Maven / Gradle / Ivy
// JTOpen (IBM Toolbox for Java - OSS version)
// Filename:
// The source code contained herein is licensed under the IBM Public License
// Version 1.0, which has been approved by the Open Source Initiative.
// Copyright (C) 1997-2006 International Business Machines Corporation and
// others. All rights reserved.
import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.sql.Blob;
import java.sql.Date;
/* ifdef JDBC40
import java.sql.NClob;
import java.sql.RowId;
endif */
import java.sql.SQLException;
/* ifdef JDBC40
import java.sql.SQLXML;
endif */
import java.sql.Time;
import java.sql.Timestamp;
import java.util.Calendar;
final class SQLTime
extends SQLDataBase
static final String copyright = "Copyright (C) 1997-2001 International Business Machines Corporation and others.";
static boolean jdk14 = false;
static {
jdk14 = JVMInfo.isJDK14();
// Private data.
private int timeFormat_;
private int hour_;
private int minute_;
private int second_;
SQLTime(SQLConversionSettings settings, int timeFormat) // @550C
super( settings);
hour_ = 0;
minute_ = 0;
second_ = 0;
timeFormat_ = timeFormat; // @550A
public Object clone()
return new SQLTime(settings_, timeFormat_); // @550C
public static Time stringToTime(String s,
SQLConversionSettings settings,
Calendar calendar)
throws SQLException
// If the string is empty, then it is likely a NULL, so
// just set this to a default date.
if(s.trim().length() == 0)
return new Time(0);
// Parse the string according to the format and separator.
// else if(format.equalsIgnoreCase(JDProperties.TIME_FORMAT_USA)) {
if(calendar == null)
calendar = AS400Calendar.getGregorianInstance(); //@P0A
calendar.setLenient(false); //@dat1
else {
calendar = AS400Calendar.getConversionCalendar(calendar);
{ // @A0A
case SQLConversionSettings.TIME_FORMAT_USA: // @A0A
int hour = Integer.parseInt(s.substring(0, 2));
char amPm = s.charAt(6);
if(hour == 12)
if(amPm == 'A')
hour = 0;
{ // Hour between 1 and 11.
if(amPm == 'P')
hour += 12;
calendar.set(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY, hour);
calendar.set(Calendar.MINUTE, Integer.parseInt(s.substring(3, 5)));
calendar.set(Calendar.SECOND, 0);
break; // @A0A
case SQLConversionSettings.TIME_FORMAT_EUR:
case SQLConversionSettings.TIME_FORMAT_JIS:
case SQLConversionSettings.TIME_FORMAT_HMS:
case SQLConversionSettings.TIME_FORMAT_ISO:
calendar.set(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY, Integer.parseInt(s.substring(0, 2)));
calendar.set(Calendar.MINUTE, Integer.parseInt(s.substring(3, 5)));
calendar.set(Calendar.SECOND, Integer.parseInt(s.substring(6, 8)));
//@dat1 non-lenient does not allow 0s
//@dat1 calendar.set(Calendar.YEAR, 0);
//@dat1 calendar.set(Calendar.MONTH, 0);
//@dat1 calendar.set(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH, 0);
//@dat1 calendar.set(Calendar.MILLISECOND, 0);*/
catch(NumberFormatException e)
if (JDTrace.isTraceOn()) JDTrace.logException((Object)null, "Error parsing time "+s, e);
// Try processing as timestamp @J2A
if (s.length()>=19 && s.charAt(4)=='-' &&
s.charAt(7)=='-') {
try {
Timestamp ts = SQLTimestamp.stringToTimestamp(s, calendar);
calendar.set(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY, ts.getHours());
calendar.set(Calendar.MINUTE, ts.getMinutes());
calendar.set(Calendar.SECOND, ts.getSeconds());
} catch (Exception e2) {
if (JDTrace.isTraceOn()) JDTrace.logException((Object)null, "Error parsing time as timestamp"+s, e2);
JDError.throwSQLException(null, JDError.EXC_DATA_TYPE_MISMATCH, e, s);
} else {
JDError.throwSQLException(null, JDError.EXC_DATA_TYPE_MISMATCH, e, s);
catch(StringIndexOutOfBoundsException e)
if (JDTrace.isTraceOn()) JDTrace.logException((Object)null, "Error parsing time "+s, e);
JDError.throwSQLException(JDError.EXC_DATA_TYPE_MISMATCH, s);
try //@dat1
long millis;
if (jdk14) { millis =calendar.getTimeInMillis(); } else { millis = calendar.getTime().getTime(); }
return new Time(millis);
}catch(Exception e){
if (JDTrace.isTraceOn()) JDTrace.logException((Object)null, "Error parsing time "+s, e); //@dat1
JDError.throwSQLException(JDError.EXC_DATA_TYPE_MISMATCH, s); //@dat1
return null; //@dat1
public static String timeToString(Time t,
SQLConversionSettings dataFormat,
Calendar calendar)
return timeToString(t, dataFormat, calendar, -1); // @E3C
// @E3A - This contains the logic from the original timeToString(), with new arg "hourIn".
