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/* Software Testing Automation Framework (STAF)                              */
/* (C) Copyright IBM Corp. 2001, 2005                                        */
/*                                                                           */
/* This software is licensed under the Eclipse Public License (EPL) V1.0.    */


// STAFUtil - This class provides STAF utility functions

public class STAFUtil
    public static String privacyDelimiter1 = "!!@";
    public static String privacyDelimiter2 = "@!!";
    public static String escapedPrivacyDelimiter1 = "^!!@";
    public static String escapedPrivacyDelimiter2 = "^@!!";
    public static String privacyDelimiterEscape = "^";

    // Multiplier to get the value in milliseconds for seconds, minutes, etc.
    public static int sMILLISECOND = 1;
    public static int sSECOND_IN_MS = 1000;
    public static int sMINUTE_IN_MS = 60000;
    public static int sHOUR_IN_MS = 3600000;
    public static int sDAY_IN_MS = 24 * 3600000;
    public static int sWEEK_IN_MS = 7 * 24 * 3600000;

    // Made the maximum 4294967294 because we use 4294967295 to indicate
    // an indefinite wait on 32-bit machine (in C++).  For example:
    //   STAF_EVENT_SEM_INDEFINITE_WAIT = (unsigned int)-1
    // and because the duration value is often passed on to a C++ function
    // such as STAFThreadManager::sleepCurrentThread(unsigned int milliseconds)
    public static long sMAX_MILLISECONDS = 4294967294L;
    public static int sMAX_SECONDS = 4294967;
    public static int sMAX_MINUTES = 71582;
    public static int sMAX_HOURS = 1193;
    public static int sMAX_DAYS = 49;
    public static int sMAX_WEEKS = 7;

    // Multiplier to get the value in bytes for kilobytes and megabytes
    public static int sBYTES = 1;
    public static int sBYTES_IN_KILOBYTES = 1024;
    public static int sBYTES_IN_MEGABYTES = 1048576;

    // Made the maximum 4294967294 because that's the maximum size of
    // UINT_MAX on 32-bit machines in C++ and because the size value is often
    // passed on to a C++ function
    public static long sMAX_BYTES = 4294967294L;
    public static int sMAX_KILOBYTES = 4194303;
    public static int sMAX_MEGABYTES = 4095;

    /* Description:                                                        */
    /*   This method returns length delimited representation of the string */
    /*   (aka the colon length colon format).                              */
    /*                                                                     */
    /* Input:  A string.   For example:  "Hi there"                        */
    /*                                                                     */
    /* Returns:                                                            */
    /*   String in the colon lengthh colon format.                         */
    /*                     For example:  ":8:Hi there"                     */
    public static String wrapData(String data)
        return ":" + data.length() + ":" + data;

    /* Description:                                                        */
    /*   This method returns the string without the colon length colon     */
    /*   prefix.                                                           */
    /*                                                                     */
    /* Input:  String which is in colon length colon format                */
    /*                    For example:  ":8:Hi there"                      */
    /*                                                                     */
    /* Returns:                                                            */
    /*   String without the colon length colon. For example: "Hi there"    */
    public static String unwrapData(String data)
        if (data != null)
            int colon1Pos = data.indexOf(":");

            if (colon1Pos == 0)
                int colon2Pos = data.indexOf(":", 1);

                if (colon2Pos > -1)
                        // Verify that an integer was specified between the two
                        // colons to make sure the value has a colonLengthColon
                        // format, and just doesn't happen to contain two colons

                        int length = (new Integer(
                            data.substring(1, colon2Pos))).intValue();

                        String newValue = data.substring(colon2Pos + 1);

                        if (length == newValue.length())
                            return newValue;
                    catch (NumberFormatException e)
                        // Not a CLC format

        return data;

    /* Description:                                                        */
    /*   This method returns the endpoint without the port (strips @nnnn   */
    /*   from the end of the endpoint                                      */
    /*                                                                     */
    /* Input:  Endpoint   ://[@]       */
    /*                    For example:  tcp://     */
    /*                                                                     */
    /* Returns:                                                            */
    /*   Endpoint without the port. For example: tcp:// */
    public static String stripPortFromEndpoint(String endpoint)
        // Strip the port from the endpoint, if present.

