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// Copyright (c) 2018-2023 Saxonica Limited
// This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0.
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import net.sf.saxon.expr.Expression;
import net.sf.saxon.expr.StaticProperty;
import net.sf.saxon.expr.parser.RoleDiagnostic;
import net.sf.saxon.trans.Err;
import net.sf.saxon.trans.XPathException;
import net.sf.saxon.transpile.CSharpModifiers;
import net.sf.saxon.tree.iter.AtomicIterator;
import net.sf.saxon.type.*;
import net.sf.saxon.value.AtomicValue;
import net.sf.saxon.value.Cardinality;
import net.sf.saxon.value.SequenceType;
import net.sf.saxon.value.StringValue;

import java.util.*;
import java.util.function.Function;
import java.util.function.Supplier;

 * An instance of this class represents a specific record item type, for example
 * record(x as xs:double, y as element(employee)).
 * Record types are a proposed extension for XPath 4.0. They were previously introduced
 * as a Saxon extension in Saxon 9.8, under the name "tuple types". The syntax for constructing
 * a record type requires Saxon-PE or higher, but the supporting code is included in
 * Saxon-HE for convenience.
 * Extended in 10.0 to distinguish extensible vs non-extensible record types. Extensible record
 * types permit fields other than those listed to appear; non-extensible record types do not.
 * An extensible record type is denoted by record(... ,*).
public class RecordTest extends AnyFunctionType implements RecordType {

    private final Map fieldTypes = new HashMap<>();
    private final Set optionalFields = new HashSet<>();
    private boolean _extensible;

    public static RecordTest VALUE_RECORD = nonExtensible(
            new Field("value", SequenceType.ANY_SEQUENCE, false)
    public static RecordTest KEY_VALUE_RECORD = nonExtensible(
            new Field("key", SequenceType.ATOMIC_SEQUENCE, false),
            new Field("value", SequenceType.ANY_SEQUENCE, false)

     * Class representing one field definition within a record type definition,
     * used only while constructing a record definition
    public static class Field {
        String name;
        SequenceType type;
        boolean optional;

        public Field(String name, SequenceType type, boolean optional) {
   = name;
            this.type = type;
            this.optional = optional;

     * Construct a dummy RecordTest, details to be supplied later

    public RecordTest() {}

     * Construct a RecordTest
     * @param names the names of the fields
     * @param types the types of the fields
     * @param optionalFieldNames a list of the names of the fields that are declared optional
     * @param extensible indicates whether the RecordTest is extensible (allows fields other
     *                   than those declared)

    public RecordTest(List names, List types, Collection optionalFieldNames, boolean extensible) {
        setDetails(names, types, optionalFieldNames, extensible);

     * Make an extensible record type
     * @param fields the fields of the record type
     * @return the record type
    public static RecordTest extensible(Field... fields) {
        return makeRecordTest(true, fields);

     * Make a non-extensible record type
     * @param fields the fields of the record type
     * @return the record type
    public static RecordTest nonExtensible(Field... fields) {
        return makeRecordTest(false, fields);

    private static RecordTest makeRecordTest(boolean extensible, Field... fields) {
        List fieldNames = new ArrayList<>(fields.length);
        List optionalFieldNames = new ArrayList<>(fields.length);
        List fieldTypes = new ArrayList<>(fields.length);
        for (Field field : fields) {
            if (field.optional) {
        return new RecordTest(fieldNames, fieldTypes, optionalFieldNames, extensible);

     * Supply the details of the RecordTest. This method is only to be used during initialisation,
     * it is needed so that a RecordTest can refer to itself. Apart from this, the RecordTest
     * is immutable.
     * @param names the names of the fields
     * @param types the types of the fields
     * @param optionalFieldNames a list of the names of the fields that are declared optional
     * @param extensible indicates whether the RecordTest is extensible (allows fields other
     *                   than those declared)
    public void setDetails(List names, List types, Collection optionalFieldNames, boolean extensible) {
        for (int i = 0; i < names.size(); i++) {
            fieldTypes.put(names.get(i), types.get(i));
        this._extensible = extensible;

