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org.openide.loaders.FolderInstance Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Sun Public License Notice
* The contents of this file are subject to the Sun Public License
* Version 1.0 (the "License"). You may not use this file except in
* compliance with the License. A copy of the License is available at
* http://www.sun.com/
* The Original Code is NetBeans. The Initial Developer of the Original
* Code is Sun Microsystems, Inc. Portions Copyright 1997-2004 Sun
* Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
package org.openide.loaders;
import java.beans.PropertyChangeListener;
import java.beans.PropertyChangeEvent;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.*;
import org.openide.*;
import org.openide.filesystems.*;
import org.openide.cookies.InstanceCookie;
import org.openide.util.Task;
import org.openide.util.TaskListener;
import org.openide.util.RequestProcessor;
/** Support class for creation of an object from the content
* of a {@link DataObject.Container}. It implements
* {@link InstanceCookie}, so it
* can be used as a cookie for a node or data object.
* When created on a container and started by invoking run method,
* it scans its content (in a separate
* thread) and creates a list of instances from which the new
* instance of this object should be composed. The object
* automatically listens to changes of components
* in the container, and if some change occurs, it allows the subclass to create
* a new object.
* Subclasses shall override the following methods:
* - {@link #createInstance(InstanceCookie[])} (required): this method is
* called whenever the content has been changed. Its implementation
* shall build up the data structures and perform the actions required
* by this implementation.
* - The filter methods {@link #acceptDataObject(DataObject)}, {@link
* #acceptCookie(InstanceCookie)},
* {@link #acceptFolder(DataFolder)} and
* {@link #acceptContainer(DataObject.Container)} (optional): the standard
* way is to override one or several of the latter methods. Overriding
* {@link #acceptDataObject(DataObject)} more deeply
* modifies the default behavior, because the default implementation of
* {@link #acceptDataObject(DataObject)} calls the
* other 3 filter methods. See the method documentation for details.
* - The {@link InstanceCookie} methods
* {@link #instanceClass()} (optional but recommended)
* to inform about the class implemented by the return value of
* {@link #instanceCreate()}.
* - Advanced subclasses may need to override {@link #postCreationTask}
* and/or {@link #instanceForCookie}, but it is not common to need these.
* @author Jaroslav Tulach
public abstract class FolderInstance extends Task implements InstanceCookie {
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* -- Constants ------------------------------------------------------- */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/** a queue to run requests in */
private static final RequestProcessor PROCESSOR = new RequestProcessor (
"Folder Instance Processor" // NOI18N
/** static variable to hold current value for callbacks to tasks
* Also used to synchronize access to map field on.
private static final ThreadLocal CURRENT = new ThreadLocal ();
/** The last finished folder instance in this thread. Works together
* with CURRENT, because sometimes more than one FolderInstance.instanceCreate
* can be called on the same thread.
private static final ThreadLocal LAST_CURRENT = new ThreadLocal ();
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* -- Instance attributes --------------------------------------------- */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/** Folder to work with. Non null only if a constructor with DataFolder
* is used to construct this object.
protected DataFolder folder;
/** container to work with */
private DataObject.Container container;
/** map of primary file to their cookies (FileObject, HoldInstance) */
private HashMap map = new HashMap (17);
/** Array of tasks that we have to check before we are ok. These are the tasks
* associated with children of the current folder.
private Task[] waitFor;
/** object for this cookie. Either the right instance of object or
* an instance of IOException or ClassNotFoundException. By default
* it is assigned to some private object in this class to signal that
* it is uninitialized.
private Object object = CURRENT;
/** Listener and runner for this object */
private Listener listener;
/** Error manager for this instance */
private ErrorManager err;
/** Task that computes the children list of the folder */
private Task recognizingTask;
/** A task that gets objects from InstanceCookie's and calls createInstance.
* Started immediately after the recognizingTask
is finished.
private Task creationTask;
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* -- Constructor(s) -------------------------------------------------- */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/** Create new folder instance.
* @param df data folder to create instances from
public FolderInstance (DataFolder df) {
this ((DataObject.Container)df);
/** A new object that listens on changes in a container.
* @param container the object to associate with
* @since 1.11
public FolderInstance (DataObject.Container container) {
this (container, null);
/** Constructs everything.
