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* This file is part of the OWL API.
* The contents of this file are subject to the LGPL License, Version 3.0.
* Copyright (C) 2011, The University of Manchester
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see
* Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0
* in which case, the provisions of the Apache License Version 2.0 are applicable instead of those above.
* Copyright 2011, University of Manchester
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.coode.owlapi.manchesterowlsyntax;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.LinkedHashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.TreeMap;
import java.util.TreeSet;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
import org.semanticweb.owlapi.expression.OWLEntityChecker;
import org.semanticweb.owlapi.expression.OWLOntologyChecker;
import org.semanticweb.owlapi.expression.ParserException;
import org.semanticweb.owlapi.model.AddAxiom;
import org.semanticweb.owlapi.model.AddImport;
import org.semanticweb.owlapi.model.AddOntologyAnnotation;
import org.semanticweb.owlapi.model.IRI;
import org.semanticweb.owlapi.model.OWLAnnotation;
import org.semanticweb.owlapi.model.OWLAnnotationAssertionAxiom;
import org.semanticweb.owlapi.model.OWLAnnotationProperty;
import org.semanticweb.owlapi.model.OWLAnnotationSubject;
import org.semanticweb.owlapi.model.OWLAnnotationValue;
import org.semanticweb.owlapi.model.OWLAxiom;
import org.semanticweb.owlapi.model.OWLClass;
import org.semanticweb.owlapi.model.OWLClassAxiom;
import org.semanticweb.owlapi.model.OWLClassExpression;
import org.semanticweb.owlapi.model.OWLDataFactory;
import org.semanticweb.owlapi.model.OWLDataProperty;
import org.semanticweb.owlapi.model.OWLDataPropertyCharacteristicAxiom;
import org.semanticweb.owlapi.model.OWLDataPropertyExpression;
import org.semanticweb.owlapi.model.OWLDataRange;
import org.semanticweb.owlapi.model.OWLDatatype;
import org.semanticweb.owlapi.model.OWLEntity;
import org.semanticweb.owlapi.model.OWLFacetRestriction;
import org.semanticweb.owlapi.model.OWLImportsDeclaration;
import org.semanticweb.owlapi.model.OWLIndividual;
import org.semanticweb.owlapi.model.OWLLiteral;
import org.semanticweb.owlapi.model.OWLNamedIndividual;
import org.semanticweb.owlapi.model.OWLObjectProperty;
import org.semanticweb.owlapi.model.OWLObjectPropertyAxiom;
import org.semanticweb.owlapi.model.OWLObjectPropertyCharacteristicAxiom;
import org.semanticweb.owlapi.model.OWLObjectPropertyExpression;
import org.semanticweb.owlapi.model.OWLOntology;
import org.semanticweb.owlapi.model.OWLOntologyChange;
import org.semanticweb.owlapi.model.OWLOntologyID;
import org.semanticweb.owlapi.model.OWLOntologyLoaderConfiguration;
import org.semanticweb.owlapi.model.OWLOntologyManager;
import org.semanticweb.owlapi.model.OWLPropertyAssertionAxiom;
import org.semanticweb.owlapi.model.OWLPropertyExpression;
import org.semanticweb.owlapi.model.OWLSubClassOfAxiom;
import org.semanticweb.owlapi.model.OWLSubPropertyChainOfAxiom;
import org.semanticweb.owlapi.model.SWRLAtom;
import org.semanticweb.owlapi.model.SWRLBuiltInAtom;
import org.semanticweb.owlapi.model.SWRLDArgument;
import org.semanticweb.owlapi.model.SWRLDifferentIndividualsAtom;
import org.semanticweb.owlapi.model.SWRLIArgument;
import org.semanticweb.owlapi.model.SWRLIndividualArgument;
import org.semanticweb.owlapi.model.SWRLLiteralArgument;
import org.semanticweb.owlapi.model.SWRLRule;
import org.semanticweb.owlapi.model.SWRLSameIndividualAtom;
import org.semanticweb.owlapi.model.SWRLVariable;
import org.semanticweb.owlapi.model.SetOntologyID;
import org.semanticweb.owlapi.model.UnloadableImportException;
import org.semanticweb.owlapi.util.DefaultPrefixManager;
import org.semanticweb.owlapi.util.NamespaceUtil;
import org.semanticweb.owlapi.vocab.DublinCoreVocabulary;
import org.semanticweb.owlapi.vocab.Namespaces;
import org.semanticweb.owlapi.vocab.OWL2Datatype;
import org.semanticweb.owlapi.vocab.OWLFacet;
import org.semanticweb.owlapi.vocab.OWLRDFVocabulary;
import org.semanticweb.owlapi.vocab.SWRLBuiltInsVocabulary;
import org.semanticweb.owlapi.vocab.XSDVocabulary;
* Author: Matthew Horridge The University Of Manchester Bio-Health Informatics Group Date:
* 10-Sep-2007
* A parser for the Manchester OWL Syntax. All properties must be defined before they are used. For example, consider
* the restriction hasPart some Leg. The parser must know in advance whether or not hasPart is an object property or a
* data property so that Leg gets parsed correctly. In a tool, such as an editor, it is expected that hasPart will
* already exists as either a data property or an object property. If a complete ontology is being parsed, it is
* expected that hasPart will have been defined at the top of the file before it is used in any class expressions or
* property assertions (e.g. ObjectProperty: hasPart)
public class ManchesterOWLSyntaxEditorParser {
// This parser was built by hand! After struggling with terrible
// error messages produced by ANTLR (or JavaCC) I decides to construct
// this parser by hand. The error messages that this parser generates
// are specific to the Manchester OWL Syntax and are such that it should
// be easy to use this parser in tools such as editors.
private OWLOntologyLoaderConfiguration configuration;
protected OWLDataFactory dataFactory;
private List tokens;
private int tokenIndex;
private OWLEntityChecker owlEntityChecker;
private OWLOntologyChecker owlOntologyChecker = new OWLOntologyChecker() {
public OWLOntology getOntology(String name) {
return null;
private String base;
private Set classNames;
private Set objectPropertyNames;
private Set dataPropertyNames;
private Set individualNames;
private Set dataTypeNames;
private Set annotationPropertyNames;
private Map ruleBuiltIns = new TreeMap();
private DefaultPrefixManager pm = new DefaultPrefixManager();
public static final String AND = ManchesterOWLSyntax.AND.toString();
public static final String OR = ManchesterOWLSyntax.OR.toString();
public static final String INVERSE = ManchesterOWLSyntax.INVERSE.toString();
public static final String SOME = ManchesterOWLSyntax.SOME.toString();
public static final String SELF = ManchesterOWLSyntax.SELF.toString();
public static final String ONLY = ManchesterOWLSyntax.ONLY.toString();
public static final String VALUE = ManchesterOWLSyntax.VALUE.toString();
public static final String MIN = ManchesterOWLSyntax.MIN.toString();
public static final String MAX = ManchesterOWLSyntax.MAX.toString();
public static final String EXACTLY = ManchesterOWLSyntax.EXACTLY.toString();
public static final String ONLYSOME = ManchesterOWLSyntax.ONLYSOME.toString();
public static final String NOT = ManchesterOWLSyntax.NOT.toString();
public static final String CLASS = ManchesterOWLSyntax.CLASS.toString() + ":";
public static final String DATATYPE = ManchesterOWLSyntax.DATATYPE.toString() + ":";
public static final String SUB_CLASS_OF = ManchesterOWLSyntax.SUBCLASS_OF.toString() + ":";
public static final String SUPER_CLASS_OF = ManchesterOWLSyntax.SUPERCLASS_OF.toString() + ":";
public static final String INSTANCES = "Instances:";
public static final String EQUIVALENT_TO = ManchesterOWLSyntax.EQUIVALENT_TO.toString() + ":";
public static final String EQUIVALENT_CLASSES = ManchesterOWLSyntax.EQUIVALENT_CLASSES.toString() + ":";
public static final String EQUIVALENT_PROPERTIES = ManchesterOWLSyntax.EQUIVALENT_PROPERTIES.toString() + ":";
public static final String DISJOINT_WITH = ManchesterOWLSyntax.DISJOINT_WITH.toString() + ":";
public static final String DISJOINT_UNION_OF = ManchesterOWLSyntax.DISJOINT_UNION_OF.toString() + ":";
public static final String HAS_KEY = ManchesterOWLSyntax.HAS_KEY.toString() + ":";
public static final String DISJOINT_CLASSES = ManchesterOWLSyntax.DISJOINT_CLASSES.toString() + ":";
public static final String DISJOINT_PROPERTIES = ManchesterOWLSyntax.DISJOINT_PROPERTIES.toString() + ":";
public static final String OBJECT_PROPERTY = ManchesterOWLSyntax.OBJECT_PROPERTY.toString() + ":";
public static final String DATA_PROPERTY = ManchesterOWLSyntax.DATA_PROPERTY.toString() + ":";
public static final String ANNOTATION_PROPERTY = ManchesterOWLSyntax.ANNOTATION_PROPERTY.toString() + ":";
public static final String SUB_PROPERTY_OF = ManchesterOWLSyntax.SUB_PROPERTY_OF.toString() + ":";
public static final String SUPER_PROPERTY_OF = ManchesterOWLSyntax.SUPER_PROPERTY_OF.toString() + ":";
public static final String DOMAIN = ManchesterOWLSyntax.DOMAIN.toString() + ":";
public static final String RANGE = ManchesterOWLSyntax.RANGE.toString() + ":";
public static final String INVERSES = ManchesterOWLSyntax.INVERSES.toString() + ":";
public static final String CHARACTERISTICS = ManchesterOWLSyntax.CHARACTERISTICS.toString() + ":";
public static final String INDIVIDUAL = ManchesterOWLSyntax.INDIVIDUAL.toString() + ":";
public static final String INDIVIDUALS = ManchesterOWLSyntax.INDIVIDUALS.toString() + ":";