     * Determine the Genre (top-level classification) of this type
     * @return the Genre to which this type belongs, specifically {@link Genre#MAP}
    @CSharpModifiers(code = {"public", "override"})
    public Genre getGenre() {
        return Genre.MAP;

     * Ask whether this function item type is a map type. In this case function coercion (to the map type)
     * will never succeed.
     * @return true if this FunctionItemType is a map type
    public boolean isMapType() {
        return true;

     * Ask whether this function item type is an array type. In this case function coercion (to the array type)
     * will never succeed.
     * @return true if this FunctionItemType is an array type
    public boolean isArrayType() {
        return false;

     * Get the names of all the fields
     * @return the names of the fields (in arbitrary order)
    public Iterable getFieldNames() {
        return fieldTypes.keySet();

     * Get the type of a given field
     * @param field the name of the field
     * @return the type of the field if it is defined, or null otherwise

    public SequenceType getFieldType(String field) {
        return fieldTypes.get(field);

     * Ask whether a given field is optional
     * @param field the name of the field
     * @return true if the field is defined as an optional field

    public boolean isOptionalField(String field) {
        return optionalFields.contains(field);

     * Ask whether the record type is extensible, that is, whether fields other than those named are permitted
     * @return true if fields other than the named fields are permitted to appear
    public boolean isExtensible() {
        return _extensible;

     * Test whether a given item conforms to this type
     * @param item The item to be tested
     * @param th type hierarchy data
     * @return true if the item is an instance of this type; false otherwise
    public boolean matches(Item item, TypeHierarchy th) {
        if (!(item instanceof MapItem)) {
            return false;
        MapItem map = (MapItem)item;
        for (Map.Entry field : fieldTypes.entrySet()) {
            GroundedValue val = map.get(new StringValue(field.getKey()));
            if (val == null) {
                if (!isOptionalField(field.getKey())) {
                    return false;
            } else if (!field.getValue().matches(val, th)) {
                return false;
        if (!_extensible) {
            AtomicIterator keyIter = map.keys();
            AtomicValue key;
            while ((key = != null) {
                if (!(key instanceof StringValue) || !fieldTypes.containsKey(key.getStringValue())) {
                    return false;
        return true;

     * Get the arity (number of arguments) of this function type
     * @return the number of argument types in the function signature

    public int getArity() {
        return 1;

     * Get the argument types of this map, viewed as a function
     * @return the list of argument types of this map, viewed as a function

    public SequenceType[] getArgumentTypes() {
        // regardless of the key type, a function call on this map can supply any atomic value
        return new SequenceType[]{SequenceType.SINGLE_ATOMIC};

     * Get the result type of this record type, viewed as a function
     * @return the result type of this record type, viewed as a function

    public SequenceType getResultType() {
        if (_extensible) {
            return SequenceType.ANY_SEQUENCE;
        } else {
            ItemType resultType = null;
            boolean allowsMany = false;
            for (Map.Entry field : fieldTypes.entrySet()) {
               if (resultType == null) {
                   resultType = field.getValue().getPrimaryType();
               } else {
                   resultType = Type.getCommonSuperType(resultType, field.getValue().getPrimaryType());
               allowsMany = allowsMany || Cardinality.allowsMany(field.getValue().getCardinality());
            return SequenceType.makeSequenceType(resultType,
                                                 allowsMany ? StaticProperty.ALLOWS_ZERO_OR_MORE : StaticProperty.ALLOWS_ZERO_OR_ONE);

     * Get the default priority when this ItemType is used as an XSLT pattern
     * @return the default priority
    public double getDefaultPriority() {
        // TODO: this algorithm means that adding fields to the record type reduces its priority, which is wrong
        double prio = 1;
        for (SequenceType st : fieldTypes.values()) {
            prio *= st.getPrimaryType().getNormalizedDefaultPriority();
        return _extensible ? 0.5 + prio/2 : prio;

     * Produce a representation of this type name for use in error messages.
     * @return a string representation of the type, in notation resembling but not necessarily
     * identical to XPath syntax
    public String toString() {
        return makeString(SequenceType::toString);