* @param container container
* @param logName the name to use for logging purposes
private FolderInstance (DataObject.Container container, String logName) {
if (container instanceof DataFolder) {
folder = (DataFolder)container;
if (logName == null) {
logName = folder.getPrimaryFile().getPath().replace('/','.');
container = FolderList.find (folder.getPrimaryFile (), true);
listener = new Listener ();
if (logName == null) {
logName = "org.openide.loaders.FolderInstance"; // NOI18N
} else {
logName = "org.openide.loaders.FolderInstance" + '.' + logName; // NOI18N
err = ErrorManager.getDefault ().getInstance (logName);
this.container = container;
container.addPropertyChangeListener (
org.openide.util.WeakListeners.propertyChange (listener, container)
if (err.isLoggable (err.INFORMATIONAL)) {
err.log ("new " + this); // NOI18N
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* -- Implementation of org.openide.Cookies.InstanceCookie ------------ */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/** The name of the class that we create.
* @return the name
public String instanceName () {
try {
return instanceClass ().getName ();
} catch (java.io.IOException ex) {
return "java.lang.Object"; // NOI18N
} catch (ClassNotFoundException ex) {
return "java.lang.Object"; // NOI18N
/** Returns the root class of all objects.
* Supposed to be overriden in subclasses.
* @return Object.class
* @exception IOException an I/O error occured
* @exception ClassNotFoundException the class has not been found
public Class instanceClass ()
throws java.io.IOException, ClassNotFoundException {
Object object = this.object;
if (object != null) {
if (object instanceof java.io.IOException) {
throw (java.io.IOException)object;
if (object instanceof ClassNotFoundException) {
throw (ClassNotFoundException)object;
return object.getClass ();
return Object.class;
/** Creates instance.
* @return an object to work with
* @exception IOException an I/O error occured
* @exception ClassNotFoundException the class has not been found
public Object instanceCreate ()
throws java.io.IOException, ClassNotFoundException {
Object object = CURRENT.get ();
if (object == null || LAST_CURRENT.get () != this) {
waitFinished ();
object = FolderInstance.this.object;
// err.log ("instanceCreate: " + object);
if (object instanceof java.io.IOException) {
throw (java.io.IOException)object;
if (object instanceof ClassNotFoundException) {
throw (ClassNotFoundException)object;
if (object == CURRENT) {
// uninitialized
throw new IOException ("Cyclic reference. Somebody is trying to get value from FolderInstance (" + getClass ().getName () + ") from the same thread that is processing the instance"); // NOI18N
return object;
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* -- Wait ------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/** Wait for instance initialization to finish.
public final void instanceFinished () {
waitFinished ();
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* -- Extends org.openide.util.Task ----------------------------------- */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/** Overrides the instance finished to deal with
* internal state correctly.
public void waitFinished () {
for (;;) {
waitProcessingFinished (container);
Task originalRecognizing = checkRecognizingStarted ();
originalRecognizing.waitFinished ();
Task t = creationTask;
if (t != null) {
t.waitFinished ();
Task[] toWait = waitFor;
if (toWait != null) {
for (int i = 0; i < toWait.length; i++) {
toWait[i].waitFinished ();
// loop if there was yet another task started to compute the
// children list
if (originalRecognizing == checkRecognizingStarted ()) {
// otherwise go on an try it once more
/** Synchronously starts the creation of the instance. */
public void run () {
recreate ();
instanceFinished ();
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* -- Filter methods (protected, may be overridden by sub-classes) ---- */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/** Allows subclasses to decide whether they want to work with the specified
* DataObject
or not.
* The default implementation roughly performs the following steps:
* - if
has an InstanceCookie
* {@link #acceptCookie(InstanceCookie)} is called on that cookie
* - if
has a DataFolder
* {@link #acceptFolder(DataFolder)} is called on that folder
* - if
has a DataObject.Container
* {@link #acceptContainer(DataObject.Container)} is called on that
* container
* The first of the aforementioned steps which returns a non-null
* cookie and does not throw an exception determines the return value. If
* none of the steps succeeds, null
is returned.
