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org.netbeans.editor.Registry Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Sun Public License Notice
* The contents of this file are subject to the Sun Public License
* Version 1.0 (the "License"). You may not use this file except in
* compliance with the License. A copy of the License is available at
* http://www.sun.com/
* The Original Code is NetBeans. The Initial Developer of the Original
* Code is Sun Microsystems, Inc. Portions Copyright 1997-2000 Sun
* Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
package org.netbeans.editor;
import java.lang.ref.WeakReference;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Enumeration;
import javax.swing.text.JTextComponent;
import javax.swing.event.ChangeListener;
import javax.swing.event.ChangeEvent;
* All the documents and components register here so that
* they become available to the processing that crosses
* different components and documents such as cross document
* position stack or word matching.
* @author Miloslav Metelka
* @version 1.00
public class Registry {
private static final WeakReference[] EMPTY = new WeakReference[0];
/** Array of weak references to documents */
private static WeakReference[] docRefs = EMPTY;
/** Number of the document references */
private static int docRefsCount;
/** Array of activated document numbers */
private static final ArrayList docAct = new ArrayList();
/** Array list of weak references to components */
private static WeakReference[] compRefs = EMPTY;
/** Number of the document references */
private static int compRefsCount;
/** Array of activated component numbers */
private static final ArrayList compAct = new ArrayList();
/** List of the registered changes listeners */
private static final WeakEventListenerList listenerList
= new WeakEventListenerList();
private static int consolidateCounter;
/** Add weak listener to listen to change of activity of documents or components.
* The caller must
* hold the listener object in some instance variable to prevent it
* from being garbage collected.
* @param l listener to add
public static void addChangeListener(ChangeListener l) {
listenerList.add(ChangeListener.class, l);
/** Remove listener for changes in activity. It's optional
* to remove the listener. It would be done automatically
* if the object holding the listener would be garbage collected.
* @param l listener to remove
public static void removeChangeListener(ChangeListener l) {
listenerList.remove(ChangeListener.class, l);
/** Get document ID from the document.
* @return document id or -1 if document was not yet added to the registry
* by addDocument()
public static synchronized int getID(BaseDocument doc) {
Integer i = getIDInteger(doc);
return (i != null) ? i.intValue() : -1;
/** Get component ID from the component.
* @return component id or -1 if component was not yet added to the registry
* by addComponent()
public static synchronized int getID(JTextComponent c) {
return getIDImpl(c);
/** Get document when its ID is known.
* It's rather cheap operation.
* @param docID document ID. It can be retrieved from the document
* by getID(doc)
* @return document instance or null when document no longer exists
public static synchronized BaseDocument getDocument(int docID) {
if (docID < 0 || docID >= docRefsCount) {
return null;
WeakReference wr = docRefs[docID];
return (wr != null) ? (BaseDocument)wr.get() : null;
/** Get component when its ID is known.
* It's rather cheap operation.
* @param compID component ID. It can be retrieved from the component
* by getID(c)
* @return component instance or null when document no longer exists
public static synchronized JTextComponent getComponent(int compID) {
if (compID < 0 || compID >= compRefsCount) {
return null;
WeakReference wr = compRefs[compID];
return (wr != null) ? (JTextComponent)wr.get() : null;
/** Add document to registry. Doesn't search for repetitive
* adding.
* @return registry unique ID of the document
public static synchronized int addDocument(BaseDocument doc) {
Integer docID = getIDInteger(doc);
if (docID != null) { // already added
return docID.intValue();
if (docRefsCount >= docRefs.length) {
docRefs = realloc(docRefs);
docRefs[docRefsCount] = new WeakReference(doc);
doc.putProperty(BaseDocument.ID_PROP, new Integer(docRefsCount));
return docRefsCount++;
/** Add component to registry. If the component is already registered
* it returns the existing} ID. The document that is currently assigned
* to the component is _not_ registered automatically.
* @return ID of the component
public static synchronized int addComponent(JTextComponent c) {
int compID = getIDImpl(c);
if (compID != -1) {
return compID; // already registered
if (compRefsCount >= compRefs.length) {
compRefs = realloc(compRefs);
compRefs[compRefsCount] = new WeakReference(c);
((BaseTextUI)c.getUI()).componentID = compRefsCount;
return compRefsCount++;
/** Remove component from registry. It's usually done when
* the UI of the component is being deinstalled.
