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// Copyright (c) 2018-2020 Saxonica Limited
// This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0.
// If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, You can obtain one at
// This Source Code Form is "Incompatible With Secondary Licenses", as defined by the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0.
package net.sf.saxon.s9api;
import net.sf.saxon.event.EventSource;
import net.sf.saxon.event.PipelineConfiguration;
import net.sf.saxon.event.Receiver;
import net.sf.saxon.jaxp.ReceivingDestination;
import net.sf.saxon.lib.InvalidityHandler;
import net.sf.saxon.serialize.SerializationProperties;
import net.sf.saxon.trans.XPathException;
import net.sf.saxon.type.SchemaType;
import javax.xml.transform.ErrorListener;
import javax.xml.transform.Source;
* A SchemaValidator is an object that is used for validating instance documents against a schema.
* The schema consists of the collection of schema components that are available within the schema
* cache maintained by the SchemaManager, together with any additional schema components located
* during the course of validation by means of an xsl:schemaLocation or xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation
* attribute within the instance document.
If validation fails, an exception is thrown. If validation succeeds, the validated document
* can optionally be written to a specified destination. This will be a copy of the original document,
* augmented with default values for absent elements and attributes, and carrying type annotations
* derived from the schema processing. Expansion of defaults can be suppressed by means of the method
* {@link #setExpandAttributeDefaults(boolean)}.
A SchemaValidator is serially reusable but not thread-safe. That is, it should normally
* be used in the thread where it is created, but it can be used more than once, to validate multiple
* input documents.
A SchemaValidator is a Destination, which allows it to receive the output of a
* query or transformation to be validated.
Saxon does not deliver the full PSVI as described in the XML schema specifications,
* only the subset of the PSVI properties featured in the XDM data model.
public abstract class SchemaValidator extends AbstractDestination {
* The validation mode may be either strict or lax. The default is strict; this method may be called
* to indicate that lax validation is required. With strict validation, validation fails if no element
* declaration can be located for the outermost element. With lax validation, the absence of an
* element declaration results in the content being considered valid.
* @param lax true if validation is to be lax, false if it is to be strict
public abstract void setLax(boolean lax);
* Ask whether validation is to be in lax mode.
* @return true if validation is to be in lax mode, false if it is to be in strict mode.
public abstract boolean isLax();
* Set the ErrorListener to be used while validating instance documents.
* The setErrorReporter, setInvalidityHandler, and setValidityReporting
* are mutually exclusive - setting any one of them will cancel the others. Please note
* that setErrorReporter has the drawback of creating an exception for every
* validation error, which is expensive.
* @param listener The error listener to be used. This is notified of all errors detected during the
* validation episode.
* @deprecated since 10.0. Use {@link #setInvalidityHandler(InvalidityHandler)}
public abstract void setErrorListener(ErrorListener listener);
* Get the ErrorListener being used while validating instance documents
* @return listener The error listener in use. This is notified of all errors detected during the
* validation episode. Returns null if no user-supplied ErrorListener has been set.
* @deprecated since 10.0. Use {@link #getInvalidityHandler()}
public abstract ErrorListener getErrorListener();
* Set the InvalidityHandler to be used when validating instance documents.
* The setErrorReporter, setInvalidityHandler, and setValidityReporting
* are mutually exclusive - setting any one of them will cancel the others.
* @param handler the InvalidityHandler to be used.
public abstract void setInvalidityHandler(InvalidityHandler handler);
* Get the InvalidityHandler used when validating instance documents
* @return the InvalidityHandler being used
public abstract InvalidityHandler getInvalidityHandler();
* Say whether validation statistics are to be collected. Calling this method
* has the side-effect of deleting any statistics previously collected.
* @param collect true if validation statistics are to be collected (default is false)
* @since 9.6
public abstract void setCollectStatistics(boolean collect);
* Ask whether validation statistics are to be collected
* @return true if validation statistics are to be collected (default is false)
* @since 9.6
public abstract boolean isCollectStatistics();
* Report the validation statistics from the most recent validation episode
* Does nothing if no validation statistics have been collected.