        String endpointNoPort = endpoint;
        int portIndex = endpoint.lastIndexOf("@");

        if (portIndex != -1)
            // If the characters following the "@" are numeric, then assume
            // it's a valid port and strip the @ and the port number from
            // the endpoint.

                int port = new Integer(endpoint.substring(portIndex + 1)).
                endpointNoPort = endpoint.substring(0, portIndex);
            catch (NumberFormatException e)
                // Do nothing - Not valid port so don't remove from endpoint

        return endpointNoPort;
    /* Description:                                                        */
    /*   This method validates that the requesting machine has the         */
    /*   required trust to submit a service request.                       */
    /*                                                                     */
    /* Input:  Required trust level                                        */
    /*         Service name                                                */
    /*         Request string (submitted to the service)                   */
    /*         Name of the service machine (it's machine identifier) which */
    /*           is used in the error message if has insufficient trust    */
    /*         Request information                                         */
    /*                                                                     */
    /* Returns:                                                            */
    /*   STAFResult.rc = the return code (STAFResult.Ok if successful)     */
    /*   STAFResult.result = blank if successful                           */
    /*                       a detailed error message if not successful    */
    /*                                                                     */
    /* Note:  Each time a new service interface level is added, must add   */
    /*        another validateTrust method overloaded to support the new   */
    /*        service interface level.                                     */
    public static STAFResult validateTrust(
        int requiredTrustLevel, String service, String request,
        String localMachine, STAFServiceInterfaceLevel30.RequestInfo info)
        if (info.trustLevel < requiredTrustLevel)
            // Strip the port from the machine's endpoint, if present.

            String endpoint = stripPortFromEndpoint(info.endpoint);

            return new STAFResult(
                "Trust level " + requiredTrustLevel + " required for the " +
                service + " service's " + request + " request\n" +
                "Requester has trust level " + info.trustLevel +
                " on machine " + localMachine + "\nRequesting machine: " +
                 endpoint + " (" + info.physicalInterfaceID + ")" +
                "\nRequesting user   : " + info.user);
        return new STAFResult(STAFResult.Ok);

    /* Description:                                                        */
    /*   This method verifies that the timeout duration is valid and       */
    /*   returns the timeout duration converted to milliseconds.           */
    /*                                                                     */
    /* Input:  String which contains a timeout duration in the format      */
    /*         [s|m|h|d|w]                                         */
    /*         For example:  "100", "1s", "5m", "1h", "1d", "1w"           */
    /*                                                                     */
    /* Returns:                                                            */
    /*   STAFResult.rc = the return code (STAFResult.Ok if successful)     */
    /*   STAFResult.result = the converted duration in milliseconds        */
    /*                       if successful                                 */
    /*                       an error message if not successful            */
    public static STAFResult convertDurationString(String durationString)
        int rc = STAFResult.Ok;
        String durationStr = durationString;
        long duration = 0;

        // Asume duration is specified in milliseconds if numeric
        int multiplier = 1;

        if ((durationStr == null) || (durationStr.length() == 0))
            rc = STAFResult.InvalidValue;
            // Check if the duration string is not all digits

                duration = (new Long(durationStr)).longValue();
            catch (NumberFormatException e)
                // Get duration type (last character of duration string)

