net.sf.okapi.lib.xliff2.its.ITSWriter Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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package net.sf.okapi.lib.xliff2.its;
import java.util.AbstractMap.SimpleEntry;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.Stack;
import net.sf.okapi.lib.xliff2.Const;
import net.sf.okapi.lib.xliff2.Util;
import net.sf.okapi.lib.xliff2.core.MTag;
import net.sf.okapi.lib.xliff2.core.Tag;
import net.sf.okapi.lib.xliff2.core.Fragment;
import net.sf.okapi.lib.xliff2.core.InheritedData;
import net.sf.okapi.lib.xliff2.core.Tags;
import net.sf.okapi.lib.xliff2.core.StartXliffData;
import net.sf.okapi.lib.xliff2.core.TagType;
import net.sf.okapi.lib.xliff2.core.Unit;
* Provides utility methods to output ITS attributes and stand-off elements.
* This assumes the ITS namespace uses "its" as its prefix.
public class ITSWriter {
* Annotates a given fragment with an ITS item.
* @param fragment the fragment to annotate.
* @param start the start position (in the coded text)
* @param end the position just after the last character of the span (in the coded text).
* You can use -1 to indicate the end of the fragment.
* @param item the ITS item to set (it can be a single instance or a group).
* @return the ITS item set.
public static IITSItem annotate (Fragment fragment,
int start,
int end,
IITSItem item)
MTag am = new MTag(fragment.getStore().suggestId(false), "its:any");
fragment.annotate(start, end, am);
return item;
* Tries to reuse an existing annotation to add an ITS item.
* If no existing annotation is found for the given span and type, one is created.
* @param fragment the fragment to annotate.
* @param start the start position (in the coded text)
* @param end the position just after the last character of the span (in the coded text).
* You can use -1 to indicate the end of the fragment.
* @param item the ITS item to set (it can be a single instance or a group).
* @param matchingType the type of the existing annotation that can be reused.
* Use null to reuse any type.
* @return the opening marker for the annotation.
public static MTag annotate (Fragment fragment,
int start,
int end,
IITSItem item,
String matchingType)
MTag am = fragment.getOrCreateMarker(start, end, matchingType, "its:any");
return am;
* Adds the namespaces and version information for supporting ITS mapping in an XLIFF 2 document.
* @param sxd the {@link StartXliffData} object where to add the mapping.
public static void addDeclaration (StartXliffData sxd) {
sxd.setNamespace(Const.PREFIX_ITS, Const.NS_ITS);
sxd.setNamespace(Const.PREFIX_ITSXLF, Const.NS_ITSXLF);
sxd.getExtAttributes().setAttribute(Const.NS_ITS, "version", "2.0");
* Outputs any stand-off elements used in the markers for the given unit.
* @param indent the base indentation to use.
* @param lb the line-break to use.
* @param unit the unit to process.
* @return the formatted output of the stand-off elements or an empty string if
* there is no element to output.
public String outputStandOffElements (String indent,
String lb,
Unit unit)
List> list = null;
// Check if any of the annotation has ITS data categories requiring a stand-off output
if ( unit.getStore().hasSourceTag() ) {
list = checkForGroups(list, unit.getStore().getSourceTags());
if ( unit.getStore().hasTargetTag() ) {
list = checkForGroups(list, unit.getStore().getTargetTags());
// check on the unit itself
list = checkForGroups(list, unit);
// If there are no stand-off group to output we are done
if ( list == null ) return "";
// AnnotatorsRef ar = context.peek().getAnnotatorsRef();
// Otherwise: output the groups
StringBuilder out = new StringBuilder();
for ( DataCategoryGroup> group : list ) {
if ( group instanceof LocQualityIssues ) {
LocQualityIssues issues = (LocQualityIssues)group;
for ( LocQualityIssue lqi : issues.getList() ) {
out.append(indent+" "+lb);
out.append(indent+" "+lb);
else if ( group instanceof Provenances ) {
Provenances recs = (Provenances)group;
for ( Provenance prov : recs.getList() ) {
out.append(indent+" "+lb);
out.append(indent+" "+lb);
return out.toString();
//FIXME: document this
public List> createAnnotatorsRefList (Stack context) {
List> list = new ArrayList<>(3); // Unlikely to have many nested annotations
// Use an invalid ID value for the key, so it never clash with real IDs
