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* This file is part of the OWL API.
* The contents of this file are subject to the LGPL License, Version 3.0.
* Copyright (C) 2011, The University of Manchester
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see
* Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0
* in which case, the provisions of the Apache License Version 2.0 are applicable instead of those above.
* Copyright 2011, University of Manchester
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.semanticweb.owlapi.reasoner;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;
import org.semanticweb.owlapi.model.AxiomType;
import org.semanticweb.owlapi.model.OWLAxiom;
import org.semanticweb.owlapi.model.OWLClass;
import org.semanticweb.owlapi.model.OWLClassExpression;
import org.semanticweb.owlapi.model.OWLDataProperty;
import org.semanticweb.owlapi.model.OWLDataPropertyExpression;
import org.semanticweb.owlapi.model.OWLLiteral;
import org.semanticweb.owlapi.model.OWLNamedIndividual;
import org.semanticweb.owlapi.model.OWLObjectPropertyExpression;
import org.semanticweb.owlapi.model.OWLOntology;
import org.semanticweb.owlapi.model.OWLOntologyChange;
import org.semanticweb.owlapi.util.Version;
* An OWLReasoner reasons over a set of axioms (the set of reasoner axioms) that
* is based on the imports closure of a particular ontology - the "root"
* ontology. This ontology can be obtained using the
* {@link OWLReasoner#getRootOntology()} method. When the client responsible for
* creating the reasoner has finished with the reasoner instance it must call
* the {@link #dispose()} method to free any resources that are used by the
* reasoner. In general, reasoners should not be instantiated directly, but
* should be created using the appropriate
* {@link org.semanticweb.owlapi.reasoner.OWLReasonerFactory}.
Ontology Change Management (Buffering and Non-Buffering Modes)
* creation time, an OWLReasoner will load the axioms in the root ontology
* imports closure. It will attach itself as a listener to the
* {@link org.semanticweb.owlapi.model.OWLOntologyManager} that manages the root
* ontology. The reasoner will listen to any
* {@link org.semanticweb.owlapi.model.OWLOntologyChange}s and respond
* appropriately to them before answering any queries. If the
* {@link org.semanticweb.owlapi.reasoner.BufferingMode} of the reasoner (the
* answer to {@link #getBufferingMode()} is
* {@link org.semanticweb.owlapi.reasoner.BufferingMode#NON_BUFFERING}) the
* ontology changes are processed by the reasoner immediately so that any
* queries asked after the changes are answered with respect to the changed
* ontologies. If the {@link org.semanticweb.owlapi.reasoner.BufferingMode} of
* the reasoner is
* {@link org.semanticweb.owlapi.reasoner.BufferingMode#BUFFERING} then ontology
* changes are stored in a buffer and are only taken into consideration when the
* buffer is flushed with the {@link #flush()} method. When reasoning, axioms in
* the root ontology imports closure, minus the axioms returned by the
* {@link #getPendingAxiomAdditions()} method, plus the axioms returned by the
* {@link #getPendingAxiomRemovals()} are taken into consideration.
* Note that there is no guarantee that the reasoner implementation will respond
* to changes in an incremental (and efficient manner) manner.
Reasoner Axioms
The set of axioms that the reasoner takes into
* consideration when answering queries is known as the set of reasoner
* axioms. This corresponds the axioms in the imports closure of the root
* ontology plus the axioms returned by the {@link #getPendingAxiomRemovals()}
* minus the axioms returned by {@link #getPendingAxiomAdditions()}
The reasoner interface contains methods that return
* {@link org.semanticweb.owlapi.reasoner.NodeSet}s. These are sets of
* {@link org.semanticweb.owlapi.reasoner.Node}s. A {@code Node} contains
* entities.
* For a {@code Node<OWLClass>} of classes, each class in the node is
* equivalent to the other classes in the {@code Node} with respect to the
* imports closure of the root ontology.
* For a {@code Node<OWLObjectProperty>} of object properties, each object
* property in the {@code Node} is equivalent to the other object properties in
* the node with respect to the imports closure of the root ontology.
* For a {@code Node<OWLDataProperty>} of data properties, each data
* property in the {@code Node} is equivalent to the other data properties in the
* node with respect to the imports closure of the root ontology.
* For a {@code Node<OWLNamedIndividual>} of named individuals, each
* individual in the node is the same as the other individuals in the node with
* respect to the imports closure of the root ontology.
* By abuse of notation, we say that a {@code NodeSet} "contains" an entity if
* that entity is contained in one of the {@code Nodes} in the {@code NodeSet}.
A hierachy (class hierachy, object property hierarchy,
* data property hierarchy) is viewed as a directed acyclic graph (DAG)
* containing nodes connected via edges. Each node in the hierarchy represents a
* set of entities that are equivalent to each other. Each hierarchy has a top
* node (see org.semanticweb.owlapi.reasoner.Node#isTopNode()) and a bottom node
* (see org.semanticweb.owlapi.reasoner.Node#isBottomNode()).
* The figure below shows an example class hierarchy. Each box in the hierarchy
* represents a {@code Node}. In this case the top node contains
* {@code owl:Thing} and the bottom node contains {@code owl:Nothing} because the
* nodes in the hierarchy are {@code OWLClass} nodes. In this case, class
* {@code G} is equivalent to {@code owl:Thing} so it appears as an entity in the
* top node along with {@code owl:Thing}. Similarly, class {@code K} is
* unsatisfiable, so it is equivalent to {@code owl:Nothing}, and therefore
* appears in the bottom node containing {@code owl:Nothing}. In this example,
* classes {@code A} and {@code B} are equivalent so they appear in one node,
* also, classes {@code D} and {@code F} are equivalent so they appear in one
* node.
* Asking for the subclasses of a given class (expression) returns the a
* {@code NodeSet} containing the nodes that contain classes that are strict
* subclasses of the specified class (expression). For example, asking for the
* subclasses of class {@code C} returns the {@code NodeSet}
* {@code {E}} and {@code {owl:Nothing, K}}.
* Asking for the direct subclasses of a given class (expression) returns the
* {@code NodeSet} that contains the nodes that contains classes that are direct
* subclasses of the specified class. For example, asking for the direct
* subclasses of class {@code A} returns the {@code NodeSet} containing the nodes
* {@code {C}} and {@code {D, F}}. Note that there are
* convenience methods on {@link NodeSet} and
* {@link org.semanticweb.owlapi.reasoner.Node} that can be used to directly
* access the entities in a {@code NodeSet} without having to iterate over the
* nodes and entities in a {@code NodeSet}. For example, a "plain" set of classes
* contained inside the {@code Nodes} contained inside a {@code NodeSet} can
* easily be obtained using the {@link NodeSet#getFlattened()} method. In this
* case we could quickly obtain {@code {C, D, F}} as the direct
* subclasses of {@code A} simply by using the
* {@link #getSubClasses(org.semanticweb.owlapi.model.OWLClassExpression, boolean)}
* (with boolean=true) method on {@code OWLReasoner} and then we could use the
* {@link NodeSet#getFlattened()} method on the retuned {@code NodeSet} .
* Asking for equivalent classes of a class (expression) returns a {@code Node}
* that contains classes that are equivalent to the class (expression) . For
* example, asking for the equivalent classes of {@code owl:Nothing} (i.e. asking
* for the unsatisfiable classes) returns the {@code Node}
* {@code {owl:Nothing, K}}.
In what follows, an extension of the OWL 2 Functional Syntax is given
* in order to capture notions like a class being a "direct" subclass of another
* class.
Given two class expressions {@code CE1} and
* {@code CE2} and an ontology {@code O}, {@code CE1} is a strict subclass of
* {@code CE2}, written {@code StrictSubClassOf(CE1 CE2)} if {@code O} entails
* {@code SubClassOf(CE1 CE2)} and {@code O} does not entail
* {@code SubClassOf(CE2 CE1)}
Given two class expressions {@code CE1} and
* {@code CE2} and an ontology {@code O}, {@code CE1} is a direct subclass
* of {@code CE2}, written {@code DirectSubClassOf(CE1 CE2)}, with respect to
* {@code O} if {@code O} entails {@code StrictSubClassOf(CE1 CE2)} and there is
* no class name {@code C} in the signature of {@code O} such that {@code O}
* entails {@code StrictSubClassOf(CE1 C)} and {@code O} entails
* {@code StrictSubClassOf(C CE2)}.