                String durationType = durationStr.substring(
                    durationStr.length() - 1).toLowerCase();

                if (durationType.equals("s"))
                    multiplier = sSECOND_IN_MS;
                else if (durationType.equals("m"))
                    multiplier = sMINUTE_IN_MS;
                else if (durationType.equals("h"))
                    multiplier = sHOUR_IN_MS;
                else if (durationType.equals("d"))
                    multiplier = sDAY_IN_MS;
                else if (durationType.equals("w"))
                    multiplier = sWEEK_IN_MS;
                    rc = STAFResult.InvalidValue;

                if (rc == STAFResult.Ok)
                    // Assign numeric duration value (all characters
                    // except the last one)
                    durationStr = durationString.substring(
                        0, durationString.length() - 1);
                        duration = (new Long(durationStr)).longValue();
                    catch (NumberFormatException e2)
                        rc = STAFResult.InvalidValue;
        if (rc != STAFResult.Ok)
            return new STAFResult(
                "This value may be expressed in milliseconds, seconds, " +
                "minutes, hours, days, or weeks.  Its format is " +
                "[s|m|h|d|w] where  is an integer >= 0 and " +
                "indicates milliseconds unless one of the following " +
                "case-insensitive suffixes is specified:  s (for seconds), " +
                "m (for minutes), h (for hours), d (for days), or " +
                "w (for weeks).  The calculated value cannot exceed " +
                "4294967294 milliseconds.\n\nExamples: \n" +
                "  100 specifies 100 milliseconds, \n" +
                "  10s specifies 10 seconds, \n" +
                "  5m specifies 5 minutes, \n" +
                "  2h specifies 2 hours, \n" +
                "  1d specifies 1 day, \n" +
                "  1w specifies 1 week.");

        // Because the maximum duration in milliseconds cannot exceed
        // 4294967294:
        // - Duration specified in seconds cannot exceed 4294967 seconds
        // - Duration specified in minutes cannot exceed 71582 minutes
        // - Duration specified in hours cannot exceed 1193 hours
        // - Duration specified in days cannot exceed 49 days
        // - Duration specified in weeks cannot exceed 7 weeks

        // Note: The maximum is 4294967294 because we use 4294967295 to
        // indicate an indefinite wait on 32-bit machine (in C++).
        // For example:  STAF_EVENT_SEM_INDEFINITE_WAIT = (unsigned int)-1
        // Alsso, because the duration value is often passed on to a C++
        // function such as:
        //   STAFThreadManager::sleepCurrentThread(unsigned int milliseconds)

        if (((multiplier == sMILLISECOND) && (duration > sMAX_MILLISECONDS)) ||
            ((multiplier == sSECOND_IN_MS) && (duration > sMAX_SECONDS)) ||
            ((multiplier == sMINUTE_IN_MS) && (duration > sMAX_MINUTES)) ||
            ((multiplier == sHOUR_IN_MS) && (duration > sMAX_HOURS)) ||
            ((multiplier == sDAY_IN_MS) && (duration > sMAX_DAYS)) ||
            ((multiplier == sWEEK_IN_MS) && (duration > sMAX_WEEKS)))
            rc = STAFResult.InvalidValue;

        if (rc == STAFResult.Ok)
            duration *= multiplier;

            return new STAFResult(
                STAFResult.Ok, (new Long(duration)).toString());
        String errorMsg = "";

        if (multiplier == sMILLISECOND)
            errorMsg = "Cannot exceed " + sMAX_MILLISECONDS + " milliseconds.";
        else if (multiplier == sSECOND_IN_MS)
            errorMsg = "Cannot exceed " + sMAX_SECONDS + " seconds.";
        else if (multiplier == sMINUTE_IN_MS)
            errorMsg = "Cannot exceed " + sMAX_MINUTES + " minutes.";
        else if (multiplier == sHOUR_IN_MS)
            errorMsg = "Cannot exceed " + sMAX_HOURS + " hours.";
        else if (multiplier == sDAY_IN_MS)
            errorMsg = "Cannot exceed " + sMAX_DAYS + " days.";
        else if (multiplier == sWEEK_IN_MS)
            errorMsg = "Cannot exceed " + sMAX_WEEKS + " weeks.";
        return new STAFResult(rc, errorMsg);

