net.snowflake.common.core.TmExt Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright (c) 2016 Snowflake Computing Inc. All right reserved.
package net.snowflake.common.core;
import java.lang.*;
import java.math.BigInteger;
import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.util.Calendar;
import java.util.TimeZone;
import java.util.HashMap;
* This class represents decomposed time/date, similar to libc's struct tm,
* but with additional fields for handling missing data and timezones
public class TmExt
public int tm_sec; // seconds, 0-59: NB: NO LEAP SECONDS!
public int tm_min; // minutes, 0-59
public int tm_hour; // hours, 0-23
public int tm_mday; // day of the month, 1-31
public int tm_mon; // month, 0-11
public int tm_year; // year - 1900
public int tm_wday; // day of the week, 0=Sun, 6=Sat
public int tm_yday; // day of the year, 0-365
public int tm_isdst; // 0 - standard time, 1 - daylight saving time,
// -1 - not known
public int tm_gmtoff; // offset from GMT, seconds east
public String tm_zone; // Abbreviated timezone/dayling savings indicator
public long tm_epochSec; // epoch seconds
public int tm_nsec; // nanoseconds
public int tm_sec_scale; // original decimal scale of fractional seconds
public String tm_region; // timezone region name
public boolean tm_has_offset; // has explicit TZ offset (from TZH:TZM)
public boolean tm_has_epochSec; // has explicit epoch seconds
public boolean tm_has_tzidx; // source had TZIDX kludge
// Constants
public static final int SECONDS_IN_MINUTE = 60;
public static final int MINUTES_IN_HOUR = 60;
public static final int HOURS_IN_DAY = 24;
public static final int MINUTES_IN_DAY = HOURS_IN_DAY * MINUTES_IN_HOUR;
public static final int SECONDS_IN_DAY = HOURS_IN_DAY * SECONDS_IN_HOUR;
public static final int DAYS_IN_WEEK = 7;
public static final int MONTHS_IN_YEAR = 12;
public static final int MAX_DAYS_IN_MONTH = 31;
public static final int MAX_DAYS_IN_YEAR = 366;
public static final int MAX_YEAR = 9999;
public static final int MAX_SCALE = 9; // max scale=9, i.e. nanoseconds
public static final int FRAC_SECONDS = 1000000000; // fractional seconds per second
public static final int MAX_ZONE_LEN = 5; // max length of the timezone name
public static final int MAX_REGION_LEN = 48; // max length of the timezone region name
// Limits on epoch seconds range
public static final long EPOCH_START = -377673494400l; // BC 9999-01-02 00:00:00
public static final long EPOCH_END = 253402214400l; // AD 9999-12-31 00:00:00
// Epoch limit for auto-scaling
// This is epoch time for 1971-01-01 00:00:00 times 1000
public static final long EPOCH_AUTO_LIMIT = 31536000000l;
/** Constructor */
public TmExt()
tm_sec = 0;
tm_min = 0;
tm_hour = 0;
tm_mday = 1;
tm_mon = 0;
tm_year = 0;
tm_wday = -1; // indicates missing wday
tm_yday = -1; // indicates missing yday
tm_isdst = 0;
tm_gmtoff = 0;
tm_zone = null;
tm_epochSec = 0;
tm_nsec = 0;
tm_sec_scale = 0;
tm_region = null;
tm_has_offset = false;
tm_has_epochSec = false;
tm_has_tzidx = false;
* Check if it's a leap year in proleptic Gregorian calendar.
* This works for 0-based years (i.e. AD 1 = year 1, 1 BC = year 0).
* @param year (0-based) to look at
* @return true if it's a leap year, false otherwise.
public static boolean isLeapYear(int year)
// Hackish is-leap-year implementation from http://jsperf.com/find-leap-year/4
return !((year & 3) != 0 || ((year & 15) != 0 && (year % 25) == 0));
public static class YearDay
public YearDay(int year_, int yday_) { year = year_; yday = yday_; }
public int year; // zero-based year (0 = 1BC)
public int yday; // day of the year (0-355)
* Returns year based on Unix Epoch day (0 = Jan 1st, 1970)
* in proleptic Gregorian calendar.
