net.sf.mmm.util.file.api.FileUtil Maven / Gradle / Ivy
/* Copyright (c) The m-m-m Team, Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* */
package net.sf.mmm.util.file.api;
import java.util.Collection;
import net.sf.mmm.util.file.base.FileAccessPermissions;
* This is the interface for a collection of utility functions for {@link File} handling and manipulation.
* Since Java7 there is also {@link java.nio.file.Files} that offers similar and additional features. However
* this is not supported in limited environments such as e.g. GWT.
* @see net.sf.mmm.util.file.base.FileUtilImpl
* @author Joerg Hohwiller (hohwille at
* @since 1.0.2
public interface FileUtil extends FileUtilLimited {
* This method gets the {@link File} representing the {@link #PROPERTY_USER_HOME home directory of the
* current user}.
* @return the home directory of the user.
File getUserHomeDirectory();
* This method gets the {@link File} representing the {@link #PROPERTY_TMP_DIR temporary directory}.
* @return the tmp directory.
File getTemporaryDirectory();
* This method copies the file given by {@code source} to the file given by {@code destination}.
* @param source is the existing file to copy from.
* @param destination is the file to copy to. It will be created if it does NOT exist and overridden
* otherwise.
* @throws RuntimeIoException if the operation fails.
void copyFile(File source, File destination) throws RuntimeIoException;
* This method copies the file given by {@code source} to the file given by {@code destination}.
* This method will only work with java 1.6 and above!
* @param source is the existing file to copy from.
* @param destination is the file to copy to. It will be created if it does NOT exist and overridden
* otherwise.
* @param keepFlags - {@code true} if the flags of the file should be copied as well, {@code false}
* otherwise (a new file is created with default flags and only the content is copied).
* @throws RuntimeIoException if the operation fails.
void copyFile(File source, File destination, boolean keepFlags) throws RuntimeIoException;
* This method gets the {@link FileAccessPermissions permissions} of the given {@code file}.
* This operation is only available since java 6. Further it is limited and can only determine the
* permissions granted to the current user running this application.
* @param file is the file for which the permissions are requested.
* @param accessClass is the {@link FileAccessClass distinct class} the permission should be applied to in
* the returned permissions. It may be {@code null} to apply the permissions to all distinct classes.
* @return the permissions of {@code file}.
FileAccessPermissions getPermissions(File file, FileAccessClass accessClass);
* This method sets the {@link FileAccessPermissions permissions} of the given {@code file}.
* This operation is only available since java 6. Further it is limited to the permissions
* {@link FileAccessClass#OTHERS} and {@link FileAccessClass#USER} so {@link FileAccessClass#GROUP} flags
* are ignored as well as the global s-bits ({@link FileAccessPermissions#isSticky() sticky},
* {@link FileAccessPermissions#isSetgid() setgid} and {@link FileAccessPermissions#isSetgid() setuid}).
* @param file is the file to modify.
* @param permissions are the permissions to set.
void setPermissions(File file, FileAccessPermissions permissions);
* Works like the touch command in linux/unix. It {@link #ensureFileExists(File) ensures that the
* file exists} and updates its {@link File#lastModified() last modified date}.
* @see #ensureFileExists(File)
* @param file the {@link File} to touch.
* @return {@code true} if the file did not yet exist and has been created, {@code false} otherwise (if only
* {@link File#lastModified() last modified} has been updated).
* @throws FileCreationFailedException if the file or its parent directory could not be created (e.g. due to
* missing permissions).
* @throws FileAttributeModificationFailedException if {@link File#setLastModified(long) setting the last
* modified date} failed.
* @throws FilePermissionException if the operation failed because the {@link File#exists() exists} but is
* NOT {@link File#canWrite() writable}.
* @since 7.4.0
boolean touch(File file);
* Ensures that the given {@link File} {@link File#exists() exists}. If it does not {@link File#exists()
* exist} it will be created. Otherwise nothing happens.
* @see #touch(File)
* @param file the {@link File} that shall {@link File#exists() exist} as {@link File#isFile() file}.
* @return {@code true} if the file did not yet exist and has been created, {@code false} otherwise.
* @throws FileCreationFailedException if the file or its parent directory could not be created (e.g. due to
* missing permissions).
* @since 7.4.0
boolean ensureFileExists(File file);
* @param directory the {@link File} that should be an {@link File#isDirectory() existing directory} after
* the call of this method.