if (( context == null ) || context.isEmpty() ) {
list.add(new SimpleEntry<>("_#_", null)); // Initial parent for out-of-content
else {
list.add(new SimpleEntry<>("_#_", context.peek().getAnnotatorsRef()));
return list;
public AnnotatorsRef createAnnotatorsRef (IWithITSAttributes object) {
if ( object instanceof TermTag ) {
AnnotatorsRef ar = new AnnotatorsRef();
TermTag tm = (TermTag)object;
ar.set(tm.getDataCategoryName(), tm.getAnnotatorRef());
return ar;
// Else: normal object with ITS attributes
if ( !object.hasITSItem() ) return null;
AnnotatorsRef ar = new AnnotatorsRef();
for ( IITSItem item : object.getITSItems() ) {
return ar;
//FIXME: document this
public String outputAttributes (IWithITSAttributes object,
AnnotatorsRef objectAR,
AnnotatorsRef parentAR)
// Case of the TermMarker
if ( object instanceof TermTag ) {
return outputTerminologyAttributes((TermTag)object, parentAR);
// First, build the annotatorsRef attribute
if ( !object.hasITSItem() ) {
// No DC on this object, but we still need to output the annotator-references
if ( objectAR == null ) return ""; // Nothing to do
// Else: output the difference between the object latest annotator-references and its parent's
return objectAR.printDifferences(parentAR);
if ( objectAR == null ) {
if ( parentAR != null ) {
// Return the difference between the live data and the parent's annotator-references
return parentAR.printDifferences(null);
// Else: Create the set of annotators from the object and output them
return createAnnotatorsRef(object).print();
// Else: compare with the object's context and its parents
String arOut = objectAR.printDifferences(parentAR);
if ( !object.hasITSItem() ) {
return arOut;
// Then: process each item
StringBuilder atOut = new StringBuilder();
// Format and output the items
for ( IITSItem item : object.getITSItems() ) {
// LQI reference
if ( item instanceof LocQualityIssues ) {
atOut.append(" its:" + ITSReader.LOCQUALITYISSUESREF + "=\"#its="
+ ((DataCategoryGroup)item).getGroupId() + "\"");
// Provenance reference
if ( item instanceof Provenances ) {
atOut.append(" its:" + ITSReader.PROVENANCERECORDSREF + "=\"#its="
+ ((DataCategoryGroup)item).getGroupId() + "\"");
// Single LQI instance
if ( item instanceof LocQualityIssue ) {
atOut.append(outputLQIAttributes((LocQualityIssue)item, true));
// Single Provenance instance
if ( item instanceof Provenance ) {
atOut.append(outputProvenanceAttributes((Provenance)item, true));
// MT Confidence
if ( item instanceof MTConfidence ) {
atOut.append(" its:" + ITSReader.MTCONFIDENCE + "=\""
+ format(((MTConfidence)item).getMtConfidence()) + "\"");
// Text Analysis
if ( item instanceof TextAnalysis ) {
atOut.append(outputTextAnalysisAttributes((TextAnalysis)item, true));
// Domain
if ( item instanceof Domain ) {
atOut.append(" " + Const.PREFIXCOL_ITSXLF + ITSReader.DOMAINS + "=\""
+ Util.toXML(((Domain)item).getDomain(), true) + "\"");
if ( !arOut.isEmpty() ) {
return atOut.toString();
private String outputTerminologyAttributes (TermTag marker,
AnnotatorsRef parentAR)
StringBuilder out = new StringBuilder();
if ( marker.getTermConfidence() != null ) {
out.append(" " + Const.PREFIXCOL_ITSXLF + ITSReader.TERMCONFIDENCE + "=\""
+ marker.getTermConfidence().toString() + "\"");
String arValue = marker.getAnnotatorRef();
if ( arValue != null ) {
if ( parentAR != null ) {
if ( arValue.equals(parentAR.get(marker.getDataCategoryName())) ) {
// Same value: no need to write it
arValue = null;
// If arValue is not null we need to write it
if ( arValue != null ) {
out.append(" its:annotatorsRef=\""+marker.getDataCategoryName()+"|"+arValue+"\"");
return out.toString();
private String outputLQIAttributes (LocQualityIssue lqi,
boolean withPrefix)
String front = (withPrefix ? " its:" : " ");
StringBuilder out = new StringBuilder();
if ( lqi.getType() != null ) {
out.append(front + ITSReader.LOCQUALITYISSUETYPE+"=\""
+ lqi.getType() + "\"");
if ( lqi.getComment() != null ) {
out.append(front + ITSReader.LOCQUALITYISSUECOMMENT+"=\""
+ Util.toXML(lqi.getComment(), true) + "\"");
if ( !lqi.isEnabled() ) {
out.append(front + ITSReader.LOCQUALITYISSUEENABLED+"=\"no\"");
if ( lqi.getSeverity() != null ) {
out.append(front + ITSReader.LOCQUALITYISSUESEVERITY+"=\""
+ format(lqi.getSeverity()) + "\"");
