net.sf.saxon.expr.instruct.ResultDocument Maven / Gradle / Ivy
// Copyright (c) 2015 Saxonica Limited.
// This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0.
// If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, You can obtain one at
// This Source Code Form is "Incompatible With Secondary Licenses", as defined by the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0.
package net.sf.saxon.expr.instruct;
import net.sf.saxon.Configuration;
import net.sf.saxon.Controller;
import net.sf.saxon.event.ComplexContentOutputter;
import net.sf.saxon.event.PipelineConfiguration;
import net.sf.saxon.event.Receiver;
import net.sf.saxon.event.SequenceReceiver;
import net.sf.saxon.expr.*;
import net.sf.saxon.expr.parser.*;
import net.sf.saxon.functions.IriToUri;
import net.sf.saxon.lib.*;
import net.sf.saxon.serialize.CharacterMapIndex;
import net.sf.saxon.serialize.ReconfigurableSerializer;
import net.sf.saxon.trace.ExpressionPresenter;
import net.sf.saxon.trans.Err;
import net.sf.saxon.trans.SaxonErrorCode;
import net.sf.saxon.trans.XPathException;
import net.sf.saxon.type.ErrorType;
import net.sf.saxon.type.ItemType;
import net.sf.saxon.type.SchemaType;
import net.sf.saxon.value.Whitespace;
import javax.xml.transform.OutputKeys;
import javax.xml.transform.Result;
import javax.xml.transform.TransformerException;
import javax.xml.transform.dom.DOMResult;
import javax.xml.transform.sax.SAXResult;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Properties;
* The compiled form of an xsl:result-document element in the stylesheet.
* The xsl:result-document element takes an attribute href="filename". The filename will
* often contain parameters, e.g. {position()} to ensure that a different file is produced
* for each element instance.
* There is a further attribute "format" which determines the format of the
* output file, it identifies the name of an xsl:output element containing the output
* format details. In addition, individual serialization properties may be specified as attributes.
* These are attribute value templates, so they may need to be computed at run-time.
public class ResultDocument extends Instruction
implements ValidatingInstruction, InstructionWithComplexContent {
private Operand hrefOp;
private Operand formatOp; // null if format was known at compile time
private Operand contentOp;
private boolean async = false;
protected Properties globalProperties;
protected Properties localProperties;
protected ParseOptions validationOptions;
protected Map serializationAttributes;
protected boolean resolveAgainstStaticBase = false; // used with fn:put()
protected CharacterMapIndex characterMapIndex;
* Create a result-document instruction
* @param globalProperties properties defined on static xsl:output
* @param localProperties non-AVT properties defined on result-document element
* @param href href attribute of instruction
* @param formatExpression format attribute of instruction
* @param validationAction for example {@link net.sf.saxon.lib.Validation#STRICT}
* @param schemaType schema type against which output is to be validated
* @param serializationAttributes computed local properties
public ResultDocument(Properties globalProperties, // properties defined on static xsl:output
Properties localProperties, // non-AVT properties defined on result-document element
Expression href,
Expression formatExpression, // AVT defining the output format
int validationAction,
SchemaType schemaType,
Map serializationAttributes, // computed local properties only
CharacterMapIndex characterMapIndex) {
this.globalProperties = globalProperties;
this.localProperties = localProperties;
if (href != null) {
hrefOp = new Operand(this, href, OperandRole.SINGLE_ATOMIC);
if (formatExpression != null) {
formatOp = new Operand(this, formatExpression, OperandRole.SINGLE_ATOMIC);
setValidationAction(validationAction, schemaType);
this.serializationAttributes = new HashMap(serializationAttributes.size());
for (Map.Entry entry : serializationAttributes.entrySet()) {
this.serializationAttributes.put(entry.getKey(), new Operand(this, entry.getValue(), OperandRole.SINGLE_ATOMIC));
this.characterMapIndex = characterMapIndex;
//this.nsResolver = nsResolver;
for (Expression e : serializationAttributes.values()) {
* Set the expression that constructs the content
* @param content the expression defining the content of the result document
public void setContentExpression(Expression content) {
contentOp = new Operand(this, content, OperandRole.SINGLE_ATOMIC);
* Set the schema type to be used for validation
* @param type the type to be used for validation. (For a document constructor, this is the required
* type of the document element)
public void setSchemaType(SchemaType type) {
if (validationOptions == null) {
validationOptions = new ParseOptions();
* Get the schema type chosen for validation; null if not defined
* @return the type to be used for validation. (For a document constructor, this is the required
* type of the document element)
public SchemaType getSchemaType() {
return validationOptions == null ? null : validationOptions.getTopLevelType();
public boolean isResolveAgainstStaticBase() {
return resolveAgainstStaticBase;
* Get the validation options
* @return the validation options for the content of the constructed node. May be null if no
* validation was requested.
