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org.obolibrary.obo2owl.OWLAPIObo2Owl Maven / Gradle / Ivy

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package org.obolibrary.obo2owl;

import static org.obolibrary.obo2owl.Obo2OWLConstants.DEFAULT_IRI_PREFIX;
import static org.semanticweb.owlapi.util.OWLAPIPreconditions.*;

import java.util.*;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger;

import javax.annotation.Nonnull;
import javax.annotation.Nullable;

import org.obolibrary.obo2owl.Obo2OWLConstants.Obo2OWLVocabulary;
import org.obolibrary.oboformat.model.Clause;
import org.obolibrary.oboformat.model.Frame;
import org.obolibrary.oboformat.model.OBODoc;
import org.obolibrary.oboformat.model.QualifierValue;
import org.obolibrary.oboformat.model.Xref;
import org.obolibrary.oboformat.parser.OBOFormatConstants;
import org.obolibrary.oboformat.parser.OBOFormatConstants.OboFormatTag;
import org.obolibrary.oboformat.parser.OBOFormatException;
import org.obolibrary.oboformat.parser.OBOFormatParser;
import org.obolibrary.oboformat.parser.OBOFormatParserException;
import org.semanticweb.owlapi.formats.RDFXMLDocumentFormat;
import org.semanticweb.owlapi.model.*;
import org.semanticweb.owlapi.util.CollectionFactory;
import org.semanticweb.owlapi.vocab.Namespaces;
import org.semanticweb.owlapi.vocab.OWL2Datatype;
import org.semanticweb.owlapi.vocab.OWLRDFVocabulary;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;


/** The Class OWLAPIObo2Owl. */
public class OWLAPIObo2Owl {

    /** The log. */
    private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(OWLAPIObo2Owl.class);
    /** The Constant IRI_PROP_isReversiblePropertyChain. */
        + "IAO_isReversiblePropertyChain";
    /** The default id space. */
    @Nonnull protected String defaultIDSpace = "";
    /** The manager. */
    protected OWLOntologyManager manager;
    /** The owl ontology. */
    protected OWLOntology owlOntology;
    /** The fac. */
    protected OWLDataFactory fac;
    /** The obodoc. */
    protected OBODoc obodoc;
    /** The id space map. */
    @Nonnull protected final Map idSpaceMap;
    /** The annotation property map. */
    @Nonnull protected static final Map ANNOTATIONPROPERTYMAP = initAnnotationPropertyMap();
    /** The ap to declare. */
    @Nonnull protected final Set apToDeclare;
    /** The cls to declar. */
    @Nonnull protected final Map clsToDeclare;
    /** The typedef to annotation property. */
    @Nonnull protected final Map typedefToAnnotationProperty;
    private static final Set SKIPPED_QUALIFIERS = Sets.newHashSet("gci_relation", "gci_filler", "cardinality",
        "minCardinality", "maxCardinality", "all_some", "all_only");
     * Cache for the id to IRI conversion. This cannot be replaced with a
     * Caffeine cache - the loading of keys is recursive, and a bug in
     * ConcurrentHashMap implementation causes livelocks for this particular
     * situation.
    private final idToIRICache = CacheBuilder.newBuilder()
        .maximumSize(1024).build(new CacheLoader() {

            public IRI load(String key) {
                return loadOboToIRI(key);

     * Instantiates a new oWLAPI obo2 owl.
     * @param manager
     *        the manager
    public OWLAPIObo2Owl(OWLOntologyManager manager) {
        idSpaceMap = new HashMap<>();
        apToDeclare = new HashSet<>();
        clsToDeclare = new HashMap<>();
        typedefToAnnotationProperty = new HashMap<>();

    protected void init(OWLOntologyManager m) {
        // use the given manager and its factory
        manager = m;
        fac = manager.getOWLDataFactory();
        // clear all internal maps.

     * Static convenience method which: (1) creates an Obo2Owl bridge object (2)
     * parses an obo file from a URL (3) converts that to an OWL ontology (4)
     * saves the OWL ontology as RDF/XML.
     * @param iri
     *        the iri
     * @param outFile
     *        the out file
     * @param manager
     *        manager to use
     * @throws IOException
     *         Signals that an I/O exception has occurred.
     * @throws OWLOntologyCreationException
     *         the oWL ontology creation exception
     * @throws OWLOntologyStorageException
     *         the oWL ontology storage exception
     * @throws OBOFormatParserException
     *         the oBO format parser exception
    public static void convertURL(String iri, String outFile, OWLOntologyManager manager) throws IOException,
        OWLOntologyCreationException, OWLOntologyStorageException {
        OWLAPIObo2Owl bridge = new OWLAPIObo2Owl(manager);
        OBOFormatParser p = new OBOFormatParser();
        OBODoc obodoc = p.parse(new URL(iri));
        OWLOntology ontology = bridge.convert(obodoc);
        IRI outputStream = IRI.create(outFile);
        OWLDocumentFormat format = new RDFXMLDocumentFormat();"saving to {} fmt={}", outputStream, format);
        manager.saveOntology(ontology, format, outputStream);

     * See.
     * @param iri
     *        the iri
     * @param outFile
     *        the out file
     * @param defaultOnt
     *        -- e.g. "go". If the obo file contains no "ontology:" header tag,
     *        this is added
     * @param manager
     *        the manager to be used
     * @throws IOException
     *         Signals that an I/O exception has occurred.
     * @throws OWLOntologyCreationException
     *         the oWL ontology creation exception
     * @throws OWLOntologyStorageException
     *         the oWL ontology storage exception
     * @throws OBOFormatParserException
     *         the oBO format parser exception
     *         {@link #convertURL(String iri, String outFile, OWLOntologyManager manager)}
    public static void convertURL(String iri, String outFile, String defaultOnt, OWLOntologyManager manager)
        throws IOException, OWLOntologyCreationException, OWLOntologyStorageException {
        OWLAPIObo2Owl bridge = new OWLAPIObo2Owl(manager);
        OBOFormatParser p = new OBOFormatParser();
        OBODoc obodoc = p.parse(new URL(iri));
        OWLOntology ontology = bridge.convert(obodoc);
        IRI outputStream = IRI.create(outFile);
        OWLDocumentFormat format = new RDFXMLDocumentFormat();"saving to {} fmt={}", outputStream, format);
        manager.saveOntology(ontology, format, outputStream);