Given two object property expressions
* {@code OPE1} and {@code OPE2} and an ontology {@code O}, {@code OPE1} is a
* strict subproperty of {@code OPE2}, written
* {@code StrictSubObjectPropertyOf(OPE1 OPE2)} if {@code O} entails
* {@code SubObjectPropertyOf(OPE1 OPE2)} and {@code O} does not entail
* {@code SubObjectPropertyOf(OPE2 OPE1)}
Given two object property expressions
* {@code OPE1} and {@code OPE2} and an ontology {@code O}, {@code OPE1} is a
* direct subproperty of {@code OPE2}, written
* {@code DirectSubObjectPropertyOf(OPE1 OPE2)}, with respect to {@code O} if
* {@code O} entails {@code StrictSubObjectPropertyOf(OPE1 OPE2)} and there is no
* object property name {@code P} in the signature of {@code O} such that
* {@code O} entails {@code StrictSubObjectPropertyOf(OPE1 P)} and {@code O}
* entails {@code StrictSubObjectPropertyOf(P OPE2)}.
Given two dbject property expressions
* {@code DPE1} and {@code DPE2} and an ontology {@code O}, {@code DPE1} is a
* strict subproperty of {@code DPE2}, written
* {@code StrictSubDataPropertyOf(DPE1 DPE2)} if {@code O} entails
* {@code SubDataPropertyOf(DPE1 DPE2)} and {@code O} does not entail
* {@code SubDataPropertyOf(DPE1 DPE2)}
Given two data property expressions
* {@code DPE1} and {@code DPE2} and an ontology {@code O}, {@code DPE1} is a
* direct subproperty of {@code DPE2}, written
* {@code DirectSubDataPropertyOf(DPE1 DPE2)}, with respect to {@code O} if
* {@code O} entails {@code StrictSubDataPropertyOf(DPE1 DPE2)} and there is no
* data property name {@code P} in the signature of {@code O} such that {@code O}
* entails {@code StrictSubDataPropertyOf(DPE1 P)} and {@code O} entails
* {@code StrictSubDataPropertyOf(P DPE2)}.
Given an individual {@code j} and a class
* expression {@code CE} and an ontology {@code O}, {@code CE} is a direct class
* assertion (type) for {@code j}, written {@code DirectClassAssertion(CE j)}, if
* {@code O} entails {@code ClassAssertion(CE j)} and there is no class name
* {@code C} in the signature of {@code O} such that {@code O} entails
* {@code ClassAssertion(C j)} and {@code O} entails
* {@code StrictSubClassOf(C CE)}.
Given an
* object property expression {@code pe}, the object property complement of
* {@code pe} is written as {@code ObjectPropertyComplementOf(pe)}. The
* interpretation of {@code ObjectPropertyComplementOf(pe)} is equal to the
* interpretation of {@code owl:topObjectProperty} minus the interpretation of
* {@code pe}. In other words, {@code ObjectPropertyComplementOf(pe)} is the set
* of pairs of individuals that are not in {@code pe}.
* DataPropertyComplementOf
Given a data property expression {@code pe} ,
* the data property complement of {@code pe} is written as
* {@code DataPropertyComplementOf(pe)}. The interpretation of
* {@code DataPropertyComplementOf(pe)} is equal to the interpretation of
* {@code owl:topDataProperty} minus the interpretation of {@code pe}. In other
* words, {@code DataPropertyComplementOf(pe)} is the set of pairs of individual
* and literals that are not in {@code pe}.
Simplified Object
* Property Expression
A simplified object property expression is either a
* named property {@code P}, or an object inverse property of the form
* {@code ObjectInverseOf(P)} where {@code P} is a named property. In other
* words, there is no nesting of {@code ObjectInverseOf} operators.
* Handling
An {@code OWLReasoner} may throw the following exceptions to
* indicate errors. More documentation for each type of exception can be found
* on the particular exception class.
* Note that {@link org.semanticweb.owlapi.reasoner.ReasonerInternalException}
* may be throw by any of the reasoner methods below.
* @author Matthew Horridge, The University of Manchester, Information
* Management Group, Date: 21-Jan-2009
public interface OWLReasoner {
* Gets the name of this reasoner.
* @return A string that represents the name of this reasoner.
String getReasonerName();
* Gets the version of this reasoner.
* @return The version of this reasoner. Not {@code null}.
Version getReasonerVersion();
* Gets the buffering mode of this reasoner.
* @return The buffering mode of this reasoner.
BufferingMode getBufferingMode();
* Flushes any changes stored in the buffer, which causes the reasoner to
* take into consideration the changes the current root ontology specified
* by the changes. If the reasoner buffering mode is
* {@link org.semanticweb.owlapi.reasoner.BufferingMode#NON_BUFFERING} then
* this method will have no effect.
void flush();
* Gets the pending changes which need to be taken into consideration by the
* reasoner so that it is up to date with the root ontology imports closure.
* After the {@link #flush()} method is called the set of pending changes
* will be empty.
* @return A set of changes. Note that the changes represent the raw changes
* as applied to the imports closure of the root ontology.
List getPendingChanges();
* Gets the axioms that as a result of ontology changes need to be added to
* the reasoner to synchronise it with the root ontology imports closure. If
* the buffering mode is
* {@link org.semanticweb.owlapi.reasoner.BufferingMode#NON_BUFFERING} then
* there will be no pending axiom additions.
* @return The set of axioms that need to added to the reasoner to the
* reasoner to synchronise it with the root ontology imports
* closure.
Set getPendingAxiomAdditions();
* Gets the axioms that as a result of ontology changes need to removed to
* the reasoner to synchronise it with the root ontology imports closure. If
* the buffering mode is
* {@link org.semanticweb.owlapi.reasoner.BufferingMode#NON_BUFFERING} then
* there will be no pending axiom additions.
* @return The set of axioms that need to added to the reasoner to the
* reasoner to synchronise it with the root ontology imports
* closure.
Set getPendingAxiomRemovals();
* Gets the "root" ontology that is loaded into this reasoner. The reasoner
* takes into account the axioms in this ontology and its imports closure,
* plus the axioms returned by {@link #getPendingAxiomRemovals()}, minus the
* axioms returned by {@link #getPendingAxiomAdditions()} when reasoning.
* Note that the root ontology is set at reasoner creation time and cannot
* be changed thereafter. Clients that want to add ontologies to and remove
* ontologies from the reasoner after creation time should create a "dummy"
* ontology that imports the "real" ontologies and then specify the dummy
* ontology as the root ontology at reasoner creation time.
* @return The root ontology that is loaded into the reasoner.
OWLOntology getRootOntology();
* Asks the reasoner to interrupt what it is currently doing. An
* ReasonerInterruptedException will be thrown in the thread that invoked
* the last reasoner operation. The OWL API is not thread safe in general,
* but it is likely that this method will be called from another thread than
* the event dispatch thread or the thread in which reasoning takes place.
* Note that the reasoner will periodically check for interupt requests.
* Asking the reasoner to interrupt the current process does not mean that
* it will be interrupted immediately. However, clients can expect to be
* able to interupt individual consistency checks, satisfiability checks
* etc.
void interrupt();
* Asks the reasoner to precompute certain types of inferences. Note that it
* is NOT necessary to call this method before asking any other queries -
* the reasoner will answer all queries correctly regardless of whether
* inferences are precomputed or not. For example, if the imports closure of
* the root ontology entails {@code SubClassOf(A B)} then the result of
* {@code getSubClasses(B)} will contain {@code A}, regardless of whether
* {@code precomputeInferences( InferenceType#CLASS_HIERARCHY)} has been
* called.
* If the reasoner does not support the precomputation of a particular type
* of inference then it will silently ignore the request.