* @param date
* the epoch day
* @return YearDay
* yday - day of the year (staring from 0)
* year - zero-based year (i.e. AD 1 = year 1, 1 BC = year 0)
public static YearDay yearFromDate(int date)
// move to zero-based day offset
// number of leap days is 478 between years 0 and 1970
date += 719528;
// 400-year interval... can be negative
int y400 = (date - (date < 0 ? 146096 : 0)) / 146097;
// Remaining date is ALWAYS positive
date -= y400 * 146097;
// Successive adjustments for leap year in 100 and 4 year intervals
int y100 = 0;
int y4 = 0;
int y1 = 0;
if (date >= 366)
y100 = --date / 36524;
date %= 36524;
if (date >= 365)
y4 = ++date / 1461;
date %= 1461;
if (date >= 366)
y1 = --date / 365;
date %= 365;
return new YearDay(y1 + 4*y4 + 100*y100 + 400*y400, date);
* Returns starting day of the year in Unix epoch (0= Jan 1st, 1970)
* in proleptic Gregorian calendar.
* @param year
* zero-based year (0 = 1 BC)
* @return
* the epoch day number for Jan 1st or the year
public static int yearStartDate(int year)
return 365 * year - 719528 +
(year > 0 ? (year+3) / 4 - (year+99) / 100 + (year+399) / 400
: year / 4 - year / 100 + year / 400);
// Per-month and cumulative day counts for monts per leap and non-leap years
// Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
private static final int s_mdays[] = { 31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31 };
private static final int s_cdays[] = { 0, 31, 59, 90, 120, 151, 181, 212, 243, 273, 304, 334, 365 };
private static final int s_lmdays[] = { 31, 29, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31 };
private static final int s_lcdays[] = { 0, 31, 60, 91, 121, 152, 182, 213, 244, 274, 305, 335, 366 };
* Returns month # based on day of the year
* @param yday
* day # in the year (staring from 0)
* @param leap
* true for leap years
* @return
* month number (0=Jan ... 11=Dec)
public static int monthFromYday(int yday, boolean leap)
assert yday < MAX_DAYS_IN_YEAR;
// The algorithm computes month as m = day/31 and then adjusts up 1 month
int m = yday / 31;
int d = leap ? s_lcdays[m + 1] : s_cdays[m + 1];
if (yday >= d)
return m;
* Returns day of the month by day of the year and month
* @param yday
* Day of the year (starting from 0)
* @param month
* Month (0-11)
* @param leap
* True for leap years
* @return
* Day of the month (0-30)
public static int mdayFromYday(int yday, int month, boolean leap)
assert 0 <= yday && yday < MAX_DAYS_IN_YEAR;
assert 0 <= month && month < MONTHS_IN_YEAR;
return yday - (leap ? s_lcdays[month] : s_cdays[month]);
* Compute American-style (Sunday = 0) day of the week from
* Unix epoch day (0 = Jan 1st 1970)
* @param date
* Unix epoch day
* @return
* the day of the week (0=Sunday)
public static int dayOfWeek(int date)
date += 4;
if (date < 0)
date += 1879048192; // 2^28 * 7
return date % 7;
* Returns day of the year by month and day of the month
* @param month
* Month of the year (0-11)
* @param mday
* Day of the month (0-30)
* @param leap
* True for leap years
* @return
* Day of the year (0-365)
public static int ydayFromMonthDay(int month, int mday, boolean leap)
assert 0 <= mday && mday < MAX_DAYS_IN_MONTH;
assert 0 <= month && month < MONTHS_IN_YEAR;
return mday + (leap ? s_lcdays[month] : s_cdays[month]);
* Check if the day of the month is good
* @param month
* month of the year (0-11)
* @param mday
* day of the month (0-30)
* @param leap
* true if this is a leap year
* @return
* true if month and mday are valid
public static boolean isGoodMonthDay(int month, int mday, boolean leap)