* @return ID that the component had in the registry. The possible
* new ID will be different from this one. -1 will be returned
* if the component was not yet added to the registry.
public static synchronized int removeComponent(JTextComponent c) {
int compID = getIDImpl(c);
if (compID != -1) {
compRefs[compID] = null;
// Search whether was activated
for (int i = compAct.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
if (((Integer)compAct.get(i)).intValue() == compID) {
return compID;
/** Put the component to the first position in the array of last accessed
* components. The activate of document is also called automatically.
public static synchronized void activate(JTextComponent c) {
boolean activated = true;//false;
int compID = getIDImpl(c);
if (compID == -1) { // c not registered
int actSize = compAct.size();
int ind = 0;
while (ind < actSize) {
int id = ((Integer)compAct.get(ind)).intValue();
if (id == compID) { // found
if (ind == 0) {
compAct.add(0, compAct.remove(ind));
activated = true;
if (ind == actSize) {
compAct.add(0, new Integer(compID));
activated = true;
// Try to activate component's document too
Object doc = c.getDocument();
if (doc instanceof BaseDocument) {
if (doActivate((BaseDocument)doc)) {
activated = true;
if (activated) {
/** Put the document to the first position in the array of last accessed
* documents. The document must be registered otherwise nothing
* is done.
* @param doc document to be activated
public static synchronized void activate(BaseDocument doc) {
if (doActivate(doc)) {
public static synchronized BaseDocument getMostActiveDocument() {
return getValidDoc(0, true);
public static synchronized BaseDocument getLeastActiveDocument() {
int lastInd = docAct.size() - 1;
return getValidDoc(lastInd, false);
public static BaseDocument getLessActiveDocument(BaseDocument doc) {
return getLessActiveDocument(getID(doc));
public static synchronized BaseDocument getLessActiveDocument(int docID) {
return getNextActiveDoc(docID, true);
public static BaseDocument getMoreActiveDocument(BaseDocument doc) {
return getMoreActiveDocument(getID(doc));
public static synchronized BaseDocument getMoreActiveDocument(int docID) {
return getNextActiveDoc(docID, false);
/** Get the iterator over the active documents. It starts with
* the most active document till the least active document.
* It's just the current snapshot so the iterator will
* not reflect future changes.
public static synchronized Iterator getDocumentIterator() {
ArrayList docList = new ArrayList();
int actSize = docAct.size();
for (int i = 0; i < actSize; i++) {
int ind = ((Integer)docAct.get(i)).intValue();
WeakReference wr = docRefs[ind];
if (wr != null) {
Object doc = wr.get();
if (doc != null) {
return docList.iterator();
public static synchronized JTextComponent getMostActiveComponent() {
return getValidComp(0, true);
public static synchronized JTextComponent getLeastActiveComponent() {
int lastInd = compAct.size() - 1;
return getValidComp(lastInd, false);
public static JTextComponent getLessActiveComponent(JTextComponent c) {
return getLessActiveComponent(getID(c));
public static synchronized JTextComponent getLessActiveComponent(int compID) {
return getNextActiveComp(compID, true);
public static JTextComponent getMoreActiveComponent(JTextComponent c) {
return getMoreActiveComponent(getID(c));
public static synchronized JTextComponent getMoreActiveComponent(int compID) {
return getNextActiveComp(compID, false);
/** Get the iterator over the active components. It starts with
* the most active component till the least active component.
