net.snowflake.client.core.SFBaseSession Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright (c) 2012-2021 Snowflake Computing Inc. All rights reserved.
package net.snowflake.client.core;
import java.sql.DriverPropertyInfo;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger;
import net.snowflake.client.jdbc.ErrorCode;
import net.snowflake.client.jdbc.SnowflakeConnectString;
import net.snowflake.client.jdbc.SnowflakeSQLException;
import net.snowflake.client.jdbc.SnowflakeType;
import net.snowflake.client.jdbc.telemetry.Telemetry;
* Snowflake session implementation base. The methods and fields contained within this class are
* setters and getters for shared session properties, i.e., those that may be set via connection
* time, in properties, as well as those that may be parsed from response headers from Snowflake
* (i.e., session parameters).
* New connection properties and session parameters can be added here, as SFBaseSession contains
* the logic for storing, setting, and getting these session properties.
For logic that is specific to a particular type of Session, four methods need to be
* implemented:
open(), for establishing a connection. close(), for closing a connection. isSafeToClose(), for
* checking whether the connection can be closed. checkProperties(), invoked at connection time to
* verify if the requisite properties are set; and if not, returns a list of missing properties
* raiseError(), which handles exceptions that may be raised in the session isTelemetryEnabled(),
* which signals whether to enable client telemetry
public abstract class SFBaseSession {
private final Properties clientInfo = new Properties();
private final AtomicBoolean autoCommit = new AtomicBoolean(true);
// Injected delay for the purpose of connection timeout testing
// Any statement execution will sleep for the specified number of milliseconds
private final AtomicInteger _injectedDelay = new AtomicInteger(0);
// Connection properties map
private final Map connectionPropertiesMap = new HashMap<>();
// Custom key-value map for other options values *not* defined in SFSessionProperties,
// i.e., session-implementation specific
private final Map customSessionProperties = new HashMap<>(1);
protected List sqlWarnings = new ArrayList<>();
// Unique Session ID
private String sessionId;
// Database versions
private String databaseVersion = null;
private int databaseMajorVersion = 0;
private int databaseMinorVersion = 0;
// Used for parsing results
private SnowflakeType timestampMappedType = SnowflakeType.TIMESTAMP_LTZ;
private boolean isResultColumnCaseInsensitive;
private boolean isJdbcTreatDecimalAsInt = true;
private boolean treatNTZAsUTC;
private boolean preparedStatementLogging = false;
// Inject failure for testing
private String injectFileUploadFailure;
private boolean enableHeartbeat;
protected int heartbeatFrequency = 3600;
private boolean formatDateWithTimezone;
private boolean enableCombineDescribe;
private boolean clientTelemetryEnabled = false;
private boolean useSessionTimezone;
// The server can read array binds from a stage instead of query payload.
// When there as many bind values as this threshold, we should upload them to a stage.
private int arrayBindStageThreshold = 0;
private boolean storeTemporaryCredential;
private String serviceName;
private boolean sfSQLMode;
// whether to enable conservative memory usage mode
private boolean enableConservativeMemoryUsage;
// the step in MB to adjust memory usage
private int conservativeMemoryAdjustStep = 64;
private int clientMemoryLimit;
private int clientResultChunkSize;
private int clientPrefetchThreads;
// validate the default parameters by GS?
private boolean validateDefaultParameters;
// Current session context w/ re to database, schema, role, warehouse
private String database;
private String schema;
private String role;
private String warehouse;
// For Metadata request(i.e. DatabaseMetadata.getTables or
// DatabaseMetadata.getSchemas,), whether to use connection ctx to
// improve the request time
private boolean metadataRequestUseConnectionCtx = false;
// For Metadata request(i.e. DatabaseMetadata.getTables or
// DatabaseMetadata.getSchemas), whether to search using multiple schemas with
// session database
private boolean metadataRequestUseSessionDatabase = false;
// Forces to use regional s3 end point API to generate regional url for aws endpoints
private boolean useRegionalS3EndpointsForPresignedURL = false;
// Stores other parameters sent by server
private final Map otherParameters = new HashMap<>();
private HttpClientSettingsKey ocspAndProxyKey = null;
* Part of the JDBC API, where client applications may fetch a Map of Properties to set various
* attributes. This is not used internally by any driver component, but should be maintained by
* the Session object.
public Properties getClientInfo() {
// defensive copy to avoid client from changing the properties
// directly w/o going through the API
Properties copy = new Properties();
return copy;
* Gets the Property associated with the key 'name' in the ClientInfo map.
* @param name The key from which to fetch the Property.
public String getClientInfo(String name) {
return this.clientInfo.getProperty(name);
/** Returns a unique id for this session. */
public String getSessionId() {
return sessionId;
* Sets the session-id attribute in this session.