* @param inferenceTypes
* Suggests a list of the types of inferences that should be
* precomputed. If the list is empty then the reasoner will determine
* which types of inferences are precomputed. Note that the order of
* the list is unimportant - the reasoner will determine the order in
* which inferences are computed.
* @throws InconsistentOntologyException
* if the imports closure of the root ontology is inconsistent
* @throws ReasonerInterruptedException
* if the reasoning process was interrupted for any particular
* reason (for example if reasoning was cancelled by a client
* process)
* @throws TimeOutException
* if the reasoner timed out during a basic reasoning operation. See
* {@link #getTimeOut()}.
void precomputeInferences(InferenceType... inferenceTypes)
throws ReasonerInterruptedException, TimeOutException,
* Determines if a specific set of inferences have been precomputed.
* @param inferenceType
* The type of inference to check for.
* @return {@code true} if the specified type of inferences have been
* precomputed, otherwise {@code false}.
boolean isPrecomputed(InferenceType inferenceType);
* Returns the set of {@link org.semanticweb.owlapi.reasoner.InferenceType}s
* that are precomputable by reasoner.
* @return A set of {@link org.semanticweb.owlapi.reasoner.InferenceType}s
* that can be precomputed by this reasoner.
Set getPrecomputableInferenceTypes();
* Determines if the set of reasoner axioms is consistent. Note that this
* method will NOT throw an
* {@link org.semanticweb.owlapi.reasoner.InconsistentOntologyException}
* even if the root ontology imports closure is inconsistent.
* @return {@code true} if the imports closure of the root ontology is
* consistent, or {@code false} if the imports closure of the root
* ontology is inconsistent.
* @throws ReasonerInterruptedException
* if the reasoning process was interrupted for any particular
* reason (for example if reasoning was cancelled by a client
* process).
* @throws TimeOutException
* if the reasoner timed out during a basic reasoning operation. See
* {@link #getTimeOut()}.
boolean isConsistent() throws ReasonerInterruptedException,
* A convenience method that determines if the specified class expression is
* satisfiable with respect to the reasoner axioms.
* @param classExpression
* The class expression
* @return {@code true} if classExpression is satisfiable with respect to
* the set of axioms, or {@code false} if classExpression is
* unsatisfiable with respect to the axioms.
* @throws InconsistentOntologyException
* if the set of reasoner axioms is inconsistent
* @throws ClassExpressionNotInProfileException
* if {@code classExpression} is not within the profile that is
* supported by this reasoner.
* @throws FreshEntitiesException
* if the signature of the classExpression is not contained within
* the signature of the set of reasoner axioms.
* @throws ReasonerInterruptedException
* if the reasoning process was interrupted for any particular
* reason (for example if reasoning was cancelled by a client
* process)
* @throws TimeOutException
* if the reasoner timed out during a basic reasoning operation. See
* {@link #getTimeOut()}.
boolean isSatisfiable(OWLClassExpression classExpression)
throws ReasonerInterruptedException, TimeOutException,
ClassExpressionNotInProfileException, FreshEntitiesException,
* A convenience method that obtains the classes in the signature of the
* root ontology that are unsatisfiable.
* @return A {@code Node} that is the bottom node in the class hierarchy.
* This node represents {@code owl:Nothing} and contains
* {@code owl:Nothing} itself plus classes that are equivalent to
* {@code owl:Nothing}.
* @throws ReasonerInterruptedException
* if the reasoning process was interrupted for any particular
* reason (for example if reasoning was cancelled by a client
* process)
* @throws TimeOutException
* if the reasoner timed out during a basic reasoning operation. See
* {@link #getTimeOut()}.
* @throws InconsistentOntologyException
* if the set of reasoner axioms is inconsistent
Node getUnsatisfiableClasses()
throws ReasonerInterruptedException, TimeOutException,
* A convenience method that determines if the specified axiom is entailed
* by the set of reasoner axioms.
* @param axiom
* The axiom
* @return {@code true} if {@code axiom} is entailed by the reasoner axioms
* or {@code false} if {@code axiom} is not entailed by the reasoner
* axioms. {@code true} if the set of reasoner axioms is
* inconsistent.
* @throws FreshEntitiesException
* if the signature of the axiom is not contained within the
* signature of the imports closure of the root ontology.
* @throws ReasonerInterruptedException
* if the reasoning process was interrupted for any particular
* reason (for example if reasoning was cancelled by a client
* process)
* @throws TimeOutException
* if the reasoner timed out during a basic reasoning operation. See
* {@link #getTimeOut()}.
* @throws UnsupportedEntailmentTypeException
* if the reasoner cannot perform a check to see if the specified
* axiom is entailed
* @throws AxiomNotInProfileException
* if {@code axiom} is not in the profile that is supported by this
* reasoner.
* @throws InconsistentOntologyException
* if the set of reasoner axioms is inconsistent
* @see #isEntailmentCheckingSupported(org.semanticweb.owlapi.model.AxiomType)
boolean isEntailed(OWLAxiom axiom) throws ReasonerInterruptedException,
UnsupportedEntailmentTypeException, TimeOutException,
AxiomNotInProfileException, FreshEntitiesException,
* Determines if the specified set of axioms is entailed by the reasoner
* axioms.
* @param axioms
* The set of axioms to be tested
* @return {@code true} if the set of axioms is entailed by the axioms in
* the imports closure of the root ontology, otherwise {@code false}
* . If the set of reasoner axioms is inconsistent then {@code true}
* .
* @throws FreshEntitiesException
* if the signature of the set of axioms is not contained within the
* signature of the imports closure of the root ontology and the
* undeclared entity policy of this reasoner is set to
* {@link FreshEntityPolicy#DISALLOW}.
* @throws ReasonerInterruptedException
* if the reasoning process was interrupted for any particular
* reason (for example if reasoning was cancelled by a client
* process)
* @throws TimeOutException
* if the reasoner timed out during a basic reasoning operation. See
* {@link #getTimeOut()}.
* @throws UnsupportedEntailmentTypeException
* if the reasoner cannot perform a check to see if the specified
* axiom is entailed
* @throws AxiomNotInProfileException
* if {@code axiom} is not in the profile that is supported by this
* reasoner.
* @throws InconsistentOntologyException
* if the set of reasoner axioms is inconsistent
* @see #isEntailmentCheckingSupported(org.semanticweb.owlapi.model.AxiomType)
boolean isEntailed(Set extends OWLAxiom> axioms)
throws ReasonerInterruptedException,
UnsupportedEntailmentTypeException, TimeOutException,
AxiomNotInProfileException, FreshEntitiesException,
* Determines if entailment checking for the specified axiom type is
* supported.
* @param axiomType
* The axiom type
* @return {@code true} if entailment checking for the specified axiom type
* is supported, otherwise {@code false}. If {@code true} then
* asking {@link #isEntailed(org.semanticweb.owlapi.model.OWLAxiom)}
* will not throw an exception of
* {@link org.semanticweb.owlapi.reasoner.UnsupportedEntailmentTypeException}
* . If {@code false} then asking
* {@link #isEntailed(org.semanticweb.owlapi.model.OWLAxiom)}
* will throw an
* {@link org.semanticweb.owlapi.reasoner.UnsupportedEntailmentTypeException}
* .
boolean isEntailmentCheckingSupported(AxiomType> axiomType);
// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// //
// // Methods for dealing with the class hierarchy
// //
// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
* Gets the {@code Node} corresponding to the top node (containing
* {@code owl:Thing}) in the class hierarchy.
* @return A {@code Node} containing {@code owl:Thing} that is the top node
* in the class hierarchy. This {@code Node} is essentially equal to
* the {@code Node} returned by calling
* {@link #getEquivalentClasses(org.semanticweb.owlapi.model.OWLClassExpression)}
* with a parameter of {@code owl:Thing}.
Node getTopClassNode();
* Gets the {@code Node} corresponding to the bottom node (containing
* {@code owl:Nothing}) in the class hierarchy.