     * Table 5.8 Translation of Annotation Vocabulary.
     * @return property map
    protected static Map initAnnotationPropertyMap() {
        Map map = new HashMap<>();
        map.put(OboFormatTag.TAG_IS_OBSELETE.getTag(), OWLRDFVocabulary.OWL_DEPRECATED.getIRI());
        map.put(OboFormatTag.TAG_NAME.getTag(), OWLRDFVocabulary.RDFS_LABEL.getIRI());
        map.put(OboFormatTag.TAG_COMMENT.getTag(), OWLRDFVocabulary.RDFS_COMMENT.getIRI());
        for (Obo2OWLVocabulary vac : Obo2OWLVocabulary.values()) {
            map.put(vac.getMappedTag(), vac.getIRI());
        return map;

     * Gets the manager.
     * @return the manager
    public OWLOntologyManager getManager() {
        return manager;

     * Sets the manager.
     * @param manager
     *        the new manager
    public void setManager(OWLOntologyManager manager) {
        this.manager = manager;

     * Gets the obodoc.
     * @return the obodoc
    public OBODoc getObodoc() {
        return obodoc;

     * Sets the obodoc.
     * @param obodoc
     *        the new obodoc
    public void setObodoc(OBODoc obodoc) {
        this.obodoc = obodoc;

     * Gets the owl ontology.
     * @return the owlOntology
    protected OWLOntology getOwlOntology() {
        return verifyNotNull(owlOntology);

     * Sets the owl ontology.
     * @param owlOntology
     *        the owlOntology to set
    protected void setOwlOntology(OWLOntology owlOntology) {
        this.owlOntology = owlOntology;

     * Creates an OBOFormatParser object to parse a file and then converts it
     * using the convert method.
     * @param oboFile
     *        the obo file
     * @return ontology
     * @throws OWLOntologyCreationException
     *         the oWL ontology creation exception
    public OWLOntology convert(String oboFile) throws OWLOntologyCreationException {
        try {
            OBOFormatParser p = new OBOFormatParser();
            return convert(p.parse(oboFile));
        } catch (IOException ex) {
            throw new OWLOntologyCreationException("Error Occured while parsing OBO '" + oboFile + '\'', ex);
        } catch (OBOFormatParserException ex) {
            throw new OWLOntologyCreationException("Syntax error occured while parsing OBO '" + oboFile + '\'', ex);

     * Convert.
     * @param doc
     *        the obodoc
     * @return ontology
     * @throws OWLOntologyCreationException
     *         the oWL ontology creation exception
    public OWLOntology convert(OBODoc doc) throws OWLOntologyCreationException {
        obodoc = doc;
        return tr(manager.createOntology());

     * Convert.
     * @param doc
     *        the obodoc
     * @param in
     *        the in
     * @return the oWL ontology
    public OWLOntology convert(OBODoc doc, OWLOntology in) {
        obodoc = doc;
        return tr(in);

     * Tr.
     * @param in
     *        the in
     * @return the oWL ontology
    protected OWLOntology tr(OWLOntology in) {
        Frame hf = verifyNotNull(obodoc.getHeaderFrame());
        Clause ontClause = hf.getClause(OboFormatTag.TAG_ONTOLOGY);
        if (ontClause != null) {
            String ontOboId = (String) ontClause.getValue();
            defaultIDSpace = ontOboId;
            IRI ontIRI;
            if (ontOboId.contains(":")) {
                ontIRI = IRI.create(ontOboId);
            } else {
                ontIRI = IRI.create(DEFAULT_IRI_PREFIX + ontOboId + ".owl");
            Clause dvclause = hf.getClause(OboFormatTag.TAG_DATA_VERSION);
            if (dvclause != null) {
                String dv = dvclause.getValue().toString();
                IRI vIRI = IRI.create(DEFAULT_IRI_PREFIX + ontOboId + '/' + dv + '/' + ontOboId + ".owl");
                OWLOntologyID oid = new OWLOntologyID(optional(ontIRI), optional(vIRI));
                // if the ontology being read has a differet id from the one
                // that was passed in, update it
                // when parsing, the original ontology is likely an anonymous,
                // empty one
                if (!oid.equals(in.getOntologyID())) {
                    manager.applyChange(new SetOntologyID(in, oid));
            } else {
                // if the ontology being read has a differet id from the one
                // that was passed in, update it
                // when parsing, the original ontology is likely an anonymous,
                // empty one
                if (!ontIRI.equals(in.getOntologyID().getOntologyIRI().orElse(null))) {
                    manager.applyChange(new SetOntologyID(in, new OWLOntologyID(optional(ontIRI), emptyOptional())));
        } else {
            defaultIDSpace = "TEMP";
            manager.applyChange(new SetOntologyID(in, new OWLOntologyID(optional(IRI.create(DEFAULT_IRI_PREFIX,
                defaultIDSpace)), emptyOptional())));
            // TODO - warn
        // TODO - individuals
        for (Clause cl : hf.getClauses(OboFormatTag.TAG_IMPORT)) {
            String path = getURI(cl.getValue().toString());
            IRI importIRI = IRI.create(path);
            OWLImportsDeclaration owlImportsDeclaration = fac.getOWLImportsDeclaration(importIRI);
            manager.makeLoadImportRequest(owlImportsDeclaration, new OWLOntologyLoaderConfiguration());
        return in;

     * perform any necessary post-processing. currently this only includes the
     * experimental logical-definitions-view-property
     * @param ontology
     *        the ontology
    protected void postProcess(OWLOntology ontology) {
        OWLAnnotationProperty p = fac.getOWLAnnotationProperty(Obo2OWLVocabulary.IRI_OIO_LogicalDefinitionViewRelation);
        Optional findAny = ontology.annotations().filter(a -> a.getProperty().equals(p)).map(a -> a.getValue()
            .asLiteral()).filter(Optional::isPresent).map(x -> x.get().getLiteral()).findAny();
        if (!findAny.isPresent()) {
        IRI pIRI = oboIdToIRI(findAny.get());
        OWLObjectProperty vp = fac.getOWLObjectProperty(pIRI);
        Set rmAxioms = new HashSet<>();
        Set newAxioms = new HashSet<>();
        ontology.axioms(AxiomType.EQUIVALENT_CLASSES).forEach(eca -> {
            AtomicInteger numNamed = new AtomicInteger();
            Set xs = new HashSet<>();
            eca.classExpressions().forEach(x -> {
                if (x instanceof OWLClass) {
                } else {
                    // anonymous class expressions are 'prefixed' with view
                    // property
                    xs.add(fac.getOWLObjectSomeValuesFrom(vp, x));
            if (numNamed.get() == 1) {

     * Gets the uri.
     * @param path
     *        the path
     * @return the uri
    protected static String getURI(String path) {
        if (path.startsWith("http://") || path.startsWith("file:")) {
            return path;
        File f = new File(path);
        return f.toURI().toString();

