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// Copyright (c) 2001-2006, Eric D. Friedman All Rights Reserved.
// Copyright (c) 2009, Rob Eden All Rights Reserved.
// Copyright (c) 2009, Jeff Randall All Rights Reserved.
// This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
// modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
// License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
// version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
// License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
import gnu.trove.TIntCollection;
import gnu.trove.function.TIntFunction;
import gnu.trove.iterator.TIntIterator;
import gnu.trove.iterator.TObjectIntIterator;
import gnu.trove.list.TIntList;
import gnu.trove.list.array.TIntArrayList;
import gnu.trove.procedure.TIntProcedure;
import gnu.trove.procedure.TObjectIntProcedure;
import gnu.trove.procedure.TObjectProcedure;
import junit.framework.TestCase;
import java.util.*;
public class TObjectPrimitiveHashMapTest extends TestCase {
public TObjectPrimitiveHashMapTest( String name ) {
super( name );
public void testConstructors() {
int element_count = 20;
String[] keys = new String[element_count];
int[] vals = new int[element_count];
TObjectIntMap map = new TObjectIntHashMap();
for ( int i = 0; i < element_count; i++ ) {
keys[i] = Integer.toString( i + 1 );
vals[i] = i + 1;
map.put( keys[i], vals[i] );
TObjectIntHashMap capacity =
new TObjectIntHashMap( 20 );
for ( int i = 0; i < element_count; i++ ) {
capacity.put( keys[i], vals[i] );
assertEquals( map, capacity );
TObjectIntHashMap cap_and_factor =
new TObjectIntHashMap( 20, 0.75f );
for ( int i = 0; i < element_count; i++ ) {
cap_and_factor.put( keys[i], vals[i] );
assertEquals( map, cap_and_factor );
TObjectIntHashMap fully_specified =
new TObjectIntHashMap( 20, 0.75f, Integer.MIN_VALUE );
for ( int i = 0; i < element_count; i++ ) {
fully_specified.put( keys[i], vals[i] );
assertEquals( map, fully_specified );
TObjectIntHashMap copy =
new TObjectIntHashMap( fully_specified );
assertEquals( map, copy );
public void testContainsKey() {
int element_count = 20;
String[] keys = new String[element_count];
int[] vals = new int[element_count];
TObjectIntMap map = new TObjectIntHashMap();
for ( int i = 0; i < element_count; i++ ) {
keys[i] = Integer.toString( i + 1 );
vals[i] = i + 1;
map.put( keys[i], vals[i] );
for ( int i = 0; i < element_count; i++ ) {
assertTrue( "Key should be present: " + keys[i] + ", map: " + map,
map.containsKey( keys[i] ) );
String key = "1138";
assertFalse( "Key should not be present: " + key + ", map: " + map,
map.containsKey( key ) );
assertFalse( "Random object should not be present in map: " + map,
map.containsKey( new Object() ) );
public void testContainsValue() {
int element_count = 20;
String[] keys = new String[element_count];
int[] vals = new int[element_count];
TObjectIntMap map = new TObjectIntHashMap();
for ( int i = 0; i < element_count; i++ ) {
keys[i] = Integer.toString( i + 1 );
vals[i] = i + 1;
map.put( keys[i], vals[i] );
for ( int i = 0; i < element_count; i++ ) {
assertTrue( "Value should be present: " + vals[i] + ", map: " + map,
map.containsValue( vals[i] ) );
int val = 1138;
assertFalse( "Key should not be present: " + val + ", map: " + map,
map.containsValue( val ) );
public void testPutIfAbsent() {
TObjectIntHashMap map = new TObjectIntHashMap();
map.put( "One", 1 );
map.put( "Two", 2 );
map.put( "Three", 3 );
assertEquals( 1, map.putIfAbsent( "One", 2 ) );
assertEquals( 1, map.get( "One" ) );
assertEquals( 0, map.putIfAbsent( "Nine", 9 ) );
assertEquals( 9, map.get( "Nine" ) );
public void testRemove() {
int element_count = 20;
String[] keys = new String[element_count];
int[] vals = new int[element_count];
TObjectIntMap map = new TObjectIntHashMap();
for ( int i = 0; i < element_count; i++ ) {
keys[i] = Integer.toString( i + 1 );
vals[i] = i + 1;
map.put( keys[i], vals[i] );
for ( int i = 0; i < element_count; i++ ) {
if ( i % 2 == 1 ) {
assertEquals( "Remove should have modified map: " + keys[i] + ", map: " + map,
vals[i], map.remove( keys[i] ) );
for ( int i = 0; i < element_count; i++ ) {
if ( i % 2 == 1 ) {
assertTrue( "Removed key still in map: " + keys[i] + ", map: " + map,
map.get( keys[i] ) == map.getNoEntryValue() );
} else {
assertTrue( "Key should still be in map: " + keys[i] + ", map: " + map,
map.get( keys[i] ) == vals[i] );
public void testPutAllMap() {
int element_count = 20;
String[] keys = new String[element_count];
int[] vals = new int[element_count];
TObjectIntMap control = new TObjectIntHashMap();
for ( int i = 0; i < element_count; i++ ) {
keys[i] = Integer.toString( i + 1 );
vals[i] = i + 1;
control.put( keys[i], vals[i] );
TObjectIntMap map = new TObjectIntHashMap();
Map source = new HashMap();
for ( int i = 0; i < element_count; i++ ) {
source.put( keys[i], vals[i] );
map.putAll( source );
assertEquals( control, map );
public void testPutAll() throws Exception {
TObjectIntHashMap t = new TObjectIntHashMap();
TObjectIntHashMap m = new TObjectIntHashMap();
m.put( "one", 2 );
m.put( "two", 4 );
m.put( "three", 6 );
