src.com.ibm.as400.access.UserObjectsOwnedList Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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// JTOpen (IBM Toolbox for Java - OSS version)
// Filename: UserObjectsOwnedList.java
// The source code contained herein is licensed under the IBM Public License
// Version 1.0, which has been approved by the Open Source Initiative.
// Copyright (C) 2008 International Business Machines Corporation and
// others. All rights reserved.
package com.ibm.as400.access;
import java.io.IOException;
Allows you to retrieve a list of IBM i objects that a user is authorized to and/or list of IBM i objects that the user owns.
Refer to the QSYLOBJA API for additional information.
The list of authorized objects only includes objects the user is specifically authorized to.
The list does not include objects the user is solely authorized to because:
- The user is part of a group that is authorized
- The user can access the object using the public authority
- The object is secured with an authorization list the user is authorized to
- The user can access the object using adopted authority
Example code:
AS400 system = new AS400("sysname", "userid", "password");
UserObjectsOwnedList list1 = new UserObjectsOwnedList(system, "USER1", UserObjectsOwnedList.SELECTION_FILE_SYSTEM_LIBRARY, UserObjectsOwnedList.SELECTION_OBJECT_RELATION_OWNED_OR_AUTHORIZED);
UserObjectsOwnedListEntry[] entries1 = list1.getObjectList();
for (int i=0; i < entries1.length; ++i)
System.out.println("Entry["+i+"/"+entries1.length+"]= "+entries1[i]);
entries1 = list1.getObjectList();
for (int i=0; i < entries1.length; ++i)
System.out.println("Entry["+i+"/"+entries1.length+"]= "+entries1[i]);
@see com.ibm.as400.access.User#getObjectsOwned
public class UserObjectsOwnedList
private static final String USERSPACE_NAME = "JT4SYLOBJAQTEMP ";
private static final String CONTINUATION_HANDLE_BLANKS = " "; // 20 Blanks
Selection value indicating to select IBM i objects that reside in the QSYS library based file system.
public static final int SELECTION_FILE_SYSTEM_LIBRARY = 0;
private static final String SELECTION_FILE_SYSTEM_LIBRARY_0300 = "OBJA0300";
Selection value indicating to select IBM i objects that reside in a directory (non-QSYS) based file system.
public static final int SELECTION_FILE_SYSTEM_DIRECTORY = 1;
private static final String SELECTION_FILE_SYSTEM_DIRECTORY_0310 = "OBJA0310";
Selection value indicating to select the list of objects the user is authorized to
Selection value indicating to select the list of objects the user owns.
public static final int SELECTION_OBJECT_RELATION_OWNED = 1;
private static final String SELECTION_OBJECT_RELATION_OWNED_PRIV = "*OBJOWN ";
Selection value indicating to select the both list of objects the user is authorized to and the list of objects the user owns.
Selection value indicating the object type to request
private static final String SELECTION_OBJECT_TYPE_ALL_PRIV = "*ALL ";
private static final ProgramParameter errorCode_ = new ProgramParameter(new byte[4]);
private AS400 system_;
private String userName_;
private String selectionFileSystem_;
private String selectionObjectRelation_;
Constructs a UserObjectsOwnedList object.
You must call {@link #getObjectList() getObjectList()} method to retrieve the object list.
Default values are set to select library based objects which the user owns.
The selectionFileSystem parameter defaults to {@link #SELECTION_FILE_SYSTEM_LIBRARY SELECTION_FILE_SYSTEM_LIBRARY},
the selectionObjectRelation parameter defaults to {@link #SELECTION_OBJECT_RELATION_OWNED SELECTION_OBJECT_RELATION_OWNED}.
@param system The system upon which the user resides.
@param userName The user name which owns the objects to be returned.
public UserObjectsOwnedList(AS400 system, String userName)
Constructs a UserObjectsOwnedList object.
You must call {@link #getObjectList() getObjectList()} method to retrieve the object list.
@param system The system upon which the user resides.
@param userName The user name which owns (or is authorized to) the objects to be returned.
@param selectionFileSystem The format name. Possible values are:
- {@link #SELECTION_FILE_SYSTEM_LIBRARY SELECTION_FILE_SYSTEM_LIBRARY} - QSYS objects in the QSYS library based file system.