     * Tr header frame.
     * @param headerFrame
     *        the header frame
    public void trHeaderFrame(Frame headerFrame) {
        for (String t : headerFrame.getTags()) {
            OboFormatTag tag = OBOFormatConstants.getTag(t);
            if (tag == OboFormatTag.TAG_ONTOLOGY) {
                // already processed
            } else if (tag == OboFormatTag.TAG_IMPORT) {
                // TODO
            } else if (tag == OboFormatTag.TAG_SUBSETDEF) {
                OWLAnnotationProperty parentAnnotProp = trTagToAnnotationProp(t);
                for (Clause clause : headerFrame.getClauses(t)) {
                    OWLAnnotationProperty childAnnotProp = trAnnotationProp(clause.getValue(String.class));
                    Set annotations = trAnnotations(clause);
                    add(fac.getOWLSubAnnotationPropertyOfAxiom(childAnnotProp, parentAnnotProp, annotations));
                    OWLAnnotationProperty ap = trTagToAnnotationProp(OboFormatTag.TAG_COMMENT.getTag());
                    add(fac.getOWLAnnotationAssertionAxiom(ap, childAnnotProp.getIRI(), trLiteral(clause.getValue2())));
            } else if (tag == OboFormatTag.TAG_SYNONYMTYPEDEF) {
                OWLAnnotationProperty parentAnnotProp = trTagToAnnotationProp(t);
                for (Clause clause : headerFrame.getClauses(t)) {
                    Object[] values = clause.getValues().toArray();
                    OWLAnnotationProperty childAnnotProp = trAnnotationProp(values[0].toString());
                    IRI childIRI = childAnnotProp.getIRI();
                    Set annotations = trAnnotations(clause);
                    add(fac.getOWLSubAnnotationPropertyOfAxiom(childAnnotProp, parentAnnotProp, annotations));
                    OWLAnnotationProperty ap = trTagToAnnotationProp(OboFormatTag.TAG_NAME.getTag());
                    add(fac.getOWLAnnotationAssertionAxiom(ap, childIRI, trLiteral(values[1])));
                    if (values.length > 2 && !values[2].toString().isEmpty()) {
                        ap = trTagToAnnotationProp(OboFormatTag.TAG_SCOPE.getTag());
                        add(fac.getOWLAnnotationAssertionAxiom(ap, childIRI, trTagToAnnotationProp(values[2].toString())
            } else if (tag == OboFormatTag.TAG_DATE) {
                handleDate(t, headerFrame.getClause(tag));
            } else if (tag == OboFormatTag.TAG_PROPERTY_VALUE) {
            } else if (tag == OboFormatTag.TAG_DATA_VERSION) {
                // TODO Add versionIRI
            } else if (tag == OboFormatTag.TAG_REMARK) {
                // translate remark as rdfs:comment
                headerFrame.getClauses(t).forEach(c -> addOntologyAnnotation(fac.getRDFSComment(), trLiteral(c
                    .getValue()), trAnnotations(c)));
            } else if (tag == OboFormatTag.TAG_IDSPACE) {
                // do not translate, as they are just directives
            } else if (tag == OboFormatTag.TAG_OWL_AXIOMS) {
                // in theory, there should only be one tag
                // but we can silently collapse multiple tags
                headerFrame.getTagValues(tag, String.class).forEach(s -> getOwlOntology().add(OwlStringTools.translate(
                    s, manager)));
            } else {
                headerFrame.getClauses(t).forEach(c -> addOntologyAnnotation(trTagToAnnotationProp(t), trLiteral(c
                    .getValue()), trAnnotations(c)));

    protected void handleDate(String t, @Nullable Clause clause) {
        if (clause != null) {
            Object value = clause.getValue();
            String dateString = null;
            if (value instanceof Date) {
                dateString = OBOFormatConstants.headerDateFormat().format((Date) value);
            } else if (value instanceof String) {
                dateString = (String) value;
            if (dateString != null) {
                addOntologyAnnotation(trTagToAnnotationProp(t), trLiteral(dateString), trAnnotations(clause));
            } else {
                // TODO: Throw Exceptions
                OBOFormatException e = new OBOFormatException("Cannot translate clause «" + clause + '»');
                LOG.error("Cannot translate: {}", clause, e);

     * Adds the property value headers.
     * @param clauses
     *        the clauses
    protected void addPropertyValueHeaders(Collection clauses) {
        for (Clause clause : clauses) {
            Set annotations = trAnnotations(clause);
            Collection values = clause.getValues();
            Object v = clause.getValue();
            Object v2 = clause.getValue2();
            if (values.size() == 2) {
                // property_value(Rel-ID Entity-ID Qualifiers)
                OWLAnnotationProperty prop = trAnnotationProp((String) v);
                OWLAnnotationValue value = trAnnotationProp(v2.toString()).getIRI();
                OWLAnnotation ontAnn = fac.getOWLAnnotation(prop, value, annotations);
                AddOntologyAnnotation addAnn = new AddOntologyAnnotation(getOwlOntology(), ontAnn);
            } else if (values.size() == 3) {
                // property_value(Rel-ID Value XSD-Type Qualifiers)
                Iterator it = clause.getValues().iterator();
                String v3String = (String);
                IRI valueIRI;
                if (v3String.startsWith("xsd:")) {
                    valueIRI = IRI.create(Namespaces.XSD.getPrefixIRI(), v3String.substring(4));
                } else {
                    valueIRI = IRI.create(v3String);
                OWLAnnotationValue value = fac.getOWLLiteral((String) v2, OWL2Datatype.getDatatype(valueIRI));
                OWLAnnotationProperty prop = trAnnotationProp((String) v);
                OWLAnnotation ontAnn = fac.getOWLAnnotation(prop, value, annotations);
                AddOntologyAnnotation addAnn = new AddOntologyAnnotation(getOwlOntology(), ontAnn);
            } else {
                LOG.error("Cannot translate: {}", clause);
                // TODO

     * Adds the ontology annotation.
     * @param ap
     *        the ap
     * @param v
     *        the v
     * @param annotations
     *        the annotations
    protected void addOntologyAnnotation(OWLAnnotationProperty ap, OWLAnnotationValue v,
        Set annotations) {
        OWLAnnotation ontAnn = fac.getOWLAnnotation(ap, v, annotations);
        AddOntologyAnnotation addAnn = new AddOntologyAnnotation(getOwlOntology(), ontAnn);

     * Tr term frame.
     * @param termFrame
     *        the term frame
     * @return the oWL class expression
    public OWLClassExpression trTermFrame(Frame termFrame) {
        OWLClass cls = trClass(checkNotNull(termFrame.getId()));
        termFrame.getTags().stream().filter(OboFormatTag.TAG_ALT_ID.getTag()::equals).forEach(t ->
        // Generate deprecated and replaced_by details for alternate
        // identifier
        add(translateAltIds(termFrame.getClauses(t), cls.getIRI(), true)));
        termFrame.getTags().forEach(t -> add(trTermFrameClauses(cls, termFrame.getClauses(t), t)));
        return cls;

