net.sf.saxon.expr.instruct.ApplyTemplates Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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// Copyright (c) 2018-2022 Saxonica Limited
// This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0.
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package net.sf.saxon.expr.instruct;
import net.sf.saxon.event.Outputter;
import net.sf.saxon.event.PipelineConfiguration;
import net.sf.saxon.expr.*;
import net.sf.saxon.expr.parser.*;
import net.sf.saxon.om.NodeInfo;
import net.sf.saxon.om.Sequence;
import net.sf.saxon.om.SequenceIterator;
import net.sf.saxon.om.StandardNames;
import net.sf.saxon.s9api.Location;
import net.sf.saxon.str.UnicodeString;
import net.sf.saxon.trace.ExpressionPresenter;
import net.sf.saxon.trans.*;
import net.sf.saxon.trans.rules.RuleManager;
import net.sf.saxon.tree.iter.EmptyIterator;
import net.sf.saxon.tree.util.Orphan;
import net.sf.saxon.type.Type;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
* An instruction representing an xsl:apply-templates element in the stylesheet
public class ApplyTemplates extends Instruction implements ITemplateCall, ComponentInvocation {
private Operand selectOp;
private Operand separatorOp;
private WithParam[] actualParams;
private WithParam[] tunnelParams;
protected boolean useCurrentMode = false;
protected boolean _useTailRecursion = false;
protected Mode mode;
protected boolean implicitSelect;
protected boolean inStreamableConstruct = false;
protected RuleManager ruleManager;
private int bindingSlot = -1; // for binding the mode
protected ApplyTemplates() {
* Construct an apply-templates instruction
* @param select the select expression
* @param useCurrentMode true if mode="#current" was specified
* @param useTailRecursion true if this instruction is the last in its template
* @param implicitSelect true if the select expression is implicit, that is, if there was no explicit
* select expression in the call. This information is used only to make error messages more meaningful.
* @param inStreamableConstruct true if the apply-templates instruction appears within a streamable construct such as
* a streamable template rule
* @param mode the mode specified on apply-templates
* @param ruleManager the rule manager
public ApplyTemplates( Expression select,
boolean useCurrentMode,
boolean useTailRecursion,
boolean implicitSelect,
boolean inStreamableConstruct,
Mode mode,
RuleManager ruleManager) {
selectOp = new Operand(this, select, OperandRole.SINGLE_ATOMIC);
init(select, useCurrentMode, useTailRecursion, mode);
this.implicitSelect = implicitSelect;
this.inStreamableConstruct = inStreamableConstruct;
this.ruleManager = ruleManager;
protected void init(Expression select,
boolean useCurrentMode,
boolean useTailRecursion,
Mode mode) {
this.useCurrentMode = useCurrentMode;
this._useTailRecursion = useTailRecursion;
this.mode = mode;
* Set the mode to be used.
* @param target the attribute set to be used
public void setMode(SimpleMode target) {
this.mode = target;
* Set the separator expression (Saxon extension)
* @param separator the separator expression
public void setSeparatorExpression(Expression separator) {
separatorOp = new Operand(this, separator, OperandRole.SINGLE_ATOMIC);
public Expression getSeparatorExpression() {
return separatorOp == null ? null : separatorOp.getChildExpression();
* Get the actual parameters passed to the called template
* @return the non-tunnel parameters
public WithParam[] getActualParams() {
return actualParams;
* Get the tunnel parameters passed to the called template
* @return the tunnel parameters
public WithParam[] getTunnelParams() {
return tunnelParams;
public void setActualParams(WithParam[] params) {
actualParams = params;
public void setTunnelParams(WithParam[] params) {
tunnelParams = params;
public Iterable operands() {
List operanda = new ArrayList<>();
if (separatorOp != null) {
WithParam.gatherOperands(this, getActualParams(), operanda);
WithParam.gatherOperands(this, getTunnelParams(), operanda);
return operanda;
* Get the name of this instruction for diagnostic and tracing purposes
public int getInstructionNameCode() {
return StandardNames.XSL_APPLY_TEMPLATES;
* An implementation of Expression must provide at least one of the methods evaluateItem(), iterate(), or process().
* This method indicates which of these methods is prefered. For instructions this is the process() method.
public int getImplementationMethod() {
return super.getImplementationMethod() | Expression.WATCH_METHOD;
* Simplify an expression. This performs any static optimization (by rewriting the expression
* as a different expression).
