net.snowflake.common.core.SFTimestamp Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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package net.snowflake.common.core;
import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.math.BigInteger;
import java.math.RoundingMode;
import java.sql.Timestamp;
import java.text.DateFormat;
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import java.util.*;
import net.snowflake.common.util.TimeUtil;
* Represents timestamps, including their originating time zone.
* Stores data in UTC, with nanosecond precision.
Instances of this class are immutable.
* @author mzukowski
public class SFTimestamp extends SFInstant implements Comparable {
private static final BigInteger LONG_MIN_VALUE_BIGINT = BigInteger.valueOf(Long.MIN_VALUE);
private static final BigInteger LONG_MAX_VALUE_BIGINT = BigInteger.valueOf(Long.MAX_VALUE);
private static final BigDecimal NANOS_IN_SECOND = BigDecimal.valueOf(1).scaleByPowerOfTen(9);
public static final SFTimestamp MIN_VALID_VALUE, MAX_VALID_VALUE;
static {
final GregorianCalendar cal = new GregorianCalendar(SFInstant.GMT);
cal.setGregorianChange(new Date(Long.MIN_VALUE));
// clears HOUR, MINUTE, SECOND, etc.
// min supported timestamp is -1000000-12-31 00:00:00 UTC
cal.set(Calendar.ERA, GregorianCalendar.BC);
cal.set(1_000_001, Calendar.DECEMBER, 31);
MIN_VALID_VALUE = SFTimestamp.fromMilliseconds(cal.getTimeInMillis(), SFInstant.GMT);
// max supported timestamp is 1000000-01-02 00:00:00 UTC
cal.set(Calendar.ERA, GregorianCalendar.AD);
cal.set(1_000_000, Calendar.JANUARY, 2);
MAX_VALID_VALUE = SFTimestamp.fromMilliseconds(cal.getTimeInMillis(), SFInstant.GMT);
* Thrown when a Snowflake timestamp cannot be manipulated in Java due to size limitations.
* Snowflake can use up to a full SB16 to represent a timestamp. Java, on the other hand, requires
* that the number of millis since epoch fit into a long. For timestamps whose millis since epoch
* don't fit into a long, certain operations, such as conversion to java .sql.Timestamp, are not
* available.
public static class TimestampOperationNotAvailableException extends RuntimeException {
TimestampOperationNotAvailableException(SFTimestamp timestamp) {
// Don't call SFTimestamp.toString() here, because SFTimestamp.toString
// () uses getTimestamp(), which may also throw this exception and thus
// create an infinite loop.
super("nanos=" + timestamp.nanosSinceEpoch);
// this could be a BigInteger but it's more convenient to represent it as a
// BigDecimal because we need to scale it by powers of 10 a lot.
private final BigDecimal nanosSinceEpoch;
private final TimeZone timeZone;
/****** WARNING: need to match values in Timestamp.hpp in XP *****/
// See
private static final int BITS_FOR_TIMEZONE = 14;
private static final int MASK_OF_TIMEZONE = (1 << BITS_FOR_TIMEZONE) - 1;
* Constructs an SF timestamp from a given number of UTC milliseconds and an originating timezone.
* @param ms milliseconds
* @param tz timezone
* @return SFTimestamp instance
public static SFTimestamp fromMilliseconds(long ms, TimeZone tz) {
return fromNanoseconds(new BigDecimal(ms).scaleByPowerOfTen(6), tz);
* Constructs an SF timestamp from a given number of UTC nanoseconds and an originating timezone.
* @param ns nanoseconds
* @param tz timezone
* @return SFTimestamp instance
public static SFTimestamp fromNanoseconds(long ns, TimeZone tz) {
return fromNanoseconds(new BigDecimal(ns), tz);
* Constructs an SF timestamp from a given number of UTC nanoseconds, using the specified timezone
* @param ns nanoseconds in BigDecimal
* @param tz timezone
* @return SFTimestamp instance
public static SFTimestamp fromNanoseconds(BigDecimal ns, TimeZone tz) {
return new SFTimestamp(ns, tz);
* Constructs an SF timestamp from a given number of UTC nanoseconds, using the GMT timezone.
* @param ns nanoseconds in BigDecimal
* @return SFTimestamp instance
public static SFTimestamp fromNanoseconds(BigDecimal ns) {
return new SFTimestamp(ns, SFInstant.GMT);
* Convert a timezone index to timezone.
