src.com.ibm.as400.resource.RJobList Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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// JTOpen (IBM Toolbox for Java - OSS version)
// Filename: RJobList.java
// The source code contained herein is licensed under the IBM Public License
// Version 1.0, which has been approved by the Open Source Initiative.
// Copyright (C) 1997-2000 International Business Machines Corporation and
// others. All rights reserved.
package com.ibm.as400.resource;
import com.ibm.as400.access.AS400;
import com.ibm.as400.access.ExtendedIllegalStateException;
import com.ibm.as400.access.Trace;
import com.ibm.as400.data.PcmlException;
import com.ibm.as400.data.ProgramCallDocument;
import java.beans.PropertyVetoException;
The RJobList class represents a list of server jobs.
The following selection IDs are supported:
- {@link #JOB_NAME JOB_NAME}
- {@link #JOB_TYPE JOB_TYPE}
Use one or more of these selection IDs with
{@link com.ibm.as400.resource.ResourceList#getSelectionValue(java.lang.Object) getSelectionValue()}
and {@link com.ibm.as400.resource.ResourceList#setSelectionValue(java.lang.Object, java.lang.Object) setSelectionValue()}
to access the selection values for an RJobList.
The following sort IDs are supported:
- {@link com.ibm.as400.resource.RJob#JOB_NAME RJob.JOB_NAME}
- {@link com.ibm.as400.resource.RJob#USER_NAME RJob.USER_NAME}
- {@link com.ibm.as400.resource.RJob#JOB_NUMBER RJob.JOB_NUMBER}
- {@link com.ibm.as400.resource.RJob#JOB_TYPE RJob.JOB_TYPE}
- {@link com.ibm.as400.resource.RJob#JOB_SUBTYPE RJob.JOB_SUBTYPE}
Use one or more of these sort IDs with
{@link com.ibm.as400.resource.ResourceList#getSortValue() getSortValue()}
and {@link com.ibm.as400.resource.ResourceList#setSortValue(java.lang.Object[]) setSortValue()}
to access the sort values for an RJobList.
RJobList objects generate {@link com.ibm.as400.resource.RJob RJob} objects.
// Create an RJobList object to represent a list of jobs.
AS400 system = new AS400("MYSYSTEM", "MYUSERID", "MYPASSWORD");
RJobList jobList = new RJobList(system);
// Set the selection so that only active jobs with the name
// "QZDASOINIT" are included in the list.
jobList.setSelectionValue(RJobList.PRIMARY_JOB_STATUSES, new String[] { RJob.JOB_STATUS_ACTIVE });
jobList.setSelectionValue(RJobList.JOB_NAME, "QZDASOINIT");
// Set the sort value so that the list is sorted by
// user name and job type.
Object[] sortValue = new Object[] { RJob.USER_NAME, RJob.JOB_TYPE };
// Open the list and wait for it to complete.
// Read and print the job numbers for the jobs in the list.
long numberOfJobs = jobList.getListLength();
for(long i = 0; i < numberOfJobs; ++i)
RJob job = (RJob)jobList.resourceAt(i);
// Close the list.
@deprecated Use
{@link com.ibm.as400.access.JobList JobList} instead, as this package may be removed in the future.
@see RJob
public class RJobList
extends SystemResourceList
private static final String copyright = "Copyright (C) 1997-2000 International Business Machines Corporation and others.";
static final long serialVersionUID = 4L;
// Presentation.
private static final String PRESENTATION_KEY_ = "JOB_LIST";
private static final String ICON_BASE_NAME_ = "RJobList";
private static final String SORTS_PRESENTATION_KEY_ = "JOB";
private static PresentationLoader presentationLoader_ = new PresentationLoader("com.ibm.as400.resource.ResourceMRI");
// Public constants.
