jbase.util.JbaseModelUtil.xtend Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package jbase.util
import com.google.inject.Inject
import com.google.inject.Singleton
import jbase.jbase.XJArrayConstructorCall
import jbase.jbase.XJArrayDimension
import jbase.jbase.XJJvmFormalParameter
import org.eclipse.xtext.common.types.JvmFormalParameter
import org.eclipse.xtext.xbase.XExpression
import org.eclipse.xtext.xbase.jvmmodel.IJvmModelAssociations
import jbase.jbase.XJConstructorCall
import org.eclipse.xtext.common.types.JvmGenericType
* Utility methods for accessing the Jbase model.
* @author Lorenzo Bettini
class JbaseModelUtil {
@Inject extension JbaseNodeModelUtil
@Inject extension IJvmModelAssociations
* The returned list contains XExpressions corresponding to
* dimension specification in a XJArrayConstructorCall;
* if the n-th element in the list is null then it means that no
* dimension expression has been specified for that dimension.
* For example
* new int[][0][][0]
* will correspond to the list [null, XNumberLiteral, null, XNumberLiteral]
def arrayDimensionIndexAssociations(XJArrayConstructorCall c) {
val sortedByOffset = (c.dimensions + c.indexes).sortBy[elementOffsetInProgram]
// there's at least one dimension [ if we parsed a XJArrayConstructorCall
val associations = newArrayList()
val last = sortedByOffset.reduce [ p1, p2 |
if (p1 instanceof XJArrayDimension) {
if (p2 instanceof XExpression) {
// case "[ exp"
} else {
// case "[ ["
// else "exp [ " skip and go to the next state
if (last instanceof XJArrayDimension) {
return associations
* This also takes into consideration Jvm model methods inferred from Jbase
* methods; in such case the parameter is not a XJJvmFormalParameter, but
* its original source is, and we return the original one.
def XJJvmFormalParameter getOriginalParam(JvmFormalParameter p) {
if (p instanceof XJJvmFormalParameter) {
return p
val orig = p.sourceElements.head
if (orig instanceof XJJvmFormalParameter) {
return orig
} else {
return null
def isRawType(XJConstructorCall e) {
val type = e.constructor.eContainer
if (type instanceof JvmGenericType)
e.typeArguments.empty &&
!e.isExplicitTypeArguments &&
return false