jadex.rules.examples.manners.MannersRulesJCL Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package jadex.rules.examples.manners;
import jadex.rules.parser.conditions.ParserHelper;
import jadex.rules.rulesystem.IAction;
import jadex.rules.rulesystem.ICondition;
import jadex.rules.rulesystem.IRule;
import jadex.rules.rulesystem.IVariableAssignments;
import jadex.rules.rulesystem.rules.Rule;
import jadex.rules.state.IOAVState;
* The rules of the manners benchmark using Java condition language (JCL).
public class MannersRulesJCL implements IMannersRuleSet
//-------- rules --------
* Create rule "assign first seat".
public IRule createAssignFirstSeatRule()
// ;;; *****************
// ;;; assign_first_seat
// ;;; *****************
// (defrule assign_first_seat
// ?f1 <- (context (state start))
// (guest (name ?n))
// ?f3 <- (count (c ?c))
// =>
// (assert (seating (seat1 1) (name1 ?n) (name2 ?n) (seat2 1) (id ?c) (pid 0) (path_done yes)))
// (assert (path (id ?c) (name ?n) (seat 1)))
// (modify ?f3 (c (+ ?c 1)))
// (printout ?*output* "seat 1 " ?n " " ?n " 1 " ?c " 0 1" crlf)
// (modify ?f1 (state assign_seats)))
ICondition cond = ParserHelper.parseJavaCondition(
"context $f1 && $f1.context_has_state==\"start\" "
+"&& guest $g "
+"&& count $f3",
IAction action = new IAction()
public void execute(IOAVState state, IVariableAssignments assignments)
Object f1 = assignments.getVariableValue("$f1");
Object g = assignments.getVariableValue("$g");
Object f3 = assignments.getVariableValue("$f3");
Object n = state.getAttributeValue(g, Manners.guest_has_name);
Integer c = (Integer)state.getAttributeValue(f3, Manners.count_has_c);
System.out.println("Assign first seat: "+f1+" "+n+" "+f3+" "+c);
Object seating = state.createRootObject(Manners.seating_type);
state.setAttributeValue(seating, Manners.seating_has_seat1, Integer.valueOf(1));
state.setAttributeValue(seating, Manners.seating_has_name1, n);
state.setAttributeValue(seating, Manners.seating_has_name2, n);
state.setAttributeValue(seating, Manners.seating_has_seat2, Integer.valueOf(1));
state.setAttributeValue(seating, Manners.seating_has_id, c);
state.setAttributeValue(seating, Manners.seating_has_pid, Integer.valueOf(0));
state.setAttributeValue(seating, Manners.seating_has_pathdone, Boolean.TRUE);
Object path = state.createRootObject(Manners.path_type);
state.setAttributeValue(path, Manners.path_has_id, c);
state.setAttributeValue(path, Manners.path_has_name, n);
state.setAttributeValue(path, Manners.path_has_seat, Integer.valueOf(1));
state.setAttributeValue(f3, Manners.count_has_c, Integer.valueOf(c.intValue()+1));
System.out.println("seat 1: "+n+" "+n+" 1 "+c+" 0 1");
state.setAttributeValue(f1, Manners.context_has_state, "assign_seats");
return new Rule("assign first seat", cond, action);
* Create find_seating rule.