     * Generate axioms for the alternate identifiers of an {@link OWLClass} or
     * {@link OWLObjectProperty}.
     * @param clauses
     *        collection of alt_id clauses
     * @param replacedBy
     *        IRI of the enity
     * @param isClass
     *        set to true if the alt_id is represents a class, false in case of
     *        an property
     * @return set of axioms generated for the alt_id clauses
    protected Set translateAltIds(Collection clauses, IRI replacedBy, boolean isClass) {
        Set axioms = new HashSet<>();
        for (Clause clause : clauses) {
            String altId = clause.getValue(String.class);
            OWLEntity altIdEntity;
            if (isClass) {
                altIdEntity = trClass(altId);
            } else {
                IRI altIdIRI = oboIdToIRI(altId);
                altIdEntity = fac.getOWLObjectProperty(altIdIRI);
            // entity declaration axiom
            // annotate as deprecated
            axioms.add(fac.getOWLAnnotationAssertionAxiom(altIdEntity.getIRI(), fac.getOWLAnnotation(fac
                .getOWLDeprecated(), fac.getOWLLiteral(true))));
            // annotate with replaced_by (IAO_0100001)
            axioms.add(fac.getOWLAnnotationAssertionAxiom(altIdEntity.getIRI(), fac.getOWLAnnotation(fac
                .getOWLAnnotationProperty(Obo2OWLVocabulary.IRI_IAO_0100001.iri), replacedBy)));
            // annotate with obo:IAO_0000231=obo:IAO_0000227
            // 'has obsolescence reason' 'terms merged'
            axioms.add(fac.getOWLAnnotationAssertionAxiom(altIdEntity.getIRI(), fac.getOWLAnnotation(fac
                .getOWLAnnotationProperty(Obo2OWLConstants.IRI_IAO_0000231), Obo2OWLConstants.IRI_IAO_0000227)));
        return axioms;

     * Tr term frame clauses.
     * @param cls
     *        the cls
     * @param clauses
     *        the clauses
     * @param t
     *        the t
     * @return the sets the
    public Set trTermFrameClauses(OWLClass cls, Collection clauses, String t) {
        OboFormatTag tag = OBOFormatConstants.getTag(t);
        Set axioms = new HashSet<>();
        if (tag == OboFormatTag.TAG_INTERSECTION_OF) {
            axioms.add(trIntersectionOf(cls, clauses));
        } else if (tag == OboFormatTag.TAG_UNION_OF) {
            axioms.add(trUnionOf(cls, clauses));
        } else {
            clauses.forEach(c -> axioms.add(trTermClause(cls, t, c)));
        return axioms;

     * Tr typedef to annotation property.
     * @param typedefFrame
     *        the typedef frame
     * @return the oWL named object
    protected OWLNamedObject trTypedefToAnnotationProperty(Frame typedefFrame) {
        Object tagValue = typedefFrame.getTagValue(OboFormatTag.TAG_IS_METADATA_TAG);
        if (Boolean.TRUE.equals(tagValue)) {
            String id = checkNotNull(typedefFrame.getId());
            OWLAnnotationProperty p = trAnnotationProp(id);
            // handle xrefs also for meta data tags
            String xid = translateShorthandIdToExpandedId(id);
            if (!id.equals(xid)) {
                OWLAxiom ax = fac.getOWLAnnotationAssertionAxiom(trTagToAnnotationProp("shorthand"), p.getIRI(),
                    trLiteral(id), new HashSet());
            typedefToAnnotationProperty.put(p.getIRI().toString(), p);
            for (String tag : typedefFrame.getTags()) {
                OboFormatTag tagConstant = OBOFormatConstants.getTag(tag);
                if (tagConstant == OboFormatTag.TAG_IS_A) {
                    // todo - subAnnotationProperty
                } else {
                    typedefFrame.getClauses(tag).forEach(c -> add(trGenericClause(p, tag, c)));
            return p;
        return null;

     * Tr typedef frame.
     * @param typedefFrame
     *        the typedef frame
     * @return the oWL named object
    public OWLNamedObject trTypedefFrame(Frame typedefFrame) {
        // TODO - annotation props
        Object tagValue = typedefFrame.getTagValue(OboFormatTag.TAG_IS_METADATA_TAG);
        if (Boolean.TRUE.equals(tagValue)) {
            // already handled
            // see: trTypedefToAnnotationProperty(Frame typedefFrame)
            return null;
        } else {
            String id = checkNotNull(typedefFrame.getId());
            OWLObjectProperty p = trObjectProp(id);
            String xid = translateShorthandIdToExpandedId(id);
            if (!xid.equals(id)) {
                OWLAxiom ax = fac.getOWLAnnotationAssertionAxiom(trTagToAnnotationProp("shorthand"), p.getIRI(),
                    trLiteral(id), new HashSet());
            // TODO See 5.9.3 Special Rules for Relations
            for (String tag : typedefFrame.getTags()) {
                Collection clauses = typedefFrame.getClauses(tag);
                OboFormatTag tagConstant = OBOFormatConstants.getTag(tag);
                if (tagConstant == OboFormatTag.TAG_INTERSECTION_OF) {
                    OWLAxiom axiom = trRelationIntersectionOf(id, p, clauses);
                    if (axiom != null) {
                } else if (tagConstant == OboFormatTag.TAG_UNION_OF) {
                    OWLAxiom axiom = trRelationUnionOf(id, p, clauses);
                    if (axiom != null) {
                } else if (tagConstant == OboFormatTag.TAG_ALT_ID) {
                    add(translateAltIds(clauses, p.getIRI(), false));
                } else {
                    clauses.forEach(c -> add(trTypedefClause(p, tag, c)));
            return p;

     * Tr relation union of.
     * @param id
     *        the id
     * @param p
     *        the p
     * @param clauses
     *        the clauses
     * @return the oWL axiom
    protected static OWLAxiom trRelationUnionOf(String id, OWLProperty p, Collection clauses) {
        // TODO not expressible in OWL - use APs. SWRL?
        LOG.error("The relation union_of for {} is currently non-translatable to OWL. Ignoring clauses: {}", id,
        return null;

     * Tr relation intersection of.
     * @param id
     *        the id
     * @param p
     *        the p
     * @param clauses
     *        the clauses
     * @return the oWL axiom
    protected static OWLAxiom trRelationIntersectionOf(String id, OWLProperty p, Collection clauses) {
        // TODO not expressible in OWL - use APs. SWRL?
        LOG.error("The relation intersection_of for {} is currently non-translatable to OWL. Ignoring clauses: {}", id,
        return null;