* @return A {@code Node} containing {@code owl:Nothing} that is the bottom
* node in the class hierarchy. This {@code Node} is essentially
* equal to the {@code Node} that will be returned by calling
* {@link #getEquivalentClasses(org.semanticweb.owlapi.model.OWLClassExpression)}
* with a parameter of {@code owl:Nothing}.
Node getBottomClassNode();
* Gets the set of named classes that are the strict (potentially direct)
* subclasses of the specified class expression with respect to the reasoner
* axioms. Note that the classes are returned as a
* {@link org.semanticweb.owlapi.reasoner.NodeSet}.
* @param ce
* The class expression whose strict (direct) subclasses are to be
* retrieved.
* @param direct
* Specifies if the direct subclasses should be retrived (
* {@code true}) or if the all subclasses (descendant) classes should
* be retrieved ({@code false}).
* @return If direct is {@code true}, a {@code NodeSet} such that for each
* class {@code C} in the {@code NodeSet} the set of reasoner axioms
* entails {@code DirectSubClassOf(C, ce)}.
* If direct is {@code false}, a {@code NodeSet} such that for each
* class {@code C} in the {@code NodeSet} the set of reasoner axioms
* entails {@code StrictSubClassOf(C, ce)}.
* If {@code ce} is equivalent to {@code owl:Nothing} then the empty
* {@code NodeSet} will be returned.
* @throws InconsistentOntologyException
* if the imports closure of the root ontology is inconsistent
* @throws ClassExpressionNotInProfileException
* if {@code classExpression} is not within the profile that is
* supported by this reasoner.
* @throws FreshEntitiesException
* if the signature of the classExpression is not contained within
* the signature of the imports closure of the root ontology and the
* undeclared entity policy of this reasoner is set to
* {@link FreshEntityPolicy#DISALLOW}.
* @throws ReasonerInterruptedException
* if the reasoning process was interrupted for any particular
* reason (for example if reasoning was cancelled by a client
* process)
* @throws TimeOutException
* if the reasoner timed out during a basic reasoning operation. See
* {@link #getTimeOut()}.
NodeSet getSubClasses(OWLClassExpression ce, boolean direct)
throws ReasonerInterruptedException, TimeOutException,
FreshEntitiesException, InconsistentOntologyException,
* Gets the set of named classes that are the strict (potentially direct)
* super classes of the specified class expression with respect to the
* imports closure of the root ontology. Note that the classes are returned
* as a {@link org.semanticweb.owlapi.reasoner.NodeSet}.
* @param ce
* The class expression whose strict (direct) super classes are to be
* retrieved.
* @param direct
* Specifies if the direct super classes should be retrived (
* {@code true}) or if the all super classes (ancestors) classes
* should be retrieved ({@code false}).
* @return If direct is {@code true}, a {@code NodeSet} such that for each
* class {@code C} in the {@code NodeSet} the set of reasoner axioms
* entails {@code DirectSubClassOf(ce, C)}.
* If direct is {@code false}, a {@code NodeSet} such that for each
* class {@code C} in the {@code NodeSet} the set of reasoner axioms
* entails {@code StrictSubClassOf(ce, C)}.
* If {@code ce} is equivalent to {@code owl:Thing} then the empty
* {@code NodeSet} will be returned.
* @throws InconsistentOntologyException
* if the imports closure of the root ontology is inconsistent
* @throws ClassExpressionNotInProfileException
* if {@code classExpression} is not within the profile that is
* supported by this reasoner.
* @throws FreshEntitiesException
* if the signature of the classExpression is not contained within
* the signature of the imports closure of the root ontology and the
* undeclared entity policy of this reasoner is set to
* {@link FreshEntityPolicy#DISALLOW}.
* @throws ReasonerInterruptedException
* if the reasoning process was interrupted for any particular
* reason (for example if reasoning was cancelled by a client
* process)
* @throws TimeOutException
* if the reasoner timed out during a basic reasoning operation. See
* {@link #getTimeOut()}.
NodeSet getSuperClasses(OWLClassExpression ce, boolean direct)
throws InconsistentOntologyException,
ClassExpressionNotInProfileException, FreshEntitiesException,
ReasonerInterruptedException, TimeOutException;
* Gets the set of named classes that are equivalent to the specified class
* expression with respect to the set of reasoner axioms. The classes are
* returned as a {@link org.semanticweb.owlapi.reasoner.Node}.
* @param ce
* The class expression whose equivalent classes are to be retrieved.
* @return A node containing the named classes such that for each named
* class {@code C} in the node the root ontology imports closure
* entails {@code EquivalentClasses(ce C)}. If {@code ce} is not a
* class name (i.e. it is an anonymous class expression) and there
* are no such classes {@code C} then the node will be empty.
* If {@code ce} is a named class then {@code ce} will be contained
* in the node.
* If {@code ce} is unsatisfiable with respect to the set of
* reasoner axioms then the node representing and containing
* {@code owl:Nothing}, i.e. the bottom node, will be returned.
* If {@code ce} is equivalent to {@code owl:Thing} with respect to
* the set of reasoner axioms then the node representing and
* containing {@code owl:Thing}, i.e. the top node, will be returned
* .
* @throws InconsistentOntologyException
* if the imports closure of the root ontology is inconsistent
* @throws ClassExpressionNotInProfileException
* if {@code classExpression} is not within the profile that is
* supported by this reasoner.
* @throws FreshEntitiesException
* if the signature of the classExpression is not contained within
* the signature of the imports closure of the root ontology and the
* undeclared entity policy of this reasoner is set to
* {@link FreshEntityPolicy#DISALLOW}.
* @throws ReasonerInterruptedException
* if the reasoning process was interrupted for any particular
* reason (for example if reasoning was cancelled by a client
* process)
* @throws TimeOutException
* if the reasoner timed out during a basic reasoning operation. See
* {@link #getTimeOut()}.
Node getEquivalentClasses(OWLClassExpression ce)
throws InconsistentOntologyException,
ClassExpressionNotInProfileException, FreshEntitiesException,
ReasonerInterruptedException, TimeOutException;
* Gets the classes that are disjoint with the specified class expression
* {@code ce}. The classes are returned as a
* {@link org.semanticweb.owlapi.reasoner.NodeSet}.
* @param ce
* The class expression whose disjoint classes are to be retrieved.
* @return The return value is a {@code NodeSet} such that for each class
* {@code D} in the {@code NodeSet} the set of reasoner axioms
* entails {@code EquivalentClasses(D, ObjectComplementOf(ce))} or
* {@code StrictSubClassOf(D, ObjectComplementOf(ce))}.
* @throws InconsistentOntologyException
* if the imports closure of the root ontology is inconsistent
* @throws ClassExpressionNotInProfileException
* if {@code classExpression} is not within the profile that is
* supported by this reasoner.
* @throws FreshEntitiesException
* if the signature of the classExpression is not contained within
* the signature of the imports closure of the root ontology and the
* undeclared entity policy of this reasoner is set to
* {@link FreshEntityPolicy#DISALLOW}.
* @throws ReasonerInterruptedException
* if the reasoning process was interrupted for any particular
* reason (for example if reasoning was cancelled by a client
* process)
* @throws TimeOutException
* if the reasoner timed out during a basic reasoning operation. See
* {@link #getTimeOut()}.
NodeSet getDisjointClasses(OWLClassExpression ce)
throws ReasonerInterruptedException, TimeOutException,
FreshEntitiesException, InconsistentOntologyException;
// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// //
// // Methods for dealing with the object property hierarchy
// //
// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
* Gets the {@code Node} corresponding to the top node (containing
* {@code owl:topObjectProperty}) in the object property hierarchy.
* @return A {@code Node} containing {@code owl:topObjectProperty} that is
* the top node in the object property hierarchy. This {@code Node}
* is essentially equivalent to the {@code Node} returned by calling
* {@link #getEquivalentObjectProperties(org.semanticweb.owlapi.model.OWLObjectPropertyExpression)}
* with a parameter of {@code owl:topObjectProperty}.
Node getTopObjectPropertyNode();
* Gets the {@code Node} corresponding to the bottom node (containing
* {@code owl:bottomObjectProperty}) in the object property hierarchy.