Constant indicating that all jobs are returned.
public static final String ALL = "*ALL";
Constant indicating that a blank value is used.
public static final String BLANK = "*BLANK";
Constant indicating that the current value is used.
public static final String CURRENT = "*CURRENT";
// Selection IDs.
// * If you add a selection here, make sure and add it to the class javadoc
// and in ResourceMRI.java.
private static ResourceMetaDataTable selections_ = new ResourceMetaDataTable(presentationLoader_, PRESENTATION_KEY_);
Selection ID for job name. This identifies a String selection,
which represents a specific job name. Possible values are:
- "*" - Only the job that this program is running in.
- {@link #CURRENT CURRENT} - All jobs with the current job's name.
- {@link #ALL ALL} - All job names.
- A job name.
The default is ALL.
public static final String JOB_NAME = "JOB_NAME";
static {
selections_.add(JOB_NAME, String.class, false,
new String[] { "*", CURRENT, ALL }, ALL, false);
Selection ID for job number. This identifies a String selection,
which represents a specific job number. Possible values are:
- {@link #ALL ALL} - All job numbers.
- A job number.
The default is ALL.
public static final String JOB_NUMBER = "JOB_NUMBER";
static {
selections_.add(JOB_NUMBER, String.class, false,
new String[] { ALL }, ALL, false);
Selection ID for job type. This identifies a String selection,
which represents the type of job to be listed. Possible values are:
- {@link #ALL ALL} - All job types.
- {@link com.ibm.as400.resource.RJob#JOB_TYPE_AUTOSTART RJob.JOB_TYPE_AUTOSTART} - The job is an autostart job.
- {@link com.ibm.as400.resource.RJob#JOB_TYPE_BATCH RJob.JOB_TYPE_BATCH} - The job is a batch job.
- {@link com.ibm.as400.resource.RJob#JOB_TYPE_INTERACTIVE RJob.JOB_TYPE_INTERACTIVE} - The job is an interactive job.
- {@link com.ibm.as400.resource.RJob#JOB_TYPE_SUBSYSTEM_MONITOR RJob.JOB_TYPE_SUBSYSTEM_MONITOR} - The job is a subsystem monitor job.
- {@link com.ibm.as400.resource.RJob#JOB_TYPE_SPOOLED_READER RJob.JOB_TYPE_SPOOLED_READER} - The job is a spooled reader job.
- {@link com.ibm.as400.resource.RJob#JOB_TYPE_SYSTEM RJob.JOB_TYPE_SYSTEM} - The job is a system job.
- {@link com.ibm.as400.resource.RJob#JOB_TYPE_SPOOLED_WRITER RJob.JOB_TYPE_SPOOLED_WRITER} - The job is a spooled writer job.
- {@link com.ibm.as400.resource.RJob#JOB_TYPE_SCPF_SYSTEM RJob.JOB_TYPE_SCPF_SYSTEM} - The job is the SCPF system job.
The default is ALL.
public static final String JOB_TYPE = "JOB_TYPE";
static {
selections_.add(JOB_TYPE, String.class, false,
new String[] { ALL,
Selection ID for jobs on primary job statuses. This identifies a String array selection,
which represents the primary statuses of the jobs to be included in the list.
Possible values for each element of the array are:
- {@link com.ibm.as400.resource.RJob#JOB_STATUS_ACTIVE RJob.JOB_STATUS_ACTIVE} - The job is active.
- {@link com.ibm.as400.resource.RJob#JOB_STATUS_JOBQ RJob.JOB_STATUS_JOBQ} - The job is currently on a job queue.
- {@link com.ibm.as400.resource.RJob#JOB_STATUS_OUTQ RJob.JOB_STATUS_OUTQ} - The job has completed running, but still has output
on an output queue.
static {
selections_.add(PRIMARY_JOB_STATUSES, String.class, false,
new String[] { RJob.JOB_STATUS_ACTIVE,
RJob.JOB_STATUS_OUTQ }, null, true, true);
Selection ID for user name. This identifies a String selection,
which represents a specific user profile name. Possible values are:
- {@link #CURRENT CURRENT} - All jobs with the current job's user profile.