t.put( "four", 5 );
assertEquals( 1, t.size() );
t.putAll( m );
assertEquals( 4, t.size() );
assertEquals( 4, t.get( "two" ) );
public void testClear() {
int element_count = 20;
String[] keys = new String[element_count];
int[] vals = new int[element_count];
TObjectIntMap map = new TObjectIntHashMap();
for ( int i = 0; i < element_count; i++ ) {
keys[i] = Integer.toString( i + 1 );
vals[i] = i + 1;
map.put( keys[i], vals[i] );
assertEquals( element_count, map.size() );
assertTrue( map.isEmpty() );
assertEquals( 0, map.size() );
assertEquals( map.getNoEntryValue(), map.get( keys[5] ) );
public void testKeySet() {
int element_count = 20;
String[] keys = new String[element_count];
int[] vals = new int[element_count];
TObjectIntMap map = new TObjectIntHashMap();
for ( int i = 0; i < element_count; i++ ) {
keys[i] = Integer.toString( i + 1 );
vals[i] = i + 1;
map.put( keys[i], vals[i] );
assertEquals( element_count, map.size() );
Set keyset = map.keySet();
for ( int i = 0; i < keyset.size(); i++ ) {
assertTrue( keyset.contains( keys[i] ) );
assertFalse( keyset.isEmpty() );
Object[] keys_obj_array = keyset.toArray();
int count = 0;
Iterator iter = keyset.iterator();
while ( iter.hasNext() ) {
String key =;
assertTrue( keyset.contains( key ) );
assertEquals( keys_obj_array[count], key );
String[] keys_array = keyset.toArray( new String[0] );
count = 0;
iter = keyset.iterator();
while ( iter.hasNext() ) {
String key =;
assertTrue( keyset.contains( key ) );
assertEquals( keys_array[count], key );
keys_array = keyset.toArray( new String[keyset.size()] );
count = 0;
iter = keyset.iterator();
while ( iter.hasNext() ) {
String key =;
assertTrue( keyset.contains( key ) );
assertEquals( keys_array[count], key );
keys_array = keyset.toArray( new String[keyset.size() * 2] );
count = 0;
iter = keyset.iterator();
while ( iter.hasNext() ) {
String key =;
assertTrue( keyset.contains( key ) );
assertEquals( keys_array[count], key );
assertNull( keys_array[keyset.size()] );
Set other = new HashSet( keyset );
assertFalse( keyset.retainAll( other ) );
other.remove( keys[5] );
assertTrue( keyset.retainAll( other ) );
assertFalse( keyset.contains( keys[5] ) );
assertFalse( map.containsKey( keys[5] ) );
assertTrue( keyset.isEmpty() );
public void testKeySetAdds() {
int element_count = 20;
String[] keys = new String[element_count];
int[] vals = new int[element_count];
TObjectIntMap map = new TObjectIntHashMap();
for ( int i = 0; i < element_count; i++ ) {
keys[i] = Integer.toString( i + 1 );
vals[i] = i + 1;
map.put( keys[i], vals[i] );
assertEquals( element_count, map.size() );
Set keyset = map.keySet();
for ( int i = 0; i < keyset.size(); i++ ) {
assertTrue( keyset.contains( keys[i] ) );
assertFalse( keyset.isEmpty() );
try {
keyset.add( "explosions!" );
fail( "Expected UnsupportedOperationException" );
catch ( UnsupportedOperationException ex ) {
// Expected
try {
Set test = new HashSet();
test.add( "explosions!" );
keyset.addAll( test );
fail( "Expected UnsupportedOperationException" );
catch ( UnsupportedOperationException ex ) {
// Expected
public void testKeys() {
int element_count = 20;
String[] keys = new String[element_count];
int[] vals = new int[element_count];
TObjectIntMap map = new TObjectIntHashMap();
for ( int i = 0; i < element_count; i++ ) {
keys[i] = Integer.toString( i + 1 );
vals[i] = i + 1;
map.put( keys[i], vals[i] );
assertEquals( element_count, map.size() );
// No argument
Object[] keys_object_array = map.keys();
assertEquals( element_count, keys_object_array.length );
List keys_object_list = Arrays.asList( keys_object_array );
for ( int i = 0; i < element_count; i++ ) {
assertTrue( keys_object_list.contains( keys[i] ) );
// Zero length array
String[] keys_string_array = map.keys( new String[0] );
assertEquals( element_count, keys_string_array.length );
List keys_string_list = Arrays.asList( keys_string_array );
for ( int i = 0; i < element_count; i++ ) {
assertTrue( keys_string_list.contains( keys[i] ) );
// appropriate length array
keys_string_array = map.keys( new String[map.size()] );
assertEquals( element_count, keys_string_array.length );
keys_string_list = Arrays.asList( keys_string_array );
for ( int i = 0; i < element_count; i++ ) {
assertTrue( keys_string_list.contains( keys[i] ) );
// longer array
keys_string_array = map.keys( new String[element_count * 2] );
assertEquals( element_count * 2, keys_string_array.length );
keys_string_list = Arrays.asList( keys_string_array );
for ( int i = 0; i < element_count; i++ ) {
assertTrue( keys_string_list.contains( keys[i] ) );
assertNull( keys_string_array[element_count] );
public void testValueCollectionToArray() {
int element_count = 20;
String[] keys = new String[element_count];
int[] vals = new int[element_count];
TObjectIntMap map =
new TObjectIntHashMap( element_count, 0.5f, Integer.MIN_VALUE );
for ( int i = 0; i < element_count; i++ ) {
keys[i] = Integer.toString( i + 1 );
vals[i] = i + 1;
map.put( keys[i], vals[i] );
assertEquals( element_count, map.size() );
TIntCollection collection = map.valueCollection();
for ( int i = 0; i < collection.size(); i++ ) {
