net.sf.okapi.lib.segmentation.SRXDocument Maven / Gradle / Ivy
Copyright (C) 2008-2012 by the Okapi Framework contributors
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
package net.sf.okapi.lib.segmentation;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilder;
import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilderFactory;
import javax.xml.parsers.ParserConfigurationException;
import javax.xml.xpath.XPath;
import javax.xml.xpath.XPathConstants;
import javax.xml.xpath.XPathExpression;
import javax.xml.xpath.XPathExpressionException;
import javax.xml.xpath.XPathFactory;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import org.w3c.dom.Document;
import org.w3c.dom.Element;
import org.w3c.dom.Node;
import org.w3c.dom.NodeList;
import org.xml.sax.InputSource;
import org.xml.sax.SAXException;
import net.sf.okapi.common.DefaultEntityResolver;
import net.sf.okapi.common.ISegmenter;
import net.sf.okapi.common.LocaleId;
import net.sf.okapi.common.NSContextManager;
import net.sf.okapi.common.Util;
import net.sf.okapi.common.XMLWriter;
import net.sf.okapi.common.exceptions.OkapiException;
import net.sf.okapi.common.exceptions.OkapiIOException;
import net.sf.okapi.common.resource.TextFragment;
* Provides facilities to load, save, and manage segmentation rules in SRX
* format. This class also implements several extensions to the standard SRX
* behavior.
public class SRXDocument {
private final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(getClass());
private static final String NSURI_SRX20 = "";
private static final String NSURI_SRX10 = "";
private static final String NSURI_OKPSRX = "";
private static final String NSPREFIX_OKPSRX = "okpsrx";
private static final String DEFAULT_SRX_FILE = "okapi_default_icu4j.srx";
public static final String DEFAULT_SRX_RULES = "DEFAULT_SRX_RULES";
* Represents the pattern for an inline code (both special characters).
public static final String INLINECODE_PATTERN = String.format("([\\u%X\\u%X\\u%X].)", TextFragment.MARKER_OPENING,
* Marker for INLINECODE_PATTERN in the given pattern. \Y+ = one or more
* codes, \Y* = zero, one or more codes, etc.
public static final String ANYCODE = "\\Y";
* Placed at the end of the 'after' expression, this marker indicates the
* given pattern should not have auto-insertion of AUTO_INLINECODES.
public static final String NOAUTO = "[noauto]";
// Represents zero, one or more inline codes. this is used in auto-insertion
// cases
private static final String AUTO_INLINECODES = "(" + INLINECODE_PATTERN + "*)";
private boolean cascade;
private boolean segmentSubFlows;
private boolean includeStartCodes;
private boolean includeEndCodes;
private boolean includeIsolatedCodes;
private boolean oneSegmentIncludesAll;
private boolean trimLeadingWS;
private boolean trimTrailingWS;
private boolean useJavaRegex = true;
private boolean useIcu4JBreakRules = false;
private boolean treatIsolatedCodesAsWhitespace;
private String version = "2.0";
private String warning;
private String sampleText;
private String sampleLanguage;
private boolean modified;
private boolean testOnSelectedGroup;
private ArrayList langMaps;
private LinkedHashMap> langRules;
private String maskRule;
private String docComment;
private String headerComment;
* Creates an empty SRX document.
public SRXDocument() {
* Gets the version of this SRX document.
* @return the version of this SRX document.
public String getVersion() {
return version;
* Indicates if a warning was issued last time a document was read.
* @return true if a warning was issued, false otherwise.
public boolean hasWarning() {
return ((warning != null) && (warning.length() > 0));
* Gets the last warning that was issued while loading a document.
* @return the text of the last warning issued, or an empty string.
public String getWarning() {
if (warning == null)
return "";
return warning;
* Gets the comments associated with the header of this document.
* @return the comments for the header of this document, or null if there
* are none.
public String getHeaderComments() {
return headerComment;
* Sets the comments for the header of this document.
* @param text
* the new comments, use null or empty string for removing the
* comments.
public void setHeaderComments(String text) {
headerComment = text;
if ((headerComment != null) && (headerComment.length() == 0)) {
headerComment = null;
* Gets the comments associated with this document.
* @return the comments for this document, or null if there are none.
public String getComments() {
return docComment;
* Sets the comments for this document.