public static final String ANNOTATIONS = ManchesterOWLSyntax.ANNOTATIONS.toString() + ":";
public static final String TYPES = ManchesterOWLSyntax.TYPES.toString() + ":";
public static final String TYPE = ManchesterOWLSyntax.TYPE.toString() + ":";
public static final String FACTS = ManchesterOWLSyntax.FACTS.toString() + ":";
public static final String SAME_AS = ManchesterOWLSyntax.SAME_AS.toString() + ":";
public static final String SAME_INDIVIDUAL = ManchesterOWLSyntax.SAME_INDIVIDUAL.toString() + ":";
public static final String DIFFERENT_FROM = ManchesterOWLSyntax.DIFFERENT_FROM.toString() + ":";
public static final String DIFFERENT_INDIVIDUALS = ManchesterOWLSyntax.DIFFERENT_INDIVIDUALS.toString() + ":";
public static final String VALUE_PARTITION = "ValuePartition:";
public static final String ONTOLOGY = ManchesterOWLSyntax.ONTOLOGY.toString() + ":";
public static final String PREFIX = ManchesterOWLSyntax.PREFIX.toString() + ":";
public static final String IMPORT = ManchesterOWLSyntax.IMPORT.toString() + ":";
public static final String SUB_PROPERTY_CHAIN = ManchesterOWLSyntax.SUB_PROPERTY_CHAIN.toString() + ":";
public static final String FUNCTIONAL = ManchesterOWLSyntax.FUNCTIONAL.toString();
public static final String INVERSE_FUNCTIONAL = ManchesterOWLSyntax.INVERSE_FUNCTIONAL.toString();
public static final String SYMMETRIC = ManchesterOWLSyntax.SYMMETRIC.toString();
public static final String ANTI_SYMMETRIC = ManchesterOWLSyntax.ANTI_SYMMETRIC.toString();
public static final String ASYMMETRIC = ManchesterOWLSyntax.ASYMMETRIC.toString();
public static final String TRANSITIVE = ManchesterOWLSyntax.TRANSITIVE.toString();
public static final String REFLEXIVE = ManchesterOWLSyntax.REFLEXIVE.toString();
public static final String IRREFLEXIVE = ManchesterOWLSyntax.IRREFLEXIVE.toString();
public static final String INVERSE_OF = ManchesterOWLSyntax.INVERSE_OF + ":";
public static final String RULE = ManchesterOWLSyntax.RULE + ":";
private Set potentialKeywords;
private OWLOntology defaultOntology = null;
private boolean allowEmptyFrameSections = false;
private Map> dataPropertyFrameSections = new HashMap>();
public ManchesterOWLSyntaxEditorParser(OWLDataFactory dataFactory, String s) {
this(new OWLOntologyLoaderConfiguration(), dataFactory, s);
public boolean isAllowEmptyFrameSections() {
return allowEmptyFrameSections;
public void setAllowEmptyFrameSections(boolean allowEmptyFrameSections) {
this.allowEmptyFrameSections = allowEmptyFrameSections;
public ManchesterOWLSyntaxEditorParser(OWLOntologyLoaderConfiguration configuration, OWLDataFactory dataFactory, String s) {
this.configuration = configuration;
this.dataFactory = dataFactory;
potentialKeywords = new HashSet();
classNames = new HashSet();
objectPropertyNames = new HashSet();
dataPropertyNames = new HashSet();
individualNames = new HashSet();
dataTypeNames = new HashSet();
annotationPropertyNames = new HashSet();
pm.setPrefix("rdf:", Namespaces.RDF.toString());
pm.setPrefix("rdfs:", Namespaces.RDFS.toString());
pm.setPrefix("owl:", Namespaces.OWL.toString());
pm.setPrefix("dc:", DublinCoreVocabulary.NAME_SPACE);
NamespaceUtil u = new NamespaceUtil();
for (XSDVocabulary v : XSDVocabulary.values()) {
dataTypeNames.add("xsd:" + v.getIRI().getFragment());
dataTypeNames.add("rdf:" + OWLRDFVocabulary.RDF_XML_LITERAL.getIRI().getFragment());
String[] res = u.split(iri.toString(), null);
annotationPropertyNames.add(u.getPrefix(res[0]) + ":" + res[1]);
base = "";
owlEntityChecker = new DefaultEntityChecker();
tokens = new ArrayList();
tokenIndex = 0;
for (SWRLBuiltInsVocabulary v : SWRLBuiltInsVocabulary.values()) {
ruleBuiltIns.put(v.getShortName(), v);
ruleBuiltIns.put(v.getIRI().toQuotedString(), v);
protected ManchesterOWLSyntaxTokenizer getTokenizer(String s) {
return new ManchesterOWLSyntaxTokenizer(s);
public OWLDataFactory getDataFactory() {
return dataFactory;
private Map> classFrameSections = new HashMap>();
public void initialiseClassFrameSections() {
initialiseSection(new EntityAnnotationsListItemParser(), classFrameSections);
initialiseSection(new ClassSubClassOfListItemParser(), classFrameSections);
initialiseSection(new ClassEquivalentToListItemParser(), classFrameSections);
initialiseSection(new ClassDisjointWithListItemParser(), classFrameSections);
initialiseSection(new ClassHasKeyListItemParser(), classFrameSections);
// Extensions
initialiseSection(new ClassSuperClassOfListItemParser(), classFrameSections);
initialiseSection(new ClassDisjointClassesListItemParser(), classFrameSections);
initialiseSection(new ClassIndividualsListItemParser(), classFrameSections);
private Map> objectPropertyFrameSections = new HashMap>();
private void initialiseObjectPropertyFrameSections() {
initialiseSection(new EntityAnnotationsListItemParser(), objectPropertyFrameSections);
initialiseSection(new ObjectPropertySubPropertyOfListItemParser(), objectPropertyFrameSections);
initialiseSection(new ObjectPropertyEquivalentToListItemParser(), objectPropertyFrameSections);
initialiseSection(new ObjectPropertyDisjointWithListItemParser(), objectPropertyFrameSections);
initialiseSection(new ObjectPropertyDomainListItemParser(), objectPropertyFrameSections);
initialiseSection(new ObjectPropertyRangeListItemParser(), objectPropertyFrameSections);
initialiseSection(new ObjectPropertyInverseOfListItemParser(), objectPropertyFrameSections);
initialiseSection(new ObjectPropertyCharacteristicsItemParser(), objectPropertyFrameSections);
initialiseSection(new ObjectPropertySubPropertyChainListItemParser(), objectPropertyFrameSections);
// Extensions
initialiseSection(new ObjectPropertySuperPropertyOfListItemParser(), objectPropertyFrameSections);
private void initialiseDataPropertyFrameSections() {
initialiseSection(new DataPropertySubPropertyOfListItemParser(), dataPropertyFrameSections);
initialiseSection(new DataPropertyEquivalentToListItemParser(), dataPropertyFrameSections);
initialiseSection(new DataPropertyDisjointWithListItemParser(), dataPropertyFrameSections);
initialiseSection(new DataPropertyDomainListItemParser(), dataPropertyFrameSections);
initialiseSection(new DataPropertyRangeListItemParser(), dataPropertyFrameSections);
initialiseSection(new DataPropertyCharacteristicsItemParser(), dataPropertyFrameSections);
initialiseSection(new EntityAnnotationsListItemParser(), dataPropertyFrameSections);
private Map> annotationPropertyFrameSections = new HashMap>();
private void initialiseAnnotationPropertyFrameSections() {
initialiseSection(new AnnotationPropertySubPropertyOfListItemParser(), annotationPropertyFrameSections);
initialiseSection(new AnnotationPropertyDomainListItemParser(), annotationPropertyFrameSections);
initialiseSection(new AnnotationPropertyRangeListItemParser(), annotationPropertyFrameSections);
initialiseSection(new EntityAnnotationsListItemParser(), annotationPropertyFrameSections);
private Map> individualFrameSections = new HashMap>();
public void initialiseIndividualFrameSections() {
initialiseSection(new IndividualAnnotationItemParser(), individualFrameSections);
initialiseSection(new IndividualTypesItemParser(), individualFrameSections);
initialiseSection(new IndividualFactsItemParser(), individualFrameSections);
initialiseSection(new IndividualSameAsItemParser(), individualFrameSections);
initialiseSection(new IndividualDifferentFromItemParser(), individualFrameSections);
// Extensions
initialiseSection(new IndividualDifferentIndividualsItemParser(), individualFrameSections);
protected List getTokens() {
return tokens;
protected void reset() {
tokenIndex = 0;
public String getBase() {
return base;
public void setBase(String base) {
this.base = base;
public OWLEntityChecker getOWLEntityChecker() {
return owlEntityChecker;
public void setOWLEntityChecker(OWLEntityChecker owlEntityChecker) {
this.owlEntityChecker = owlEntityChecker;
public boolean isOntologyName(String name) {
return owlOntologyChecker.getOntology(name) != null;
public boolean isClassName(String name) {
return classNames.contains(name) || owlEntityChecker != null && owlEntityChecker.getOWLClass(name) != null;
public OWLOntology getOntology(String name) {
return owlOntologyChecker.getOntology(name);
public void setOWLOntologyChecker(OWLOntologyChecker owlOntologyChecker) {
this.owlOntologyChecker = owlOntologyChecker;
public boolean isObjectPropertyName(String name) {
return objectPropertyNames.contains(name) || owlEntityChecker != null && owlEntityChecker.getOWLObjectProperty(name) != null;
public boolean isAnnotationPropertyName(String name) {
return annotationPropertyNames.contains(name) || owlEntityChecker != null && owlEntityChecker.getOWLAnnotationProperty(name) != null;
public boolean isDataPropertyName(String name) {
return dataPropertyNames.contains(name) || owlEntityChecker != null && owlEntityChecker.getOWLDataProperty(name) != null;
public boolean isIndividualName(String name) {
return individualNames.contains(name) || owlEntityChecker != null && owlEntityChecker.getOWLIndividual(name) != null;
public boolean isDatatypeName(String name) {