* @param dob a DataObject
to test
* @return the cookie for the DataObject
or null
* if it should not be used
protected InstanceCookie acceptDataObject(DataObject dob) {
int acceptType = -1;
InstanceCookie cookie;
//Order of checking reversed first check cookie and then folder
// test if we accept the instance
cookie = (InstanceCookie)dob.getCookie (InstanceCookie.class);
try {
cookie = cookie == null ? null : acceptCookie (cookie);
acceptType = 1;
} catch (IOException ex) {
// an error during a call to acceptCookie
ErrorManager.getDefault().notify(ErrorManager.INFORMATIONAL, ex);
cookie = null;
} catch (ClassNotFoundException ex) {
// an error during a call to acceptCookie
ErrorManager.getDefault().notify(ErrorManager.INFORMATIONAL, ex);
cookie = null;
if (cookie == null) {
DataFolder folder = (DataFolder) dob.getCookie (DataFolder.class);
if (folder != null) {
HoldInstance previous = (HoldInstance)map.get (folder.getPrimaryFile ());
if (previous != null && previous.cookie != null) {
// the old cookie will be returned if the folder is already registered
cookie = previous;
acceptType = 2;
} else {
cookie = acceptFolder (folder);
acceptType = 3;
if (cookie == null) {
// try also the container
DataObject.Container c = (DataObject.Container)dob.getCookie (DataObject.Container.class);
if (c != null) {
cookie = acceptContainer (c);
acceptType = 4;
if (err.isLoggable (ErrorManager.INFORMATIONAL)) {
err.log (ErrorManager.INFORMATIONAL, "acceptDataObject: " + dob + " cookie: " + cookie + " acceptType: " + acceptType); // NOI18N
return cookie;
/** Allows subclasses to decide whether they want to work with
* the specified InstanceCookie
or not.
* The default implementation simply
* returns the same cookie, but subclasses may
* decide to return null
or a different cookie.
* Compare {@link #acceptDataObject(DataObject)} to learn when this method
* is called.
* @param cookie the instance cookie to test
* @return the cookie to use or null
if this cookie should not
* be used
* @exception IOException if an I/O error occurred calling a cookie method
* @exception ClassNotFoundException if a class is not found in a call to a cookie method
protected InstanceCookie acceptCookie (InstanceCookie cookie)
throws java.io.IOException, ClassNotFoundException {
return cookie;
/** Allows subclasses to decide how they want to work with a
* provided folder.
* The default implementation simply calls {@link #acceptContainer(DataObject.Container)}.
* A common override of this method is to return a new
* FolderInstance
based on the subfolder, permitting
* recursion.
* Compare {@link #acceptDataObject(DataObject)} to learn when this method
* is called.
* @param df data folder to create cookie for
* @return the cookie for this folder or null
if this folder should not
* be used
protected InstanceCookie acceptFolder (DataFolder df) {
return acceptContainer (df);
/** Allows subclasses to decide how they want to work with an object
* that implements a DataObject.Container.
* By default this returns null
to indicated that subfolders
* (as well as {@link DataShadow}s, etc.) should be ignored.
* A common override of this method is to return a new
* FolderInstance
based on the subfolder, permitting
* recursion.
* Compare {@link #acceptDataObject(DataObject)} to learn when this method
* is called.
* @param container the container to accept or not
* @return cookie for this container or null
if this object should
* be ignored
* @since 1.11
protected InstanceCookie acceptContainer (DataObject.Container container) {
return null;
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* -- Instances creation method (protected, must be overridden by sub-classes) - */
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/** Notifies subclasses that the set of cookies for this folder
* has changed.
* A new object representing the folder should
* be created (or the old one updated).
* Called both upon initialization of the class, and change of its cookies.
* It may be poor style for this method to have side-effects. A
* common way to use FolderInstance
is to have this
* method set some global state which is then used as the resulting
* instance. Better is to treat the FolderInstance
* pure SPI and assign it to a variable of type
* InstanceCookie
. Then use the {@link
* #instanceCreate} method to get the final result. However in some
* cases there is a singleton live object which must be updated
* in-place, and it only makes sense to do so here (in which case
* the InstanceCookie
methods are unused).
