com.ibm.as400.access.JDEscapeClause Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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// JTOpen (IBM Toolbox for Java - OSS version)
// Filename: JDEscapeClause.java
// The source code contained herein is licensed under the IBM Public License
// Version 1.0, which has been approved by the Open Source Initiative.
// Copyright (C) 1997-2001 International Business Machines Corporation and
// others. All rights reserved.
package com.ibm.as400.access;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.util.StringTokenizer;
import java.util.Vector;
This class represents an escape clause in a SQL statement.
It is used to translate SQL statements with JDBC escape
syntax to DB2 for IBM i format.
public class JDEscapeClause
// String constants. These will hopefully help performance
// slightly - assuming a similar optimization does not
// already take place.
private static final String CALL_ = "CALL";
private static final String CALL1_ = "?=";
private static final String CALL2_ = "?=CALL";
private static final String CALL3_ = "?";
private static final String DATE_ = "D";
private static final String ESCAPE_ = "ESCAPE";
private static final String FN_ = "FN";
private static final String OJ_ = "OJ";
private static final String TIME_ = "T";
private static final String TIMESTAMP_ = "TS";
// Scalar function parsing table.
private static JDScalarTable scalarFunctionTable_;
Static initializer. Initialize the scalar function table
and the supported function lists.
// @C1M Changed the static initializer to use the new JDScalarTable and provide earliest supported versions
static {
// create a new table
scalarFunctionTable_ = new JDScalarTable();
// Numeric functions.
// Supported by system:
// V4R5:
// abs,acos,asin,atan,atan2,ceiling,cos,cot,degrees,exp,floor,log10,mod,power,round,sin,sign,sqrt,tan,truncate
// >=V5R1:
// abs,acos,asin,atan,atan2,ceiling,cos,cot,degrees,exp,floor,log10,mod,power,radians,rand,round,sin,sign,sqrt,tan,truncate
// Supported by mapping:
// log,pi
scalarFunctionTable_.put("pi", "3%d1415926E00", JDUtilities.vrm510);
scalarFunctionTable_.put("log", "LN(%1)", JDScalarTable.NOT_SUPPORTED);
// String functions.
// Supported by system:
// >=V6R1:
// ascii, concat,difference,insert,
// lcase,left,locate,ltrim,repeat,replace,
// right,rtrim,soundex,space,substring,ucase
// Supported by mapping:
// V6R1:
// length
scalarFunctionTable_.put("length", "LENGTH(STRIP(%1,T))", JDScalarTable.NOT_SUPPORTED);
// System functions.
// Supported by system:
// ifnull,user
// Supported by mapping:
// database
scalarFunctionTable_.put("database", "CURRENT SERVER", JDUtilities.vrm530);
// we map the below function because if it is simply passed through it will end up USER()
// instead of USER
scalarFunctionTable_.put("user", "USER", JDScalarTable.NOT_SUPPORTED);
// return information about JTOpen
scalarFunctionTable_.put("jtopeninfo", "'"+Copyright.version+"'", JDScalarTable.NOT_SUPPORTED);
// Time and date functions.
// Supported by system:
// curdate,curtime,dayname,dayofmonth,dayofweek,dayofyear,hour,minute,month,monthname,now,quarter,second,timestampdiff,week,year
// Not supported:
// timestampadd
Parses an escape clause, and substitute it with native SQL.
This will recursively parse all nested escape clauses.
@param escapeSyntax SQL escape syntax.
@param decimalSeparator The decimal separator.
@param vrm The release as generated by AS400.generateVRM.
@return The parsed string.
@exception SQLException If there is a syntax error or
a reference to an unsupported
scalar function.
public static String parse (String escapeSyntax,
String decimalSeparator,
int vrm) // @C1M accept vrm
throws SQLException
// Tokenize the string and pass it to the other
// parse method (which may end up being called
// recursively.
// @C4D StringTokenizer tokenizer = new StringTokenizer (escapeSyntax,
// @C4D "{}'\"", true);
JDSQLTokenizer tokenizer = new JDSQLTokenizer(escapeSyntax, "{}'\""); // @C4A
return parse (tokenizer, decimalSeparator, true, vrm); // @C1M pass vrm
Parses an escape clause, and substitute it with native SQL.
This will recursively parse all nested escape clauses.
When the flag is true, the tokenized string is considered
to be the entire SQL statement and will end at the end of
the string.