assertTrue( collection.contains( vals[i] ) );
assertFalse( collection.isEmpty() );
int[] values_array = collection.toArray();
int count = 0;
TIntIterator iter = collection.iterator();
while ( iter.hasNext() ) {
int value =;
assertTrue( collection.contains( value ) );
assertEquals( values_array[count], value );
values_array = collection.toArray( new int[0] );
count = 0;
iter = collection.iterator();
while ( iter.hasNext() ) {
int value =;
assertTrue( collection.contains( value ) );
assertEquals( values_array[count], value );
values_array = collection.toArray( new int[collection.size()] );
count = 0;
iter = collection.iterator();
while ( iter.hasNext() ) {
int value =;
assertTrue( collection.contains( value ) );
assertEquals( values_array[count], value );
values_array = collection.toArray( new int[collection.size() * 2] );
count = 0;
iter = collection.iterator();
while ( iter.hasNext() ) {
int value =;
assertTrue( collection.contains( value ) );
assertEquals( values_array[count], value );
assertEquals( collection.getNoEntryValue(), values_array[collection.size()] );
assertEquals( map.getNoEntryValue(), values_array[collection.size()] );
TIntCollection other = new TIntArrayList( collection );
assertFalse( collection.retainAll( other ) );
other.remove( vals[5] );
assertTrue( collection.retainAll( other ) );
assertFalse( collection.contains( vals[5] ) );
assertFalse( map.containsKey( keys[5] ) );
assertTrue( collection.isEmpty() );
public void testValueCollectionAdds() {
int element_count = 20;
String[] keys = new String[element_count];
int[] vals = new int[element_count];
TObjectIntMap map = new TObjectIntHashMap();
for ( int i = 0; i < element_count; i++ ) {
keys[i] = Integer.toString( i + 1 );
vals[i] = i + 1;
map.put( keys[i], vals[i] );
assertEquals( element_count, map.size() );
TIntCollection collection = map.valueCollection();
for ( int i = 0; i < collection.size(); i++ ) {
assertTrue( collection.contains( vals[i] ) );
assertFalse( collection.isEmpty() );
try {
collection.add( 1138 );
fail( "Expected UnsupportedOperationException" );
catch ( UnsupportedOperationException ex ) {
// Expected
try {
Set test = new HashSet();
test.add( Integer.valueOf( 1138 ) );
collection.addAll( test );
fail( "Expected UnsupportedOperationException" );
catch ( UnsupportedOperationException ex ) {
// Expected
try {
TIntCollection test = new TIntArrayList();
test.add( 1138 );
collection.addAll( test );
fail( "Expected UnsupportedOperationException" );
catch ( UnsupportedOperationException ex ) {
// Expected
try {
collection.addAll( vals );
fail( "Expected UnsupportedOperationException" );
catch ( UnsupportedOperationException ex ) {
// Expected
public void testValueCollectionContainsAll() {
int element_count = 20;
String[] keys = new String[element_count];
int[] vals = new int[element_count];
TObjectIntMap map = new TObjectIntHashMap();
for ( int i = 0; i < element_count; i++ ) {
keys[i] = Integer.toString( i + 1 );
vals[i] = i + 1;
map.put( keys[i], vals[i] );
assertEquals( element_count, map.size() );
TIntCollection collection = map.valueCollection();
for ( int i = 0; i < collection.size(); i++ ) {
assertTrue( collection.contains( vals[i] ) );
assertFalse( collection.isEmpty() );
List java_list = new ArrayList();
for ( int value : vals ) {
java_list.add( value );
assertTrue( "collection: " + collection + ", should contain all in list: " +
java_list, collection.containsAll( java_list ) );
java_list.add( Integer.valueOf( 1138 ) );
assertFalse( "collection: " + collection + ", should not contain all in list: " +
java_list, collection.containsAll( java_list ) );
List number_list = new ArrayList();
for ( int value : vals ) {
if ( value == 5 ) {
number_list.add( Long.valueOf( value ) );
} else {
number_list.add( Integer.valueOf( value ) );
assertFalse( "collection: " + collection + ", should not contain all in list: " +
java_list, collection.containsAll( number_list ) );
TIntCollection other = new TIntArrayList( collection );
assertTrue( "collection: " + collection + ", should contain all in other: " +
other, collection.containsAll( other ) );
other.add( 1138 );
assertFalse( "collection: " + collection + ", should not contain all in other: " +
other, collection.containsAll( other ) );
assertTrue( "collection: " + collection + ", should contain all in array: " +
Arrays.toString( vals ), collection.containsAll( vals ) );
int[] other_array = new int[vals.length + 1];
other_array[other_array.length - 1] = 1138;
assertFalse( "collection: " + collection + ", should not contain all in array: " +
Arrays.toString( vals ), collection.containsAll( other_array ) );
public void testValueCollectionRetainAllCollection() {
int element_count = 20;
String[] keys = new String[element_count];
int[] vals = new int[element_count];
TObjectIntMap map = new TObjectIntHashMap();
for ( int i = 0; i < element_count; i++ ) {
keys[i] = Integer.toString( i + 1 );
vals[i] = i + 1;
map.put( keys[i], vals[i] );
assertEquals( element_count, map.size() );
TIntCollection collection = map.valueCollection();
for ( int i = 0; i < collection.size(); i++ ) {
