net.snowflake.ingest.connection.RequestBuilder Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright (c) 2012-2023 Snowflake Computing Inc. All rights reserved.
package net.snowflake.ingest.connection;
import static net.snowflake.ingest.utils.Constants.ENABLE_TELEMETRY_TO_SF;
import static net.snowflake.ingest.utils.Utils.isNullOrEmpty;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonProcessingException;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.UUID;
import net.snowflake.client.jdbc.internal.apache.http.HttpHeaders;
import net.snowflake.client.jdbc.internal.apache.http.client.methods.HttpGet;
import net.snowflake.client.jdbc.internal.apache.http.client.methods.HttpPost;
import net.snowflake.client.jdbc.internal.apache.http.client.methods.HttpUriRequest;
import net.snowflake.client.jdbc.internal.apache.http.client.utils.URIBuilder;
import net.snowflake.client.jdbc.internal.apache.http.entity.ContentType;
import net.snowflake.client.jdbc.internal.apache.http.entity.StringEntity;
import net.snowflake.client.jdbc.internal.apache.http.impl.client.CloseableHttpClient;
import net.snowflake.ingest.utils.ErrorCode;
import net.snowflake.ingest.utils.SFException;
import net.snowflake.ingest.utils.SnowflakeURL;
import net.snowflake.ingest.utils.StagedFileWrapper;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
* This class handles constructing the URIs for our requests as well as putting together the
* payloads we'll be sending
* @author obabarinsa
public class RequestBuilder {
// a logger for all of our needs in this class
private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(RequestBuilder.class.getName());
/* Member variables Begin */
// the security manager which will handle token generation
private final SecurityManager securityManager;
// whatever the actual scheme is
private String scheme;
// the actual port number
private final int port;
// whatever the actual host is
private final String host;
private final String userAgentSuffix;
// Reference to the telemetry service
private final TelemetryService telemetryService;
/* Member variables End */
/* Static constants Begin */
// the default host is
public static final String DEFAULT_HOST_SUFFIX = "";
// the default connection scheme is HTTPS
private static final String DEFAULT_SCHEME = "https";
// the default port is 443
private static final int DEFAULT_PORT = 443;
// the endpoint format string for inserting files
private static final String INGEST_ENDPOINT_FORMAT = "/v1/data/pipes/%s/insertFiles";
// the endpoint for history queries
private static final String HISTORY_ENDPOINT_FORMAT = "/v1/data/pipes/%s/insertReport";
// the endpoint for history time range queries
private static final String HISTORY_RANGE_ENDPOINT_FORMAT = "/v1/data/pipes/%s/loadHistoryScan";
// optional number of max seconds of items to fetch(eg. in the last hour)
private static final String RECENT_HISTORY_IN_SECONDS = "recentSeconds";
// optional. if not null, tells us where to start the next request
private static final String HISTORY_BEGIN_MARK = "beginMark";
// Start time for the history range
private static final String HISTORY_RANGE_START_INCLUSIVE = "startTimeInclusive";
// End time for the history range; is optional
private static final String HISTORY_RANGE_END_EXCLUSIVE = "endTimeExclusive";
// the request id parameter name
private static final String REQUEST_ID = "requestId";
// the show skipped files parameter name
private static final String SHOW_SKIPPED_FILES = "showSkippedFiles";
// the string name for the HTTP auth bearer
private static final String BEARER_PARAMETER = "Bearer ";
// and object mapper for all marshalling and unmarshalling
private static final ObjectMapper objectMapper = new ObjectMapper();
private static final String USER_AGENT = getDefaultUserAgent();
// Don't change!