* @throws XPathException if an error is discovered during expression
* rewriting
public Expression simplify() throws XPathException {
return this;
public Expression typeCheck(ExpressionVisitor visitor, ContextItemStaticInfo contextInfo) throws XPathException {
WithParam.typeCheck(actualParams, visitor, contextInfo);
WithParam.typeCheck(tunnelParams, visitor, contextInfo);
try {
selectOp.typeCheck(visitor, contextInfo);
} catch (XPathException e) {
if (implicitSelect) {
String code = e.getErrorCodeLocalPart();
if ("XPTY0020".equals(code) || "XPTY0019".equals(code)) {
XPathException err = new XPathException("Cannot apply-templates to child nodes when the context item is an atomic value");
throw err;
} else if ("XPDY0002".equals(code)) {
XPathException err = new XPathException("Cannot apply-templates to child nodes when the context item is absent");
throw err;
throw e;
if (Literal.isEmptySequence(getSelect())) {
return getSelect();
return this;
public Expression optimize(ExpressionVisitor visitor, ContextItemStaticInfo contextInfo) throws XPathException {
WithParam.optimize(visitor, actualParams, contextInfo);
WithParam.optimize(visitor, tunnelParams, contextInfo);
selectOp.typeCheck(visitor, contextInfo); // More info available second time around
selectOp.optimize(visitor, contextInfo);
if (Literal.isEmptySequence(getSelect())) {
return getSelect();
return this;
public int getIntrinsicDependencies() {
// If the instruction uses mode="#current", this represents a dependency on the context
// which means the instruction cannot be loop-lifted or moved to a global variable.
// We overload the dependency DEPENDS_ON_CURRENT_ITEM to achieve this effect.
return super.getIntrinsicDependencies() | (useCurrentMode ? StaticProperty.DEPENDS_ON_CURRENT_ITEM : 0);
public RuleManager getRuleManager() {
return ruleManager;
* Copy an expression. This makes a deep copy.
* @return the copy of the original expression
* @param rebindings a mutable list of (old binding, new binding) pairs
* that is used to update the bindings held in any
* local variable references that are copied.
public Expression copy(RebindingMap rebindings) {
ApplyTemplates a2 = new ApplyTemplates(
getSelect().copy(rebindings), useCurrentMode, _useTailRecursion, implicitSelect, inStreamableConstruct, mode, ruleManager);
a2.setActualParams(WithParam.copy(a2, getActualParams(), rebindings));
a2.setTunnelParams(WithParam.copy(a2, getTunnelParams(), rebindings));
ExpressionTool.copyLocationInfo(this, a2);
a2.ruleManager = ruleManager;
if (separatorOp != null) {
return a2;
* Determine whether this instruction creates new nodes.
* This implementation returns true (which is almost invariably the case, so it's not worth
* doing any further analysis to find out more precisely).
public final boolean mayCreateNewNodes() {
return true;
public void process(Outputter output, XPathContext context) throws XPathException {
apply(output, context, false);
public TailCall processLeavingTail(Outputter output, XPathContext context) throws XPathException {
return apply(output, context, _useTailRecursion);
protected NodeInfo makeSeparator(XPathContext context) throws XPathException {
NodeInfo separator;
UnicodeString sepValue = separatorOp.getChildExpression().evaluateAsString(context);
Orphan orphan = new Orphan(context.getConfiguration());
separator = orphan;
return separator;
protected TailCall apply(Outputter output, XPathContext context, boolean returnTailCall) throws XPathException {
Component.M targetMode = getTargetMode(context);
Mode thisMode = targetMode.getActor();
NodeInfo separator = null;
if (separatorOp != null) {
separator = makeSeparator(context);
// handle parameters if any
ParameterSet params = assembleParams(context, getActualParams());
ParameterSet tunnels = assembleTunnelParams(context, getTunnelParams());
if (returnTailCall) {
XPathContextMajor context2 = context.newContext();
return new ApplyTemplatesPackage(
ExpressionTool.lazyEvaluate(getSelect(), context, false),
targetMode, params, tunnels, separator, output, context2, getLocation());
// Get an iterator to iterate through the selected nodes in original order
SequenceIterator iter = getSelect().iterate(context);
// Quick exit if the iterator is empty
if (iter instanceof EmptyIterator) {
return null;
// process the selected nodes now
XPathContextMajor c2 = context.newContext();
if (inStreamableConstruct) {
PipelineConfiguration pipe = output.getPipelineConfiguration();
try {
TailCall tc = thisMode.applyTemplates(params, tunnels, separator, output, c2, getLocation());
while (tc != null) {
tc = tc.processLeavingTail();
} catch (StackOverflowError e) {
XPathException err = new XPathException.StackOverflow(
"Too many nested apply-templates calls. The stylesheet may be looping.",
SaxonErrorCode.SXLM0001, getLocation());
throw err;
return null;
* Establish the target mode, at run-time. This (a) resolves overrides across packages,
* and (b) handles mode="#current".
* @param context the dynamic context
* @return the mode to be used, as a Component
public Component.M getTargetMode(XPathContext context) {
Component.M targetMode;
if (useCurrentMode) {
targetMode = context.getCurrentMode();
} else {
if (bindingSlot >= 0) {
targetMode = (Component.M)context.getTargetComponent(bindingSlot);
if (targetMode.getVisibility() == Visibility.ABSTRACT) {
throw new AssertionError("Modes cannot be abstract");
} else {
// fallback
targetMode = mode.getDeclaringComponent();
return targetMode;
* Get the select expression
* @return the select expression
public Expression getSelectExpression() {
return getSelect();
* Ask if the select expression was implicit
* @return true if no select attribute was explicitly specified
public boolean isImplicitSelect() {
return implicitSelect;
* Ask if tail recursion is to be used
* @return true if tail recursion is used
public boolean useTailRecursion() {
return _useTailRecursion;
* Ask if mode="#current" was specified
* @return true if mode="#current" was specified
public boolean usesCurrentMode() {
return useCurrentMode;
* Get the Mode
* @return the mode, or null if mode="#current" was specified
public Mode getMode() {
return mode;
* Get the target component if this is known in advance, that is, if the target component
* is private or final, or in some other cases such as xsl:original. Otherwise, return null.