* @param sessionId The session id as a string.
public void setSessionId(String sessionId) {
this.sessionId = sessionId;
public boolean isSfSQLMode() {
return sfSQLMode;
public void setSfSQLMode(boolean sfSQLMode) {
this.sfSQLMode = sfSQLMode;
public String getDatabaseVersion() {
return databaseVersion;
public void setDatabaseVersion(String databaseVersion) {
this.databaseVersion = databaseVersion;
public int getDatabaseMajorVersion() {
return databaseMajorVersion;
public void setDatabaseMajorVersion(int databaseMajorVersion) {
this.databaseMajorVersion = databaseMajorVersion;
public int getDatabaseMinorVersion() {
return databaseMinorVersion;
public void setDatabaseMinorVersion(int databaseMinorVersion) {
this.databaseMinorVersion = databaseMinorVersion;
public boolean getPreparedStatementLogging() {
return this.preparedStatementLogging;
public void setPreparedStatementLogging(boolean value) {
this.preparedStatementLogging = value;
public String getInjectFileUploadFailure() {
return this.injectFileUploadFailure;
public void setInjectFileUploadFailure(String fileToFail) {
this.injectFileUploadFailure = fileToFail;
public SnowflakeType getTimestampMappedType() {
return timestampMappedType;
public void setTimestampMappedType(SnowflakeType timestampMappedType) {
this.timestampMappedType = timestampMappedType;
public boolean isResultColumnCaseInsensitive() {
return isResultColumnCaseInsensitive;
public void setResultColumnCaseInsensitive(boolean resultColumnCaseInsensitive) {
isResultColumnCaseInsensitive = resultColumnCaseInsensitive;
public boolean isJdbcTreatDecimalAsInt() {
return isJdbcTreatDecimalAsInt;
public void setJdbcTreatDecimalAsInt(boolean jdbcTreatDecimalAsInt) {
isJdbcTreatDecimalAsInt = jdbcTreatDecimalAsInt;
public String getServerUrl() {
if (connectionPropertiesMap.containsKey(SFSessionProperty.SERVER_URL)) {
return (String) connectionPropertiesMap.get(SFSessionProperty.SERVER_URL);
return null;
public boolean isStringQuoted() {
if (connectionPropertiesMap.containsKey(SFSessionProperty.STRINGS_QUOTED)) {
return (Boolean) connectionPropertiesMap.get(SFSessionProperty.STRINGS_QUOTED);
return false;
* Wrapper function for the other addProperty(String, Object) method that takes an
* SFSessionProperty instead of a String key.
* @param sfSessionProperty The property for which to set the value.
* @param propertyValue The value to set for the property.
* @throws SFException If the value already exists for the given key (should only be set once), or
* if the value is invalid.
public void addProperty(SFSessionProperty sfSessionProperty, Object propertyValue)
throws SFException {
addProperty(sfSessionProperty.getPropertyKey(), propertyValue);
* Adds a connection property to the connection-properties map. Connection properties are those
* that are defined in SFSessionProperty. They are set typically through instantiation of the
* Session.
* @param propertyName The name of the property, as a string. Recognized ones are defined in the
* SFSessionProperty enum.
* @param propertyValue The value to set for this key.
* @throws SFException If the value already exists for the given key (should only be set once), or
* if the value is invalid.
public void addProperty(String propertyName, Object propertyValue) throws SFException {
SFSessionProperty connectionProperty = SFSessionProperty.lookupByKey(propertyName);
// check if the value type is as expected
propertyValue = SFSessionProperty.checkPropertyValue(connectionProperty, propertyValue);
if (connectionPropertiesMap.containsKey(connectionProperty)) {
throw new SFException(ErrorCode.DUPLICATE_CONNECTION_PROPERTY_SPECIFIED, propertyName);
} else if (propertyValue != null && connectionProperty == SFSessionProperty.AUTHENTICATOR) {
String[] authenticatorWithParams = propertyValue.toString().split(";");