private static String timeToString(Time t,
SQLConversionSettings dataFormat,
Calendar calendar,
int hourIn)
StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
String separator = dataFormat.getTimeSeparator();
if(calendar == null) calendar = AS400Calendar.getGregorianInstance(); //@P0A
else {
calendar = AS400Calendar.getConversionCalendar(calendar);
int hour = calendar.get(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY); // @E3A
int minute = calendar.get(Calendar.MINUTE); // @E3A
int second = 0; // @E3A
// Note: No matter what format is being used,
// ensure that exactly 8 characters are in the
// buffer.
{ // @A0A
case SQLConversionSettings.TIME_FORMAT_USA: // @A0A
// @E3D int hour = calendar.get(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY);
char amPm;
//@PDc - translate to ampm based on hour,min,sec
//13-23 -> (x-12)pm
//12 -> 12pm
//1-11 -> xam
//0 -> 12am
//0:0:0 -> 00:00:00am (special case)
//24:0:0 -> 12:00:00am (special case) //hour=0, hourIn=24 since 0 and 24 both map to 0 in Calendar
if(hour > 12)
hour -= 12;
amPm = 'P';
else if(hour == 12)
amPm = 'P';
else if((hour > 0) && (hour < 12))
amPm = 'A';
else if((minute == 0) && (second == 0))
//special cases: 0:0:0 and 24:0:0
if(hourIn == 24)
hour = 12;
amPm = 'A';
//0 hour case
hour = 12;
amPm = 'A';
buffer.append(JDUtilities.padZeros(hour, 2));
buffer.append(JDUtilities.padZeros(minute, 2)); // @E3C
buffer.append(' ');
break; // @A0A
case SQLConversionSettings.TIME_FORMAT_EUR: // @A0A
case SQLConversionSettings.TIME_FORMAT_ISO: // @A0A
second = calendar.get(Calendar.SECOND); // @E3A
buffer.append(JDUtilities.padZeros(hour, 2)); // @E3C
buffer.append(JDUtilities.padZeros(minute, 2)); // @E3C
buffer.append(JDUtilities.padZeros(second, 2)); // @E3C
break; // @A0A
case SQLConversionSettings.TIME_FORMAT_JIS: // @A0A
second = calendar.get(Calendar.SECOND); // @F3A
buffer.append(JDUtilities.padZeros(hour, 2)); // @E3C
buffer.append(JDUtilities.padZeros(minute, 2)); // @E3C
buffer.append(JDUtilities.padZeros(second, 2)); // @E3C
break; // @A0A
case SQLConversionSettings.TIME_FORMAT_HMS: // @A0A
second = calendar.get(Calendar.SECOND); // @E3A
buffer.append(JDUtilities.padZeros(hour, 2)); // @E3C
buffer.append(JDUtilities.padZeros(minute, 2)); // @E3C
buffer.append(JDUtilities.padZeros(second, 2)); // @E3C
break; // @A0A
// The Calendar class represents 24:00:00 as 00:00:00. // @E3A
if(hourIn == 24 && hour==0 && minute==0 && second==0 ) // @E3A //@tim3
buffer.setCharAt(0,'2'); // @E3A
buffer.setCharAt(1,'4'); // @E3A
// Note: StringBuffer.replace() is available in Java2.
return buffer.toString();
// //
// //
public void convertFromRawBytes(byte[] rawBytes, int offset, ConvTable ccsidConverter, boolean ignoreConversionErrors) //@P0C
throws SQLException
int connectionTimeFormat = settings_.getTimeFormat(); // @550A
// @550 If the time is from a stored procedure result set, it could be in a different time format than the connection's format
switch(((timeFormat_ != -1) && (timeFormat_ != connectionTimeFormat)) ? timeFormat_ : connectionTimeFormat) // @550C
case SQLConversionSettings.TIME_FORMAT_USA: // hh:mm AM or PM
hour_ = (rawBytes[offset] & 0x0f) * 10 + (rawBytes[offset+1] & 0x0f);
minute_ = (rawBytes[offset+3] & 0x0f) * 10 + (rawBytes[offset+4] & 0x0f);
second_ = 0;
//translate from ampm to 24hour
//since we can get back duplicate values of 00:00 (00:00am) and 24:00 (12:00am) (which map to
//the same time of day in Calendar), we need a way to differentiate the two.
