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de.tsl2.nano.h5.SpecificationH5Exchange Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package de.tsl2.nano.h5;
import static de.tsl2.nano.h5.NanoH5Util.LOG;
import static de.tsl2.nano.h5.NanoH5Util.addListener;
import static de.tsl2.nano.h5.NanoH5Util.addVirtualAttribute;
import static de.tsl2.nano.h5.NanoH5Util.cover;
import static de.tsl2.nano.h5.NanoH5Util.createCompositor;
import static de.tsl2.nano.h5.NanoH5Util.createController;
import static de.tsl2.nano.h5.NanoH5Util.createQuery;
import static de.tsl2.nano.h5.NanoH5Util.createStatistics;
import static de.tsl2.nano.h5.NanoH5Util.createUser;
import static de.tsl2.nano.specification.SpecificationExchange.Change.addaction;
import static de.tsl2.nano.specification.SpecificationExchange.Change.addattribute;
import static de.tsl2.nano.specification.SpecificationExchange.Change.createcompositor;
import static de.tsl2.nano.specification.SpecificationExchange.Change.createcontroller;
import static de.tsl2.nano.specification.SpecificationExchange.Change.createquery;
import static de.tsl2.nano.specification.SpecificationExchange.Change.createsheet;
import static de.tsl2.nano.specification.SpecificationExchange.Change.createstatistics;
import java.util.LinkedHashSet;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
import java.util.Properties;
import java.util.Scanner;
import java.util.Set;
import de.tsl2.nano.bean.def.AttributeDefinition;
import de.tsl2.nano.bean.def.BeanDefinition;
import de.tsl2.nano.bean.def.IAttributeDefinition;
import de.tsl2.nano.bean.def.PathExpression;
import de.tsl2.nano.bean.def.ValueExpression;
import de.tsl2.nano.core.ENV;
import de.tsl2.nano.core.exception.Message;
import de.tsl2.nano.core.util.FileUtil;
import de.tsl2.nano.core.util.MapUtil;
import de.tsl2.nano.core.util.StringUtil;
import de.tsl2.nano.core.util.Util;
import de.tsl2.nano.h5.collector.CSheet;
import de.tsl2.nano.specification.Pool;
import de.tsl2.nano.specification.SpecificationExchange;
import de.tsl2.nano.specification.rules.RuledEnabler;
@SuppressWarnings({"rawtypes", "unchecked"})
public class SpecificationH5Exchange extends SpecificationExchange {
private static final String DIV = "[:;,\\s]";
public void saveResourceEntries(BeanDefinition bean) {
if (ENV.get("app.login.administration", true)) {
public int enrichFromSpecificationProperties() {
Properties spec = ENV.getSortedProperties(file);
if (Util.isEmpty(spec)) {"file " + file + " emtpy or not existing. try to load from csv file...");
spec = fromFlatFile((file += EXT_CSV), SEP);
exists = spec != null;
int errors = 0, rules = 0, attributes = 0, actions = 0, beanchanges = 0, attrchanges = 0;
if (spec != null && Message.ask("Run Specification Exchange on file " + file + "?", true)) {"=> importing " + spec.size() + " entries from " + file + " ...");
Pool pool = ENV.get(Pool.class);
String k, v, object, property;
Set changedBeans = new LinkedHashSet<>();
BeanDefinition bean = null;
for (Entry e : spec.entrySet()) {
// as we get all entries by a map, we have to filter comments ourself
try {
k = e.getKey().toString().trim();
// as we get all entries by a map, we have to filter comments ourself
if (k.trim().startsWith("#") /*|| k.trim().startsWith("\\#")*/)
v = (String)e.getValue().toString().trim();
object = StringUtil.substring(k, null, ".", true);
property = StringUtil.substring(k, ".", null, true);
if (k.matches(pool.getFullExpressionPattern())) { // rule
pool.add(k, v);
} else if (k.matches("createuser")) { // user
String[] args = getArgs(v);
createUser(args[0], args[1], args[2], args[3], Boolean.valueOf(args[4]));
} else if (k.endsWith(PATH_POSTIFX)){ // set any attribute property
String type = StringUtil.substring(object, null, ".");
bean = BeanDefinition.getBeanDefinition(type);
IAttributeDefinition attr = bean.getAttribute(StringUtil.substring(object, type + ".", "."));