     * Tr union of.
     * @param cls
     *        the cls
     * @param clauses
     *        the clauses
     * @return the oWL axiom
    protected OWLAxiom trUnionOf(OWLClass cls, Collection clauses) {
        Set annotations = trAnnotations(clauses);
        Set eSet = new HashSet<>();
        Set iSet = new HashSet<>();
        for (Clause clause : clauses) {
            Collection qvs = clause.getQualifierValues();
            // TODO - quals
            if (clause.getValues().size() == 1) {
            } else {
                LOG.error("union_of n-ary slots not is standard - converting anyway");
                iSet.add(trRel((String) clause.getValue(), (String) clause.getValue2(), qvs));
        // TODO - fix this
        if (annotations.isEmpty()) {
            return fac.getOWLEquivalentClassesAxiom(eSet);
        } else {
            return fac.getOWLEquivalentClassesAxiom(eSet, annotations);

     * Tr intersection of.
     * @param cls
     *        the cls
     * @param clauses
     *        the clauses
     * @return the oWL axiom
    protected OWLAxiom trIntersectionOf(OWLClass cls, Collection clauses) {
        Set annotations = trAnnotations(clauses);
        Set eSet = new HashSet<>();
        Set iSet = new HashSet<>();
        for (Clause clause : clauses) {
            Collection qvs = clause.getQualifierValues();
            if (clause.getValues().size() == 1) {
            } else {
                iSet.add(trRel((String) clause.getValue(), (String) clause.getValue2(), qvs));
        // TODO - fix this
        if (annotations.isEmpty()) {
            return fac.getOWLEquivalentClassesAxiom(eSet);
        } else {
            return fac.getOWLEquivalentClassesAxiom(eSet, annotations);

     * Adds the.
     * @param axiom
     *        the axiom
    protected void add(@Nullable OWLAxiom axiom) {
        if (axiom == null) {
            LOG.error("no axiom");

     * Adds the.
     * @param axioms
     *        the axioms
    protected void add(@Nullable Set axioms) {
        if (axioms == null || axioms.isEmpty()) {
            LOG.error("no axiom");

     * Apply the change.
     * @param change
     *        the change
    protected void apply(OWLOntologyChange change) {

     * Apply the changes.
     * @param changes
     *        the changes
    protected void apply(List changes) {
        try {
        } catch (Exception e) {
            LOG.error("COULD NOT TRANSLATE AXIOM", e);

     * #5.2
     * @param cls
     *        the cls
     * @param tag
     *        the tag
     * @param clause
     *        the clause
     * @return axiom
    protected OWLAxiom trTermClause(OWLClass cls, String tag, Clause clause) {
        Collection qvs = clause.getQualifierValues();
        Set annotations = trAnnotations(clause);
        OboFormatTag tagConstant = OBOFormatConstants.getTag(tag);
        // 5.2.2
        // The gci_relation qualifier translate cls to a class expression
        OWLClassExpression clsx = cls;
        String gciRel = getQVString("gci_relation", qvs);
        String gciFiller = getQVString("gci_filler", qvs);
        if (!gciRel.isEmpty() && !gciFiller.isEmpty()) {
            OWLClassExpression r = trRel(gciRel, gciFiller, Collections.emptySet());
            clsx = fac.getOWLObjectIntersectionOf(cls, r);
        OWLAxiom ax;
        if (tagConstant == OboFormatTag.TAG_IS_A) {
            ax = fac.getOWLSubClassOfAxiom(clsx, trClass((String) clause.getValue()), annotations);
        } else if (tagConstant == OboFormatTag.TAG_RELATIONSHIP) {
            // TODO
            IRI relId = oboIdToIRI((String) clause.getValue());
            OWLAnnotationProperty prop = typedefToAnnotationProperty.get(relId.toString());
            if (prop != null) {
                ax = fac.getOWLAnnotationAssertionAxiom(prop, cls.getIRI(), oboIdToIRI((String) clause.getValue2()),
            } else {
                ax = fac.getOWLSubClassOfAxiom(clsx, trRel((String) clause.getValue(), (String) clause.getValue2(),
                    qvs), annotations);
        } else if (tagConstant == OboFormatTag.TAG_DISJOINT_FROM) {
            Set cSet = new HashSet<>();
            cSet.add(trClass((String) clause.getValue()));
            ax = fac.getOWLDisjointClassesAxiom(cSet, annotations);
        } else if (tagConstant == OboFormatTag.TAG_EQUIVALENT_TO) {
            Set cSet = new HashSet<>();
            cSet.add(trClass((String) clause.getValue()));
            ax = fac.getOWLEquivalentClassesAxiom(cSet, annotations);
        } else {
            return trGenericClause(cls, tag, clause);
        return ax;

