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verticalPool=Vertical Pool
verticalLane=Vertical Lane

startEvent=Start Event
startNonInterruptingEvent=Start Event (Non-Interrupting)
intermediateEvent=Intermediate Event
intermediateThrowEvent=Intermediate Throw Event
intermediateCatchEvent=Intermediate Catch Event
boundaryEvent=Boundary Event
boundaryNonInterruptingEvent=Boundary Event (Non-Interrupting)
endEvent=End Event

noneEvent=None Event
messageEvent=Message Event
timerEvent=Timer Event
errorEvent=Error Event
escalationEvent=Escalation Event
cancelEvent=Cancel Event
compensationEvent=Compensation Event
conditionalEvent=Conditional Event
linkEvent=Link Event
signalEvent=Signal Event
terminateEvent=Terminate Event
multipleEvent=Multiple Event
parallelMultipleEvent=Parallel Multiple Event

exclusiveGateway=Exclusive Gateway
exclusiveGatewayWithIndicator=Exclusive Gateway With Indicator
inclusiveGateway=Inclusive Gateway
parallelGateway=Parallel Gateway
complexGateway=Complex Gateway
eventGateway=Event Gateway
eventGatewayInstantiate=Event Gateway (Instantiate)
parallelEventGateway=Parallel Event Gateway (Instantiate)

sendTask=Send Task
receiveTask=Receive Task
serviceTask=Service Task
userTask=User Task
manualTask=Manual Task
scriptTask=Script Task
businessRuleTask=Business Rule Task

callActivity=Call Activity (calling Global Task)
callUser=Call Activity (calling Global User Task)
callManual=Call Activity (calling Global Manual Task)
callScript=Call Activity (calling Global Script Task)
callBusinessRule=Call Activity (calling Global Business Rule Task)

CallActivity=Call Activity
callProcess=Call Activity (calling Process)

eventSubProcess=Event Sub-Process
tranSubProcess=Transaction Sub-Process
adHocSubProcess=Ad-Hoc Sub-Process

dataObject=Data Object
dataInput=Data Input
dataOutput=Data Output
dataStore=Data Store
dataInputs=Collection Data Input
dataOutputs=Collection Data Output
dataObjects=Collection Data Object

textAnnotation=Text Annotation

itemDefinition=Item Definition
partnerEntity=Partner Entity
partnerRole=Partner Role
participantRefs=Participant Refs
participantRef=Participant Ref
processType=Process Type
isExecutable=Is Executable
isClosed=Is Closed
resourceParameter=Resource Parameter
resourceParameters=Resource Parameters
categoryValue=Category Value
categoryValues=Category Values
categorizedFlowElements=Categorized Flow Elements
selectFlowElements=Select Flow Elements...
deselectAll=Deselect All
isRequired=Is Required
isCollection=Is Collection
isUnlimited=Is Unlimited
structureRef=Structure Ref
itemSubjectRef=Item Subject Ref
signalRef=Signal Ref
escalationRef=Escalation Ref
escalationCode=Escalation Code
itemRef=Item Ref
itemKind=Item Kind
operationRef=Operation Ref
messageRef=Message Ref
implementationRef=Implementation Ref
inMessageRef=IN Message Ref
outMessageRef=OUT Message Ref
errorRefs=Error Refs
errorRef=Error Ref
errorCode=Error Code
dataAssociations=Data Associations
dataInputAssociation=Data Input Association
dataOutputAssociation=Data Output Association
dataInputAssociations=Data Input Associations
dataOutputAssociations=Data Output Associations
targetRef=Target Ref
sourceRef=Source Ref
activityRef=Activity Ref
interfaceRefs=Interface Refs
interfaceRef=Interface Ref
waitForCompletion=Wait For Completion
expressionLanguage=Expression Language
typeLanguage=Type Language
importType=Import Type
transaction=Transaction Sub-Process
tranMethod=Transaction Method
conditionExpression=Condition Expression
cancelRemainingInstances=Cancel Remaining Instances
completionCondition=Completion Condition
dataState=Data State
scriptFormat=Script Format
textFormat=Text Format
plainText=Plain Text
standardLoopCharacteristics=Standard Loop Characteristics
multiInstanceLoopCharacteristics=Multi-Instance Characteristics
loopCondition=Loop Condition
potentialOwner=Potential Owner
humanPerformer=Human Performer
resourceRole=Resource Role
resourceRef=Resource Ref
resourceAssignmentExpression=Resource Assignment Expression
resourceParameterBindings=Resource Parameter Bindings
resourceParameterBinding=Resource Parameter Binding
parameterRef=Parameter Ref
cancelEventDefinition=Cancel Event Definition
compensateEventDefinition=Compensate Event Definition
conditionalEventDefinition=Conditional Event Definition
errorEventDefinition=Error Event Definition
escalationEventDefinition=Escalation Event Definition
linkEventDefinition=Link Event Definition
messageEventDefinition=Message Event Definition
signalEventDefinition=Signal Event Definition
terminateEventDefinition=Terminate Event Definition
timerEventDefinition=Timer Event Definition
globalTask=Global Task
globalUserTask=Global User Task
globalScriptTask=Global Script Task
globalManualTask=Global Manual Task
globalBusinessRuleTask=Global Business Rule Task