return mday < (leap ? s_lmdays[month] : s_mdays[month]);
// ================ XP-LIKE SET/GET FUNCTIONS ================
// /**
// * Set DATE fields from an epoch date (0th day = Jan 1st 1970)
// */
// void setDate(int date)
// {
// // Day of the week
// tm_wday = dayOfWeek(date);
// // Year & day of the year
// YearDay yd = yearFromDate(date);
// tm_yday = yd.yday;
// tm_year = yd.year - 1900;
// // Month & day of the month
// boolean leap = isLeapYear(yd.year);
// tm_mon = monthFromYday(yd.yday, leap);
// tm_mday = 1 + mdayFromYday(yd.yday, tm_mon, leap);
// // Set epoch seconds
// tm_epochSec = (long)date * SECONDS_IN_DAY;
// tm_has_epochSec = true;
// }
* Set time of day
* @param sec
* time of the day (seconds from midnight)
private void setTimeSec(long sec)
assert 0 <= sec && sec < SECONDS_IN_DAY;
// Set seconds
tm_sec = (int)sec % SECONDS_IN_MINUTE;
int min = (int)sec / SECONDS_IN_MINUTE;
tm_min = min % MINUTES_IN_HOUR;
tm_hour = min / MINUTES_IN_HOUR;
// /**
// * Split seconds value into fractional and integer seconds
// * Sets tm_nsec and tm_sec_scale fields
// *
// * @param val
// * The scaled seconds value
// * @param scale
// * The scale (number of fracional decimal digits)
// * @returns
// * The integer part of seconds value
// */
// private long splitSeconds(BigInteger val, int scale)
// {
// assert 0 <= scale && scale <= MAX_SCALE;
// tm_sec_scale = scale;
// tm_nsec = 0;
// if (scale > 0)
// {
// BigInteger p10 = power10.sb16Table[scale];
// // Divide by p10 truncating DOWN
// if (val.signum() < 0)
// val = val.subtract(p10).add(BigInteger.ONE);
// val = val.divide(p10);
// // Always non-negative
// tm_nsec = val.subtract(val.multiply(p10)).intValueExact();
// }
// return val.longValueExact();
// }
// /**
// * Set TIME fields from time of the day
// *
// * @param val
// * time of the day, scaled fractional seconds
// * @param scale
// * scale of val
// */
// public void setTime(BigInteger val, int scale)
// {
// setTimeSec(splitSeconds(val, scale));
// }
* Set this structure from SFTimestamp
* NB: This relies on GeorgianCalendar, which is NOT
* ISO-8601 compliant proleptic Georgian calendar
* @param ts
* the timestamp
* @param scale
* scale for fractional seconds
* @param tz
* timezone to display (null to use TZ name from SFTimestamp)
public void setTimestamp(SFTimestamp ts, int scale, TimeZone tz)
assert 0 <= scale && scale <= MAX_SCALE;
if (tz == null)
tz = ts.getTimeZone();
else if (!ts.getTimeZone().hasSameRules(tz))
ts = ts.changeTimeZone(tz);
tm_sec = ts.extract(Calendar.SECOND);
tm_min = ts.extract(Calendar.MINUTE);
tm_hour = ts.extract(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY);
tm_mday = ts.extract(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH);
tm_mon = ts.extract(Calendar.MONTH) - 1;
tm_year = ts.extract(Calendar.YEAR) - 1900;
tm_wday = ts.extract(Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK);
tm_yday = ts.extract(Calendar.DAY_OF_YEAR) - 1;
int dstOff = ts.extract(Calendar.DST_OFFSET) / 1000;
tm_gmtoff = ts.extract(Calendar.ZONE_OFFSET) / 1000 + dstOff;
tm_isdst = (dstOff != 0) ? 1 : 0;
tm_has_offset = true;
tm_zone = tz.getDisplayName(dstOff != 0, TimeZone.SHORT);
if (tm_zone != null &&
(tm_zone.startsWith("GMT") || tm_zone.startsWith("UTC")))
tm_zone = "GMT";
tm_epochSec = ts.getTime() / 1000;
tm_has_epochSec = true;
tm_nsec = ts.getNanos();
tm_sec_scale = scale;
tm_region = tz.getID();
tm_has_tzidx = false;
* Set this structure from SFDate
* NB: This relies on GeorgianCalendar, which is NOT