return dataTypeNames.contains(name) || owlEntityChecker != null && owlEntityChecker.getOWLDatatype(name) != null;
public boolean isSWRLBuiltin(String name) {
return ruleBuiltIns.containsKey(name);
public OWLClass getOWLClass(String name) {
OWLClass cls = owlEntityChecker.getOWLClass(name);
if (cls == null && classNames.contains(name)) {
cls = dataFactory.getOWLClass(getIRI(name));
return cls;
public OWLObjectProperty getOWLObjectProperty(String name) {
OWLObjectProperty prop = owlEntityChecker.getOWLObjectProperty(name);
if (prop == null && objectPropertyNames.contains(name)) {
prop = dataFactory.getOWLObjectProperty(getIRI(name));
return prop;
public OWLIndividual getOWLIndividual(String name) {
if (name.startsWith("_:")) {
return dataFactory.getOWLAnonymousIndividual(name);
return getOWLNamedIndividual(name);
private OWLNamedIndividual getOWLNamedIndividual(String name) {
OWLNamedIndividual ind = owlEntityChecker.getOWLIndividual(name);
if (ind == null && individualNames.contains(name)) {
ind = dataFactory.getOWLNamedIndividual(getIRI(name));
return ind;
public OWLDataProperty getOWLDataProperty(String name) {
OWLDataProperty prop = owlEntityChecker.getOWLDataProperty(name);
if (prop == null && dataPropertyNames.contains(name)) {
prop = dataFactory.getOWLDataProperty(getIRI(name));
return prop;
public OWLDatatype getOWLDatatype(String name) {
OWLDatatype dt = owlEntityChecker.getOWLDatatype(name);
if (dt == null && dataTypeNames.contains(name)) {
dt = dataFactory.getOWLDatatype(getIRI(name));
return dt;
public OWLAnnotationProperty getOWLAnnotationProperty(String name) {
OWLAnnotationProperty prop = owlEntityChecker.getOWLAnnotationProperty(name);
if (prop == null && annotationPropertyNames.contains(name)) {
prop = dataFactory.getOWLAnnotationProperty(getIRI(name));
return prop;
protected ManchesterOWLSyntaxTokenizer.Token getLastToken() {
if (tokenIndex - 1 > -1) {
return tokens.get(tokenIndex - 1);
// return tokenIndex < tokens.size() ? tokens.get(tokenIndex) : tokens.get(tokens.size() - 1);
else {
return tokens.get(0);
protected String peekToken() {
return getToken().getToken();
// Tokenizer
protected String consumeToken() {
String token = getToken().getToken();
if (tokenIndex < tokens.size() - 1) {
return token;
protected void consumeToken(String expected) throws ParserException {
String tok = consumeToken();
if (!tok.equals(expected)) {
throw createException(expected);
public ManchesterOWLSyntaxTokenizer.Token getToken() {
return tokens.get((tokenIndex < tokens.size()) ? tokenIndex : tokenIndex - 1);
public int getTokenPos() {
return getToken().getPos();
public int getTokenCol() {
return getToken().getCol();
public int getTokenRow() {
return getToken().getRow();
// Parser
* Parses an OWL class expression that is represented in Manchester OWL Syntax
* @return The parsed class expression
* @throws ParserException If a class expression could not be parsed.
public OWLClassExpression parseClassExpression() throws ParserException {
OWLClassExpression desc = parseIntersection();
if (!consumeToken().equals(ManchesterOWLSyntaxTokenizer.EOF)) {
throw createException(ManchesterOWLSyntaxTokenizer.EOF);
return desc;
public OWLClassExpression parseIntersection() throws ParserException {
Set ops = new HashSet();
String kw = AND;
while (kw.equalsIgnoreCase(AND)) {
kw = peekToken();
if (kw.equalsIgnoreCase(AND)) {
kw = consumeToken();
else if (kw.equalsIgnoreCase("that")) {
kw = AND;
if (ops.size() == 1) {
return ops.iterator().next();
else {
return dataFactory.getOWLObjectIntersectionOf(ops);
public OWLClassExpression parseUnion() throws ParserException {
Set ops = new HashSet();
String kw = OR;
while (kw.equalsIgnoreCase(OR)) {
kw = peekToken();
if (kw.equalsIgnoreCase(OR)) {
kw = consumeToken();
if (ops.size() == 1) {
return ops.iterator().next();
else {
return dataFactory.getOWLObjectUnionOf(ops);
public OWLObjectPropertyExpression parseObjectPropertyExpression(boolean allowUndeclared) throws ParserException {
String tok = consumeToken();
if (tok.equalsIgnoreCase(INVERSE)) {
String open = peekToken();
boolean brackets = false;
if (open.equals("(")) {
brackets = true;
OWLObjectPropertyExpression prop = parseObjectPropertyExpression();
if (brackets) {
String close = consumeToken();
if (!close.equals(")")) {
throw createException(")");
return dataFactory.getOWLObjectInverseOf(prop);
else {
if (!allowUndeclared && !isObjectPropertyName(tok)) {
throw createException(false, true, false, false, false, false, INVERSE);
return getOWLObjectProperty(tok);
public OWLObjectPropertyExpression parseObjectPropertyExpression() throws ParserException {
return parseObjectPropertyExpression(false);
public OWLPropertyExpression,?> parsePropertyExpression() throws ParserException {
String tok = peekToken();
if (isObjectPropertyName(tok)) {
return parseObjectPropertyExpression();
else if (tok.equalsIgnoreCase(INVERSE)) {
return parseObjectPropertyExpression();
else if (isDataPropertyName(tok)) {
return parseDataProperty();
else {
throw createException(false, true, true, false, false, false, INVERSE);
public OWLClassExpression parseRestriction() throws ParserException {
String tok = peekToken();
if (isObjectPropertyName(tok) || tok.equalsIgnoreCase(INVERSE)) {
return parseObjectRestriction();
else if (isDataPropertyName(tok)) {
return parseDataRestriction();
else {
throw createException(false, true, true, false);
* Parses all class expressions except ObjectIntersectionOf and ObjectUnionOf
* @return The class expression which was parsed
* @throws ParserException if a non-nary class expression could not be parsed
public OWLClassExpression parseNonNaryClassExpression() throws ParserException {
String tok = peekToken();
if (tok.equalsIgnoreCase(NOT)) {
OWLClassExpression complemented = parseNestedClassExpression(false);
return dataFactory.getOWLObjectComplementOf(complemented);
else if (isObjectPropertyName(tok) || tok.equalsIgnoreCase(INVERSE)) {
return parseObjectRestriction();
else if (isDataPropertyName(tok)) {
// Data restriction
return parseDataRestriction();
else if (tok.equals("{")) {
return parseObjectOneOf();
else if (tok.equals("(")) {
return parseNestedClassExpression(false);
else if (isClassName(tok)) {
return getOWLClass(tok);
// Add option for strict class name checking
else {
throw createException(true, true, true, false, false, false, "(", "{", NOT, INVERSE);
public OWLClassExpression parseObjectRestriction() throws ParserException {
OWLObjectPropertyExpression prop = parseObjectPropertyExpression();
String kw = consumeToken();
if (kw.equalsIgnoreCase(SOME)) {
String possSelfToken = peekToken();
if (possSelfToken.equalsIgnoreCase(SELF)) {
return dataFactory.getOWLObjectHasSelf(prop);
else {
OWLClassExpression filler = null;
try {
filler = parseNestedClassExpression(false);
catch (ParserException e) {
Set keywords = new HashSet();
throw createException(e.isClassNameExpected(), e.isObjectPropertyNameExpected(), e.isDataPropertyNameExpected(), e.isIndividualNameExpected(), e.isDatatypeNameExpected(), e.isAnnotationPropertyNameExpected(), keywords.toArray(new String[keywords.size()]));
return dataFactory.getOWLObjectSomeValuesFrom(prop, filler);
else if (kw.equalsIgnoreCase(ONLY)) {
OWLClassExpression filler = parseNestedClassExpression(false);
return dataFactory.getOWLObjectAllValuesFrom(prop, filler);
else if (kw.equalsIgnoreCase(VALUE)) {
String indName = consumeToken();
if (!isIndividualName(indName)) {
throw createException(false, false, false, true);
return dataFactory.getOWLObjectHasValue(prop, getOWLIndividual(indName));
else if (kw.equalsIgnoreCase(MIN)) {
int card = parseInteger();
OWLClassExpression filler = parseNestedClassExpression(true);
if (filler != null) {
return dataFactory.getOWLObjectMinCardinality(card, prop, filler);
else {
return dataFactory.getOWLObjectMinCardinality(card, prop);
else if (kw.equalsIgnoreCase(MAX)) {
int card = parseInteger();
OWLClassExpression filler = parseNestedClassExpression(true);
if (filler != null) {
return dataFactory.getOWLObjectMaxCardinality(card, prop, filler);
else {
return dataFactory.getOWLObjectMaxCardinality(card, prop);
else if (kw.equalsIgnoreCase(EXACTLY)) {
int card = parseInteger();
OWLClassExpression filler = parseNestedClassExpression(true);
if (filler != null) {
return dataFactory.getOWLObjectExactCardinality(card, prop, filler);
else {
return dataFactory.getOWLObjectExactCardinality(card, prop);
else if (kw.equalsIgnoreCase(ONLYSOME)) {
String tok = peekToken();
Set descs = new HashSet();
if (!tok.equals("[")) {
else {
descs.addAll(parseClassExpressionList("[", "]"));
Set ops = new HashSet();
for (OWLClassExpression desc : descs) {
ops.add(dataFactory.getOWLObjectSomeValuesFrom(prop, desc));
OWLClassExpression filler;
if (descs.size() == 1) {
filler = descs.iterator().next();
else {
filler = dataFactory.getOWLObjectUnionOf(descs);
ops.add(dataFactory.getOWLObjectAllValuesFrom(prop, filler));
return dataFactory.getOWLObjectIntersectionOf(ops);
else if (kw.equalsIgnoreCase(SELF)) {
return dataFactory.getOWLObjectHasSelf(prop);
else {
// Error!
