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com.google.common.collect.MinMaxPriorityQueue$QueueIterator.class Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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;com/google/common/collect/MinMaxPriorityQueue$QueueIterator 2(Lcom/google/common/collect/MinMaxPriorityQueue;)V
this$0 /Lcom/google/common/collect/MinMaxPriorityQueue;
java/lang/Object ()V cursor I
access$700 2(Lcom/google/common/collect/MinMaxPriorityQueue;)I expectedModCount
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$ % & nextNotInSkipMe (I)V
( ) * size ()I , - . forgetMeNot Ljava/util/Queue; 0 1 2 3 4 java/util/Queue isEmpty ()Z 6 7 8 canRemove Z
: ; < elementData (I)Ljava/lang/Object; 0 > ? @ poll ()Ljava/lang/Object; B C D lastFromForgetMeNot Ljava/lang/Object; F java/util/NoSuchElementException H *iterator moved past last element in queue.
E J K (Ljava/lang/String;)V
M N O P Q .com/google/common/collect/CollectPreconditions checkRemove (Z)V
S T U removeAt ;(I)Lcom/google/common/collect/MinMaxPriorityQueue$MoveDesc; W X Y skipMe Ljava/util/List; [ java/util/ArrayDeque
^ java/util/ArrayList
] ` & b c d e D 6com/google/common/collect/MinMaxPriorityQueue$MoveDesc toTrickle
g h i foundAndRemovedExactReference )(Ljava/lang/Iterable;Ljava/lang/Object;)Z 0 k l m add (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z b o p D replaced r k s java/util/List
u v w x y java/util/Objects requireNonNull &(Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/Object;
{ | m removeExact
~ ? ? Q $com/google/common/base/Preconditions
checkState ? ? ? ? ? java/lang/Iterable iterator ()Ljava/util/Iterator; ? ? ? ? 4 java/util/Iterator hasNext ? ? ? @ next ? ? ? remove
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access$500 D(Lcom/google/common/collect/MinMaxPriorityQueue;)[Ljava/lang/Object; ? )java/util/ConcurrentModificationException
Signature Ljava/util/Queue; RuntimeVisibleAnnotations Ljavax/annotation/CheckForNull; Ljava/util/List; TE; Code LineNumberTable LocalVariableTable this =Lcom/google/common/collect/MinMaxPriorityQueue$QueueIterator; LocalVariableTypeTable BLcom/google/common/collect/MinMaxPriorityQueue.QueueIterator; MethodParameters
StackMapTable ()TE; moved 8Lcom/google/common/collect/MinMaxPriorityQueue$MoveDesc; =Lcom/google/common/collect/MinMaxPriorityQueue$MoveDesc; element it Ljava/util/Iterator; elements Ljava/lang/Iterable; target Ljava/util/Iterator; Ljava/lang/Iterable; (Ljava/lang/Iterable;TE;)Z i c c(Lcom/google/common/collect/MinMaxPriorityQueue;Lcom/google/common/collect/MinMaxPriorityQueue$1;)V x0 x1 1Lcom/google/common/collect/MinMaxPriorityQueue$1; +Ljava/lang/Object;Ljava/util/Iterator;
SourceFile MinMaxPriorityQueue.java InnerClasses
QueueIterator MoveDesc ? /com/google/common/collect/MinMaxPriorityQueue$1 ? - . ? ? ? ? X Y ? ? ? ? C D ? ? ? ? 7 8
? k *+? *? *? *? **? ? ? ? ?
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 4 ? ? 5*? **? `? #*? *? ? '? *? +? *? +? / ? ? ? ? ? 5 ? ? ? 5 ? ? ? /@ ? @ ? ? o*? **? `? #*? *? ? '? **? ? *? 5*? *? ? 9?*? +? ,**? ? '? **? +? = ? A*? A?
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