    // no data properties in obo
     * Tr typedef clause.
     * @param p
     *        the p
     * @param tag
     *        the tag
     * @param clause
     *        the clause
     * @return the oWL axiom
    protected OWLAxiom trTypedefClause(OWLObjectProperty p, String tag, Clause clause) {
        OWLAxiom ax = null;
        Object v = clause.getValue();
        assert v != null;
        Set annotations = trAnnotations(clause);
        OboFormatTag tagConstant = OBOFormatConstants.getTag(tag);
        if (tagConstant == OboFormatTag.TAG_IS_A) {
            ax = fac.getOWLSubObjectPropertyOfAxiom(p, trObjectProp((String) v), annotations);
        } else if (tagConstant == OboFormatTag.TAG_RELATIONSHIP) {
            IRI relId = oboIdToIRI((String) v);
            OWLAnnotationProperty metaProp = typedefToAnnotationProperty.get(relId.toString());
            if (metaProp != null) {
                ax = fac.getOWLAnnotationAssertionAxiom(metaProp, p.getIRI(), oboIdToIRI((String) clause.getValue2()),
        } else if (tagConstant == OboFormatTag.TAG_DISJOINT_FROM) {
            Set cSet = new HashSet<>();
            cSet.add(trObjectProp((String) v));
            ax = fac.getOWLDisjointObjectPropertiesAxiom(cSet, annotations);
        } else if (tagConstant == OboFormatTag.TAG_INVERSE_OF) {
            ax = fac.getOWLInverseObjectPropertiesAxiom(p, trObjectProp((String) v), annotations);
        } else if (tagConstant == OboFormatTag.TAG_EQUIVALENT_TO) {
            Set cSet = new HashSet<>();
            cSet.add(trObjectProp((String) v));
            ax = fac.getOWLEquivalentObjectPropertiesAxiom(cSet, annotations);
        } else if (tagConstant == OboFormatTag.TAG_DOMAIN) {
            ax = fac.getOWLObjectPropertyDomainAxiom(p, trClass(v), annotations);
        } else if (tagConstant == OboFormatTag.TAG_RANGE) {
            ax = fac.getOWLObjectPropertyRangeAxiom(p, trClass(v), annotations);
        } else if (tagConstant == OboFormatTag.TAG_TRANSITIVE_OVER) {
            List chain = new ArrayList<>(2);
            ax = fac.getOWLSubPropertyChainOfAxiom(chain, p, annotations);
        } else if (tagConstant == OboFormatTag.TAG_HOLDS_OVER_CHAIN
            || tagConstant == OboFormatTag.TAG_EQUIVALENT_TO_CHAIN) {
            if (tagConstant == OboFormatTag.TAG_EQUIVALENT_TO_CHAIN) {
                OWLAnnotation ann = fac.getOWLAnnotation(trAnnotationProp(IRI_PROP_ISREVERSIBLEPROPERTYCHAIN),
            List chain = new ArrayList<>();
            ax = fac.getOWLSubPropertyChainOfAxiom(chain, p, annotations);
            // TODO - annotations for equivalent to
        } else if (tagConstant == OboFormatTag.TAG_IS_TRANSITIVE && "true".equals(clause.getValue().toString())) {
            ax = fac.getOWLTransitiveObjectPropertyAxiom(p, annotations);
        } else if (tagConstant == OboFormatTag.TAG_IS_REFLEXIVE && "true".equals(clause.getValue().toString())) {
            ax = fac.getOWLReflexiveObjectPropertyAxiom(p, annotations);
        } else if (tagConstant == OboFormatTag.TAG_IS_SYMMETRIC && "true".equals(clause.getValue().toString())) {
            ax = fac.getOWLSymmetricObjectPropertyAxiom(p, annotations);
        } else if (tagConstant == OboFormatTag.TAG_IS_ASYMMETRIC && "true".equals(clause.getValue().toString())) {
            ax = fac.getOWLAsymmetricObjectPropertyAxiom(p, annotations);
        } else if (tagConstant == OboFormatTag.TAG_IS_FUNCTIONAL && "true".equals(clause.getValue().toString())) {
            ax = fac.getOWLFunctionalObjectPropertyAxiom(p, annotations);
        } else if (tagConstant == OboFormatTag.TAG_IS_INVERSE_FUNCTIONAL && "true".equals(clause.getValue()
            .toString())) {
            ax = fac.getOWLInverseFunctionalObjectPropertyAxiom(p, annotations);
        } else {
            return trGenericClause(p, tag, clause);
        // TODO - disjointOver
        return ax;

     * Tr generic clause.
     * @param e
     *        the e
     * @param tag
     *        the tag
     * @param clause
     *        the clause
     * @return the oWL axiom
    protected OWLAxiom trGenericClause(OWLNamedObject e, String tag, Clause clause) {
        return trGenericClause(e.getIRI(), tag, clause);

     * Tr generic clause.
     * @param sub
     *        the sub
     * @param tag
     *        the tag
     * @param clause
     *        the clause
     * @return the oWL axiom
    protected OWLAxiom trGenericClause(OWLAnnotationSubject sub, String tag, Clause clause) {
        Set annotations = trAnnotations(clause);
        OWLAxiom ax = null;
        OboFormatTag tagConstant = OBOFormatConstants.getTag(tag);
        if (tagConstant == OboFormatTag.TAG_NAME) {
            ax = fac.getOWLAnnotationAssertionAxiom(trTagToAnnotationProp(tag), sub, trLiteral(clause.getValue()),
        } else if (tagConstant == OboFormatTag.TAG_DEF) {
            ax = fac.getOWLAnnotationAssertionAxiom(trTagToAnnotationProp(tag), sub, trLiteral(clause.getValue()),
        } else if (tagConstant == OboFormatTag.TAG_SUBSET) {
            String v = clause.getValue(String.class);
            ax = fac.getOWLAnnotationAssertionAxiom(trTagToAnnotationProp(tag), sub, trAnnotationProp(v).getIRI(),
        } else if (tagConstant == OboFormatTag.TAG_PROPERTY_VALUE) {
            Collection values = clause.getValues();
            Object v = clause.getValue();
            Object v2 = clause.getValue2();
            if (values.size() == 2) {
                // property_value(Rel-ID Entity-ID Qualifiers)
                ax = fac.getOWLAnnotationAssertionAxiom(trAnnotationProp((String) v), sub, trAnnotationProp(v2
                    .toString()).getIRI(), annotations);
            } else if (values.size() == 3) {
                // property_value(Rel-ID Value XSD-Type Qualifiers)
                Iterator it = clause.getValues().iterator();
                String v3String = (String);
                IRI valueIRI;
                if (v3String.startsWith("xsd:")) {
                    valueIRI = IRI.create(Namespaces.XSD.getPrefixIRI(), v3String.substring(4));
                } else {
                    valueIRI = IRI.create(v3String);
                OWLAnnotationValue value = fac.getOWLLiteral((String) v2, OWL2Datatype.getDatatype(valueIRI));
                ax = fac.getOWLAnnotationAssertionAxiom(trAnnotationProp((String) v), sub, value, annotations);
            } else {
                LOG.error("Cannot translate: {}", clause);
                // TODO
        } else if (tagConstant == OboFormatTag.TAG_SYNONYM) {
            Object[] values = clause.getValues().toArray();
            String synType;
            if (values.length > 1) {
                synType = values[1].toString();
                if (values.length > 2) {
                    OWLAnnotation ann = fac.getOWLAnnotation(trTagToAnnotationProp(OboFormatTag.TAG_HAS_SYNONYM_TYPE
                        .getTag()), trAnnotationProp(values[2].toString()).getIRI());
            } else {
                LOG.warn("Assume 'RELATED'for missing scope in synonym clause: {}", clause);
                // we make allowances for obof1.0, where the synonym scope is
                // optional
                synType = OboFormatTag.TAG_RELATED.getTag();
            ax = fac.getOWLAnnotationAssertionAxiom(trSynonymType(synType), sub, trLiteral(clause.getValue()),
        } else if (tagConstant == OboFormatTag.TAG_XREF) {
            Xref xref = (Xref) clause.getValue();
            String xrefAnnotation = xref.getAnnotation();
            if (xrefAnnotation != null) {
            ax = fac.getOWLAnnotationAssertionAxiom(trTagToAnnotationProp(tag), sub, trLiteral(clause.getValue()),
        } else {
            // generic
            ax = fac.getOWLAnnotationAssertionAxiom(trTagToAnnotationProp(tag), sub, trLiteral(clause.getValue()),
        return ax;