throw createException(SOME, ONLY, VALUE, MIN, MAX, EXACTLY, SELF);
public OWLClassExpression parseDataRestriction() throws ParserException {
OWLDataPropertyExpression prop = parseDataProperty();
String kw = consumeToken();
if (kw.equalsIgnoreCase(SOME)) {
OWLDataRange rng = parseDataRange();
if(rng==null) {
throw new ParserException(getTokenSequence(), getTokenPos(), getTokenRow(), getTokenCol(), true, false, false, false, true, false, Collections.emptySet());
// return dataFactory.getOWLDataSomeValuesFrom(prop, rng)
return dataFactory.getOWLDataSomeValuesFrom(prop, rng);
else if (kw.equalsIgnoreCase(ONLY)) {
OWLDataRange rng = parseDataRange();
return dataFactory.getOWLDataAllValuesFrom(prop, rng);
else if (kw.equalsIgnoreCase(VALUE)) {
OWLLiteral con = parseConstant();
return dataFactory.getOWLDataHasValue(prop, con);
else if (kw.equalsIgnoreCase(MIN)) {
int card = parseInteger();
OWLDataRange rng = parseDataRange();
if (rng != null) {
return dataFactory.getOWLDataMinCardinality(card, prop, rng);
else {
return dataFactory.getOWLDataMinCardinality(card, prop);
else if (kw.equalsIgnoreCase(EXACTLY)) {
int card = parseInteger();
OWLDataRange rng = parseDataRange();
if (rng != null) {
return dataFactory.getOWLDataExactCardinality(card, prop, rng);
else {
return dataFactory.getOWLDataExactCardinality(card, prop);
else if (kw.equalsIgnoreCase(MAX)) {
int card = parseInteger();
OWLDataRange rng = parseDataRange();
if (rng != null) {
return dataFactory.getOWLDataMaxCardinality(card, prop, rng);
else {
return dataFactory.getOWLDataMaxCardinality(card, prop);
throw createException(SOME, ONLY, VALUE, MIN, EXACTLY, MAX);
public OWLFacet parseFacet() throws ParserException {
String facet = consumeToken();
if (facet.equals(">")) {
if (peekToken().equals("=")) {
else {
else if (facet.equals("<")) {
if (peekToken().equals("=")) {
else {
return OWLFacet.getFacetBySymbolicName(facet);
public OWLDatatype parseDatatype() throws ParserException {
String name = consumeToken();
return getOWLDatatype(name);
public OWLDataRange parseDataRange() throws ParserException {
return parseDataIntersectionOf();
public OWLDataRange parseDataIntersectionOf() throws ParserException {
String sep = AND;
Set ranges = new HashSet();
while (sep.equals(AND)) {
sep = peekToken();
if (sep.equals(AND)) {
if (ranges.size() == 1) {
return ranges.iterator().next();
else {
return dataFactory.getOWLDataIntersectionOf(ranges);
public OWLDataRange parseDataUnionOf() throws ParserException {
String sep = OR;
Set ranges = new HashSet();
while (sep.equals(OR)) {
sep = peekToken();
if (sep.equals(OR)) {
if (ranges.size() == 1) {
return ranges.iterator().next();
else {
return dataFactory.getOWLDataUnionOf(ranges);
private OWLDataRange parseDataRangePrimary() throws ParserException {
String tok = peekToken();
if (isDatatypeName(tok)) {
OWLDatatype datatype = getOWLDatatype(tok);
String next = peekToken();
if (next.equals("[")) {
// Restricted data range
String sep = ",";
Set facetRestrictions = new HashSet();
while (sep.equals(",")) {
OWLFacet fv = parseFacet();
if (fv == null) {
throw createException(OWLFacet.getFacets().toArray(new String[OWLFacet.getFacetIRIs().size()]));
OWLLiteral con = parseConstant();
// if (!con.isRDFPlainLiteral()) {
// con = dataFactory.getOWLLiteral(con.getLiteral());
// }
facetRestrictions.add(dataFactory.getOWLFacetRestriction(fv, con));
sep = consumeToken();
if (!sep.equals("]")) {
throw createException("]");
return dataFactory.getOWLDatatypeRestriction(datatype, facetRestrictions);
else {
return datatype;
else if (tok.equalsIgnoreCase(NOT)) {
return parseDataComplementOf();
else if (tok.equals("{")) {
return parseDataOneOf();
else if (tok.equals("(")) {
OWLDataRange rng = parseDataRange();
return rng;
else if (!tok.equals(ManchesterOWLSyntaxTokenizer.EOF)) {
throw createException(false, false, false, false, true, false, NOT, "{");
return null;
public Set parseDataRangeList() throws ParserException {
String sep = ",";
Set ranges = new HashSet();
while (sep.equals(",")) {
OWLDataRange rng = parseDataRange();
sep = peekToken();
if (sep.equals(",")) {
return ranges;
private OWLDataRange parseDataOneOf() throws ParserException {
Set cons = new HashSet();
String sep = ",";
while (sep.equals(",")) {
OWLLiteral con = parseConstant();
sep = consumeToken();
if (!sep.equals("}")) {
throw createException(",", "}");
return dataFactory.getOWLDataOneOf(cons);
private OWLDataRange parseDataComplementOf() throws ParserException {
String not = consumeToken();
if (!not.equalsIgnoreCase(NOT)) {
throw createException(NOT);
OWLDataRange complementedDataRange = parseDataRangePrimary();
return dataFactory.getOWLDataComplementOf(complementedDataRange);
public OWLLiteral parseLiteral() throws ParserException {
String tok = consumeToken();
if (tok.startsWith("\"")) {
String lit = "";
if (tok.length() > 2) {
lit = tok.substring(1, tok.length() - 1);
if (peekToken().equals("^")) {
if (!peekToken().equals("^")) {
throw createException("^");
return dataFactory.getOWLLiteral(lit, parseDatatype());
else if (peekToken().startsWith("@")) {
// Plain literal with a language tag
String lang = consumeToken().substring(1);
return dataFactory.getOWLLiteral(lit, lang);
else {
// Plain literal without a language tag
return dataFactory.getOWLLiteral(lit, "");
else {
try {
int i = Integer.parseInt(tok);
return dataFactory.getOWLLiteral(tok, OWL2Datatype.XSD_INTEGER);
catch (NumberFormatException e) {
// Ignore - not interested
if (tok.endsWith("f")||tok.endsWith("F")) {
try {
// XXX this extra F might qualify as Float a Double INF/-INF
float f = Float.parseFloat(tok.replace("INF", "Infinity").replace("inf", "Infinity"));
return dataFactory.getOWLLiteral(Float.toString(f).replace("Infinity", "INF"), OWL2Datatype.XSD_FLOAT);
catch (NumberFormatException e) {
// Ignore - not interested
try {
double d = Double.parseDouble(tok);
return dataFactory.getOWLLiteral(tok, OWL2Datatype.XSD_DOUBLE);
catch (NumberFormatException e) {
// Ignore - not interested
if (tok.equals("true")) {
return dataFactory.getOWLLiteral(true);
else if (tok.equals("false")) {
return dataFactory.getOWLLiteral(false);
throw createException(false, false, false, false, false, false, "true", "false", "$integer$", "$float$", "$double$", "\"$Literal$\"", "\"$Literal$\"^^", "\"$Literal$\"@");
* @deprecated Use {@link #parseLiteral()} instead
public OWLLiteral parseConstant() throws ParserException {
return parseLiteral();
public int parseInteger() throws ParserException {
String i = consumeToken();
try {
return Integer.parseInt(i);
catch (NumberFormatException e) {
throw new ParserException(Arrays.asList(getToken().getToken()), getTokenPos(), getTokenRow(), true, getTokenCol());
public String getLineCol() {
return "Encountered " + getLastToken() + " at " + getTokenRow() + ":" + getTokenCol() + " ";
private OWLClassExpression parseNestedClassExpression(boolean lookaheadCheck) throws ParserException {
String tok = peekToken();
if (tok.equals("(")) {
OWLClassExpression desc = parseIntersection();
String closeBracket = consumeToken();
if (!closeBracket.equals(")")) {
// Error!