* @param cookies updated array of instance cookies for the folder
* @return object to represent these cookies
* @exception IOException an I/O error occured
* @exception ClassNotFoundException a class has not been found
protected abstract Object createInstance (InstanceCookie[] cookies)
throws java.io.IOException, ClassNotFoundException;
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* -- Instances creation method (protected, may be overridden by sub-classes) - */
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/** Method that is called when a the folder instance really wants to
* create an object from provided cookie.
* It allows subclasses to overwrite the default behaviour (which is
* to call {@link InstanceCookie#instanceCreate}).
* @param obj the data object that is the source of the cookie
* @param cookie the instance cookie to read the instance from
* @exception IOException when there I/O error
* @exception ClassNotFoundException if the class cannot be found
protected Object instanceForCookie (DataObject obj, InstanceCookie cookie)
throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException {
return cookie.instanceCreate ();
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* -- Recreation --------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/** Starts recreation of the instance in special thread.
public synchronized void recreate () {
// this method should be synchronized so the recognizingTask is created
// together with notification that we are running.
// Fix of #16136 => sometimes it happened that the thread started in
// the recognizer task was finished sooner then notifyRunning called.
// In such case notifyFinished could be called before notifyRunning
// and everything was completely broken
err.log ("recreate");
recognizingTask = computeChildrenList (container, listener);
notifyRunning ();
/** Checks whether recreation of this instance is running already
* and in that case does nothing, otherwise calls
* {@link #recreate() recreate} method.
* This prevents from redundant recreation tasks of this instance caused by
* first creation of underlying items which are also of {@link org.openide.util.Task Task}
* type (e.g. sub-FolderInstances, sub-FolderLookups etc.). */
final void checkRecreate() {
if(isFinished()) {
/** Checks whether recreation has already started and starts it if if was
* was not yet started during the live of this FolderInstance
* @return the latest started task for children computation */
private final Task checkRecognizingStarted () {
if(recognizingTask == null) {
return recognizingTask;
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* -- Static helper methods (abstract away the differences between different --- */
/* ------------------------- DataObject.Container types) ----------------------- */
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/** Waits until the task to compute the children of the currents folder is
* finished. This methods provides a unified interface which allows to
* treat FolderList
s and general DataObject.Container
* is a uniform way.
private static void waitProcessingFinished (
DataObject.Container c
) {
if (c instanceof FolderList) {
((FolderList)c).waitProcessingFinished ();
/** Starts and returns the task to compute the children of the current
* folder. This methods provides a unified interface which allows to
* treat FolderList
s and general DataObject.Container
* is a uniform way.
* The task returned uses the {@link #listener} to process the children.
private static Task computeChildrenList (
final DataObject.Container container, final FolderListListener listener
) {
if (container instanceof FolderList) {
FolderList list = (FolderList)container;
return list.computeChildrenList (listener);
// otherwise we have to simulate the listener by container methods
// itself
return PROCESSOR.post (new Runnable () {
public void run () {
DataObject[] arr = container.getChildren ();
ArrayList list = new ArrayList (arr.length);
for (int i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
listener.process (arr[i], list);
listener.finished (list);
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* -- Processing --------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/** A method that starts creationTask
, the task which really
* creates the instances from given objects. The task is started by a
* call to {@link #postCreationTask(Runnable)}.
* @param arr collection of DataObjects
final void processObjects (final Collection arr) {
creationTask = postCreationTask (new Runnable () {
public void run () {
defaultProcessObjects (arr);
/** Default processing of objects.
* @param arr array of objects to process
private final void defaultProcessObjects (Collection arr) {
err.log ("defaultProcessObjects");
HashSet toRemove;
ArrayList cookies = new ArrayList ();
// synchronized for safe access to map field
synchronized (CURRENT) {
toRemove = new HashSet (map.keySet ());
Iterator dataObjects = arr.iterator ();
while (dataObjects.hasNext ()) {
DataObject obj = (DataObject)dataObjects.next ();
if (! obj.isValid()) {
// #12960: skip over it, probably invalidated while we were
// waiting for this task to be run...