* @return A {@code Node}, containing {@code owl:bottomObjectProperty}, that
* is the bottom node in the object property hierarchy. This
* {@code Node} is essentially equal to the {@code Node} that will
* be returned by calling
* {@link #getEquivalentObjectProperties(org.semanticweb.owlapi.model.OWLObjectPropertyExpression)}
* with a parameter of {@code owl:bottomObjectProperty}.
Node getBottomObjectPropertyNode();
* Gets the set of simplified object property expressions
* that are the strict (potentially direct) subproperties of the specified
* object property expression with respect to the imports closure of the
* root ontology. Note that the properties are returned as a
* {@link org.semanticweb.owlapi.reasoner.NodeSet}.
* @param pe
* The object property expression whose strict (direct) subproperties
* are to be retrieved.
* @param direct
* Specifies if the direct subproperties should be retrived (
* {@code true}) or if the all subproperties (descendants) should be
* retrieved ({@code false}).
* @return If direct is {@code true}, a {@code NodeSet} of simplified object property expressions, such that
* for each simplified object property
* expression, {@code P}, in the {@code NodeSet} the set of
* reasoner axioms entails {@code DirectSubObjectPropertyOf(P, pe)}.
* If direct is {@code false}, a {@code NodeSet} of simplified object property expressions, such that
* for each simplified object property
* expression, {@code P}, in the {@code NodeSet} the set of
* reasoner axioms entails {@code StrictSubObjectPropertyOf(P, pe)}.
* If {@code pe} is equivalent to {@code owl:bottomObjectProperty}
* then the empty {@code NodeSet} will be returned.
* @throws InconsistentOntologyException
* if the imports closure of the root ontology is inconsistent
* @throws FreshEntitiesException
* if the signature of the object property expression is not
* contained within the signature of the imports closure of the root
* ontology and the undeclared entity policy of this reasoner is set
* to {@link FreshEntityPolicy#DISALLOW}.
* @throws ReasonerInterruptedException
* if the reasoning process was interrupted for any particular
* reason (for example if reasoning was cancelled by a client
* process)
* @throws TimeOutException
* if the reasoner timed out during a basic reasoning operation. See
* {@link #getTimeOut()}.
NodeSet getSubObjectProperties(
OWLObjectPropertyExpression pe, boolean direct)
throws InconsistentOntologyException, FreshEntitiesException,
ReasonerInterruptedException, TimeOutException;
* Gets the set of simplified object property expressions
* that are the strict (potentially direct) super properties of the
* specified object property expression with respect to the imports closure
* of the root ontology. Note that the properties are returned as a
* {@link org.semanticweb.owlapi.reasoner.NodeSet}.
* @param pe
* The object property expression whose strict (direct) super
* properties are to be retrieved.
* @param direct
* Specifies if the direct super properties should be retrived (
* {@code true}) or if the all super properties (ancestors) should be
* retrieved ({@code false}).
* @return If direct is {@code true}, a {@code NodeSet} of simplified object property expressions, such that
* for each simplified object property
* expression, {@code P}, in the {@code NodeSet}, the set of
* reasoner axioms entails {@code DirectSubObjectPropertyOf(pe, P)}.
* If direct is {@code false}, a {@code NodeSet} of simplified object property expressions, such that
* for each simplified object property
* expression, {@code P}, in the {@code NodeSet}, the set of
* reasoner axioms entails {@code StrictSubObjectPropertyOf(pe, P)}.
* If {@code pe} is equivalent to {@code owl:topObjectProperty} then
* the empty {@code NodeSet} will be returned.
* @throws InconsistentOntologyException
* if the imports closure of the root ontology is inconsistent
* @throws FreshEntitiesException
* if the signature of the object property expression is not
* contained within the signature of the imports closure of the root
* ontology and the undeclared entity policy of this reasoner is set
* to {@link FreshEntityPolicy#DISALLOW}.
* @throws ReasonerInterruptedException
* if the reasoning process was interrupted for any particular
* reason (for example if reasoning was cancelled by a client
* process)
* @throws TimeOutException
* if the reasoner timed out during a basic reasoning operation. See
* {@link #getTimeOut()}.
NodeSet getSuperObjectProperties(
OWLObjectPropertyExpression pe, boolean direct)
throws InconsistentOntologyException, FreshEntitiesException,
ReasonerInterruptedException, TimeOutException;
* Gets the set of simplified object property expressions
* that are equivalent to the specified object property expression with
* respect to the set of reasoner axioms. The properties are returned as a
* {@link org.semanticweb.owlapi.reasoner.Node}.
* @param pe
* The object property expression whose equivalent properties are to
* be retrieved.
* @return A node containing the simplified object property
* expressions such that for each simplified
* object property expression, {@code P}, in the node, the set
* of reasoner axioms entails
* {@code EquivalentObjectProperties(pe P)}.
* If {@code pe} is a simplified object property
* expression If {@code pe} is unsatisfiable with respect to the
* set of reasoner axioms then the node representing and containing
* {@code owl:bottomObjectProperty}, i.e. the bottom node, will be
* returned.
* If {@code pe} is equivalent to {@code owl:topObjectProperty} with
* respect to the set of reasoner axioms then the node representing
* and containing {@code owl:topObjectProperty}, i.e. the top node,
* will be returned
* .
* @throws InconsistentOntologyException
* if the imports closure of the root ontology is inconsistent
* @throws FreshEntitiesException
* if the signature of the object property expression is not
* contained within the signature of the imports closure of the root
* ontology and the undeclared entity policy of this reasoner is set
* to {@link FreshEntityPolicy#DISALLOW}.
* @throws ReasonerInterruptedException
* if the reasoning process was interrupted for any particular
* reason (for example if reasoning was cancelled by a client
* process)
* @throws TimeOutException
* if the reasoner timed out during a basic reasoning operation. See
* {@link #getTimeOut()}.
Node getEquivalentObjectProperties(
OWLObjectPropertyExpression pe)
throws InconsistentOntologyException, FreshEntitiesException,
ReasonerInterruptedException, TimeOutException;
* Gets the simplified object property expressions that
* are disjoint with the specified object property expression {@code pe}. The
* object properties are returned as a
* {@link org.semanticweb.owlapi.reasoner.NodeSet}.
* @param pe
* The object property expression whose disjoint object properties
* are to be retrieved.
* @return The return value is a {@code NodeSet} of simplified object property expressions, such that
* for each simplified object property
* expression, {@code P}, in the {@code NodeSet} the set of
* reasoner axioms entails
* {@code EquivalentObjectProperties(P, ObjectPropertyComplementOf(pe))}
* or
* {@code StrictSubObjectPropertyOf(P, ObjectPropertyComplementOf(pe))}
* .
* @throws InconsistentOntologyException
* if the imports closure of the root ontology is inconsistent
* @throws ClassExpressionNotInProfileException
* if {@code object propertyExpression} is not within the profile
* that is supported by this reasoner.
* @throws FreshEntitiesException
* if the signature of {@code pe} is not contained within the
* signature of the imports closure of the root ontology and the
* undeclared entity policy of this reasoner is set to
* {@link FreshEntityPolicy#DISALLOW}.and the undeclared entity
* policy of this reasoner is set to
* {@link FreshEntityPolicy#DISALLOW}
* @throws ReasonerInterruptedException
* if the reasoning process was interrupted for any particular
* reason (for example if reasoning was cancelled by a client
* process)
* @throws TimeOutException
* if the reasoner timed out during a basic reasoning operation. See
* {@link #getTimeOut()}.
NodeSet getDisjointObjectProperties(
OWLObjectPropertyExpression pe)
throws InconsistentOntologyException, FreshEntitiesException,
ReasonerInterruptedException, TimeOutException;
* Gets the set of simplified object property expressions
* that are the inverses of the specified object property expression with
* respect to the imports closure of the root ontology. The properties are
* returned as a {@link org.semanticweb.owlapi.reasoner.NodeSet}
* @param pe
* The property expression whose inverse properties are to be
* retrieved.