     * Return a string representation of this ItemType suitable for use in stylesheet
     * export files. This differs from the result of toString() in that it will not contain
     * any references to anonymous types. Note that it may also use the Saxon extended syntax
     * for union types and record types.
     * @return the string representation as an instance of the XPath ItemType construct
    @CSharpModifiers(code={"public", "override"})
    public String toExportString() {
        return makeString(SequenceType::toExportString);

     * Get an alphabetic code representing the type, or at any rate, the nearest built-in type
     * from which this type is derived. The codes are designed so that for any two built-in types
     * A and B, alphaCode(A) is a prefix of alphaCode(B) if and only if A is a supertype of B.
     * @return the alphacode for the nearest containing built-in type
    public String getBasicAlphaCode() {
        return "FM";

     * Return a string representation of the record type
     * @param show a function to use for converting the types of the component fields to strings
     * @return the string representation

    private String makeString(Function show) {
        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(100);
        boolean first = true;
        for (Map.Entry field : fieldTypes.entrySet()) {
            if (first) {
                first = false;
            } else {
                sb.append(", ");
            if (NameChecker.isValidNCName(field.getKey())) {
            } else {
            if (isOptionalField(field.getKey())) {
            sb.append(" as ");
            if (field.getValue().getPrimaryType() == this) {
            } else {
        if (isExtensible()) {
            sb.append(", *");
        return sb.toString();

     * Test whether this function type equals another function type

    public boolean equals(Object other) {
        return this == other ||
                other instanceof RecordTest
                        && _extensible == ((RecordTest) other)._extensible
                        && fieldTypes.equals(((RecordTest) other).fieldTypes)
                        && optionalFields.equals(((RecordTest) other).optionalFields);

     * Returns a hash code value for the object.
    public int hashCode() {
        // Need to avoid infinite recursion for self-reference fields
        int h = 0x27ca481f;
        for (Map.Entry entry : fieldTypes.entrySet()) {
            h ^= entry.getKey().hashCode();
            if (entry.getValue().getPrimaryType() == this) {
                h ^= 0x05050505;
            } else {
                h ^= entry.getValue().hashCode();
        return h;

     * Determine the relationship of one function item type to another
     * @return for example {@link Affinity#SUBSUMES}, {@link Affinity#SAME_TYPE}

    public Affinity relationship(FunctionItemType other, TypeHierarchy th) {
        if (other == AnyFunctionType.getInstance()) {
            return Affinity.SUBSUMED_BY;
        } else if (other instanceof RecordTest) {
            return recordTypeRelationship((RecordTest)other, th);
        } else if (other == MapType.ANY_MAP_TYPE) {
            return Affinity.SUBSUMED_BY;
        } else if (other.isArrayType()) {
            return Affinity.DISJOINT;
        } else if (other instanceof MapType) {
            return recordToMapRelationship((MapType)other, th);
        } else {
            Affinity rel;
            rel = new SpecificFunctionType(getArgumentTypes(), getResultType()).relationship(other, th);
            return rel;

    private Affinity recordToMapRelationship(MapType other, TypeHierarchy th) {
        AtomicType recordKeyType = isExtensible() ? BuiltInAtomicType.ANY_ATOMIC : BuiltInAtomicType.STRING;
        Affinity keyRel = th.relationship(recordKeyType, other.getKeyType());
        if (keyRel == Affinity.DISJOINT) {
            return Affinity.DISJOINT;
        // Handle map(xxx, item()*)
        if (other.getValueType().getPrimaryType().equals(AnyItemType.getInstance()) && other.getValueType().getCardinality() == StaticProperty.ALLOWS_ZERO_OR_MORE) {
            if (keyRel == Affinity.SUBSUMED_BY || keyRel == Affinity.SAME_TYPE) {
                return Affinity.SUBSUMED_BY;
            } else {
                return Affinity.OVERLAPS;
        } else if (isExtensible()) {
            return Affinity.OVERLAPS;
        } else {
            // The type of every field in the record must be a subtype of the map value type
            for (SequenceType entry : fieldTypes.values()) {
                Affinity rel = th.sequenceTypeRelationship(entry, other.getValueType());
                if (!(rel == Affinity.SUBSUMED_BY || rel == Affinity.SAME_TYPE)) {
                    return Affinity.OVERLAPS;
            return Affinity.SUBSUMED_BY;