When the flag is false, the tokenized string is considered
to be just a single escape clause, starting 1 token after
its left brace. It will end at the matching right brace.
@param tokenizer The tokenized string.
@param decimalSeparator The decimal separator.
@param flag The flag.
@param vrm The release as generated by AS400.generateVRM.
@exception SQLException If there is a syntax error or
a reference to an unsupported
scalar function.
// @C4D private static String parse (StringTokenizer tokenizer,
public static String parse (JDSQLTokenizer tokenizer,
String decimalSeparator,
boolean flag,
int vrm) // @C1M accept vrm
throws SQLException
// Initialize.
StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer ();
boolean quotes = false;
char quoteType = ' ';
// Iterate through the tokens...
while (tokenizer.hasMoreTokens ()) {
String token = tokenizer.nextToken();
// If the token is a left brace (and we are not in
// quotes), then recursively parse the escape clause.
if (token.equals ("{")) {
if (quotes)
buffer.append (token);
buffer.append (parse (tokenizer, decimalSeparator, false, vrm)); // @C1M pass vrm
// If the token is a right brace (and we are not in
// quotes), then this is the end of a clause.
// If we are parsing the whole string, then this does
// not have a matching left brace.
else if (token.equals ("}")) {
if (quotes)
buffer.append (token);
else if (flag)
JDError.throwSQLException (JDError.EXC_SYNTAX_ERROR);
return convert (buffer.toString (), decimalSeparator, vrm); // @C1M pass vrm
// If the token is a quote, then toggle the quote
// information.
else if ((token.equals ("'")) || (token.equals ("\""))) {
if (quotes) {
if (quoteType == token.charAt (0))
quotes = false;
else {
quotes = true;
quoteType = token.charAt (0);
// Anything else, just add it to the buffer.
// If we have gotten this far and we are just parsing
// a clause, then there is no closing right brace.
if (! flag)
JDError.throwSQLException (JDError.EXC_SYNTAX_ERROR);
return buffer.toString ();
Convert the escape syntax to native SQL.
@param escapeSyntax The escape syntax to convert.
It is assumed that all leading
and trailing blanks are
already trimmed.
@param decimalSeparator The decimal separator.
@return Native SQL.
@exception SQLException If there is a syntax error or
a reference to an unsupported
scalar function.
private static String convert (String escapeSyntax,
String decimalSeparator, int vrm) // @C1M accept vrm
throws SQLException
StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer ();
// Parse out the keyword and the value. The value
// is just the rest of the escape syntax.
String trimmed = escapeSyntax.trim ();
int i = trimmed.indexOf (' ');
String keyword = null;
String value = null;
if (i == -1) {
keyword = trimmed; // @C3M
value = "";
else {
keyword = trimmed.substring (0, i); // @C3M
value = trimmed.substring (i+1);
// Handle stored procedures.
if ((keyword.equalsIgnoreCase (CALL_)) // @C3M
|| (keyword.equalsIgnoreCase (CALL1_)) // @C3M
|| (keyword.equalsIgnoreCase (CALL2_)) // @C3M
|| (keyword.equalsIgnoreCase (CALL3_))) { // @C3M
buffer.append (keyword);
buffer.append (' ');
buffer.append (value);
// Handle date literal.
// This works because the JDBC escape syntax is the same
// as ISO format, which works no matter what the server
// job has for its date format and separator.
else if (keyword.equalsIgnoreCase (DATE_))
buffer.append (value);
// Handle time literal.
// This works because the JDBC escape syntax is the same
// as ISO format, which works no matter what the server
// job has for its date format and separator.
else if (keyword.equalsIgnoreCase (TIME_))
buffer.append (value);
// Handle timestamp literal.
else if (keyword.equalsIgnoreCase (TIMESTAMP_)) {
StringTokenizer tokenizer = new StringTokenizer (value);
if (tokenizer.countTokens() != 2)
JDError.throwSQLException (JDError.EXC_SYNTAX_ERROR);
buffer.append (tokenizer.nextToken());
buffer.append ('-');
buffer.append (tokenizer.nextToken().replace(':', '.'));
/* @B1D - This will never happen, since we already counted tokens.
while (tokenizer.hasMoreTokens ()) {
buffer.append (' ');
buffer.append (tokenizer.nextToken());
} */
// Handle scalar functions.
else if (keyword.equalsIgnoreCase (FN_))
buffer.append (convertScalarFunctionCall (value, decimalSeparator, vrm)); // @C1M pass vrm
// Handle LIKE escape characters.