poolDesc=A Pool is the graphical representation of a Participant in a Collaboration.
A Pool MAY or MAY NOT reference a Process. A Pool is NOT REQUIRED to
contain a Process, i.e., it can be a "black box". laneDesc=A Lane is a sub-partition within a Process (often within a Pool) and will extend
the entire length of the Process level, either vertically or horizontally. startEventDesc=the Start Event indicates where a particular Process will start. endEventDesc=the End Event indicates where a Process will end. intermediateEventDesc=the Intermediate Event indicates where something happens (an Event) somewhere
between the start and end of a Process. It will affect the flow of the Process, but
will not start or (directly) terminate the Process. boundaryEventDesc=the Boundary Event is a Intermediate Event attached to the boundary of the Activity. taskDesc=A Task is an atomic Activity within a Process flow.
A Task is used when the work in the Process cannot
be broken down to a finer level of detail. serviceTaskDesc=A Service Task is a Task that uses some sort of service,
which could be a Web service or an automated application. sendTaskDesc=A Send Task is a simple Task that is designed to send a Message
to an external Participant (relative to the Process). receiveTaskDesc=A Receive Task is a simple Task that is designed to wait for a Message
to arrive from an external Participant (relative to the Process). userTaskDesc=A User Task is a typical "workflow" Task where a human performer
performs the Task with the assistance of a software application
and is scheduled through a task list manager of some sort. manualTaskDesc=A Manual Task is a Task that is expected to be performed
without the aid of any business process execution engine
or any application. businessRuleTaskDesc=A Business Rule Task provides a mechanism for the Process to
provide input to a Business Rules Engine and to get the output
of calculations that the Business Rules Engine might provide. scriptTaskDesc=A Script Task is executed by a business process engine. subprocessDesc=A Sub-Process is an Activity whose internal
details have been modeled using Activities,
Gateways, Events, and Sequence Flows. eventSubProcessDesc=An Event Sub-Process is placed into a Process or Sub-Process.
It is activated when its start event gets triggered and can
interrupt the higher level process context or run in parallel
(non-interrupting) depending on the start event. tranSubProcessDesc=A Transaction is a set of activities that logically belong together;
it might follow a specified transaction protocol. adHocSubProcessDesc=Contains a group of activities whose sequence and
number of activities is defined by their performers. exclusiveGatewayDesc=When splitting, it routes the sequence flow to exactly one of
the outgoing branches. When merging, it awaits one incoming
branch to complete before triggering the outgoing flow. parallelGatewayDesc=When used to split the sequence flow, all outgoing
branches are activated simultaneously. When merging
parallel branches it waits for all incoming branches to
complete before triggering the outgoing flow. inclusiveGatewayDesc=When splitting, one or more branches are activated. All
active incoming branches must complete before merging. complexGatewayDesc=Complex merging and branching behavior that
is not captured by other gateways. eventGatewayDesc=Is always followed by catching events or receive tasks. Sequence
flow is routed to the subsequent event/task which happens first. eventGatewayInstantiateDesc=Each occurrence of a subsequent event
starts a new process instance. parallelEventGatewayDesc=The occurrence of all subsequent events
starts a new process instance. callActivityDesc=A Call Activity is a wrapper for a globally defined
Task or Process reused in the current Process. choreographyTaskDesc=A Choreography Task represents an Interaction
(Message Exchange) between two Participants. subChoreographyDesc=A Sub-Choreography contains a refined
choreography with several Interactions. callChoreographyDesc=A Call Choreography is a wrapper for a globally
defined Choreography Task or Sub-Choreography. conversationDesc=A Conversation is an atomic element for a Conversation (Collaboration)
diagram. A Conversation is a logical grouping of Message exchanges
(Message Flows) that can share a Correlation. subConversationDesc=A Sub-Conversation is a ConversationNode that is a
hierarchical division within the parent Collaboration. callConversationDesc=A Call Conversation identifies a place in the Conversation (Collaboration)
where a global Conversation is used. dataObjectDesc=A Data Object represents information flowing through the
process, such as business documents, e-mails, or letters. dataObjectsDesc=A Collection Data Object represents a collection
of information, e.g., a list of order items. dataInputDesc=A Data Input is an external input for the
entire process. A kind of input parameter. dataOutputDesc=A Data Output is data result of the entire
process. A kind of output parameter. dataStoreDesc=A DataStore provides a mechanism for Activities to retrieve or update
stored information that will persist beyond the scope of the Process. messageDesc=A Message represents the content of a communication between two Participants. textAnnotationDesc=Text Annotations are a mechanism for a modeler to provide
additional information for the reader of a BPMN Diagram. groupDesc=The Group object is an Artifact that provides a visual
mechanism to group elements of a diagram informally.

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