if ( lqi.getProfileRef() != null ) {
out.append(front + ITSReader.LOCQUALITYISSUEPROFILEREF+"=\""
+ Util.toXML(lqi.getProfileRef(), true) + "\"");
return out.toString();
private String outputProvenanceAttributes (Provenance prov,
boolean withPrefix)
String front = (withPrefix ? " its:" : " ");
StringBuilder out = new StringBuilder();
// tool or toolRef
if ( prov.getTool() != null ) {
out.append(front + ITSReader.PROVTOOL+"=\""
+ Util.toXML(prov.getTool(), true) + "\"");
else if ( prov.getToolRef() != null ) {
out.append(front + ITSReader.PROVTOOLREF+"=\""
+ prov.getToolRef() + "\"");
// org or orgRef
if ( prov.getOrg() != null ) {
out.append(front + ITSReader.PROVORG+"=\""
+ Util.toXML(prov.getOrg(), true) + "\"");
else if ( prov.getOrgRef() != null ) {
out.append(front + ITSReader.PROVORGREF+"=\""
+ prov.getOrgRef() + "\"");
// person or personRef
if ( prov.getPerson() != null ) {
out.append(front + ITSReader.PROVPERSON+"=\""
+ Util.toXML(prov.getPerson(), true) + "\"");
else if ( prov.getPersonRef() != null ) {
out.append(front + ITSReader.PROVPERSONREF+"=\""
+ prov.getPersonRef() + "\"");
// revTool or revToolRef
if ( prov.getRevTool() != null ) {
out.append(front + ITSReader.PROVREVTOOL+"=\""
+ Util.toXML(prov.getRevTool(), true) + "\"");
else if ( prov.getRevToolRef() != null ) {
out.append(front + ITSReader.PROVREVTOOLREF+"=\""
+ prov.getRevToolRef() + "\"");
// revOrg or revOrgRef
if ( prov.getRevOrg() != null ) {
out.append(front + ITSReader.PROVREVORG+"=\""
+ Util.toXML(prov.getRevOrg(), true) + "\"");
else if ( prov.getRevOrgRef() != null ) {
out.append(front + ITSReader.PROVREVORGREF+"=\""
+ prov.getRevOrgRef() + "\"");
// revPerson or revPersonRef
if ( prov.getRevPerson() != null ) {
out.append(front + ITSReader.PROVREVPERSON+"=\""
+ Util.toXML(prov.getRevPerson(), true) + "\"");
else if ( prov.getRevPersonRef() != null ) {
out.append(front + ITSReader.PROVREVPERSONREF+"=\""
+ prov.getRevPersonRef() + "\"");
// provRef
if ( prov.getProvRef() != null ) {
out.append(front + ITSReader.PROVREF+"=\""
+ prov.getProvRef() + "\"");
return out.toString();
private String outputTextAnalysisAttributes (TextAnalysis ta,
boolean withPrefix)
String front = (withPrefix ? " its:" : " ");
StringBuilder out = new StringBuilder();
// taClassRef
if ( ta.getTaClassRef() != null ) {
out.append(front + ITSReader.TACLASSREF+"=\""
+ Util.toXML(ta.getTaClassRef(), true) + "\"");
// taIdentRef
if ( ta.getTaIdentRef() != null ) {
out.append(front + ITSReader.TAIDENTREF+"=\""
+ Util.toXML(ta.getTaIdentRef(), true) + "\"");
// taSource
if ( ta.getTaSource() != null ) {
out.append(front + ITSReader.TASOURCE+"=\""
+ Util.toXML(ta.getTaSource(), true) + "\"");
// taIdent
if ( ta.getTaIdent() != null ) {
out.append(front + ITSReader.TAIDENT+"=\""
+ Util.toXML(ta.getTaIdent(), true) + "\"");
// taConfidence
if ( ta.getTaConfidence() != null ) {
out.append(front + ITSReader.TACONFIDENCE + "=\""
+ format(ta.getTaConfidence()) + "\"");
return out.toString();
private List> checkForGroups (List> list,
Tags markers)
for ( Tag bm : markers ) {
if ( bm.isMarker() && ( bm.getTagType() == TagType.OPENING )) {
if ( !((MTag)bm).hasITSItem() ) continue;
MTag am = (MTag)bm;
for ( IITSItem item : am.getITSItems() ) {
if ( item.isGroup() ) {
if ( list == null ) list = new ArrayList<>();
return list;
private List> checkForGroups (List> list,
IWithITSAttributes parent)
if ( parent.hasITSItem() ) {
for ( IITSItem item : parent.getITSItems() ) {
if ( item.isGroup() ) {
if ( list == null ) list = new ArrayList<>();
return list;
* Formats a double value so only the significant trailing zeros are displayed.
* Removes the decimal period if there are no significant decimal digits.
* @param value the double value to format (can be null).
* @return the formatted value or an empty string.
private String format (Double value) {
if ( value == null ) return "";
String tmp = String.format((Locale)null, "%f", value);
// Remove trailing zeros
while (( tmp.length() > 1 ) && ( tmp.charAt(tmp.length()-1) == '0' )) {
tmp = tmp.substring(0, tmp.length()-1);
// Remove ending period if it's the last character
if ( tmp.charAt(tmp.length()-1) == '.' ) {
tmp = tmp.substring(0, tmp.length()-1);
return tmp;
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