection_ = java.sql.DriverManager.getConnection (url,
public void setReadOnly (boolean readOnly)
throws SQLException
actualConnection_.setReadOnly (readOnly);
public Savepoint setSavepoint()
throws SQLException
//@A2D return actualConnection_.setSavepoint();
Method m = actualConnection_.getClass().getDeclaredMethod("setSavepoint", new Class[] {}); //@A2A
return(Savepoint)m.invoke(actualConnection_, new Object[] {}); //@A2A
catch (NoSuchMethodException nsme) //@A2A
catch (IllegalAccessException iae) //@A2A
catch (InvocationTargetException iae) //@A2A
return null; //@A2A
public Savepoint setSavepoint(String name)
throws SQLException
//@A2D return actualConnection_.setSavepoint(name);
Method m = actualConnection_.getClass().getDeclaredMethod("setSavepoint", new Class[] { String.class}); //@A2A
return(Savepoint)m.invoke(actualConnection_, new Object[] { name}); //@A2A
catch (NoSuchMethodException nsme) //@A2A
catch (IllegalAccessException iae) //@A2A
catch (InvocationTargetException iae) //@A2A
return null; //@A2A
public void setTransactionIsolation (int level)
throws SQLException
actualConnection_.setTransactionIsolation (level);
// JDBC 2.0
public void setTypeMap (Map typeMap)
throws SQLException
actualConnection_.setTypeMap (typeMap);
// Note - This method is not required by java.sql.Connection,
// but it is used by the JDBC testcases.
public String toString ()
return actualConnection_.toString ();
//@pda jdbc40
protected String[] getValidWrappedList()
return new String[] { "java.sql.Connection" };
//@PDA jdbc40
//JDBC40DOC /**
//JDBC40DOC * Returns true if the connection has not been closed and is still valid.
//JDBC40DOC * The driver shall submit a query on the connection or use some other
//JDBC40DOC * mechanism that positively verifies the connection is still valid when
//JDBC40DOC * this method is called.
//JDBC40DOC * The query submitted by the driver to validate the connection shall be
//JDBC40DOC * executed in the context of the current transaction.
//JDBC40DOC * @param timeout - The time in seconds to wait for the database operation
//JDBC40DOC * used to validate the connection to complete. If
//JDBC40DOC * the timeout period expires before the operation
//JDBC40DOC * completes, this method returns false. A value of
//JDBC40DOC * 0 indicates a timeout is not applied to the
//JDBC40DOC * database operation. Note that currently the timeout
//JDBC40DOC * value is not used.
//JDBC40DOC * @return true if the connection is valid, false otherwise
//JDBC40DOC * @exception SQLException if a database access error occurs.
//JDBC40DOC */
/* ifdef JDBC40
public boolean isValid(int timeout) throws SQLException
return actualConnection_.isValid(timeout);
endif */
//@PDA jdbc40
* Sets the value of the client info property specified by name to the
* value specified by value.
* Applications may use the DatabaseMetaData.getClientInfoProperties
* method to determine the client info properties supported by the driver
* and the maximum length that may be specified for each property.
* The driver stores the value specified in a suitable location in the
* database. For example in a special register, session parameter, or
* system table column. For efficiency the driver may defer setting the
* value in the database until the next time a statement is executed or
* prepared. Other than storing the client information in the appropriate
* place in the database, these methods shall not alter the behavior of
* the connection in anyway. The values supplied to these methods are
* used for accounting, diagnostics and debugging purposes only.
* The driver shall generate a warning if the client info name specified
* is not recognized by the driver.
* If the value specified to this method is greater than the maximum
* length for the property the driver may either truncate the value and
* generate a warning or generate a SQLException
. If the driver
* generates a SQLException
, the value specified was not set on the
* connection.
* The following client info properties are supported in Toobox for Java.
* - ApplicationName - The name of the application currently utilizing
* the connection
* - ClientUser - The name of the user that the application using
* the connection is performing work for. This may
* not be the same as the user name that was used
* in establishing the connection.
* - ClientHostname - The hostname of the computer the application
* using the connection is running on.
* - ClientAccounting - Client accounting information.
* - ClientProgramID - The client program identification.