else if (keyword.equalsIgnoreCase (ESCAPE_)) {
if (value.trim ().length () == 0)
JDError.throwSQLException (JDError.EXC_SYNTAX_ERROR);
buffer.append (keyword);
buffer.append (' ');
buffer.append (value);
// Handle outer joins.
else if (keyword.equalsIgnoreCase (OJ_)) {
buffer.append (value);
// If none of the keywords matched any that we recognize,
// then call it a syntax error.
if (buffer.length() == 0)
JDError.throwSQLException (JDError.EXC_SYNTAX_ERROR);
return buffer.toString();
Convert a scalar function call to native SQL.
@param functionCall Function call.
@param decimalSeparator The decimal separator.
@return Native SQL.
@exception SQLException If there is a syntax error or
a reference to an unsupported
scalar function.
// @C1M changed parsing to support nested scalars and changed function mapping
private static String convertScalarFunctionCall (String functionCall, String decimalSeparator, int vrm)
throws SQLException {
// Parse the function call into its pieces.
int i = functionCall.indexOf('(');
// find the last index of the closing parenthesis to make // @C0A
// sure we get the whole function call including nested calls // @C0A
int j = functionCall.lastIndexOf(')'); // @C0M
String functionName = null;
String argumentString = null;
// get the function name and arg string
//if ((i == -1) && (j == -1)) { // @C2D
// functionName = functionCall.trim().toLowerCase(); // @C2D
// argumentString = ""; // @C2D
//} else if ((i < j) && (i != -1) && (j != -1)) { // @C2D
if ((i < j) && (i != -1) && (j != -1)) { // @C2A
functionName = functionCall.substring (0, i).trim().toLowerCase();
argumentString = functionCall.substring (i+1, j).trim();
} else
JDError.throwSQLException (JDError.EXC_SYNTAX_ERROR);
// get the mapped function or just pass it through
if (!scalarFunctionTable_.contains(functionName, vrm)){ // @C1A
// we dont map this function so just pass it through // @C1A
return functionCall; // @C1A
} else { // @C1A
// Check for text after the right parenthesis. // @C1A
if (j != -1 && j+1 < functionCall.length() && functionCall.substring(j+1).trim().length() > 0) // @C1A
JDError.throwSQLException (JDError.EXC_SYNTAX_ERROR); // @C1A
// @C1A
// Parse the argument string into arguments. // @C1A
Vector arguments = new Vector(); // @C1A
if (argumentString.length() > 0) { // @C1A
StringTokenizer atok = new StringTokenizer(argumentString, "(),", true); // @C1A
StringBuffer tokbuf = new StringBuffer(); // @C1A
int nestlevel = 0; // @C1A
while (atok.hasMoreTokens()) { // @C1A
String token = atok.nextToken(); // @C1A
// check if the argument has parenthesis, meaning it could be a nested fcn // @C1A
if (token.equals("(")) { // @C1A
++nestlevel; // @C1A
tokbuf.append("("); // @C1A
} else if (token.equals(")")) { // @C1A
// find a closing paren and decrement the nest count // @C1A
--nestlevel; // @C1A
tokbuf.append(")"); // @C1A
// if we have no more tokens after this one we add the argument to the list // @C1A
if (!atok.hasMoreTokens()) { // @C1A
arguments.add(tokbuf.toString()); // @C1A
} // @C1A
} else if (token.equals(",")) { // @C1A
// find a comma // @C1A
if (nestlevel == 0) { // @C1A
// if the nest count is zero we add the argument to the list because it is actually a delimeter
arguments.add(tokbuf.toString()); // @C1A
tokbuf = new StringBuffer(); // @C1A
} else { // @C1A
// if the nest count is not zero the comma is not a delimeter so just append to the buffer
tokbuf.append(","); // @C1A
} // @C1A
} else { // @C1A
// token is a special case so just add it to the buffer // @C1A
tokbuf.append(token); // @C1A
// there are no more tokens left so add the argument to the list // @C1A
if (!atok.hasMoreTokens()) { // @C1A
arguments.add(tokbuf.toString()); // @C1A
} // @C1A
} // @C1A
} // @C1A
} // @C1A
// @C1A
// Get the native SQL from the scalar function table. // @C1A
StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer ();
String nativeSQL = scalarFunctionTable_.get(functionName, vrm).toString(); // @C1M
// Handle the substitution variables.