* @return {@code true} if the directory was created by this method, {@code false} if the directory already
* existed before.
* @throws FileCreationFailedException if the directory could not be created (e.g. due to missing
* permissions).
* @since 7.4.0
boolean mkdirs(File directory);
* This method copies the file or directory given by {@code source} into the given {@code destination}.
* In order to allow giving the copy of {@code source} a new {@link File#getName() name}, the
* {@code destination} has to point to the final place where the copy should appear rather than the
* directory where the copy will be located in.
* E.g. the following code copies the folder "foo" located in "/usr/local" recursively to the directory
* "/tmp". The copy will have the same name "foo".
* {@link File} source = new {@link File}("/usr/local/foo");
* {@link File} destination = new {@link File}("/tmp", source.getName()); // file: "/tmp/foo"
* {@link FileUtil fileUtil}.{@link #copyRecursive(File, File, boolean) copyRecursive}(source, destination, true);
* @param source is the file or directory to copy.
* @param destination is the final place where the copy should appear.
* @param allowOverwrite - if {@code false} and the {@code destination} already exists, a
* {@link RuntimeIoException} is thrown, else if {@code true} the {@code destination} will be
* overwritten.
* @throws RuntimeIoException if the operation fails.
void copyRecursive(File source, File destination, boolean allowOverwrite) throws RuntimeIoException;
* This method copies the file or directory given by {@code source} into the given {@code destination}.
* In order to allow giving the copy of {@code source} a new {@link File#getName() name}, the
* {@code destination} has to point to the final place where the copy should appear rather than the
* directory where the copy will be located in.
* @see #copyRecursive(File, File, boolean)
* @param source is the file or directory to copy.
* @param destination is the final place where the copy should appear.
* @param allowOverwrite - if {@code false} and the {@code destination} already exists, a
* {@link RuntimeIoException} is thrown, else if {@code true} the {@code destination} will be
* overwritten.
* @param filter is a {@link FileFilter} that {@link FileFilter#accept(File) decides} which files should be
* copied. Only {@link FileFilter#accept(File) accepted} files and directories are copied, others
* will be ignored.
* @throws RuntimeIoException if the operation fails.
void copyRecursive(File source, File destination, boolean allowOverwrite, FileFilter filter) throws RuntimeIoException;
* This method {@link File#delete() deletes} the given {@code path}. If the {@code path} denotes a
* {@link File#isDirectory() directory} then it will be deleted recursively.
* @see #deleteChildren(File)
* @param path is the path to delete.
* @return the number of files that have been deleted (excluding the directories).
* @throws FileDeletionFailedException if a file or directory could NOT be {@link File#delete() deleted}.
int deleteRecursive(File path) throws FileDeletionFailedException;
* This method {@link File#delete() deletes} the given {@code path}. If the {@code path} denotes a
* {@link File#isDirectory() directory} then it will be traversed recursively. For each {@link File#isFile()
* regular file} traversed, the given {@link FileFilter} is applied. If the {@link File} is
* {@link FileFilter#accept(File) accepted}, it will be {@link File#delete() deleted}. If a
* {@link File#isDirectory() directory} has been visited where all {@link File#listFiles() children} have
* been deleted, it will also be {@link File#delete() deleted}. So in case the {@link FileFilter}
* {@link FileFilter#accept(File) accepts} all {@link File}s, this method behaves like
* {@link #deleteRecursive(File)}.
* @see #deleteChildren(File)
* @param path is the {@link File} where to delete.
* @param filter the {@link FileFilter} applied for each {@link File#isFile() regular file} that
* {@link FileFilter#accept(File) decides} which {@link File}s to delete.
* @return the number of files that have been deleted (excluding the directories).
* @throws FileDeletionFailedException if a file or directory could NOT be {@link File#delete() deleted}.
* @since 7.4.0
int deleteRecursive(File path, FileFilter filter) throws FileDeletionFailedException;
* @param file the {@link File#listFiles() regular} {@link File} to {@link File#delete() delete}.
* @throws FileDeletionFailedException if the {@link File} could not be {@link File#delete() deleted}.
* @return {@code true} if the {@link File} has been {@link File#delete() deleted} successfully,
* {@code false} if the {@link File} did not {@link File#exists() exist} and nothing hat to be done.
