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// JTOpen (IBM Toolbox for Java - OSS version)                              
// Filename:
// The source code contained herein is licensed under the IBM Public License   
// Version 1.0, which has been approved by the Open Source Initiative.         
// Copyright (C) 1997-2000 International Business Machines Corporation and     
// others. All rights reserved.                                                


import javax.swing.CellEditor;
import javax.swing.JComponent;
import javax.swing.JScrollPane;
import javax.swing.JTree;
import javax.swing.JViewport;
import javax.swing.event.TreeExpansionListener;
import javax.swing.event.TreeModelListener;
import javax.swing.event.TreeSelectionListener;
import javax.swing.tree.TreeModel;
import javax.swing.tree.TreePath;
import javax.swing.tree.TreeSelectionModel;
import java.awt.BorderLayout;
import java.awt.Frame;
import java.awt.Point;
import java.awt.Rectangle;
import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;
import java.awt.event.ActionListener;
import java.beans.PropertyChangeListener;
import java.beans.PropertyVetoException;
import java.beans.VetoableChangeListener;

The AS400TreePane class represents a graphical user interface
that presents a tree, where all information for the tree is
gathered from the hierarchy of objects rooted at a system resource.
You must explicitly call load() to load the information from
the system.

Most errors are reported as ErrorEvents rather than throwing exceptions. Users should listen for ErrorEvents in order to diagnose and recover from error conditions.

AS400TreePane objects generate the following events:

  • ErrorEvent
  • PropertyChangeEvent
  • TreeSelectionEvent

The following example creates a tree pane filled with the contents of a directory in the integrated file system of a system.

// Set up the tree pane.
AS400 system = new AS400 ("MySystem", "Userid", "Password");
VIFSDirectory directory = new VIFSDirectory (system, "/myDirectory");
AS400TreePane treePane = new AS400TreePane (directory);
treePane.load ();

