org.relique.jdbc.csv.messages.properties Maven / Gradle / Ivy
# CsvJdbc - a JDBC driver for CSV files
# Copyright (C) 2014 Simon Chenery
# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
# version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
arraySubListOutOfBounds=Array subList out of bounds
arrayElementTypes=Array element types do not match
cannotConvertToBigDecimal=Cannot convert value to java.math.BigDecimal
cannotInferColumns=Cannot infer column types until first row is fetched
caseNotLogical=CASE condition must result in true or false
closedConnection=Connection is already closed
closedResultSet=ResultSet is already closed
columnNotInGroupBy=Column not included in GROUP BY
columnsRead=Columns read
columnsExpected=Columns expected
columnsWithAggregateFunctions=Query columns cannot be combined with aggregate functions
dansDbfError=DANS DBF Library error
dataReaderError=Error initializing DataReader
dbfTypeNotSupported=DBF Data Type not supported
derivedTableNotSupported=derived tables not supported
dirNotFound=Directory not found
duplicateColumns=Table contains duplicate column names
eofInQuotes=Reached end of file inside quotes starting at line
expectedSeparator=Expected separator at line and position
fileNotFound=File not found
fileNotReadable=File not readable
fileReadError=Error reading file
freedArray=Array is already freed
functionArgCount=Wrong number of arguments to SQL function
functionArgClass=Java class of SQL function argument not supported
havingNotLogical=HAVING clause must result in true or false
initFailed=Failed to initialize CsvJdbc driver
interfaceNotImplemented=Class does not implement interface
invalidColumnIndex=Invalid column index
invalidColumnName=Invalid column name
invalidColumnType=Invalid column type
invalidQueryExpression=Invalid expression in query
invalidFunction=Invalid SQL function name
invalidGroupBy=Invalid GROUP BY column
invalidHaving=Invalid HAVING column
invalidLimit=Invalid LIMIT value
invalidOffset=Invalid OFFSET value
invalidOrderBy=Invalid ORDER BY column
invalidProperty=Invalid Property
invalidResultSetType=ResultSet type invalid
joinNotSupported=JOIN not supported
methodNotSupported=Method not supported
namedSavepoint=Named Savepoint
noAggregateFunctions=Aggregate functions not allowed in WHERE clause
noCodecClass=Codec class not found
noColumnsSelected=Malformed SQL. No columns selected
noCurrentRow=No current row, perhaps you need to call next
noCryptoFilter=Could not initialize CryptoFilter
noDansDbf=DANS DBF Library classes not found
noFunction=SQL function not found
noFunctionClass=Java class for SQL function not found
noFunctionMethod=Static Java method for SQL function not found
noGetMethod=No previous getter method called
noLocale=Locale not available
noPath=Path not provided
notNamedSavepoint=Not a named Savepoint
orderByNotInGroupBy=ORDER BY column not included in GROUP BY
parameterIndex=Parameter index out of range
statementCancelled=Statement cancelled
statementClosed=Statement is already closed
streamClosed=Stream is already closed
subqueryOneColumn=Subquery must return one column
subqueryOneRow=Subquery must return one row
syntaxError=Syntax error
tableNotFound=Table not found
unknownCommandLine=Unknown command line option
unsupportedDirection=Direction not supported
unsupportedHoldability=Holdability not supported
usage=Usage: java -jar csvjdbc.jar [-p properties.txt] jdbc-url file.sql ...\n\nConnects to CsvJdbc database with URL jdbc-url and optional database\nconnection properties and executes SQL statements in file.sql and other\nfiles given as command line arguments.\n\nIf no files are given, then standard input is read.
whereNotLogical=WHERE clause must result in true or false
wrongColumnCount=Wrong number of columns in line
wrongResultSetType=Method not allowed for result set type TYPE_FORWARD_ONLY
zipOpenError=Error opening ZIP file
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