@param selectionObjectRelation The objects to return. Possible values are:
- {@link #SELECTION_OBJECT_RELATION_AUTHORIZED SELECTION_OBJECT_RELATION_AUTHORIZED} - select the list of objects the user is authorized to
- {@link #SELECTION_OBJECT_RELATION_OWNED SELECTION_OBJECT_RELATION_OWNED} - select the list of objects the user owns
- {@link #SELECTION_OBJECT_RELATION_OWNED_OR_AUTHORIZED SELECTION_OBJECT_RELATION_OWNED_OR_AUTHORIZED} - select the list of objects the user is authorized to and the list of objects the user owns
public UserObjectsOwnedList(AS400 system, String userName, int selectionFileSystem, int selectionObjectRelation)
if (Trace.traceOn_) Trace.log(Trace.DIAGNOSTIC, this.toString());
Returns a list of all UserObjectsOwnedListEntry IBM i objects based on the current
selection criteria for the file system and object relation.
This method retrieves the list of objects from the system based on the selection critera set via the constructor or
modified by any of the set methods.
@return The array of objects retrieved from the system.
* @throws AS400Exception
* @throws AS400SecurityException
* @throws ErrorCompletingRequestException
* @throws InterruptedException
* @throws IOException
* @throws ObjectDoesNotExistException
public UserObjectsOwnedListEntry[] getObjectList()
throws AS400Exception,
final int systemCCSID = system_.getCcsid();
CharConverter conv = new CharConverter(systemCCSID);
ProgramParameter[] parms = new ProgramParameter[7];
parms[0] = new ProgramParameter(conv.stringToByteArray(USERSPACE_NAME)); //Qualified user space name
parms[1] = new ProgramParameter(conv.stringToByteArray(selectionFileSystem_)); // Format Name "OBJA0300" or "OBJA0310"
StringBuffer userNameBuff = new StringBuffer(" "); // initialize to 10 blanks
userNameBuff.replace(0, userName_.length(), userName_);
parms[2] = new ProgramParameter(conv.stringToByteArray(userNameBuff.toString())); // User profile name
parms[3] = new ProgramParameter(conv.stringToByteArray(SELECTION_OBJECT_TYPE_ALL_PRIV)); // Object type filter
parms[4] = new ProgramParameter(conv.stringToByteArray(selectionObjectRelation_)); // Returned objects (Authorized to, Owns, or Both)
parms[5] = new ProgramParameter(conv.stringToByteArray(CONTINUATION_HANDLE_BLANKS)); // Continuation Handle
parms[6] = errorCode_;
// QSYLOBJA is the API that is being used to get the object list into a user space.
ProgramCall pc = new ProgramCall(system_, "/QSYS.LIB/QSYLOBJA.PGM", parms);
pc.suggestThreadsafe(); // the called API is thread-safe
// Determine the needed scope of synchronization.
Object lockObject;
boolean willRunProgramsOnThread = pc.isStayOnThread();
if (willRunProgramsOnThread) {
// The calls will run in the job of the JVM, so lock for entire JVM.
lockObject = USERSPACE_PATH;
else {
// The calls will run in the job of the Remote Command Host Server, so lock on the connection.
lockObject = system_;
byte[] buf = null;
synchronized (lockObject)
// Create a user space in QTEMP to receive output.
UserSpace space = new UserSpace(system_, USERSPACE_PATH);
if (!willRunProgramsOnThread)
// Force the use of sockets when running natively but not on-thread.
// We have to do it this way since UserSpace will otherwise make a native ProgramCall, and will use a different QTEMP library than that used by the host server.
space.create(256*1024, true, "", (byte)0, "User space for UserObjectsOwnedList", "*EXCLUDE");
// Note: User Spaces by default are auto-extendible (by QUSCRTUS API)
// So it will always have enough space available.
// Allocated 256K bytes as a reasonable initial size (1500+ entries)
if (!pc.run()) {
throw new AS400Exception(pc.getMessageList());
// Get the results from the user space.
int size = space.getLength();
buf = new byte[size];
space.read(buf, 0);
// Delete the temporary user space, to allow other threads to re-create and use it.
try { space.delete(); }
catch (Exception e) {
Trace.log(Trace.ERROR, "Exception while deleting temporary user space", e);
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// QSYLOBJA (List Objects User is Authorized to, Owns, or Is Primary Group of) is a "list" API.
// It puts the list of objects in a user space. In addition, to the QSYLOBJA documentation,
// the developer must refer to additional documentation describing the data returned:
// - User spaces: List APIs return data to user spaces. To provide a consistent design and
// use of user space objects, the list APIs use a general data structure.
// - General data structure & Common data structure format (General header format 0100)
// - This format in info center describes the general header format (referenced in the
// code below).