* @param text
* the new comments, use null or empty string for removing the
* comments.
public void setComments(String text) {
docComment = text;
if ((docComment != null) && (docComment.length() == 0)) {
docComment = null;
* Resets the document to its default empty initial state.
public void resetAll() {
langMaps = new ArrayList<>();
langRules = new LinkedHashMap<>();
maskRule = null;
modified = false;
segmentSubFlows = true; // SRX default
cascade = false; // There is no SRX default for this
includeStartCodes = false; // SRX default
includeEndCodes = true; // SRX default
includeIsolatedCodes = false; // SRX default
oneSegmentIncludesAll = false; // Extension
trimLeadingWS = false; // Extension
trimTrailingWS = false; // Extension
useJavaRegex = true; // Deprecated Extension (always true)
useIcu4JBreakRules = false;
treatIsolatedCodesAsWhitespace = false; // Extension
sampleText = "Mr. Holmes is from the U.K. not the U.S. Is Dr. Watson from there too? Yes: both are.
sampleLanguage = "en";
headerComment = null;
docComment = null;
* Gets a map of all the language rules in this document.
* @return a map of all the language rules.
public LinkedHashMap> getAllLanguageRules() {
return langRules;
* Gets the list of rules for a given <languagerule7gt; element.
* @param ruleName
* the name of the <languagerulegt; element to query.
* @return the list of rules for a given <languagerulegt; element.
public ArrayList getLanguageRules(String ruleName) {
return langRules.get(ruleName);
* Gets the list of all the language maps in this document.
* @return the list of all the language maps.
public ArrayList getAllLanguagesMaps() {
return langMaps;
* Indicates if sub-flows must be segmented.
* @return true if sub-flows must be segmented, false otherwise.
public boolean segmentSubFlows() {
return segmentSubFlows;
* Sets the flag indicating if sub-flows must be segmented.
* @param value
* true if sub-flows must be segmented, false otherwise.
public void setSegmentSubFlows(boolean value) {
segmentSubFlows = value;
* Indicates if cascading must be applied when selecting the rules for a
* given language pattern.
* @return true if cascading must be applied, false otherwise.
public boolean cascade() {
return cascade;
* Sets the flag indicating if cascading must be applied when selecting the
* rules for a given language pattern.
* @param value
* true if cascading must be applied, false otherwise.
public void setCascade(boolean value) {
if (value != cascade) {
cascade = value;
modified = true;
* Indicates if, when there is a single segment in a text, it should include
* the whole text (no spaces or codes trim left/right)
* @return true if a text with a single segment should include the whole
* text.
public boolean oneSegmentIncludesAll() {
return oneSegmentIncludesAll;
* Sets the indicator that tells if when there is a single segment in a text
* it should include the whole text (no spaces or codes trim left/right)
* text.
* @param value
* true if a text with a single segment should include the whole
* text.
public void setOneSegmentIncludesAll(boolean value) {
if (value != oneSegmentIncludesAll) {
oneSegmentIncludesAll = value;
modified = true;
* Indicates if this document has rules that are defined for the Java
* regular expression engine (vs ICU).
* @return always true. ICU4J regexes no longer supported.
public boolean useJavaRegex() {
return true;
* Sets the indicator that tells if this document has rules that are defined
* for the Java regular expression engine. Always set to true.
* @param value
* true if the rules should be treated as Java regular
* expression, false will log an error as the ICU4J regex engine has been removed
public void setUseJavaRegex(boolean value) {
useJavaRegex = true;
if (!value)
LOGGER.error("Use of ICU regex has been removed.");
* Indicates if this document uses ICU4J break rules.
* @return true if ICU4J break rules are used, false otherwise.
public boolean useIcu4JBreakRules() {
return useIcu4JBreakRules;
* Sets the indicator that tells if this document uses ICU4J BreakIterator rules.
* {@link BreakIterator} break positions are converted to SRX-like rules and used
* as default rules for all languages.
* @param value
* true if ICU4J rules should be used as defaults
* expression, false if no ICU4J rules should be used
public void setUseICU4JBreakRules(boolean value) {
if (useIcu4JBreakRules != value) {
useIcu4JBreakRules = value;
modified = true;
* Indicates if this document should treat isolated codes as whitespace when
* matching SRX rules.