if (authenticatorWithParams.length == 1) {
connectionPropertiesMap.put(connectionProperty, propertyValue);
} else {
String[] oktaUserKeyPair = authenticatorWithParams[1].split("=");
if (oktaUserKeyPair.length == 2) {
connectionPropertiesMap.put(connectionProperty, authenticatorWithParams[0]);
connectionPropertiesMap.put(SFSessionProperty.OKTA_USERNAME, oktaUserKeyPair[1]);
} else {
throw new SFException(ErrorCode.INVALID_OKTA_USERNAME, propertyName);
} else {
connectionPropertiesMap.put(connectionProperty, propertyValue);
public Map getConnectionPropertiesMap() {
return connectionPropertiesMap;
public HttpClientSettingsKey getHttpClientKey() throws SnowflakeSQLException {
// if key is already created, return it without making a new one
if (ocspAndProxyKey != null) {
return ocspAndProxyKey;
// if not, create a new key
boolean useProxy = false;
if (connectionPropertiesMap.containsKey(SFSessionProperty.USE_PROXY)) {
useProxy = (boolean) connectionPropertiesMap.get(SFSessionProperty.USE_PROXY);
if (useProxy) {
int proxyPort;
try {
proxyPort =
} catch (NumberFormatException | NullPointerException e) {
throw new SnowflakeSQLException(
ErrorCode.INVALID_PROXY_PROPERTIES, "Could not parse port number");
String proxyHost = (String) connectionPropertiesMap.get(SFSessionProperty.PROXY_HOST);
String proxyUser = (String) connectionPropertiesMap.get(SFSessionProperty.PROXY_USER);
String proxyPassword = (String) connectionPropertiesMap.get(SFSessionProperty.PROXY_PASSWORD);
String nonProxyHosts =
(String) connectionPropertiesMap.get(SFSessionProperty.NON_PROXY_HOSTS);
ocspAndProxyKey =
new HttpClientSettingsKey(
getOCSPMode(), proxyHost, proxyPort, nonProxyHosts, proxyUser, proxyPassword);
return ocspAndProxyKey;
// If no proxy is used, no need for setting parameters
ocspAndProxyKey = new HttpClientSettingsKey(getOCSPMode());
return ocspAndProxyKey;
public OCSPMode getOCSPMode() {
OCSPMode ret;
Boolean insecureMode = (Boolean) connectionPropertiesMap.get(SFSessionProperty.INSECURE_MODE);
if (insecureMode != null && insecureMode) {
// skip OCSP checks
} else if (!connectionPropertiesMap.containsKey(SFSessionProperty.OCSP_FAIL_OPEN)
|| (boolean) connectionPropertiesMap.get(SFSessionProperty.OCSP_FAIL_OPEN)) {
// fail open (by default, not set)
} else {
// explicitly set ocspFailOpen=false
return ret;
public Integer getQueryTimeout() {
return (Integer) this.connectionPropertiesMap.get(SFSessionProperty.QUERY_TIMEOUT);
public String getUser() {
return (String) this.connectionPropertiesMap.get(SFSessionProperty.USER);
public String getUrl() {
return (String) this.connectionPropertiesMap.get(SFSessionProperty.SERVER_URL);
public int getInjectWaitInPut() {
Object retVal = this.connectionPropertiesMap.get(SFSessionProperty.INJECT_WAIT_IN_PUT);
if (retVal != null) {
try {
return (int) retVal;
} catch (Exception e) {
return 0;
return 0;
public boolean getMetadataRequestUseSessionDatabase() {
return metadataRequestUseSessionDatabase;
public void setMetadataRequestUseSessionDatabase(boolean enabled) {
this.metadataRequestUseSessionDatabase = enabled;
public boolean getMetadataRequestUseConnectionCtx() {
return this.metadataRequestUseConnectionCtx;
public void setMetadataRequestUseConnectionCtx(boolean enabled) {
this.metadataRequestUseConnectionCtx = enabled;
AtomicInteger getInjectedDelay() {
return _injectedDelay;
public void setInjectedDelay(int injectedDelay) {
public boolean getTreatNTZAsUTC() {
return treatNTZAsUTC;
public void setTreatNTZAsUTC(boolean treatNTZAsUTC) {
this.treatNTZAsUTC = treatNTZAsUTC;
public boolean getEnableHeartbeat() {
return enableHeartbeat;
public void setEnableHeartbeat(boolean enableHeartbeat) {
this.enableHeartbeat = enableHeartbeat;
* Set the heartbeat frequency in seconds. This is the frequency with which the session token is
* refreshed.