// - This information is/was documented in info center under the following:
// - Programming -> API Concepts -> User spaces and receiver variables -> User spaces
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Parse the list data returned in the user space.
int headerOffset = BinaryConverter.byteArrayToInt(buf, 116); // General header - Offset to header section
int startingOffset = BinaryConverter.byteArrayToInt(buf, 124); // General header - Offset to list data section
int numEntries = BinaryConverter.byteArrayToInt(buf, 132); // General header - Number of list entries
int entrySize = BinaryConverter.byteArrayToInt(buf, 136); // General header - Size of each entry
int entryCCSID = BinaryConverter.byteArrayToInt(buf, 140); // General header - CCSID of data in the list entries
//String subsettedListIndicator = conv.byteArrayToString(buf, 149, 1); // General header - Subsetted list indicator
String informationStatus = conv.byteArrayToString(buf, 103, 1); // General header - info status
// informationStatus - 'C'=Complete, 'I'=Incomplete, 'P'=Partial
// - refer to QSYLOBJA documentation regarding the "Continuation Handle" for more info
// - see comment below regarding the continuationHandle
if (entryCCSID == 0) entryCCSID = systemCCSID; // From the API spec: "The coded character set ID for data in the list entries. If 0, then the data is not associated with a specific CCSID and should be treated as hexadecimal data."
conv = new CharConverter(entryCCSID);
String objectName,libraryName,objectType,authorityHolder,ownership;
String authorityValue,authorityListManagement,objectOperational,objectManagement;
String objectExistence,dataRead,dataAdd,dataUpdate,dataDelete,attribute;
String textDescription,dataExecute,objectAlter,objectReference,aspDeviceNameOfLibrary;
String aspDeviceNameOfObject,pathName;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Extract fields from the QSYLOBJA Specific Header
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
//String hdrUserProfile = conv.byteArrayToString(buf, headerOffset+0, 10).trim(); // QSYLOBJA Specific Header - User profile name
// There is currently no need to make use of the returned "continuationHandle". Since
// the user space above is set to "auto-extend", there user space will grow as needed.
String continuationHandle= conv.byteArrayToString(buf, headerOffset+10, 20).trim(); // QSYLOBJA Specific Header - Continuation Handle
// The reason code may have the following values:
// 0000 = list returned in the user space contains all objects meeting the search criteria.
// 0001 = Objects were found that meet the search criteria but could not be included in the returned list.
// The requested format could not handle path names for directory objects
// (Normal behavior when requesting FMTOBJA0300 format but IFS objects could be returned)
// 0002 = Objects were found that meet the search criteria but could not be included in the returned list.
// The requested format could not handle objects found in library QSYS
// (Normal behavior when requesting FMTOBJA0310 format but QSYS objects could be returned)
// 0003 = Directory objects were found but did not have links to them
// There is no plan to make use of (nor make available to the caller)the reasonCode.
int reasonCode = BinaryConverter.byteArrayToInt(buf, headerOffset+30); // QSYLOBJA Specific Header - Reason code
if (Trace.traceOn_) Trace.log(Trace.DIAGNOSTIC, "UserObjectsOwnedList.getObjectList() informationStatus='"+informationStatus+"' reasonCode='"+reasonCode+"' continuationHandle='"+continuationHandle+"' numEntries='"+numEntries+"'");
UserObjectsOwnedListEntry[] entries = new UserObjectsOwnedListEntry[numEntries];
// Extract the fields from each entry in the list
int offset = startingOffset;
for (int i=0; iThis method changes the value set via the constructor, allowing subsequent calls to
{@link #getObjectList() getObjectList()} method to retrieve a different list of objects.
@param system The system upon which the user resides.
public void setSystem(AS400 system)
if (system == null) throw new NullPointerException("system");
system_ = system;
Returns the system from which to retrieve the list of objects that a user is authorized to and the list of objects the user owns.
@return The system upon which the user resides.
public AS400 getSystem()
return system_;
Sets the user name for which to retrieve the list of objects that the user is authorized to and/or the list of objects the user owns.
This method changes the value set via the constructor, allowing subsequent calls to
{@link #getObjectList() getObjectList()} method to retrieve a different list of objects.
@param userName The user name which owns (or is authorized to) the objects to be returned.
public void setUserName(String userName)
if (userName == null) throw new NullPointerException("userName");
userName_ = userName;
Returns the user name for which to retrieve the list of objects that a user is authorized to and list of objects the user owns.
@return The user name which owns (or is authorized to) the objects to be returned.
public String getUserName()
return userName_;
Sets the selection criteria for the file system from which to retrieve the list of objects that the user is authorized to or the list of objects the user owns.
This method changes the value set via the constructor, allowing subsequent calls to
{@link #getObjectList() getObjectList()} method to retrieve a different list of objects.