* @return the bound component if the binding has been fixed
public Component getFixedTarget() {
return mode.getDeclaringComponent();
* Get the symbolic name of the mode that this invocation references
* @return the symbolic name of the mode used by this instructon, or null if the instruction uses mode="#current"
public SymbolicName getSymbolicName() {
return mode==null ? null : mode.getSymbolicName();
* Add a representation of this expression to a PathMap. The PathMap captures a map of the nodes visited
* by an expression in a source tree.
* The default implementation of this method assumes that an expression does no navigation other than
* the navigation done by evaluating its subexpressions, and that the subexpressions are evaluated in the
* same context as the containing expression. The method must be overridden for any expression
* where these assumptions do not hold. For example, implementations exist for AxisExpression, ParentExpression,
* and RootExpression (because they perform navigation), and for the doc(), document(), and collection()
* functions because they create a new navigation root. Implementations also exist for PathExpression and
* FilterExpression because they have subexpressions that are evaluated in a different context from the
* calling expression.
* @param pathMap the PathMap to which the expression should be added
* @param pathMapNodeSet the PathMapNodeSet to which the paths embodied in this expression should be added
* @return the pathMapNodeSet representing the points in the source document that are both reachable by this
* expression, and that represent possible results of this expression. For an expression that does
* navigation, it represents the end of the arc in the path map that describes the navigation route. For other
* expressions, it is the same as the input pathMapNode.
public PathMap.PathMapNodeSet addToPathMap(PathMap pathMap, PathMap.PathMapNodeSet pathMapNodeSet) {
// This logic is assuming the mode is streamable (so that called templates can't return streamed nodes)
PathMap.PathMapNodeSet result = super.addToPathMap(pathMap, pathMapNodeSet);
return new PathMap.PathMapNodeSet(pathMap.makeNewRoot(this));
* Diagnostic print of expression structure. The abstract expression tree
* is written to the supplied output destination.
* @param out output destination
public void export(ExpressionPresenter out) throws XPathException {
out.startElement("applyT", this);
if (mode != null && !mode.isUnnamedMode()) {
out.emitAttribute("mode", mode.getModeName());
String flags = "";
if (useCurrentMode) {
flags = "c";
if (_useTailRecursion) {
flags += "t";
if (implicitSelect) {
flags += "i";
if (!flags.isEmpty()) {
out.emitAttribute("flags", flags);
out.emitAttribute("bSlot", "" + getBindingSlot());
if (separatorOp != null) {
if (getActualParams().length != 0) {
WithParam.exportParameters(getActualParams(), out, false);
if (getTunnelParams().length != 0) {
WithParam.exportParameters(getTunnelParams(), out, true);
* Get the select expression
* @return the select expression
public Expression getSelect() {
return selectOp.getChildExpression();
* Set the select expression
* @param select the select expression
public void setSelect(Expression select) {
* Set the binding slot to be used (for the explicit or implicit reference to the mode).
* This is the offset within the binding vector of the containing
* component where the actual target template is to be found. The target template is not held directly
* in the CallTemplate instruction itself because it can be overridden in a using package.
* @param slot the offset in the binding vector of the containing package where the target template
* can be found.
public void setBindingSlot(int slot) {
bindingSlot = slot;
* Get the binding slot to be used (for the explicit or implicit reference to the mode).
* This is the offset within the binding vector of the containing
* component where the actual target template is to be found.
* @return the offset in the binding vector of the containing package where the target template
* can be found.
public int getBindingSlot() {
return bindingSlot;
* An ApplyTemplatesPackage is an object that encapsulates the sequence of nodes to be processed,
* the mode, the parameters to be supplied, and the execution context. This object can be returned as a tail
* call, so that the actual call is made from a lower point on the stack, allowing a tail-recursive
* template to execute in a finite stack size
protected static class ApplyTemplatesPackage implements TailCall {
private Sequence selectedItems;
private Component.M targetMode;
private ParameterSet params;
private ParameterSet tunnelParams;
private NodeInfo separator;
private XPathContextMajor evaluationContext;
private Outputter output;
private Location locationId;
ApplyTemplatesPackage(Sequence selectedItems,
Component.M targetMode,
ParameterSet params,
ParameterSet tunnelParams,
NodeInfo separator,
Outputter output,
XPathContextMajor context,
Location locationId) {
this.selectedItems = selectedItems;
this.targetMode = targetMode;
this.params = params;
this.tunnelParams = tunnelParams;
this.separator = separator;
this.output = output;
evaluationContext = context;
this.locationId = locationId;
public TailCall processLeavingTail() throws XPathException {
return targetMode.getActor().applyTemplates(params, tunnelParams, separator, output, evaluationContext, locationId);
public String getStreamerName() {
return "ApplyTemplates";