int marker = 0;
int nextPercent = 0;
int highestArgumentNumber = 0;
while (true) {
// Find the next % and substitution code (the digit
// after the %.
nextPercent = nativeSQL.indexOf ('%', marker);
if ((nextPercent == -1) || (nextPercent == nativeSQL.length() - 1)) {
buffer.append (nativeSQL.substring (marker));
buffer.append (nativeSQL.substring (marker, nextPercent));
char substitutionCode = nativeSQL.charAt (nextPercent + 1);
// If an invalid substitution code, then it is a
// syntax error. Otherwise, do the substitution.
if (Character.isDigit (substitutionCode)) {
int argumentNumber = Character.digit (substitutionCode, 10);
if (argumentNumber > arguments.size())
JDError.throwSQLException (JDError.EXC_SYNTAX_ERROR);
if (argumentNumber > highestArgumentNumber)
highestArgumentNumber = argumentNumber;
buffer.append (arguments.elementAt(argumentNumber-1));
else if (substitutionCode == 'd') {
buffer.append (decimalSeparator);
// Increment the marker past the substitution code.
marker = nextPercent + 2;
// Check that the number of arguments is what we expected.
if (highestArgumentNumber != arguments.size())
JDError.throwSQLException (JDError.EXC_SYNTAX_ERROR);
return buffer.toString();
Get a list of supported math functions.
@param vrm The version of the host OS.
@return A list of function names, separated by commas.
static String getNumericFunctions(int vrm) {
if (vrm >= JDUtilities.vrm610) {
return "abs,acos,asin,atan,atan2,ceiling,character_length,cos,cot,degrees," +
"exp,floor,log,log10,mod,octet_length,pi,power," +
} else {
// @C1A the below if/else block was added to report the correct functions
// through DatabaseMetaData
if (vrm < JDUtilities.vrm510) {
// we are running to a V4R5 or older host
return "abs,acos,asin,atan,atan2,ceiling,cos,cot,degrees,exp,floor,log,log10,mod,pi,power,round,sin,sign,sqrt,tan,truncate";
} else {
// we are running to a V5R1 or newer host
return "abs,acos,asin,atan,atan2,ceiling,cos,cot,degrees,exp,floor,log,log10,mod,pi,power,radians,rand,round,sin,sign,sqrt,tan,truncate";
Get a list of supported string functions.
@param vrm The version of the host OS.
@return A list of function names, separated by commas.
static String getStringFunctions(int vrm) {
if (vrm >= JDUtilities.vrm610) {
return "ascii,char,char_length,character_length,concat,difference," +
"insert,lcase,left,length,locate,ltrim," +
"octet_length,position,repeat,replace,right,rtrim," +
} else {
// @C1A the below if/else block was added to report the correct functions through DatabaseMetaData
if (vrm < JDUtilities.vrm510) {
// we are running to a V4R5M0 or older host
return "concat,insert,left,length,locate,ltrim,right,rtrim,substring,ucase";
} else if (vrm < JDUtilities.vrm520) {
// we are running to a V5R1 host
return "concat,difference,insert,left,length,locate,ltrim,right,rtrim,soundex,space,substring,ucase";
} else if (vrm < JDUtilities.vrm530) {
// we are running to a V5R2 host
return "char,concat,difference,insert,lcase,left,length,locate,ltrim,right,rtrim,soundex,space,substring,ucase";
} else {
// we are running to a V5R3 or newer host
return "ascii,char,concat,difference,insert,lcase,left,length,locate,ltrim,repeat,replace,right,rtrim,soundex,space,substring,ucase";
Get a list of supported system functions.
@param vrm The version of the host OS.
@return A list of function names, separated by commas.
static String getSystemFunctions(int vrm) {
return "database,ifnull,user"; // @C1A added to report the correct functions through DatabaseMetaData
Get a list of supported time and date functions.
@param vrm The version of the host OS.