@param selectionFileSystem The format name. Valid values:
- {@link #SELECTION_FILE_SYSTEM_LIBRARY SELECTION_FILE_SYSTEM_LIBRARY} - objects that reside in an IBM i library
- {@link #SELECTION_FILE_SYSTEM_DIRECTORY SELECTION_FILE_SYSTEM_DIRECTORY} - objects that reside in an IBM i directory
public void setSelectionFileSystem(int selectionFileSystem)
// The public const values are passed on the interface, but the private constant values
// are stored in this object.
switch (selectionFileSystem)
selectionFileSystem_ = SELECTION_FILE_SYSTEM_LIBRARY_0300;
selectionFileSystem_ = SELECTION_FILE_SYSTEM_DIRECTORY_0310;
Trace.log(Trace.ERROR, "UserObjectsOwnedList.setSelectionFileSystem() PARAMETER_VALUE_NOT_VALID");
throw new ExtendedIllegalArgumentException("selectionFileSystem", ExtendedIllegalArgumentException.PARAMETER_VALUE_NOT_VALID);
Returns the current selection criteria for the file system from which to retrieve the list of objects that a user is authorized to or list of objects the user owns.
@return the selection file system. Possible values:
- {@link #SELECTION_FILE_SYSTEM_LIBRARY SELECTION_FILE_SYSTEM_LIBRARY} - objects that reside in an IBM i library
- {@link #SELECTION_FILE_SYSTEM_DIRECTORY SELECTION_FILE_SYSTEM_DIRECTORY} - objects that reside in an IBM i directory
public int getSelectionFileSystem()
// The public const values are passed on the interface, but the private constant values
// are stored in this object.
if (selectionFileSystem_.equals(SELECTION_FILE_SYSTEM_LIBRARY_0300))
else // OBJECT_FORMAT_IFS_0310
Sets which objects are to be selected (indicating objects authorized to, objects owned, or both).
This method changes the value set via the constructor, allowing subsequent calls to
{@link #getObjectList() getObjectList()} method to retrieve a different list of objects.
@param selectionObjectRelation Which objects are to be selected . Valid values:
- {@link #SELECTION_OBJECT_RELATION_AUTHORIZED SELECTION_OBJECT_RELATION_AUTHORIZED} - select a list of objects the user is authorized to
- {@link #SELECTION_OBJECT_RELATION_OWNED SELECTION_OBJECT_RELATION_OWNED} - select a list of objects the user owns
- {@link #SELECTION_OBJECT_RELATION_OWNED_OR_AUTHORIZED SELECTION_OBJECT_RELATION_OWNED_OR_AUTHORIZED} - select a list of objects the user is authorized to and a list of objects the user owns
public void setSelectionObjectRelation(int selectionObjectRelation)
// The public const values are passed on the interface, but the private constant values
// are stored in this object.
switch (selectionObjectRelation)
Trace.log(Trace.ERROR, "UserObjectsOwnedList.setSelectionObjectRelation() PARAMETER_VALUE_NOT_VALID");
throw new ExtendedIllegalArgumentException("selectionObjectRelation", ExtendedIllegalArgumentException.PARAMETER_VALUE_NOT_VALID);
Returns the returned objects setting indicating that objects to be returned are objects that the user is authorized to, objects owned, or both.
@return the selection object relation. Possible values:
- {@link #SELECTION_OBJECT_RELATION_AUTHORIZED SELECTION_OBJECT_RELATION_AUTHORIZED} - select a list of objects the user is authorized to
- {@link #SELECTION_OBJECT_RELATION_OWNED SELECTION_OBJECT_RELATION_OWNED} - select a list of objects the user owns
- {@link #SELECTION_OBJECT_RELATION_OWNED_OR_AUTHORIZED SELECTION_OBJECT_RELATION_OWNED_OR_AUTHORIZED} - select a list of objects the user is authorized to and a list of objects the user owns
public int getSelectionObjectRelation()
// The public const values are passed on the interface, but the private constant values
// are stored in this object.
if (selectionObjectRelation_.equals(SELECTION_OBJECT_RELATION_AUTHORIZED_PRIV))
else if (selectionObjectRelation_.equals(SELECTION_OBJECT_RELATION_OWNED_PRIV))
Returns a string representation of this object.
@return a string with the system, userName, selectionFileSystem, and selectionObjectRelation
public String toString()
String returnString;
returnString = "UserObjectsOwnedList (getSystem()="+getSystem()+" getUserName()="+getUserName() + " getSelectionFileSystem()="+getSelectionFileSystem()+" getSelectionObjectRelation()="+getSelectionObjectRelation()+")";
return returnString;