public static synchronized Iterator getComponentIterator() {
ArrayList compList = new ArrayList();
int actSize = compAct.size();
for (int i = 0; i < actSize; i++) {
int ind = ((Integer)compAct.get(i)).intValue();
WeakReference wr = compRefs[ind];
if (wr != null) {
Object comp = wr.get();
if (comp != null) {
return compList.iterator();
private static WeakReference[] realloc(WeakReference[] refs) {
WeakReference[] tmp = new WeakReference[refs.length * 2 + 4];
System.arraycopy(refs, 0, tmp, 0, refs.length);
return tmp;
private static void consolidate() {
while (++consolidateCounter >= 20) { // after every 20th call
consolidateCounter = 0;
// Remove empty document references
for (int i = docAct.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
int ind = ((Integer)docAct.get(i)).intValue();
WeakReference wr = docRefs[ind];
if (wr != null) {
if (wr.get() == null) { // empty reference
docRefs[ind] = null;
// Remove empty component references
for (int i = compAct.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
int ind = ((Integer)compAct.get(i)).intValue();
WeakReference wr = compRefs[ind];
if (wr != null) {
if (wr.get() == null) { // empty reference
compRefs[ind] = null;
private static int getIDImpl(JTextComponent c) {
if (c == null) {
return -1;
return ((BaseTextUI)c.getUI()).componentID;
private static Integer getIDInteger(BaseDocument doc) {
if (doc == null) {
return null;
return (Integer)doc.getProperty(BaseDocument.ID_PROP);
private static boolean doActivate(BaseDocument doc) {
Integer docIDInteger = getIDInteger(doc);
if (docIDInteger == null) {
return false; // document not added to registry
int docID = (docIDInteger != null) ? docIDInteger.intValue() : -1;
int size = docAct.size();
for (int ind = 0; ind < size; ind++) {
int id = ((Integer)docAct.get(ind)).intValue();
if (id == docID) {
if (ind == 0) { // no change
return false;
docAct.add(0, docAct.remove(ind));
return true;
docAct.add(0, docIDInteger);
return true;
private static BaseDocument getValidDoc(int ind, boolean forward) {
int actSize = docAct.size();
while (ind >= 0 && ind < actSize) {
int docID = ((Integer)docAct.get(ind)).intValue();
WeakReference wr = docRefs[docID];
BaseDocument doc = (wr != null) ? (BaseDocument)wr.get() : null;
if (doc != null) {
return doc;
ind += forward ? +1 : -1;
return null;
private static BaseDocument getNextActiveDoc(int docID, boolean forward) {
int actSize = docAct.size();
int ind = forward ? 0 : (actSize - 1);
while (ind >= 0 && ind < actSize) {
if (((Integer)docAct.get(ind)).intValue() == docID) {
ind += forward ? +1 : -1; // get next one
return getValidDoc(ind, forward);
ind += forward ? +1 : -1;
return null;
private static JTextComponent getValidComp(int ind, boolean forward) {
int actSize = compAct.size();
while (ind >= 0 && ind < actSize) {
int compID = ((Integer)compAct.get(ind)).intValue();
WeakReference wr = compRefs[compID];
JTextComponent c = (wr != null) ? (JTextComponent)wr.get() : null;
if (c != null) {
return c;
ind += forward ? +1 : -1;
return null;
private static JTextComponent getNextActiveComp(int compID, boolean forward) {
int actSize = compAct.size();
int ind = forward ? 0 : (actSize - 1);
while (ind >= 0 && ind < actSize) {
if (((Integer)compAct.get(ind)).intValue() == compID) {
ind += forward ? +1 : -1;
return getValidComp(ind, forward);
ind += forward ? +1 : -1;
return null;
private static void fireChange() {
ChangeListener[] listeners
= (ChangeListener[])listenerList.getListeners(ChangeListener.class);
ChangeEvent evt = new ChangeEvent(Registry.class);
for (int i = 0; i < listeners.length; i++) {
/** Debug the registry into string. */
public static synchronized String registryToString() {
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
sb.append("Document References:\n"); // NOI18N
for (int i = 0; i < docRefsCount; i++) {
WeakReference wr = docRefs[i];
sb.append("docRefs[" + i + "]=" + ((wr != null) ? wr.get() : "null") + "\n"); // NOI18N
sb.append("Component References:\n"); // NOI18N
for (int i = 0; i < compRefsCount; i++) {
WeakReference wr = (WeakReference)compRefs[i];
sb.append("compRefs[" + i + "]=" + ((wr != null) ? wr.get() : "null") + "\n"); // NOI18N
sb.append("\nActive Document Indexes:\n"); // NOI18N
for (int i = 0; i < docAct.size(); i++) {
if (i != docAct.size() - 1) {
sb.append(", "); // NOI18N
sb.append("\nActive Component Indexes:\n"); // NOI18N
for (int i = 0; i < compAct.size(); i++) {
if (i != compAct.size() - 1) {
sb.append(", "); // NOI18N
return sb.toString();
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