    /* Description:                                                        */
    /*   This method verifies that the size is valid and returns the size  */
    /*   of a file converted to bytes.                                     */
    /*                                                                     */
    /* Input:  String which contains a size in the format [k|m]    */
    /*         For example:  "100000", "500k", "5m"                        */
    /*                                                                     */
    /* Returns:                                                            */
    /*   STAFResult.rc = the return code (STAFResult.Ok if successful)     */
    /*   STAFResult.result = the converted size in bytes if successful     */
    /*                       an error message if not successful            */
    public static STAFResult convertSizeString(String sizeString)
        int rc = STAFResult.Ok;
        String sizeStr = sizeString;
        long size = 0;

        // Asume size is specified in bytes if numeric
        int multiplier = sBYTES;

        if ((sizeStr == null) || (sizeStr.length() == 0))
            rc = STAFResult.InvalidValue;
            // Check if the size string is not all digits

                size = (new Long(sizeStr)).longValue();
            catch (NumberFormatException e)
                // Get size type (last character of size string)

                String sizeType = sizeStr.substring(
                    sizeStr.length() - 1).toLowerCase();

                if (sizeType.equals("k"))
                    multiplier = sBYTES_IN_KILOBYTES;
                else if (sizeType.equals("m"))
                    multiplier = sBYTES_IN_MEGABYTES;
                    rc = STAFResult.InvalidValue;

                if (rc == STAFResult.Ok)
                    // Assign numeric size value (all characters
                    // except the last one)
                    sizeStr = sizeString.substring(
                        0, sizeString.length() - 1);
                        size = (new Long(sizeStr)).longValue();
                    catch (NumberFormatException e2)
                        rc = STAFResult.InvalidValue;
        if (rc != STAFResult.Ok)
            return new STAFResult(
                "This value may be expressed in bytes, kilobytes, or " +
                "megabytes.  Its format is " +
                "[k|m] where  is an integer >= 0 and " +
                "indicates bytes unless one of the following " +
                "case-insensitive suffixes is specified:  " +
                "k (for kilobytes) or m (for megabytes).  " +
                "The calculated value cannot exceed 4294967294 bytes.\n\n" +
                "Examples: \n" +
                "  100000 specifies 100,000 bytes, \n" +
                "  500k specifies 500 kilobytes (or 512,000 bytes), \n" +
                "  5m specifies 5 megabytes (or 5,242,880 bytes), \n" +
                "  0 specifies no maximum size limit");

        // Because the maximum size in bytes cannot exceed 4294967294:
        // - Size specified in kilobytes cannot exceed 4294967 seconds
        // - Size specified in megabytes cannot exceed 71582 minutes

        if (((multiplier == sBYTES) && (size > sMAX_BYTES)) ||
            ((multiplier == sBYTES_IN_KILOBYTES) && (size > sMAX_KILOBYTES)) ||
            ((multiplier == sBYTES_IN_MEGABYTES) && (size > sMAX_MEGABYTES)))
            rc = STAFResult.InvalidValue;

        if (rc == STAFResult.Ok)
            size *= multiplier;

            return new STAFResult(
                STAFResult.Ok, (new Long(size)).toString());
        String errorMsg = "";

        if (multiplier == sBYTES)
            errorMsg = "Cannot exceed " + sMAX_BYTES + " bytes.";
        else if (multiplier == sBYTES_IN_KILOBYTES)
            errorMsg = "Cannot exceed " + sMAX_KILOBYTES + " kilobytes.";
        else if (multiplier == sBYTES_IN_MEGABYTES)
            errorMsg = "Cannot exceed " + sMAX_MEGABYTES + " megabytes.";
        return new STAFResult(rc, errorMsg);

