uk.ac.manchester.cs.factplusplusad.AtomicDecomposer Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package uk.ac.manchester.cs.factplusplusad;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Optional;
import java.util.Set;
import org.semanticweb.owlapitools.decomposition.AxiomWrapper;
import org.semanticweb.owlapitools.decomposition.OntologyAtom;
import uk.ac.manchester.cs.owlapi.modularity.ModuleType;
/** atomical decomposer of the ontology */
class AtomicDecomposer {
/** atomic structure to build */
AOStructure aos = null;
/** modularizer to build modules */
Modularizer modularizer;
/** tautologies of the ontology */
Set tautologies;
/** fake atom that represents the whole ontology */
OntologyAtom rootAtom = null;
/** module type for current AOS creation */
ModuleType type;
* @param m
* modulariser
AtomicDecomposer(Modularizer m) {
modularizer = m;
/** restore all tautologies back */
void restoreTautologies() {
tautologies.forEach(p -> p.setUsed(true));
/** @return already created atomic structure */
AOStructure getAOS() {
return aos;
/** @return number of performed locality checks */
long getLocChekNumber() {
return modularizer.getNChecks();
* Remove tautologies (axioms that are always local) from the ontology
* temporarily.
* @param o
* ontology
void removeTautologies(Collection o) {
// we might use it for another decomposition
for (AxiomWrapper p : o) {
if (p.isUsed() && modularizer.isTautology(p.getAxiom(), type)) {
* Build a module for given axiom AX; use parent atom's module as a base for
* the module search.
* @param sig
* signature
* @param parent
* parent atom
* @return module atom
Optional buildModule(Signature sig, OntologyAtom parent) {
// build a module for a given signature
modularizer.extract(parent.getModule(), sig, type);
Collection module = modularizer.getModule();
// if module is empty (empty bottom atom) -- do nothing
if (module.isEmpty()) {
return Optional.empty();
// check if the module corresponds to a PARENT one; modules are the same
// iff their sizes are the same
if (parent != rootAtom && module.size() == parent.getModule().size()) {
return Optional.of(parent);
// create new atom with that module
OntologyAtom atom = aos.newAtom();
return Optional.of(atom);
* Create atom for given axiom AX; use parent atom's module as a base for
* the module search.
* @param ax
* axiom
* @param parent
* parent atom
* @return atom
OntologyAtom createAtom(AxiomWrapper ax, OntologyAtom parent) {
// check whether axiom already has an atom
if (ax.getAtom().isPresent()) {
return ax.getAtom().get();
// build an atom: use a module to find atomic dependencies
Optional atom = buildModule(new Signature(ax.signature()), parent);
// no empty modules should be here
assert atom.isPresent();
// register axiom as a part of an atom
// if atom is the same as parent -- nothing more to do
if (atom.get() == parent) {
return parent;
// not the same as parent: for all atom's axioms check their atoms and
// make ATOM depend on them
for (AxiomWrapper q : atom.get().getModule()) {
if (q != ax) {
atom.get().addDepAtom(createAtom(q, atom.get()));
return atom.get();
* @param o
* ontology
* @param t
* module type
* @return atomic structure for given module type T
AOStructure getAOS(Collection o, ModuleType t) {
// remember the type of the module
type = t;
// prepare a new AO structure
aos = new AOStructure();
// init semantic locality checker
// we don't need tautologies here
// init the root atom
rootAtom = new OntologyAtom();
// build the "bottom" atom for an empty signature
Optional bottomAtom = buildModule(new Signature(), rootAtom);
if (bottomAtom.isPresent()) {
for (AxiomWrapper q : bottomAtom.get().getModule()) {
// create atoms for all the axioms in the ontology
for (AxiomWrapper p : o) {
if (p.isUsed() && !p.getAtom().isPresent()) {
createAtom(p, rootAtom);
// restore tautologies in the ontology
// clear the root atom
rootAtom = null;
// reduce graph
return aos;
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