if(((rawBytes[offset+6] == (byte)0xd7) && (hour_ < 12)) || // xd7='P'
((rawBytes[offset+6] == (byte)0xC1) && (hour_ == 12))) // xC1='A'
hour_ += 12;
case SQLConversionSettings.TIME_FORMAT_HMS: // hh:mm:ss
case SQLConversionSettings.TIME_FORMAT_ISO: //
case SQLConversionSettings.TIME_FORMAT_EUR: //
case SQLConversionSettings.TIME_FORMAT_JIS: // hh:mm:ss
hour_ = (rawBytes[offset] & 0x0f) * 10 + (rawBytes[offset+1] & 0x0f);
minute_ = (rawBytes[offset+3] & 0x0f) * 10 + (rawBytes[offset+4] & 0x0f);
second_ = (rawBytes[offset+6] & 0x0f) * 10 + (rawBytes[offset+7] & 0x0f);
public void convertToRawBytes(byte[] rawBytes, int offset, ConvTable ccsidConverter) //@P0C
throws SQLException
StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer(8);
// Always use ISO format here.
buffer.append(JDUtilities.padZeros(hour_, 2));
buffer.append(JDUtilities.padZeros(minute_, 2));
buffer.append(JDUtilities.padZeros(second_, 2));
ccsidConverter.stringToByteArray(buffer.toString(), rawBytes, offset);
catch(CharConversionException e)
JDError.throwSQLException(JDError.EXC_INTERNAL, e); // @E2C
// //
// //
public void set(Object object, Calendar calendar, int scale)
throws SQLException
if(calendar == null)
calendar = AS400Calendar.getGregorianInstance(); //@P0A
calendar.setLenient(false); //@dat1
else {
calendar = AS400Calendar.getConversionCalendar(calendar);
if(object instanceof String)
stringToTime((String) object, settings_, calendar);
hour_ = calendar.get(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY);
minute_ = calendar.get(Calendar.MINUTE);
second_ = calendar.get(Calendar.SECOND);
else if(object instanceof Time)
calendar.setTime((Time) object);
hour_ = calendar.get(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY);
minute_ = calendar.get(Calendar.MINUTE);
second_ = calendar.get(Calendar.SECOND);
else if(object instanceof Timestamp)
calendar.setTime((Timestamp) object);
hour_ = calendar.get(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY);
minute_ = calendar.get(Calendar.MINUTE);
second_ = calendar.get(Calendar.SECOND);
JDError.throwSQLException(this, JDError.EXC_DATA_TYPE_MISMATCH);
// //
// //
public int getSQLType()
return SQLData.TIME;
public String getCreateParameters()
return null;
public int getDisplaySize()
return 8;
//@F1A JDBC 3.0
public String getJavaClassName()
return "java.sql.Time";
public String getLiteralPrefix()
return "\'";
public String getLiteralSuffix()
return "\'";
public String getLocalName()
return "TIME";
public int getMaximumPrecision()
return 8;
public int getMaximumScale()
return 0;
public int getMinimumScale()
return 0;
public int getNativeType()
return 388;
public int getPrecision()
return 8;
public int getRadix()
return 10;
public int getScale()
return 0;
public int getType()
return java.sql.Types.TIME;
public String getTypeName()
return "TIME";
public boolean isSigned()
return false;
public boolean isText()
return false;
public int getActualSize()
return 8;
public int getTruncated()
return truncated_;
public boolean getOutOfBounds() {
return outOfBounds_;
// //
// //
public BigDecimal getBigDecimal(int scale)
throws SQLException
JDError.throwSQLException(this, JDError.EXC_DATA_TYPE_MISMATCH);
return null;
public InputStream getBinaryStream()
throws SQLException
JDError.throwSQLException(this, JDError.EXC_DATA_TYPE_MISMATCH);
return null;
public Blob getBlob()
throws SQLException
JDError.throwSQLException(this, JDError.EXC_DATA_TYPE_MISMATCH);
return null;
public boolean getBoolean()
throws SQLException
JDError.throwSQLException(this, JDError.EXC_DATA_TYPE_MISMATCH);
return false;
public byte getByte()
throws SQLException
JDError.throwSQLException(this, JDError.EXC_DATA_TYPE_MISMATCH);
return -1;
public byte[] getBytes()
throws SQLException
JDError.throwSQLException(this, JDError.EXC_DATA_TYPE_MISMATCH);
return null;
public Date getDate(Calendar calendar)
throws SQLException
JDError.throwSQLException(this, JDError.EXC_DATA_TYPE_MISMATCH);
return null;
public double getDouble()
throws SQLException
JDError.throwSQLException(this, JDError.EXC_DATA_TYPE_MISMATCH);