* @return A {@code NodeSet} of simplified object property
* expressions, such that for each simplified object property
* expression {@code P} in the nodes set, the set of reasoner axioms
* entails {@code InverseObjectProperties(pe, P)}.
* @throws InconsistentOntologyException
* if the imports closure of the root ontology is inconsistent
* @throws FreshEntitiesException
* if the signature of the object property expression is not
* contained within the signature of the imports closure of the root
* ontology and the undeclared entity policy of this reasoner is set
* to {@link FreshEntityPolicy#DISALLOW}.
* @throws ReasonerInterruptedException
* if the reasoning process was interrupted for any particular
* reason (for example if reasoning was cancelled by a client
* process)
* @throws TimeOutException
* if the reasoner timed out during a basic reasoning operation. See
* {@link #getTimeOut()}.
Node getInverseObjectProperties(
OWLObjectPropertyExpression pe)
throws InconsistentOntologyException, FreshEntitiesException,
ReasonerInterruptedException, TimeOutException;
* Gets the named classes that are the direct or indirect domains of this
* property with respect to the imports closure of the root ontology. The
* classes are returned as a {@link org.semanticweb.owlapi.reasoner.NodeSet}
* .
* @param pe
* The property expression whose domains are to be retrieved.
* @param direct
* Specifies if the direct domains should be retrieved ( {@code true}
* ), or if all domains should be retrieved ( {@code false}).
* @return Let
* {@code N = getEquivalentClasses(ObjectSomeValuesFrom(pe owl:Thing))}
* .
* If {@code direct} is {@code true}: then if {@code N} is not empty
* then the return value is {@code N}, else the return value is the
* result of
* {@code getSuperClasses(ObjectSomeValuesFrom(pe owl:Thing), true)}
* .
* If {@code direct} is {@code false}: then the result of
* {@code getSuperClasses(ObjectSomeValuesFrom(pe owl:Thing), false)}
* together with {@code N} if {@code N} is non-empty.
* @throws InconsistentOntologyException
* if the imports closure of the root ontology is inconsistent
* @throws FreshEntitiesException
* if the signature of the object property expression is not
* contained within the signature of the imports closure of the root
* ontology and the undeclared entity policy of this reasoner is set
* to {@link FreshEntityPolicy#DISALLOW}.
* @throws ReasonerInterruptedException
* if the reasoning process was interrupted for any particular
* reason (for example if reasoning was cancelled by a client
* process)
* @throws TimeOutException
* if the reasoner timed out during a basic reasoning operation. See
* {@link #getTimeOut()}.
NodeSet getObjectPropertyDomains(OWLObjectPropertyExpression pe,
boolean direct) throws InconsistentOntologyException,
FreshEntitiesException, ReasonerInterruptedException,
* Gets the named classes that are the direct or indirect ranges of this
* property with respect to the imports closure of the root ontology. The
* classes are returned as a {@link org.semanticweb.owlapi.reasoner.NodeSet}
* .
* @param pe
* The property expression whose ranges are to be retrieved.
* @param direct
* Specifies if the direct ranges should be retrieved ( {@code true}
* ), or if all ranges should be retrieved ( {@code false}).
* @return Let
* {@code N = getEquivalentClasses(ObjectSomeValuesFrom(ObjectInverseOf(pe) owl:Thing))}
* .
* If {@code direct} is {@code true}: then if {@code N} is not empty
* then the return value is {@code N}, else the return value is the
* result of
* {@code getSuperClasses(ObjectSomeValuesFrom(ObjectInverseOf(pe) owl:Thing), true)}
* .
* If {@code direct} is {@code false}: then the result of
* {@code getSuperClasses(ObjectSomeValuesFrom(ObjectInverseOf(pe) owl:Thing), false)}
* together with {@code N} if {@code N} is non-empty.
* @throws InconsistentOntologyException
* if the imports closure of the root ontology is inconsistent
* @throws FreshEntitiesException
* if the signature of the object property expression is not
* contained within the signature of the imports closure of the root
* ontology and the undeclared entity policy of this reasoner is set
* to {@link FreshEntityPolicy#DISALLOW}.
* @throws ReasonerInterruptedException
* if the reasoning process was interrupted for any particular
* reason (for example if reasoning was cancelled by a client
* process)
* @throws TimeOutException
* if the reasoner timed out during a basic reasoning operation. See
* {@link #getTimeOut()}.
NodeSet getObjectPropertyRanges(OWLObjectPropertyExpression pe,
boolean direct) throws InconsistentOntologyException,
FreshEntitiesException, ReasonerInterruptedException,
// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// //
// // Methods for dealing with the data property hierarchy
// //
// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
* Gets the {@code Node} corresponding to the top node (containing
* {@code owl:topDataProperty}) in the data property hierarchy.
* @return A {@code Node}, containing {@code owl:topDataProperty}, that is
* the top node in the data property hierarchy. This {@code Node} is
* essentially equal to the {@code Node} returned by calling
* {@link #getEquivalentDataProperties(org.semanticweb.owlapi.model.OWLDataProperty)}
* with a parameter of {@code owl:topDataProperty}.
Node getTopDataPropertyNode();
* Gets the {@code Node} corresponding to the bottom node (containing
* {@code owl:bottomDataProperty}) in the data property hierarchy.
* @return A {@code Node}, containing {@code owl:bottomDataProperty}, that
* is the bottom node in the data property hierarchy. This
* {@code Node} is essentially equal to the {@code Node} that will
* be returned by calling
* {@link #getEquivalentDataProperties(org.semanticweb.owlapi.model.OWLDataProperty)}
* with a parameter of {@code owl:bottomDataProperty}.
Node getBottomDataPropertyNode();
* Gets the set of named data properties that are the strict (potentially
* direct) subproperties of the specified data property expression with
* respect to the imports closure of the root ontology. Note that the
* properties are returned as a
* {@link org.semanticweb.owlapi.reasoner.NodeSet}.
* @param pe
* The data property whose strict (direct) subproperties are to be
* retrieved.
* @param direct
* Specifies if the direct subproperties should be retrived (
* {@code true}) or if the all subproperties (descendants) should be
* retrieved ({@code false}).
* @return If direct is {@code true}, a {@code NodeSet} such that for each
* property {@code P} in the {@code NodeSet} the set of reasoner
* axioms entails {@code DirectSubDataPropertyOf(P, pe)}.
* If direct is {@code false}, a {@code NodeSet} such that for each
* property {@code P} in the {@code NodeSet} the set of reasoner
* axioms entails {@code StrictSubDataPropertyOf(P, pe)}.
* If {@code pe} is equivalent to {@code owl:bottomDataProperty}
* then the empty {@code NodeSet} will be returned.
* @throws InconsistentOntologyException
* if the imports closure of the root ontology is inconsistent
* @throws FreshEntitiesException
* if the signature of the data property is not contained within the
* signature of the imports closure of the root ontology and the
* undeclared entity policy of this reasoner is set to
* {@link FreshEntityPolicy#DISALLOW}.
* @throws ReasonerInterruptedException
* if the reasoning process was interrupted for any particular
* reason (for example if reasoning was cancelled by a client
* process)
* @throws TimeOutException
* if the reasoner timed out during a basic reasoning operation. See
* {@link #getTimeOut()}.
NodeSet getSubDataProperties(OWLDataProperty pe,
boolean direct) throws InconsistentOntologyException,
FreshEntitiesException, ReasonerInterruptedException,
* Gets the set of named data properties that are the strict (potentially
* direct) super properties of the specified data property with respect to
* the imports closure of the root ontology. Note that the properties are
* returned as a {@link org.semanticweb.owlapi.reasoner.NodeSet}.
* @param pe
* The data property whose strict (direct) super properties are to be
* retrieved.
* @param direct
* Specifies if the direct super properties should be retrived (
* {@code true}) or if the all super properties (ancestors) should be
* retrieved ({@code false}).
* @return If direct is {@code true}, a {@code NodeSet} such that for each
* property {@code P} in the {@code NodeSet} the set of reasoner
* axioms entails {@code DirectSubDataPropertyOf(pe, P)}.