public static final String CLIENT_NAME = "SnowpipeJavaSDK";
public static final String DEFAULT_VERSION = "2.1.2";
public static final String JAVA_USER_AGENT = "JAVA";
public static final String OS_INFO_USER_AGENT_FORMAT = "(%s %s %s)";
public static final String SF_HEADER_AUTHORIZATION_TOKEN_TYPE =
public static final String JWT_TOKEN_TYPE = "KEYPAIR_JWT";
public static final String HTTP_HEADER_CONTENT_TYPE_JSON = "application/json";
* RequestBuilder - general usage constructor
* @param accountName - the name of the Snowflake account to which we're connecting
* @param userName - the username of the entity loading files
* @param credential - the credential we'll use to authenticate
public RequestBuilder(String accountName, String userName, Object credential) {
accountName, userName, credential, DEFAULT_SCHEME, DEFAULT_HOST_SUFFIX, DEFAULT_PORT, null);
* RequestBuilder constructor which uses default schemes, host and port.
* @param accountName - the name of the Snowflake account to which we're connecting
* @param userName - the username of the entity loading files
* @param credential - the credential we'll use to authenticate
* @param userAgentSuffix - The suffix part of HTTP Header User-Agent
public RequestBuilder(
String accountName,
String userName,
String hostName,
Object credential,
String userAgentSuffix) {
accountName, userName, credential, DEFAULT_SCHEME, hostName, DEFAULT_PORT, userAgentSuffix);
* Constructor to use if not intended to use userAgentSuffix. i.e. User-Agent HTTP header suffix
* part is null, (The default one is still valid, check out #defaultUserAgent)
* @param accountName - the account name to which we're connecting
* @param userName - for whom are we connecting?
* @param credential - the credential we'll use to authenticate
* @param schemeName - are we HTTP or HTTPS?
* @param hostName - the host for this snowflake instance
* @param portNum - the port number
public RequestBuilder(
String accountName,
String userName,
Object credential,
String schemeName,
String hostName,
int portNum) {
this(accountName, userName, credential, schemeName, hostName, portNum, null);
* RequestBuilder - this constructor is for testing purposes only
* @param accountName - the account name to which we're connecting
* @param userName - for whom are we connecting?
* @param credential - the credential we'll use to authenticate
* @param schemeName - are we HTTP or HTTPS?
* @param hostName - the host for this snowflake instance
* @param portNum - the port number
* @param userAgentSuffix - The suffix part of HTTP Header User-Agent
public RequestBuilder(
String accountName,
String userName,
Object credential,
String schemeName,
String hostName,
int portNum,
String userAgentSuffix) {
* RequestBuilder - constructor used by streaming ingest
* @param url - the Snowflake account to which we're connecting
* @param userName - the username of the entity loading files
* @param credential - the credential we'll use to authenticate
* @param httpClient - reference to the http client
* @param clientName - name of the client, used to uniquely identify a client if used
public RequestBuilder(
SnowflakeURL url,
String userName,
Object credential,
CloseableHttpClient httpClient,
String clientName) {
* RequestBuilder - this constructor is for testing purposes only
* @param accountName - the account name to which we're connecting
* @param userName - for whom are we connecting?
* @param credential - our auth credentials, either JWT key pair or OAuth credential
* @param schemeName - are we HTTP or HTTPS?