    /* Description:                                                        */
    /*   This method resolves any STAF variables that are contained within */
    /*   the string passed in by submitting a                              */
    /*       RESOLVE REQUEST  STRING                      */
    /*   request to the VAR service on the local system.                   */
    /*   The variables will be resolved using the originating handle's pool*/
    /*   associated with the specified request number, the local system's  */
    /*   shared pool, and the local system's system pool.                  */
    /*                                                                     */
    /* Input:  String that may contain STAF variables to be resolved       */
    /*         STAF handle                                                 */
    /*         Request number                                              */
    /*                                                                     */
    /* Returns:                                                            */
    /*   STAFResult.rc = the return code (STAFResult.Ok if successful)     */
    /*   STAFResult.result = the resolved value if successful              */
    /*                       an error message if not successful            */
    public static STAFResult resolveRequestVar(
        String value, STAFHandle handle, int requestNumber)
        if (value.indexOf("{") != -1)
            // The string may contains STAF variables
            STAFResult resolvedResult = handle.submit2(
                "local", "VAR", "RESOLVE REQUEST " + requestNumber +
                " STRING " + STAFUtil.wrapData(value));

            return resolvedResult;

        return new STAFResult(STAFResult.Ok, value);
    /* Description:                                                        */
    /*   This method resolves any STAF variables that are contained within */
    /*   the string passed in by submitting a                              */
    /*       RESOLVE REQUEST  STRING                      */
    /*   request to the VAR service on the local system.                   */
    /*   The variables will be resolved using the originating handle's pool*/
    /*   associated with the specified request number, the local system's  */
    /*   shared pool, and the local system's system pool.                  */
    /*   Then it checks if the resolved value is an integer and returns an */
    /*   error if it's not an integer.                                     */
    /*                                                                     */
    /* Input:  Option name whose value is being resolved                   */
    /*         Value that may contain STAF variables to be resolved        */
    /*         STAF handle                                                 */
    /*         Request number                                              */
    /*                                                                     */
    /* Returns:                                                            */
    /*   STAFResult.rc = the return code (STAFResult.Ok if successful)     */
    /*   STAFResult.result = the resolved option value if successful       */
    /*                       an error message if not successful            */
    public static STAFResult resolveRequestVarAndCheckInt(
        String option, String value, STAFHandle handle, int requestNumber)
        STAFResult resolvedValue = resolveRequestVar(
            value, handle, requestNumber);

        if (resolvedValue.rc != STAFResult.Ok) return resolvedValue;

        catch (NumberFormatException e)
            return new STAFResult(
                STAFResult.InvalidValue, option +
                " value must be an Integer.  " +
                option + "=" + resolvedValue.result);

        return resolvedValue;

    /* Description:                                                        */
    /*   This method resolves any STAF variables that are contained within */
    /*   the string passed in by submitting a                              */
    /*       RESOLVE REQUEST  STRING                      */
    /*   request to the VAR service on the local system.                   */
    /*   The variables will be resolved using the originating handle's pool*/
    /*   associated with the specified request number, the local system's  */
    /*   shared pool, and the local system's system pool.                  */
    /*   Then it checks if the resolved value is a valid timeout duration. */
    /*   If valid, it converts the duration into milliseconds.             */
    /*   If not a valid timeout duration, returns an error.                */
    /*                                                                     */
    /* Input:  Option name whose value is being resolved                   */
    /*         Value that may contain STAF variables to be resolved        */
    /*         STAF handle                                                 */
    /*         Request number                                              */
    /*                                                                     */
    /* Returns:                                                            */
    /*   STAFResult.rc = the return code (STAFResult.Ok if successful)     */
    /*   STAFResult.result = the resolved and converted timeout duration   */
    /*                       in milliseconds if successful,                */
    /*                       or an error message if not successful         */
    public static STAFResult resolveRequestVarAndConvertDuration(
        String option, String value, STAFHandle handle, int requestNumber)
        STAFResult resolvedValue = resolveRequestVar(
            value, handle, requestNumber);

        if (resolvedValue.rc != STAFResult.Ok) return resolvedValue;