* If direct is {@code false}, a {@code NodeSet} such that for each
* property {@code P} in the {@code NodeSet} the set of reasoner
* axioms entails {@code StrictSubDataPropertyOf(pe, P)}.
* If {@code pe} is equivalent to {@code owl:topDataProperty} then
* the empty {@code NodeSet} will be returned.
* @throws InconsistentOntologyException
* if the imports closure of the root ontology is inconsistent
* @throws FreshEntitiesException
* if the signature of the data property is not contained within the
* signature of the imports closure of the root ontology and the
* undeclared entity policy of this reasoner is set to
* {@link FreshEntityPolicy#DISALLOW}.
* @throws ReasonerInterruptedException
* if the reasoning process was interrupted for any particular
* reason (for example if reasoning was cancelled by a client
* process)
* @throws TimeOutException
* if the reasoner timed out during a basic reasoning operation. See
* {@link #getTimeOut()}.
NodeSet getSuperDataProperties(OWLDataProperty pe,
boolean direct) throws InconsistentOntologyException,
FreshEntitiesException, ReasonerInterruptedException,
* Gets the set of named data properties that are equivalent to the
* specified data property expression with respect to the imports closure of
* the root ontology. The properties are returned as a
* {@link org.semanticweb.owlapi.reasoner.Node}.
* @param pe
* The data property expression whose equivalent properties are to be
* retrieved.
* @return A node containing the named data properties such that for each
* named data property {@code P} in the node, the set of reasoner
* axioms entails {@code EquivalentDataProperties(pe P)}.
* If {@code pe} is a named data property then {@code pe} will be
* contained in the node.
* If {@code pe} is unsatisfiable with respect to the set of
* reasoner axioms then the node representing and containing
* {@code owl:bottomDataProperty}, i.e. the bottom node, will be
* returned.
* If {@code ce} is equivalent to {@code owl:topDataProperty} with
* respect to the set of reasoner axioms then the node representing
* and containing {@code owl:topDataProperty}, i.e. the top node,
* will be returned
* .
* @throws InconsistentOntologyException
* if the imports closure of the root ontology is inconsistent
* @throws FreshEntitiesException
* if the signature of the data property expression is not contained
* within the signature of the imports closure of the root ontology
* and the undeclared entity policy of this reasoner is set to
* {@link FreshEntityPolicy#DISALLOW}.
* @throws ReasonerInterruptedException
* if the reasoning process was interrupted for any particular
* reason (for example if reasoning was cancelled by a client
* process)
* @throws TimeOutException
* if the reasoner timed out during a basic reasoning operation. See
* {@link #getTimeOut()}.
Node getEquivalentDataProperties(OWLDataProperty pe)
throws InconsistentOntologyException, FreshEntitiesException,
ReasonerInterruptedException, TimeOutException;
* Gets the data properties that are disjoint with the specified data
* property expression {@code pe}. The data properties are returned as a
* {@link org.semanticweb.owlapi.reasoner.NodeSet}.
* @param pe
* The data property expression whose disjoint data properties are to
* be retrieved.
* @return The return value is a {@code NodeSet} such that for each data
* property {@code P} in the {@code NodeSet} the set of reasoner
* axioms entails
* {@code EquivalentDataProperties(P, DataPropertyComplementOf(pe))}
* or
* {@code StrictSubDataPropertyOf(P, DataPropertyComplementOf(pe))}
* .
* @throws InconsistentOntologyException
* if the imports closure of the root ontology is inconsistent
* @throws ClassExpressionNotInProfileException
* if {@code data propertyExpression} is not within the profile that
* is supported by this reasoner.
* @throws FreshEntitiesException
* if the signature of {@code pe} is not contained within the
* signature of the imports closure of the root ontology and the
* undeclared entity policy of this reasoner is set to
* {@link FreshEntityPolicy#DISALLOW}.
* @throws ReasonerInterruptedException
* if the reasoning process was interrupted for any particular
* reason (for example if reasoning was cancelled by a client
* process)
* @throws TimeOutException
* if the reasoner timed out during a basic reasoning operation. See
* {@link #getTimeOut()}.
NodeSet getDisjointDataProperties(
OWLDataPropertyExpression pe) throws InconsistentOntologyException,
FreshEntitiesException, ReasonerInterruptedException,
* Gets the named classes that are the direct or indirect domains of this
* property with respect to the imports closure of the root ontology. The
* classes are returned as a {@link org.semanticweb.owlapi.reasoner.NodeSet}
* .
* @param pe
* The property expression whose domains are to be retrieved.
* @param direct
* Specifies if the direct domains should be retrieved ( {@code true}
* ), or if all domains should be retrieved ( {@code false}).
* @return Let
* {@code N = getEquivalentClasses(DataSomeValuesFrom(pe rdfs:Literal))}
* .
* If {@code direct} is {@code true}: then if {@code N} is not empty
* then the return value is {@code N}, else the return value is the
* result of
* {@code getSuperClasses(DataSomeValuesFrom(pe rdfs:Literal), true)}
* .
* If {@code direct} is {@code false}: then the result of
* {@code getSuperClasses(DataSomeValuesFrom(pe rdfs:Literal), false)}
* together with {@code N} if {@code N} is non-empty.
* (Note, {@code rdfs:Literal} is the top datatype).
* @throws InconsistentOntologyException
* if the imports closure of the root ontology is inconsistent
* @throws FreshEntitiesException
* if the signature of the object property expression is not
* contained within the signature of the imports closure of the root
* ontology and the undeclared entity policy of this reasoner is set
* to {@link FreshEntityPolicy#DISALLOW}.
* @throws ReasonerInterruptedException
* if the reasoning process was interrupted for any particular
* reason (for example if reasoning was cancelled by a client
* process)
* @throws TimeOutException
* if the reasoner timed out during a basic reasoning operation. See
* {@link #getTimeOut()}.
getDataPropertyDomains(OWLDataProperty pe, boolean direct)
throws InconsistentOntologyException,
FreshEntitiesException, ReasonerInterruptedException,
// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// //
// // Methods for dealing with individuals and their types
// //
// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
* Gets the named classes which are (potentially direct) types of the
* specified named individual. The classes are returned as a
* {@link org.semanticweb.owlapi.reasoner.NodeSet}.
* @param ind
* The individual whose types are to be retrieved.
* @param direct
* Specifies if the direct types should be retrieved ( {@code true}),
* or if all types should be retrieved ( {@code false}).
* @return If {@code direct} is {@code true}, a {@code NodeSet} containing
* named classes such that for each named class {@code C} in the
* node set, the set of reasoner axioms entails
* {@code DirectClassAssertion(C, ind)}.
* If {@code direct} is {@code false}, a {@code NodeSet} containing
* named classes such that for each named class {@code C} in the
* node set, the set of reasoner axioms entails
* {@code ClassAssertion(C, ind)}.
* @throws InconsistentOntologyException
* if the imports closure of the root ontology is inconsistent
* @throws FreshEntitiesException
* if the signature of the individual is not contained within the
* signature of the imports closure of the root ontology and the
* undeclared entity policy of this reasoner is set to
* {@link FreshEntityPolicy#DISALLOW}.
* @throws ReasonerInterruptedException
* if the reasoning process was interrupted for any particular
* reason (for example if reasoning was cancelled by a client
* process)
* @throws TimeOutException
* if the reasoner timed out during a basic reasoning operation. See
* {@link #getTimeOut()}.
NodeSet getTypes(OWLNamedIndividual ind, boolean direct)
throws InconsistentOntologyException, FreshEntitiesException,
ReasonerInterruptedException, TimeOutException;
* Gets the individuals which are instances of the specified class
* expression. The individuals are returned a a
* {@link org.semanticweb.owlapi.reasoner.NodeSet}.
* @param ce
* The class expression whose instances are to be retrieved.
* @param direct
* Specifies if the direct instances should be retrieved (
* {@code true}), or if all instances should be retrieved (
* {@code false}).
