net.sf.okapi.common.ui.ConstrainedSashForm Maven / Gradle / Ivy
Copyright (C) 2008-2013 by the Okapi Framework contributors
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package net.sf.okapi.common.ui;
import org.eclipse.swt.SWT;
import org.eclipse.swt.custom.SashForm;
import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Composite;
import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Control;
import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Display;
import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Sash;
public class ConstrainedSashForm extends SashForm {
private Sash sash;
private Control upPart;
private Control dnPart;
private int wDelta;
private int hDelta;
private int min1;
private int min2;
private Rectangle sr;
public ConstrainedSashForm(Composite parent, final boolean verticalSash) {
super(parent, verticalSash ? SWT.HORIZONTAL : SWT.VERTICAL);
Display.getCurrent().asyncExec(() -> {
// Determine the size difference from the parent (workaround for RWT shrinking the sash form at times)
Rectangle r0 = ConstrainedSashForm.this.getParent().getBounds();
Rectangle r1 = ConstrainedSashForm.this.getBounds();
wDelta = r0.width - r1.width;
hDelta = r0.height - r1.height;
for (Control child : getChildren()) {
if (child instanceof Sash) {
sash = (Sash) child;
sash.addListener(SWT.Selection, event -> {
//sash = (Sash)event.widget;
Rectangle rect = sash.getParent().getClientArea();
if (verticalSash) {
event.x = event.x < rect.width / 2 ? Math.max(min1, event.x) : Math.min(rect.width - min2, event.x);
else {
event.y = event.y < rect.height / 2 ? Math.max(min1, event.y) : Math.min(rect.height - min2, event.y);
if (event.detail != SWT.DRAG) {
//sash.setBounds(event.x, event.y, event.width, event.height);
Rectangle r01 = sash.getParent().getClientArea();
Rectangle r11 = upPart.getBounds();
Rectangle r2 = sash.getBounds();
Rectangle r3 = dnPart.getBounds();
if (verticalSash) {
int ltWidth = event.x;
int rtWidth = r01.width - (ltWidth + r2.width);
upPart.setBounds(r11.x, r11.y, ltWidth, r11.height);
sash.setBounds(ltWidth, r2.y, r2.width, r2.height);
dnPart.setBounds(ltWidth + r2.width, r3.y, rtWidth, r3.height);
else {
int upHeight = event.y;
int dnHeight = r01.height - (upHeight + r2.height);
upPart.setBounds(r11.x, r11.y, r11.width, upHeight);
sash.setBounds(r2.x, upHeight, r2.width, r2.height);
dnPart.setBounds(r3.x, upHeight + r2.height, r3.width, dnHeight);
Control[] children = getChildren();
if (children.length > 1) {
upPart = children[0];
dnPart = children[1];
Point p1 = upPart.computeSize(SWT.DEFAULT, SWT.DEFAULT);
Point p2 = dnPart.computeSize(SWT.DEFAULT, SWT.DEFAULT);
if (verticalSash) {
min1 = p1.x;
min2 = p2.x;
setWeights(new int[] {min1, min2});
else {
min1 = p1.y;
min2 = p2.y;
setWeights(new int[] {min1, min2});
addListener(SWT.Resize, event -> {
if (sash == null) return;
Rectangle rect = sash.getParent().getClientArea();
//Point p = sash.getLocation();
sr = sash.getBounds();
if (verticalSash) {
sr.x = sr.x < rect.width / 2 ? Math.max(min1, sr.x) : Math.min(rect.width - min2, sr.x);
setWeights(new int[] {sr.x, rect.width - sr.x});
else {
sr.y = sr.y < rect.height / 2 ? Math.max(min1, sr.y) : Math.min(rect.height - min2, sr.y);
setWeights(new int[] {sr.y, rect.height - sr.y});
// Workaround for RWT shrinking the sash form at times
// ConstrainedSashForm.this.getParent().layout();
Rectangle r0 = ConstrainedSashForm.this.getParent().getBounds();
Rectangle r1 = ConstrainedSashForm.this.getBounds();
if (r0.width - r1.width != wDelta ||
r0.height - r1.height != hDelta) {
ConstrainedSashForm.this.setBounds(r1.x, r1.y,
r0.width - wDelta, r0.height - hDelta);
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