public IRule createFindSeatingRule()
// ;;; ************
// ;;; find_seating
// ;;; ************
// (defrule find_seating
// ?f1 <- (context (state assign_seats))
// (seating (seat1 ?seat1) (seat2 ?seat2) (name2 ?n2) (id ?id) (pid ?pid) (path_done yes))
// (guest (name ?n2) (sex ?s1) (hobby ?h1))
// (guest (name ?g2) (sex ~?s1) (hobby ?h1))
// ?f5 <- (count (c ?c))
// (not (path (id ?id) (name ?g2)))
// (not (chosen (id ?id) (name ?g2) (hobby ?h1)))
// =>
// (assert (seating (seat1 ?seat2) (name1 ?n2) (name2 ?g2) (seat2 (+ ?seat2 1)) (id ?c) (pid ?id) (path_done no)))
// (assert (path (id ?c) (name ?g2) (seat (+ ?seat2 1))))
// (assert (chosen (id ?id) (name ?g2) (hobby ?h1)))
// (modify ?f5 (c (+ ?c 1)))
// (printout ?*output* seat " " ?seat2 " " ?n2 " " ?g2 crlf)
// (modify ?f1 (state make_path)))
ICondition cond = ParserHelper.parseJavaCondition(
"context $f1 && $f1.context_has_state==\"assign_seats\""
+"&& seating $s && $s.seating_has_pathdone"
+"&& guest $g && $g.guest_has_name==$s.seating_has_name2"
+"&& guest $g2 && $g.guest_has_sex!=$g2.guest_has_sex && $g.guest_has_hobby==$g2.guest_has_hobby"
+"&& count $f5"
+"&& !(path $p1 && $p1.path_has_id==$s.seating_has_id && $p1.path_has_name==$g2.guest_has_name)"
+"&& !(chosen $ch && $ch.chosen_has_id==$s.seating_has_id && $ch.chosen_has_name==$g2.guest_has_name && $ch.chosen_has_hobby==$g.guest_has_hobby)",
IAction fs_action = new IAction()
public void execute(IOAVState state, IVariableAssignments assigments)
Object f1 = assigments.getVariableValue("$f1");
Object s = assigments.getVariableValue("$s");
Object guest2 = assigments.getVariableValue("$g2");
Object f5 = assigments.getVariableValue("$f5");
Integer seat2 = (Integer)state.getAttributeValue(s, Manners.seating_has_seat2);
String n2 = (String)state.getAttributeValue(s, Manners.seating_has_name2);
String g2 = (String)state.getAttributeValue(guest2, Manners.guest_has_name);
Integer c = (Integer)state.getAttributeValue(f5, Manners.count_has_c);
Integer id = (Integer)state.getAttributeValue(s, Manners.seating_has_id);
Integer pid = (Integer)state.getAttributeValue(s, Manners.seating_has_pid);
String h1 = (String)state.getAttributeValue(guest2, Manners.guest_has_hobby);
Object seating = state.createRootObject(Manners.seating_type);
state.setAttributeValue(seating, Manners.seating_has_seat1, seat2);
state.setAttributeValue(seating, Manners.seating_has_name1, n2);
state.setAttributeValue(seating, Manners.seating_has_name2, g2);
state.setAttributeValue(seating, Manners.seating_has_seat2, Integer.valueOf(seat2.intValue()+1));
state.setAttributeValue(seating, Manners.seating_has_id, c);
state.setAttributeValue(seating, Manners.seating_has_pid, id);
Object path = state.createRootObject(Manners.path_type);
state.setAttributeValue(path, Manners.path_has_id, c);
state.setAttributeValue(path, Manners.path_has_name, g2);
state.setAttributeValue(path, Manners.path_has_seat, Integer.valueOf(seat2.intValue()+1));
Object chosen = state.createRootObject(Manners.chosen_type);
state.setAttributeValue(chosen, Manners.chosen_has_id, id);
state.setAttributeValue(chosen, Manners.chosen_has_name, g2);
state.setAttributeValue(chosen, Manners.chosen_has_hobby, h1);
state.setAttributeValue(f5, Manners.count_has_c, Integer.valueOf(c.intValue()+1));
System.out.println("find seating: seat2="+seat2+", n2="+n2+", g2="+g2+", pid="+pid);
state.setAttributeValue(f1, Manners.context_has_state, "make_path");
return new Rule("find seating", cond, fs_action);
* Create rule "make path".
public IRule createMakePathRule()
// ;;; *********
// ;;; make_path
// ;;; *********
// (defrule make_path
// (context (state make_path))
// (seating (id ?id) (pid ?pid) (path_done no))
// (path (id ?pid) (name ?n1) (seat ?s))
// (not (path (id ?id) (name ?n1)))
// =>
// (assert (path (id ?id) (name ?n1) (seat ?s))))
ICondition cond = ParserHelper.parseJavaCondition(
"context $c && $c.context_has_state==\"make_path\" "
+"&& seating $s && $s.seating_has_pathdone==false "
+"&& path $p1 && $p1.path_has_id==$s.seating_has_pid "
+"&& !(path $p2 && $p2.path_has_id==$s.seating_has_id && $p2.path_has_name==$p1.path_has_name)",
IAction action = new IAction()
public void execute(IOAVState state, IVariableAssignments assignments)
Object p = assignments.getVariableValue("$p1");
Object seating = assignments.getVariableValue("$s");
Integer id = (Integer)state.getAttributeValue(seating, Manners.seating_has_id);
String n1 = (String)state.getAttributeValue(p, Manners.path_has_name);
Integer s = (Integer)state.getAttributeValue(p, Manners.path_has_seat);
System.out.println("Make path: "+id+" "+n1+" "+s);
Object path = state.createRootObject(Manners.path_type);
state.setAttributeValue(path, Manners.path_has_id, id);
state.setAttributeValue(path, Manners.path_has_name, n1);
state.setAttributeValue(path, Manners.path_has_seat, s);
return new Rule("make path", cond, action);
* Create rule "path done".