// testing
InstanceCookie cookie = acceptDataObject(obj);
if (cookie != null) {
// cookie accepted
FileObject fo = obj.getPrimaryFile ();
boolean attachListener = true;
HoldInstance prevCookie = null;
if (toRemove.remove (fo)) {
// if the fo is in the map than try to find its cookie
prevCookie = (HoldInstance)map.get (fo);
if (prevCookie != null && (prevCookie.cookie == null || !prevCookie.cookie.equals (cookie))) {
prevCookie = null;
// #49199 - do not add second listener
attachListener = false;
if (prevCookie == null) {
// such cookie is not there yet
HoldInstance hold;
if (cookie instanceof HoldInstance) {
hold = (HoldInstance)cookie;
} else {
hold = new HoldInstance(obj, cookie);
// synchronized for safe access to map field
synchronized (CURRENT) {
map.put (fo, hold);
// register for changes of PROP_COOKIE property
if (attachListener) {
obj.addPropertyChangeListener (
org.openide.util.WeakListeners.propertyChange (listener, obj)
cookies.add (hold);
} else {
// old cookie, already there => only add it to the list of cookies
cookies.add (prevCookie);
} else {
// empty instance placeholder
synchronized (CURRENT) {
FileObject fo = obj.getPrimaryFile ();
toRemove.remove (fo);
HoldInstance hold = (HoldInstance)map.get (fo);
if (hold != null && hold.cookie == null) {
// already registered do not do any changes
// not yet registered, add new
hold = new HoldInstance (obj, null);
map.put (fo, hold);
// register for changes of PROP_COOKIE property
obj.addPropertyChangeListener (
org.openide.util.WeakListeners.propertyChange (listener, obj)
// synchronized for safe access to map field
synchronized (CURRENT) {
// now remove the cookies that are no longer in the folder
map.keySet ().removeAll (toRemove);
// create the list of cookies
HoldInstance[] all = new HoldInstance[cookies.size ()];
cookies.toArray (all);
updateWaitFor (all);
Object result = null;
try {
result = createInstance (all);
} catch (IOException ex) {
result = ex;
} catch (ClassNotFoundException ex) {
result = ex;
} finally {
if (err.isLoggable (err.INFORMATIONAL)) {
err.log ("notifying finished"); // NOI18N
for (int log = 0; log < all.length; log++) {
err.log (" #" + log + ": " + all[log]); // NOI18N
object = result;
Object prevResult = CURRENT.get ();
CURRENT.set (result);
Object prevLast = LAST_CURRENT.get ();
LAST_CURRENT.set (this);
try {
notifyFinished ();
} finally {
CURRENT.set (prevResult);
LAST_CURRENT.set (prevLast);
/** Recomputes the list of tasks we should wait for (i.e. the tasks associated
* with the children of the folder).
private void updateWaitFor (HoldInstance[] arr) {
ArrayList out = new ArrayList (arr.length);
for (int i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
Task t = arr[i].getTask ();
if (t != null) {
out.add (t);
waitFor = (Task[])out.toArray (new Task[out.size ()]);
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* -- Processing: Start the creation task (protected, may be overridden) ------- */
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/** Invokes the creation of objects in a "safe" thread. This method is
* for expert subclasses that want to control the thread that the
* instance is created in.
* The default implementation invokes the creation logic in the
* request processor in non-blocking mode (no other tasks will
* block on this).
* @param run runnable to run
* @return task to control the execution of the runnable or null if
* the runnable is run immediatelly
* @since 1.5
protected Task postCreationTask (Runnable run) {
return PROCESSOR.post (run);
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* -- Getters ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/** Access to error manager for FolderLookup.
final ErrorManager err () {
return err;
public String toString () {
return getClass ().getName () + "@" + Integer.toHexString (System.identityHashCode (this)) + "(" + this.container + ")"; // NOI18N
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* -- Inner class Listener -------------------------------------------- */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/** Listener on change of folder's children and a starter for the task.
* Each instance of {@link FolderInstance} has one instance of this class
* associated with it. The latter serves for three purposes:
* - to listen for property changes of the {@link DataObject.Container}
* this {@link FolderInstance} was created for (by implementing
* {@link java.beans.PropertyChangeListener})
* - to listen for changes of the cookies of the children of this folder
* - to process the results of the computation of a child list
* (by implementing {@link FolderListListener#finished(java.util.List)})
private class Listener implements PropertyChangeListener, FolderListListener {
Listener() {}
/** Recreates the {@link FolderInstance} if the children list of
* its container was changed.
