simple.server.core.engine.GenerateINI Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
package simple.server.core.engine;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
import marauroa.common.crypto.RSAKey;
public class GenerateINI {
* Where data is read from.
private static BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(
new InputStreamReader(;
* The name of the output file.
static final String FILENAME = "server.ini";
private static String gameName = SimpleRPRuleProcessor.getGAMENAME();
private static String databaseName;
private static String databaseHost;
private static String databasePort;
private static String databaseUsername;
private static String databasePassword;
private static String databaseImplementation;
private static String databaseSystem;
private static String persistenceUnitName;
private static String tcpPort;
private static String worldImplementation;
private static String ruleprocessorImplementation;
private static String turnLength;
private static String statisticsFilename;
private static String version = SimpleRPRuleProcessor.getVERSION();
private static String dbEntityManager, clientObject;
private static RSAKey rsakey;
private static String factory;
private static String supportEmail;
private static final Logger LOG = Logger.getLogger(GenerateINI.class.getSimpleName());
* reads a String from the input. When no String is chosen the defaultValue
* is used.
* @param input the buffered input, usually
* @param defaultValue if no value is written.
* @return the string read or default if none was read.
public static String getStringWithDefault(final BufferedReader input,
final String defaultValue) {
String ret = "";
try {
ret = input.readLine();
} catch (final IOException e) {
LOG.log(Level.SEVERE, null, e);
if (ret != null && (ret.length() == 0) && (defaultValue != null)) {
ret = defaultValue;
return ret;
* reads a String from the input. When no String is choosen the errorMessage
* is is displayed and the application is terminated.
* @param input the input stream, usually
* @param errorMessage the error message to print when failing
* @return string read from input
public static String getStringWithoutDefault(final BufferedReader input, final String errorMessage) {
String ret = "";
try {
ret = input.readLine();
} catch (final IOException e) {
LOG.log(Level.SEVERE, null, e);
if ((ret == null) || (ret.length() == 0)) {
return ret;
* Makes the first letter of the source uppercase.
* @param source the string
* @return *T*he string, with first letter is upper case.
public static String uppcaseFirstLetter(final String source) {
return source.length() > 0 ? Character.toUpperCase(source.charAt(0)) + source.substring(1) : source;
private static String getDatabaseSystem() {
String temp = "";
do {
System.out.println("Which database system do you want to use? \"h2\" is an integrated database that ");
System.out.println("works out of the box, \"mysql\" requires a MySQL server. If in doubt, say \"h2\": ");
temp = getStringWithDefault(in, "h2").toLowerCase().trim();
} while (!temp.equals("h2") && !temp.equals("mysql"));
return temp;
public static void main(String[] args) throws FileNotFoundException {
* Write configuration for database
* Write configuration for database
databaseImplementation = getDatabaseImplementation();
databaseSystem = getDatabaseSystem();
if (databaseSystem.equals("mysql")) {
databaseName = getDatabaseName();
databaseHost = getDatabaseHost();
databaseUsername = getDatabaseUsername();
databasePassword = getDatabasePassword();
databasePort = getDatabasePort();
persistenceUnitName = getPersistenceUnitName();
dbEntityManager = getDBEntityManager();
clientObject = getClientObjectImplementation();
System.out.println("Using \"" + databaseName + "\" as database name\n");
System.out.println("Using \"" + databaseHost + "\" as database host\n");
System.out.println("Using \"" + databasePort + "\" as database port\n");
System.out.println("Using \"" + databaseUsername + "\" as database user\n");
System.out.println("Using \"" + databasePassword + "\" as database user password\n");
System.out.println("Using \"" + persistenceUnitName + "\" as persistence unit name\n");
System.out.println("In order to make these options effective please run:");
System.out.println("# mysql");
System.out.println(" create database " + databaseName + ";");
System.out.println(" grant all on " + databaseName + ".* to "
+ databaseUsername + "@localhost identified by '"
+ databasePassword + "';");
System.out.println(" exit");
} else {
System.out.println("Using integrated h2 database.");
tcpPort = getTCPPort();
worldImplementation = getWorldImplementation();
ruleprocessorImplementation = getRuleProcessorImplementation();
turnLength = getTurnLength();
