edu.uci.ics.jung.algorithms.layout.KKLayout Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright (c) 2003, the JUNG Project and the Regents of the University
* of California
* All rights reserved.
* This software is open-source under the BSD license; see either
* "license.txt" or
* http://jung.sourceforge.net/license.txt for a description.
package edu.uci.ics.jung.algorithms.layout;
* This source is under the same license with JUNG.
* http://jung.sourceforge.net/license.txt for a description.
import java.awt.Dimension;
import java.awt.geom.Point2D;
import java.util.ConcurrentModificationException;
import edu.uci.ics.jung.algorithms.layout.util.RandomLocationTransformer;
import edu.uci.ics.jung.algorithms.shortestpath.Distance;
import edu.uci.ics.jung.algorithms.shortestpath.DistanceStatistics;
import edu.uci.ics.jung.algorithms.shortestpath.UnweightedShortestPath;
import edu.uci.ics.jung.algorithms.util.IterativeContext;
import edu.uci.ics.jung.graph.Graph;
* Implements the Kamada-Kawai algorithm for node layout.
* Does not respect filter calls, and sometimes crashes when the view changes to it.
* @see "Tomihisa Kamada and Satoru Kawai: An algorithm for drawing general indirect graphs. Information Processing Letters 31(1):7-15, 1989"
* @see "Tomihisa Kamada: On visualization of abstract objects and relations. Ph.D. dissertation, Dept. of Information Science, Univ. of Tokyo, Dec. 1988."
* @author Masanori Harada
public class KKLayout extends AbstractLayout implements IterativeContext {
private double EPSILON = 0.1d;
private int currentIteration;
private int maxIterations = 2000;
private String status = "KKLayout";
private double L; // the ideal length of an edge
private double K = 1; // arbitrary const number
private double[][] dm; // distance matrix
private boolean adjustForGravity = true;
private boolean exchangeVertices = true;
private V[] vertices;
private Point2D[] xydata;
* Retrieves graph distances between vertices of the visible graph
protected Distance distance;
* The diameter of the visible graph. In other words, the maximum over all pairs
* of vertices of the length of the shortest path between a and bf the visible graph.
protected double diameter;
* A multiplicative factor which partly specifies the "preferred" length of an edge (L).
private double length_factor = 0.9;
* A multiplicative factor which specifies the fraction of the graph's diameter to be
* used as the inter-vertex distance between disconnected vertices.
private double disconnected_multiplier = 0.5;
* Creates an instance for the specified graph.
public KKLayout(Graph g)
this(g, new UnweightedShortestPath(g));
* Creates an instance for the specified graph and distance metric.
public KKLayout(Graph g, Distance distance){
this.distance = distance;
* Sets a multiplicative factor which
* partly specifies the "preferred" length of an edge (L).
public void setLengthFactor(double length_factor){
this.length_factor = length_factor;
* Sets a multiplicative factor that specifies the fraction of the graph's diameter to be
* used as the inter-vertex distance between disconnected vertices.
public void setDisconnectedDistanceMultiplier(double disconnected_multiplier){
this.disconnected_multiplier = disconnected_multiplier;
* Returns a string with information about the current status of the algorithm.
public String getStatus() {
return status + this.getSize();
* Sets the maximum number of iterations.
public void setMaxIterations(int maxIterations) {
this.maxIterations = maxIterations;
* This one is an incremental visualization.
public boolean isIncremental() {
return true;
* Returns true once the current iteration has passed the maximum count.
public boolean done() {
if (currentIteration > maxIterations) {
return true;
return false;
public void initialize() {
currentIteration = 0;
if(graph != null && size != null) {
double height = size.getHeight();
double width = size.getWidth();
int n = graph.getVertexCount();
dm = new double[n][n];
vertices = (V[])graph.getVertices().toArray();
xydata = new Point2D[n];
// assign IDs to all visible vertices
while(true) {
try {
int index = 0;
for(V v : graph.getVertices()) {
Point2D xyd = transform(v);
vertices[index] = v;
xydata[index] = xyd;
} catch(ConcurrentModificationException cme) {}
diameter = DistanceStatistics.diameter(graph, distance, true);
double L0 = Math.min(height, width);
L = (L0 / diameter) * length_factor; // length_factor used to be hardcoded to 0.9
//L = 0.75 * Math.sqrt(height * width / n);
for (int i = 0; i < n - 1; i++) {
for (int j = i + 1; j < n; j++) {
Number d_ij = distance.getDistance(vertices[i], vertices[j]);
Number d_ji = distance.getDistance(vertices[j], vertices[i]);
double dist = diameter * disconnected_multiplier;
if (d_ij != null)
dist = Math.min(d_ij.doubleValue(), dist);
if (d_ji != null)
dist = Math.min(d_ji.doubleValue(), dist);
dm[i][j] = dm[j][i] = dist;
public void step() {
try {
double energy = calcEnergy();
status = "Kamada-Kawai V=" + getGraph().getVertexCount()
+ "(" + getGraph().getVertexCount() + ")"
+ " IT: " + currentIteration
+ " E=" + energy
int n = getGraph().getVertexCount();
if (n == 0)
double maxDeltaM = 0;
int pm = -1; // the node having max deltaM
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
if (isLocked(vertices[i]))
double deltam = calcDeltaM(i);
if (maxDeltaM < deltam) {
maxDeltaM = deltam;
pm = i;
if (pm == -1)
for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
double[] dxy = calcDeltaXY(pm);
xydata[pm].setLocation(xydata[pm].getX()+dxy[0], xydata[pm].getY()+dxy[1]);
double deltam = calcDeltaM(pm);
if (deltam < EPSILON)
if (adjustForGravity)
if (exchangeVertices && maxDeltaM < EPSILON) {
energy = calcEnergy();
for (int i = 0; i < n - 1; i++) {
if (isLocked(vertices[i]))
for (int j = i + 1; j < n; j++) {
if (isLocked(vertices[j]))
double xenergy = calcEnergyIfExchanged(i, j);
if (energy > xenergy) {
double sx = xydata[i].getX();
double sy = xydata[i].getY();
xydata[j].setLocation(sx, sy);
finally {
// fireStateChanged();
* Shift all vertices so that the center of gravity is located at
* the center of the screen.
