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org.jmol.symmetry.SymmetryDesc Maven / Gradle / Ivy

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/* $RCSfile$
 * $Author: hansonr $
 * $Date: 2007-05-18 08:19:45 -0500 (Fri, 18 May 2007) $
 * $Revision: 7742 $

 * Copyright (C) 2003-2005  The Jmol Development Team
 * Contact: [email protected]
 *  This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 *  modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
 *  License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
 *  version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
 *  This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 *  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 *  Lesser General Public License for more details.
 *  You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
 *  License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
 *  Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.

package org.jmol.symmetry;

import java.util.Hashtable;
import java.util.Map;

import javajs.util.Lst;
import javajs.util.M4;
import javajs.util.Measure;
import javajs.util.P3;
import javajs.util.P4;
import javajs.util.PT;
import javajs.util.Quat;
import javajs.util.SB;
import javajs.util.T3;
import javajs.util.V3;

import org.jmol.api.SymmetryInterface;
import org.jmol.modelset.Atom;
import org.jmol.modelset.ModelSet;
import org.jmol.script.T;
import org.jmol.util.Escape;
import org.jmol.util.Logger;

 * A class to handle requests for information about space groups and symmetry
 * operations.
 * Two entry points, both from Symmetry:
 * getSymopInfo 
 * getSpaceGroupInfo
public class SymmetryDesc {

  private ModelSet modelSet;

  public SymmetryDesc() {
    // for reflection

  public SymmetryDesc set(ModelSet modelSet) {
    this.modelSet = modelSet;
    return this;

  private final static String[] keys = { "xyz", "xyzOriginal", "label",
      null /*draw*/, "fractionalTranslation", "cartesianTranslation",
      "inversionCenter", null /*point*/, "axisVector", "rotationAngle",
      "matrix", "unitTranslation", "centeringVector", "timeReversal", "plane",
      "_type" };

  ////// "public" methods ////////

   * @param iAtom
   * @param xyz
   * @param op
   * @param pt
   * @param pt2
   * @param id
   * @param type
   * @param scaleFactor
   * @param nth
   * @return "" or
  Object getSymopInfo(int iAtom, String xyz, int op, P3 pt, P3 pt2, String id,
                      int type, float scaleFactor, int nth) {
    if (type == 0)
      type = getType(id);
    Object ret = (type == T.atoms ? new BS() : "");
    if (iAtom < 0)
      return ret;
    // get model symmetry
    int iModel =[iAtom].mi;
    SymmetryInterface uc =[iModel].biosymmetry;
    if (uc == null && (uc = modelSet.getUnitCell(iModel)) == null)
      return ret;

    // generally get the result from getSymmetryInfo
    if (type != T.draw || op != Integer.MAX_VALUE)
      return getSymmetryInfo((Symmetry) uc, iModel, iAtom, (Symmetry) uc, xyz,
          op, pt, pt2, id, type, scaleFactor, nth);
    // draw SPACEGROUP
    String s = "";
    M4[] ops = uc.getSymmetryOperations();
    if (ops != null) {
      if (id == null)
        id = "sg";
      int n = ops.length;
      for (op = 0; op < n; op++)
        s += (String) getSymmetryInfo((Symmetry) uc, iModel, iAtom,
            (Symmetry) uc, xyz, op, pt, pt2, id + op, T.draw, scaleFactor, nth);
    return s;

  Map getSpaceGroupInfo(Symmetry sym, int modelIndex,
                                        String sgName, int symOp, P3 pt1,
                                        P3 pt2, String drawID,
                                        float scaleFactor, int nth) {
    Map info = null;
    SymmetryInterface cellInfo = null;
    boolean isStandard = (pt1 == null && drawID == null && nth <= 0);
    boolean isBio = false;
    String sgNote = null;
    if (sgName == null) {
      boolean saveModelInfo = (isStandard && symOp == 0);
      if (modelIndex < 0)
        modelIndex = (pt1 instanceof Atom ? ((Atom) pt1).mi
      if (modelIndex < 0)
        sgNote = "no single current model";
      else if (!(isBio = (cellInfo =[modelIndex].biosymmetry) != null)
          && (cellInfo = modelSet.getUnitCell(modelIndex)) == null)
        sgNote = "not applicable";
      if (sgNote != null) {
        info = new Hashtable();
        info.put("spaceGroupInfo", "");
        info.put("spaceGroupNote", sgNote);
        info.put("symmetryInfo", "");
      } else if (isStandard) {
        info = (Map) modelSet.getInfo(modelIndex,
      // created once
      if (info != null)
        return info;