throw createException(")");
return desc;
else if (tok.equals("{")) {
return parseObjectOneOf();
else if (isClassName(tok)) {
String name = consumeToken();
return getOWLClass(name);
else if (!tok.equals(ManchesterOWLSyntaxTokenizer.EOF) || !lookaheadCheck) {
throw createException(true, false, false, false, false, false, "(", "{");
return null;
public OWLClassExpression parseObjectOneOf() throws ParserException {
String open = consumeToken();
if (!open.equals("{")) {
throw createException("{");
String sep = ",";
Set inds = new HashSet();
while (sep.equals(",")) {
OWLIndividual ind = parseIndividual();
sep = peekToken();
if (sep.equals(",")) {
String close = consumeToken();
if (!close.equals("}")) {
throw createException("}", ",");
return dataFactory.getOWLObjectOneOf(inds);
private void initialiseSection(AnnotatedListItemParser parser, Map> map, String ... synonyms) {
map.put(parser.getFrameSectionKeyword(), parser);
for(String syn : synonyms) {
map.put(syn, parser);
public Set parseFrames() throws ParserException {
Set axioms = new HashSet();
Set possible = new HashSet();
while (true) {
String tok = peekToken();
if (tok.equalsIgnoreCase(CLASS)) {
else if (tok.equalsIgnoreCase(OBJECT_PROPERTY)) {
else if (tok.equalsIgnoreCase(DATA_PROPERTY)) {
else if (tok.equalsIgnoreCase(ANNOTATION_PROPERTY)) {
possible.addAll(Arrays.asList(SUB_PROPERTY_OF, DOMAIN, RANGE));
else if (tok.equalsIgnoreCase(INDIVIDUAL)) {
possible.addAll(Arrays.asList(TYPES, FACTS, DIFFERENT_FROM, SAME_AS));
else if (tok.equalsIgnoreCase(DATATYPE)) {
else if (tok.equalsIgnoreCase(VALUE_PARTITION)) {
else if (tok.equalsIgnoreCase(RULE)) {
else {
if (tok.equals(ManchesterOWLSyntaxTokenizer.EOF)) {
else {
throw createException(possible.toArray(new String[possible.size()]));
return axioms;
public Set parseDatatypeFrame() throws ParserException {
String tok = consumeToken();
Set axioms = new HashSet();
if (!tok.equalsIgnoreCase(DATATYPE)) {
throw createException(DATATYPE);
String subj = consumeToken();
OWLDatatype datatype = getOWLDatatype(subj);
if (datatype == null) {
throw createException(false, false, false, false, true, false);
axioms.add(new OntologyAxiomPair(defaultOntology, dataFactory.getOWLDeclarationAxiom(datatype)));
while (true) {
String sect = peekToken();
if (sect.equalsIgnoreCase(EQUIVALENT_TO)) {
Set onts = getOntologies();
Set drs = parseDataRangeList();
for (OWLOntology ont : onts) {
for (OWLDataRange dr : drs) {
axioms.add(new OntologyAxiomPair(ont, dataFactory.getOWLDatatypeDefinitionAxiom(datatype, dr)));
else if (sect.equalsIgnoreCase(ANNOTATIONS)) {
else {
return axioms;
private void resetPossible(Set possible) {
public Set parseNaryEquivalentClasses() throws ParserException {
String tok = consumeToken();
if (!tok.equalsIgnoreCase(EQUIVALENT_CLASSES)) {
throw createException(EQUIVALENT_CLASSES);
Set ontologies = getOntologies();
String next = peekToken();
Set annotations;
if (next.equalsIgnoreCase(ANNOTATIONS)) {
annotations = parseAnnotationList();
else {
annotations = Collections.emptySet();
Set classExpressions = parseClassExpressionList(false);
Set pairs = new HashSet();
for (OWLOntology ont : ontologies) {
pairs.add(new OntologyAxiomPair(ont, dataFactory.getOWLEquivalentClassesAxiom(classExpressions, annotations)));
return pairs;
// this is necessary to avoid java 6 issues
public Set parseNaryEquivalentProperties() throws ParserException {
String tok = consumeToken();
if (!tok.equalsIgnoreCase(EQUIVALENT_PROPERTIES)) {
throw createException(EQUIVALENT_PROPERTIES);
Set ontologies = getOntologies();
String next = peekToken();
Set annotations;
if (next.equalsIgnoreCase(ANNOTATIONS)) {
annotations = parseAnnotationList();
else {
annotations = Collections.emptySet();
Set> properties = parsePropertyList();
OWLAxiom propertyAxiom;
if (properties.iterator().next().isObjectPropertyExpression()) {
Set ope = new HashSet();
for (OWLPropertyExpression pe : properties) {
ope.add((OWLObjectPropertyExpression) pe);
propertyAxiom = dataFactory.getOWLEquivalentObjectPropertiesAxiom(ope, annotations);
else {
Set dpe = new HashSet();
for (OWLPropertyExpression pe : properties) {
dpe.add((OWLDataPropertyExpression) pe);
propertyAxiom = dataFactory.getOWLEquivalentDataPropertiesAxiom(dpe, annotations);
Set pairs = new HashSet();
for (OWLOntology ont : ontologies) {
pairs.add(new OntologyAxiomPair(ont, propertyAxiom));
return pairs;
public Set parseAnnotations(OWLAnnotationSubject subject) throws ParserException {
String header = consumeToken();
if (!header.equals(ANNOTATIONS)) {
throw createException(ANNOTATIONS);
Set onts = getOntologies();
Set pairs = new HashSet();
// if (!isEmptyClassFrameSection()) {
Set annos = parseAnnotationList();
for (OWLOntology ont : onts) {
for (OWLAnnotation anno : annos) {
if (configuration.isLoadAnnotationAxioms()) {
OWLAnnotationAssertionAxiom ax = dataFactory.getOWLAnnotationAssertionAxiom(subject, anno);
pairs.add(new OntologyAxiomPair(ont, ax));
// }
return pairs;
private Set parseAnnotationList() throws ParserException {
String sep = ",";
Set annos = new HashSet();
while (sep.equals(",")) {
Set annoAnnos;
String nextToken = peekToken();
if(nextToken.equals(ANNOTATIONS)) {
annoAnnos = parseAnnotationList();
else {
annoAnnos = Collections.emptySet();
OWLAnnotation anno = parseAnnotation();
if (anno != null) {
anno = anno.getAnnotatedAnnotation(annoAnnos);
sep = peekToken();
if (sep.equals(",")) {
return annos;
private OWLAnnotation parseAnnotation() throws ParserException {
OWLAnnotationProperty annoProp = parseAnnotationProperty();
String obj = peekToken();
OWLAnnotation anno = null;
if (isIndividualName(obj) || isClassName(obj) || isObjectPropertyName(obj) || isDataPropertyName(obj)) {
OWLAnnotationValue value;
if(obj.startsWith("_:")) {
value = dataFactory.getOWLAnonymousIndividual(obj);
else {
value = getIRI(obj);
anno = dataFactory.getOWLAnnotation(annoProp, value);
else if (obj.startsWith("<")) {
IRI value = parseIRI();
anno = dataFactory.getOWLAnnotation(annoProp, value);
else {
OWLLiteral con = parseLiteral();
anno = dataFactory.getOWLAnnotation(annoProp, con);
return anno;
public Set parseClassFrame() throws ParserException {
return parseClassFrame(false);
public Set parseClassFrameEOF() throws ParserException {
return parseClassFrame(true);
private Set parseClassFrame(boolean eof) throws ParserException {
String tok = consumeToken();
Set axioms = new HashSet();
if (!tok.equalsIgnoreCase(CLASS)) {
throw createException(CLASS);
String subj = consumeToken();
OWLClass cls = getOWLClass(subj);
if (cls == null) {
throw createException(true, false, false, false);
axioms.add(new OntologyAxiomPair(defaultOntology, dataFactory.getOWLDeclarationAxiom(cls)));
parseFrameSections(eof, axioms, cls, classFrameSections);
return axioms;
private Set parseOntologyList() throws ParserException {
String sep = ",";
Set onts = new HashSet();
while (sep.equals(",")) {
String tok = consumeToken();
if (isOntologyName(tok)) {
OWLOntology ont = getOntology(tok);
if (ont != null) {
else {
throw createException(true);
sep = consumeToken();
if (sep.equals("]")) {
else if (!sep.equals(",")) {
throw createException(",", "]");
return onts;
private Set getOntologies() throws ParserException {
if (peekToken().equals("[")) {
return parseOntologyList();
else {
return Collections.singleton(defaultOntology);
public void setDefaultOntology(OWLOntology defaultOntology) {
this.defaultOntology = defaultOntology;
private boolean isEmptyFrameSection(Map parsers) {
if (!allowEmptyFrameSections) {
return false;
String next = peekToken();
return !next.equals(ANNOTATIONS) && (parsers.containsKey(next) || next.equals(ManchesterOWLSyntaxTokenizer.EOF));
private boolean isClassFrameSection(String token) {
return classFrameSections.containsKey(token);
private void parseFrameSections(boolean eof, Set axioms, F frameSubject, Map> sectionParsers) throws ParserException{
while(true) {
String sect = peekToken();
AnnotatedListItemParser parser = sectionParsers.get(sect);
if(parser != null) {
Set onts = getOntologies();
if (!isEmptyFrameSection(sectionParsers)) {
axioms.addAll(parseAnnotatedListItems(frameSubject, parser, onts));
else if(eof && !ManchesterOWLSyntaxTokenizer.EOF.equals(sect)) {
List expected = new ArrayList();
if(frameSubject instanceof OWLAnnotationSubject || frameSubject instanceof OWLEntity) {
throw createException(expected.toArray(new String [expected.size()]));
else {
public Set parseObjectPropertyFrame() throws ParserException {
return parseObjectPropertyFrame(false);
public Set parseObjectPropertyFrame(boolean eof) throws ParserException {
Set axioms = new HashSet();
String token = consumeToken();
OWLObjectProperty prop = getOWLObjectProperty(token);
if (prop == null) {
throw createException(false, true, false, false);
if (!prop.isAnonymous()) {
axioms.add(new OntologyAxiomPair(defaultOntology, dataFactory.getOWLDeclarationAxiom(prop.asOWLObjectProperty())));
parseFrameSections(eof, axioms, prop, objectPropertyFrameSections);
return axioms;
public Set parseDataPropertyFrame() throws ParserException {