public ParseOptions getValidationOptions() {
return validationOptions;
* Set the validation mode for the new document
* @param mode the validation mode, for example {@link Validation#STRICT}
* @param schemaType the required type (for validation by type). Null if not
* validating by type
public void setValidationAction(int mode, /*@Nullable*/ SchemaType schemaType) {
boolean preservingTypes = mode == Validation.PRESERVE && schemaType == null;
if (!preservingTypes) {
if (validationOptions == null) {
validationOptions = new ParseOptions();
* Get the validation mode for this instruction
* @return the validation mode, for example {@link Validation#STRICT} or {@link Validation#PRESERVE}
public int getValidationAction() {
return validationOptions == null ? Validation.PRESERVE : validationOptions.getSchemaValidationMode();
public Expression getFormatExpression() {
return formatOp == null ? null : formatOp.getChildExpression();
* Set whether the the instruction should resolve the href relative URI against the static
* base URI (rather than the dynamic base output URI)
* @param staticBase set to true by fn:put(), to resolve against the static base URI of the query.
* Default is false, which causes resolution against the base output URI obtained dynamically
* from the Controller
public void setUseStaticBaseUri(boolean staticBase) {
resolveAgainstStaticBase = staticBase;
public void setAsynchronous(boolean async) {
this.async = async;
* Ask if the instruction is to be asynchronous
* @return true unless saxon:asynchronous="no" was specified (regardless of other options that might
* suppress asychronous operation)
public boolean isAsynchronous() {
return async;
public Expression typeCheck(ExpressionVisitor visitor, ContextItemStaticInfo contextInfo) throws XPathException {
typeCheckChildren(visitor, contextInfo);
String method = getStaticSerializationProperty(XSLResultDocument.METHOD);
boolean contentDependentMethod = method == null && formatOp == null &&
boolean buildTree = "yes".equals(getStaticSerializationProperty(XSLResultDocument.BUILD_TREE));
if (buildTree || contentDependentMethod ||
"xml".equals(method) || "html".equals(method) || "xhtml".equals(method) || "text".equals(method)) {
try {
DocumentInstr.checkContentSequence(visitor.getStaticContext(), contentOp, validationOptions);
} catch (XPathException err) {
throw err;
return this;
public int getIntrinsicDependencies() {
return StaticProperty.HAS_SIDE_EFFECTS;
public Expression optimize(ExpressionVisitor visitor, ContextItemStaticInfo contextInfo) throws XPathException {
optimizeChildren(visitor, contextInfo);
if (isAsynchronous()) {
Expression e = getParentExpression();
while (e != null) {
if (e instanceof LetExpression && ExpressionTool.dependsOnVariable(
getContentExpression(), new Binding[]{(LetExpression) e})) {
((LetExpression) e).setNeedsEagerEvaluation(true);
e = e.getParentExpression();
return this;
* Copy an expression. This makes a deep copy.
* @return the copy of the original expression
* @param rebindings
public Expression copy(RebindingMap rebindings) {
Map map = new HashMap();
for (Map.Entry entry : serializationAttributes.entrySet()) {
map.put(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue().getChildExpression());
ResultDocument r = new ResultDocument(
getHref() == null ? null : getHref().copy(rebindings),
getFormatExpression() == null ? null : getFormatExpression().copy(rebindings),
ExpressionTool.copyLocationInfo(this, r);
r.resolveAgainstStaticBase = resolveAgainstStaticBase;
r.async = async;
return r;
* Get the name of this instruction for diagnostic and tracing purposes
* (the string "xsl:result-document")
public int getInstructionNameCode() {
return StandardNames.XSL_RESULT_DOCUMENT;
* Get the item type of the items returned by evaluating this instruction
* @return the static item type of the instruction. This is empty: the result-document instruction
* returns nothing.
public ItemType getItemType() {
return ErrorType.getInstance();
public Iterable operands() {
ArrayList list = new ArrayList(6);
if (hrefOp != null) {
if (formatOp != null) {
for (Operand e : serializationAttributes.values()) {
return list;
* Add a representation of this expression to a PathMap. The PathMap captures a map of the nodes visited
* by an expression in a source tree.