return -1;
public float getFloat()
throws SQLException
JDError.throwSQLException(this, JDError.EXC_DATA_TYPE_MISMATCH);
return -1;
public int getInt()
throws SQLException
JDError.throwSQLException(this, JDError.EXC_DATA_TYPE_MISMATCH);
return -1;
public long getLong()
throws SQLException
JDError.throwSQLException(this, JDError.EXC_DATA_TYPE_MISMATCH);
return -1;
public Object getObject()
throws SQLException
truncated_ = 0; outOfBounds_ = false;
Calendar calendar = AS400Calendar.getGregorianInstance();
calendar.set(1970, Calendar.JANUARY, 1, hour_, minute_, second_);
calendar.set(Calendar.MILLISECOND, 0);
long millis;
if (jdk14) { millis =calendar.getTimeInMillis(); } else { millis = calendar.getTime().getTime(); }
return new Time(millis);
public short getShort()
throws SQLException
JDError.throwSQLException(this, JDError.EXC_DATA_TYPE_MISMATCH);
return -1;
public String getString()
throws SQLException
truncated_ = 0; outOfBounds_ = false;
Calendar calendar = AS400Calendar.getGregorianInstance();
calendar.set(1970, Calendar.JANUARY, 1, hour_, minute_, second_);
calendar.set(Calendar.MILLISECOND, 0);
long millis;
if (jdk14) { millis =calendar.getTimeInMillis(); } else { millis = calendar.getTime().getTime(); }
Time t = new Time(millis);
return timeToString(t, settings_, calendar, hour_); // @E3C
public Time getTime(Calendar calendar)
throws SQLException
truncated_ = 0; outOfBounds_ = false;
if(calendar == null) calendar = AS400Calendar.getGregorianInstance(); //@P0A
else {
calendar = AS400Calendar.getConversionCalendar(calendar);
// @F2A
// You are supposed to normalize the time to the epoch,
// not set its extra fields to 0. This produces totally different
// results. See JDBC API Reference and Tutorial, pg 860 for complete
// details.
calendar.set(1970, Calendar.JANUARY, 1, hour_, minute_, second_); // @F2C
// @F2D calendar.set(0, 0, 0, hour_, minute_, second_);
// Make sure to set the millisecond value from the time too as
// SQL Time objects do not track this field.
calendar.set(Calendar.MILLISECOND, 0); // @F2A
long millis;
if (jdk14) { millis =calendar.getTimeInMillis(); } else { millis = calendar.getTime().getTime(); }
return new Time(millis);
public Timestamp getTimestamp(Calendar calendar)
throws SQLException
// The JDBC 1.22 specification says that this conversion
// does not need to be supported, but the Graham Hamilton
// book says it does. I am going to go with the spec for
// now, since I don't think that any such conversion
// really makes sense.
//@54A JDBC 3.0 specification says this converstion is valid
//@54D JDError.throwSQLException(this, JDError.EXC_DATA_TYPE_MISMATCH);
//@54D return null;
truncated_ = 0; outOfBounds_ = false; //@54A
if(calendar == null) calendar = AS400Calendar.getGregorianInstance(); //@54A
else {
calendar = AS400Calendar.getConversionCalendar(calendar);
calendar.set(1970, Calendar.JANUARY, 1, hour_, minute_, second_); //@54A
calendar.set(Calendar.MILLISECOND, 0); //@54A
long millis;
if (jdk14) { millis =calendar.getTimeInMillis(); } else { millis = calendar.getTime().getTime(); }
Timestamp ts = new Timestamp(millis); //@54A
ts.setNanos(0); //@54A
return ts; //@54A
//@pda jdbc40
public String getNString() throws SQLException
truncated_ = 0; outOfBounds_ = false;
Calendar calendar = AS400Calendar.getGregorianInstance();
calendar.set(1970, Calendar.JANUARY, 1, hour_, minute_, second_);
calendar.set(Calendar.MILLISECOND, 0);
long millis;
if (jdk14) { millis =calendar.getTimeInMillis(); } else { millis = calendar.getTime().getTime(); }
Time t = new Time(millis);
return timeToString(t, settings_, calendar, hour_); // @E3C
/* ifdef JDBC40
//@pda jdbc40
public RowId getRowId() throws SQLException
JDError.throwSQLException(this, JDError.EXC_DATA_TYPE_MISMATCH);
return null;
//@pda jdbc40
public SQLXML getSQLXML() throws SQLException
JDError.throwSQLException(this, JDError.EXC_DATA_TYPE_MISMATCH);
return null;
endif */
// @array
public void saveValue() throws SQLException {
savedValue_ = getObject();
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