public void adjustForGravity() {
Dimension d = getSize();
double height = d.getHeight();
double width = d.getWidth();
double gx = 0;
double gy = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < xydata.length; i++) {
gx += xydata[i].getX();
gy += xydata[i].getY();
gx /= xydata.length;
gy /= xydata.length;
double diffx = width / 2 - gx;
double diffy = height / 2 - gy;
for (int i = 0; i < xydata.length; i++) {
xydata[i].setLocation(xydata[i].getX()+diffx, xydata[i].getY()+diffy);
/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see edu.uci.ics.jung.visualization.layout.AbstractLayout#setSize(java.awt.Dimension)
public void setSize(Dimension size) {
if(initialized == false)
setInitializer(new RandomLocationTransformer(size));
* Enable or disable gravity point adjusting.
public void setAdjustForGravity(boolean on) {
adjustForGravity = on;
* Returns true if gravity point adjusting is enabled.
public boolean getAdjustForGravity() {
return adjustForGravity;
* Enable or disable the local minimum escape technique by
* exchanging vertices.
public void setExchangeVertices(boolean on) {
exchangeVertices = on;
* Returns true if the local minimum escape technique by
* exchanging vertices is enabled.
public boolean getExchangeVertices() {
return exchangeVertices;
* Determines a step to new position of the vertex m.
private double[] calcDeltaXY(int m) {
double dE_dxm = 0;
double dE_dym = 0;
double d2E_d2xm = 0;
double d2E_dxmdym = 0;
double d2E_dymdxm = 0;
double d2E_d2ym = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < vertices.length; i++) {
if (i != m) {
double dist = dm[m][i];
double l_mi = L * dist;
double k_mi = K / (dist * dist);
double dx = xydata[m].getX() - xydata[i].getX();
double dy = xydata[m].getY() - xydata[i].getY();
double d = Math.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy);
double ddd = d * d * d;
dE_dxm += k_mi * (1 - l_mi / d) * dx;
dE_dym += k_mi * (1 - l_mi / d) * dy;
d2E_d2xm += k_mi * (1 - l_mi * dy * dy / ddd);
d2E_dxmdym += k_mi * l_mi * dx * dy / ddd;
d2E_d2ym += k_mi * (1 - l_mi * dx * dx / ddd);
// d2E_dymdxm equals to d2E_dxmdym.
d2E_dymdxm = d2E_dxmdym;
double denomi = d2E_d2xm * d2E_d2ym - d2E_dxmdym * d2E_dymdxm;
double deltaX = (d2E_dxmdym * dE_dym - d2E_d2ym * dE_dxm) / denomi;
double deltaY = (d2E_dymdxm * dE_dxm - d2E_d2xm * dE_dym) / denomi;
return new double[]{deltaX, deltaY};
* Calculates the gradient of energy function at the vertex m.
private double calcDeltaM(int m) {
double dEdxm = 0;
double dEdym = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < vertices.length; i++) {
if (i != m) {
double dist = dm[m][i];
double l_mi = L * dist;
double k_mi = K / (dist * dist);
double dx = xydata[m].getX() - xydata[i].getX();
double dy = xydata[m].getY() - xydata[i].getY();
double d = Math.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy);
double common = k_mi * (1 - l_mi / d);
dEdxm += common * dx;
dEdym += common * dy;
return Math.sqrt(dEdxm * dEdxm + dEdym * dEdym);
* Calculates the energy function E.
private double calcEnergy() {
double energy = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < vertices.length - 1; i++) {
for (int j = i + 1; j < vertices.length; j++) {
double dist = dm[i][j];
double l_ij = L * dist;
double k_ij = K / (dist * dist);
double dx = xydata[i].getX() - xydata[j].getX();
double dy = xydata[i].getY() - xydata[j].getY();
double d = Math.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy);
energy += k_ij / 2 * (dx * dx + dy * dy + l_ij * l_ij -
2 * l_ij * d);
return energy;
* Calculates the energy function E as if positions of the
* specified vertices are exchanged.
private double calcEnergyIfExchanged(int p, int q) {
if (p >= q)
throw new RuntimeException("p should be < q");
double energy = 0; // < 0
for (int i = 0; i < vertices.length - 1; i++) {
for (int j = i + 1; j < vertices.length; j++) {
int ii = i;
int jj = j;
if (i == p) ii = q;
if (j == q) jj = p;
double dist = dm[i][j];
double l_ij = L * dist;
double k_ij = K / (dist * dist);
double dx = xydata[ii].getX() - xydata[jj].getX();
double dy = xydata[ii].getY() - xydata[jj].getY();
double d = Math.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy);
energy += k_ij / 2 * (dx * dx + dy * dy + l_ij * l_ij -
2 * l_ij * d);
return energy;
public void reset() {
currentIteration = 0;
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