* ISO-8601 compliant proleptic Georgian calendar
* @param d SFDate
public void setDate(SFDate d)
tm_sec = 0;
tm_min = 0;
tm_hour = 0;
tm_mday = d.extract(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH);
tm_mon = d.extract(Calendar.MONTH) - 1;
tm_year = d.extract(Calendar.YEAR) - 1900;
tm_wday = d.extract(Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK);
tm_yday = d.extract(Calendar.DAY_OF_YEAR) - 1;
tm_gmtoff = 0;
tm_isdst = -1;
tm_has_offset = false;
tm_zone = null;
tm_epochSec = d.getTime() / 1000;
tm_has_epochSec = true;
tm_nsec = 0;
tm_sec_scale = 0;
tm_region = null;
tm_has_tzidx = false;
private static final int BAD_EPOCH_DATE = 0x7fffffff;
* Get epoch day from this structure
* Returns BAD_EPOCH_DATE on failure
private int getEpochDate()
int d;
if (tm_has_epochSec)
if (tm_epochSec >= 0)
d = (int)(tm_epochSec / SECONDS_IN_DAY);
d = (int)((tm_epochSec - (SECONDS_IN_DAY-1)) / SECONDS_IN_DAY);
int year = tm_year + 1900;
// Compute day of the year from month and
boolean leap = isLeapYear(year);
if (!isGoodMonthDay(tm_mon, tm_mday-1, leap))
d = ydayFromMonthDay(tm_mon, tm_mday-1, leap);
// Check that day of the year matches
if (tm_yday > 0 && tm_yday != d + 1)
// Compute starting day of the year from year
d += yearStartDate(year);
// Check day of the week
if (tm_wday >= 0 && tm_wday != dayOfWeek(d))
return d;
* Get SFDate from this structure
* @return
* SFDate object of null if conversion is impossible
public SFDate getDate()
int d = getEpochDate();
if (d == BAD_EPOCH_DATE)
return null;
return new SFDate((long) d * (1000 * SECONDS_IN_DAY));
* Set this structure from SFTime
* @param t SFTime
* @param scale scale
public void setTime(SFTime t, int scale)
assert 0 <= scale && scale <= MAX_SCALE;
long nsec = t.getNanoseconds();
int sec = (int)(nsec / FRAC_SECONDS);
tm_mday = -1;
tm_mon = -1;
tm_year = -1;
tm_wday = -1;
tm_yday = -1;
tm_gmtoff = 0;
tm_isdst = -1;
tm_has_offset = false;
tm_zone = null;
tm_epochSec = sec;
tm_has_epochSec = false;
tm_nsec = (int) (nsec % FRAC_SECONDS);
tm_sec_scale = scale;
tm_region = null;
tm_has_tzidx = false;
* Get time of the day in seconds
* @return seconds
private int getTimeOfDay()
int s;
if (tm_has_epochSec)
long ls = (tm_epochSec / SECONDS_IN_DAY) * SECONDS_IN_DAY;
ls = tm_epochSec - ls;
if (ls < 0)
ls += SECONDS_IN_DAY; // now ls is always positive
assert 0 <= ls && ls < SECONDS_IN_DAY;
s = (int) ls;
s = tm_hour * SECONDS_IN_HOUR + tm_min * SECONDS_IN_MINUTE + tm_sec;
return s;
* Get time of day as SFTime
* @return SFTime instance
public SFTime getTime()
long ns = (long) getTimeOfDay() * FRAC_SECONDS + tm_nsec;
return SFTime.fromNanoseconds(ns);
// The GMT timezone
public final TimeZone s_gmtTz = TimeZone.getTimeZone("GMT");
* Get timestamp as SFTimestamp
* @param tz
* the timezone to use by default
* @return
* timestamp structure or null on an error
public SFTimestamp getTimestamp(TimeZone tz)
int d = getEpochDate();
if (d == BAD_EPOCH_DATE)
return null;
BigDecimal ns = new BigDecimal(d);
ns = ns.multiply(new BigDecimal((long)FRAC_SECONDS * SECONDS_IN_DAY));
ns = ns.add(new BigDecimal((long)getTimeOfDay() * FRAC_SECONDS + tm_nsec));
// Now we have epoch time in nanoseconds as if we had it in GMT
SFTimestamp ts = SFTimestamp.fromNanoseconds(ns, s_gmtTz);
// Do we have offset?
if (tm_has_offset)
int tzidx = (tm_gmtoff / SECONDS_IN_MINUTE) + 1440;
tz = SFTimestamp.convertTimezoneIndexToTimeZone(tzidx);
// Do we have timezone?
else if (tm_zone != null)
// Is it a timezone abbreviation?