* @param frequency heartbeat frequency in seconds
public void setHeartbeatFrequency(int frequency) {
if (frequency < 900) {
this.heartbeatFrequency = 900;
} else if (frequency > 3600) {
this.heartbeatFrequency = 3600;
} else {
this.heartbeatFrequency = frequency;
/** Retrieve session heartbeat frequency in seconds */
public int getHeartbeatFrequency() {
return this.heartbeatFrequency;
public boolean getAutoCommit() {
return autoCommit.get();
public void setAutoCommit(boolean autoCommit) {
public boolean getFormatDateWithTimezone() {
return formatDateWithTimezone;
public void setFormatDateWithTimezone(boolean formatDateWithTimezone) {
this.formatDateWithTimezone = formatDateWithTimezone;
public boolean getUseSessionTimezone() {
return useSessionTimezone;
public void setUseSessionTimezone(boolean useSessionTimezone) {
this.useSessionTimezone = useSessionTimezone;
public boolean getEnableCombineDescribe() {
return enableCombineDescribe;
public void setEnableCombineDescribe(boolean enableCombineDescribe) {
this.enableCombineDescribe = enableCombineDescribe;
public boolean isClientTelemetryEnabled() {
return clientTelemetryEnabled;
public void setClientTelemetryEnabled(boolean clientTelemetryEnabled) {
this.clientTelemetryEnabled = clientTelemetryEnabled;
public int getArrayBindStageThreshold() {
return arrayBindStageThreshold;
public void setArrayBindStageThreshold(int arrayBindStageThreshold) {
this.arrayBindStageThreshold = arrayBindStageThreshold;
public boolean getStoreTemporaryCredential() {
return storeTemporaryCredential;
public void setStoreTemporaryCredential(boolean storeTemporaryCredential) {
this.storeTemporaryCredential = storeTemporaryCredential;
public String getServiceName() {
return serviceName;
public void setServiceName(String serviceName) {
this.serviceName = serviceName;
public void setEnableConservativeMemoryUsage(boolean enableConservativeMemoryUsage) {
this.enableConservativeMemoryUsage = enableConservativeMemoryUsage;
public boolean isConservativeMemoryUsageEnabled() {
return enableConservativeMemoryUsage;
public int getConservativeMemoryAdjustStep() {
return conservativeMemoryAdjustStep;
public void setConservativeMemoryAdjustStep(int conservativeMemoryAdjustStep) {
this.conservativeMemoryAdjustStep = conservativeMemoryAdjustStep;
public int getClientMemoryLimit() {
return clientMemoryLimit;
public void setClientMemoryLimit(int clientMemoryLimit) {
this.clientMemoryLimit = clientMemoryLimit;
public int getClientResultChunkSize() {
return clientResultChunkSize;
public void setClientResultChunkSize(int clientResultChunkSize) {
this.clientResultChunkSize = clientResultChunkSize;
public Object getOtherParameter(String key) {
return this.otherParameters.get(key);
public void setOtherParameter(String key, Object value) {
this.otherParameters.put(key, value);
public int getClientPrefetchThreads() {
return clientPrefetchThreads;
public void setClientPrefetchThreads(int clientPrefetchThreads) {
this.clientPrefetchThreads = clientPrefetchThreads;
public boolean getValidateDefaultParameters() {
return validateDefaultParameters;
public void setValidateDefaultParameters(boolean validateDefaultParameters) {
this.validateDefaultParameters = validateDefaultParameters;
public String getDatabase() {
return database;
public void setDatabase(String database) {
this.database = database;
public String getSchema() {
return schema;
public void setSchema(String schema) {
this.schema = schema;
public String getRole() {
return role;
public void setRole(String role) {
this.role = role;
public String getWarehouse() {
return warehouse;
public void setWarehouse(String warehouse) {
this.warehouse = warehouse;
public void setUseRegionalS3EndpointsForPresignedURL(boolean regionalS3Endpoint) {
this.useRegionalS3EndpointsForPresignedURL = regionalS3Endpoint;
public boolean getUseRegionalS3EndpointsForPresignedURL() {
return useRegionalS3EndpointsForPresignedURL;
* Enables setting a value in the custom-properties map. This is used for properties that are
* implementation specific to the session, and not shared by the different implementations.
* @param propertyName A string key for the property to set.
* @param propertyValue The property value.
public void setSessionPropertyByKey(String propertyName, Object propertyValue) {
this.customSessionProperties.put(propertyName, propertyValue);
* Fetch the value for a custom session property.
* @param propertyName The key of the session property to fetch.
public Object getSessionPropertyByKey(String propertyName) {
return this.customSessionProperties.get(propertyName);
* Function that checks if the active session can be closed when the connection is closed. Called
* by SnowflakeConnectionV1.
public abstract boolean isSafeToClose();
* Validates the connection properties used by this session, and returns a list of missing
* properties.
public abstract List checkProperties();
* Close the connection
* @throws SnowflakeSQLException if failed to close the connection
* @throws SFException if failed to close the connection
public abstract void close() throws SFException, SnowflakeSQLException;
* Raise an error within the current session. By default, this may log an incident with Snowflake.
* @param exc The throwable exception
* @param jobId jobId that failed
* @param requestId requestId that failed
public abstract void raiseError(Throwable exc, String jobId, String requestId);
* Returns the telemetry client, if supported, by this session. If not, should return a
* NoOpTelemetryClient.
public abstract Telemetry getTelemetryClient();
* JDBC API. Returns a list of warnings generated since starting this session, or the last time it
* was cleared.
public List getSqlWarnings() {
return sqlWarnings;
* JDBC API. Clears the list of warnings generated since the start of the session, or the last
* time it was cleared.
public void clearSqlWarnings() {
public abstract int getNetworkTimeoutInMilli();
public abstract SnowflakeConnectString getSnowflakeConnectionString();