Set axioms = new HashSet();
String tok = consumeToken();
if (!tok.equalsIgnoreCase(DATA_PROPERTY)) {
throw createException(DATA_PROPERTY);
String subj = consumeToken();
OWLDataProperty prop = getOWLDataProperty(subj);
if (prop == null) {
throw createException(false, false, true, false);
parseFrameSections(false, axioms, prop, dataPropertyFrameSections);
return axioms;
public Set parseAnnotationPropertyFrame() throws ParserException {
Set axioms = new HashSet();
String tok = consumeToken();
if (!tok.equalsIgnoreCase(ANNOTATION_PROPERTY)) {
throw createException(ANNOTATION_PROPERTY);
String subj = consumeToken();
OWLAnnotationProperty prop = getOWLAnnotationProperty(subj);
for (OWLOntology ont : getOntologies()) {
axioms.add(new OntologyAxiomPair(ont, dataFactory.getOWLDeclarationAxiom(prop)));
if (prop == null) {
throw createException(false, false, true, false);
parseFrameSections(false, axioms, prop, annotationPropertyFrameSections);
return axioms;
public Set parseIndividualFrame() throws ParserException {
String tok = consumeToken();
Set axioms = new HashSet();
if (!tok.equalsIgnoreCase(INDIVIDUAL)) {
throw createException(INDIVIDUAL);
String subj = consumeToken();
OWLIndividual ind = getOWLIndividual(subj);
if (ind == null) {
throw createException(false, false, false, true);
if (!ind.isAnonymous()) {
axioms.add(new OntologyAxiomPair(getOntology(null), dataFactory.getOWLDeclarationAxiom(ind.asOWLNamedIndividual())));
parseFrameSections(false, axioms, ind, individualFrameSections);
return axioms;
private OWLPropertyAssertionAxiom,?> parseFact(OWLIndividual ind) throws ParserException {
boolean negative = false;
if (peekToken().equals(NOT)) {
negative = true;
String prop = peekToken();
if (isDataPropertyName(prop)) {
OWLDataProperty p = parseDataProperty();
OWLLiteral con = parseConstant();
if (!negative) {
return dataFactory.getOWLDataPropertyAssertionAxiom(p, ind, con);
else {
return dataFactory.getOWLNegativeDataPropertyAssertionAxiom(p, ind, con);
else if (isObjectPropertyName(prop)) {
OWLObjectPropertyExpression p = parseObjectPropertyExpression();
OWLIndividual obj = parseIndividual();
if (!negative) {
return dataFactory.getOWLObjectPropertyAssertionAxiom(p, ind, obj);
else {
return dataFactory.getOWLNegativeObjectPropertyAssertionAxiom(p, ind, obj);
else {
throw createException(false, true, true, false, false, false);
public Set parseValuePartitionFrame() throws ParserException {
String section = consumeToken();
if (!section.equalsIgnoreCase(VALUE_PARTITION)) {
throw createException(VALUE_PARTITION);
Set onts = getOntologies();
OWLObjectPropertyExpression prop = parseObjectPropertyExpression();
String clsName = consumeToken();
if (clsName.equals(ManchesterOWLSyntaxTokenizer.EOF)) {
throw createException(false, true, false, false, false, false);
OWLClass cls = getOWLClass(clsName);
if (cls == null) {
throw createException(true, false, false, false);
Set axioms = new HashSet();
axioms.addAll(parseValuePartitionValues(onts, cls));
for (OWLOntology ont : onts) {
axioms.add(new OntologyAxiomPair(ont, dataFactory.getOWLFunctionalObjectPropertyAxiom(prop)));
axioms.add(new OntologyAxiomPair(ont, dataFactory.getOWLObjectPropertyRangeAxiom(prop, cls)));
return axioms;
public Set parseValuePartitionValues(Set onts, OWLClass superclass) throws ParserException {
Set axioms = new HashSet();
Set siblings = new HashSet();
String sep = ",";
while (sep.equals(",")) {
String clsName = consumeToken();
OWLClass cls = getOWLClass(clsName);
if (cls == null) {
throw createException(true, false, false, false);
OWLSubClassOfAxiom ax = dataFactory.getOWLSubClassOfAxiom(cls, superclass);
for (OWLOntology ont : onts) {
axioms.add(new OntologyAxiomPair(ont, ax));
if (peekToken().equals("[")) {
axioms.addAll(parseValuePartitionValues(onts, cls));
sep = peekToken();
if (sep.equals(",")) {
OWLAxiom ax = dataFactory.getOWLDisjointClassesAxiom(siblings);
for (OWLOntology ont : onts) {
axioms.add(new OntologyAxiomPair(ont, ax));
return axioms;
public Set parseRuleFrame() throws ParserException {
String section = consumeToken();
if (!section.equalsIgnoreCase(RULE)) {
throw createException(RULE);
Set ontologies = getOntologies();
List body = parseRuleAtoms();
String tok = consumeToken();
if (!tok.equals("-")) {
throw createException("-", ",");
List head = parseRuleAtoms();
SWRLRule rule = dataFactory.getSWRLRule(new LinkedHashSet(body), new LinkedHashSet(head));
Set pairs = new HashSet();
for (OWLOntology ont : ontologies) {
pairs.add(new OntologyAxiomPair(ont, rule));
return pairs;
public List parseRuleAtoms() throws ParserException {
String sep = ",";
List atoms = new ArrayList();
while (sep.equals(",")) {
SWRLAtom atom = parseRuleAtom();
sep = peekToken();
if (sep.equals(",")) {
return atoms;
public SWRLAtom parseRuleAtom() throws ParserException {
String predicate = peekToken();
if (isClassName(predicate)) {
return parseClassAtom();
else if(predicate.equals("(")) {
return parseClassAtom();
else if (isObjectPropertyName(predicate)) {
return parseObjectPropertyAtom();
else if (isDataPropertyName(predicate)) {
return parseDataPropertyAtom();
else if (predicate.equals(ManchesterOWLSyntax.DIFFERENT_FROM.toString())) {
return parseDifferentFromAtom();
else if (predicate.equals(ManchesterOWLSyntax.SAME_AS.toString())) {
return parseSameAsAtom();
else if (isSWRLBuiltin(predicate) || predicate.startsWith("<")) {
return parseBuiltInAtom();
else {
Set kw = new TreeSet();
throw createException(true, true, true, false, false, false, kw.toArray(new String[ruleBuiltIns.size()]));
public SWRLAtom parseDataPropertyAtom() throws ParserException {
String predicate = consumeToken();
if (!isDataPropertyName(predicate)) {
throw createException(false, false, true, false);
SWRLIArgument obj1 = parseIObject();
SWRLDArgument obj2 = parseDObject();
return dataFactory.getSWRLDataPropertyAtom(getOWLDataProperty(predicate), obj1, obj2);
public SWRLAtom parseObjectPropertyAtom() throws ParserException {
String predicate = consumeToken();
if (!isObjectPropertyName(predicate)) {
throw createException(false, true, false, false);
SWRLIArgument obj1 = parseIObject();
SWRLIArgument obj2 = parseIObject();
return dataFactory.getSWRLObjectPropertyAtom(getOWLObjectProperty(predicate), obj1, obj2);
public SWRLAtom parseClassAtom() throws ParserException {
OWLClassExpression predicate = parseIntersection();
// String predicate = consumeToken();
// if (!isClassName(predicate)) {
// throw createException(true, false, false, false);
// }
SWRLIArgument obj = parseIObject();
return dataFactory.getSWRLClassAtom(predicate, obj);
public SWRLDifferentIndividualsAtom parseDifferentFromAtom() throws ParserException {
SWRLIArgument obj1 = parseIObject();
SWRLIArgument obj2 = parseIObject();
return dataFactory.getSWRLDifferentIndividualsAtom(obj1, obj2);
public SWRLSameIndividualAtom parseSameAsAtom() throws ParserException {
SWRLIArgument obj1 = parseIObject();
SWRLIArgument obj2 = parseIObject();
return dataFactory.getSWRLSameIndividualAtom(obj1, obj2);
public SWRLIArgument parseIObject() throws ParserException {
String s = peekToken();
if (isIndividualName(s)) {
return parseIIndividualObject();
else if (s.equals("?")) {
return parseIVariable();
else {
throw createException(false, false, false, true, false, false, "?$var$");
public IRI getVariableIRI(String var) {
if (var.startsWith("<") || var.endsWith(">")) {
return IRI.create(var.substring(1, var.length() - 1));
else {
return IRI.create(base + var);
public SWRLVariable parseIVariable() throws ParserException {
IRI var = parseVariable();
return dataFactory.getSWRLVariable(var);
public SWRLIndividualArgument parseIIndividualObject() throws ParserException {
OWLIndividual ind = parseIndividual();
return dataFactory.getSWRLIndividualArgument(ind);
public IRI parseVariable() throws ParserException {
return parseIRI();
public SWRLDArgument parseDObject() throws ParserException {
String s = peekToken();
if (s.equals("?")) {
return parseDVariable();
else {
try {
return parseLiteralObject();
catch (ParserException e) {
Set kw = new HashSet(e.getExpectedKeywords());
throw new ParserException(e.getTokenSequence(), e.getStartPos(), e.getLineNumber(), e.getColumnNumber(), e.isClassNameExpected(), e.isObjectPropertyNameExpected(), e.isDataPropertyNameExpected(), e.isIndividualNameExpected(), e.isDatatypeNameExpected(), e.isAnnotationPropertyNameExpected(), kw);
public SWRLVariable parseDVariable() throws ParserException {
IRI var = parseVariable();
return dataFactory.getSWRLVariable(var);
public SWRLLiteralArgument parseLiteralObject() throws ParserException {
OWLLiteral lit = parseLiteral();
return dataFactory.getSWRLLiteralArgument(lit);
public SWRLBuiltInAtom parseBuiltInAtom() throws ParserException {
String predicate = consumeToken();
SWRLBuiltInsVocabulary v = null;
IRI iri = null;
if (!ruleBuiltIns.containsKey(predicate)) {
iri = getIRI(predicate);
else {
v = ruleBuiltIns.get(predicate);
iri = v.getIRI();
List args = new ArrayList();
if (v != null && v.getMaxArity() >= 0) {
// We know the arity!