* @param destination the destination to which the statistics will be written.
* The XML format of the destination is not guaranteed to be stable across
* Saxon releases.
* @throws SaxonApiException if any error occurs writing the statistics
* @since Saxon 9.6
public abstract void reportValidationStatistics(Destination destination) throws SaxonApiException;
* This method can be called before running a validation to define a destination to which validation
* reports should be written. The validation report is in XML format, and the Destination may therefore
* be (for example) a Serializer, an XdmDestination, or an XsltTransformer. (An XsltTransformer might be
* used to render the report as HTML, for example). The format of the validation report is defined in a
* schema which is available in the saxon-resources download file.
* Calling this method has the effect of setting an InvalidityHandler internally, which cancels any
* user-defined InvalidityHandler or ErrorListener that has been set.
* This option applies only to the next call of validate() or validateMultiple [or whatever we call it].
* After such a call, the registered InvalidityHandler is reset to its initial default state (which causes
* validation errors to be output to System.err), and setValidityReport() must be called again if reports
* are required for subsequent validations.
* If multiple documents are validated using the validateMultiple method, the reports for each validation will
* be combined into a single report. Using this mechanism when validating multiple documents simultaneously is
* recommended, because with other mechanisms, validation failures for different source documents will be
* interleaved, and it becomes an application responsibility to organize which failures relate to which
* source document.
* The setErrorReporter, setInvalidityHandler, and setValidityReporting
* are mutually exclusive - setting any one of them will cancel the others.
* @param destination where XML will be sent
* @throws SaxonApiException if the destination is unsuitable
public abstract void setValidityReporting(Destination destination) throws SaxonApiException;
* Say whether the schema processor is to take account of any xsi:schemaLocation and
* xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation attributes encountered while validating an instance document
* @param recognize true if these two attributes are to be recognized; false if they are to
* be ignored. Default is true.
public abstract void setUseXsiSchemaLocation(boolean recognize);
* Ask whether the schema processor is to take account of any xsi:schemaLocation and
* xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation attributes encountered while validating an instance document
* @return true if these two attributes are to be recognized; false if they are to
* be ignored. Default is true.
public abstract boolean isUseXsiSchemaLocation();
* Set the Destination to receive the validated document. If no destination is supplied, the
* validated document is discarded.
* @param destination the destination to receive the validated document
public abstract void setDestination(/*@Nullable*/ Destination destination);
* Get the Destination that will receive the validated document. Return null if no destination
* has been set.
* @return the destination to receive the validated document, or null if none has been supplied
public abstract Destination getDestination();
* Set the name of the required top-level element of the document to be validated (that is, the
* name of the outermost element of the document). If no value is supplied, there is no constraint
* on the required element name
* @param name the name of the document element, as a QName; or null to remove a previously-specified
* value.
public abstract void setDocumentElementName(QName name);
* Get the name of the required top-level element of the document to be validated.
* @return the name of the required document element, or null if no value has been set.
public abstract QName getDocumentElementName();
* Set the name of the required type of the top-level element of the document to be validated.
* If no value is supplied, there is no constraint on the required type
* @param name the name of the type of the document element, as a QName;
* or null to remove a previously-specified value. This must be the name of a type in the
* schema (typically but not necessarily a complex type).
* @throws SaxonApiException if there is no known type with this name
public abstract void setDocumentElementTypeName(QName name) throws SaxonApiException;
* Get the name of the required type of the top-level element of the document to be validated.