      // full check
      info = new Hashtable();
      sgName = cellInfo.getSpaceGroupName();
      SymmetryOperation[] ops = (SymmetryOperation[]) cellInfo
      SpaceGroup sg = (isBio ? ((Symmetry) cellInfo).spaceGroup : null);
      String slist = (sgName.indexOf("[--]") >= 0 ? "" : null);
      int opCount = 0;
      if (ops != null) {
        Object[][] infolist = null;
        if (isBio)
          sym.spaceGroup = SpaceGroup.getNull(false, false, false);
        // check to make sure that new group has been created magnetic or not
        if (ops[0].timeReversal != 0)
          ((SymmetryOperation) sym.getSpaceGroupOperation(0)).timeReversal = 1;
        infolist = new Object[ops.length][];
        String sops = "";
        for (int i = 0, nop = 0; i < ops.length && nop != nth; i++) {
          SymmetryOperation op = ops[i];
          int iop = (sym.getSpaceGroupOperation(i) != null ? i : isBio ? sym
              .addBioMoleculeOperation(sg.finalOperations[i], false) : sym
              .addSpaceGroupOperation("=" +, i + 1));
          if (iop < 0)
          op = (SymmetryOperation) sym.getSpaceGroupOperation(i);
          if (op.timeReversal != 0 || op.modDim > 0)
            isStandard = false;
          if (slist != null)
            slist += ";" +;
          Object[] ret = (symOp > 0 && symOp - 1 != iop ? null
              : createInfoArray(op, cellInfo, pt1, pt2, drawID, scaleFactor));
          if (ret != null) {
            if (nth > 0 && ++nop != nth)
            infolist[i] = ret;
            sops += "\n" + (i + 1) + "\t" + ret[0] + "\t" + ret[2];
          info.put("operations", infolist);
        info.put("symmetryInfo", (sops.length() == 0 ? "" : sops.substring(1)));
      sgNote = (opCount == 0 ? "\n no symmetry operations"
          : nth <= 0 && symOp <= 0 ? "\n" + opCount
            + " symmetry operation" + (opCount == 1 ? ":\n" : "s:\n") : "");
      if (slist != null)
        sgName = slist.substring(slist.indexOf(";") + 1);
      if (saveModelInfo)
        modelSet.setInfo(modelIndex, "spaceGroupInfo", info);
    } else {
      info = new Hashtable();
    info.put("spaceGroupName", sgName);
    info.put("spaceGroupNote", sgNote == null ? "" : sgNote);
    String data;
    if (isBio) {
      data = sgName;
    } else {
      data = sym.getSpaceGroupInfoStr(sgName, cellInfo);
      if (data == null || data.equals("?"))
        data = "could not identify space group from name: " + sgName
            + "\nformat: show spacegroup \"2\" or \"P 2c\" "
            + "or \"C m m m\" or \"x, y, z;-x ,-y, -z\"";
    info.put("spaceGroupInfo", data);
    return info;

  //////////// private methods ///////////

  private static int getType(String id) {
    int type;
    if (id == null)
      return T.list;
    if (id.equalsIgnoreCase("matrix"))
      return T.matrix4f;
    if (id.equalsIgnoreCase("description"))
      return T.label;
    if (id.equalsIgnoreCase("axispoint"))
      return T.point;
    if (id.equalsIgnoreCase("time"))
      return T.times;
    if (id.equalsIgnoreCase("info"))
      return T.array;
    // center, draw, plane, axis, atom, translation, angle, array, list
    type = T.getTokFromName(id);
    if (type != 0)
      return type;
    for (type = 0; type < keys.length; type++)
      if (id.equalsIgnoreCase(keys[type]))
        return -1 - type;
    return T.full;

  private static Object getInfo(Object[] info, int type) {
    if (info == null)
      return "";
    if (type < 0 && type >= -keys.length)
      return info[-1 - type];
    switch (type) {
    case T.array:
      Map lst = new Hashtable();
      for (int j = 0, n = info.length; j < n; j++)
        if (keys[j] != null && info[j] != null)
          lst.put(keys[j], info[j]);
      return lst;
    case T.angle:
      return info[9];
    case T.axis:
      return info[8];
      return info[6];
    case T.draw:
      return info[3] + "\nprint " + PT.esc(info[0] + " " + info[2]);
    case T.full:
      return info[0] + "  \t" + info[2];
      return info; // internal only; if user selects "info", it is turned into "array"
    case T.label:
      return info[2];
    case T.matrix4f:
      return info[10];
    case T.point:
      return info[7];
      // 11: vTrans
      // 12: centering
    case T.times:
      return info[13];
    case T.plane:
      return info[14];
    case T.translation:
      return info[5]; // cartesian translation
    case T.unitcell:
      return info[11];
      return info[0];

   * @param op
   * @param uc
   * @param pta00
   *        optional initial atom point
   * @param ptTarget
   *        optional target atom point
   * @param id
   * @param scaleFactor
   *        scale for rotation vector only
   * @return Object[] containing:
   *         [0] xyz (Jones-Faithful calculated from matrix)
   *         [1] xyzOriginal (Provided by calling method)
   *         [2] info ("C2 axis", for example)
   *         [3] draw commands
   *         [4] translation vector (fractional)
   *         [5] translation vector (Cartesian)
   *         [6] inversion point
   *         [7] axis point
   *         [8] axis vector (defines plane if angle = 0
   *         [9] angle of rotation
   *         [10] matrix representation
   *         [11] lattice translation
   *         [12] centering
   *         [13] time reversal
   *         [14] plane
   *         [15] _type

  private Object[] createInfoArray(SymmetryOperation op, SymmetryInterface uc,
                                   P3 pta00, P3 ptTarget, String id,
                                   float scaleFactor) {
    if (!op.isFinalized)
    boolean isTimeReversed = (op.timeReversal == -1);
    if (scaleFactor == 0)
      scaleFactor = 1f;
    V3 vtemp = new V3();
    P3 ptemp = new P3();
    P3 ptemp2 = new P3();
    P3 pta01 = new P3();
    P3 pta02 = new P3();
    V3 ftrans = new V3();
    V3 vtrans = new V3();
    P4 plane = null;

    if (pta00 == null || Float.isNaN(pta00.x))
      pta00 = new P3();
    if (ptTarget != null) {