* @return true if isolated codes should be treated as whitespace
public boolean treatIsolatedCodesAsWhitespace() {
return treatIsolatedCodesAsWhitespace;
* Sets the indicator if this document should treat isolated codes as
* whitespace when matching SRX rules.
* @param value
* true if isolated codes should be treated as whitespace
public void setTreatIsolatedCodesAsWhitespace(boolean value) {
if (value != treatIsolatedCodesAsWhitespace) {
treatIsolatedCodesAsWhitespace = value;
modified = true;
* Indicates if leading white-spaces should be left outside the segments.
* @return true if the leading white-spaces should be trimmed.
public boolean trimLeadingWhitespaces() {
return trimLeadingWS;
* Sets the indicator that tells if leading white-spaces should be left
* outside the segments.
* @param value
* true if the leading white-spaces should be trimmed.
public void setTrimLeadingWhitespaces(boolean value) {
if (value != trimLeadingWS) {
trimLeadingWS = value;
modified = true;
* Indicates if trailing white-spaces should be left outside the segments.
* @return true if the trailing white-spaces should be trimmed.
public boolean trimTrailingWhitespaces() {
return trimTrailingWS;
* Sets the indicator that tells if trailing white-spaces should be left
* outside the segments.
* @param value
* true if the trailing white-spaces should be trimmed.
public void setTrimTrailingWhitespaces(boolean value) {
if (value != trimTrailingWS) {
trimTrailingWS = value;
modified = true;
* Indicates if start codes should be included (See SRX implementation
* notes).
* @return true if start codes should be included, false otherwise.
public boolean includeStartCodes() {
return includeStartCodes;
* Sets the indicator that tells if start codes should be included or not.
* (See SRX implementation notes).
* @param value
* true if start codes should be included, false otherwise.
public void setIncludeStartCodes(boolean value) {
if (value != includeStartCodes) {
includeStartCodes = value;
modified = true;
* Indicates if end codes should be included (See SRX implementation notes).
* @return true if end codes should be included, false otherwise.
public boolean includeEndCodes() {
return includeEndCodes;
* Sets the indicator that tells if end codes should be included or not.
* (See SRX implementation notes).
* @param value
* true if end codes should be included, false otherwise.
public void setIncludeEndCodes(boolean value) {
if (value != includeEndCodes) {
includeEndCodes = value;
modified = true;
* Indicates if isolated codes should be included (See SRX implementation
* notes).
* @return true if isolated codes should be included, false otherwise.
public boolean includeIsolatedCodes() {
return includeIsolatedCodes;
* Sets the indicator that tells if isolated codes should be included or
* not. (See SRX implementation notes).
* @param value
* true if isolated codes should be included, false otherwise.
public void setIncludeIsolatedCodes(boolean value) {
if (value != includeIsolatedCodes) {
includeIsolatedCodes = value;
modified = true;
* Gets the current pattern of the mask rule.
* @return the current pattern of the mask rule.
public String getMaskRule() {
return maskRule;
* Sets the pattern for the mask rule.
* @param pattern
* the new pattern to use for the mask rule.
public void setMaskRule(String pattern) {
if (pattern != null) {
if (!pattern.equals(maskRule)) {
modified = true;
} else if (maskRule != null) {
modified = true;
maskRule = pattern;
* Gets the current sample text. This text is an example string that can be
* used to test the various rules. It can be handy to be able to save it
* along with the SRX document.
* @return the sample text, or an empty string.
public String getSampleText() {
if (sampleText == null)
return "";
return sampleText;
* Sets the sample text.
* @param value
* the new sample text.
public void setSampleText(String value) {
if (value != null) {
if (!value.equals(sampleText)) {
modified = true;
} else if (sampleText != null) {
modified = true;
sampleText = value;
* Gets the current sample language code.
* @return the current sample language code.
public String getSampleLanguage() {
return sampleLanguage;
* Sets the sample language code. Null or empty strings are changed to the
* default language.
* @param value
* the new sample language code.
public void setSampleLanguage(String value) {
if ((value == null) || (value.length() == 0)) {
sampleLanguage = "en";
modified = true;
} else {
if (!value.equals(sampleLanguage)) {
sampleLanguage = value;
modified = true;
* Indicates that, when sampling the rules, the sample should be computed
* using only a selected group of rules.