Integer tzoff = s_tzAbbr.get(tm_zone);
if (tzoff == null)
return null; // uknown timezone
int tzidx = 1440 + tzoff;
tz = SFTimestamp.convertTimezoneIndexToTimeZone(tzidx);
// Move to the specified tz
if (tz != null && !tz.hasSameRules(s_gmtTz))
// If we have time in epoch secs, no adjustment is needed, just
// assign the proper timezone
if (tm_has_epochSec)
ts = ts.changeTimeZone(tz);
ts = ts.moveToTimeZone(tz);
return ts;
// Timezone abbreviations
private static final HashMap s_tzAbbr;
s_tzAbbr = new HashMap<>();
s_tzAbbr.put( "NZDT", +780); // + 13:00 New Zealand Daylight Time
s_tzAbbr.put( "IDLE", +720); // + 12:00 International Date Line, East
s_tzAbbr.put( "NZST", +720); // + 12:00 New Zealand Standard Time
s_tzAbbr.put( "NZT", +720); // + 12:00 New Zealand Time
s_tzAbbr.put( "AESST", +660); // + 11:00 Australia Eastern Summer Standard Time
s_tzAbbr.put( "ACSST", +630); // + 10:30 Central Australia Summer Standard Time
s_tzAbbr.put( "CADT", +630); // + 10:30 Central Australia Daylight Savings Time
s_tzAbbr.put( "SADT", +630); // + 10:30 South Australian Daylight Time
s_tzAbbr.put( "AEST", +600); // + 10:00 Australia Eastern Standard Time
s_tzAbbr.put( "EAST", +600); // + 10:00 East Australian Standard Time
s_tzAbbr.put( "GST", +600); // + 10:00 Guam Standard Time, USSR Zone 9
s_tzAbbr.put( "LIGT", +600); // + 10:00 Melbourne, Australia
s_tzAbbr.put( "SAST", +570); // + 09:30 South Australia Standard Time
s_tzAbbr.put( "CAST", +570); // + 09:30 Central Australia Standard Time
s_tzAbbr.put( "AWSST", +540); // + 09:00 Australia Western Summer Standard Time
s_tzAbbr.put( "JST", +540); // + 09:00 Japan Standard Time,USSR Zone 8
s_tzAbbr.put( "KST", +540); // + 09:00 Korea Standard Time
s_tzAbbr.put( "MHT", +540); // + 09:00 Kwajalein Time
s_tzAbbr.put( "WDT", +540); // + 09:00 West Australian Daylight Time
s_tzAbbr.put( "MT", +510); // + 08:30 Moluccas Time
s_tzAbbr.put( "AWST", +480); // + 08:00 Australia Western Standard Time
s_tzAbbr.put( "CCT", +480); // + 08:00 China Coastal Time
s_tzAbbr.put( "WADT", +480); // + 08:00 West Australian Daylight Time
s_tzAbbr.put( "WST", +480); // + 08:00 West Australian Standard Time
s_tzAbbr.put( "JT", +450); // + 07:30 Java Time
s_tzAbbr.put( "ALMST", +420); // + 07:00 Almaty Summer Time
s_tzAbbr.put( "WAST", +420); // + 07:00 West Australian Standard Time
s_tzAbbr.put( "CXT", +420); // + 07:00 Christmas (Island) Time
s_tzAbbr.put( "ALMT", +360); // + 06:00 Almaty Time
s_tzAbbr.put( "MAWT", +360); // + 06:00 Mawson (Antarctica) Time
s_tzAbbr.put( "IOT", +300); // + 05:00 Indian Chagos Time
s_tzAbbr.put( "MVT", +300); // + 05:00 Maldives Island Time
s_tzAbbr.put( "TFT", +300); // + 05:00 Kerguelen Time
s_tzAbbr.put( "AFT", +270); // + 04:30 Afganistan Time
//s_tzAbbr.put( "EAST", +240); // + 04:00 Antananarivo Savings Time // DUPLICATE!
s_tzAbbr.put( "MUT", +240); // + 04:00 Mauritius Island Time
s_tzAbbr.put( "RET", +240); // + 04:00 Reunion Island Time
s_tzAbbr.put( "SCT", +240); // + 04:00 Mahe Island Time
s_tzAbbr.put( "IT", +210); // + 03:30 Iran Time
s_tzAbbr.put( "EAT", +180); // + 03:00 Antananarivo, Comoro Time
s_tzAbbr.put( "BT", +180); // + 03:00 Baghdad Time
s_tzAbbr.put("EETDST", +180); // + 03:00 Eastern Europe Daylight Savings Time
s_tzAbbr.put( "HMT", +180); // + 03:00 Hellas Mediterranean Time (?)