      // Check to see that this is the correct operator

      setFractional(uc, pta00, pta01, ptemp);
      uc.toCartesian(pta01, false);
      uc.toUnitCell(pta01, ptemp);
      uc.toUnitCell(pta02, ptemp);
      if (pta01.distance(pta02) > 0.1f)
        return null;

      // Check to see if the two points only differ by
      // a translation after transformation.
      // If so, add that difference to the matrix transformation

      setFractional(uc, pta00, pta01, null);
      setFractional(uc, ptTarget, pta02, null);
      vtrans.sub2(pta02, pta01);

    // get the frame vectors and points

    pta01.set(1, 0, 0);
    pta02.set(0, 1, 0);
    P3 pta03 = P3.new3(0, 0, 1);

    // target point, rotated, inverted, and translated

    P3 pt0 = rotTransCart(op, uc, pta00, vtrans);
    P3 pt1 = rotTransCart(op, uc, pta01, vtrans);
    P3 pt2 = rotTransCart(op, uc, pta02, vtrans);
    P3 pt3 = rotTransCart(op, uc, pta03, vtrans);

    V3 vt1 = V3.newVsub(pt1, pt0);
    V3 vt2 = V3.newVsub(pt2, pt0);
    V3 vt3 = V3.newVsub(pt3, pt0);


    // check for inversion

    vtemp.cross(vt1, vt2);
    boolean haveInversion = ( < 0);

    // The first trick is to check cross products to see if we still have a
    // right-hand axis.

    if (haveInversion) {

      // undo inversion for quaternion analysis (requires proper rotations only)

      pt1.sub2(pt0, vt1);
      pt2.sub2(pt0, vt2);
      pt3.sub2(pt0, vt3);


    // The second trick is to use quaternions. Each of the three faces of the
    // frame (xy, yz, and zx)
    // is checked. The helix() function will return data about the local helical
    // axis, and the
    // symop(sym,{0 0 0}) function will return the overall translation.

    T3[] info = Measure.computeHelicalAxis(
        Quat.getQuaternionFrame(pt0, pt1, pt2).div(
            Quat.getQuaternionFrame(pta00, pta01, pta02)));
    // new T3[] { pt_a_prime, n, r, P3.new3(theta, pitch, residuesPerTurn), pt_b_prime };
    P3 pa1 = (P3) info[0];
    V3 ax1 = (V3) info[1];
    int ang1 = (int) Math.abs(PT.approx(((P3) info[3]).x, 1));
    float pitch1 = SymmetryOperation.approxF(((P3) info[3]).y);

    if (haveInversion) {

      // redo inversion

      pt1.add2(pt0, vt1);
      pt2.add2(pt0, vt2);
      pt3.add2(pt0, vt3);


    V3 trans = V3.newVsub(pt0, pta00);
    if (trans.length() < 0.1f)
      trans = null;

    // ////////// determination of type of operation from first principles

    P3 ptinv = null; // inverted point for translucent frame
    P3 ipt = null; // inversion center
    P3 ptref = null; // reflection center

    boolean isTranslation = (ang1 == 0);
    boolean isRotation = !isTranslation;
    boolean isInversionOnly = false;
    boolean isMirrorPlane = false;

    if (isRotation || haveInversion) {
      // the translation will be taken care of other ways
      trans = null;

    // handle inversion

    if (haveInversion && isTranslation) {

      // simple inversion operation

      ipt = P3.newP(pta00);
      ptinv = pt0;
      isInversionOnly = true;