- {@link #ALL ALL} - All jobs regardless of user name.
- A user profile name.
The default is ALL.
public static final String USER_NAME = "USER_NAME";
static {
selections_.add(USER_NAME, String.class, false,
new String[] { CURRENT, ALL }, ALL, false);
// Sort IDs.
// * If you add a sort here, make sure and add it to the class javadoc
// and in ResourceMRI.java.
private static ResourceMetaDataTable sorts_ = new ResourceMetaDataTable(presentationLoader_, SORTS_PRESENTATION_KEY_);
static {
sorts_.add(RJob.JOB_NAME, String.class, true);
sorts_.add(RJob.USER_NAME, String.class, true);
sorts_.add(RJob.JOB_NUMBER, String.class, true);
sorts_.add(RJob.JOB_TYPE, String.class, true);
sorts_.add(RJob.JOB_SUBTYPE, String.class, true);
// PCML document initialization.
private static final String DOCUMENT_NAME_ = "com.ibm.as400.resource.RJobList";
private static final String formatName_ = "oljb0100";
private static ProgramCallDocument staticDocument_ = null;
static {
// Create a static version of the PCML document, then clone it for each document.
// This will improve performance, since we will only have to deserialize the PCML
// object once.
try {
staticDocument_ = new ProgramCallDocument();
catch(PcmlException e) {
if (Trace.isTraceOn())
Trace.log(Trace.ERROR, "Error instantiating ProgramCallDocument", e);
// Private data.
private static final String openListProgramName_ = "qgyoljob";
// Code.
Constructs an RJobList object.
public RJobList()
super(presentationLoader_.getPresentationWithIcon(PRESENTATION_KEY_, ICON_BASE_NAME_),
Constructs an RJobList object.
@param system The system.
public RJobList(AS400 system)
try {
catch(PropertyVetoException e) {
// Ignore.
Establishes the connection to the system.
The method is called by the resource framework automatically
when the connection needs to be established.
@exception ResourceException If an error occurs.
protected void establishConnection()
throws ResourceException
// Call the superclass.
// Initialize the PCML document.
// List implementation.
void setOpenParameters(ProgramCallDocument document)
throws PcmlException, ResourceException
// Set the selections.
document.setValue("qgyoljob.jobSelectionInformation.jobName", ((String)getSelectionValue(RJobList.JOB_NAME)).toUpperCase());
document.setValue("qgyoljob.jobSelectionInformation.userName", ((String)getSelectionValue(RJobList.USER_NAME)).toUpperCase());
document.setValue("qgyoljob.jobSelectionInformation.jobNumber", (String)getSelectionValue(RJobList.JOB_NUMBER));
String jobType = (String)getSelectionValue(RJobList.JOB_TYPE);
document.setValue("qgyoljob.jobSelectionInformation.jobType", (jobType.equals(ALL) ? "*" : jobType));
int offset = 108;
String[] primaryJobStatuses = (String[])getSelectionValue(RJobList.PRIMARY_JOB_STATUSES);
if (primaryJobStatuses == null)
primaryJobStatuses = new String[0];
document.setIntValue("qgyoljob.jobSelectionInformation.offsetToPrimaryJobStatusArray", offset);
document.setIntValue("qgyoljob.jobSelectionInformation.numberOfPrimaryJobStatusEntries", primaryJobStatuses.length);
for (int i = 0; i < primaryJobStatuses.length; ++i) {
document.setValue("qgyoljob.jobSelectionInformation.primaryJobStatus", new int[] { i }, primaryJobStatuses[i]);
offset += 10;
// Set the sorts.