assertTrue( collection.contains( vals[i] ) );
assertFalse( collection.isEmpty() );
List java_list = new ArrayList();
for ( int value : vals ) {
java_list.add( value );
assertFalse( "collection: " + collection + ", should contain all in list: " +
java_list, collection.retainAll( java_list ) );
java_list.remove( 5 );
assertTrue( "collection: " + collection + ", should contain all in list: " +
java_list, collection.retainAll( java_list ) );
assertFalse( collection.contains( vals[5] ) );
assertFalse( map.containsKey( keys[5] ) );
assertFalse( map.containsValue( vals[5] ) );
assertTrue( "collection: " + collection + ", should contain all in list: " +
java_list, collection.containsAll( java_list ) );
public void testValueCollectionRetainAllTCollection() {
int element_count = 20;
String[] keys = new String[element_count];
int[] vals = new int[element_count];
TObjectIntMap map = new TObjectIntHashMap();
for ( int i = 0; i < element_count; i++ ) {
keys[i] = Integer.toString( i + 1 );
vals[i] = i + 1;
map.put( keys[i], vals[i] );
assertEquals( element_count, map.size() );
TIntCollection collection = map.valueCollection();
for ( int i = 0; i < collection.size(); i++ ) {
assertTrue( collection.contains( vals[i] ) );
assertFalse( collection.isEmpty() );
assertFalse( "collection: " + collection + ", should be unmodified.",
collection.retainAll( collection ) );
TIntCollection other = new TIntArrayList( collection );
assertFalse( "collection: " + collection + ", should be unmodified. other: " +
other, collection.retainAll( other ) );
other.remove( vals[5] );
assertTrue( "collection: " + collection + ", should be modified. other: " +
other, collection.retainAll( other ) );
assertFalse( collection.contains( vals[5] ) );
assertFalse( map.containsKey( keys[5] ) );
assertFalse( map.containsValue( vals[5] ) );
assertTrue( "collection: " + collection + ", should contain all in other: " +
other, collection.containsAll( other ) );
public void testValueCollectionRetainAllArray() {
int element_count = 20;
String[] keys = new String[element_count];
int[] vals = new int[element_count];
TObjectIntMap map = new TObjectIntHashMap();
for ( int i = 0; i < element_count; i++ ) {
keys[i] = Integer.toString( i + 1 );
vals[i] = i + 1;
map.put( keys[i], vals[i] );
assertEquals( element_count, map.size() );
TIntCollection collection = map.valueCollection();
for ( int i = 0; i < collection.size(); i++ ) {
assertTrue( collection.contains( vals[i] ) );
assertFalse( collection.isEmpty() );
assertFalse( "collection: " + collection + ", should be unmodified. array: " +
Arrays.toString( vals ), collection.retainAll( vals ) );
int[] other = new int[element_count - 1];
for ( int i = 0; i < element_count; i++ ) {
if ( i < 5 ) {
other[i] = i + 1;
if ( i > 5 ) {
other[i - 1] = i + 1;
assertTrue( "collection: " + collection + ", should be modified. array: " +
Arrays.toString( other ), collection.retainAll( other ) );
public void testValueCollectionRemoveAllCollection() {
int element_count = 20;
String[] keys = new String[element_count];
int[] vals = new int[element_count];
TObjectIntMap map = new TObjectIntHashMap();
for ( int i = 0; i < element_count; i++ ) {
keys[i] = Integer.toString( i + 1 );
vals[i] = i + 1;
map.put( keys[i], vals[i] );
assertEquals( element_count, map.size() );
TIntCollection collection = map.valueCollection();
for ( int i = 0; i < collection.size(); i++ ) {
assertTrue( collection.contains( vals[i] ) );
assertFalse( collection.isEmpty() );
List java_list = new ArrayList();
assertFalse( "collection: " + collection + ", should contain all in list: " +
java_list, collection.removeAll( java_list ) );
java_list.add( vals[5] );
assertTrue( "collection: " + collection + ", should contain all in list: " +
java_list, collection.removeAll( java_list ) );
assertFalse( collection.contains( vals[5] ) );
assertFalse( map.containsKey( keys[5] ) );
assertFalse( map.containsValue( vals[5] ) );
java_list = new ArrayList();
for ( int value : vals ) {
java_list.add( value );
assertTrue( "collection: " + collection + ", should contain all in list: " +
java_list, collection.removeAll( java_list ) );
assertTrue( collection.isEmpty() );
public void testValueCollectionRemoveAllTCollection() {
int element_count = 20;
String[] keys = new String[element_count];
int[] vals = new int[element_count];
TObjectIntMap map = new TObjectIntHashMap();
for ( int i = 0; i < element_count; i++ ) {
keys[i] = Integer.toString( i + 1 );
vals[i] = i + 1;
map.put( keys[i], vals[i] );
assertEquals( element_count, map.size() );
TIntCollection collection = map.valueCollection();
for ( int i = 0; i < collection.size(); i++ ) {
assertTrue( collection.contains( vals[i] ) );
assertFalse( collection.isEmpty() );
TIntCollection other = new TIntArrayList();
assertFalse( "collection: " + collection + ", should be unmodified.",
collection.removeAll( other ) );
other = new TIntArrayList( collection );
other.remove( vals[5] );
assertTrue( "collection: " + collection + ", should be modified. other: " +
other, collection.removeAll( other ) );
assertEquals( 1, collection.size() );