    } else if (haveInversion) {

       * We must convert simple rotations to rotation-inversions; 2-screws to
       * planes and glide planes.
       * The idea here is that there is a relationship between the axis for a
       * simple or screw rotation of an inverted frame and one for a
       * rotation-inversion. The relationship involves two adjacent equilateral
       * triangles:
       *       o 
       *      / \
       *     /   \    i'
       *    /     \ 
       *   /   i   \
       * A/_________\A' 
       *  \         / 
       *   \   j   / 
       *    \     / 
       *     \   / 
       *      \ / 
       *       x
       * Points i and j are at the centers of the triangles. Points A and A' are
       * the frame centers; an operation at point i, j, x, or o is taking A to
       * A'. Point i is 2/3 of the way from x to o. In addition, point j is half
       * way between i and x.
       * The question is this: Say you have an rotation/inversion taking A to
       * A'. The relationships are:
       * 6-fold screw x for inverted frame corresponds to 6-bar at i for actual
       * frame 3-fold screw i for inverted frame corresponds to 3-bar at x for
       * actual frame
       * The proof of this follows. Consider point x. Point x can transform A to
       * A' as a clockwise 6-fold screw axis. So, say we get that result for the
       * inverted frame. What we need for the real frame is a 6-bar axis
       * instead. Remember, though, that we inverted the frame at A to get this
       * result. The real frame isn't inverted. The 6-bar must do that inversion
       * AND also get the frame to point A' with the same (clockwise) rotation.
       * The key is to see that there is another axis -- at point i -- that does
       * the trick.
       * Take a look at the angles and distances that arise when you project A
       * through point i. The result is a frame at i'. Since the distance i-i'
       * is the same as i-A (and thus i-A') and the angle i'-i-A' is 60 degrees,
       * point i is also a 6-bar axis transforming A to A'.
       * Note that both the 6-fold screw axis at x and the 6-bar axis at i are
       * both clockwise.
       * Similar analysis shows that the 3-fold screw i corresponds to the 3-bar
       * axis at x.
       * So in each case we just calculate the vector i-j or x-o and then factor
       * appropriately.
       * The 4-fold case is simpler -- just a parallelogram.

      V3 d = (pitch1 == 0 ? new V3() : ax1);
      float f = 0;
      switch (ang1) {
      case 60: // 6_1 at x to 6-bar at i
        f = 2f / 3f;
      case 120: // 3_1 at i to 3-bar at x
        f = 2;
      case 90: // 4_1 to 4-bar at opposite corner
        f = 1;
      case 180: // 2_1 to mirror plane
        // C2 with inversion is a mirror plane -- but could have a glide
        // component.
        ptref = P3.newP(pta00);
        pa1.scaleAdd2(0.5f, d, pta00);
        if (ptref.distance(pt0) > 0.1f) {
          trans = V3.newVsub(pt0, ptref);
          setFractional(uc, trans, ptemp, null);
        } else {
          trans = null;
        isRotation = false;
        haveInversion = false;
        isMirrorPlane = true;
        haveInversion = false;
      if (f != 0) {
        vtemp.sub2(pta00, pa1);
        ipt = new P3();
        ipt.scaleAdd2(0.5f, d, pa1);
        ptinv = new P3();
        ptinv.scaleAdd2(-2, ipt, pta00);

    } else if (trans != null) {

      // get rid of unnecessary translations added to keep most operations
      // within cell 555

      uc.toFractional(ptemp, false);
      //      if (SymmetryOperation.approxF(ptemp.x) == 1)
      //        ptemp.x = 0;
      //      if (SymmetryOperation.approxF(ptemp.y) == 1)
      //        ptemp.y = 0;
      //      if (SymmetryOperation.approxF(ptemp.z) == 1)
      //        ptemp.z = 0;

      uc.toCartesian(ptemp, false);

    // fix angle based on direction of axis

    int ang = ang1;

    if (isRotation) {

      P3 ptr = new P3();


      // draw the lines associated with a rotation

      int ang2 = ang1;
      if (haveInversion) {
        ptr.add2(pa1, vtemp);
        ang2 = Math.round(Measure.computeTorsion(ptinv, pa1, ptr, pt0, true));
      } else if (pitch1 == 0) {
        ptemp.scaleAdd2(1, ptr, vtemp);
        ang2 = Math.round(Measure.computeTorsion(pta00, pa1, ptemp, pt0, true));
      } else {
        ptemp.add2(pa1, vtemp);
        ptr.scaleAdd2(0.5f, vtemp, pa1);
        ang2 = Math.round(Measure.computeTorsion(pta00, pa1, ptemp, pt0, true));

      if (ang2 != 0)
        ang1 = ang2;

      if (!haveInversion
          && pitch1 == 0
          && (ax1.z < 0 || ax1.z == 0 && (ax1.y < 0 || ax1.y == 0 && ax1.x < 0))) {
        ang1 = -ang1;


    // time to get the description

    String info1 = "identity";
    String type = info1;

    if (isInversionOnly) {
      uc.toFractional(ptemp, false);
      info1 = "Ci: " + strCoord(ptemp, op.isBio);
      type = "inversion center";
    } else if (isRotation) {
      if (haveInversion) {
        type = info1 = (360 / ang) + "-bar axis";
      } else if (pitch1 != 0) {
        type = info1 = (360 / ang) + "-fold screw axis";
        uc.toFractional(ptemp, false);
        info1 += "|translation: " + strCoord(ptemp, op.isBio);
      } else {
        type = info1 = "C" + (360 / ang) + " axis";
    } else if (trans != null) {
      String s = " " + strCoord(ftrans, op.isBio);
      if (isTranslation) {
        type = info1 = "translation";
        info1 += ":" + s;
      } else if (isMirrorPlane) {
        float fx = SymmetryOperation.approxF(ftrans.x);
        float fy = SymmetryOperation.approxF(ftrans.y);
        float fz = SymmetryOperation.approxF(ftrans.z);
        s = " " + strCoord(ftrans, op.isBio);
        if (fx != 0 && fy != 0 && fz != 0) {
          if (Math.abs(fx) == Math.abs(fy) && Math.abs(fy) == Math.abs(fz))
            info1 = "d-";
            info1 = "g-"; // see group 167
        } else if (fx != 0 && fy != 0 || fy != 0 && fz != 0 || fz != 0
            && fx != 0)
          info1 = "n-";
        else if (fx != 0)
          info1 = "a-";
        else if (fy != 0)
          info1 = "b-";
          info1 = "c-";
        type = info1 = info1 + "glide plane";
        info1 += "|translation:" + s;
    } else if (isMirrorPlane) {
      type = info1 = "mirror plane";