s_tzAbbr.put( "BDST", +120); // + 02:00 British Double Standard Time
s_tzAbbr.put( "CEST", +120); // + 02:00 Central European Savings Time
s_tzAbbr.put("CETDST", +120); // + 02:00 Central European Daylight Savings Time
s_tzAbbr.put( "EET", +120); // + 02:00 Eastern Europe, USSR Zone 1
s_tzAbbr.put( "FWT", +120); // + 02:00 French Winter Time
s_tzAbbr.put( "IST", +120); // + 02:00 Israel Standard Time
s_tzAbbr.put( "MEST", +120); // + 02:00 Middle Europe Summer Time
s_tzAbbr.put("METDST", +120); // + 02:00 Middle Europe Daylight Time
s_tzAbbr.put( "SST", +120); // + 02:00 Swedish Summer Time
s_tzAbbr.put( "BST", +60); // + 01:00 British Summer Time
s_tzAbbr.put( "CET", +60); // + 01:00 Central European Time
s_tzAbbr.put( "DNT", +60); // + 01:00 Dansk Normal Tid
s_tzAbbr.put( "FST", +60); // + 01:00 French Summer Time
s_tzAbbr.put( "MET", +60); // + 01:00 Middle Europe Time
s_tzAbbr.put( "MEWT", +60); // + 01:00 Middle Europe Winter Time
s_tzAbbr.put( "MEZ", +60); // + 01:00 Middle Europe Zone
s_tzAbbr.put( "NOR", +60); // + 01:00 Norway Standard Time
s_tzAbbr.put( "SET", +60); // + 01:00 Seychelles Time
s_tzAbbr.put( "SWT", +60); // + 01:00 Swedish Winter Time
s_tzAbbr.put("WETDST", +60); // + 01:00 Western Europe Daylight Savings Time
s_tzAbbr.put( "GMT", +0); // + 00:00 Greenwich Mean Time
s_tzAbbr.put( "UT", +0); // + 00:00 Universal Time
s_tzAbbr.put( "UTC", +0); // + 00:00 Universal Time, Coordinated
s_tzAbbr.put( "Z", +0); // + 00:00 Same as UTC
s_tzAbbr.put( "ZULU", +0); // + 00:00 Same as UTC
s_tzAbbr.put( "WET", +0); // + 00:00 Western Europe
s_tzAbbr.put( "WAT", -60); // - 01:00 West Africa Time
s_tzAbbr.put( "NDT", -150); // - 02:30 Newfoundland Daylight Time
s_tzAbbr.put( "ADT", -180); // - 03:00 Atlantic Daylight Time
s_tzAbbr.put( "AWT", -180); // - 03:00 (unknown)
s_tzAbbr.put( "NFT", -210); // - 03:30 Newfoundland Standard Time
s_tzAbbr.put( "NST", -210); // - 03:30 Newfoundland Standard Time
s_tzAbbr.put( "AST", -240); // - 04:00 Atlantic Standard Time (Canada)
s_tzAbbr.put( "ACST", -240); // - 04:00 Atlantic/Porto Acre Summer Time
s_tzAbbr.put( "ACT", -300); // - 05:00 Atlantic/Porto Acre Standard Time
s_tzAbbr.put( "EDT", -240); // - 04:00 Eastern Daylight Time
s_tzAbbr.put( "CDT", -300); // - 05:00 Central Daylight Time
s_tzAbbr.put( "EST", -300); // - 05:00 Eastern Standard Time
s_tzAbbr.put( "CST", -360); // - 06:00 Central Standard Time
s_tzAbbr.put( "MDT", -360); // - 06:00 Mountain Daylight Time
s_tzAbbr.put( "MST", -420); // - 07:00 Mountain Standard Time
s_tzAbbr.put( "PDT", -420); // - 07:00 Pacific Daylight Time
s_tzAbbr.put( "AKDT", -480); // - 08:00 Alaska Daylight Time
s_tzAbbr.put( "PST", -480); // - 08:00 Pacific Standard Time
s_tzAbbr.put( "YDT", -480); // - 08:00 Yukon Daylight Time
s_tzAbbr.put( "AKST", -540); // - 09:00 Alaska Standard Time
s_tzAbbr.put( "HDT", -540); // - 09:00 Hawaii/Alaska Daylight Time
s_tzAbbr.put( "YST", -540); // - 09:00 Yukon Standard Time
s_tzAbbr.put( "AHST", -600); // - 10:00 Alaska-Hawaii Standard Time
s_tzAbbr.put( "HST", -600); // - 10:00 Hawaii Standard Time
s_tzAbbr.put( "CAT", -600); // - 10:00 Central Alaska Time
s_tzAbbr.put( "NT", -660); // - 11:00 Nome Time
s_tzAbbr.put( "IDLW", -720); // - 12:00 International Date Line, West
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