for ( int i = 0; i < element_count; i++ ) {
if ( i == 5 ) {
assertTrue( collection.contains( vals[i] ) );
assertTrue( map.containsKey( keys[i] ) );
assertTrue( map.containsValue( vals[i] ) );
} else {
assertFalse( collection.contains( vals[i] ) );
assertFalse( map.containsKey( keys[i] ) );
assertFalse( map.containsValue( vals[i] ) );
assertFalse( "collection: " + collection + ", should be unmodified. other: " +
other, collection.removeAll( other ) );
assertTrue( "collection: " + collection + ", should be modified. other: " +
other, collection.removeAll( collection ) );
assertTrue( collection.isEmpty() );
public void testValueCollectionRemoveAllArray() {
int element_count = 20;
String[] keys = new String[element_count];
int[] vals = new int[element_count];
TObjectIntMap map = new TObjectIntHashMap();
for ( int i = 0; i < element_count; i++ ) {
keys[i] = Integer.toString( i + 1 );
vals[i] = i + 1;
map.put( keys[i], vals[i] );
assertEquals( element_count, map.size() );
TIntCollection collection = map.valueCollection();
for ( int i = 0; i < collection.size(); i++ ) {
assertTrue( collection.contains( vals[i] ) );
assertFalse( collection.isEmpty() );
int[] other = {1138};
assertFalse( "collection: " + collection + ", should be unmodified. array: " +
Arrays.toString( vals ), collection.removeAll( other ) );
other = new int[element_count - 1];
for ( int i = 0; i < element_count; i++ ) {
if ( i < 5 ) {
other[i] = i + 1;
if ( i > 5 ) {
other[i - 1] = i + 1;
assertTrue( "collection: " + collection + ", should be modified. array: " +
Arrays.toString( other ), collection.removeAll( other ) );
assertEquals( 1, collection.size() );
for ( int i = 0; i < element_count; i++ ) {
if ( i == 5 ) {
assertTrue( collection.contains( vals[i] ) );
assertTrue( map.containsKey( keys[i] ) );
assertTrue( map.containsValue( vals[i] ) );
} else {
assertFalse( collection.contains( vals[i] ) );
assertFalse( map.containsKey( keys[i] ) );
assertFalse( map.containsValue( vals[i] ) );
public void testValues() {
int element_count = 20;
String[] keys = new String[element_count];
int[] vals = new int[element_count];
TObjectIntMap map =
new TObjectIntHashMap( element_count, 0.5f, Integer.MIN_VALUE );
for ( int i = 0; i < element_count; i++ ) {
keys[i] = Integer.toString( i + 1 );
vals[i] = i + 1;
map.put( keys[i], vals[i] );
assertEquals( element_count, map.size() );
// No argument
int[] values_array = map.values();
assertEquals( element_count, values_array.length );
TIntList values_list = new TIntArrayList( values_array );
for ( int i = 0; i < element_count; i++ ) {
assertTrue( values_list.contains( vals[i] ) );
// Zero length array
values_array = map.values( new int[0] );
assertEquals( element_count, values_array.length );
values_list = new TIntArrayList( values_array );
for ( int i = 0; i < element_count; i++ ) {
assertTrue( values_list.contains( vals[i] ) );
// appropriate length array
values_array = map.values( new int[map.size()] );
assertEquals( element_count, values_array.length );
values_list = new TIntArrayList( values_array );
for ( int i = 0; i < element_count; i++ ) {
assertTrue( values_list.contains( vals[i] ) );
// longer array
values_array = map.values( new int[element_count * 2] );
assertEquals( element_count * 2, values_array.length );
values_list = new TIntArrayList( values_array );
for ( int i = 0; i < element_count; i++ ) {
assertTrue( values_list.contains( vals[i] ) );
assertEquals( map.getNoEntryValue(), values_array[element_count] );
public void testIterator() {
TObjectIntHashMap map = new TObjectIntHashMap();
TObjectIntIterator iterator = map.iterator();
assertFalse( iterator.hasNext() );
map.put( "one", 1 );
map.put( "two", 2 );
iterator = map.iterator();
assertTrue( iterator.hasNext() );
String first_key = iterator.key();
assertNotNull( "key was null", first_key );
assertTrue( "invalid key: " + first_key,
first_key.equals( "one" ) || first_key.equals( "two" ) );
if ( first_key.equals( "one" ) ) {
assertEquals( 1, iterator.value() );
} else {
assertEquals( 2, iterator.value() );
assertTrue( iterator.hasNext() );
String second_key = iterator.key();
assertNotNull( "key was null", second_key );
assertTrue( "invalid key: " + second_key,
second_key.equals( "one" ) || second_key.equals( "two" ) );
if ( second_key.equals( "one" ) ) {
assertEquals( 1, iterator.value() );
} else {
assertEquals( 2, iterator.value() );
assertFalse( first_key + ", " + second_key, first_key.equals( second_key ) );
assertFalse( iterator.hasNext() );
// New Iterator
iterator = map.iterator();
first_key = iterator.key();
iterator.setValue( 1138 );
assertEquals( 1138, iterator.value() );
assertEquals( 1138, map.get( first_key ) );
public void testIteratorRemoval() {
TObjectIntHashMap map = new TObjectIntHashMap();
map.put( "one", 1 );
map.put( "two", 2 );
map.put( "three", 3 );
map.put( "four", 4 );
map.put( "five", 5 );
map.put( "six", 6 );
map.put( "seven", 7 );
map.put( "eight", 8 );
map.put( "nine", 9 );
map.put( "ten", 10 );
TObjectIntIterator iterator = map.iterator();
while ( map.size() > 5 && iterator.hasNext() ) {
String key = iterator.key();