* @return true to test using only a selected group of rules. False to test
* using all the rules matching a given language.
public boolean testOnSelectedGroup() {
return testOnSelectedGroup;
* Sets the indicator on how to apply rules for samples.
* @param value
* true to test using only a selected group of rules. False to
* test using all the rules matching a given language.
public void setTestOnSelectedGroup(boolean value) {
if (value != testOnSelectedGroup) {
testOnSelectedGroup = value;
modified = true;
* Indicates if the document has been modified since the last load or save.
* @return true if the document have been modified, false otherwise.
public boolean isModified() {
return modified;
* Sets the flag indicating if the document has been modified since the last
* load or save. If you make change to the rules or language maps directly
* to the lists, make sure to set this flag to true.
* @param value
* true if the document has been changed, false otherwise.
public void setModified(boolean value) {
modified = value;
* Adds a language rule to this SRX document. If another language rule with
* the same name exists already it will be replaced by the new one, without
* warning.
* @param name
* name of the language rule to add.
* @param langRule
* language rule object to add.
public void addLanguageRule(String name, ArrayList langRule) {
langRules.put(name, langRule);
modified = true;
* Adds a language map to this document. The new map is added at the end of
* the one already there.
* @param langMap
* the language map object to add.
public void addLanguageMap(LanguageMap langMap) {
modified = true;
* Compiles the all language rules applicable for a given language code, and
* assign them to a segmenter. This method applies the language code you
* specify to the language mappings currently available in the document and
* compile the rules when one or more language map is found. The matching is
* done in the order of the list of language maps and more than one can be
* selected if {@link #cascade()} is true.
* @param languageCode
* the language code. the value should be a BCP-47 value (e.g.
* "de", "fr-ca", etc.)
* @param existingSegmenter
* optional existing SRXSegmenter object to re-use. Use null for
* not re-using anything.
* @return the instance of the segmenter with the new compiled rules.
public ISegmenter compileLanguageRules(LocaleId languageCode, ISegmenter existingSegmenter) {
SRXSegmenter segmenter = null;
if ((existingSegmenter != null) && (existingSegmenter instanceof SRXSegmenter)) {
segmenter = (SRXSegmenter) existingSegmenter;
if (segmenter != null) {
// Check if we really need to re-compile
if (languageCode != null) {
if (languageCode.equals(segmenter.getLanguage()) && (cascade == segmenter.cascade()))
return segmenter;
} else {
segmenter = new SRXSegmenter();
segmenter.setOptions(segmentSubFlows, includeStartCodes, includeEndCodes, includeIsolatedCodes,
oneSegmentIncludesAll, trimLeadingWS, trimTrailingWS, useJavaRegex, useIcu4JBreakRules, treatIsolatedCodesAsWhitespace);
for (LanguageMap langMap : langMaps) {
if (Pattern.matches(langMap.pattern, languageCode.toString())) {
compileRules(segmenter, langMap.ruleName);
if (!segmenter.cascade())
break; // Stop at the first matching map
return segmenter;
* Compiles a single language rule group and assign it to a segmenter.
* @param ruleName
* the name of the rule group to apply.
* @param existingSegmenter
* optional existing SRXSegmenter object to re-use. Use null for
* not re-using anything.
* @return the instance of the segmenter with the new compiled rules.
public ISegmenter compileSingleLanguageRule(String ruleName, ISegmenter existingSegmenter) {
SRXSegmenter segmenter = null;
if ((existingSegmenter != null) && (existingSegmenter instanceof SRXSegmenter)) {
segmenter = (SRXSegmenter) existingSegmenter;
if (segmenter != null) {
// Check if we really need to re-compile
if (ruleName != null) {
if (segmenter.getLanguage().equals(LocaleId.EMPTY))
return segmenter;
} else {
segmenter = new SRXSegmenter();
segmenter.setOptions(segmentSubFlows, includeStartCodes, includeEndCodes, includeIsolatedCodes,
oneSegmentIncludesAll, trimLeadingWS, trimTrailingWS, useJavaRegex, useIcu4JBreakRules, treatIsolatedCodesAsWhitespace);
compileRules(segmenter, ruleName);
return segmenter;
* Compiles a language rule into the current set of active rules.