* @param timezoneIndex timezone index where 1440 is UTC
* @return Timezone instance
public static TimeZone convertTimezoneIndexToTimeZone(int timezoneIndex) {
assert timezoneIndex >= 0 && timezoneIndex <= 2880; // API
timezoneIndex -= 1440;
boolean negate = (timezoneIndex < 0);
timezoneIndex = Math.abs(timezoneIndex);
int hour = timezoneIndex / 60;
assert hour >= 0 && hour <= 24;
int min = timezoneIndex % 60;
assert min >= 0 && min <= 59;
String tzName = String.format("GMT%s%02d:%02d", negate ? "-" : "+", hour, min);
return TimeZone.getTimeZone(tzName);
* Constructs an SFTimestamp from a binary representation
* @param binary Physical representation, consists of UTC fractions (scaled decimals) and optional
* timezone index
* @param scale Scale of fractional seconds
* @param tz If specified, TimeZone to use. If null, we'll assume the timezone is embedded in the
* number
* @return SFTimestamp instance
public static SFTimestamp fromBinary(BigDecimal binary, int scale, TimeZone tz) {
BigDecimal nanoseconds;
if (tz != null) {
// Just scale the decimal number, e.g. for actual value "123.456" with
// scale=3, which is represented as 123456 (fractions),
// we'll get 123456000000 nanoseconds
nanoseconds = binary.scaleByPowerOfTen(9 - scale);
} else {
// We will extract the time zone, and adapt the input on the way.
// The input here is the integer respresentation in XP, formatted
// as a decimal using the scale.
// For example, (assuming everything is decimal) a time moment
// 123.456 (scale = 3) in timezone 78 is represented in XP as 12345678.
// (On binary level: 123456 << 14 + 78)
// We want to convert it to 123456, and extract 78 on the way.
// Extract timezone offset
// Grab integer, e.g. 12345678
BigInteger secsWithTzOff = binary.toBigIntegerExact();
// Extract 78
BigInteger tzOff = secsWithTzOff.and(BigInteger.valueOf(MASK_OF_TIMEZONE));
// Get rid of the timezone, e.g. 123456
BigInteger secsWoTzOff = secsWithTzOff.shiftRight(BITS_FOR_TIMEZONE);
// Scale to nanoseconds, e.g. 123456000000
nanoseconds = new BigDecimal(secsWoTzOff).scaleByPowerOfTen(9 - scale);
// Finally, construct a timezone from timezone offset
// @todo This is very ugly - maybe we should consider not using TimeZone
// to represent this.
tz = convertTimezoneIndexToTimeZone(tzOff.intValue());
return fromNanoseconds(nanoseconds, tz);
* Constructs an SF timestamp from a Date and a number of nanoseconds.
* @param date date instance
* @param nanos nanoseconds
* @param tz timezone
* @return SFTImestamp instance
public static SFTimestamp fromDate(Date date, int nanos, TimeZone tz) {
Timestamp t = new Timestamp(date.getTime());
SFTimestamp res = new SFTimestamp(t, tz);
return res;
* Constructs an SF timestamp from an SF date,
* @param sfd SFDate representing a date. Note - it's always UTC milliseconds.
* @param tz timezone
* @return SFTimestamp representing a midnight in a specified timezone.
public static SFTimestamp fromSFDate(SFDate sfd, TimeZone tz) {
// Create a Calendar representing midnight in UTC
Calendar calUTC = CalendarCache.get(SFInstant.GMT, "GMT-source");
// Create a Calendar with midnight in the defined timezone
Calendar calLocal = CalendarCache.get(tz);
calUTC.get(Calendar.YEAR), calUTC.get(Calendar.MONTH), calUTC.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH));
calLocal.set(Calendar.ERA, calUTC.get(Calendar.ERA));
// Build the result timestamp
return fromMilliseconds(calLocal.getTimeInMillis(), tz);
private SFTimestamp(BigDecimal nanosSinceEpoch, TimeZone tz) {
this.nanosSinceEpoch = nanosSinceEpoch;
if (tz != null) {
this.timeZone = tz;
} else {
this.timeZone = SFInstant.GMT;
* Constructs an SFTimestamp from a java Timestamp and java TimeZone.
* @param ts timestamp
* @param tz timezone
public SFTimestamp(Timestamp ts, TimeZone tz) {
if (ts == null) {
ts = new Timestamp(new Date().getTime());
this.nanosSinceEpoch =
new BigDecimal(ts.getTime())
// Zero out the milliseconds part.
// java.sql.Timestamp is supposed to contain only integral
// seconds in its millis timestamp, and then the fractional
// seconds in the nanos field.