for (int i = 0; i < v.getMaxArity(); i++) {
SWRLDArgument obj = parseDObject();
// parse at least the minumum arity
if (i < v.getMinArity() - 1) {
else if (i < v.getMaxArity() - 1) {
if (peekToken().equals(",")) {
else {
else {
// Unknown arity so just parse as many arguments as we can
String sep = ",";
while (sep.equals(",")) {
SWRLDArgument arg = parseDObject();
sep = peekToken();
if (sep.equals(",")) {
return dataFactory.getSWRLBuiltInAtom(iri, args);
public Set parseDisjointClasses() throws ParserException {
String section = consumeToken();
if (!section.equalsIgnoreCase(DISJOINT_CLASSES)) {
throw createException(DISJOINT_CLASSES);
Set ontologies = getOntologies();
Set annotations;
if (peekToken().equals(ANNOTATIONS)) {
annotations = parseAnnotationList();
else {
annotations = Collections.emptySet();
Set classExpressions = parseClassExpressionList(false);
Set pairs = new HashSet();
for (OWLOntology ont : ontologies) {
pairs.add(new OntologyAxiomPair(ont, dataFactory.getOWLDisjointClassesAxiom(classExpressions, annotations)));
return pairs;
public Set parseSameIndividual() throws ParserException {
String section = consumeToken();
if (!section.equalsIgnoreCase(SAME_INDIVIDUAL)) {
throw createException(SAME_INDIVIDUAL);
Set individuals = parseIndividualList();
Set ontologies = getOntologies();
Set annotations;
if (peekToken().equals(ANNOTATIONS)) {
annotations = parseAnnotationList();
else {
annotations = Collections.emptySet();
Set pairs = new HashSet();
for (OWLOntology ont : ontologies) {
pairs.add(new OntologyAxiomPair(ont, dataFactory.getOWLSameIndividualAxiom(individuals, annotations)));
return pairs;
// this is necessary to avoid java 6 issues
public Set parseDisjointProperties() throws ParserException {
String section = consumeToken();
if (!section.equalsIgnoreCase(DISJOINT_PROPERTIES)) {
throw createException(DISJOINT_PROPERTIES);
Set ontologies = getOntologies();
Set annotations;
if (peekToken().equalsIgnoreCase(ANNOTATIONS)) {
annotations = parseAnnotationList();
else {
annotations = Collections.emptySet();
Set> props = parsePropertyList();
Set pairs = new HashSet();
OWLAxiom propertiesAxiom;
if (props.iterator().next().isObjectPropertyExpression()) {
Set ope = new HashSet();
for (OWLPropertyExpression pe : props) {
ope.add((OWLObjectPropertyExpression) pe);
propertiesAxiom = dataFactory.getOWLDisjointObjectPropertiesAxiom(ope, annotations);
else {
Set dpe = new HashSet();
for (OWLPropertyExpression pe : props) {
dpe.add((OWLDataPropertyExpression) pe);
propertiesAxiom = dataFactory.getOWLDisjointDataPropertiesAxiom(dpe, annotations);
for (OWLOntology ont : ontologies) {
pairs.add(new OntologyAxiomPair(ont, propertiesAxiom));
return pairs;
// public Set parseDisjointDataProperties() throws ParserException {
// String section = consumeToken();
// if (!section.equalsIgnoreCase(DISJOINT_PROPERTIES)) {
// throw createException(DISJOINT_PROPERTIES);
// }
// Set ontologies = getOntologies();
// Set annotations;
// if(peekToken().equalsIgnoreCase(ANNOTATIONS)) {
// consumeToken();
// annotations = parseAnnotationList();
// }
// else {
// annotations = Collections.emptySet();
// }
// Set props = parseDataPropertyList();
// Set pairs = new HashSet();
// for(OWLOntology ont : ontologies) {
// pairs.add(new OntologyAxiomPair(ont, dataFactory.getOWLDisjointDataPropertiesAxiom(props, annotations)));
// }
// return pairs;
// }
public Set parseDifferentIndividuals() throws ParserException {
String section = consumeToken();
if (!section.equalsIgnoreCase(DIFFERENT_INDIVIDUALS)) {
throw createException(DIFFERENT_INDIVIDUALS);
Set ontologies = getOntologies();
Set annotations;
if (peekToken().equalsIgnoreCase(ANNOTATIONS)) {
annotations = parseAnnotationList();
else {
annotations = Collections.emptySet();
Set individuals = parseIndividualList();
Set pairs = new HashSet();
for (OWLOntology ontology : ontologies) {
pairs.add(new OntologyAxiomPair(ontology, dataFactory.getOWLDifferentIndividualsAxiom(individuals, annotations)));
return pairs;
public Set parseObjectPropertyCharacteristicList(OWLObjectPropertyExpression prop) throws ParserException {
Set axioms = new HashSet();
String sep = ",";
while (sep.equals(",")) {
String next = peekToken();
Set annos;
if (next.equals(ANNOTATIONS)) {
annos = parseAnnotationList();
else {
annos = Collections.emptySet();
sep = peekToken();
if (sep.equals(",")) {
sep = consumeToken();
return axioms;
private OWLObjectPropertyCharacteristicAxiom parseObjectPropertyCharacteristic(OWLObjectPropertyExpression prop) throws ParserException {
String characteristic = consumeToken();
if (characteristic.equalsIgnoreCase(FUNCTIONAL)) {
return dataFactory.getOWLFunctionalObjectPropertyAxiom(prop);
else if (characteristic.equalsIgnoreCase(INVERSE_FUNCTIONAL)) {
return dataFactory.getOWLInverseFunctionalObjectPropertyAxiom(prop);
else if (characteristic.equalsIgnoreCase(SYMMETRIC)) {
return dataFactory.getOWLSymmetricObjectPropertyAxiom(prop);
else if (characteristic.equalsIgnoreCase(ANTI_SYMMETRIC) || characteristic.equalsIgnoreCase(ASYMMETRIC)) {
return dataFactory.getOWLAsymmetricObjectPropertyAxiom(prop);
else if (characteristic.equalsIgnoreCase(TRANSITIVE)) {
return dataFactory.getOWLTransitiveObjectPropertyAxiom(prop);
else if (characteristic.equalsIgnoreCase(REFLEXIVE)) {
return dataFactory.getOWLReflexiveObjectPropertyAxiom(prop);
else if (characteristic.equalsIgnoreCase(IRREFLEXIVE)) {
return dataFactory.getOWLIrreflexiveObjectPropertyAxiom(prop);
else {
private OWLDataPropertyCharacteristicAxiom parseDataPropertyCharacteristic(OWLDataPropertyExpression prop) throws ParserException {
String characteristic = consumeToken();
if (characteristic.equalsIgnoreCase(FUNCTIONAL)) {
return dataFactory.getOWLFunctionalDataPropertyAxiom(prop);
else {
throw createException(FUNCTIONAL);
public Map>> parseAnnotatedClassExpressionList() throws ParserException {
Map>> descs = new HashMap>>();
String sep = ",";
while (sep.equals(",")) {
String next = peekToken();
Set annos;
if (next.equals(ANNOTATIONS)) {
annos = parseAnnotationList();
else {
annos = Collections.emptySet();
OWLClassExpression classExpression = parseIntersection();
Set> annosSet = descs.get(classExpression);
if(annosSet == null) {
annosSet = new HashSet>();
descs.put(classExpression, annosSet);
sep = peekToken();
if (sep.equals(",")) {
sep = consumeToken();
return descs;
public Set parseClassExpressionList(boolean allowAnnotations) throws ParserException {
Set descs = new HashSet();
String sep = ",";
while (sep.equals(",")) {
String next = peekToken();
if (next.equals(ANNOTATIONS)) {
Set annos = parseAnnotationList();
sep = peekToken();
if (sep.equals(",")) {
sep = consumeToken();
return descs;
public Set parseClassExpressionList(String expectedOpen, String expectedClose) throws ParserException {
String open = consumeToken();
Set descs = new HashSet();
if (!open.equals(expectedOpen)) {
throw createException(expectedOpen);
String sep = ",";
while (sep.equals(",")) {
OWLClassExpression desc = parseIntersection();
sep = peekToken();
if (sep.equals(",")) {
sep = consumeToken();
String close = consumeToken();
if (!close.equals(expectedClose)) {
throw createException(expectedClose);
return descs;
public Set parseDataPropertyList() throws ParserException {
Set props = new HashSet();
String sep = ",";
while (sep.equals(",")) {
OWLDataProperty prop = parseDataProperty();
sep = peekToken();
if (sep.equals(",")) {
return props;
public Map> parseAnnotatedDataPropertyList() throws ParserException {
Map> props = new HashMap>();
String sep = ",";
while (sep.equals(",")) {
String next = peekToken();
Set annos;
if (next.equals(ANNOTATIONS)) {
annos = parseAnnotationList();
else {
annos = Collections.emptySet();
OWLDataProperty prop = parseDataProperty();
props.put(prop, annos);
sep = peekToken();
if (sep.equals(",")) {
return props;
public Set parseAnnotationPropertyList() throws ParserException {
Set props = new HashSet();
String sep = ",";
while (sep.equals(",")) {
sep = peekToken();
OWLAnnotationProperty prop = parseAnnotationProperty();
if (sep.equals(",")) {
return props;
public Map, Set> parseAnnotatedPropertyList() throws ParserException {
Map, Set> props = new HashMap, Set>();
String sep = ",";
while (sep.equals(",")) {
String next = peekToken();
Set annos;
if (next.equals(ANNOTATIONS)) {
annos = parseAnnotationList();
else {
annos = Collections.emptySet();
OWLPropertyExpression,?> prop = parsePropertyExpression();
props.put(prop, annos);
sep = peekToken();
if (sep.equals(",")) {
return props;
public Set> parsePropertyList() throws ParserException {
Set> props = new HashSet>();
String sep = ",";
while (sep.equals(",")) {
OWLPropertyExpression,?> prop = parsePropertyExpression();
sep = peekToken();
if (sep.equals(",")) {
return props;
public Set parseObjectPropertyList() throws ParserException {
Set props = new HashSet();
String sep = ",";
while (sep.equals(",")) {
OWLObjectPropertyExpression prop = parseObjectPropertyExpression();