* @param hostName - the host for this snowflake instance
* @param portNum - the port number
* @param userAgentSuffix - The suffix part of HTTP Header User-Agent
* @param securityManager - The security manager for authentication
* @param httpClient - reference to the http client
* @param clientName - name of the client, used to uniquely identify a client if used
public RequestBuilder(
String accountName,
String userName,
Object credential,
String schemeName,
String hostName,
int portNum,
String userAgentSuffix,
SecurityManager securityManager,
CloseableHttpClient httpClient,
String clientName) {
// none of these arguments should be null
if (accountName == null || userName == null || credential == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException();
// Set up the telemetry service if needed
// TODO: SNOW-854272 Support telemetry service when using OAuth authentication
this.telemetryService =
ENABLE_TELEMETRY_TO_SF && credential instanceof KeyPair
? new TelemetryService(
httpClient, clientName, schemeName + "://" + hostName + ":" + portNum)
: null;
// stash references to the account and username as well
String account = accountName.toUpperCase();
String user = userName.toUpperCase();
// save our host, scheme and port info
this.port = portNum;
this.scheme = schemeName; = hostName;
this.userAgentSuffix = userAgentSuffix;
// create our security/token manager
if (securityManager == null) {
if (credential instanceof KeyPair) {
this.securityManager =
new JWTManager(accountName, userName, (KeyPair) credential, telemetryService);
} else if (credential instanceof OAuthCredential) {
this.securityManager =
new OAuthManager(
(OAuthCredential) credential,
} else {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"Credential should be instance of either KeyPair or OAuthCredential");
} else {
this.securityManager = securityManager;
"Creating a RequestBuilder with arguments : "
+ "Account : {}, User : {}, Scheme : {}, Host : {}, Port : {}, userAgentSuffix: {}",
* Creates a string for user agent which should always be present in all requests to Snowflake
* (Snowpipe APIs)
* Here is the format we will use:
SnowpipeJavaSDK/version (platform details) JAVA/
* @return the default agent string
private static String getDefaultUserAgent() {
StringBuilder defaultUserAgent = new StringBuilder(CLIENT_NAME + "/" + DEFAULT_VERSION);
final String osInformation =
// append osInformation string to user agent
defaultUserAgent.append(" ");
defaultUserAgent.append(" ");
// Add Java Version
final String javaVersion = System.getProperty("java.version");
defaultUserAgent.append(JAVA_USER_AGENT + "/").append(javaVersion);
String userAgent = defaultUserAgent.toString();"Default user agent " + userAgent);
return userAgent;
private static String buildCustomUserAgent(String additionalUserAgentInfo) {
return USER_AGENT.trim() + " " + additionalUserAgentInfo;
/** A simple POJO for generating our POST body to the insert endpoint */
private static class IngestRequest {
// the list of files we're loading
private final List files;
* Ctor used when only files is used in request body.
* clientInfo will be defaulted to null
public IngestRequest(List files) {
this.files = files;
/* Gets the list of files which were added in request */
public List getFiles() {
return files;
* Given a request UUID, construct a URIBuilder for the common parts of any Ingest Service request
* @param requestId the UUID with which we want to label this request
* @return a URI builder we can use to finish build the URI
private URIBuilder makeBaseURI(UUID requestId) {
// We can't make a request with no id
if (requestId == null) {
LOGGER.error("RequestId is null!");
throw new IllegalArgumentException();
// construct the builder object without param
URIBuilder builder = makeBaseURI();
// set the request id
builder.setParameter(REQUEST_ID, requestId.toString());
return builder;
/** Construct a URIBuilder for common parts of request without any parameter */
private URIBuilder makeBaseURI() {
// construct the builder object
URIBuilder builder = new URIBuilder();
// set the scheme
// set the host name
// set the port name
return builder;
* makeInsertURI - Given a request UUID, and a fully qualified pipe name make a URI for the Ingest