    if (haveInversion && !isInversionOnly) {
      uc.toFractional(ptemp, false);
      info1 += "|inversion center at " + strCoord(ptemp, op.isBio);

    if (isTimeReversed) {
      info1 += "|time-reversed";
      type += " (time-reversed)";

    String cmds = null;
    String xyzNew = (op.isBio ? op.xyzOriginal : SymmetryOperation
        .getXYZFromMatrix(op, false, false, false));

    // check for drawing

    if (id != null) {

      String opType = null;
      String drawid = "\ndraw ID " + id + "_";

      // delete previous elements of this user-settable ID

      SB draw1 = new SB();

      draw1.append(drawid).append("* delete");
      //    .append(
      //    ("print " + PT.esc(
      //        id + " " + (op.index + 1) + " " + op.fixMagneticXYZ(op, op.xyzOriginal, false) + "|"
      //            + op.fixMagneticXYZ(op, xyzNew, true) + "|" + info1).replace(
      //        '\n', ' '))).append("\n")

      // draw the initial frame

      drawLine(draw1, drawid + "frame1X", 0.15f, pta00, pta01, "red");
      drawLine(draw1, drawid + "frame1Y", 0.15f, pta00, pta02, "green");
      drawLine(draw1, drawid + "frame1Z", 0.15f, pta00, pta03, "blue");

      String color;

      if (isRotation) {

        P3 ptr = new P3();

        color = "red";

        ang = ang1;
        float scale = 1f;

        // draw the lines associated with a rotation

        if (haveInversion) {
          opType = drawid + "rotinv";
          ptr.add2(pa1, vtemp);
          if (pitch1 == 0) {
            vtemp.scale(3 * scaleFactor);
            ptemp.scaleAdd2(-1, vtemp, pa1);
            drawVector(draw1, drawid, "rotVector2", "", pa1, ptemp, "red");
          scale = pt0.distance(ptr);
          draw1.append(drawid).append("rotLine1 ").append(Escape.eP(ptr))
              .append(Escape.eP(ptinv)).append(" color red");
          draw1.append(drawid).append("rotLine2 ").append(Escape.eP(ptr))
              .append(Escape.eP(pt0)).append(" color red");
        } else if (pitch1 == 0) {
          opType = drawid + "rot";
          boolean isSpecial = (pta00.distance(pt0) < 0.2f);
          if (!isSpecial) {
            draw1.append(drawid).append("rotLine1 ").append(Escape.eP(pta00))
                .append(Escape.eP(pa1)).append(" color red");
            draw1.append(drawid).append("rotLine2 ").append(Escape.eP(pt0))
                .append(Escape.eP(pa1)).append(" color red");
          vtemp.scale(3 * scaleFactor);
          ptemp.scaleAdd2(-1, vtemp, pa1);
          drawVector(draw1, drawid, "rotVector2", "", pa1, ptemp,
              isTimeReversed ? "gray" : "red");
          if (pitch1 == 0 && pta00.distance(pt0) < 0.2)
            ptr.scaleAdd2(0.5f, vtemp, ptr);
        } else {
          opType = drawid + "screw";
          color = "orange";
          draw1.append(drawid).append("rotLine1 ").append(Escape.eP(pta00))
              .append(Escape.eP(pa1)).append(" color red");
          ptemp.add2(pa1, vtemp);
          draw1.append(drawid).append("rotLine2 ").append(Escape.eP(pt0))
              .append(Escape.eP(ptemp)).append(" color red");
          ptr.scaleAdd2(0.5f, vtemp, pa1);

        // draw arc arrow

        ptemp.add2(ptr, vtemp);
        if (haveInversion && pitch1 != 0) {
              .append(Escape.eP(ptinv)).append(" color red");
              .append(Escape.eP(pt0)).append(" color red");
                "rotRotArrow arrow width 0.1 scale " + PT.escF(scale) + " arc ")
        ptemp.setT(haveInversion ? ptinv : pta00);
        if (ptemp.distance(pt0) < 0.1f)
          ptemp.set((float) Math.random(), (float) Math.random(),
              (float) Math.random());
        ptemp.set(0, ang, 0);
        draw1.append(Escape.eP(ptemp)).append(" color red");

        // draw the main vector

        drawVector(draw1, drawid, "rotVector1", "vector", pa1, vtemp,
            isTimeReversed ? "Gray" : color);