        STAFResult result = convertDurationString(resolvedValue.result);
        if (result.rc != STAFResult.Ok)
            result.result = "Invalid value for the " + option + " option: " +
                resolvedValue.result + " \n\n" + result.result;

        return result;
    /* Description:                                                        */
    /*   This method resolves any STAF variables that are contained within */
    /*   the string passed in by submitting a                              */
    /*       RESOLVE REQUEST  STRING                      */
    /*   request to the VAR service on the local system.                   */
    /*   The variables will be resolved using the originating handle's pool*/
    /*   associated with the specified request number, the local system's  */
    /*   shared pool, and the local system's system pool.                  */
    /*   Then it checks if the resolved value is a valid size.             */
    /*   If valid, it converts the size into bytes.                        */
    /*   If not a valid size, returns an error.                            */
    /*                                                                     */
    /* Input:  Option name whose value is being resolved                   */
    /*         Value that may contain STAF variables to be resolved        */
    /*         STAF handle                                                 */
    /*         Request number                                              */
    /*                                                                     */
    /* Returns:                                                            */
    /*   STAFResult.rc = the return code (STAFResult.Ok if successful)     */
    /*   STAFResult.result = the resolved and converted size in bytes      */
    /*                       if successful,                                */
    /*                       or an error message if not successful         */
    public static STAFResult resolveRequestVarAndConvertSize(
        String option, String value, STAFHandle handle, int requestNumber)
        STAFResult resolvedValue = resolveRequestVar(
            value, handle, requestNumber);

        if (resolvedValue.rc != STAFResult.Ok) return resolvedValue;

        STAFResult result = convertSizeString(resolvedValue.result);
        if (result.rc != STAFResult.Ok)
            result.result = "Invalid value for the " + option + " option: " +
                resolvedValue.result + " \n\n" + result.result;

        return result;

    /* Description:                                                        */
    /*   This method resolves any STAF variables that are contained within */
    /*   the string passed in by submitting a                              */
    /*       RESOLVE STRING                                         */
    /* request to the VAR service on the local system.                     */
    /*                                                                     */
    /* Input:  String that may contain STAF variables to be resolved       */
    /*         STAF handle                                                 */
    /*                                                                     */
    /* Returns:                                                            */
    /*   STAFResult.rc = the return code (STAFResult.Ok if successful)     */
    /*   STAFResult.result = the resolved string if successful             */
    /*                       an error message if not successful            */
    public static STAFResult resolveInitVar(String value, STAFHandle handle)
        if (value.indexOf("{") != -1)
            // The string may contains STAF variables

            STAFResult resolvedResult = handle.submit2(
                "local", "VAR", "RESOLVE STRING " + STAFUtil.wrapData(value));

            return resolvedResult;

        return new STAFResult(STAFResult.Ok, value);

    /* Description:                                                        */
    /*   This method resolves any STAF variables that are contained within */
    /*   the string passed in by submitting a                              */
    /*       RESOLVE STRING                                         */
    /*   request to the VAR service on the local system.                   */
    /*   Then it checks if the resolved value is an integer and returns an */
    /*   error if it's not an integer.                                     */
    /*                                                                     */
    /* Input:  Option name whose value is being resolved                   */
    /*         Value for the option that may contain STAF variables        */
    /*         STAF handle                                                 */
    /*                                                                     */
    /* Returns:                                                            */
    /*   STAFResult.rc = the return code (STAFResult.Ok if successful)     */
    /*   STAFResult.result = the resolved option value if successful       */
    /*                       an error message if not successful            */
    public static STAFResult resolveInitVarAndCheckInt(
        String option, String value, STAFHandle handle)
        STAFResult resolvedValue = resolveInitVar(value, handle);

        if (resolvedValue.rc != STAFResult.Ok) return resolvedValue;

        catch (NumberFormatException e)
            return new STAFResult(
                STAFResult.InvalidValue, option + " value must be numeric.  " +
                option + "=" + resolvedValue.result);

        return resolvedValue;