* Service inserting
* @param requestId the UUID we'll use as the label
* @param pipe the pipe name
* @param showSkippedFiles a boolean which returns skipped files when set to true
* @return URI for the insert request
private URI makeInsertURI(UUID requestId, String pipe, boolean showSkippedFiles)
throws URISyntaxException {
// if the pipe name is null, we have to abort
if (pipe == null) {
LOGGER.error("Table argument is null");
throw new IllegalArgumentException();
// get the base endpoint uri
URIBuilder builder = makeBaseURI(requestId);
// set the query parameter to showSkippedFiles
builder.setParameter(SHOW_SKIPPED_FILES, String.valueOf(showSkippedFiles));
// add the path for the URI
builder.setPath(String.format(INGEST_ENDPOINT_FORMAT, pipe));
// build the final URI
* makeHistoryURI - Given a request UUID, and a fully qualified pipe name make a URI for the
* history reporting
* @param requestId the label for this request
* @param pipe the pipe name
* @param recentSeconds history only for items in the recentSeconds window
* @param beginMark mark from which history should be fetched
* @return URI for the insert request
private URI makeHistoryURI(UUID requestId, String pipe, Integer recentSeconds, String beginMark)
throws URISyntaxException {
// if the table name is null, we have to abort
if (pipe == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException();
// get the base endpoint UIR
URIBuilder builder = makeBaseURI(requestId);
// set the path for the URI
builder.setPath(String.format(HISTORY_ENDPOINT_FORMAT, pipe));
if (recentSeconds != null) {
builder.setParameter(RECENT_HISTORY_IN_SECONDS, String.valueOf(recentSeconds));
if (beginMark != null) {
builder.setParameter(HISTORY_BEGIN_MARK, beginMark);
}"Final History URIBuilder - {}", builder.toString());
// build the final URI
* makeHistoryURI - Given a request UUID, and a fully qualified pipe name make a URI for the
* history reporting
* @param requestId the label for this request
* @param pipe the pipe name
* @param startTimeInclusive Start time inclusive of scan range, in ISO-8601 format. Missing
* millisecond part in string will lead to a zero milliseconds. This is a required query
* parameter, and a 400 will be returned if this query parameter is missing
* @param endTimeExclusive End time exclusive of scan range. If this query parameter is missing or
* user provided value is later than current millis, then current millis is used.
* @return URI for the insert request
private URI makeHistoryRangeURI(
UUID requestId, String pipe, String startTimeInclusive, String endTimeExclusive)
throws URISyntaxException {
// if the table name is null, we have to abort
if (pipe == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException();
// get the base endpoint UIR
URIBuilder builder = makeBaseURI(requestId);
// set the path for the URI
builder.setPath(String.format(HISTORY_RANGE_ENDPOINT_FORMAT, pipe));
if (startTimeInclusive != null) {
builder.setParameter(HISTORY_RANGE_START_INCLUSIVE, startTimeInclusive);
if (endTimeExclusive != null) {
builder.setParameter(HISTORY_RANGE_END_EXCLUSIVE, endTimeExclusive);
}"Final History URIBuilder - {}", builder.toString());
// build the final URI
* Given a list of files, generate a json string which later can be passed in request body of
* insertFiles API
* @param files the list of files we want to send
* @return the string json blob
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if files passed in is null
private String serializeInsertFilesRequest(List files) {
// if the files argument is null, throw
if (files == null) {"Null files argument in RequestBuilder");
throw new IllegalArgumentException();
// create pojo
IngestRequest ingestRequest = new IngestRequest(files);
// serialize to a string
try {
return objectMapper.writeValueAsString(ingestRequest);
// if we have an exception we need to log and throw
catch (Exception e) {
LOGGER.error("Unable to Generate JSON Body for Insert request");
throw new RuntimeException();
* Add user agent to the request Header for passed Http request
* @param request the URI request
* @param userAgentSuffix adds the user agent header to a request(As a suffix) along with the
* default one. If it is null or empty, only default one is used.