      } else if (isMirrorPlane) {

        // lavender arrow across plane from pt00 to pt0

        ptemp.sub2(ptref, pta00);
        if (pta00.distance(ptref) > 0.2)
          drawVector(draw1, drawid, "planeVector", "vector", pta00, ptemp,
              isTimeReversed ? "Gray" : "cyan");

        // faint inverted frame if mirror trans is not null

        opType = drawid + "plane";
        if (trans != null) {
          opType = drawid + "glide";
          drawFrameLine("X", ptref, vt1, 0.15f, ptemp, draw1, opType, "red");
          drawFrameLine("Y", ptref, vt2, 0.15f, ptemp, draw1, opType, "green");
          drawFrameLine("Z", ptref, vt3, 0.15f, ptemp, draw1, opType, "blue");

        color = (trans == null ? "green" : "blue");

        // ok, now HERE's a good trick. We use the Marching Cubes
        // algorithm to find the intersection points of a plane and the unit
        // cell.
        // We expand the unit cell by 5% in all directions just so we are
        // guaranteed to get cutoffs.

        // ax + by + cz + d = 0
        // so if a point is in the plane, then N dot X = -d
        float w = -vtemp.x * pa1.x - vtemp.y * pa1.y - vtemp.z * pa1.z;
        plane = P4.new4(vtemp.x, vtemp.y, vtemp.z, w);
        float margin = (Math.abs(w) < 0.01f && vtemp.x * vtemp.y > 0.4 ? 1.30f
            : 1.05f);
        // returns triangles and lines
        Lst v = modelSet.vwr.getTriangulator().intersectPlane(plane,
            uc.getCanonicalCopy(margin, false), 3);
        for (int i = v.size(); --i >= 0;) {
          P3[] pts = (P3[]) v.get(i);
          draw1.append(drawid).append("planep").appendI(i).append(" ")
          if (pts.length == 3)
          draw1.append(" color translucent ").append(color);

        // and JUST in case that does not work, at least draw a circle

        if (v.size() == 0) {
          ptemp.add2(pa1, ax1);
          draw1.append(drawid).append("planeCircle scale 2.0 circle ")
              .append(" color translucent ").append(color).append(" mesh fill");

      if (haveInversion) {
        opType = drawid + "inv";
        draw1.append(drawid).append("invPoint diameter 0.4 ")
        ptemp.sub2(ptinv, pta00);
        drawVector(draw1, drawid, "invArrow", "vector", pta00, ptemp,
            isTimeReversed ? "gray" : "cyan");
        if (!isInversionOnly) {
          // n-bar: draw a faint frame showing the inversion
          drawFrameLine("X", ptinv, vt1, 0.15f, ptemp, draw1, opType, "red");
          drawFrameLine("Y", ptinv, vt2, 0.15f, ptemp, draw1, opType, "green");
          drawFrameLine("Z", ptinv, vt3, 0.15f, ptemp, draw1, opType, "blue");

      // and display translation if still not {0 0 0}

      if (trans != null) {
        if (ptref == null)
          ptref = P3.newP(pta00);
            isTimeReversed && !haveInversion && !isMirrorPlane && !isRotation ? "darkGray"
                : "gold");

      // draw the final frame just a bit fatter and shorter, in case they
      // overlap

      ptemp.sub2(pt1, pt0);
      ptemp.scaleAdd2(0.9f, ptemp, ptemp2);
      drawLine(draw1, drawid + "frame2X", 0.2f, ptemp2, ptemp, "red");
      ptemp.sub2(pt2, pt0);
      ptemp.scaleAdd2(0.9f, ptemp, ptemp2);
      drawLine(draw1, drawid + "frame2Y", 0.2f, ptemp2, ptemp, "green");
      ptemp.sub2(pt3, pt0);
      ptemp.scaleAdd2(0.9f, ptemp, ptemp2);
      drawLine(draw1, drawid + "frame2Z", 0.2f, ptemp2, ptemp, "purple");

      // color the targeted atoms opaque and add another frame if necessary

      draw1.append("\nsym_point = " + Escape.eP(pta00));
      draw1.append("\nvar p0 = " + Escape.eP(ptemp2));
          .append("\nvar set2 = within(0.2,p0);if(!set2){set2 = within(0.2,}");
      if (pta00 instanceof Atom)
        draw1.append("\n set2 &= {_" + ((Atom) pta00).getElementSymbol() + "}");
      draw1.append("\nsym_target = set2;if (set2) {");
      //      if (haveCentering)
      //      draw1.append(drawid).append(
      //        "cellOffsetVector arrow @p0 @set2 color grey");
          .append("offsetFrameX diameter 0.20 @{} @{ + ")
          .append(Escape.eP(vt1)).append("*0.9} color red");
          .append("offsetFrameY diameter 0.20 @{} @{ + ")
          .append(Escape.eP(vt2)).append("*0.9} color green");
          .append("offsetFrameZ diameter 0.20 @{} @{ + ")
          .append(Escape.eP(vt3)).append("*0.9} color purple");
      cmds = draw1.toString();
      if (Logger.debugging);
      draw1 = null;
      drawid = null;
    if (trans == null)
      ftrans = null;
    if (isRotation) {
      if (haveInversion) {
      } else if (pitch1 == 0) {
      } else {
        // screw
        trans = V3.newV(ax1);
        uc.toFractional(ptemp, false);
        ftrans = V3.newV(ptemp);
    if (isMirrorPlane) {
      ang1 = 0;
    if (haveInversion) {
      if (isInversionOnly) {
        pa1 = null;
        ax1 = null;
        trans = null;
        ftrans = null;
    } else if (isTranslation) {
      pa1 = null;
      ax1 = null;