// But, depending on how it is constructed, the millis after
// second part could be present in both the millis and the nanos
// variables... go figure.
.setScale(0, RoundingMode.FLOOR)
// seconds to nanos
// add the fractional seconds from the nanos part
if (tz != null) {
timeZone = tz;
} else {
timeZone = SFInstant.GMT;
* Constructs an SFTimestamp from a java Timestamp. The result timestamp has no timezone.
* @param ts Java timestamp
public SFTimestamp(Timestamp ts) {
this(ts, SFInstant.GMT);
* Constructs an SFTimestamp from SFDate. The result timestamp has no timezone
* @param date SFDate instance
public SFTimestamp(SFDate date) {
this(new Timestamp(date.getTime()), SFInstant.GMT);
/** Empty constructor, will create a timestamp at this instant */
public SFTimestamp() {
this((Timestamp) null, null);
* Copy constructor. Unless an explicit copy of {@code original} is needed, use of this
* constructor is unnecessary since SFTimestamps are immutable.
* @param sft source SFTimestamp instance
public SFTimestamp(SFTimestamp sft) {
// It's safe to copy BigInteger by reference; it's immutable.
this.nanosSinceEpoch = sft.nanosSinceEpoch;
this.timeZone = (TimeZone) sft.timeZone.clone();
public BigDecimal getNanosSinceEpoch() {
return nanosSinceEpoch;
* Convert this to a Java timestamp.
* @return Java timestamp or null
* @throws TimestampOperationNotAvailableException if this timestamp doesn't fit in a Java
* timestamp
public Timestamp getTimestamp() throws TimestampOperationNotAvailableException {
Timestamp ts = TimeUtil.timestampFromNs(nanosSinceEpoch);
if (ts == null) {
throw new TimestampOperationNotAvailableException(this);
return ts;
* Returns Timezone
* @return Timezone
public TimeZone getTimeZone() {
return timeZone;
* Returns a new SFTimestamp object, with specified timeZone set in it.
* @param timeZone the timezone for this timestamp
* @return the new SFTimestamp in the new timezone
public SFTimestamp changeTimeZone(TimeZone timeZone) {
return new SFTimestamp(this.nanosSinceEpoch, timeZone);
* Moves the timestamp to another time zone without changing its displayed value. For example,
* 18:53:21 PDT will become 18:53:21 EDT. This is NOT the same as changeTimestamp(); that will
* change 18:53:21 PDT into 21:53:21 EDT.
* @param newTimeZone a target Timezone
* @return SFTimestamp instance
* @throws TimestampOperationNotAvailableException if this timestamp doesn't fit into a Java
* timestamp
public SFTimestamp moveToTimeZone(TimeZone newTimeZone)
throws TimestampOperationNotAvailableException {
return moveToTimeZone(newTimeZone, false /*cCompatibility*/);
* Moves the timestamp to another time zone without changing its displayed value. For example,
* 18:53:21 PDT will become 18:53:21 EDT. This is NOT the same as changeTimestamp(); that will
* change 18:53:21 PDT into 21:53:21 EDT.
* @param newTimeZone a target Timezone
* @param cCompatibility corrects incompatibilities between Java and C libraries for timestamps
* that are ambiguous (e.g. '2016-11-06 01:30') or illegal (e.g. '2016-03-13 02:30') due to
* DST rules.
* @return SFTimestamp instance
* @throws TimestampOperationNotAvailableException if this timestamp doesn't fit into a Java
* timestamp
public SFTimestamp moveToTimeZone(TimeZone newTimeZone, boolean cCompatibility)
throws TimestampOperationNotAvailableException {
int offsetMillisInOldTZ = getTimeZone().getOffset(getTime());
Calendar calendar = CalendarCache.get(getTimeZone());
int millisecondWithinDay =
((calendar.get(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY) * 60 + calendar.get(Calendar.MINUTE)) * 60
+ calendar.get(Calendar.SECOND))
* 1000
+ calendar.get(Calendar.MILLISECOND);
int era = calendar.get(Calendar.ERA);
int year = calendar.get(Calendar.YEAR);
int month = calendar.get(Calendar.MONTH);
int dayOfMonth = calendar.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH);
int dayOfWeek = calendar.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK);
int offsetMillisInNewTZ =
newTimeZone.getOffset(era, year, month, dayOfMonth, dayOfWeek, millisecondWithinDay);
if (cCompatibility && !(newTimeZone instanceof TimeUtil.CCompatibleTimeZone)) {
if (TimeUtil.isDSTAmbiguous(
getTime() + offsetMillisInOldTZ - offsetMillisInNewTZ, newTimeZone)) {
// For an ambiguous timestamp, such as '2016-11-06 01:30' in
// America/Los_Angeles:
// - The C library chooses the earlier instant, i.e.