* @since 7.4.0
boolean delete(File file) throws FileDeletionFailedException;
* This method {@link File#delete() deletes} all {@link File#listFiles() children} of the given
* {@code directory} recursively. If the given {@code directory} denotes an {@link File#exists() existing}
* {@link File#isDirectory() directory} then it will be empty after the call of this method, else this
* method will have no effect.
* @param directory is the directory where to delete.
* @return the number of files that have been deleted (excluding the directories).
* @throws FileDeletionFailedException if a file or directory could NOT be {@link File#delete() deleted}.
int deleteChildren(File directory) throws FileDeletionFailedException;
* This method traverses all {@link File#listFiles() children} of the given {@code directory} recursively.
* For each {@link File#isFile() regular file} traversed, the given {@link FileFilter} is applied. If the
* {@link File} is {@link FileFilter#accept(File) accepted}, it will be {@link File#delete() deleted}. If a
* {@link File#isDirectory() directory} has been visited where all {@link File#listFiles() children} have
* been deleted, it will also be {@link File#delete() deleted}. So in case the {@link FileFilter}
* {@link FileFilter#accept(File) accepts} all {@link File}s, this method behaves like
* {@link #deleteChildren(File)}.
* @param directory is the directory where to delete.
* @param filter the {@link FileFilter} applied for each {@link File#isFile() regular file} that
* {@link FileFilter#accept(File) decides} which {@link File}s to delete.
* @return the number of files that have been deleted (excluding the directories).
* @throws FileDeletionFailedException if a file or directory could NOT be {@link File#delete() deleted}.
* @since 7.4.0
int deleteChildren(File directory, FileFilter filter) throws FileDeletionFailedException;
* This method gets all {@link File files} matching to the given {@code path} and {@code fileType} . The
* {@code path} may contain {@link net.sf.mmm.util.pattern.base.PathPatternCompiler wildcards}.
* Examples:
* {@link #getMatchingFiles(File, String, FileType) getMatchingFiles}(cwd,
* "*", {@link FileType#DIRECTORY})
will return all {@link File#isDirectory() directories} in
* {@code cwd}
* {@link #getMatchingFiles(File, String, FileType) getMatchingFiles}(cwd,
* "*/*.xml", {@link FileType#FILE})
will return all {@link File#isFile() files} from all direct
* {@link File#list() sub-folders} of {@code cwd} that end with ".xml"
* {@link #getMatchingFiles(File, String, FileType) getMatchingFiles}(cwd,
* "**/*.xml", {@link FileType#FILE})
will return all {@link File#isFile() files} in {@code cwd}
* or any of its transitive {@link File#list() sub-folders} that end with ".xml"
* @see #collectMatchingFiles(File, String, FileType, Collection)
* @param cwd is the current working directory and should therefore point to an existing
* {@link File#isDirectory() directory}. If the given {@code path} is NOT {@link File#isAbsolute()
* absolute} it is interpreted relative to this directory.
* @param path is the path the requested files must match. If this path is NOT {@link File#isAbsolute()
* absolute} it is interpreted relative to the {@link File#isDirectory() directory} given by
* {@code cwd}.
* @param fileType is the type of the requested files or {@code null} if files of any type are acceptable.
* @return an array containing all the {@link File files} that match the given {@code path} and apply to
* {@code ignore}
File[] getMatchingFiles(File cwd, String path, FileType fileType);
* This method adds all files matching the given {@code path} and {@code fileType} to the {@code list}. The
* {@code path} may contain {@link net.sf.mmm.util.pattern.base.GlobPatternCompiler wildcards}.
* @param cwd is the current working directory and should therefore point to an existing
* {@link File#isDirectory() directory}. If the given {@code path} is NOT {@link File#isAbsolute()
* absolute} it is interpreted relative to this directory.
* @param path is the path the files to collect must match. If this path is NOT {@link File#isAbsolute()
* absolute} it is interpreted relative to the {@link File#isDirectory() directory} given by
* {@code cwd}.
* @param fileType is the type of the files to collect or {@code null} if files of any type are acceptable.
* @param list is the {@link Collection} where to {@link Collection#add(Object) add} the collected files.
* @return {@code false} if the path is a regular string and {@code true} if the given path contains at
* least one {@link net.sf.mmm.util.pattern.base.GlobPatternCompiler wildcard} ( {@code '*'} or
* {@code '?'}).
boolean collectMatchingFiles(File cwd, String path, FileType fileType, Collection list);
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