* @param name The name of the client info property to set
* @param value The value to set the client info property to. If the
* value is null, the current value of the specified
* property is cleared.
* @throws SQLException if the database server returns an error while
* setting the client info value on the database server.
public void setClientInfo(String name, String value)
/* ifdef JDBC40
throws SQLClientInfoException
endif */
/* ifndef JDBC40 */
throws SQLException
/* endif */
((AS400JDBCConnection)actualConnection_).setClientInfo(name, value);
// @PDA jdbc40
* Sets the value of the connection's client info properties. The
* Properties
object contains the names and values of the
* client info properties to be set. The set of client info properties
* contained in the properties list replaces the current set of client info
* properties on the connection. If a property that is currently set on the
* connection is not present in the properties list, that property is
* cleared. Specifying an empty properties list will clear all of the
* properties on the connection. See
* setClientInfo (String, String)
for more information.
* If an error occurs in setting any of the client info properties, a
* ClientInfoException
is thrown. The
* ClientInfoException
contains information indicating which
* client info properties were not set. The state of the client information
* is unknown because some databases do not allow multiple client info
* properties to be set atomically. For those databases, one or more
* properties may have been set before the error occurred.
* The following client info properties are supported in Toobox for Java.
* - ApplicationName - The name of the application currently utilizing
* the connection
* - ClientUser - The name of the user that the application using
* the connection is performing work for. This may
* not be the same as the user name that was used
* in establishing the connection.
* - ClientHostname - The hostname of the computer the application
* using the connection is running on.
* - ClientAccounting - Client accounting information.
* - ClientProgramID - The client program identification.
* @param properties
* the list of client info properties to set
//JDBC40DOC * @throws ClientInfoException
* @throws SQLException
* if the database server returns an error while setting the
* clientInfo values on the database server
//JDBC40DOC * @see java.sql.Connection#setClientInfo(String, String)
//JDBC40DOC * setClientInfo(String, String)
public void setClientInfo(Properties properties)
/* ifdef JDBC40
throws SQLClientInfoException
endif */
/* ifndef JDBC40 */
throws SQLException
/* endif */
//@PDA jdbc40
* Returns the value of the client info property specified by name. This
* method may return null if the specified client info property has not
* been set and does not have a default value. This method will also
* return null if the specified client info property name is not supported
* by the driver.
* Applications may use the DatabaseMetaData.getClientInfoProperties
* method to determine the client info properties supported by the driver.
* The following client info properties are supported in Toobox for Java.
* - ApplicationName - The name of the application currently utilizing
* the connection
* - ClientUser - The name of the user that the application using
* the connection is performing work for. This may
* not be the same as the user name that was used
* in establishing the connection.
* - ClientHostname - The hostname of the computer the application
* using the connection is running on.
* - ClientAccounting - Client accounting information.
* - ClientProgramID - The client program identification.
* @param name The name of the client info property to retrieve
* @return The value of the client info property specified
* @throws SQLException if the database server returns an error when
* fetching the client info value from the database.
//JDBC40DOC * @see java.sql.DatabaseMetaData#getClientInfoProperties
public String getClientInfo(String name) throws SQLException
return ((AS400JDBCConnection)actualConnection_).getClientInfo(name);
//@PDA jdbc40
* Returns a list containing the name and current value of each client info
* property supported by the driver. The value of a client info property
* may be null if the property has not been set and does not have a
* default value.
* The following client info properties are supported in Toobox for Java.
* - ApplicationName - The name of the application currently utilizing
* the connection
* - ClientUser - The name of the user that the application using
* the connection is performing work for. This may
* not be the same as the user name that was used
* in establishing the connection.
* - ClientHostname - The hostname of the computer the application
* using the connection is running on.
* - ClientAccounting - Client accounting information.
* - ClientProgramID - The client program identification.
* @return A Properties
object that contains the name and current value of
* each of the client info properties supported by the driver.