// 2016-11-06 01:30 -0700 or 2016-11-06 08:30 Z
// - Java chooses the later instant, i.e.
// 2016-11-06 01:30 -0800 or 2016-11-06 09:30 Z
// For compatibility, we need to bring back the Java timestamp by an
// hour.
offsetMillisInNewTZ += newTimeZone.getDSTSavings();
} else if (TimeUtil.isDSTIllegal(
era, year, month, dayOfMonth, dayOfWeek, millisecondWithinDay, newTimeZone)) {
// For an illegal timestamp, such as '2016-03-13 02:30' in
// America/Los_Angeles:
// - The C library corrects this to
// 2016-03-13 03:30 -0700 or 2016-03-13 10:30 Z
// - Java corrects this to
// 2016-03-13 01:30 -0800 or 2016-03-13 09:30 Z
// (which doesn't really make sense).
// For compatibility, we need to spring forward the Java timestamp by
// an hour.
offsetMillisInNewTZ -= newTimeZone.getDSTSavings();
int offsetMillis = offsetMillisInOldTZ - offsetMillisInNewTZ;
long newMillis = getTime() + offsetMillis;
Timestamp newSqlTs = new Timestamp(newMillis);
return new SFTimestamp(newSqlTs, newTimeZone);
* Adjusts fractional second accuracy if necessary.
* @param scale scale
* @return SFTimestamp instance
public SFTimestamp adjustScale(int scale) {
if (scale < 0 || scale > 9) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid timestamp scale " + scale);
int zeroesAtEnd = 9 - scale;
BigDecimal powerOfTen = BigDecimal.valueOf(SFInstant.POWERS_OF_TEN[zeroesAtEnd]);
BigDecimal extraDigits = nanosSinceEpoch.remainder(powerOfTen);
if (extraDigits.equals(BigDecimal.ZERO)) {
return this;
// Wrap negative remainders around, otherwise timestamps before epoch
// will round up instead of down.
if (extraDigits.compareTo(BigDecimal.ZERO) < 0) {
extraDigits = powerOfTen.add(extraDigits);
BigDecimal newNanosSinceEpoch = nanosSinceEpoch.subtract(extraDigits);
return new SFTimestamp(newNanosSinceEpoch, getTimeZone());
* Returns UTC string
* @return UTC string
public String toUTCString() {
Timestamp timestamp = TimeUtil.timestampFromNs(nanosSinceEpoch);
if (timestamp == null) {
// This can't be represented as a Java timestamp.
// Just print the seconds since epoch.
return "(seconds_since_epoch=" + nanosSinceEpoch.scaleByPowerOfTen(-9).toPlainString() + ")";
String nanoStr = String.format(".%1$09d", timestamp.getNanos());
Calendar calendar = CalendarCache.get("UTC");
DateFormat tsf = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd' 'HH:mm:ss" + nanoStr + "XXX");
String res = tsf.format(timestamp.getTime());
return res;
* Compares with other SFTimestamp
* @param other target SFTimestamp
* @return 1 if larger, 0 if equals otherwise -1
public int compareTo(SFTimestamp other) {
return nanosSinceEpoch.compareTo(other.nanosSinceEpoch);
/** {@inheritDoc} */
public boolean equals(Object o) {
if (o == null || !(o instanceof SFTimestamp)) {
return false;
return equals((SFTimestamp) o);
* Checks if equals with other SFTimestamp
* @param other target SFTimestamp
* @return true if equal otherwise false
public boolean equals(SFTimestamp other) {
return nanosSinceEpoch.equals(other.nanosSinceEpoch);
* Returns epoch time in milliseconds as a long. CAUTION: If this timestamp's millis since epoch
* can't fit into a long, an exception will be thrown!
* @return milliseconds since epoch as a long
* @throws TimestampOperationNotAvailableException if this timestamp doesn't fit into a Java
* timestamp
public long getTime() throws TimestampOperationNotAvailableException {
// IntelliJ doesn't like BigInteger.longValueExact() for some reason
BigInteger timeBigInt = getTimeInMsBigInt();
if (timeBigInt.compareTo(LONG_MIN_VALUE_BIGINT) < 0
|| timeBigInt.compareTo(LONG_MAX_VALUE_BIGINT) > 0) {
throw new TimestampOperationNotAvailableException(this);
return timeBigInt.longValue();
* Returns the epoch time in milliseconds.