* @return the name of the required type of the document element, or null if no value has been set.
public abstract QName getDocumentElementTypeName();
* Get the schema type against which the document element is to be validated
* @return the schema type
protected abstract SchemaType getDocumentElementType();
* Set whether attribute defaults defined in a schema are to be expanded or not
* (by default, fixed and default attribute values are expanded, that is, they are inserted
* into the document during validation as if they were present in the instance being validated)
* @param expand true if defaults are to be expanded, false if not
public abstract void setExpandAttributeDefaults(boolean expand);
* Ask whether attribute defaults defined in a schema are to be expanded or not
* (by default, fixed and default attribute values are expanded, that is, they are inserted
* into the document during validation as if they were present in the instance being validated)
* @return true if defaults are to be expanded, false if not
public abstract boolean isExpandAttributeDefaults();
* Set the value of a schema parameter (a parameter defined in the schema using
* the saxon:param extension)
* @param name the name of the schema parameter, as a QName
* @param value the value of the schema parameter, or null to clear a previously set value
* @since 9.5
public abstract void setParameter(QName name, XdmValue value);
* Get the value that has been set for a schema parameter (a parameter defined in the schema using
* the saxon:param extension)
* @param name the parameter whose name is required
* @return the value that has been set for the parameter, or null if no value has been set
* @since 9.5
public abstract XdmValue getParameter(QName name);
* Validate an instance document supplied as a Source object
* @param source the instance document to be validated. The call getSystemId() applied to
* this source object must return the base URI used for dereferencing any xsi:schemaLocation
* or xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation attributes
* @throws SaxonApiException if the source document is found to be invalid, or if error conditions
* occur that prevented validation from taking place (such as failure to read or parse the input
* document). The wrapped exception acting as the cause of the SaxonApiException can be used to
* distinguish these failure conditions.
public abstract void validate(Source source) throws SaxonApiException;
* This method can be called to validate multiple source documents simultaneously (in parallel threads).
* The method returns when all the threads are complete. The number of threads used is set to the number
* of processors available on the machine.
* When this method is used, any destination set using the setDestination() method is ignored. The
* post-validation documents (with type annotations and expanded default values, for example) are not
* made available.
* It is recommended to use this method in conjunction with setValidityReport; the resulting report will
* detail the outcome of validation for each supplied Source, each in a separate section.
* It is important that the systemId property of each Source object should be set; otherwise, it will not
* be possible in the resulting report to associate validation failures with individual source documents.
* Note that the method does not throw an exception if any of the documents are found to be invalid, or if
* any of the documents cannot be validated (for example, because they are not well-formed XML, or because
* they cannot be retrieved from a web server). All such errors are reported in the validation report, or are
* notified to the registered ErrorListener or InvalidityHandler. By default, messages detailing the failures
* are simply written to System.err output.
* If the Configuration option FeatureKeys.ALLOW_MULTITHREADING is set to false, the source documents are
* validated synchronously in a single thread.
* @param sources the Iterable of instance documents to be validated. The call getSystemId() applied to
* the source objects must return the base URI used for dereferencing any xsi:schemaLocation
* or xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation attributes
* @throws SaxonApiException if the source document is found to be invalid, or if error conditions
* occur that prevented validation from taking place (such as failure to read or parse the input
* document). The wrapped exception acting as the cause of the SaxonApiException can be used to
* distinguish these failure conditions.
public abstract void validateMultiple(Iterable sources) throws SaxonApiException;
* Construct a Source object that applies validation to an underlying input Source.
* This method does not cause validation to take place immediately: the
* validation happens only when the returned {@code Source} is consumed. The {@code Destination}
* associated with this SchemaValidator is ignored; indeed, it is overwritten. After
* calling this method, the {@code SchemaValidator} should not be used again for any
* other purpose.
* @param input the input Source to be validated
* @return a Source object that reads the supplied input source and returns events
* corresponding to the result of validating the input source. The Source object
* will be recognized by all Saxon methods that expect a {@code Source} as input,
* but not (in general) by other products.
* @since 9.9
public Source asSource(Source input) {
return new EventSource() {
public void send(Receiver out) throws XPathException {
setDestination(new ReceivingDestination(out));
try {
} catch (SaxonApiException e) {
throw XPathException.makeXPathException(e);
public abstract Receiver getReceiver(PipelineConfiguration pipe, SerializationProperties params) throws SaxonApiException;
* Close the destination, allowing resources to be released. Saxon calls this method when
* it has finished writing to the destination.
public abstract void close() throws SaxonApiException;