de.tsl2.nano.core.update.ENVUpdate2v5v0.class Maven / Gradle / Ivy
???? = *
java/lang/Object ()V 2.4.3
java/lang/System out Ljava/io/PrintStream; dUPDATE 2.4.12 -> 2.5.0: PLEASE UPDATE THE FOLLOWING IN YOUR APPLICATION:
changed compiler/runtime from JDK8 to JDK17 change all presentations having actions: all boolean/int values and the shortDescription are now attributes!
change all activites of workflows: do the same changes as on the actions!
secureactions, methodactions -> the same
the following incubation packages will be moved ('incubation' part will be removed): specification, vnet, terminal html security headers changed - test applications response... JDK10 changed localized formatters (e.g. SimpleDateFormat.pattern 'EE': 'So' -> 'So.') JDK17 removed ScriptEngine Nashorn (Rhino). Include a dependency in your pom or put it into environment directory h5: the standalone libraries will be actualized to newest versions, default database will be changed from h2 to hsqldb
java/io/PrintStream println (Ljava/lang/String;)V 'de/tsl2/nano/core/update/ENVUpdate2v5v0 'de/tsl2/nano/core/update/IVersionRunner Code LineNumberTable LocalVariableTable this )Lde/tsl2/nano/core/update/ENVUpdate2v5v0; previousVersion ()Ljava/lang/String; update ,(Lde/tsl2/nano/core/ENV;Ljava/lang/String;)V env Lde/tsl2/nano/core/ENV; currentVersion Ljava/lang/String;
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