* @return If {@code direct} is {@code true}, a {@code NodeSet} containing
* named individuals such that for each named individual {@code j}
* in the node set, the set of reasoner axioms entails
* {@code DirectClassAssertion(ce, j)}.
* If {@code direct} is {@code false}, a {@code NodeSet} containing
* named individuals such that for each named individual {@code j}
* in the node set, the set of reasoner axioms entails
* {@code ClassAssertion(ce, j)}.
* If ce is unsatisfiable with respect to the set of reasoner axioms
* then the empty {@code NodeSet} is returned.
* @throws InconsistentOntologyException
* if the imports closure of the root ontology is inconsistent
* @throws ClassExpressionNotInProfileException
* if the class expression {@code ce} is not in the profile that is
* supported by this reasoner.
* @throws FreshEntitiesException
* if the signature of the class expression is not contained within
* the signature of the imports closure of the root ontology and the
* undeclared entity policy of this reasoner is set to
* {@link FreshEntityPolicy#DISALLOW}.
* @throws ReasonerInterruptedException
* if the reasoning process was interrupted for any particular
* reason (for example if reasoning was cancelled by a client
* process)
* @throws TimeOutException
* if the reasoner timed out during a basic reasoning operation. See
* {@link #getTimeOut()}.
* @see org.semanticweb.owlapi.reasoner.IndividualNodeSetPolicy
NodeSet getInstances(OWLClassExpression ce,
boolean direct) throws InconsistentOntologyException,
ClassExpressionNotInProfileException, FreshEntitiesException,
ReasonerInterruptedException, TimeOutException;
* Gets the object property values for the specified individual and object
* property expression. The individuals are returned as a
* {@link org.semanticweb.owlapi.reasoner.NodeSet}.
* @param ind
* The individual that is the subject of the object property values
* @param pe
* The object property expression whose values are to be retrieved
* for the specified individual
* @return A {@code NodeSet} containing named individuals such that for each
* individual {@code j} in the node set, the set of reasoner axioms
* entails {@code ObjectPropertyAssertion(pe ind j)}.
* @throws InconsistentOntologyException
* if the imports closure of the root ontology is inconsistent
* @throws FreshEntitiesException
* if the signature of the individual and property expression is not
* contained within the signature of the imports closure of the root
* ontology and the undeclared entity policy of this reasoner is set
* to {@link FreshEntityPolicy#DISALLOW}.
* @throws ReasonerInterruptedException
* if the reasoning process was interrupted for any particular
* reason (for example if reasoning was cancelled by a client
* process)
* @throws TimeOutException
* if the reasoner timed out during a basic reasoning operation. See
* {@link #getTimeOut()}.
* @see org.semanticweb.owlapi.reasoner.IndividualNodeSetPolicy
NodeSet getObjectPropertyValues(OWLNamedIndividual ind,
OWLObjectPropertyExpression pe)
throws InconsistentOntologyException, FreshEntitiesException,
ReasonerInterruptedException, TimeOutException;
* Gets the data property values for the specified individual and data
* property expression. The values are a set of literals. Note that the
* results are not guaranteed to be complete for this method. The reasoner
* may also return canonical literals or they may be in a form that bears a
* resemblance to the syntax of the literals in the root ontology imports
* closure.
* @param ind
* The individual that is the subject of the data property values
* @param pe
* The data property expression whose values are to be retrieved for
* the specified individual
* @return A set of {@code OWLLiteral}s containing literals such that for
* each literal {@code l} in the set, the set of reasoner axioms
* entails {@code DataPropertyAssertion(pe ind l)}.
* @throws InconsistentOntologyException
* if the imports closure of the root ontology is inconsistent
* @throws FreshEntitiesException
* if the signature of the individual and property expression is not
* contained within the signature of the imports closure of the root
* ontology and the undeclared entity policy of this reasoner is set
* to {@link FreshEntityPolicy#DISALLOW}.
* @throws ReasonerInterruptedException
* if the reasoning process was interrupted for any particular
* reason (for example if reasoning was cancelled by a client
* process)
* @throws TimeOutException
* if the reasoner timed out during a basic reasoning operation. See
* {@link #getTimeOut()}.
* @see org.semanticweb.owlapi.reasoner.IndividualNodeSetPolicy
Set getDataPropertyValues(OWLNamedIndividual ind,
OWLDataProperty pe) throws InconsistentOntologyException,
FreshEntitiesException, ReasonerInterruptedException,
* Gets the individuals that are the same as the specified individual.
* @param ind
* The individual whose same individuals are to be retrieved.
* @return A node containing individuals such that for each individual
* {@code j} in the node, the root ontology imports closure entails
* {@code SameIndividual(j, ind)}. Note that the node will contain
* {@code j}.
* @throws InconsistentOntologyException
* if the imports closure of the root ontology is inconsistent
* @throws FreshEntitiesException
* if the signature of the individual is not contained within the
* signature of the imports closure of the root ontology and the
* undeclared entity policy of this reasoner is set to
* {@link FreshEntityPolicy#DISALLOW}.
* @throws ReasonerInterruptedException
* if the reasoning process was interrupted for any particular
* reason (for example if reasoning was cancelled by a client
* process)
* @throws TimeOutException
* if the reasoner timed out during a basic reasoning operation. See
* {@link #getTimeOut()}.
Node getSameIndividuals(OWLNamedIndividual ind)
throws InconsistentOntologyException, FreshEntitiesException,
ReasonerInterruptedException, TimeOutException;
* Gets the individuals which are entailed to be different from the
* specified individual. The individuals are returned as a
* {@link org.semanticweb.owlapi.reasoner.NodeSet}.
* @param ind
* The individual whose different individuals are to be returned.
* @return A {@code NodeSet} containing {@code OWLNamedIndividual} s such
* that for each individual {@code i} in the {@code NodeSet} the set
* of reasoner axioms entails {@code DifferentIndividuals(ind, i)}.
* @throws InconsistentOntologyException
* if the imports closure of the root ontology is inconsistent
* @throws FreshEntitiesException
* if the signature of the individual is not contained within the
* signature of the imports closure of the root ontology and the
* undeclared entity policy of this reasoner is set to
* {@link FreshEntityPolicy#DISALLOW}.
* @throws ReasonerInterruptedException
* if the reasoning process was interrupted for any particular
* reason (for example if reasoning was cancelled by a client
* process)
* @throws TimeOutException
* if the reasoner timed out during a basic reasoning operation. See
* {@link #getTimeOut()}.
NodeSet getDifferentIndividuals(OWLNamedIndividual ind)
throws InconsistentOntologyException, FreshEntitiesException,
ReasonerInterruptedException, TimeOutException;
* Gets the time out (in milliseconds) for the most basic reasoning
* operations. That is the maximum time for a satisfiability test,
* subsumption test etc. The time out should be set at reasoner creation
* time. During satisfiability (subsumption) checking the reasoner will
* check to see if the time it has spent doing the single check is longer
* than the value returned by this method. If this is the case, the reasoner
* will throw a {@link org.semanticweb.owlapi.reasoner.TimeOutException} in
* the thread that is executing the reasoning process.
* Note that clients that want a higher level timeout, at the level of
* classification for example, should start their own timers and request
* that the reasoner interrupts the current process using the
* {@link #interrupt()} method.
* @return The time out in milliseconds for basic reasoner operation. By
* default this is the value of {@link Long#MAX_VALUE}.
long getTimeOut();
* Gets the Fresh Entity Policy in use by this reasoner. The policy is set
* at reasoner creation time.
* @return The policy.
FreshEntityPolicy getFreshEntityPolicy();
* Gets the IndividualNodeSetPolicy in use by this reasoner. The policy is
* set at reasoner creation time.
* @return The policy.
IndividualNodeSetPolicy getIndividualNodeSetPolicy();
* Disposes of this reasoner. This frees up any resources used by the
* reasoner and detaches the reasoner as an
* {@link org.semanticweb.owlapi.model.OWLOntologyChangeListener} from the
* {@link org.semanticweb.owlapi.model.OWLOntologyManager} that manages the
* ontologies contained within the reasoner.
void dispose();