org.nomin.util.ExplodingIntrospector.groovy Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package org.nomin.util
import java.lang.reflect.Field
* Uses fields to change state of an instance. It's useful when the class of the instance isn't satisfied to the JavaBeans
* convention.
* @author Dmitry Dobrynin
* Created 16.04.2010 11:03:42
class ExplodingIntrospector extends BaseReflectionIntrospector {
PropertyAccessor createAccessor(String name, Class> targetClass) {
def field = searchField(targetClass, name)
if (field) new FieldPropertyAccessor(name, TypeInfoFactory.typeInfo(field.genericType), field)
Set properties(Class> targetClass) {
Set properties = new HashSet()
collectFields(targetClass).each { properties.add( }
return properties;
protected Field searchField(Class clazz, String fieldName) {
def field = clazz.declaredFields.find { == fieldName }
field ?: clazz.superclass ? searchField(clazz.superclass, fieldName) : null
protected List collectFields(Class> targetClass) {
def fields = targetClass != Object ? targetClass.declaredFields.collect { it } : []
if (targetClass.superclass) fields + collectFields(targetClass.superclass)