    // and display translation if still not {0 0 0}
    if (ax1 != null)
    M4 m2 = null;
    m2 = M4.newM4(op);
    if (vtrans.length() != 0) {
      m2.m03 += vtrans.x;
      m2.m13 += vtrans.y;
      m2.m23 += vtrans.z;
    // TODO: here we need magnetic
    xyzNew = (op.isBio ? m2.toString() : op.modDim > 0 ? op.xyzOriginal
        : SymmetryOperation.getXYZFromMatrix(m2, false, false, false));
    if (op.timeReversal != 0)
      xyzNew = op.fixMagneticXYZ(m2, xyzNew, true);
    return new Object[] { xyzNew, op.xyzOriginal, info1, cmds, approx0(ftrans),
        approx0(trans), approx0(ipt), approx0(pa1),
        plane == null ? approx0(ax1) : null,
        ang1 != 0 ? Integer.valueOf(ang1) : null, m2,
        vtrans.lengthSquared() > 0 ? vtrans : null, op.getCentering(),
        Integer.valueOf(op.timeReversal), plane, type };

  private static void drawLine(SB s, String id, float diameter, P3 pt0, P3 pt1,
                               String color) {
    s.append(id).append(" diameter ").appendF(diameter).append(Escape.eP(pt0))
        .append(Escape.eP(pt1)).append(" color ").append(color);

  private static void drawFrameLine(String xyz, P3 pt, V3 v, float width,
                                    P3 ptemp, SB draw1, String key, String color) {
    drawLine(draw1, key + "Pt" + xyz, width, pt, ptemp, "translucent " + color);

  private static void drawVector(SB draw1, String drawid, String label,
                                 String type, T3 pt1, T3 v, String color) {
    draw1.append(drawid).append(label).append(" diameter 0.1 ").append(type)
        .append(Escape.eP(pt1)).append(Escape.eP(v)).append(" color ")

   * Set pt01 to pt00, possibly adding offset into unit cell
   * @param uc
   * @param pt00
   * @param pt01
   * @param offset
  private static void setFractional(SymmetryInterface uc, T3 pt00, P3 pt01,
                                    P3 offset) {
    if (offset != null)
      uc.toUnitCell(pt01, offset);
    uc.toFractional(pt01, false);

  private static P3 rotTransCart(SymmetryOperation op, SymmetryInterface uc,
                                 P3 pt00, V3 vtrans) {
    P3 p0 = P3.newP(pt00);
    uc.toFractional(p0, false);
    uc.toCartesian(p0, false);
    return p0;

  private static String strCoord(T3 p, boolean isBio) {
    return (isBio ? p.x + " " + p.y + " " + p.z : SymmetryOperation.fcoord(p));

  private static T3 approx0(T3 pt) {
    if (pt != null) {
      if (Math.abs(pt.x) < 0.0001f)
        pt.x = 0;
      if (Math.abs(pt.y) < 0.0001f)
        pt.y = 0;
      if (Math.abs(pt.z) < 0.0001f)
        pt.z = 0;
    return pt;

  private static T3 approx(T3 pt) {
    if (pt != null) {
      pt.x = SymmetryOperation.approxF(pt.x);
      pt.y = SymmetryOperation.approxF(pt.y);
      pt.z = SymmetryOperation.approxF(pt.z);
    return pt;

   * multipurpose function handling a variety of tasks, including:
   * processing of "lattice", "list", "atom", "point", and some "draw" output
   * types
   * finding the operator in the given space group
   * creating a temporary space group for an xyz operator
   * @param sym
   * @param iModel
   * @param iatom
   * @param uc
   * @param xyz
   * @param op
   * @param pt
   * @param pt2
   * @param id
   * @param type
   * @param scaleFactor
   * @param nth
   * @return a string or an Object[] containing information
  private Object getSymmetryInfo(Symmetry sym, int iModel, int iatom,
                                 Symmetry uc, String xyz, int op, P3 pt,
                                 P3 pt2, String id, int type,
                                 float scaleFactor, int nth) {
    if (type == T.lattice)
      return uc.getLatticeType();
    Object ret = (type == T.draw ? "draw ID sym_* delete"
        : type == T.atoms ? new BS() : "");
    int iop = op;
    Object[] info = null;
    if (pt2 == null) {
      if (xyz == null) {
        SymmetryOperation[] ops = (SymmetryOperation[]) uc
        if (ops == null || op == 0 || Math.abs(op) > ops.length)
          return ret;
        iop = Math.abs(op) - 1;
        xyz = ops[iop].xyz;
      } else {
        iop = op = 0;
      SymmetryInterface symTemp = new Symmetry();
      boolean isBio = uc.isBio();
      int i = (isBio ? symTemp.addBioMoleculeOperation(
          uc.spaceGroup.finalOperations[iop], op < 0) : symTemp
          .addSpaceGroupOperation((op < 0 ? "!" : "=") + xyz, Math.abs(op)));