sep = peekToken();
if (sep.equals(",")) {
return props;
public Map> parseAnnotatedObjectPropertyList() throws ParserException {
Map> props = new HashMap>();
String sep = ",";
while (sep.equals(",")) {
String next = peekToken();
Set annos;
if (next.equals(ANNOTATIONS)) {
annos = parseAnnotationList();
else {
annos = Collections.emptySet();
OWLObjectPropertyExpression prop = parseObjectPropertyExpression();
props.put(prop, annos);
sep = peekToken();
if (sep.equals(",")) {
return props;
public Set parseIndividualList() throws ParserException {
Set inds = new HashSet();
String sep = ",";
while (sep.equals(",")) {
sep = peekToken();
if (sep.equals(",")) {
return inds;
public List parseObjectPropertyChain() throws ParserException {
String delim = "o";
List properties = new ArrayList();
while (delim.equals("o")) {
OWLObjectPropertyExpression prop = parseObjectPropertyExpression();
delim = peekToken();
if (delim.equals("o")) {
return properties;
public OWLSubPropertyChainOfAxiom parsePropertyChainSubPropertyAxiom() throws ParserException {
// Chain followed by subPropertyOf
List props = parseObjectPropertyChain();
String imp = consumeToken() + consumeToken();
if (!imp.equals("->")) {
throw createException("->", "o");
OWLObjectPropertyExpression superProp = parseObjectPropertyExpression();
return dataFactory.getOWLSubPropertyChainOfAxiom(props, superProp);
public OWLClassAxiom parseClassAxiom() throws ParserException {
OWLClassExpression lhs = parseIntersection();
// subClassOf
String kw = consumeToken();
if (kw.equalsIgnoreCase(ManchesterOWLSyntax.SUBCLASS_OF.toString())) {
OWLClassExpression rhs = parseIntersection();
return dataFactory.getOWLSubClassOfAxiom(lhs, rhs);
else if (kw.equalsIgnoreCase(ManchesterOWLSyntax.EQUIVALENT_TO.toString())) {
OWLClassExpression rhs = parseIntersection();
return dataFactory.getOWLEquivalentClassesAxiom(lhs, rhs);
else if (kw.equalsIgnoreCase(ManchesterOWLSyntax.DISJOINT_WITH.toString())) {
OWLClassExpression rhs = parseIntersection();
return dataFactory.getOWLDisjointClassesAxiom(lhs, rhs);
throw createException(ManchesterOWLSyntax.SUBCLASS_OF.toString(), ManchesterOWLSyntax.EQUIVALENT_TO.toString(), ManchesterOWLSyntax.DISJOINT_WITH.toString());
public OWLObjectPropertyAxiom parseObjectPropertyAxiom() throws ParserException {
String tok = peekToken();
if (tok.equals(ManchesterOWLSyntax.FUNCTIONAL.toString())) {
String open = consumeToken();
if (!open.equals("(")) {
throw createException("(");
OWLObjectPropertyExpression prop = parseObjectPropertyExpression();
String close = consumeToken();
if (!close.equals(")")) {
throw createException(")");
return dataFactory.getOWLFunctionalObjectPropertyAxiom(prop);
else if (tok.equals(ManchesterOWLSyntax.INVERSE_FUNCTIONAL.toString())) {
String open = consumeToken();
if (!open.equals("(")) {
throw createException("(");
OWLObjectPropertyExpression prop = parseObjectPropertyExpression();
String close = consumeToken();
if (!close.equals(")")) {
throw createException(")");
return dataFactory.getOWLInverseFunctionalObjectPropertyAxiom(prop);
else if (tok.equals(ManchesterOWLSyntax.TRANSITIVE.toString())) {
String open = consumeToken();
if (!open.equals("(")) {
throw createException("(");
OWLObjectPropertyExpression prop = parseObjectPropertyExpression();
String close = consumeToken();
if (!close.equals(")")) {
throw createException(")");
return dataFactory.getOWLTransitiveObjectPropertyAxiom(prop);
else if (tok.equals(ManchesterOWLSyntax.SYMMETRIC.toString())) {
String open = consumeToken();
if (!open.equals("(")) {
throw createException("(");
OWLObjectPropertyExpression prop = parseObjectPropertyExpression();
String close = consumeToken();
if (!close.equals(")")) {
throw createException(")");
return dataFactory.getOWLSymmetricObjectPropertyAxiom(prop);
else if (tok.equals(ManchesterOWLSyntax.REFLEXIVE.toString())) {
String open = consumeToken();
if (!open.equals("(")) {
throw createException("(");
OWLObjectPropertyExpression prop = parseObjectPropertyExpression();
String close = consumeToken();
if (!close.equals(")")) {
throw createException(")");
return dataFactory.getOWLReflexiveObjectPropertyAxiom(prop);
else if (tok.equals(ManchesterOWLSyntax.IRREFLEXIVE.toString())) {
String open = consumeToken();
if (!open.equals("(")) {
throw createException("(");
OWLObjectPropertyExpression prop = parseObjectPropertyExpression();
String close = consumeToken();
if (!close.equals(")")) {
throw createException(")");
return dataFactory.getOWLIrreflexiveObjectPropertyAxiom(prop);
else if (tok.equals(ManchesterOWLSyntax.ASYMMETRIC.toString())) {
String open = consumeToken();
if (!open.equals("(")) {
throw createException("(");
OWLObjectPropertyExpression prop = parseObjectPropertyExpression();
String close = consumeToken();
if (!close.equals(")")) {
throw createException(")");
return dataFactory.getOWLAsymmetricObjectPropertyAxiom(prop);
return null;
public OWLIndividual parseIndividual() throws ParserException {
String name = consumeToken();
if (!isIndividualName(name) && !name.startsWith("_:")) {
throw createException(false, false, false, true);
return getOWLIndividual(name);
public OWLIndividual parseIndividual(boolean defined) throws ParserException {
String name = consumeToken();
if (defined && !isIndividualName(name)) {
throw createException(false, false, false, true);
return getOWLIndividual(name);
public OWLDataProperty parseDataProperty() throws ParserException {
String name = consumeToken();
if (!isDataPropertyName(name)) {
throw createException(false, false, true, false);
return getOWLDataProperty(name);
public OWLAnnotationProperty parseAnnotationProperty() throws ParserException {
String name = consumeToken();
if (!isAnnotationPropertyName(name)) {
throw createException(false, false, false, false, false, true);
return getOWLAnnotationProperty(name);
public Map parsePrefixDeclaration() throws ParserException {
Map map = new HashMap(2);
String prefixName = consumeToken();
// Handle legacy = character if necessart
String delim = peekToken();
if (delim.equals("=")) {
// Legacy
IRI iri = parseIRI();
map.put(prefixName, iri);
return map;
public OWLImportsDeclaration parseImportsDeclaration(OWLOntology ont) throws ParserException {
IRI importedOntologyIRI = parseIRI();
return dataFactory.getOWLImportsDeclaration(importedOntologyIRI);
public IRI parseIRI() throws ParserException {
String iriString = consumeToken();
if (!(iriString.startsWith("<") && iriString.endsWith(">"))) {
throw createException("<$IRI$>");
return IRI.create(iriString.substring(1, iriString.length() - 1));
public Set parseNameList() throws ParserException {
String sep = ",";
Set iris = new HashSet();
while (sep.equals(",")) {
String token = peekToken();
if (isClassName(token)) {
else if (isObjectPropertyName(token)) {
else if (isDataPropertyName(token)) {
else if (isIndividualName(token)) {
else if (isAnnotationPropertyName(token)) {
else if (isDatatypeName(token)) {
else if (isOntologyName(token)) {
else if (token.equals("<")) {
IRI iri = parseIRI();
else {
throw createException(true, true, true, true, true, true, "<$URI$>");
sep = peekToken();
if (sep.equals(",")) {
return iris;
private void processDeclaredEntities() {
for (int i = 0; i < tokens.size(); i++) {
ManchesterOWLSyntaxTokenizer.Token tok = tokens.get(i);
if (tok.getToken().equalsIgnoreCase(CLASS)) {
if (i + 1 < tokens.size()) {
classNames.add(tokens.get(i + 1).getToken());
else if (tok.getToken().equalsIgnoreCase(OBJECT_PROPERTY)) {
if (i + 1 < tokens.size()) {
objectPropertyNames.add(tokens.get(i + 1).getToken());
else if (tok.getToken().equalsIgnoreCase(DATA_PROPERTY)) {
if (i + 1 < tokens.size()) {
dataPropertyNames.add(tokens.get(i + 1).getToken());
else if (tok.getToken().equalsIgnoreCase(INDIVIDUAL)) {
if (i + 1 < tokens.size()) {
individualNames.add(tokens.get(i + 1).getToken());
else if (tok.getToken().equalsIgnoreCase(DATATYPE)) {
if (i + 1 < tokens.size()) {
dataTypeNames.add(tokens.get(i + 1).getToken());
else if (tok.getToken().equalsIgnoreCase(ANNOTATION_PROPERTY)) {
if (i + 1 < tokens.size()) {
annotationPropertyNames.add(tokens.get(i + 1).getToken());
else if (tok.getToken().equalsIgnoreCase(VALUE_PARTITION)) {
if (i + 1 < tokens.size()) {
objectPropertyNames.add(tokens.get(i + 1).getToken());
if (i + 2 < tokens.size()) {
classNames.add(tokens.get(i + 2).getToken());
private static void addNamesToSet(String buffer, String sectionName, Set names) {
Pattern p = Pattern.compile("(" + sectionName + "\\s*)(\\S*)");
Matcher matcher = p.matcher(buffer);
while (matcher.find()) {
public ManchesterOWLSyntaxOntologyFormat parseOntology(OWLOntologyManager manager, OWLOntology ont) throws ParserException, UnloadableImportException {
return parseOntology(ont);
public ManchesterOWLSyntaxOntologyFormat parseOntology(OWLOntology ont) throws ParserException, UnloadableImportException {
Set axioms = new HashSet();
OWLOntologyID ontologyID = new OWLOntologyID();
Set imports = new HashSet