* The default implementation of this method assumes that an expression does no navigation other than
* the navigation done by evaluating its subexpressions, and that the subexpressions are evaluated in the
* same context as the containing expression. The method must be overridden for any expression
* where these assumptions do not hold. For example, implementations exist for AxisExpression, ParentExpression,
* and RootExpression (because they perform navigation), and for the doc(), document(), and collection()
* functions because they create a new navigation root. Implementations also exist for PathExpression and
* FilterExpression because they have subexpressions that are evaluated in a different context from the
* calling expression.
* @param pathMap the PathMap to which the expression should be added
* @param pathMapNodeSet the PathMapNodeSet to which the paths embodied in this expression should be added
* @return the pathMapNodeSet representing the points in the source document that are both reachable by this
* expression, and that represent possible results of this expression. For an expression that does
* navigation, it represents the end of the arc in the path map that describes the navigation route. For other
* expressions, it is the same as the input pathMapNode.
public PathMap.PathMapNodeSet addToPathMap(PathMap pathMap, PathMap.PathMapNodeSet pathMapNodeSet) {
PathMap.PathMapNodeSet result = super.addToPathMap(pathMap, pathMapNodeSet);
return new PathMap.PathMapNodeSet(pathMap.makeNewRoot(this));
public TailCall processLeavingTail(XPathContext context) throws XPathException {
process(getContentExpression(), context);
return null;
public void process(Expression content, XPathContext context) throws XPathException {
if (context.getTemporaryOutputState() != 0) {
// Check this before starting a new thread (because in temporary output state the context is sometimes
// not sufficiently shared to allow the error to be passed back
XPathException err = new XPathException("Cannot execute xsl:result-document while evaluating " +
throw err;
context.getConfiguration().processResultDocument(this, content, context);
* Evaluation method designed for calling from compiled bytecode.
* @param content The content expression. When called from bytecode, this will be the compiled version
* of the interpreted content expression
* @param context dynamic evaluation context
* @throws XPathException if a dynamic error occurs
public void processInstruction(Expression content, XPathContext context) throws XPathException {
final Controller controller = context.getController();
assert controller != null;
SequenceReceiver saved = context.getReceiver();
String savedOutputUri = context.getCurrentOutputUri();
if (context.getTemporaryOutputState() != 0) {
XPathException err = new XPathException("Cannot execute xsl:result-document while evaluating " +
throw err;
Properties computedLocalProps = gatherOutputProperties(context);
String nextInChain = computedLocalProps.getProperty(SaxonOutputKeys.NEXT_IN_CHAIN);
//TODO: reinstate this code
// if (nextInChain != null && nextInChain.length() > 0) {
// try {
// result = sf.prepareNextStylesheet(controller, nextInChain, baseURI, result);
// } catch (TransformerException e) {
// throw XPathException.makeXPathException(e);
// }
// }
Receiver out;
OutputURIResolver resolver = null;
Result result = null;
boolean buildTree = SaxonOutputKeys.isBuildTree(computedLocalProps);
if (getHref() == null) {
if (!computedLocalProps.propertyNames().hasMoreElements()) {
out = controller.getPrincipalResult();
} else if (controller.getPrincipalResult() instanceof ReconfigurableSerializer) {
ReconfigurableSerializer rs = (ReconfigurableSerializer) controller.getPrincipalResult();
rs.reconfigure(computedLocalProps, characterMapIndex);
out = rs;
} else {
// assume we're not serializing
out = controller.getPrincipalResult();
//throw new IllegalStateException();
String resultURI = controller.getBaseOutputURI();
if (resultURI == null) {
checkAcceptableUri(context, resultURI);
if (buildTree) {
out = ComplexContentOutputter.makeComplexContentReceiver(out, getValidationOptions());
context.setReceiver((SequenceReceiver) out);
} else {
resolver = controller.getOutputURIResolver().newInstance();
try {
result = getResult(getHref(), getStaticBaseURIString(), context, resolver, resolveAgainstStaticBase);
} catch (XPathException e) {
throw e;
SerializerFactory sf = context.getConfiguration().getSerializerFactory();