     * Tr synonym type.
     * @param type
     *        the type
     * @return the oWL annotation property
    protected OWLAnnotationProperty trSynonymType(String type) {
        if (type.equals(OboFormatTag.TAG_RELATED.getTag()) || type.equals(OboFormatTag.TAG_EXACT.getTag()) || type
            .equals(OboFormatTag.TAG_NARROW.getTag()) || type.equals(OboFormatTag.TAG_BROAD.getTag())) {
            return trTagToAnnotationProp(type);
        return trAnnotationProp(type);

     * Tr annotations.
     * @param clause
     *        the clause
     * @return the sets the
    protected Set trAnnotations(Clause clause) {
        if (clause.hasNoAnnotations()) {
            return CollectionFactory.createSet();
        Set anns = new HashSet<>();
        trAnnotations(clause, anns);
        return anns;

     * Tr annotations.
     * @param clause
     *        the clause
     * @param anns
     *        the anns
    protected void trAnnotations(Clause clause, Set anns) {
        Collection xrefs = clause.getXrefs();
        for (Xref x : xrefs) {
            if (!x.getIdref().isEmpty()) {
                OWLAnnotationProperty ap = trTagToAnnotationProp(OboFormatTag.TAG_XREF.getTag());
                OWLAnnotation ann = fac.getOWLAnnotation(ap, trLiteral(x));
        Collection qvs = clause.getQualifierValues();
        for (QualifierValue qv : qvs) {
            String qTag = qv.getQualifier();
            if (SKIPPED_QUALIFIERS.contains(qTag)) {
            OWLAnnotationProperty ap = trTagToAnnotationProp(qTag);
            OWLAnnotation ann = fac.getOWLAnnotation(ap, trLiteral(qv.getValue()));

     * Tr annotations.
     * @param clauses
     *        the clauses
     * @return the set of annotations
    protected Set trAnnotations(Collection clauses) {
        Set anns = new HashSet<>();
        clauses.forEach(c -> trAnnotations(c, anns));
        return anns;

     * Tr rel.
     * @param relId
     *        the rel id
     * @param classId
     *        the class id
     * @param quals
     *        the quals
     * @return the oWL class expression
    public OWLClassExpression trRel(String relId, String classId, Collection quals) {
        Frame relFrame = obodoc.getTypedefFrame(relId);
        OWLObjectPropertyExpression pe = trObjectProp(relId);
        OWLClassExpression ce = trClass(classId);
        Integer exact = getQVInt("cardinality", quals);
        Integer min = getQVInt("minCardinality", quals);
        Integer max = getQVInt("maxCardinality", quals);
        boolean allSome = getQVBoolean("all_some", quals);
        boolean allOnly = getQVBoolean("all_only", quals);
        // obo-format allows dangling references to classes in class
        // expressions.
        // Create an explicit class declaration to be sure
        if (ce instanceof OWLClass) {
            add(fac.getOWLDeclarationAxiom((OWLClass) ce));
        OWLClassExpression ex;
        if (exact != null && exact.intValue() > 0) {
            ex = fac.getOWLObjectExactCardinality(exact.intValue(), pe, ce);
        } else if (exact != null && exact.intValue() == 0 || max != null && max.intValue() == 0) {
            OWLObjectComplementOf ceCompl = fac.getOWLObjectComplementOf(ce);
            ex = fac.getOWLObjectAllValuesFrom(pe, ceCompl);
        } else if (max != null && min != null) {
            ex = fac.getOWLObjectIntersectionOf(fac.getOWLObjectMinCardinality(min.intValue(), pe, ce), fac
                .getOWLObjectMaxCardinality(max.intValue(), pe, ce));
        } else if (min != null) {
            ex = fac.getOWLObjectMinCardinality(min.intValue(), pe, ce);
        } else if (max != null) {
            ex = fac.getOWLObjectMaxCardinality(max.intValue(), pe, ce);
        } else if (allSome && allOnly) {
            ex = fac.getOWLObjectIntersectionOf(fac.getOWLObjectSomeValuesFrom(pe, ce), fac.getOWLObjectAllValuesFrom(
                pe, ce));
        } else if (allOnly) {
            ex = fac.getOWLObjectAllValuesFrom(pe, ce);
        } else if (relFrame != null && Boolean.TRUE.equals(relFrame.getTagValue(OboFormatTag.TAG_IS_CLASS_LEVEL_TAG))) {
            // pun
            ex = fac.getOWLObjectHasValue(pe, trIndividual(classId));
        } else {
            // default
            ex = fac.getOWLObjectSomeValuesFrom(pe, ce);
        return ex;

     * Gets the qV string.
     * @param q
     *        the q
     * @param quals
     *        the quals
     * @return the qV string
    protected static String getQVString(String q, Collection quals) {
        for (QualifierValue qv : quals) {
            if (qv.getQualifier().equals(q)) {
                return qv.getValue();
        return "";

     * Gets the qV boolean.
     * @param q
     *        the q
     * @param quals
     *        the quals
     * @return the qV boolean
    protected static boolean getQVBoolean(String q, Collection quals) {
        for (QualifierValue qv : quals) {
            if (qv.getQualifier().equals(q)) {
                Object v = qv.getValue();
                return Boolean.parseBoolean((String) v);
        return false;

     * Gets the qV int.
     * @param q
     *        the q
     * @param quals
     *        the quals
     * @return the qV int
    protected static Integer getQVInt(String q, Collection quals) {
        for (QualifierValue qv : quals) {
            if (qv.getQualifier().equals(q)) {
                Object v = qv.getValue();
                return Integer.valueOf((String) v);
        return null;

     * Tr class.
     * @param classId
     *        the class id
     * @return the oWL class
    protected OWLClass trClass(String classId) {
        return fac.getOWLClass(oboIdToIRI(classId));

     * Tr class.
     * @param v
     *        the v
     * @return the oWL class expression
    protected OWLClassExpression trClass(Object v) {
        return trClass((String) v);

     * See section "header macros" and treat-xrefs-as-equivalent.
     * @param id
     *        the id
     * @return mapped id
    protected String mapPropId(String id) {
        Frame f = obodoc.getTypedefFrame(id);
        if (f != null) {
            Collection xrefs = f.getTagValues(OboFormatTag.TAG_XREF, Xref.class);
            for (Xref x : xrefs) {
                String xid = x.getIdref();
                if (OBODoc.isTreatXrefsAsEquivalent(getIdPrefix(xid))) {
                    return xid;
        return id;

     * Gets the id prefix.
     * @param x
     *        the x
     * @return the id prefix
    protected static String getIdPrefix(String x) {
        String[] parts = x.split(":", 2);
        return parts[0];