public IRule createPathDoneRule()
// ;;; *********
// ;;; path_done
// ;;; *********
// (defrule path_done
// ?f1 <- (context (state make_path))
// ?f2 <- (seating (path_done no))
// =>
// (modify ?f2 (path_done yes))
// (modify ?f1 (state check_done)))
ICondition cond = ParserHelper.parseJavaCondition(
"context $f1 && $f1.context_has_state==\"make_path\" "
+"&& seating $f2 && !$f2.seating_has_pathdone",
IAction action = new IAction()
public void execute(IOAVState state, IVariableAssignments assignments)
Object f1 = assignments.getVariableValue("$f1");
Object f2 = assignments.getVariableValue("$f2");
System.out.println("Path done: "+f1+" "+f2);
state.setAttributeValue(f2, Manners.seating_has_pathdone, Boolean.TRUE);
state.setAttributeValue(f1, Manners.context_has_state, "check_done");
return new Rule("path done", cond, action);
* Create rule "we are done".
public IRule createAreWeDoneRule()
// ;;; ***********
// ;;; are_we_done
// ;;; ***********
// (defrule are_we_done
// ?f1 <- (context (state check_done))
// (last_seat (seat ?l_seat))
// (seating (seat2 ?l_seat))
// =>
// (printout ?*output* crlf "Yes, we are done!!" crlf)
// (modify ?f1 (state print_results)))
ICondition cond = ParserHelper.parseJavaCondition(
"context $f1 && $f1.context_has_state==\"check_done\" "
+"&& lastseat $l "
+"&& seating $s && $s.seating_has_seat2==$l.lastseat_has_seat",
IAction action = new IAction()
public void execute(IOAVState state, IVariableAssignments assignments)
Object f1 = assignments.getVariableValue("$f1");
System.out.println("Yes, we are done!! "+f1);
state.setAttributeValue(f1, Manners.context_has_state, "print_results");
return new Rule("are we done", cond, action);
* Create rule "continue".
public IRule createContinueRule()
// ;;; ********
// ;;; continue
// ;;; ********
// (defrule continue
// ?f1 <- (context (state check_done))
// =>
// (modify ?f1 (state assign_seats)))
ICondition c = ParserHelper.parseJavaCondition(
"context $f1 && $f1.context_has_state==\"check_done\"",
IAction action = new IAction()
public void execute(IOAVState state, IVariableAssignments assignments)
Object f1 = assignments.getVariableValue("$f1");
System.out.println("Continue: "+f1);
state.setAttributeValue(f1, Manners.context_has_state, "assign_seats");
return new Rule("continue", c, action);
* Create rule "print results".
public IRule createPrintResultsRule()
// ;;; *************
// ;;; print_results
// ;;; *************
// (defrule print_results
// (context (state print_results))
// (seating (id ?id) (seat2 ?s2))
// (last_seat (seat ?s2))
// ?f4 <- (path (id ?id) (name ?n) (seat ?s))
// =>
// (retract ?f4)
// (printout ?*output* ?n " " ?s crlf))
ICondition cond = ParserHelper.parseJavaCondition(
"context $c && $c.context_has_state==\"print_results\" "
+"&& seating $s "
+"&& lastseat $l && $l.lastseat_has_seat==$s.seating_has_seat2 "
+"&& path $f4 && $f4.path_has_id==$s.seating_has_id",
IAction action = new IAction()
public void execute(IOAVState state, IVariableAssignments assignments)
Object f4 = assignments.getVariableValue("$f4");
Object n = state.getAttributeValue(f4, Manners.path_has_name);
Object s = state.getAttributeValue(f4, Manners.path_has_seat);
System.out.println("Result: guest="+n+" seat="+s);
return new Rule("print results", cond, action);
* Create rule "all done".
public IRule createAllDoneRule()
// ;;; ********
// ;;; all_done
// ;;; ********
// (defrule all_done
// (context (state print_results))
// =>
// (halt))
ICondition ad = ParserHelper.parseJavaCondition(
"context $c && $c.context_has_state==\"print_results\"",
IAction action = new IAction()
public void execute(IOAVState state, IVariableAssignments assignments)
return new Rule("all done", ad, action);
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