// Add the tree pane to a frame. JFrame frame = new JFrame ("My Window"); frame.getContentPane().add (treePane);
@see AS400TreeModel @deprecated Use Java Swing instead, along with the classes in package **/ public class AS400TreePane extends JComponent implements Serializable { private static final String copyright = "Copyright (C) 1997-2000 International Business Machines Corporation and others."; // Constant. private static VNode dummyRoot_ = new VEmptyNode (); // Properties. boolean allowActions_ = true; // Private. boolean confirm_ = true; // Private. AS400TreeModel model_ = null; // Private. JTree tree_ = null; // Private. // Private data. transient private VActionContext actionContext_; transient private PopupMenuAdapter popupMenuAdapter_; // Event support. transient private ErrorEventSupport errorEventSupport_; transient private PropertyChangeSupport propertyChangeSupport_; transient private TreeSelectionEventSupport treeSelectionEventSupport_; transient private VetoableChangeSupport vetoableChangeSupport_; /** Constructs an AS400TreePane object. **/ public AS400TreePane () { // Initialize the model. // // The reason that we initialize the root to something // other than null is to workaround a Swing bug. If // you create a JTree with a null root, just about // everything causes a NullPointerException inside // Swing, including setting the root to something else. // model_ = new AS400TreeModel (dummyRoot_); // Initialize the tree. tree_ = new JTree (model_); tree_.setCellEditor (new VObjectCellEditor ()); tree_.setCellRenderer (new VObjectCellRenderer ()); tree_.setEditable (true); tree_.setRootVisible (true); tree_.setShowsRootHandles (true); tree_.getSelectionModel ().setSelectionMode (TreeSelectionModel.SINGLE_TREE_SELECTION); // Layout the pane. setLayout (new BorderLayout ()); add ("Center", new JScrollPane (tree_)); initializeTransient (); } /** Constructs an AS400TreePane object. @param root The root, or the system resource, from which all information for the model is gathered. **/ public AS400TreePane (VNode root) { this (); if (root == null) throw new NullPointerException ("root"); try { model_.setRoot (root); } catch (PropertyVetoException e) { // Ignore. } expand (root); } /** Adds a listener to be notified when an error occurs. @param listener The listener. **/ public void addErrorListener (ErrorListener listener) { errorEventSupport_.addErrorListener (listener); } /** Adds a listener to be notified when the value of any bound property changes. @param listener The listener. **/ public void addPropertyChangeListener (PropertyChangeListener listener) { super.addPropertyChangeListener (listener); propertyChangeSupport_.addPropertyChangeListener (listener); } /** Adds a listener to be notified when a tree selection occurs. @param listener The listener. **/ public void addTreeSelectionListener (TreeSelectionListener listener) { treeSelectionEventSupport_.addTreeSelectionListener (listener); } /**Adds a listener to be notified when the value of any constrained property changes. @param listener The listener. **/ public void addVetoableChangeListener (VetoableChangeListener listener) { super.addVetoableChangeListener (listener); vetoableChangeSupport_.addVetoableChangeListener (listener); } /** Collapses the specified object. @param object The object. **/ public void collapse (VNode object) { if (object == null) throw new NullPointerException ("object"); int row = findRow (object); if (row >= 0) tree_.collapseRow (row); } /** Expands the specified object. @param object The object. **/ public void expand (VNode object) { if (object == null) throw new NullPointerException ("object"); int row = findRow (object); if (row >= 0) tree_.expandRow (row); } /** Finds the row for the object. @param object The object. @return The row, or -1 if the object is not in the tree or is not visible. **/ private int findRow (VNode object) { if (object == null) throw new NullPointerException ("object"); TreePath path = getPath (object); if (path != null) return tree_.getRowForPath (path); else return -1; } /** Returns the context in which actions will be performed. @return The action context. **/ public VActionContext getActionContext () { return actionContext_; } /** Indicates if actions can be invoked on objects. @return true if actions can be invoked; false otherwise. **/ public boolean getAllowActions () { return allowActions_; } /** Indicates if certain actions are confirmed with the user. @return true if certain actions are confirmed with the user; false otherwise. **/ public boolean getConfirm() { return confirm_; } /** Returns the model which contains the data for the tree. @return The tree model. **/ public TreeModel getModel () { return model_; } /** Returns the path from the root to get to this object in the tree hierarchy. The last element in the path will be this object. @param object The object. @return The path, or null if the object is not a valid object. **/ public TreePath getPath (VNode object) { if (object == null) throw new NullPointerException ("object"); return model_.getPath (object); } /** Returns the root, or the system resource, from which all information for the model is gathered. @return The root, or the system resource, from which all information for the model is gathered. It will be null if none has been set. **/ public VNode getRoot () { VNode root = (VNode) model_.getRoot (); if (root == dummyRoot_) return null; else return root; } /** Returns the first selected object. @return The first selected object, or null if none are selected. **/ public VNode getSelectedObject () { VNode selectedObject = null; TreePath selectedPath = tree_.getSelectionPath (); if (selectedPath != null) selectedObject = (VNode) selectedPath.getLastPathComponent (); return selectedObject; } /** Returns the selected objects. @return The selected objects. **/ public VNode[] getSelectedObjects () { VNode[] selectedObjects = null; TreePath[] selectedPaths = tree_.getSelectionPaths (); if (selectedPaths != null) { selectedObjects = new VNode[selectedPaths.length]; for (int i = 0; i < selectedPaths.length; ++i) selectedObjects[i] = (VNode) selectedPaths[i].getLastPathComponent (); } else selectedObjects = new VNode[0]; return selectedObjects; } /** Returns the selection model that is used to maintain selection state. This provides the ability to programmatically select and deselect objects. @return The selection model, or null if selections are not allowed. **/ public TreeSelectionModel getSelectionModel () { return tree_.getSelectionModel (); } /** Initializes the transient data. **/ private void initializeTransient () { // Initialize the event support. errorEventSupport_ = new ErrorEventSupport (this); propertyChangeSupport_ = new PropertyChangeSupport (this); treeSelectionEventSupport_ = new TreeSelectionEventSupport (this); vetoableChangeSupport_ = new VetoableChangeSupport (this); model_.addErrorListener (errorEventSupport_); model_.addPropertyChangeListener (propertyChangeSupport_); model_.addVetoableChangeListener (vetoableChangeSupport_); tree_.addTreeSelectionListener (treeSelectionEventSupport_); // Initialize the action context. actionContext_ = new VActionContext_ (); // Initialize the other adapters. model_.addWorkingListener (new WorkingCursorAdapter (tree_)); VPane_ pane = new VPane_ (); popupMenuAdapter_ = new PopupMenuAdapter (pane, actionContext_); if (allowActions_) tree_.addMouseListener (popupMenuAdapter_); } /** Indicates if the object is currently collapsed. @param object The object. @return true if the object is collapsed; false otherwise. **/ public boolean isCollapsed (VNode object) { if (object == null) throw new NullPointerException ("object"); int row = findRow (object); if (row >= 0) return tree_.isCollapsed (row); else return false; } /** Indicates if the object is currently expanded. @param object The object. @return true if the object is expanded; false otherwise. **/ public boolean isExpanded (VNode object) { if (object == null) throw new NullPointerException ("object"); int row = findRow (object); if (row >= 0) return tree_.isExpanded (row); else return false; } /** Indicates if the object is selected. @param object The object. @return true if the object is selected; false otherwise. **/ public boolean isSelected (VNode object) { if (object == null) throw new NullPointerException ("object"); int row = findRow (object); if (row > 0) return tree_.isRowSelected (row); else return false; } /** Indicates if the object is currently visible. @param object The object. @return true if the object is visible; false otherwise. **/ public boolean isVisible (VNode object) { if (object == null) throw new NullPointerException ("object"); TreePath path = getPath (object); if (path != null) { //@B0A //@B0A - Swing 1.1 bug. JTree.isVisible() returns true // when the node isn't in the tree. if (tree_.getPathBounds(model_.getPath(object)) == null) //@B0A { //@B0A return false; //@B0A } //@B0A return tree_.isVisible (path); } //@B0A else return false; } /** Loads the information from the system. **/ public void load () { model_.load (); expand ((VNode) model_.getRoot ()); } /** Makes the object visible in the tree by expanding its parent objects as needed. @param object The object. **/ public void makeVisible (VNode object) { if (object == null) throw new NullPointerException ("object"); TreePath path = getPath (object); if (path != null) tree_.makeVisible (path); } /** Removes an error listener. @param listener The listener. **/ public void removeErrorListener (ErrorListener listener) { errorEventSupport_.removeErrorListener (listener); } /** Removes a property change listener. @param listener The listener. **/ public void removePropertyChangeListener (PropertyChangeListener listener) { super.removePropertyChangeListener (listener); propertyChangeSupport_.removePropertyChangeListener (listener); } /** Removes a tree selection listener. @param listener The listener. **/ public void removeTreeSelectionListener (TreeSelectionListener listener) { treeSelectionEventSupport_.removeTreeSelectionListener (listener); } /** Removes a vetoable change listener. @param listener The listener. **/ public void removeVetoableChangeListener (VetoableChangeListener listener) { super.removeVetoableChangeListener (listener); vetoableChangeSupport_.removeVetoableChangeListener (listener); } /** Sets whether actions are allowed. The following are enabled only when actions are allowed:
  • popup menu on selected object