assertFalse( "map still contains key: " + key, map.containsKey( key ) );
assertEquals( 5, map.size() );
iterator = map.iterator();
assertTrue( iterator.hasNext() );
assertTrue( iterator.hasNext() );
assertTrue( iterator.hasNext() );
assertTrue( iterator.hasNext() );
assertTrue( iterator.hasNext() );
assertFalse( iterator.hasNext() );
iterator = map.iterator();
int elements = map.size();
while ( iterator.hasNext() ) {
String key = iterator.key();
assertFalse( "map still contains key: " + key, map.containsKey( key ) );
assertEquals( 0, elements );
assertEquals( 0, map.size() );
assertTrue( map.isEmpty() );
public void testIteratorRemoval2() {
int element_count = 10000;
int remaining = element_count / 2;
TObjectIntHashMap map =
new TObjectIntHashMap( element_count, 0.5f, Integer.MIN_VALUE );
for ( int pass = 0; pass < 10; pass++ ) {
Random r = new Random();
for ( int i = 0; i <= element_count; i++ ) {
map.put( String.valueOf( r.nextInt() ), i );
TObjectIntIterator iterator = map.iterator();
while ( map.size() > remaining && iterator.hasNext() ) {
public void testIncrement() {
int element_count = 20;
String[] keys = new String[element_count];
int[] vals = new int[element_count];
TObjectIntMap map =
new TObjectIntHashMap( element_count, 0.5f, Integer.MIN_VALUE );
for ( int i = 0; i < element_count; i++ ) {
keys[i] = Integer.toString( i + 1 );
vals[i] = i + 1;
map.put( keys[i], vals[i] );
assertEquals( element_count, map.size() );
assertFalse( map.increment( "non-existant" ) );
assertTrue( map.increment( "1" ) );
assertEquals( 2, map.get( "1" ) );
public void testAdjustValue() {
TObjectIntHashMap map = new TObjectIntHashMap();
map.put( "one", 1 );
boolean changed = map.adjustValue( "one", 1 );
assertTrue( changed );
assertEquals( 2, map.get( "one" ) );
changed = map.adjustValue( "one", 5 );
assertTrue( changed );
assertEquals( 7, map.get( "one" ) );
changed = map.adjustValue( "one", -3 );
assertTrue( changed );
assertEquals( 4, map.get( "one" ) );
changed = map.adjustValue( "two", 1 );
assertFalse( changed );
assertFalse( map.containsKey( "two" ) );
public void testAdjustOrPutValue() {
TObjectIntHashMap map = new TObjectIntHashMap();
map.put( "one", 1 );
long new_value = map.adjustOrPutValue( "one", 1, 100 );
assertEquals( 2, new_value );
assertEquals( 2, map.get( "one" ) );
new_value = map.adjustOrPutValue( "one", 5, 100 );
assertEquals( 7, new_value );
assertEquals( 7, map.get( "one" ) );
new_value = map.adjustOrPutValue( "one", -3, 100 );
assertEquals( 4, new_value );
assertEquals( 4, map.get( "one" ) );
new_value = map.adjustOrPutValue( "two", 1, 100 );
assertEquals( 100, new_value );
assertTrue( map.containsKey( "two" ) );
assertEquals( 100, map.get( "two" ) );
new_value = map.adjustOrPutValue( "two", 1, 100 );
assertEquals( 101, new_value );
assertEquals( 101, map.get( "two" ) );
public void testForEachKey() {
int element_count = 20;
String[] keys = new String[element_count];
int[] vals = new int[element_count];
TObjectIntMap map =
new TObjectIntHashMap( element_count, 0.5f, Integer.MIN_VALUE );
for ( int i = 0; i < element_count; i++ ) {
keys[i] = Integer.toString( i + 1 );
vals[i] = i + 1;
map.put( keys[i], vals[i] );
assertEquals( element_count, map.size() );
class ForEach implements TObjectProcedure {
List built = new ArrayList();
public boolean execute( String value ) {
built.add( value );
return true;
List getBuilt() {
return built;
ForEach foreach = new ForEach();
map.forEachKey( foreach );
List built = foreach.getBuilt();
List keys_list = Arrays.asList( map.keys( new String[map.size()] ) );
assertEquals( keys_list, built );
Collections.sort( built );
Collections.sort( keys_list );
assertEquals( keys_list, built );
class ForEachFalse implements TObjectProcedure {
List built = new ArrayList();
public boolean execute( String value ) {
built.add( value );
return false;
List getBuilt() {
return built;
ForEachFalse foreach_false = new ForEachFalse();
map.forEachKey( foreach_false );
built = foreach_false.getBuilt();
keys_list = Arrays.asList( map.keys( new String[map.size()] ) );
assertEquals( 1, built.size() );
assertEquals( keys_list.get( 0 ), built.get( 0 ) );
public void testForEachValue() {
int element_count = 20;
String[] keys = new String[element_count];
int[] vals = new int[element_count];
TObjectIntMap map =
new TObjectIntHashMap( element_count, 0.5f, Integer.MIN_VALUE );
for ( int i = 0; i < element_count; i++ ) {
keys[i] = Integer.toString( i + 1 );
vals[i] = i + 1;
map.put( keys[i], vals[i] );
assertEquals( element_count, map.size() );
class ForEach implements TIntProcedure {
TIntList built = new TIntArrayList();
public boolean execute( int value ) {
built.add( value );
return true;
TIntList getBuilt() {
return built;
ForEach foreach = new ForEach();
map.forEachValue( foreach );
TIntList built = foreach.getBuilt();
TIntList values = new TIntArrayList( map.values() );
assertEquals( values, built );
assertEquals( values, built );
class ForEachFalse implements TIntProcedure {
TIntList built = new TIntArrayList();
public boolean execute( int value ) {
built.add( value );
return false;
TIntList getBuilt() {
return built;