PipelineConfiguration pipe = controller.makePipelineConfiguration();
out = sf.getReceiver(result, pipe, computedLocalProps, characterMapIndex);
if (buildTree) {
out = ComplexContentOutputter.makeComplexContentReceiver(out, getValidationOptions());
context.setReceiver((SequenceReceiver) out);
try {
if (buildTree) {
} else {
} catch (XPathException err) {
throw err;
} finally {
if (resolver != null) {
try {
} catch (TransformerException e) {
throw XPathException.makeXPathException(e);
public static Result getResult(Expression href, String baseURI,
XPathContext context, OutputURIResolver resolver,
boolean resolveAgainstStaticBase) throws XPathException {
String resultURI;
Result result;
Controller controller = context.getController();
if (href == null) {
result = controller.getPrincipalResult();
resultURI = controller.getBaseOutputURI();
if (resultURI == null) {
} else {
try {
String base;
if (resolveAgainstStaticBase) {
base = baseURI;
} else {
base = controller.getCookedBaseOutputURI();
String hrefValue = IriToUri.iriToUri(href.evaluateAsString(context)).toString();
if (hrefValue.equals("")) {
result = controller.getPrincipalResult();
resultURI = controller.getBaseOutputURI();
if (resultURI == null) {
} else {
try {
result = resolver == null ? null : resolver.resolve(hrefValue, base);
//System.err.println("Resolver returned " + result);
} catch (TransformerException err) {
throw XPathException.makeXPathException(err);
} catch (Exception err) {
throw new XPathException("Exception thrown by OutputURIResolver", err);
if (result == null) {
resolver = StandardOutputResolver.getInstance();
result = resolver.resolve(hrefValue, base);
resultURI = result.getSystemId();
if (resultURI == null) {
try {
resultURI = new URI(base).resolve(hrefValue).toString();
} catch (Exception err) {
// no action
} catch (TransformerException e) {
throw XPathException.makeXPathException(e);
checkAcceptableUri(context, resultURI);
traceDestination(context, result);
return result;
public static void traceDestination(XPathContext context, Result result) {
Configuration config = context.getConfiguration();
boolean timing = config.isTiming();
if (timing) {
String dest = result.getSystemId();
if (dest == null) {
if (result instanceof StreamResult) {
dest = "anonymous output stream";
} else if (result instanceof SAXResult) {
dest = "SAX2 ContentHandler";
} else if (result instanceof DOMResult) {
dest = "DOM tree";
} else {
dest = result.getClass().getName();
config.getStandardErrorOutput().println("Writing to " + dest);
public static void checkAcceptableUri(XPathContext context, String uri) throws XPathException {
Controller controller = context.getController();
assert controller != null;
//String uri = result.getSystemId();
if (uri != null) {
if (controller.getDocumentPool().find(uri) != null) {
XPathException err = new XPathException("Cannot write to a URI that has already been read: " +
(uri.equals(Controller.ANONYMOUS_PRINCIPAL_OUTPUT_URI) ? "(implicit output URI)" : uri));
throw err;
DocumentURI documentKey = new DocumentURI(uri);
//noinspection SynchronizationOnLocalVariableOrMethodParameter
synchronized(controller) {
if (!controller.checkUniqueOutputDestination(documentKey)) {
XPathException err = new XPathException("Cannot write more than one result document to the same URI: " +
(uri.equals(Controller.ANONYMOUS_PRINCIPAL_OUTPUT_URI) ? "(implicit output URI)" : uri));
throw err;
} else {
* Create a properties object that combines the serialization properties specified
* on the xsl:result-document itself with those specified in the referenced xsl:output declaration
* @param context The XPath evaluation context
* @return the assembled properties
* @throws XPathException if invalid properties are found
public Properties gatherOutputProperties(XPathContext context) throws XPathException {
Controller controller = context.getController();
assert controller != null;
Configuration config = context.getConfiguration();
Properties computedGlobalProps = globalProperties;
NamespaceResolver nsResolver = getRetainedStaticContext();
if (getFormatExpression() != null) {
// format was an AVT and now needs to be computed
CharSequence format = getFormatExpression().evaluateAsString(context);
String[] parts;
try {
parts = NameChecker.getQNameParts(format);
} catch (QNameException e) {
XPathException err = new XPathException("The requested output format " + Err.wrap(format) + " is not a valid QName");
throw err;
String uri = nsResolver.getURIForPrefix(parts[0], false);
if (uri == null) {