The default is true. @param allowActions true if actions are allowed; false otherwise. **/ public void setAllowActions (boolean allowActions) { if (allowActions_ != allowActions) { allowActions_ = allowActions; if (allowActions_) tree_.addMouseListener (popupMenuAdapter_); else tree_.removeMouseListener (popupMenuAdapter_); } } /** Sets whether certain actions are confirmed with the user. The default is true. @param confirm true if certain actions are confirmed with the user; false otherwise. **/ public void setConfirm (boolean confirm) { confirm_ = confirm; } /** Sets the root, or the system resource, from which all information for the model is gathered. It will not take effect until load() is done. @param root The root, or the system resource, from which all information for the model is gathered. @exception PropertyVetoException If the change is vetoed. **/ public void setRoot (VNode root) throws PropertyVetoException { if (root == null) throw new NullPointerException ("root"); tree_.clearSelection (); model_.setRoot (root); expand (root); } /** Sets the selection model that is used to maintain selection state. This provides the ability to programmatically select and deselect objects. @param selectionModel The selection model, or null if selections are not allowed. **/ public void setSelectionModel (TreeSelectionModel selectionModel) { // Do not dispatch events from the old selection model any more. TreeSelectionModel oldSelectionModel = tree_.getSelectionModel (); if (oldSelectionModel != null) oldSelectionModel.removeTreeSelectionListener (treeSelectionEventSupport_); tree_.setSelectionModel (selectionModel); // Dispatch events from the new selection model. if (selectionModel != null) selectionModel.addTreeSelectionListener (treeSelectionEventSupport_); } /** Implements the VActionContext interface. **/ private class VActionContext_ implements VActionContext, Serializable { public boolean getConfirm () { return confirm_; } public Frame getFrame () { return VUtilities.getFrame (AS400TreePane.this); } public CellEditor startEditing (VObject object, Object propertyIdentifier) { // Validate the parameters. if (object == null) throw new NullPointerException ("object"); if (propertyIdentifier == null) throw new NullPointerException ("propertyIdentifier"); if (allowActions_ == false) return null; // Edit. //@B0A - Swing 1.1 bug. JTree.startEditingAtPath() will cause // a NullPointerException when it calls getPathBounds() // internally when the node isn't in the tree. if (tree_.getPathBounds(model_.getPath(object)) != null) //@B0A { //@B0A tree_.startEditingAtPath (model_.getPath (object)); //@B0A } //@B0A return tree_.getCellEditor (); } } /** Implements the VPane interface. **/ private class VPane_ implements VPane, Serializable { public VNode getRoot () { return AS400TreePane.this.getRoot (); } public VObject getObjectAt (Point point) { VObject object = null; TreePath treePath = tree_.getClosestPathForLocation (point.x, point.y); Rectangle pathBounds = tree_.getPathBounds (treePath); if (pathBounds.contains (point)) object = (VObject) treePath.getLastPathComponent (); return object; } public void setRoot (VNode root) throws PropertyVetoException { AS400TreePane.this.setRoot (root); } } }

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