    private Affinity recordTypeRelationship(RecordTest other, TypeHierarchy th) {
        Set keys = new HashSet<>(fieldTypes.keySet());
        boolean foundSubsuming = false;
        boolean foundSubsumed = false;
        boolean foundOverlap = false;
        if (isExtensible()) {
            if (!other.isExtensible()) {
                foundSubsuming = true;
        } else if (other.isExtensible()) {
            foundSubsumed = true;
        for (String key : keys) {
            SequenceType t1 = fieldTypes.get(key);
            SequenceType t2 = other.fieldTypes.get(key);
            if (t1 == null) {
                if (isExtensible()) {
                    foundSubsuming = true;
                } else if (Cardinality.allowsZero(t2.getCardinality())) {
                    foundOverlap = true;
                } else {
                    return Affinity.DISJOINT;
            } else if (t2 == null) {
                if (other.isExtensible()) {
                    foundSubsumed = true;
                } else if (Cardinality.allowsZero(t1.getCardinality())) {
                    foundOverlap = true;
                } else {
                    return Affinity.DISJOINT;
            } else {
                Affinity a = th.sequenceTypeRelationship(t1, t2);
                switch (a) {
                    case SAME_TYPE:
                    case SUBSUMED_BY:
                        foundSubsumed = true;
                    case SUBSUMES:
                        foundSubsuming = true;
                    case OVERLAPS:
                        foundOverlap = true;
                    case DISJOINT:
                        return Affinity.DISJOINT;
        if (foundOverlap || (foundSubsumed && foundSubsuming)) {
            return Affinity.OVERLAPS;
        } else if (foundSubsuming) {
            return Affinity.SUBSUMES;
        } else if (foundSubsumed) {
            return Affinity.SUBSUMED_BY;
        } else {
            return Affinity.SAME_TYPE;

     * Get extra diagnostic information about why a supplied item does not conform to this
     * item type, if available. If extra information is returned, it should be in the form of a complete
     * sentence, minus the closing full stop. No information should be returned for obvious cases.
     * @param item the item being matched
     * @param th the type hierarchy cache
    @CSharpModifiers(code = {"public", "override"})
    public Optional explainMismatch(Item item, TypeHierarchy th) {
        if (item instanceof MapItem) {
            for (Map.Entry entry : fieldTypes.entrySet()) {
                String key = entry.getKey();
                SequenceType required = entry.getValue();
                GroundedValue value = ((MapItem) item).get(new StringValue(key));
                if (value == null) {
                    if (!Cardinality.allowsZero(required.getCardinality()) && !isOptionalField(key)) {
                        return Optional.of("Field " + key + " is absent; it must have a value");
                } else {
                    if (!required.matches(value, th)) {
                        String s = "Field " + key + " has value "
                                + Err.depictSequence(value)
                                + " which does not match the required type "
                                + required.toString();
                        Optional more = required.explainMismatch(value, th);
                        if (more.isPresent()) {
                            s += ". " + more.get();
                        return Optional.of(s);
            if (!_extensible) {
                AtomicIterator keyIter = ((MapItem)item).keys();
                AtomicValue key;
                while ((key = != null) {
                    if (!(key instanceof StringValue)) {
                        return Optional.of("Undeclared field " + key + " is present, but it is not a string, and the record type is not extensible");
                    } else if (!fieldTypes.containsKey(key.getStringValue())) {
                        return Optional.of("Undeclared field " + key + " is present, but the record type is not extensible");
        return Optional.empty();

    public Expression makeFunctionSequenceCoercer(Expression exp, Supplier role, boolean allow40)
            throws XPathException {
        return new SpecificFunctionType(getArgumentTypes(), getResultType()).makeFunctionSequenceCoercer(exp, role, false);


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