    /* Description:                                                        */
    /*   This method gets the version of STAF (or of a STAF service)       */
    /*   running on a specified machine by submitting a VERSION request to */
    /*   either the MISC service (to get the version of STAF) or to another*/
    /*   STAF service on the specified machine.  Then it checks if the     */
    /*   version meets the minimum required version specified by the       */
    /*   minRequiredVersion argument.  If the version is at or above the   */
    /*   required version, STAFResult.Ok is returned in the rc and the     */
    /*   version running on the specified machine is returned in the       */
    /*   result.  If the version is lower than the mininum required        */
    /*   version, STAFResult.InvalidSTAFVersion is returned in the rc with */
    /*   an error message returned in the result.  If another error occurs */
    /*   (e.g. RC 16 if the machine is not currently running STAF, etc.),  */
    /*   that error will be returned.                                      */
    /*                                                                     */
    /* Input:  1) machine: endpoint of the machine whose STAF or STAF      */
    /*            service version is to be compared                        */
    /*         2) handle: STAF handle to use to submit the request         */
    /*         3) minRequiredVersion:  The minimum required version.       */
    /*            The version must have the following format unless it's   */
    /*            blank or "", which equates to "no version" and is   */
    /*            internally represented as                        */
    /*                                                                     */
    /*              a[.b[.c[.d]]] [text]                                   */
    /*                                                                     */
    /*            where:                                                   */
    /*            - a, b, c, and d (if specified) are numeric              */
    /*            - text is separated by one or more spaces from the       */
    /*              version numbers                                        */
    /*                                                                     */
    /*           Versions are compared as follows:                         */
    /*           a) The numeric versions (a[.b[.c[.d]]]) are numerically   */
    /*              compared.                                              */
    /*           b) If the numeric versions are "equal", then the [text]   */
    /*              values are compared using a case-insensitive string    */
    /*              compare.  Except, note that no text is considered      */
    /*              GREATER than any text (e.g."3.1.0" > "3.1.0 Beta 1").  */
    /*                                                                     */
    /*           Examples:                                                 */
    /*             "3" = "3.0" = "3.0.0" = ""                       */
    /*             "3.0.0" < "3.1.0"                                       */
    /*             "3.0.2" < "3.0.3"                                       */
    /*             "3.0.0" < "3.1"                                         */
    /*             "3.0.9" < "3.0.10"                                      */
    /*             "3.1.0 Beta 1" < "3.1.0"                                */
    /*             "3.1.0 Alpha 1" < "3.1.0 Beta 1"                        */
    /*                                                                     */
    /*         4) service: Name of the service for which you want the      */
    /*            version of.  Optional.  Defaults to "MISC" which means   */
    /*            that you want to compare the version of STAF running on  */
    /*            the machine. Or, you can specify the name of a STAF      */
    /*            service (such as STAX, Event, Cron, etc.) that implements*/
    /*            a VERSION request and follows the STAF version format    */
    /*            requirements.                                            */
    /*                                                                     */
    /* Returns:                                                            */
    /*   STAFResult.rc = the return code (STAFResult.Ok if successful)     */
    /*   STAFResult.result = the resolved option value if successful       */
    /*                       an error message if not successful            */
    public static STAFResult compareSTAFVersion(
        String machine, STAFHandle handle, String minRequiredVersion)
        // The default is to check the version of STAF running (which is
        // done by submitting a VERSION request to the MISC service)
        return compareSTAFVersion(
            machine, handle, minRequiredVersion, "MISC");

    public static STAFResult compareSTAFVersion(
        String machine, STAFHandle handle, String minRequiredVersion,
        String service)
        STAFResult res = handle.submit2(
            machine, service, "VERSION");

        if (res.rc != STAFResult.Ok)
            return new STAFResult(
                "Request VERSION submitted to the " + service +
                " service on machine " + machine + " failed." +
                "  Additional info: " + res.result);
            STAFVersion version;
            STAFVersion minReqVersion;