ForEachFalse foreach_false = new ForEachFalse();
map.forEachValue( foreach_false );
built = foreach_false.getBuilt();
values = new TIntArrayList( map.values() );
assertEquals( 1, built.size() );
assertEquals( values.get( 0 ), built.get( 0 ) );
public void testForEachEntry() {
int element_count = 20;
String[] keys = new String[element_count];
int[] vals = new int[element_count];
TObjectIntMap map =
new TObjectIntHashMap( element_count, 0.5f, Integer.MIN_VALUE );
for ( int i = 0; i < element_count; i++ ) {
keys[i] = Integer.toString( i + 1 );
vals[i] = i + 1;
map.put( keys[i], vals[i] );
assertEquals( element_count, map.size() );
class ForEach implements TObjectIntProcedure {
TObjectIntMap built = new TObjectIntHashMap();
public boolean execute( String key, int value ) {
built.put( key, value );
return true;
TObjectIntMap getBuilt() {
return built;
ForEach foreach = new ForEach();
map.forEachEntry( foreach );
TObjectIntMap built = foreach.getBuilt();
assertEquals( map, built );
class ForEachFalse implements TObjectIntProcedure {
TObjectIntMap built = new TObjectIntHashMap();
public boolean execute( String key, int value ) {
built.put( key, value );
return false;
TObjectIntMap getBuilt() {
return built;
ForEachFalse foreach_false = new ForEachFalse();
map.forEachEntry( foreach_false );
built = foreach_false.getBuilt();
assertEquals( 1, built.size() );
assertTrue( map.containsKey( built.keys()[0] ) );
assertTrue( map.containsValue( built.values()[0] ) );
public void testRetain() {
TObjectIntHashMap map = new TObjectIntHashMap();
map.put( "one", 1 );
map.put( "two", 2 );
map.put( "three", 3 );
map.put( "four", 4 );
map.put( "five", 5 );
map.put( "six", 6 );
map.put( "seven", 7 );
map.put( "eight", 8 );
map.put( "nine", 9 );
map.put( "ten", 10 );
map.retainEntries( new TObjectIntProcedure() {
public boolean execute( String a, int b ) {
return b > 5 && b <= 8;
} );
assertEquals( 3, map.size() );
assertFalse( map.containsKey( "one" ) );
assertFalse( map.containsKey( "two" ) );
assertFalse( map.containsKey( "three" ) );
assertFalse( map.containsKey( "four" ) );
assertFalse( map.containsKey( "five" ) );
assertTrue( map.containsKey( "six" ) );
assertTrue( map.containsKey( "seven" ) );
assertTrue( map.containsKey( "eight" ) );
assertFalse( map.containsKey( "nine" ) );
assertFalse( map.containsKey( "ten" ) );
map.put( "eleven", 11 );
map.put( "twelve", 12 );
map.put( "thirteen", 13 );
map.put( "fourteen", 14 );
map.put( "fifteen", 15 );
map.put( "sixteen", 16 );
map.put( "seventeen", 17 );
map.put( "eighteen", 18 );
map.put( "nineteen", 19 );
map.put( "twenty", 20 );
map.retainEntries( new TObjectIntProcedure() {
public boolean execute( String a, int b ) {
return b > 15;
} );
assertEquals( 5, map.size() );
assertFalse( map.containsKey( "one" ) );
assertFalse( map.containsKey( "two" ) );
assertFalse( map.containsKey( "three" ) );
assertFalse( map.containsKey( "four" ) );
assertFalse( map.containsKey( "five" ) );
assertFalse( map.containsKey( "six" ) );
assertFalse( map.containsKey( "seven" ) );
assertFalse( map.containsKey( "eight" ) );
assertFalse( map.containsKey( "nine" ) );
assertFalse( map.containsKey( "ten" ) );
assertFalse( map.containsKey( "eleven" ) );
assertFalse( map.containsKey( "twelve" ) );
assertFalse( map.containsKey( "thirteen" ) );
assertFalse( map.containsKey( "fourteen" ) );
assertFalse( map.containsKey( "fifteen" ) );
assertTrue( map.containsKey( "sixteen" ) );
assertTrue( map.containsKey( "seventeen" ) );
assertTrue( map.containsKey( "eighteen" ) );
assertTrue( map.containsKey( "nineteen" ) );
assertTrue( map.containsKey( "twenty" ) );
map.retainEntries( new TObjectIntProcedure() {
public boolean execute( String a, int b ) {
return false;
} );
assertEquals( 0, map.size() );
public void testTransformValues() {
int element_count = 20;
String[] keys = new String[element_count];
int[] vals = new int[element_count];
TObjectIntMap map =
new TObjectIntHashMap( element_count, 0.5f, Integer.MIN_VALUE );
for ( int i = 0; i < element_count; i++ ) {
keys[i] = Integer.toString( i + 1 );
vals[i] = i + 1;
map.put( keys[i], vals[i] );
assertEquals( element_count, map.size() );
map.transformValues( new TIntFunction() {
public int execute( int value ) {
return value * value;
} );
for ( int i = 0; i < element_count; i++ ) {
int expected = vals[i] * vals[i];
assertEquals( expected, map.get( keys[i] ) );
public void testEquals() {
int element_count = 20;
String[] keys = new String[element_count];
int[] vals = new int[element_count];
TObjectIntMap map =
new TObjectIntHashMap( element_count, 0.5f, Integer.MIN_VALUE );
for ( int i = 0; i < element_count; i++ ) {
keys[i] = Integer.toString( i + 1 );
vals[i] = i + 1;
map.put( keys[i], vals[i] );
assertEquals( element_count, map.size() );
TObjectIntHashMap fully_specified =
new TObjectIntHashMap( 20, 0.75f, Integer.MIN_VALUE );
for ( int i = 0; i < element_count; i++ ) {
fully_specified.put( keys[i], vals[i] );
assertEquals( map, fully_specified );
assertFalse( "shouldn't equal random object", map.equals( new Object() ) );
int value = 11010110; // I thought I saw a two!