private static void addUserAgent(HttpUriRequest request, String userAgentSuffix) {
if (!isNullOrEmpty(userAgentSuffix)) {
final String userAgent = buildCustomUserAgent(userAgentSuffix);
request.setHeader(HttpHeaders.USER_AGENT, userAgent);
request.setHeader(HttpHeaders.USER_AGENT, USER_AGENT);
* addToken - adds a token to a request
* @param request the URI request
public void addToken(HttpUriRequest request) {
request.setHeader(HttpHeaders.AUTHORIZATION, BEARER_PARAMETER + securityManager.getToken());
request.setHeader(SF_HEADER_AUTHORIZATION_TOKEN_TYPE, this.securityManager.getTokenType());
* addHeader - adds necessary header to a request
* @param request the URI request
* @param userAgentSuffix user agent suffix
private void addHeaders(HttpUriRequest request, String userAgentSuffix) {
addUserAgent(request, userAgentSuffix);
// Add the auth token
// Add Accept header
request.setHeader(HttpHeaders.ACCEPT, HTTP_HEADER_CONTENT_TYPE_JSON);
* generateInsertRequest - given a table, stage and list of files, make a request for the insert
* endpoint
* @param requestId a UUID we will use to label this request
* @param pipe a fully qualified pipe name
* @param files a list of files
* @param showSkippedFiles a boolean which returns skipped files when set to true
* @return a post request with all the data we need
* @throws URISyntaxException if the URI components provided are improper
public HttpPost generateInsertRequest(
UUID requestId, String pipe, List files, boolean showSkippedFiles)
throws URISyntaxException {
// make the insert URI
URI insertURI = makeInsertURI(requestId, pipe, showSkippedFiles);"Created Insert Request : {} ", insertURI);
// Make the post request
HttpPost post = new HttpPost(insertURI);
addHeaders(post, this.userAgentSuffix);
// the entity for the containing the json
final StringEntity entity =
new StringEntity(serializeInsertFilesRequest(files), ContentType.APPLICATION_JSON);
return post;
* generateHistoryRequest - given a requestId and a pipe, make a history request
* @param requestId a UUID we will use to label this request
* @param pipe a fully qualified pipe name
* @param recentSeconds history only for items in the recentSeconds window
* @param beginMark mark from which history should be fetched
* @throws URISyntaxException - If the URI components provided are improper
public HttpGet generateHistoryRequest(
UUID requestId, String pipe, Integer recentSeconds, String beginMark)
throws URISyntaxException {
// make the history URI
URI historyURI = makeHistoryURI(requestId, pipe, recentSeconds, beginMark);
// make the get request
HttpGet get = new HttpGet(historyURI);
addHeaders(get, this.userAgentSuffix);
return get;
* generateHistoryRangeRequest - given a requestId and a pipe, get history for all ingests between
* time ranges start-end
* @param requestId a UUID we will use to label this request
* @param pipe a fully qualified pipe name
* @param startTimeInclusive Start time inclusive of scan range, in ISO-8601 format. Missing
* millisecond part in string will lead to a zero milliseconds. This is a required query
* parameter, and a 400 will be returned if this query parameter is missing
* @param endTimeExclusive End time exclusive of scan range. If this query parameter is missing or
* user provided value is later than current millis, then current millis is used.
* @return URI for the insert request
public HttpGet generateHistoryRangeRequest(
UUID requestId, String pipe, String startTimeInclusive, String endTimeExclusive)
throws URISyntaxException {
URI historyRangeURI =
makeHistoryRangeURI(requestId, pipe, startTimeInclusive, endTimeExclusive);
HttpGet get = new HttpGet(historyRangeURI);
addHeaders(get, this.userAgentSuffix /*User agent information*/);
return get;
* Generate post request for streaming ingest related APIs
* @param payload POST request payload as string
* @param endPoint REST API endpoint
* @param message error message if there are failures during HTTP building
* @return URI for the POST request
public HttpPost generateStreamingIngestPostRequest(
String payload, String endPoint, String message) {
final String requestId = UUID.randomUUID().toString();
"Generate Snowpipe streaming request: endpoint={}, payload={}, requestId={}",
// Make the corresponding URI
URI uri = null;
try {
uri =
new URIBuilder()
.setParameter(REQUEST_ID, requestId)
} catch (URISyntaxException e) {
throw new SFException(e, ErrorCode.BUILD_REQUEST_FAILURE, message);
// Make the post request
HttpPost post = new HttpPost(uri);
addHeaders(post, this.userAgentSuffix /*User agent information*/);
// The entity for the containing the json
final StringEntity entity = new StringEntity(payload, ContentType.APPLICATION_JSON);
return post;
* Generate post request for streaming ingest related APIs
* @param payload POST request payload
* @param endPoint REST API endpoint
* @param message error message if there are failures during HTTP building
* @return URI for the POST request
public HttpPost generateStreamingIngestPostRequest(