                version = new STAFVersion(res.result);
            catch (NumberFormatException e)
                // Should never happen
                return new STAFResult(
                    "Invalid value specified for the version: " +
                    res.result + ", Exception info: " + e.toString());

                minReqVersion = new STAFVersion(minRequiredVersion);
            catch (NumberFormatException e)
                return new STAFResult(
                    "Invalid value specified for the minimum required " +
                    "version: " + minRequiredVersion +
                    ", Exception info: " + e.toString());

            if (version.compareTo(minReqVersion) < 0)
                String servMsg = service + " service";

                if (service.equalsIgnoreCase("MISC"))
                    servMsg = "STAF";

                return new STAFResult(
                    "Machine " + machine + " is running " + servMsg +
                    " Version " + version + ".  Version " +
                    minRequiredVersion + " or later is required.");
                return new STAFResult(STAFResult.Ok, version.toString());
    /* Description:                                                        */
    /*   This method returns the data with a privacy delimiters            */
    /*                                                                     */
    /* Input:  A string.   For example:  "secret"                          */
    /*                                                                     */
    /* Returns:                                                            */
    /*   String with privacy delimiters added.                             */
    /*                     For example:  "!!@secret@!!"                    */
    public static String addPrivacyDelimiters(String data)
        return STAFUtilAddPrivacyDelimiters(data);
    /* Description:                                                        */
    /*   This method removes any privacy delimiters from the data          */
    /*                                                                     */
    /* Input:  A string.   For example:  "!!@secret@!!"                    */
    /*                                                                     */
    /*         An integer containing the number of levels of privacy data  */
    /*         to remove (optional).  The default is 0 which indicates to  */
    /*         remove all levels of privacy data.                          */
    /* Returns:                                                            */
    /*   String with privacy delimiters removed.                           */
    /*                     For example:  "secret"                          */
    public static String removePrivacyDelimiters(String data)
        return STAFUtil.removePrivacyDelimiters(data, 0);
    public static String removePrivacyDelimiters(String data, int numLevels)
        return STAFUtilRemovePrivacyDelimiters(data, numLevels);
    /* Description:                                                        */
    /*   This method masks any private data indicated by the privacy       */
    /*   delimiters by replacing the private data with asterisks.          */
    /*                                                                     */
    /* Input:  A string.   For example:  "!!@secret@!!"                    */
    /*                                                                     */
    /* Returns:                                                            */
    /*   String with privacy prefixes removed.                             */
    /*                     For example:  "************"                    */
    public static String maskPrivateData(String data)
        return STAFUtilMaskPrivateData(data);
    /* Description:                                                        */
    /*   This method escapes all privacy delimiters found in the data and  */
    /*   returns the updated data.                                         */
    /*                                                                     */
    /* Input:  A string.   For example:  "!!@secret@!!"                    */
    /*                                                                     */
    /* Returns:                                                            */
    /*         A string with all privacy delimiters escaped.               */
    /*         For example:  "^!!@secret^@!!"                              */
    public static String escapePrivacyDelimiters(String data)
        return STAFUtilEscapePrivacyDelimiters(data);

    /* All the native stuff */

    private static native void initialize();
    private static native String STAFUtilAddPrivacyDelimiters(String data);
    private static native String STAFUtilRemovePrivacyDelimiters(
        String data, int numLevels);
    private static native String STAFUtilMaskPrivateData(String data);
    private static native String STAFUtilEscapePrivacyDelimiters(String data);

    // Static initializer - called first time class is loaded.
        if ((System.getProperty("").toLowerCase().indexOf("aix") == 0) ||
           (System.getProperty("").toLowerCase().indexOf("linux") == 0) ||
           ((System.getProperty("").toLowerCase().indexOf("sunos") == 0)
             && (System.getProperty("os.arch").equals("sparc"))))


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