statisticsFilename = getStatisticsFilename();
factory = getFactoryImplementation();
/* The size of the RSA Key in bits, usually 512 */
final String keySize = getRSAKeyBits();
System.out.println("Using key of " + keySize + " bits.");
System.out.println("Please wait while the key is generated.");
rsakey = RSAKey.generateKey(Integer.valueOf(keySize));
final PrintWriter out = new PrintWriter(new FileOutputStream(FILENAME));
System.out.println(FILENAME + " has been generated.");
private static String getRSAKeyBits() {
System.out.print("Write size for the RSA key of the server. Be aware that a key bigger than 1024 could be very long to create [512]: ");
String keySize = getStringWithDefault(in, "512");
return keySize;
private static String getStatisticsFilename() {
return "./server_stats.xml";
private static String getSupportEmail() {
return "";
private static String getTurnLength() {
return "100";
private static String getRuleProcessorImplementation() {
return "games.server.core.engine.SimpleRPRuleProcessor";
private static String getWorldImplementation() {
return "games.server.core.engine.SimpleRPWorld";
private static String getTCPPort() {
return "32170";
private static String getDatabaseImplementation() {
return "";
private static String getFactoryImplementation() {
return "games.server.core.engine.SimpleRPObjectFactory";
private static void write(PrintWriter out) {
out.println("# Generated .ini file for Simple Game at " + new Date());
out.println("# Database and factory classes. Don't edit.");
out.println("database_implementation=" + databaseImplementation);
out.println("factory_implementation=" + factory);
out.println("# Database information. Edit to match your configuration.");
if (databaseSystem.equals("mysql")) {
out.println("jdbc_url=jdbc:mysql://" + databaseHost + ":" + databasePort + "/" + databaseName);
out.println("jdbc_user=" + databaseUsername);
out.println("jdbc_pwd=" + databasePassword);
} else {
out.println("# TCP port simple will use. ");
out.println("tcp_port=" + tcpPort);
out.println("# World and RP configuration. Don't edit.");
out.println("world=" + worldImplementation);
out.println("ruleprocessor=" + ruleprocessorImplementation);
out.println("client_object= " + getClientObject());
out.println("turn_length=" + turnLength);
out.println("server_typeGame=" + gameName);
out.println("server_name=" + gameName + " Marauroa server");
out.println("server_version=" + version);
out.println("server_welcome=This release is EXPERIMENTAL.\n "
+ "Remember to keep your password completely secret, "
+ "never tell to another friend, player, or admin.");
out.println("# Extensions configured on the server. Enable at will.");
out.println("statistics_filename=" + statisticsFilename);
protected static String getDatabasePassword() {
System.out.print("Write value of the database user password: ");
final String databasepassword = getStringWithoutDefault(in,
"Please enter a database password");
return databasepassword;
protected static String getDatabaseUsername() {
System.out.print("Write name of the database user: ");
final String databaseuser = getStringWithoutDefault(in,
"Please enter a database user");
return databaseuser;
protected static String getDatabaseHost() {
System.out.print("Write name of the database host [localhost]: ");
final String databasehost = getStringWithDefault(in, "localhost");
return databasehost;
protected static String getDatabaseName() {
System.out.print("Write name of the database [marauroa]: ");
final String databasename = getStringWithDefault(in, "marauroa");
return databasename;
protected static String getDatabasePort() {
System.out.print("Write port of the database (i.e. 3306 (mysql), 5432 (postgres), 1527 (JavaDB) [3306]: ");
return getStringWithDefault(in, "3306");
public static String getPersistenceUnitName() {
System.out.print("Write persistence unit name to be used [SimplePU]: ");
return getStringWithDefault(in, "SimplePU");
private static String getDBEntityManager() {
System.out.print("Write Database Entity Manager to be used [simple.server.core.engine.DBEntityManager]: ");
return getStringWithDefault(in, "simple.server.core.engine.DBEntityManager");
private static String getClientObjectImplementation() {
System.out.print("Write Client Object Implementation to be used [simple.server.core.entity.clientobject.ClientObject]: ");
return getStringWithDefault(in, "simple.server.core.entity.clientobject.ClientObject");
* @return the dbEntityManager
public static String getDbEntityManager() {
return dbEntityManager;
* @return the clientObject
public static String getClientObject() {
return clientObject;
* @param aSupportEmail the supportEmail to set
public static void setSupportEmail(String aSupportEmail) {
supportEmail = aSupportEmail;