org.obolibrary.macro.MacroExpansionVisitor Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package org.obolibrary.macro;
import static org.semanticweb.owlapi.util.OWLAPIStreamUtils.*;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean;
import javax.annotation.Nonnull;
import javax.annotation.Nullable;
import org.semanticweb.owlapi.model.*;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
* @author cjm TODO - allow use of prefixes
public class MacroExpansionVisitor {
protected static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(MacroExpansionVisitor.class);
@Nonnull protected final OWLOntology inputOntology;
@Nonnull protected final OWLOntologyManager manager;
@Nonnull protected final Visitor visitor;
protected final AbstractDataVisitorEx dataVisitor;
protected boolean shouldTransferAnnotations = false;
protected final boolean shouldAddExpansionMarker;
protected Set extraAnnotations;
* @param ontology
* ontology to use
public MacroExpansionVisitor(OWLOntology ontology) {
this(ontology, AbstractMacroExpansionVisitor.EMPTY_ANNOTATIONS, false, false);
* @param ontology
* ontology to use
* @param shouldAddExpansionMarker
* true if expansions should be added
public MacroExpansionVisitor(OWLOntology ontology, boolean shouldAddExpansionMarker) {
this(ontology, AbstractMacroExpansionVisitor.EMPTY_ANNOTATIONS, false, shouldAddExpansionMarker);
* @param ontology
* ontology to use
* @param shouldTransferAnnotations
* true if annotations should be transferred
* @param shouldAddExpansionMarker
* true if expansions should be added
public MacroExpansionVisitor(OWLOntology ontology, boolean shouldTransferAnnotations,
boolean shouldAddExpansionMarker) {
this(ontology, AbstractMacroExpansionVisitor.EMPTY_ANNOTATIONS, shouldTransferAnnotations,
* @param inputOntology
* inputOntology
* @param extraAnnotations
* extra annotations to add
* @param shouldTransferAnnotations
* true if annotations should be transferred
* @param shouldAddExpansionMarker
* true if expansions should be added
public MacroExpansionVisitor(OWLOntology inputOntology, Set extraAnnotations,
boolean shouldTransferAnnotations, boolean shouldAddExpansionMarker) {
this.inputOntology = inputOntology;
this.extraAnnotations = extraAnnotations;
this.shouldTransferAnnotations = shouldTransferAnnotations;
this.shouldAddExpansionMarker = shouldAddExpansionMarker;
visitor = new Visitor(inputOntology, shouldAddExpansionMarker);
manager = inputOntology.getOWLOntologyManager();
dataVisitor = new AbstractDataVisitorEx(manager.getOWLDataFactory());
* @return new MacroExpansions
public MacroExpansions getMacroExpansions() {
return new MacroExpansions();
* @return ontology with expanded macros
public OWLOntology expandAll() {
MacroExpansions macroExpansions = new MacroExpansions();
Set newAxioms = macroExpansions.getNewAxioms();
Set rmAxioms = macroExpansions.getRmAxioms();
return inputOntology;
private class MacroExpansions {
private final Set newAxioms = new HashSet<>();
private final Set rmAxioms = new HashSet<>();
public MacroExpansions() {
inputOntology.axioms(AxiomType.SUBCLASS_OF).forEach(axiom -> {
OWLAxiom newAxiom = axiom.accept(visitor);
replaceIfDifferent(axiom, newAxiom);
inputOntology.axioms(AxiomType.EQUIVALENT_CLASSES).forEach(axiom -> {
OWLAxiom newAxiom = axiom.accept(visitor);
replaceIfDifferent(axiom, newAxiom);
inputOntology.axioms(AxiomType.CLASS_ASSERTION).forEach(axiom -> {
OWLAxiom newAxiom = axiom.accept(visitor);
replaceIfDifferent(axiom, newAxiom);
add(rmAxioms, inputOntology.axioms(AxiomType.ANNOTATION_ASSERTION).filter(this::expand));
private void replaceIfDifferent(OWLAxiom ax, OWLAxiom exAx) {
if (!ax.equals(exAx)) {
public Set getNewAxioms() {
return newAxioms;
public Set getRmAxioms() {
return rmAxioms;
private boolean expand(OWLAnnotationAssertionAxiom axiom) {
OWLAnnotationProperty prop = axiom.getProperty();
String expandTo = visitor.expandAssertionToMap.get(prop.getIRI());
HashSet declarations = new HashSet<>();
AtomicBoolean expandedSomething = new AtomicBoolean(false);
try {
if (expandTo != null) {
Set annotations = new HashSet<>(extraAnnotations);
if (shouldAddExpansionMarker) {
if (shouldTransferAnnotations()) {
add(annotations, axiom.annotations());
// when expanding assertions, the axiom is an annotation
// assertion, and the value may be not be explicitly
// declared. If it is
// not, we assume it is a class
IRI axValIRI = (IRI) axiom.getValue();
OWLDataFactory dataFactory = visitor.df;
OWLClass axValClass = dataFactory.getOWLClass(axValIRI);
if (asList(inputOntology.declarationAxioms(axValClass)).isEmpty()) {
OWLDeclarationAxiom declarationAxiom = dataFactory.getOWLDeclarationAxiom(axValClass,
manager.addAxiom(inputOntology, declarationAxiom);
// we need to sync the MST entity checker with the new
// ontology plus declarations;
// we do this by creating a new MST - this is not
// particularly efficient, a better
// way might be to first scan the ontology for all
// annotation axioms that will be expanded,
// then add the declarations at this point
LOG.info("Template to Expand {}", expandTo);
expandTo = expandTo.replaceAll("\\?X", visitor.getTool().getId((IRI) axiom.getSubject()));
expandTo = expandTo.replaceAll("\\?Y", visitor.getTool().getId(axValIRI));
LOG.info("Expanding {}", expandTo);
try {
expandAndAddAnnotations(expandTo, expandedSomething, annotations);
} catch (Exception ex) {
LOG.error(ex.getMessage(), ex);
// TODO:
} finally {
return expandedSomething.get();
protected void expandAndAddAnnotations(String expandTo, AtomicBoolean expandedSomething,
Set annotations) {
visitor.getTool().parseManchesterExpressionFrames(expandTo).stream().map(axp -> axp.getAxiom())
.map(ax -> shouldTransferAnnotations() ? ax.getAnnotatedAxiom(annotations) : ax)
.forEach(expandedAxiom -> {
private class Visitor extends AbstractMacroExpansionVisitor {
Visitor(OWLOntology inputOntology, boolean shouldAddExpansionMarker) {
super(inputOntology, shouldAddExpansionMarker);
rangeVisitor = dataVisitor;
classVisitor = new AbstractMacroExpansionVisitor.AbstractClassExpressionVisitorEx() {
protected OWLClassExpression expandOWLObjSomeVal(OWLClassExpression filler,
OWLObjectPropertyExpression p) {
return expandObject(filler, p);
protected OWLClassExpression expandOWLObjHasVal(OWLObjectHasValue desc, OWLIndividual filler,
OWLObjectPropertyExpression p) {
OWLClassExpression result = expandObject(filler, p);
if (result != null) {
result = df.getOWLObjectSomeValuesFrom(desc.getProperty(), result);
return result;
* @return true if annotations should be transferred
public boolean shouldTransferAnnotations() {
return shouldTransferAnnotations;
* @param shouldTransferAnnotations
* new value
public void setShouldTransferAnnotations(boolean shouldTransferAnnotations) {
this.shouldTransferAnnotations = shouldTransferAnnotations;
/** Call this method to clear internal references. */
public void dispose() {
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