* @param ruleName
* the name of the language rule to compile.
private void compileRules(SRXSegmenter segmenter, String ruleName) {
if (!langRules.containsKey(ruleName) && !useIcu4JBreakRules) {
throw new SegmentationRuleException("language rule '" + ruleName + "' not found.");
ArrayList langRule = langRules.get(ruleName);
String pattern = null;
for (Rule rule : langRule) {
if (rule.isActive) {
// Replace special markers ANYCODES by inline code pattern
pattern = generateRuleRegex(rule);
pattern = pattern.replace(ANYCODE, INLINECODE_PATTERN);
// Compile and add the rule
segmenter.addRule(new CompiledRule(pattern, rule.isBreak));
// Range rules
public String generateRuleRegex(Rule rule) {
String pattern = "";
String beforePattern = "";
String afterPattern = "";
afterPattern = "(" + rule.after + ")";
if (rule.before.endsWith(NOAUTO)) {
// If the rule.before ends with NOAUTO, then we do not put
// pattern for in-line codes
beforePattern = "(" + rule.before.substring(0, rule.before.length() - NOAUTO.length()) + ")";
} else {
// The compiled rule is made of two groups: the pattern before
// and the pattern after
// the break. A special pattern for in-line codes is also added
// transparently.
beforePattern = "(" + rule.before + AUTO_INLINECODES + ")";
if (rule.before.isEmpty()) {
// must add empty group to maintain group count
pattern = "(.|\n)" + afterPattern;
} else if (rule.after.isEmpty()) {
// must add empty group to maintain group count
pattern = beforePattern + "()";
} else {
pattern = beforePattern + afterPattern;
return pattern;
* Loads an SRX document from a CharSequence object. Calling this method
* resets all settings and rules to their default state and then populate
* them with the data stored in the document being loaded. The rules can be
* embedded inside another vocabulary.
* @param data
* the string containing the SRX document to load.
public void loadRules(CharSequence data) {
loadRules(data, 1);
modified = true;
* Loads an SRX document from a file. Calling this method resets all
* settings and rules to their default state and then populate them with the
* data stored in the document being loaded. The rules can be embedded
* inside another vocabulary.
* For {@code SRXDocument.DEFAULT_SRX_RULES} (the string {@code "DEFAULT_SRX_RULES"} in serialized parameters)
* this will load the (Okapi recommended) {@code .srx} file, embedded in the library jar.
* @param pathOrURL
* The full path or URL of the document to load.
public void loadRules(String pathOrURL) {
if (DEFAULT_SRX_RULES.equals(pathOrURL)) {
} else {
loadRules(pathOrURL, 0);
* Loads an SRX document from an input stream. Calling this method resets
* all settings and rules to their default state and then populate them with
* the data stored in the document being loaded. The rules can be embedded
* inside another vocabulary.
* @param inputStream
* the input stream to read from.
public void loadRules(InputStream inputStream) {
loadRules(inputStream, 2);
private void loadRules(Object input, int inputType) {
try {
DocumentBuilderFactory Fact = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance();
// security concern. Turn off DTD processing
try {
// Xerces 1 -
// Xerces 2 -
Fact.setFeature("", false);
// Xerces 2 only -
Fact.setFeature("", true);
} catch (ParserConfigurationException e) {
// Tried an unsupported feature. This may indicate that a
// different XML processor is being
// used. If so, then its features need to be researched and
// applied correctly.
// For example, using the Xerces 2 feature above on a Xerces 1
// processor will throw this
// exception.
LOGGER.warn("Unsupported DocumentBuilderFactory feature. Possible security vulnerabilities.", e);
DocumentBuilder docBuilder;
docBuilder = Fact.newDocumentBuilder();
docBuilder.setEntityResolver(new DefaultEntityResolver());
Document doc;
if (inputType == 0) {
String pathOrURL = (String) input;
// doc = docBuilder.parse(Util.makeURIFromPath(pathOrURL));
File srxFile = new File(Util.toURI(pathOrURL));
if (!srxFile.exists())
throw new OkapiException("SRX file not found");
doc = docBuilder.parse(srxFile);
} else if (inputType == 1) {
CharSequence data = (CharSequence) input;
doc = docBuilder.parse(new InputSource(new StringReader(data.toString())));
} else {
doc = docBuilder.parse((InputStream) input);
// Macintosh work-around
// When you use -XstartOnFirstThread as a java -Xarg on Leopard,
// your ContextClassloader gets set to null.