assertEquals( map.getNoEntryValue(), map.put( null, value ) );
assertEquals( map.getNoEntryValue(), fully_specified.put( null, value ) );
assertEquals( value, map.get( null ) );
assertEquals( value, fully_specified.get( null ) );
assertTrue( "incorrectly not-equal map: " + map + "\nfully_specified: " + fully_specified,
map.equals( fully_specified ) );
assertTrue( "incorrectly not-equal map: " + map + "\nfully_specified: " + fully_specified,
fully_specified.equals( map ) );
assertEquals( map.getNoEntryValue(), fully_specified.put( "non-null-key", value ) );
assertFalse( "incorrectly equal map: " + map + "\nfully_specified: " + fully_specified,
map.equals( fully_specified ) );
assertFalse( "incorrectly equal map: " + map + "\nfully_specified: " + fully_specified,
fully_specified.equals( map ) );
int no_value = map.getNoEntryValue();
assertEquals( map.getNoEntryValue(), map.put( "non-null-key", no_value ) );
assertEquals( value, fully_specified.put( "non-null-key", no_value ) );
assertTrue( "incorrectly not-equal map: " + map + "\nfully_specified: " + fully_specified,
map.equals( fully_specified ) );
assertTrue( "incorrectly not-equal map: " + map + "\nfully_specified: " + fully_specified,
fully_specified.equals( map ) );
assertEquals( no_value, map.put( "non-null-key", value ) );
assertFalse( "incorrectly equal map: " + map + "\nfully_specified: " + fully_specified,
map.equals( fully_specified ) );
assertFalse( "incorrectly equal map: " + map + "\nfully_specified: " + fully_specified,
fully_specified.equals( map ) );
assertEquals( map.getNoEntryValue(), fully_specified.put( "blargh", value ) );
assertFalse( "incorrectly equal map: " + map + "\nfully_specified: " + fully_specified,
map.equals( fully_specified ) );
public void testHashCode() {
int element_count = 20;
String[] keys = new String[element_count];
int[] vals = new int[element_count];
int counter = 0;
TObjectIntMap map =
new TObjectIntHashMap( element_count, 0.5f, Integer.MIN_VALUE );
for ( int i = 0; i < element_count; i++, counter++ ) {
keys[i] = Integer.toString( counter + 1 );
vals[i] = counter + 1;
map.put( keys[i], vals[i] );
assertEquals( element_count, map.size() );
assertEquals( map.hashCode(), map.hashCode() );
Map> string_tmap_map =
new HashMap>();
string_tmap_map.put( "first", map );
string_tmap_map.put( "second", map );
assertSame( map, string_tmap_map.get( "first" ) );
assertSame( map, string_tmap_map.get( "second" ) );
TObjectIntMap map2 =
new TObjectIntHashMap( element_count, 0.5f, Integer.MIN_VALUE );
for ( int i = 0; i < element_count; i++, counter++ ) {
keys[i] = Integer.toString( counter + 1 );
vals[i] = counter + 1;
map2.put( keys[i], vals[i] );
assertEquals( element_count, map2.size() );
assertEquals( map2.hashCode(), map2.hashCode() );
TObjectIntMap map3 =
new TObjectIntHashMap( element_count, 0.5f, Integer.MIN_VALUE );
for ( int i = 0; i < element_count; i++, counter++ ) {
keys[i] = Integer.toString( counter + 1 );
vals[i] = counter + 1;
map3.put( keys[i], vals[i] );
assertEquals( element_count, map3.size() );
assertEquals( map3.hashCode(), map3.hashCode() );
assertFalse( map.hashCode() == map2.hashCode() );
assertFalse( map.hashCode() == map3.hashCode() );
assertFalse( map2.hashCode() == map3.hashCode() );
Map, String> tmap_string_map =
new HashMap, String>();
tmap_string_map.put( map, "map1" );
tmap_string_map.put( map2, "map2" );
tmap_string_map.put( map3, "map3" );
assertEquals( "map1", tmap_string_map.get( map ) );
assertEquals( "map2", tmap_string_map.get( map2 ) );
assertEquals( "map3", tmap_string_map.get( map3 ) );
public void testSerialize() throws Exception {
Integer[] keys = {1138, 42, 86, 99, 101, 727, 117};
int[] vals = new int[keys.length];
TObjectIntMap map = new TObjectIntHashMap();
for ( int i = 0; i < keys.length; i++ ) {
vals[i] = keys[i] * 2;
map.put( keys[i], vals[i] );
ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
ObjectOutputStream oos = new ObjectOutputStream( baos );
oos.writeObject( map );
ByteArrayInputStream bias = new ByteArrayInputStream( baos.toByteArray() );
ObjectInputStream ois = new ObjectInputStream( bias );
TObjectIntMap deserialized = (TObjectIntMap) ois.readObject();
assertEquals( map, deserialized );
public void testToString() {
TObjectIntHashMap m = new TObjectIntHashMap();
m.put( "One", 11 );
m.put( "Two", 22 );
String to_string = m.toString();
assertTrue( to_string, to_string.equals( "{One=11,Two=22}" )
|| to_string.equals( "{Two=22,One=11}" ) );
public void testDecorator() {
// TObjectIntHashMap map = new TObjectIntHashMap();
// map.put( "one", 1 );
// map.put( "two", 2 );
// Map decorator = new TObjectIntHashMapDecorator( map );
// assertEquals( 2, decorator.size() );
// assertEquals( Integer.valueOf( 1 ), decorator.get( "one" ) );
// assertEquals( Integer.valueOf( 2 ), decorator.get( "two" ) );
// Set decorator_keys = decorator.keySet();
// assertEquals( 2, decorator_keys.size() );
// Iterator it = decorator_keys.iterator();
// int count = 0;
// while( it.hasNext() ) {
// count++;
// System.out.println(;
// }
// assertEquals( 2, count );
// assertSame(map, ( ( TObjectIntHashMapDecorator ) decorator ).getMap() );
public void testBug3232758() {
TObjectIntHashMap map = new TObjectIntHashMap( 1, 3 );
map.put( "1009", 0 );
map.put( "1007", 1 );
map.put( "1006", 2 );
map.put( "1005", 3 );
map.put( "1004", 4 );
map.put( "1002", 5 );
map.put( "1001", 6 );
for ( Object o : map.keys() ) {
map.remove( o );