* @throws SQLException if the database server returns an error when
* fetching the client info values from the database
public Properties getClientInfo() throws SQLException
return ((AS400JDBCConnection)actualConnection_).getClientInfo();
//@PDA jdbc40
* Constructs an object that implements the Clob
interface. The object
* returned initially contains no data. The setAsciiStream
* setCharacterStream
and setString
methods of
* the Clob
interface may be used to add data to the Clob
* @return An object that implements the Clob
* @throws SQLException if an object that implements the
* Clob
interface can not be constructed.
public Clob createClob() throws SQLException
return ((AS400JDBCConnection)actualConnection_).createClob();
//@PDA jdbc40
* Constructs an object that implements the Blob
interface. The object
* returned initially contains no data. The setBinaryStream
* setBytes
methods of the Blob
interface may be used to add data to
* the Blob
* @return An object that implements the Blob
* @throws SQLException if an object that implements the
* Blob
interface can not be constructed
public Blob createBlob() throws SQLException
return ((AS400JDBCConnection)actualConnection_).createBlob();
//@PDA jdbc40
//JDBC40DOC /**
//JDBC40DOC * Constructs an object that implements the NClob
interface. The object
//JDBC40DOC * returned initially contains no data. The setAsciiStream
//JDBC40DOC * setCharacterStream
and setString
methods of the NClob
interface may
//JDBC40DOC * be used to add data to the NClob
//JDBC40DOC * @return An object that implements the NClob
//JDBC40DOC * @throws SQLException if an object that implements the
//JDBC40DOC * NClob
interface can not be constructed.
//JDBC40DOC */
/* ifdef JDBC40
public NClob createNClob() throws SQLException
return actualConnection_.createNClob();
endif */
//@PDA jdbc40
//JDBC40DOC /**
//JDBC40DOC * Constructs an object that implements the SQLXML
interface. The object
//JDBC40DOC * returned initially contains no data. The createXmlStreamWriter
object and
//JDBC40DOC * setString
method of the SQLXML
interface may be used to add data to the SQLXML
//JDBC40DOC * object.
//JDBC40DOC * @return An object that implements the SQLXML
//JDBC40DOC * @throws SQLException if an object that implements the SQLXML
interface can not
//JDBC40DOC * be constructed
//JDBC40DOC */
/* ifdef JDBC40
public SQLXML createSQLXML() throws SQLException
return actualConnection_.createSQLXML();
endif */
//@PDA jdbc40
* Factory method for creating Array objects.
* @param typeName the SQL name of the type the elements of the array map to. The typeName is a
* database-specific name which may be the name of a built-in type, a user-defined type or a standard SQL type supported by this database. This
* is the value returned by Array.getBaseTypeName
* @param elements the elements that populate the returned object
* @return an Array object whose elements map to the specified SQL type
* @throws SQLException if a database error occurs, the typeName is null or this method is called on a closed connection
public Array createArrayOf(String typeName, Object[] elements) throws SQLException
return ((AS400JDBCConnection)actualConnection_).createArrayOf(typeName, elements);
//@PDA jdbc40
* Factory method for creating Struct objects.
* @param typeName the SQL type name of the SQL structured type that this Struct
* object maps to. The typeName is the name of a user-defined type that
* has been defined for this database. It is the value returned by
* Struct.getSQLTypeName
* @param attributes the attributes that populate the returned object
* @return a Struct object that maps to the given SQL type and is populated with the given attributes
* @throws SQLException if a database error occurs, the typeName is null or this method is called on a closed connection
public Struct createStruct(String typeName, Object[] attributes) throws SQLException
return ((AS400JDBCConnection)actualConnection_).createStruct(typeName, attributes);
/* ifdef JDBC40
// JDBC 4.1
public void abort(Executor executor) throws SQLException {
endif */
/* ifdef JDBC40
public int getNetworkTimeout() throws SQLException {
return ((AS400JDBCConnection)actualConnection_).getNetworkTimeout();
endif */
// JDBC 4.1
public String getSchema() throws SQLException {
return ((AS400JDBCConnection)actualConnection_).getSchema();
public void setSchema(String schema) throws SQLException {
/* ifdef JDBC40
// JDBC 4.1
public void setNetworkTimeout(Executor executor, int milliseconds)
throws SQLException {
((AS400JDBCConnection)actualConnection_).setNetworkTimeout(executor, milliseconds);
endif */