// That is not the case on 10.4 or with Windows or Linux flavors
// This allows XPathFactory.newInstance() to have a non-null context
// Removed because not needed any more (1.7 not supported by 10.5)
// Thread.currentThread().setContextClassLoader(getClass().getClassLoader());
// end work-around
XPathFactory xpathFac = Util.createXPathFactory();
XPath xpath = xpathFac.newXPath();
NSContextManager nsContext = new NSContextManager();
nsContext.add("srx", NSURI_SRX20);
nsContext.add("srx1", NSURI_SRX10);
// Try to get the root and detect if namespaces are used or not.
String ns = NSURI_SRX20;
XPathExpression xpe = xpath.compile("//srx:srx");
NodeList srxList = (NodeList) xpe.evaluate(doc, XPathConstants.NODESET);
if (srxList.getLength() < 1) {
xpe = xpath.compile("//srx1:srx");
srxList = (NodeList) xpe.evaluate(doc, XPathConstants.NODESET);
if (srxList.getLength() < 1) {
xpe = xpath.compile("//srx");
srxList = (NodeList) xpe.evaluate(doc, XPathConstants.NODESET);
if (srxList.getLength() < 1) {
ns = "";
} else
ns = NSURI_SRX10;
// Treat the first occurrence (we assume there is never more in one
// file)
Element srxElem = (Element) srxList.item(0);
docComment = getPreviousComments(srxElem, null);
String tmp = srxElem.getAttribute("version");
if (tmp.equals("1.0")) {
version = tmp;
warning = "SRX version 1.0 rules are subject to different interpretation.\nRead the help for more information.";
} else if (tmp.equals("2.0")) {
version = tmp;
warning = null;
} else
throw new OkapiIOException("Invalid version value.");
Element elem1 = getFirstElementByTagNameNS(ns, "header", srxElem);
headerComment = getPreviousComments(elem1, null);
tmp = elem1.getAttribute("segmentsubflows");
if (tmp.length() > 0)
segmentSubFlows = "yes".equals(tmp);
tmp = elem1.getAttribute("cascade");
if (tmp.length() > 0)
cascade = "yes".equals(tmp);
// formathandle elements
NodeList list2 = elem1.getElementsByTagNameNS(ns, "formathandle");
for (int i = 0; i < list2.getLength(); i++) {
Element elem2 = (Element) list2.item(i);
tmp = elem2.getAttribute("type");
if ("start".equals(tmp)) {
tmp = elem2.getAttribute("include");
if (tmp.length() > 0)
includeStartCodes = "yes".equals(tmp);
} else if ("end".equals(tmp)) {
tmp = elem2.getAttribute("include");
if (tmp.length() > 0)
includeEndCodes = "yes".equals(tmp);
} else if ("isolated".equals(tmp)) {
tmp = elem2.getAttribute("include");
if (tmp.length() > 0)
includeIsolatedCodes = "yes".equals(tmp);
// Extension: options
Element elem2 = getFirstElementByTagNameNS(NSURI_OKPSRX, "options", elem1);
if (elem2 != null) {
tmp = elem2.getAttribute("oneSegmentIncludesAll");
if (tmp.length() > 0)
oneSegmentIncludesAll = "yes".equals(tmp);
tmp = elem2.getAttribute("trimLeadingWhitespaces");
if (tmp.length() > 0)
trimLeadingWS = "yes".equals(tmp);
tmp = elem2.getAttribute("trimTrailingWhitespaces");
if (tmp.length() > 0)
trimTrailingWS = "yes".equals(tmp);
tmp = elem2.getAttribute("useJavaRegex");
if (tmp.length() > 0)
useJavaRegex = true;
tmp = elem2.getAttribute("useIcu4jBreakRules");
if (tmp.length() > 0)
useIcu4JBreakRules = "yes".equals(tmp);
tmp = elem2.getAttribute("treatIsolatedCodesAsWhitespace");
if (tmp.length() > 0)
treatIsolatedCodesAsWhitespace = "yes".equals(tmp);
// Extension: sample
elem2 = getFirstElementByTagNameNS(NSURI_OKPSRX, "sample", elem1);
if (elem2 != null) {
tmp = elem2.getAttribute("language");
if (tmp.length() > 0)
tmp = elem2.getAttribute("useMappedRules");
if (tmp.length() > 0)
// Extension: rangeRule
elem2 = getFirstElementByTagNameNS(NSURI_OKPSRX, "rangeRule", elem1);
if (elem2 != null) {
// Get the body element
elem1 = getFirstElementByTagNameNS(ns, "body", srxElem);