AttributeDefinition.getAttributePropertyFromPath(k.substring(0, k.length() - 1)).setValue(v);
} else {
if (!object.contains(".")) { // bean
bean = BeanDefinition.getBeanDefinition(object);
if (property.startsWith( {
if (!PathExpression.isPath(v))
checkRule(pool, v);
addVirtualAttribute(bean, v);
} else if (property.startsWith( {
checkRule(pool, v);
bean.addAction(new SpecifiedAction<>(v, null));
} else if (property.startsWith( {
} else if (property.startsWith( {
createQuery(k, v);
} else if (property.startsWith( {
String[] args = getArgs(v);
BeanDefinition> baseType = BeanDefinition.getBeanDefinition(args[0]);
String baseAttribute = args[1];
createCompositor(baseType.getDeclaringClass(), baseAttribute, bean.getDeclaringClass(), args[2], args[3]);
} else if (property.startsWith( {
String[] args = getArgs(v);
BeanDefinition> baseType = BeanDefinition.getBeanDefinition(args[0]);
String baseAttribute = args[1];
createController(baseType.getDeclaringClass(), baseAttribute, bean.getDeclaringClass(), args[2], args[3], args[4]);
} else if (property.startsWith( {
String[] args = getArgs(v);
new CSheet(args[0], Integer.valueOf(args[1]), Integer.valueOf(args[2])).save();
} else {
switch (Change.valueOf(property)) {
case valueexpression: bean.setValueExpression(new ValueExpression<>(v)); break;
case attributefilter: bean.setAttributeFilter(getArgs(v)); break;
case icon: bean.getPresentable().setIcon(v); break;
throw new IllegalArgumentException(property);
} else { // field
AttributeDefinition> attr = (AttributeDefinition>) AttributeDefinition.getAttributeDefinitionFromIDPath(object);
bean = attr.getParentBean();
String rule;
switch (Change.valueOf(property)) {
case enabler:
checkRule(pool, v); attr.getPresentation().setEnabler(new RuledEnabler(attr, v));
case listener:
rule = StringUtil.subRegex(v, null, DIV, 0);
String[] observables = StringUtil.subRegex(v, DIV, null, 0).split(DIV);
checkRule(pool, rule);
addListener(attr.getParentBean(), attr.getName(), rule, observables);
case rulecover:
String child = StringUtil.subRegex(v, DIV, null, 0);
rule = getArgs(v)[0];
checkRule(pool, rule);
cover(attr, child, rule);
throw new IllegalArgumentException(property);
}"specification imported: " + k + " -> " + v);
if (bean != null)
} catch (Exception e1) {
spec.put(e.getKey(), "!!!" + e.getValue() + "!!! " + e1.getMessage());
if (errors > 0)
Message.send(errors + " errors on import from file " + file);
ENV.moveBackup(file);"<= import of " + (rules + attributes + actions + beanchanges + attrchanges) + " specification entries finished successfull"
+ "\n\trules : " + rules
+ "\n\tattributes : " + attributes
+ "\n\tactions : " + actions
+ "\n\tbean changes : " + beanchanges
+ "\n\tattr changes : " + attrchanges
+ "\n\n"); -> b.saveDefinition());
FileUtil.saveProperties(Pool.getSpecificationRootDir() + file + (errors == 0 ? ".done" : ".errors"), spec);
return errors;
private String[] getArgs(String v) {
return v.split(DIV);
protected Properties fromFlatFile(String filename, String sep) {
File file = FileUtil.userDirFile(ENV.getConfigPath() + filename);
if (!file.exists())
return null;
Scanner sc = Util.trY(() -> new Scanner(file), false);
if (sc == null)
return null;
Properties p = MapUtil.createSortedProperties();
String l, l0 = "", k, keq, v, s;
while (sc.hasNextLine()) {
l = sc.nextLine();
if (l.trim().length() == 0 || l.trim().startsWith("#"))
l = l0 + l;
if (l.endsWith( "\\")) {
l0 = l.substring(0, l.length() - 1) + "\n";
} else
l0 = "";
k = StringUtil.substring(l, null, sep);
keq = StringUtil.substring(l, null, "=");
if (keq.length() < k.length() && keq.substring(1).trim().matches("[*\\w.]+")) {
k = keq;
s = "=";
} else
s = sep;
v = StringUtil.substring(l, s, null);//.replace(s, ":");
// if (v.endsWith(":"))
// v = v.substring(0, v.length() - 1);
p.put(k, v);
return p;
static void checkRule(Pool pool, String v) {