XPathException err = new XPathException("The namespace prefix in the format name " + format + " is undeclared");
throw err;
StructuredQName qName = new StructuredQName(parts[0], uri, parts[1]);
computedGlobalProps = ((StylesheetPackage)getRetainedStaticContext().getPackageData()).getNamedOutputProperties(qName);
if (computedGlobalProps == null) {
XPathException err = new XPathException("There is no xsl:output format named " + format);
throw err;
// Now combine the properties specified on xsl:result-document with those specified on xsl:output
Properties computedLocalProps = new Properties(computedGlobalProps);
// First handle the properties with fixed values on xsl:result-document
for (Object keyo : localProperties.keySet()) {
String key = (String) keyo;
StructuredQName qName = StructuredQName.fromClarkName(key);
try {
setSerializationProperty(computedLocalProps, qName.getURI(), qName.getLocalPart(),
localProperties.getProperty(key), nsResolver, true, config);
} catch (XPathException e) {
throw e;
// Now add the properties that were specified as AVTs
if (serializationAttributes.size() > 0) {
for (Map.Entry entry : serializationAttributes.entrySet()) {
String value = entry.getValue().getChildExpression().evaluateAsString(context).toString();
String lname = entry.getKey().getLocalPart();
String uri = entry.getKey().getURI();
try {
setSerializationProperty(computedLocalProps, uri, lname, value, nsResolver, false, config);
} catch (XPathException e) {
if (NamespaceConstant.SAXON.equals(e.getErrorCodeNamespace()) &&
"SXWN".equals(e.getErrorCodeLocalPart().substring(0, 4))) {
} else {
throw e;
return computedLocalProps;
* Get the value of a serialization property if it is statically known
* @param name the name of the serialization property
* @return the value of the serialization property if known statically; or null otherwise
public String getStaticSerializationProperty(StructuredQName name) {
String clarkName = name.getClarkName();
String local = localProperties.getProperty(clarkName);
if (local != null) {
return local;
if (serializationAttributes.containsKey(name)) {
return null; // value is computed dynamically
return globalProperties.getProperty(clarkName);
* Validate a serialization property and add its value to a Properties collection
* @param details the properties to be updated
* @param uri the uri of the property name
* @param lname the local part of the property name
* @param value the value of the serialization property. In the case of QName-valued values,
* this will use lexical QNames if prevalidated is false and a NamespaceResolver is supplied;
* otherwise they will use Clark-format names
* @param nsResolver resolver for lexical QNames; not needed if prevalidated, or if QNames are supplied in Clark
* format
* @param prevalidated true if values are already known to be valid and lexical QNames have been
* expanded into Clark notation
* @param config the Saxon configuration
* @throws XPathException if any serialization property has an invalid value
public static void setSerializationProperty(Properties details, String uri, String lname,
String value, /*@Nullable*/ NamespaceResolver nsResolver,
boolean prevalidated, Configuration config)
throws XPathException {
if (uri.isEmpty() || NamespaceConstant.SAXON.equals(uri)) {
if (lname.equals("method")) {
value = Whitespace.trim(value);
if (value.startsWith("Q{}") && value.length() > 3) {
value = value.substring(3);
if (value.equals("xml") || value.equals("html") ||
value.equals("text") || value.equals("xhtml") ||
value.equals("json") || value.equals("adaptive") ||
prevalidated || value.startsWith("{")) {
details.setProperty(OutputKeys.METHOD, value);
} else if (value.startsWith("Q{")) {
details.setProperty(OutputKeys.METHOD, value.substring(1));
} else {
String[] parts;
try {
parts = NameChecker.getQNameParts(value);
String prefix = parts[0];
if (prefix.isEmpty()) {
XPathException err = new XPathException("method must be xml, html, xhtml, text, json, adaptive, or a prefixed name");
throw err;
} else if (nsResolver != null) {
String muri = nsResolver.getURIForPrefix(prefix, false);
if (muri == null) {
XPathException err = new XPathException("Namespace prefix '" + prefix + "' has not been declared");
throw err;
details.setProperty(OutputKeys.METHOD, '{' + muri + '}' + parts[1]);
} else {
details.setProperty(OutputKeys.METHOD, value);
} catch (QNameException e) {
XPathException err = new XPathException("Invalid method name. " + e.getMessage());
throw err;