// languagerules
elem2 = getFirstElementByTagNameNS(ns, "languagerules", elem1);
if (elem2 == null) {
throw new OkapiException("the languagerules element is missing.");
// For each languageRule
list2 = elem2.getElementsByTagNameNS(ns, "languagerule");
for (int i = 0; i < list2.getLength(); i++) {
Element elem3 = (Element) list2.item(i);
ArrayList tmpList = new ArrayList<>();
String ruleName = elem3.getAttribute("languagerulename");
// For each rule
NodeList list3 = elem3.getElementsByTagNameNS(ns, "rule");
for (int j = 0; j < list3.getLength(); j++) {
Element elem4 = (Element) list3.item(j);
Rule newRule = new Rule();
newRule.comment = getPreviousComments(elem4, "rule");
tmp = elem4.getAttribute("break");
if (tmp.length() > 0)
newRule.isBreak = "yes".equals(tmp);
tmp = elem4.getAttributeNS(NSURI_OKPSRX, "active");
if (tmp.length() > 0)
newRule.isActive = "yes".equals(tmp);
Element elem5 = getFirstElementByTagNameNS(ns, "beforebreak", elem4);
if (elem5 != null)
newRule.before = Util.getTextContent(elem5);
elem5 = getFirstElementByTagNameNS(ns, "afterbreak", elem4);
if (elem5 != null)
newRule.after = Util.getTextContent(elem5);
langRules.put(ruleName, tmpList);
// maprules
elem2 = getFirstElementByTagNameNS(ns, "maprules", elem1);
// For each languagemap
list2 = elem2.getElementsByTagNameNS(ns, "languagemap");
for (int i = 0; i < list2.getLength(); i++) {
Element elem3 = (Element) list2.item(i);
LanguageMap langMap = new LanguageMap();
tmp = elem3.getAttribute("languagepattern");
if (tmp.length() > 0)
langMap.pattern = tmp;
tmp = elem3.getAttribute("languagerulename");
if (tmp.length() > 0)
langMap.ruleName = tmp;
modified = false;
} catch (SAXException | XPathExpressionException | IOException | ParserConfigurationException e) {
throw new OkapiIOException(e);
* Gathers comments before a given element.
* @param startNode
* the node where to start. Use null to allow the gathering to go
* at the parent level.
* @param stopElement
* the name of the node where to stop, or null for no limitation.
* @return the string with all the comments found in the given scope, or
* null if no comments were found.
private String getPreviousComments(Node startNode, String stopElement) {
Node node = startNode.getPreviousSibling();
while (node != null) {
switch (node.getNodeType()) {
return node.getNodeValue();
if ((stopElement != null) && (node.getNodeName().equals(stopElement))) {
return null;
node = node.getPreviousSibling();
return null;
* Gets the first occurrence of a given element in a given namespace from a
* given element.
* @param ns
* the namespace URI to look for.
* @param tagName
* the name of the element to look for.
* @param elem
* the element where to look for.
* @return the first found element, or null.
private Element getFirstElementByTagNameNS(String ns, String tagName, Element elem) {
NodeList list = elem.getElementsByTagNameNS(ns, tagName);
if ((list == null) || (list.getLength() < 1))
return null;
return (Element) list.item(0);
* Saves the current rules to an SRX string.
* @param saveExtensions
* true to save Okapi SRX extensions, false otherwise.
* @param saveNonValidInfo
* true to save non-SRX-valid attributes, false otherwise.
* @return the string containing the saved SRX rules.
public String saveRulesToString(boolean saveExtensions, boolean saveNonValidInfo) {
StringWriter strWriter = new StringWriter();
XMLWriter writer = new XMLWriter(strWriter);
boolean current = modified;
saveRules(writer, saveExtensions, saveNonValidInfo);
modified = current; // Keep the same state for modified
return strWriter.toString();
* Saves the current rules to an SRX rules document.