      if (i < 0)
        return ret;
      SymmetryOperation opTemp = (SymmetryOperation) symTemp
      opTemp.index = op - 1;
      if (!isBio)
      if (pt == null && iatom >= 0)
        pt =[iatom];
      if (type == T.point || type == T.atoms) {
        if (isBio)
          return ret;
        symTemp.setUnitCell(uc.getUnitCellParams(), false);
        pt = P3.newP(pt);
        uc.toFractional(pt, false);
        if (Float.isNaN(pt.x))
          return ret;
        P3 sympt = new P3();
        symTemp.newSpaceGroupPoint(i, pt, sympt, 0, 0, 0, null);
        symTemp.toCartesian(sympt, false);
        return (type == T.atoms ? getAtom(uc, iModel, iatom, sympt) : sympt);
      info = createInfoArray(opTemp, uc, pt, pt2, (id == null ? "sym" : id),
    } else {
      // pt1, pt2
      String stype = "info";
      boolean asString = false;
      switch (type) {
      case T.list:
        id = stype = null;
        asString = true;
        if (nth == 0)
          nth = -1;
      case T.draw:
        if (id == null)
          id = "sym";
        stype = "all";
        asString = true;
      case T.atoms:
        id = stype = null;
        if (nth == 0)
          nth = 1;
      ret = getSymopInfoForPoints(sym, iModel, op, pt, pt2, id, stype,
          scaleFactor, nth, asString);
      if (asString)
        return ret;
      info = (Object[]) ret;
      if (type == T.atoms) {
        if (!(pt instanceof Atom) && !(pt2 instanceof Atom))
          iatom = -1;
        return (info == null ? new BS() : getAtom(uc, iModel, iatom,
            (T3) info[7]));
    return getInfo(info, type);

  private BS getAtom(Symmetry uc, int iModel, int iAtom, T3 sympt) {
    BS bsElement = null;
    if (iAtom >= 0)
          bsElement = new BS());
    BS bsResult = new BS();
    modelSet.getAtomsWithin(0.02f, sympt, bsResult, iModel);
    if (bsElement != null)
    if (bsResult.isEmpty()) {
      sympt = P3.newP(sympt);
      uc.toUnitCell(sympt, null);
      uc.toCartesian(sympt, false);
      modelSet.getAtomsWithin(0.02f, sympt, bsResult, iModel);
      if (bsElement != null)
    return bsResult;

   * get information about a symmetry operation relating two specific points or atoms
   * @param sym
   * @param modelIndex
   * @param symOp
   * @param pt1
   * @param pt2
   * @param drawID
   * @param stype
   * @param scaleFactor
   * @param nth
   * @param asString
   * @return Object[] or String
  private Object getSymopInfoForPoints(Symmetry sym, int modelIndex, int symOp,
                                       P3 pt1, P3 pt2, String drawID,
                                       String stype, float scaleFactor, int nth,
                                       boolean asString) {
    String strOperations = "";
    Object[][] infolist;
    Object ret = (asString ? "" : null);
    Map sginfo = getSpaceGroupInfo(sym, modelIndex, null,
        symOp, pt1, pt2, drawID, scaleFactor, nth);
    if (sginfo == null)
      return ret;
    strOperations = (String) sginfo.get("symmetryInfo");
    infolist = (Object[][]) sginfo.get("operations");
    if (infolist == null)
      return ret;
    SB sb = new SB();
    boolean labelOnly = "label".equals(stype);
    for (int i = 0; i < infolist.length; i++) {
      if (infolist[i] == null || symOp >= 0 && symOp != i)
      if (!asString)
        return infolist[i];
      if (drawID != null)
        return ((String) infolist[i][3]) + "\nprint " + PT.esc(strOperations);
      if (sb.length() > 0)
//      if (prettyMat) {
//        getPrettyMatrix(sb, (M4) infolist[i][10]);
//        sb.appendC('\t');
//      } else 
      if (!labelOnly) {
        if (symOp < 0)
          sb.appendI(i + 1).appendC('\t');
        sb.append((String) infolist[i][0]).appendC('\t'); //xyz
      sb.append((String) infolist[i][2]); //desc
    if (sb.length() == 0)
      return (drawID != null ? "draw " + drawID + "* delete" : ret);
    return sb.toString();

//  private static String getPrettyMatrix(SB sb, M4 m4) {
//    sb.append("[ ");
//    float[] row = new float[4];
//    for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
//      m4.getRow(i, row);
//      sb.append("[ ")
//        .appendI((int)row[0]).appendC(' ')
//        .appendI((int)row[1]).appendC(' ')
//        .appendI((int)row[2]).appendC(' ');      
//      sb.append(SymmetryOperation.twelfthsOf(row[3]*12)).append(" ]");
//    }
//    return sb.append(" ]").toString();
//  }