     * Tr individual.
     * @param instId
     *        the inst id
     * @return the oWL individual
    protected OWLIndividual trIndividual(String instId) {
        IRI iri = oboIdToIRI(instId);
        return fac.getOWLNamedIndividual(iri);

     * Tr tag to iri.
     * @param tag
     *        the tag
     * @return the iri
    public static IRI trTagToIRI(String tag) {
        IRI iri = ANNOTATIONPROPERTYMAP.get(tag);
        if (iri == null) {
            iri = IRI.create(Obo2OWLConstants.OIOVOCAB_IRI_PREFIX, tag);
        return iri;

     * Tr tag to annotation prop.
     * @param tag
     *        the tag
     * @return the oWL annotation property
    protected OWLAnnotationProperty trTagToAnnotationProp(String tag) {
        IRI iri = trTagToIRI(tag);
        OWLAnnotationProperty ap = fac.getOWLAnnotationProperty(iri);
        if (!apToDeclare.contains(ap)) {
            Obo2OWLVocabulary vocab = Obo2OWLConstants.getVocabularyObj(tag);
            if (vocab != null) {
                add(fac.getOWLAnnotationAssertionAxiom(iri, fac.getRDFSLabel(vocab.getLabel())));
        return ap;

     * Adds the declared annotation properties.
     * @param declaredProperties
     *        the declared properties
    protected void addDeclaredAnnotationProperties(@Nullable Collection declaredProperties) {
        if (declaredProperties != null) {

     * Tr annotation prop.
     * @param relId
     *        the rel id
     * @return the oWL annotation property
    protected OWLAnnotationProperty trAnnotationProp(String relId) {
        return fac.getOWLAnnotationProperty(oboIdToIRI(mapPropId(relId)));

     * Tr object prop.
     * @param relId
     *        the rel id
     * @return the oWL object property
    protected OWLObjectProperty trObjectProp(String relId) {
        return fac.getOWLObjectProperty(oboIdToIRI(mapPropId(relId)));

     * Tr object prop.
     * @param v
     *        the v
     * @return the oWL object property expression
    protected OWLObjectPropertyExpression trObjectProp(Object v) {
        return fac.getOWLObjectProperty(oboIdToIRI(mapPropId((String) v)));

     * Tr literal.
     * @param inputValue
     *        the value
     * @return the oWL annotation value
    protected OWLAnnotationValue trLiteral(Object inputValue) {
        Object value = inputValue;
        if (value instanceof Xref) {
            value = ((Xref) value).getIdref();
        } else if (value instanceof Date) {
            // use proper OWL2 data type, write lexical value as ISO 8601 date
            // string
            String lexicalValue = OBOFormatConstants.headerDateFormat().format((Date) value);
            return fac.getOWLLiteral(lexicalValue, OWL2Datatype.XSD_DATE_TIME);
        } else if (value instanceof Boolean) {
            return fac.getOWLLiteral(((Boolean) value).booleanValue());
        } else if (!(value instanceof String)) {
            // TODO
            // e.g. boolean
            value = value.toString();
        String value2 = (String) value;
        // TODO
        return fac.getOWLLiteral(value2);

     * Obo id to iri.
     * @param id
     *        the id
     * @return the iri
    public IRI oboIdToIRI(String id) {
        return idToIRICache.getUnchecked(id);

     * Obo id to iri.
     * @param id
     *        the id
     * @return the iri
    public IRI loadOboToIRI(String id) {
        if (id.contains(" ")) {
            LOG.error("id contains space: \"{}\"", id);
            throw new OWLParserException("spaces not allowed: '" + id + '\'');
        // No conversion is required if this is already an IRI (ID-as-URI rule)
        if (id.startsWith("http:")) {
            // TODO - roundtrip from other schemes
            return IRI.create(id);
        } else if (id.startsWith("https:")) {
            // TODO - roundtrip from other schemes
            return IRI.create(id);
        } else if (id.startsWith("ftp:")) {
            // TODO - roundtrip from other schemes
            return IRI.create(id);
        } else if (id.startsWith("urn:")) {
            // TODO - roundtrip from other schemes
            return IRI.create(id);
        // TODO - treat_xrefs_as_equivalent
        // special case rule for relation xrefs:
        // 5.9.3. Special Rules for Relations
        if (!id.contains(":")) {
            String xid = translateShorthandIdToExpandedId(id);
            if (!xid.equals(id)) {
                return oboIdToIRI(xid);
        String[] idParts = id.split(":", 2);
        String db;
        String localId;
        if (idParts.length > 1) {
            db = idParts[0];
            localId = idParts[1];
            if (localId.contains("_")) {
                db += "#_";// NonCanonical-Prefixed-ID
            } else {
                db += "_";
        } else if (idParts.length == 0) {
            db = getDefaultIDSpace() + '#';
            localId = id;
        } else {
            // TODO use owlOntology IRI
            db = getDefaultIDSpace() + '#';
            localId = idParts[0];
        String uriPrefix = DEFAULT_IRI_PREFIX + db;
        if (idSpaceMap.containsKey(db)) {
            uriPrefix = idSpaceMap.get(db);
        String safeId;
        try {
            safeId =, "US-ASCII");
        } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e1) {
            throw new OWLRuntimeException(e1);
        if (safeId.contains(" ")) {
            safeId = safeId.replace(" ", "_");
        IRI iri = null;
        try {
            iri = IRI.create(uriPrefix + safeId);
        } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
            throw new OWLRuntimeException(e);
        return iri;

    // 5.9.3. Special Rules for Relations
     * Translate shorthand id to expanded id.
     * @param id
     *        the id
     * @return the string
    protected String translateShorthandIdToExpandedId(String id) {
        if (id.contains(":")) {
            return id;
        Frame tdf = obodoc.getTypedefFrame(id);
        if (tdf == null) {
            return id;
        Collection xrefs = tdf.getTagValues(OboFormatTag.TAG_XREF, Xref.class);
        String matchingExpandedId = null;
        for (Xref xref : xrefs) {
            matchingExpandedId = handleXref(id, matchingExpandedId, xref);
        if (matchingExpandedId == null) {
            return id;
        return matchingExpandedId;

    protected String handleXref(String id, @Nullable String matchingExpandedId, @Nullable Xref xref) {
        if (xref != null) {
            String xid = xref.getIdref();
            if (xid.equals(id)) {
                return matchingExpandedId;
            if (matchingExpandedId == null) {
                return xid;
            // RO and BFO take precedence over others
            if (xid.startsWith("RO") || xid.startsWith("BFO")) {
                return xid;
        return matchingExpandedId;

     * Gets the default id space.
     * @return the default id space
    protected String getDefaultIDSpace() {
        return defaultIDSpace;