* @param rulesPath
* the full path of the file where to save the rules.
* @param saveExtensions
* true to save Okapi SRX extensions, false otherwise.
* @param saveNonValidInfo
* true to save non-SRX-valid attributes, false otherwise.
public void saveRules(String rulesPath, boolean saveExtensions, boolean saveNonValidInfo) {
XMLWriter writer = new XMLWriter(rulesPath);
saveRules(writer, saveExtensions, saveNonValidInfo);
private void saveRules(XMLWriter writer, boolean saveExtensions, boolean saveNonValidInfo) {
try {
if (docComment != null) {
writer.writeComment(docComment, true);
writer.writeAttributeString("xmlns", NSURI_SRX20);
if (saveExtensions) {
writer.writeAttributeString("xmlns:" + NSPREFIX_OKPSRX, NSURI_OKPSRX);
writer.writeAttributeString("version", "2.0");
version = "2.0";
if (headerComment != null) {
writer.writeComment(headerComment, true);
writer.writeAttributeString("segmentsubflows", (segmentSubFlows ? "yes" : "no"));
writer.writeAttributeString("cascade", (cascade ? "yes" : "no"));
writer.writeAttributeString("type", "start");
writer.writeAttributeString("include", (includeStartCodes ? "yes" : "no"));
writer.writeEndElementLineBreak(); // formathandle
writer.writeAttributeString("type", "end");
writer.writeAttributeString("include", (includeEndCodes ? "yes" : "no"));
writer.writeEndElementLineBreak(); // formathandle
writer.writeAttributeString("type", "isolated");
writer.writeAttributeString("include", (includeIsolatedCodes ? "yes" : "no"));
writer.writeEndElementLineBreak(); // formathandle
if (saveExtensions) {
writer.writeStartElement(NSPREFIX_OKPSRX + ":options");
writer.writeAttributeString("oneSegmentIncludesAll", (oneSegmentIncludesAll ? "yes" : "no"));
writer.writeAttributeString("trimLeadingWhitespaces", (trimLeadingWS ? "yes" : "no"));
writer.writeAttributeString("trimTrailingWhitespaces", (trimTrailingWS ? "yes" : "no"));
writer.writeAttributeString("useJavaRegex", "yes");
(useIcu4JBreakRules ? "yes" : "no"));
(treatIsolatedCodesAsWhitespace ? "yes" : "no"));
writer.writeEndElementLineBreak(); // okpsrx:options
writer.writeStartElement(NSPREFIX_OKPSRX + ":sample");
writer.writeAttributeString("language", getSampleLanguage());
writer.writeAttributeString("useMappedRules", (testOnSelectedGroup() ? "no" : "yes"));
writer.writeEndElementLineBreak(); // okpsrx:sample
writer.writeStartElement(NSPREFIX_OKPSRX + ":rangeRule");
writer.writeEndElementLineBreak(); // okpsrx:rangeRule
writer.writeEndElementLineBreak(); // header
for (String ruleName : langRules.keySet()) {
writer.writeAttributeString("languagerulename", ruleName);
ArrayList langRule = langRules.get(ruleName);
for (Rule rule : langRule) {
if (rule.comment != null) {
writer.writeComment(rule.comment, true);
writer.writeAttributeString("break", (rule.isBreak ? "yes" : "no"));
// Start of non-standard SRX 2.0 (non-SRX attributes not
// allowed)
if (saveExtensions && saveNonValidInfo) {
writer.writeAttributeString(NSPREFIX_OKPSRX + ":active", (rule.isActive ? "yes" : "no"));
// End of non-Standard SRX
writer.writeElementString("beforebreak", rule.before);
writer.writeElementString("afterbreak", rule.after);
writer.writeEndElementLineBreak(); // rule
writer.writeEndElementLineBreak(); // languagerule
writer.writeEndElementLineBreak(); // languagerules
for (LanguageMap langMap : langMaps) {
writer.writeAttributeString("languagepattern", langMap.pattern);
writer.writeAttributeString("languagerulename", langMap.ruleName);
writer.writeEndElementLineBreak(); // languagemap
writer.writeEndElementLineBreak(); // maprules
writer.writeEndElementLineBreak(); // body
writer.writeEndElementLineBreak(); // srx
modified = false;
} finally {
if (writer != null)
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