* Additionally ...
public void propertyChange (PropertyChangeEvent ev) {
Object s = ev.getSource ();
if (s == container) {
if (DataObject.Container.PROP_CHILDREN.equals(ev.getPropertyName ())) {
err.log ("PROP_CHILDREN");
if (DataObject.PROP_NAME.equals(ev.getPropertyName())) {
if (s instanceof DataObject) {
// change of cookie in one of children of the container
if (DataObject.PROP_COOKIE.equals(ev.getPropertyName ())) {
if (s instanceof DataObject) {
DataObject source = (DataObject)s;
InstanceCookie ic = acceptDataObject (source);
HoldInstance hi;
FileObject fo = source.getPrimaryFile();
synchronized (CURRENT) {
hi = (HoldInstance)map.get(fo);
if (hi != null) {
/* Recreate if the new instance cookie is null or differs
* from the previous one.
* When the default implementation of acceptDataObject is
* used ic == hi is the case if source is a folder.
* [XXX] Why not:
* if ((ic == null && hi.cookie != null) || (ic != hi && !ic.equals (hi.cookie))) {
if (ic == null || (ic != hi && !ic.equals (hi.cookie))) {
hi = new HoldInstance(source, ic);
// synchronized for safe access to map field
synchronized (CURRENT) {
map.put (fo, hi);
recreate ();
/** Callback for object processing after all children are computed.
* This implementation starts a new task for the creation of the
* child objects.
* @param arr list of DataObjects
public void finished(java.util.List arr) {
processObjects (arr);
/** Default implementation without filtering.
* @param obj the object recognized
* @param arr array where the implementation should add the
* object
public void process(DataObject obj, java.util.List arr) {
arr.add (obj);
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* -- Inner class HoldInstance ---------------------------------------- */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/** A instance cookie that holds the result of first
* invocation of the provided cookie.
private class HoldInstance extends Object
implements InstanceCookie.Of, TaskListener {
/** the data object -> source of this instance */
private final DataObject source;
/** the cookie to delegate to */
protected final InstanceCookie cookie;
public HoldInstance (DataObject source, InstanceCookie cookie) {
this.cookie = cookie;
this.source = source;
if (cookie instanceof Task) {
// for example FolderInstance ;-) attach itself for changes
// in the cookie
Task t = (Task)cookie;
t.addTaskListener (
(TaskListener)org.openide.util.WeakListeners.create (TaskListener.class, this, t)
/** Full name of the data folder's primary file separated by dots.
* @return the name
public String instanceName () {
return cookie.instanceName ();
/** Query to find out if the object created by this cookie is
* instance of given type. The same code as:
* Class actualClass = instanceClass ();
* result = type.isAsignableFrom (actualClass);
* But this can prevent the class actualClass
to be
* loaded into the JavaVM.
* @param type the class type we want to check
* @return true if this cookie can produce object of given type
public boolean instanceOf(Class type) {
if (cookie instanceof InstanceCookie.Of) {
InstanceCookie.Of of = (InstanceCookie.Of)cookie;
return of.instanceOf (type);
// delegate
try {
Class clazz = cookie.instanceClass ();
return type.isAssignableFrom (clazz);
} catch (IOException ex) {
return false;
} catch (ClassNotFoundException ex) {
return false;
/** Returns the root class of all objects.
* Supposed to be overriden in subclasses.
* @return Object.class
* @exception IOException an I/O error occured
* @exception ClassNotFoundException the class has not been found
public Class instanceClass ()
throws java.io.IOException, ClassNotFoundException {
return cookie.instanceClass ();
* @return an object to work with
* @exception IOException an I/O error occured
* @exception ClassNotFoundException the class has not been found
public Object instanceCreate ()
throws java.io.IOException, ClassNotFoundException {
return instanceForCookie (source, cookie);
/** Called when a task finishes running.
* @param task the finished task
public void taskFinished(Task task) {
/** Waits till the instance is ready.
public Task getTask () {
if (cookie instanceof Task) {
// for example FolderInstance ;-) attach itself for changes
// in the cookie
return (Task)cookie;
} else {
return null;
public String toString () {
return super.toString () + " from " + source + " tocookie: " + cookie; // NOI18N
} // end of HoldInstance