@return A list of function names, separated by commas.
static String getTimeDateFunctions(int vrm) {
if (vrm >= JDUtilities.vrm610) {
return "current_date,current_time,current_timestamp," +
"curdate,curtime,dayname,dayofmonth,dayofweek,dayofyear," +
"extract,hour,minute,month,monthname,now,quarter,second," +
} else {
// @C1A the below if/else block was added to report the correct functions through DatabaseMetaData
if (vrm < JDUtilities.vrm510) {
// we are running to a V4R5 or older host
return "curdate,curtime,dayofmonth,dayofweek,dayofyear,hour,minute,month,now,quarter,second,week,year";
} else if (vrm < JDUtilities.vrm530) {
// we are running to a V5R1 or V5R2 host
return "curdate,curtime,dayofmonth,dayofweek,dayofyear,hour,minute,month,now,quarter,second,timestampdiff,week,year";
} else {
// we are running to a V5R3 or newer host
return "curdate,curtime,dayname,dayofmonth,dayofweek,dayofyear,hour,minute,month,monthname,now,quarter,second,timestampdiff,week,year";
Add the specified scalar function and native SQL to
the scalar function table and the specified function
@param functionName Name of scalar function
@param nativeSQL Native SQL to translate function call
into. This string can contain
substitution variables, which are
% followed by a substitution code.
A numeric substitution code (e.g. %1,
%2, %3) marks where argument
will be copied to during translation.
%d marks where the decimal separator
should appear.
@param functionList Function list to which to append
this supported scalar function.
// @C1D removed this method because it is no longer needed
// private static void initializeScalarFunction (String functionName, String nativeSql, int vrmSupported, StringBuffer functionList)
// {
// // Add to scalar function table.
// scalarFunctionTable_.put (functionName, nativeSql, vrmSupported);
// // Add to the function list.
// if (functionList.length() > 0)
// functionList.append (',');
// functionList.append (functionName);
// }
Is the CONVERT function between SQL types supported?
@return false
static boolean supportsConvert ()
// We do not support this.
return false;
Is CONVERT between the given SQL types supported?
@param fromType SQL type code defined in java.sql.Types.
@param toType SQL type code defined in java.sql.Types.
@return false (We currently do not support CONVERT
at all.
static boolean supportsConvert (int fromType, int toType)
// We do not support this.
return false;
This class is a hashtable-like container for mapping JDBC to
native scalar functions.
// @C1A Added this inner class to store mappings
private static final class JDScalarTable {
public static final int NOT_SUPPORTED = 0;
private static final int HASH = 10;
private String[][] keys = new String[HASH][];
private String[][] data = new String[HASH][];
private int[][] vrms = new int[HASH][];
Returns true if the function corresponding to key should
be mapped for this VRM of the host.
@param key The function key
@param vrm The VRM of the host
@return true if we should get the mapped function from the table
final boolean contains(String key, int vrm) {
if (key == null) throw new NullPointerException("key");
int hash = (key.hashCode()<0?key.hashCode()*-1:key.hashCode()) % HASH;
String[] keyChain = keys[hash];
int[] vrmChain = vrms[hash];
if (keyChain == null) return false;
if (vrmChain == null) return false;
for (int i=0; i vrm || vrmChain[i] == NOT_SUPPORTED)) {
return true;
return false;
Returns the function corresponding to the key and VRM.
@param key The function key
@param vrm The VRM of the host
@return null if the key/vrm combination is not mapped
final String get(String key, int vrm) {
if (key == null) throw new NullPointerException("key");
int hash = (key.hashCode()<0?key.hashCode()*-1:key.hashCode()) % HASH;
synchronized(keys) {
String[] keyChain = keys[hash];
int[] vrmChain = vrms[hash];
if (keyChain == null) return null;
if (vrmChain == null) return null;
for (int i=0; i vrm || vrmChain[i] == NOT_SUPPORTED)) {
return data[hash][i];
return null;
Sets the JDBC to native function mapping. The VRM indicates the earliest
version of host to support the function.
@param key The function key
@param value The map for the key
@param vrm The VRM of the host
final void put(String key, String value, int vrm) {
if (key == null) throw new NullPointerException("key");
if (vrm < 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException("vrm");
int hash = (key.hashCode()<0?key.hashCode()*-1:key.hashCode()) % HASH;
String[] valueChain = data[hash];
String[] keyChain = keys[hash];
int[] vrmChain = vrms[hash];
if (keyChain == null) { // there are currently no keys in this chain of the hashtable so create a new chain
keyChain = new String[] { key }; // create a new key chain
valueChain = new String[] { value }; // create a new value chain
vrmChain = new int[] { vrm }; // create a new vrm chain
keys[hash] = keyChain; // set the key, value, and vrm
data[hash] = valueChain;
vrms[hash] = vrmChain;
} else { // keys exist in this chain of the hashtable so add this one to the chain
int len = keyChain.length;
for (int i=0; i