} else if (lname.equals("use-character-maps")) {
// The use-character-maps attribute is always turned into a Clark-format name at compile time
String existing = details.getProperty(SaxonOutputKeys.USE_CHARACTER_MAPS);
if (existing == null) {
existing = "";
details.setProperty(SaxonOutputKeys.USE_CHARACTER_MAPS, existing + value);
} else if (lname.equals("cdata-section-elements")) {
processListOfNodeNames(details, OutputKeys.CDATA_SECTION_ELEMENTS, value, nsResolver, true, prevalidated);
} else if (lname.equals("suppress-indentation")) {
processListOfNodeNames(details, SaxonOutputKeys.SUPPRESS_INDENTATION, value, nsResolver, true, prevalidated);
} else if (lname.equals("double-space")) {
processListOfNodeNames(details, SaxonOutputKeys.DOUBLE_SPACE, value, nsResolver, true, prevalidated);
} else if (lname.equals("attribute-order")) {
processListOfNodeNames(details, SaxonOutputKeys.ATTRIBUTE_ORDER, value, nsResolver, false, prevalidated);
} else if (lname.equals("next-in-chain")) {
XPathException e = new XPathException("saxon:next-in-chain property is available only on xsl:output");
new StructuredQName("saxon", NamespaceConstant.SAXON, SaxonErrorCode.SXWN9004));
throw e;
} else {
// all other properties in the default or Saxon namespaces
if (lname.equals("output-version")) {
lname = "version";
String clarkName = lname;
if (uri.length() != 0) {
clarkName = '{' + uri + '}' + lname;
if (!prevalidated) {
try {
if (!SaxonOutputKeys.ITEM_SEPARATOR.equals(clarkName)) {
// TODO: whitespace rules seem to vary for different interfaces
value = Whitespace.trim(value);
value = SaxonOutputKeys.checkOutputProperty(clarkName, value, config, true); //TODO: test whether xslt3.0 is allowed
} catch (XPathException err) {
throw err;
details.setProperty(clarkName, value);
} else {
// properties in user-defined namespaces
details.setProperty('{' + uri + '}' + lname, value);
private static void processListOfNodeNames(Properties details, String key, String value,
NamespaceResolver nsResolver, boolean useDefaultNS, boolean prevalidated) throws XPathException {
String existing = details.getProperty(key);
if (existing == null) {
existing = "";
String s = SaxonOutputKeys.parseListOfNodeNames(value, nsResolver, useDefaultNS, prevalidated, "SEPM0016");
details.setProperty(key, existing + s);
* Diagnostic print of expression structure. The abstract expression tree
* is written to the supplied output destination.
public void export(ExpressionPresenter out) throws XPathException {
out.startElement("resultDoc", this);
out.emitAttribute("global", exportProperties(globalProperties));
out.emitAttribute("local", exportProperties(localProperties));
if (getValidationAction() != Validation.SKIP && getValidationAction() != Validation.BY_TYPE) {
out.emitAttribute("validation", Validation.toString(getValidationAction()));
final SchemaType schemaType = getSchemaType();
if (schemaType != null) {
out.emitAttribute("type", schemaType.getEQName());
if (getHref() != null) {
if (getFormatExpression() != null) {
for (Map.Entry p : serializationAttributes.entrySet()) {
StructuredQName name = p.getKey();
Expression value = p.getValue().getChildExpression();
private String exportProperties(Properties props) {
try {
StringWriter writer = new StringWriter();, "");
return writer.toString();
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new AssertionError(e);
* Construct a set of output properties from an xsl:output element supplied at run-time
* @param element an xsl:output element
* @param props Properties object to which will be added the values of those serialization properties
* that were specified
* @param c the XPath dynamic context
* @throws net.sf.saxon.trans.XPathException if a dynamic error occurs
public static void processXslOutputElement(NodeInfo element, Properties props, XPathContext c) throws XPathException {
SequenceIterator iter = element.iterateAxis(AxisInfo.ATTRIBUTE);
NamespaceResolver resolver = new InscopeNamespaceResolver(element);
while (true) {
NodeInfo att = (NodeInfo);
if (att == null) {
String uri = att.getURI();
String local = att.getLocalPart();
String val = Whitespace.trim(att.getStringValueCS());
setSerializationProperty(props, uri, local, val, resolver, false, c.getConfiguration());
public Expression getHref() {
return hrefOp == null ? null : hrefOp.getChildExpression();
public void setHref(Expression href) {
public void setFormatExpression(Expression formatExpression) {
public Expression getContentExpression() {
return contentOp.getChildExpression();