Object[] sort = getSortValue();
document.setIntValue("qgyoljob.sortInformation.numberOfKeysToSortOn", sort.length);
for(int i = 0; i < sort.length; ++i) {
int startingPosition;
int length;
int dataType = 4; // Single byte character data.
boolean sortOrder = getSortOrder(sort[i]);
// The offsets used here are 1-based. This seems strange
// to me, but the API gave me an error when I used 0!
if (sort[i].equals(RJob.JOB_NAME)) {
startingPosition = 1;
length = 10;
else if (sort[i].equals(RJob.USER_NAME)) {
startingPosition = 11;
length = 10;
else if (sort[i].equals(RJob.JOB_NUMBER)) {
startingPosition = 21;
length = 6;
else if (sort[i].equals(RJob.JOB_TYPE)) {
startingPosition = 53;
length = 1;
else if (sort[i].equals(RJob.JOB_SUBTYPE)) {
startingPosition = 54;
length = 1;
else {
if (Trace.isTraceOn())
Trace.log(Trace.ERROR, "Bad sort value specified: " + sort[i] + "(" + sort[i].getClass() + ")");
throw new ExtendedIllegalStateException("sortValue[" + i + "]", ExtendedIllegalStateException.UNKNOWN);
int[] index = new int[] { i };
document.setIntValue("qgyoljob.sortInformation.sortKey.sortKeyFieldStartingPosition", index, startingPosition);
document.setIntValue("qgyoljob.sortInformation.sortKey.sortKeyFieldLength", index, length);
document.setIntValue("qgyoljob.sortInformation.sortKey.sortKeyFieldDataType", index, dataType);
document.setValue("qgyoljob.sortInformation.sortKey.sortOrder", index, sortOrder ? "1" : "2");
Resource newResource(String programName, int[] indices)
throws PcmlException, ResourceException
ProgramCallDocument document = getDocument();
// Gather information from the return.
String jobNameUsed = (String)document.getValue(programName + ".receiverVariable.jobNameUsed", indices);
String userNameUsed = (String)document.getValue(programName + ".receiverVariable.userNameUsed", indices);
String jobNumberUsed = (String)document.getValue(programName + ".receiverVariable.jobNumberUsed", indices);
byte[] internalJobIdentifier = (byte[])document.getValue(programName + ".receiverVariable.internalJobIdentifier", indices);
String status = (String)document.getValue(programName + ".receiverVariable.status", indices);
String jobType = (String)document.getValue(programName + ".receiverVariable.jobType", indices);
String jobSubtype = (String)document.getValue(programName + ".receiverVariable.jobSubtype", indices);
// Create a Job object.
AS400 system = getSystem();
Object resourceKey = RJob.computeResourceKey(system, jobNameUsed, userNameUsed, jobNumberUsed, internalJobIdentifier);
RJob resource = (RJob)ResourcePool.GLOBAL_RESOURCE_POOL.getResource(resourceKey);
if (resource == null) {
try {
// We could instantiate the RJob with either the name/user/number
// combination or the internal job id. The internal job id is supposed
// to be faster, so I chose to use it. The name, user, and number
// can be retrieved using the attribute values initialized below.
resource = new RJob(system, internalJobIdentifier);
catch(Exception e) {
if (Trace.isTraceOn())
Trace.log(Trace.ERROR, "Exception while creating user from user list", e);
throw new ResourceException(e);
// Set the loaded attributes.
resource.initializeAttributeValue(RJob.INTERNAL_JOB_ID, internalJobIdentifier);
resource.initializeAttributeValue(RJob.JOB_NAME, jobNameUsed);
resource.initializeAttributeValue(RJob.USER_NAME, userNameUsed);
resource.initializeAttributeValue(RJob.JOB_NUMBER, jobNumberUsed);
resource.initializeAttributeValue(RJob.JOB_STATUS, status);
resource.initializeAttributeValue(RJob.JOB_TYPE, jobType);
resource.initializeAttributeValue(RJob.JOB_SUBTYPE, jobSubtype);
return resource;