* @return milliseconds since epoch
public BigInteger getTimeInMsBigInt() {
return nanosSinceEpoch
// always round down; this is important for timestamps before the epoch.
// by default, Java will round towards 0.
.setScale(0, RoundingMode.FLOOR)
* Returns the integral seconds component of this timestamp.
* @return
public BigInteger getSeconds() {
return nanosSinceEpoch
// always round down; this is important for timestamps before the epoch.
// by default, Java will round towards 0.
.setScale(0, RoundingMode.FLOOR)
* Returns the fractional seconds component of this timestamp, i.e. the number of nanos from the
* nearest integral second (rounded down).
* @return nanoseconds
public int getNanos() {
BigDecimal nsFractional = nanosSinceEpoch.remainder(NANOS_IN_SECOND);
// Remainder can return negative numbers; wrap it around.
if (nsFractional.compareTo(BigDecimal.ZERO) < 0) {
nsFractional = nsFractional.add(NANOS_IN_SECOND);
return nsFractional.intValue();
/** {@inheritDoc} */
public int hashCode() {
return this.toBinary(9, false).hashCode();
* Calculates the offset of this timestamp's time zone at this timestamp's time instant. This is
* equivalent to getTimeZone().getOffset(getTime()) except it won't throw
* TimestampOperationNotAvailableException for timestamps that don't fit in Java timestamp.
* @return the time zone offset in millis
public int getTimeZoneOffsetMillis() {
BigInteger timeMs = getTimeInMsBigInt();
// We only support timestamps within a two-million-years range. To deal with
// timestamps out of that range, we assume that there is no timezone offset
// change beyond the range.
timeMs = timeMs.max(MIN_VALID_VALUE.getTimeInMsBigInt());
timeMs = timeMs.min(MAX_VALID_VALUE.getTimeInMsBigInt());
return timeZone.getOffset(timeMs.longValue());
* Constructs a binary representation of this timestamp. This is the opposite of fromBinary().
* @param scale scale of fractional seconds
* @param includeTimeZone encode the time zone in the lower-order bits
* @return the binary representation of this timestamp
public BigInteger toBinary(int scale, boolean includeTimeZone) {
if (scale < 0 || scale > 9) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Scale must be between 0 and 9");
BigDecimal timeInNs = this.nanosSinceEpoch;
// If the scale is 9 (maximum), then we return the number of nanos.
// If it is 8, we return the number of 10's of nanos. etc.
// slide the decimal point
BigDecimal scaledTime = timeInNs.scaleByPowerOfTen(scale - 9);
// round to an integer
// We have to use RoundingMode.DOWN instead of RoundingMode.FLOOR because we
// want to truncate the extra digits; for negative timestamps, FLOOR will do
// the wrong thing.
scaledTime = scaledTime.setScale(0, RoundingMode.DOWN);
BigInteger fcpInt = scaledTime.unscaledValue();
if (includeTimeZone) {
// now add the time zone
int offsetMillis = getTimeZoneOffsetMillis();
// our offset is in minutes
int offsetMin = offsetMillis / 60000;
// this code mimics fromBinary; see above
assert offsetMin >= -1440 && offsetMin <= 1440;
offsetMin += 1440;
fcpInt = fcpInt.shiftLeft(14);
fcpInt = fcpInt.add(BigInteger.valueOf(offsetMin & MASK_OF_TIMEZONE));
return fcpInt;
* Extract a particular component of a date.
* @param field field id as specified in the Calendar class. TODO: we don't support e.g.
* nanosecond nor timezones for now
* @return The value of the extracted field.
* @throws TimestampOperationNotAvailableException if this timestamp doesn't fit into a Java
* timestamp
public int extract(int field, Integer optWeekStart, Integer optWoyPolicy)
throws TimestampOperationNotAvailableException {
TimeZone tz = timeZone == null ? SFInstant.GMT : timeZone;
return extract(field, tz, getTime(), optWeekStart, optWoyPolicy);
/** {@inheritDoc} */
public String toString() {
String tsStr;
try {
tsStr = "timestamp='" + getTimestamp().toString() + "'";
} catch (TimestampOperationNotAvailableException e) {
tsStr = "--nanos=" + nanosSinceEpoch;
return "SFTimestamp(" + tsStr + " timeZone='" + timeZone + "')";